Feb. 1,1889. M c M innville . O regon . F riday , august 23,1889. VOL. I. NO. 29, gon wheat, all be need do is to write to M c M innville . AN EXPERT WITH LOCKS. DEFEATED POLITICIANS. HOW A POPE IS ELECTED. I the degree of master of arts. In 1831 Tax T klxi * hoxx -R ioistxb requesting the The Metropolis and Trading Cen ­ A Bank Borrows a Convict from same, and the editor will take it upon General Albert Pike, the Venera­ Pike started for the West. From St. Past and Present Methods-Where Washington the Home of Many ter of Yamhill County. Prison to Open ItS Vaults. Louis he went with a eompanv of forty Former High Officials himself to mail him a sample; commun­ and How Cardinals Meet. ble Grand Commander, or fifty on au expedition to Mexico nnd McMinnville, three hours by rail from ications for information will receive hi* During the later part of November the at His Desk. The manner of electing a pope of the [Special Correspondent.] remained a year at Santa Fe. lock on the vault of the Farmers and Portland, the largest city in the far- personal attention. What become ot all the defeated politi­ Merchants’ bank at Clay Centre, Kan., famed Northwest, is beautifully situated He was afterwards one of a party of Roman church is not an uninteresting The most picturesque character in Oats, barley, rya, hope, and all kind* subject at the present time, in view of cians of high rank? Where go all the in the midst of a great plain, which is of vegetables and traits are grown with Washington, the city of interesting per­ trappers who visited the headwaters of became deranged, and the officials were the feeble health of the reigning pontiff, men who march out of the politicial are­ spotted with fir groves, in which the the greateat success—tbe average excell­ sonages, is General Albert Pike. In the the Red nnd Brazos rivers, and with Leo XIH., and the probable necessity na to the gay music of triumph that in compelled to undergo temporary suspen­ biographical dictionaries be is ties lilted these companions traveled on foot 500 sion until they could get some one to finest of game birds, the Oregon grouse, ing the choice growth of the Eastern for the naming of his successor at no dis ­ stalls the successors? Right here in open the lock. All the locksmiths in the hoots its lay. The country immediately states. Stock of all kinds flourish, with­ as “ poet, lawyer, scholar, warrior and miles to Fort Smith, in Arkansas. About tant day. Washington scores of them remain. surrounding the town is an immense out the care necessary for success in the distinguished Mason,” but for some year this time he published several striking Time was when the election of the su­ Some of them fall in love with the wide town and the bank-lock experts of Kan­ grain field from which the grain is now past his fame has been based principally poems in the Arkansas Advocate, and in East. sas City tried their skill on the refractory preme head ot the church was vested in avenues, the cleanliness and the elegance cut, and in which the threshers are busy upon his unique Masonic rank. As Ven­ 1834 became proprietor of that paper. People coming to this city need not door in vain, and the bankers were go ­ the cardinal bishops “with the consent of the city. Others find that they have tliresl ing the average crop for Oregon— think that we are still the “wild and erable grand commander of the Supreme While editing the Advocate be studied ing to send to New York for an expert, of the other cardinals and the clergy and been so long away from the places they 30 to 40 bushels per acre. Council of inspectors-general, Thirty- law, and in two years was admitted to wooly West” of a few years ago; it they people of Rome, saving, also, the honor once called “home,” that old associates when Henry Carton, a prisoner in the The town is situated on the banks of do the thought will be dissipated upon third degree of the Ancient and Accept­ the bar. In the Mexican war he served county jail and an acknowledged expert due to the king of the Romans. ” But, and interests are severed. You can in the manipulation of locks, told the the Yamhill river, a stream whose source arrival. Six denominations are repre­ ed Rite of Free Masonry for the Southern with marked spirit and in the civil war Jurisdiction of the United States, whose he was a Confederate brigadier in com­ sayB the Baltimore Sun, this recognition hardly go a block on the avenue on any sheriff to offer his services, as he thought is in the Coast mountains. Level and sented by fine church edifices. A public of a kingly and imperial right to interfere sunshiny day ir. the season without see­ rolling prairies stretch away to a distance school, costing $10,000, has been erected See is at Charleston in the state of South mand of the Cherokee Indians and was with papaf elections was the cause of ing a half dozen people intimately asso­ he could open the vault. He had given on one side and the mountains on the in the celebrated battle of Pea Ridge. A Carolina, being “the Mother Supreme by the people of this enterprising city Sheriff Sterling such good reason to be ­ ciated with official life of yesterday. lieve in his power that he had no hesi­ west are a pleasing contrast. Council,” he is the ranking Mason dig­ local historiographer, after speaking of endless troables. daring the past year; and the Baptist It proved to be a fertile source of anti­ They are for the most part a prosperous, nitary of the world. Gen. Pike i« the Pike’s part in the Pea Ridge engage McMinnville is the county seat of cellege of the Northwest is situated here. tancy in