The Kailroaii ( oiiiini*«ion. WEATHER BULLETIN COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ONE MOKE REASON SPOKANE GONE. Third street in front of Mr. Chrisman’s See new ad. of Cash store. has been closed, owing to tlie sickness of Why Oregon is the Bent Place for the Desolation Takes tlie Place of Life and The temperature continues above the Tuesday evening a special train under The regular meeting of the council was I C. Grissea is offering bargains in crock- Mrs. Chrisman. She is very low, and Actual Settler. Activity. the control of Geo. l'ease arrived in thia normal. The last three davB of the week called Tuesday night but there not being | ery and glassware. the noise of teams on the planking dis­ city with the Oregon State railroad rom- Friday, August 9, 1889. When a man comes here and settles mission. This commission is the one Sunday was the last day of Spokane a quorum, council adjourned to Wednes­ were milch cooler than it has been for The council has put on an extra nigh turbs her. several weeks. No rainfall is reported I down to business, either in field, shop or watch. Good thing. appointed by the legislature and con Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Longhary and Falls’ prosperity tor a time. Fire started day night. THE MARKET REPORT. Meeting called to order Wednesday from any part of the state except from 1 store, hi' does not have to dejiend on siste«i of G. U . Colvig. of Grants Paas; A full line of jewelry at the news store ; Mrs. Wm. Campbell left for Yaquina in a lodging house on Railroad avenue City Saturday last. A number of our and quickly communicated to adjacent night by the mayor. Present, Council­ the mouth of the Columbia. The sun­ . Eastern money, as the California l>ocm- R. (, low, of Dallas, and J. B. Fault, of This market report is corrected Thurs­ 1 chains, pins and rings. town people are summering at that de­ buildings and in the short space of three men Barnekoff, Burt, (irissen, Johnson shine is aliove the normal, no clouds lie- | ers did. for their support, for right at his Baker City. Accompanying them wers day noon of each week by A, J. A (»person There will lie preaching at the Baptist lightful resort. W. A. Gromlahl and Ed. Church, South­ m ’ minnville market . ing visible. The atmosphere is smoky, i back, in front, and in every direction is ern Pacific officials. The party is in­ churcti next Sunday, at 11 a. tn. hours $14,000,000 worth of business and Wright. ; 90 bushel The cistern at the corner of B and Third Monday Police Judge Tanner of Port­ Potatoes ...¥ caused bv the extensive forest fires, j spread out a rich country that produces specting the bridges, etc., of the lines in 00 to 2 50 ! Mrs. Hibbs, grandchild of T. J. Shad- land disposed of 72 cases. The largest property had been destroyed by the fiend stieets was ordered repaired and filled. thickens, young V d°z everything that mortal man desires, and Oregon. Mr. Grondahl states that the <»hl / doz 3 50 tn 4 00 , den, is down from the Eastern country. number on record in the city of Portland. who has brought so much desolation to The water committee reported no new which are doing considerable damage. commission will bankrupt the S. P. Co. 10 9 (Clear sides # lb. The effects of these conditions have feature. | that too in the greatest abundance. Washington territory within the last few Dr. J. II. Nelson, dentist, opera house Sixty people were arrested in 69 hours. 8 7 Bacon «Shoulders V lb. The following bills were allowed : What is Portland coining to. been favorable for harvesting operations ; Frank Pixley, a noted Californian, and a mouths. The entire tire department in to 11 i building, room 6; piate work n specialty. (Hains........ Oregonian............... $1260 10 t . jin 10 pd pails The city of Hillsboro has voted a tax was on the scene immediately, but owing Wm. Ball......................................... 156 15 but injurious to corn, fruit anti gardens. man who has traveled all over the East­ The young son of Mrs. S. P. M. Briggs 8 to 9 har a boule. per acre was yielded. Umatilla county­ | grasses, with strong sod, that never dies bacon to the Spokane sufferers. This drowned. He was born in New York, best teacher. We look for better towns watch. AT GARRISON'S OPERA HOUSE shows 1 he quality of the people in Seattle. was 76 years old, and very highly re- coming forth from the ashes of Seattle, The street commissioner was instruct­ reports yields of from 12 to 40 bushels I down under the burning sun; grasses spccted. Only death can down them. Ellensburg and Spokane. ed to let the work of clearing timlier from per acre. The general average will equal I that must lie cut, dried, turned to hay, R ogers A H eath , M anagers . former years. The best field so far re­ : and covered from rain to carry the niilk- Thos. Tongue of Hillsboro, was in the new street to college side. Wright’s Red Cross Cough Syrup A Perilous Trip. The piece is Fnn and Laughter from be­ ported is trom near Weston, where a 180 1 ing stock through the winter. The On motion the council adjourned. cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, loss oif city Monday and informed us that ai­ ginning to end. acre field averaged 55’2 bushels to the grasses of Oregon are like those of New though the date of tile __ Washington ______ D______ and About two weeks ago a young man voice and all inflamed conditions of the The Locks. acre. Indian corn y ields 45 bushels per York—timothy, red top, herds grass and ADMISSION, - - - 50 Cents. Yamhill county fairs were the same both named Oberton Harris, a mute, living acre and the yield of barley is as high as clover—and by reason of the frequent RESERVED SEATS, - - 75 Cents. lungs. Sold by Rogers Bros. would be successful. He spoke of an The Cascade locks now under con ­ 71 bushels per acre. In Indian and rains, cro[>s of great abundance are pro­ For Rent.—A nice, new, neat cottage. item in last week’s T elephone -R egister near Sand lake, in Tillamook county had Reserved Seats for sale at Rogers Bros. A good well of water on the premises. as reflecting on the management of the a perilous ride and narrow escape. He st: notion have been a politic*! issue and Grand Ronde valleys of Union county duced We can imagine no lietter coun­ COMMERCIAL. Enquire at millinery store, opposite Washington county in placing their date had been away from home, and in re­ from reports they will lie again, Con- wheat is averaging 32 bushels per acre. try for the production of stall-fed Ixx’f, as Grange store. M rs . A. E. S tvart . the same as ours. We had no intention turning it was necessary for him to cross cerning them the Ti met-if ou nta i neer Rain has not fallen in Oregon, to be of hay, oats, grain and cattle feed of all PORTLAND MARKET. benefit, for 75 days, and the yields re­ kinds are cheap and abundant. of doing it. He informed us that that says: It was reported Wednesday that, the ported do not show much of a failure in WHEAT—Receipts for the past week date had been decided on long before the lake at its mouth, which is easily “There is a vast wealth of profit to t he up freight was the cause of a fire in a “ The work during the past season un- the crop. have been 6319 ctls, of which amount ours. However we know that both will done at low tide. When he reached this Oregon farmer if he will send ns his but­ Wheatfield between this place and Amity. Potato and hop crops are not average ; ter and cheese, his chickens and eggs, ilrr Major Handbury has been very sat- 3150 ctls came from Eastern Oregon and be good. The comities are large and each point it was dark, anil the tide too high fruit crops are above the average ; wheat Washington and 3169 ctls from the val­ About 10 acres are reported burned. can well snppoit a fair independent of for him to wade across. He could not I isfactory. A great deal ol excavating in Western Oregon is beirg sold for 62 his apples and cider, and all the lesser ley. Quotations are nominal; for valley Oregon yellow fir makes very line I | the other. productions of his industry in good and has been done, and portions of the wall make any one hear on the other side, so cents per bushel; in Eastern Oregon from cleanly condition. There ought to lie no $1 22'2 is asked and for Eastern Oregon wood for furniture purpose. E. it. Eel- | anil Washington $1 121.;. lows Ims a dish cupboard of this wood| A fire starled in :i grain lii-lil of Hay- he looked around and found a log, which • in the lower lock built. The appropria" 52 to 55 cents per bushel with an upward device of cheese making practical in i man Lewis, Jr., about 190 yards below he pushed off into