tellingtbe bankers that he had a only Masonic potentate in Americ . elec- ment, remarks: “His chief service to popes and other vexations, and finally happy set, fond of good dinners, inclined man who could open their safe for them. Yamhill county and is a bustling place From a religious and educational aland- because so intolerable that Alexander to doze over the wine and worried no I ted and “crowned” for life. He has the confederacy, however, was in mak­ Carton was escorted to the bank, and in of 2000 people. It has an altitude of point the city presents a far better aver­ I been at the head of the Scottish Rite ing treaties with the Indians skirting III., took away from the imperial line more by their constituents. The gout the presence of the sheriff and bank of­ about 150 feet above the sea level, and is age than nine-tenths of the towns in Or­ Confederate territory. Among the auto­ the locus standi in papal elections, and has now more terrors for them than the ficials went to work. In half an hour he in the midst of a country as fair as ever egon, and it is known throughout the This powder never varies. A marvel of since 1859. He has also been at tbe head graphs preserved at the National muse­ a general council later on, held at the “deestrect committee” ever had. , of the Royal Order of Scotland in the purity, strength and wholesomeness. More swung the door open, and then examined beckoned the tired and weary emmi- valley as the “City of Churches.” economical than the ordina y kinds, and United States since that exclusive Ma­ um is the original of a treaty executed lateran, decreed that the election should There is General Belknap, whose wife Where there is an opportunity in the the lock and adjusted the part which had grant to rest, to a home where peace eannot be sold in competition with multi­ thenceforth rest “ with the cardinals has recently returned from Paris to in­ and plenty abound. The soil round' sickly and crowded Eaat there are 500 tude of low test, short weight aluin or phos­ sonic society was planted in this country by Gen. Pike, representing ti e Southern giyen the trouble. After receiving the This lateran decree was con­ troduce her daughter into society here. phate powder. Sold only in cans. R oyal by His Lordship, the Earl of Rosslyn, Confederacy and the chiefs of Indian alone.” about ¡ b rich beyond comparison and isl applicants. Here, in the glorious and B aeixo P owder C o , 106 Wall St., N. Y. firmed and developed at the council of His erect, slow moving figure and long thanks of the bankers he was taken back watered with many little streams, the about twelve or thirteen years ago. His tribes in the Southwest.” healthy West, an opportunity has tea to his cell. In the sixties, after the war, Gen. Pike Lyons, presided over by Pope Gregory white beard seem always on the street brother grand commander of the North­ heads of which lie in the mountains. applicants. From thia you can figure When the district court convened the J. r. CALBREAW. t. E. GOCCHEK. ern Supreme Council, Henry L. Palmer, edited the Memphis Appeal, and from X., and in all its substantial features the in the evening. He smokes slowly and K. K. judge found a very large docket, and the McMinnville is naturally the business which is the beat, the East or the West. of Milwaukee, is elected for a term of Memphis he removed to New Orleans discipline then laid down still obtains in solemnly, after the manner of his old result was that Carton’s case had to be center and the distributing point for a Calbreath & Goucher, chief, then President Grant. The shadow three years. The grand master of tbe and practised law. His legal engage­ all papal elections. very large territory, which is capable of A Big Steamer’s Twin Screw«. The immediate body or convention of the big scandals that distinguished postponed until the August term. All sustaining without crowding ten times Grand Encampment of Knights Templar ments brought him to Washington about PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, When Capt Watkins, with the City of whicli’chooses the head of the church is his administration as a cabinet officer spring and summer Carton was allowed M c M innville , - O regon . —at present Gen. Charles Roome, of New- fifteen years ago, and here, or at Alexan­ called a conclave; the building or hall in to come and go as he pleased, taking the present population, and must become Paris, left Queenstown on the 25th of seem to have died out of his mind, even York—holds office for three years only; dria, Va., he has lived ever since. regular nightly excursions, and the mat­ in time the home of thousands of pros­ last month and started on a course fifty- (Office over Braly’s Bank.) Masters of the several state grand lodges Gen. Pike is author of “Hymns to the which such convention is held is also de­ as the recollection of the insane extrava­ ter became so common that the sheriff perous farmers who are attracted by the nine miles shorter than his famous ran— Gods” and “Prose Sketches and Poems,” signated by the same name—conclave. gance of his wife that forced the good- are elected for one year. began to lose his fear of an escape. Last extreme fertility of the soil and the mild­ shorter because he ran northward where S, A. YOUNG, M. D. The Ancestral Council, as Gen. Pike and his Arkansas reports gave him high The election of a pope must begin ten natured weak man into the toils, has Thursday, however, Carton’s cell door ness of the climate. the world grows smaller and came down sometimes styles it, was founded at standing in the legal profession many days after the death of the last incum­ been softened. Gen. Belknap is now a was open and the prisoner was not sit­ The steady and rapid growth of the over the shoulder of “the great globe wa Physician & Surgeon. bent. It is provided that the election lobbyist. Charleston in 1801. The “high grades” years ago. ting on the jail steps. On a stand in the section around McMinnville cannot help inherit,” taking any possible chance McMrasviLLz. ... O regox . The iron gray hair and brown eyes of It was at Little Rock that this “Grand shall neither be delayed nor precipitated; under the name of Rite of Perfection, czll was a note to Sterling, thanking him but swell the population of the town. there might be of fogs and ice in cross­ Office and residence on D street. All limited to 25 degrees flourished in France Old Man of Masonry” first saw Masonic that the electors should be in no fear for Grant’s secretary of the treasury, now for his kindness and stating that pressing Where the farmer goes, so does the me­ ing the Banks of Newfoundland at this •alia promptly answered day or night. their personal safety, and that they must “Lawyer” Boutwell, are familiar to all since the middle of the last century, but light—where he was initiated, passed business further West necessitated his chanic, and his location is the city, in­ aeason—the engines were put at full until 1801 there had never been any or­ and raised. It was there at any rate not be subjected to any external persua­ club men. He looks upon the time when hasty departure. stead of the country. McMinnville in speed, and for something over four days DR. J. C. MICHAUX ganized governing body. The Charles­ that he first presided as master in fhe sion in casting their vote. Immediately he did not call Washington “home” as the near future is bound to experience they were driven at the average rate of This was startling, but when Mr. John ton Council at the start added eight de­ East. Not very long after making Wash­ upon the death of a pope one ot the sec­ being lost, and the thought makes him A. Moss, cashier of the Farmers and an era of prosperity and develop- ninety revolutions of the screws per Practicing Physician and Surgeon, grees, making thirty-three in all, and ex­ ington his home he retired from the bar, retaries of the sacred college notifies each sombre. Merchants’ bank, opened bis desk that ment of which she has not hitherto minute. There was a variation from His successor in the cabinet, William ercised Scottish Rite jurisdiction over the and has since devoted his entire time cardinal of the pontiff’s demise, and morning he found a note from Carton, dreamed, and the people who are here eighty-six to ninety two revolutions per LAFAYETTE, OREGON. entire globe, until it granted patents for and energy to the order he loves so well. summons them to the city in which the A. Richardson, is now chief justice of stating that be had taken $200 from the when real estate takes the big jump minute. When the furnaces were opened pope breathed his last. The election Jaa.il, ’88. the court of claims, and lives in a mag- the establishment of other Supreme The splendid rituals of the Scottish Rite safe in the vault to pay his travelling ex­ will be made rich in a day almost. Real to be cleaned the intensity of the steam Councils of the thirty third degree, with to-day are for the most part from his pen. must take place in the same city where nificient house in the Northwest. His penses, and that he considered this as a estate is already on the raise and no bet­ would be diminished for a few minutes residence is near that of Ex-Postmaster co-ordinate administrative rank, several When he accepted the grand command­ the death occurs. fair payment for his services in fixing ter speculative point presents itself in and the speed of the screws reduced to years later. It issued the patent for the ership the degrees were quite too com-, Should Leo XIII., go to Madrid for an General Cresswell, still another of the vault, for which he had never re- Oregon. eighty-six in the minute. It will he monplace for his broad mind and subli­ asylum, as has been mooted during the Grant’s advisers, and now the busy pres­ The Southern Pacific line in Oregon noted that the average speed was tares ceived pay. Has the most complete stock of harness Northern jurisdiction in 1813. There aie last few days, and die there, the conclave ident of the Citizen’s National bank. now between twenty-five and thirty Su­ mated fancy, so he went to work to re­ in the county. At present 12 set of sin­ Moss rushed to the vault, and in the runs through the city and is the great revolutions in two seconds, and the Hon. George Bancroft, waiting, old preme Councils scattered throughout the cast and embellish them, and how well to elect his successor would therefore be gle harness, hand made, in prices safe on a pile of money found a receipt carrying medium. In the near future screws are twenty feet in diameter. It world, each having its charter or patent, he has succeeded the intellectual, cul­ held in Madrid. Within the ten days and full of honors for the coming of the for $200, signed “Henry Carton.” An the contemplated road to Astoria will is astonishing that this velocity can be ranging from $12 to *30, and 8 set of team harness as cheap either directly or indirectly from the tured members of the Scottish Rite can the conclave must be constructed in the given messenger, is a figure of the long examination showed that this was all open up competition and the merchants maintained day and night without a Charleston mother council. Some years testify. Had he given the public the full Vatican at Rome, or in some other suita­ past. He was secretary of the navy un­ that was taken from the thousands of and dealers of all kinds will have direct second’s waiting, and avoid developing AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY ago representatives of these councils met benefit of his literary labors he would to­ ble building if it be held in another city, der President Polk, and had a brilliant dollars that were at hand. Not a clue communication to the deep sea. The excessive and crippling heat. The fact Can be seen on the hooks in my shop. in convention at Lausaune, in Switzer­ day rank in the world of letters with On the tenth day solemn mass is said, at career in the diplomatic service although lias been found that would lead to the trade of this city is large and will amount that thirty men are employed to pour oil I have competent workmen employed land, and formed a league of confedera­ Max Muller and Thomas Carlyle. Pike the conclusion of which the cardinals his political reputation was long since to more in a year than cities twice and upon the bearings and all parts where to do all kinds of repairing and to make form in procession and march to the con­ swallowed up in his fame as a historian. discovery of the man, and Sheriff Sterl­ three times as large in the Eastern the friction is severe will perhape account any harness ordered. I also keep a full tion , and this inter-coeciliar affai r recog­ has the philological and critical turn of ing firmly believes that he has had stork of oil and rubber robes, lap robes, nized Gen Pike as the Senior grand com­ the one, with a comprehensive knowledge clave. The conclave is open to the pub­ He abandoned horse back riding last states. From the local freight agent we in part for the phenomena, but certainly charge of some supernatural being. horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of lic during the whole of the first day, and season and even sold his saddle horses, mander and president, although he was of the oriental religion, and the bold, learn that the Southern Pacific has only the greatest perfection of material, ras for repairs constantly on hand. THE TROTTER’S FOOT. not present in person. Thus a sort of rugged picturesque style of expression friends of the electors are permitted to and is now seldom seen beyond the flow-i brought into this city during the past and the most delicate adaption of one visit them. At 9 o ’ clock that evening er beds of his own home. primacy or Masonic patriarchate has which distinguished the other. He also An Interesting; Talk With Robert year more than double the amount of part to the other, could provide for such Ex-Secretary McCulloch has a consti­ come about and Gen. Pike’s successor as reminds one in many respects of John the conclave is closed; everybody is fieight of the year preceding. This a strain without disaster. I doubt whether Bonner. grand commander will be recognized and Ruskin. He revels in an atmosphere of turned out except the cardinals and their tution of iron, and is as hale and hearty shows the increase of business and also so startling a test of integrity and abso­ immediate attendants, and no visitors “Maud S. will be put in training at the increase of population. The person lute exactitude in manufacture can be as when he was secretary of the treasury respected as president of the confedera­ poetic spirituality, and lias little use for Hoase. Sign, and Ornamental Painter tion. the conventional or commonplace in art are allowed to enter the portals again under President Lincoln, an office that once,” said Robert Bonner yesterday. who is here now or comes to this county found in any other machinery. During until the election of a pope has been de- he has twice had the honor of holding. “The only reason Maud has not been during the next two years will have the late run of the City of Paris the wind M c M innville , O regon . While the “Grand East” or seat of the or manners. dared. In the matter of bookbinding and sta ­ Ex-Secretary Robert E. Schenck has driven faster than three minutes this the great opportunity of his life to make was so strong from the north one after­ Southern Supreme Council is nominally The conclave is under the absolute been for years an invalid, and the fam­ season,” the great horsewan went on, Graining, at South Carolina’s chief city it has real­ tionery he is certainly as fastidious as a“8take” (in Western parlance) which noon as to give the ship a decided lift, el­ charge of two guardians, One of these ous orator of Gen. Harrison’s hard cider “was Murphy’s illness. If I had placed Paper Hanging and Ruskin ever was. On the shelves of the ly been for a number ot years at Wash­ will see him comfortably through his de­ evating the larboard screw so thst each Carriage Painting. ington, owing to the grand commander’s Supreme Council’s rare and magnificent is a prelate of high standing, previously campaign of 1840 speaks no more in pub­ my mare in some other trainer's hands clining years. The rush of immigration turn the blades threw showers of spray selected by the sacred college, and is residence being there: and here it is per­ library are seventeen or eighteen ele­ lic. He simply sits and waits for death. while Johnny was lying there in his cot­ Prompt Attention to Orders front manently fixed, although the grand com­ gantly bound quarto volumes containing called the governor. The other is a Ex-Attorney General Garland will tage sick unto death, it would have has­ to Oregon has just begun ; her resonrees with a dazzling rush Ur behind the ves­ and the great climate are as yet un­ sel. There are four blades in the screw, the Country. mander’s extra-official notes and docu­ his translations of the Rigveda, the Zen- prominent layman, whose official appel­ probably never return to Arkansas. He tened the end. Johnny Murphy was the known to the great mass of Eastern revolving three times in two seconds—eo are still dated at Charleston. The davesta and other works of Aryan litera­ lation is marshal. Each cardinal is al­ has been appointed the legal representa­ squarest, most loyal driver and true people McMinnville is the objective that there were six white surges per sec­ M c M innville national bank . ments Southern jurisdiction comprises all the ture; they are not printed but are in lowed to have two members of his resi­ tive at Washington of the Northern Pa­ friend I ever knew. To him the news of point of an emmigrant to the Eastern ond dashed to the winds, and a fine re­ old slave states except Delaware, all the manuscript, every word being quill writ­ dent household in personal attendance cific railway company, at a salary of $30,- my placing the Queen with another driv­ Willamette valley for more reasons than minder of the snowy rapids of Niagara. M’MrNNVn.LE, OREGON. er would have been proof positive that I one. The lands immediately surround­ • states and territories west of the Missis­ ten by the translator—this venerable upon him. A number of. other attend­ 000 and is glad to remain here. Transacts a General Banking Business, Beechera’s Successor sippi river and the empire of Japan. Masonic sage—and in all these thousands ants and minor officials aie also there in Frank Hatton, who was the yonngeBt had no hopes of his living. Murphy ing her are acknowledged by all to be the the common service of the conclave, in­ member of President Arthur’s cabinet, would never have done such an act to best producing in the state. A few miles President............................ J. W. COWLS Gen. Pike’s Supreme Council, governing of pages there is not a scratched word or Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, the successor cluding a sacrist, a monk or frier L, ’.'ear is now making money as one of the pro­ anyone he had the least friendship for, west of town the timber of the Coast of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher at Ply­ Vice President.............LEE LAUGHLIN all the lower bodies of the rite in the an erasure. This work has all been done confessions, two or three barbers, eight prietors of the Washington Post. and I am sure I couldn’t. No: I haven’t mountains presents opportunities to mouth Church, Brooklyn, is, with hie since Gen. Pike came to Washington, Cashier.......................... CLARK BRALY South and trans-Mississippi country, is made up my mind yet to whom I shall people who intend to engage in the lum­ wife, a guest at the United States hotel. composed of thirty-three members. It and it will stand as one of the great mon­ or ten porters, and a number of messen­ Mr Hatton ’ s partner is Berial Wilk ­ Sells exchange on Portland, San Fran- gers. But one entrance to the building ins, formerly a representative from Ohio. turn Maud over. Many have applied to ber industry, which are not excelled by uments to the scholarship and industry “ shall be limited forever to thirty-three ” He is a plain-looking man, and hie head elseo and New York. ! says the general statutes. They are of a man who has done more towards is allowed to remain open, and that is in He is only one of a thousand ex-members me to take charge of her—did apply, any other portion of the state; and the seems top-heavy for his slender figure. Interest allowed on time deposits. charge ot prelate officials. styled inspectors-general of the House of putting Masonry on a high intellectual of the house in Washington. You meet while Murphy was ill. in fact. The mare only good roads to the mountains and His forehead is high and dome-like, and Offlee hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. They must exercise a strict surveillance Solomon. These inspectors are the act­ plan that any other Mason living, and, them everywhere and in all classes of so­ is in splendid health. I am driving her tlie coast have their starting point at thia his nose long and aquiline. He wears ive Thirty-thirds, and are apportioned to with a very few exceptions, that any Ma­ over everybody going in or out, and pre­ ciety. Many are well-to-do and even in the park almost every day that I don’t city. his dark hair and beard, now tinged with the different states. Then there are a son of the past. If the young Mason is vent the entrance of unauthorized per­ wealthy, and some, alas, are financial go up to my farm, and then I have her One of the first questions asked by a gray, moderately long, and his keen gray few emeriti and two or three hundred disappointed in the platitudes and his­ sons. They must also examine the food and moral bankrupts. A few are com­ walked. She is fit to be trained and sent person who contemplates going to a new eyes are rather deeply set under heavy ZETTGŒISTE SITT. honorary Thirty-third; that is to say, toric inconsistencies of the degrees of the brought for the cardinals, for the purpose mon bar-room loafers, with dirty alleged for her record. • country, is regarding the sanitary condi­ eyebrows. He appears to be about fifty- of preventing outside communication law offices of dim back stairs, which Mr. Bonner did pot care to discuss the tion of the locality under discussion. To five years old, and was ordained to the Next session begins on Monday, the 16th they have the degree and privileges of Blue Lodge, he finds abundant food for of September, 1889 sitting in the conclave, but 'nave no voice thought and a wide scope for scholarly with them through this channel. Three they never visit save when some former mare’s possibilities in the recork-break­ explain this we will say that the United ministry in 1860. As editor, lecturer and Free scholarships from every coant.v in in the deliberations. This Council mjets investigation when he advances through days after the commencement of the constituent, who has given them a case ing line, but cheerfully gave his ideas on States census shows that no state in the writer his record is too well known, as is the .State Apply to your County Superin­ tendent. F r Y.K TV IT ION AFTER J a X. 1. 1890. biennially in Washington. The North­ the higher grades. Any Master Mason conclave, if no result has been attained, in the mistaken notion that he is still a toe weights and hoof-balancing, which Union shows less deaths per thousand also the history of his close personal con­ Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Lit­ ern Supreme Council, with sixty-six act­ of the York Rite—“the Rite of the mul­ the supply of food is restricted. The man of importance, turns up to look af­ are so widely discussed. “The article in people than the state of Oregon. The nection with Mr. Beecher, to need fur­ erary and a short English Course in which rule used to prevail that if at the end of ter his own affairs. the World the other day about C. J. sanitary condition of McMinnville is no ther mention. A member of his congre­ there Is no Latin, Greek, French or German. ive Thirty-thirds, assembles annually; titude”—is eligible to the Ancient and five days no election had been made the The English is pre-eminently a Business every third year in Boston, where its Accepted Scottish degrees. This state­ The families of public men who have Hamlin's coming arouud to my views on exception and it can be truthfully said gation tells me thst he preaches without Course For Catalogues or o’ther informa­ “Grand East” is fixed. This year it con­ ment is made because many people are cardinals were compelled to Bubsist up­ passed to judgement do not prosper so horse-shoeing I read with great interest, that there is no healthier town in the notes and that there is nothing sensation­ tion, address .1. IV. JOHNSON, President. venes in New York, with the Royal Or- under the impression that one must be a on bread, wine and water, but during easily. Men in political life are not paid but I am afraid some might get the im­ United States than this. When strict al about Dr. Abbott’s pulpit delivery, •j der of Scotland, it being the rule of lhe Knight Templar before he can enter the the last half century the rigor of this rule according to their merit. A blundering, pression that I don’t approve of toe­ attention to business has made a man which is devoid of gestures. Under Dr. I latter to meet annually, alternating be­ “ineffable” and chivalric course. In a has been abated and modified. incompetent man may get $1800 per an­ weights. I do believe in them to bal­ feel ill in body and mind the mountains Ablrott’s able guidance Plymouth Church L» Every morning and evening the car­ num, and an addle-headed coxcomb of a ance a horse and get him to strike his contain everything to recuperate him, few months the aspirant, if he be fairly tween the Northern and Southern juris ­ is not losing ground. Manv new mem­ T dictions. Gen. Pike expects to be pres­ bright, may pass up the scale through dinals meet in the chapel, and a secret second lieutenant the same, but the big­ feet as he ought, but they should be got and to them he hies and in a week or so bers have been added to the congregation scrutiny, by means of voting papers, is off as soon as possible. Here’s the thing returns in his normal condition, full of which now numbers nearly two thousand typewriting. Penmanship, Correspondence, Bus ent at New York and preside over the the Lodge of Perfection, the Chapter of instituted, so as to ascertain if any candi­ brained men, who really amount to lees and Legal Forms practically taught at th Royal Order of Scotland, although it has Knights Kadosh and the Consistory of something, are paid salaries altogether in a nutshell,” and he reached under his life and energy and tales of the big buck five hundred. Dr. Abbott’s salaty is un­ Portland Business College. been many years since he visited the Princes or Masters of the Royal Secret— date has obtained the required majority inadequate to support themselves in the desk and brought out a queer-looking elk and deer he has killed, the salmon derstood to be about $10,000, to which The thorough work done in each ot our seven thirty-second degree ; but the thirty-third of two-thirds. There are three valid style their positions demand. There is object which resembled the shell of a and trout he has caught, and the oysters must be added—the congregation being lepartments nas given this Institution a repuU North. ton such as but few schools attain, securing 0 Grand Commander Pike is venerable and last degree is never to be got by ask­ modes of election. The first of these, the family of Chief Justice Waite, the small mud-turtle—“ this is the coffin- and clams he has dug on the coast. Mc­ so large—many marriage fees. I do not lundreds of our graduates profitable employ pent, both as book-keepers and stenographers in years as well as venerable in title. He ing. Only those who have distinguished and the ordinary method, is by scrutiny; daughter and the aged widow, reduced bone of a horse’s foot, and this,” rattling Minnville is singularly free of malaria, learn that he has done much in the line ■«dents admitted at any time. Catalogue tree was born in Boston on the 29th day of themselves either in Masonry or in pub­ the second, compromise; and the third to keeping boarders. There are dozens a little piece of bone fastened to the rear and has never been afflicted with an epi­ of writing or lecturing since assuming A. F. ABHSTBOlte. Priulpal. Portlswl, Or. December, 1809, on the very day that lic life can receive the thirty-third. And by what is known as quasi inspiration. of such instances. Lamentable but un­ part of it, "is the navicular,” Then, demic, and by the first of the coming charge ot the big Plymouth flock. brought Wm. E. Gladstone into the then they are elected to this honor with­ By compromise is meant when all the heeded warnings against taking no bringing another fragment of a trotter’s year will have in operation a complete cardinals, finding that it is an impossibil­ thought of the morrow. skeleton from its resting-place on a piece water system, owned by the city, which A Museum of Princess’s Garters. world, and like Mr. Gladstone Gen, Pike out their previous knowledge. of paper, for which it had served as a will give hera prominence not possessed comes of a stock noted for its longevity. The grand commander can make Scot­ ity for any candidate to be elected under Mrs. John A. Logan is back in Wash ­ A very curious collection of ladies’ Sample rooms In connection. His health is good with the exception of tish Rite Masons “at sight” up to and the method ot scrutiny, agree to intrust ington preparing for hard work, which weight, he fitted it to the hollow place in by any other town in the state, as none garters is kept at the Hohenzollern Mu­ the top of the coffin-bone, and showed the election to a committee of three or o------ o now and then an attack of gout; remark­ including the thirty-second degree; that assumes for her the shape of editorial how the lower pastern must fit in its other of 2000 inhabitants |x>8sesses or seum at Berlin. Whenever there is a ably good, despite the fact that he taxes is, he can invest them with the degrees five of their number. The last time that management of the Home Magazine, socket, or ring-bones or spavins will re­ contemplate the above mentioned im­ wedding in the Hohenzollern family a Is now fitted up in first class order. their having to pass through the “compromise” was resorted to was in which sometime ago began to Bhow sult. provement on so grand a scale. number of these short silk garters with Accommodations as good ns can be little or no physical exercise. He rarely without “ work ” of the local bodies; but only the 1799, when the conclave, after six months some touches of her direction in the “Now” said Mr. Bonner, “you see just puts foot outside his “ Holy House, ” as The climate is perfect. On this day, the initials of the newly-married Princess found in the city. Supreme Council can create the thirty- his official residence is called. This is third. The nomination of Gen. Pike is, of scrutiny, appointed a committee of I publication of the contributions of a few how important it is that a horse’s foot the 17th of August, the weather is de­ are distributed among Iriends. The col­ should be properly balanced ; you see I S. E. MESSINGER, Manager. all the more remarked, as his early life however, equivalent to election, for he is three cardinals, who elected Pope Pius of her intimate friends. For great obvi­ there is no lateral movement to this joint lightful, and it is a perfect eastern May lection «as tiegun by William I., and the I was one of singular activity in the woods both hierophant and monarch. The Su­ VII. ous reasons, it is not to be expected that in the foot, and that if the heel is in the day. At night a person can snuggle into oldest garter is thst which was woven on It will be readily seen how difficult, least too high it must cause a strain on and fields. When Queen Kapiolana vis­ preme Councils are organized on the THE NADJY BAR! self-perpetuating principle. AU vacan­ under the ten-day law and ordinary cir­ the Home Magazine will be a permanent the extensor muscles of the leg, make a a pair of blankets and be comfortable. the occasion of the marriage of Prince ited Washington, in the spring of 1887, cies to office are filled from among the IN THK COOK HOUSE. The sei breeze is blowing from the grand Friedrick Wilhelm Lodwig with the success, though if it is its success will be cumstances, it would be for an American due entirely to women, as no men are to horse ‘over in the knees,’ as it is called, Pacific, filled with the scent peculiar to Stocked with the Choicest Wines, Uq- he drove in state, accompanied by his thirty-thirds; and all vacancies in the and if the foot is raised too high in front daughter ot the reigning Duke of Anhalt staff, to call on Her Majesty, in return active list of the thirty-thirds are filled cardinal to participate in the election of a be employed in any important capacity. there will be a strain on the flexors. If the ocean. All nature is sunshiny and Bernburg, in 1817. There are twelve get­ ore and Cigars—Domestic and Imported. the walls of the hoof are cut away too cheery. The average thermometer of ters from the reign of Frederick Willtem for a visit of ceremony paid him by Gen. by the Supreme Council. In other pope. A cardinal coming from a distance -----------♦♦♦----------- Ths Beet Be.x Is. th.e words it is in this respect much like the has the privilege of entering into the I much on one side or the other, it will John Owen Dominis, her military com ­ This Discounts the Faith Cure. Cardinals’ college. Objections are some­ WM. MARTIN. Proprietor. cause the weight of the horse to be August, is 75 degrees, and the average for III., and ten from thst of his successor, panion, and because her husband. King times urged against this plan on the conclave after its closure, provided he thrown over on the ankle, instead of January is about 45 degrees. In winter Frederick William IV. They are all Kalakaua, was a Thirty-third degree Ma­ ground that not to allow the local bodies announces his intention to claim the Grand Reporter J. W. Jacobs, of the coming down squarely on the foot.” 20 degrees above zero is cold. The writer made of ribbon silk of different colors, With the foot and the leg bone and has been an inhabitant of this section for braided with gold or silver, and many of son, created as such by the grand com­ to have a voice in the legislation which right within three days after his arrival Knights of Honor of Indiana, is the pos­ controls them is un-American; but the in the city where it is being held, but mander. sessor of singular power. By some oc­ tendons of Blue Dick, a famous old-time the past four years and the coldest them are finished off at both enda by objections amount to nothing, for after runner, Mr. Bonner showed just how the Watchmaker Few men can boast of such varied tal- all Masonry, in the assertion of its offi­ under peaceful and harmonious condi­ cult process he can stop the bleeding of foot of a horse should strike the ground weather, which lasted for two days, was heavy fringes. aild Jeweler, ■ ents and attainments as Albert Pike, and cial prerogatives, is exceedingly conserv­ tions conclaves are usually of short dur­ even dangerous wounds, and he has fre­ at ever;- stride, and proved his position 8 degrees above zero. In Michigan, his The news comes by cable that Russell . „ | few men have led more eventful lives. ative and it will be a long time before a ation, and would finish their work before quently been called upon in cases where that building up the shoe under the heel former home, tbe coldsst was 32 degrees Beeler In *11 Elect Ol Welches. ieweln. Plated Ware. I . change is made in the constitution. increases not the perpendicularity, but Harrison has porchaacd in London eight an American cardinal could reach the But with all his learning, and with his below zero — a credit for Oregon of 40 physicians seemed powerless. All that Referring to the Esoteric rituals of the the obliquity of the leg. This is a mat-; suits of clothes, fourteen pairs of trousers tteikt aM iMCleetea. ■eHWWVH.Lfi. (B. pinnacle honors in Masonry, he is one of higher degrees a Masonic enthuiast, well place of holding. he requires is tc know the exact location ter that has been long disputed, Mr.! degrees. versed in classic and Oriental lore, re ­ ■ the most modest of men. Matriculating Eastern farmers who visit this section four top costa and an infinite number of of the patient, and, though he be several Bonner has proved the correctness of his The Shah of Persia has scattered dec boots and waistcoats. It is further an­ at Harvard at the age of sixteen, he soon marked that he did not believe the miles distant, his bleeding will cease. views, experimentally as well as theor­ stand amazed at what tbe soil is ready to i» mysteries ot Memphis or Eleusis sur­ left that institution and went to teaching passed in splendor or spiritual lifting the orations broadcast over Europe. A pre­ He never accepts any pay, nor does he etically, scores of times. A glance at do for them. Wheat is tbe great staple nounced that lie has bought an Inverness the array of bones, shoes and hoofs in ■ school for a living, because be could not imposing rites or philosophic and relig­ miere danscuse recently appeared on a want notoriety. Mr. Jacobs says it is Mr. Bonner’s collection would convince crop, anil this it produces, not only in cape and a dress-suit for his father. The afford tlie expense of the collegiate ious discussions found in certain of the Vienna stage wearing the ribbon of the not necessary that the patient believe in almost any one that the shoeing of a extraordinary quantity but in quality to suggestion that he intends to smuggle Goods of all descriptions moved and care­ these articles into this country is un­ course. In after years his ripe scholar­ Masonic degrees towards the top of the Lion and the Sun, the gift of “the King ; the healing power. He learned it when trotter or a racer is a job more fit for the a degree which is not excelled. If this worthy of its source. Prince Russell is ful handling guaranteed. scale. Pike's bold, and poetic style was of Kings.” The shah h*s taken a great I delicate mechanical skill of a master ship attracted the attention of the Har ­ Collections will be made monthly. strongly impressed upon every chapter fancy to Buffalo Bill and will probably I a boy from his sister-in-law, hut has jeweler than for the burlv blacksmith.— article reaches the eye of an Eastern dominated by that grand old motto of Hauling of all kinds done cheaply vard Faculty and they conferred on him of the rituals. decorate him. never taught it to any one else. man and he desires a specimen of Ore- royalty, “noblesse oblige.” .V. Y. World. THE NESTOR OF MASONS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. E. WRIGHT J. B. ROHR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON The St. Charles Hotel. WM. HOLL, CARLIN & HIGH ZD r a V ixx e n..