the restless waves tendency in the market price. Switzerland or France that the On-gon OATS—The receipts for the past week which looks very nice. The grain under , 1 the crossing of the Oregon & California thinking he could paddle across on it. 1 tion of $300,030 has been exhausted ex- B. S. P agi ' e , which is beautiful. Combines tlie juice of the Blue Figs ot farmer could not improve on; there have lieen .5975 ctls, as against 11,638 ctls land Oregon Pacific railways, north of After mounting the log it. was not long ■ cept about $80,000, and it is hoped that Observer U. S. Signal Service. i ought to lie no trick in butter making California, so laxative and nutritious, for the week previous. The maiket is Prof. 1 irimui i f the Agricultural college I Corvallis, consuming about ten acres of before he discoveied that he was being | at the coining session of congress the Assistant Director Oregon 8. W. B. that the Oregon dairyman does not un- with the medicinal virtues of plant* steadily improving, and good old oats at Corvallis was in the city Thursday 1 oats and considerable fencing, with some carried out to sea, but he was powerless river and harbor bill will receive early known to be most beneficial to the j deratand. There is a fortune to be made readilj- bring 40c and have for a week or and Friday of last week, and called upon new ties belonging to the Oregon & Cal­ to help himself. He could not tell how- TILLA.HOOK NOTES. ! attention. The difficulty of this project human system, forming the ONLY PER- j in fat chickens and barnyard fowls, for, more. We quote, 38(840c. ns and gave us a few pointers about the ifornia. It did not cross the track of the far from land lie went, but fortune favor­ j is not fully understood by the public I E CT REMEDY to act gentlv yet as a rule, our chickens are lean and un- From the Tillainook Headlight we learn college which you will find in another ed him, for when the tide turned it I Oregon Pacific, thereby preventing the POTATOES—Receipts have dwindled The Columbia river, which that: promptly on the , fit to eat. We import cider in bottles loss ol about 100 acres of grain. It was brought him back toward land, and lie I | generally. away to nil. Old potatoes are out of the column. receives its volume of water from the front New Jersey, and make it from could see the dim outline of the shore. starled by a spark from the up passenger market. We quote for new crop $lt«I 10; Mi. Upton, the machinist, has been in The North Yamhill livery stables are dried apples with acids I melting snows in the mountains, is We should get sweet 3L»c per pound. the city and will soon start his machine train on the Oregon & California road. He reached down with one foot and liable to show a variation af 30 to 50 feet kept busy bringing in passengers to Till­ it fresh and pure from Oregon orchards. —AXa to — A large fire is reported raging in the could touch bottom so when a little ! during different seasons of the year. amook. shop, taking J. C. Cooper as partner. The average Oregon sheep is, we think, HAY’—Receipts for the past week The shop will be located near the furni­ woods in Blodgett’s valley about twenty nearer shore lie left the log and tried to | The engineers in constructing the locks have been light. Old hay is getting The road over the mountains from better bred, larger and finer fleeced than wade out, but he was taken with cramps miles southwest of Corvallis. the Cascades have to guard against North Yamhill is not very dusty, but, our California flocks ; at all events they — SO THAT — pretty well cleaned tip and the new crop ture factory, which will furnish the and fell. A big wave came along just; at this emergency, and to do this have to power. At a certain period in a man ’ s life the JURB BLOOD, just being harvested has begun to come then and threw him out on the beach, ! make their caissons and walls Btrong owing to the vast amount of travel, is look cleaner and more comfortable on their green meadows than on our brown, REFRESHING SLEEP, in. We quote for old hay $13(314. rather rough. There will be a grand harvest ball at natural talent he has will appear then go where he was able to keep out of danger. { dusty plains. There are no large landed Garrison’s opera house in this city, Fri­ back into its hole and be in a dormant In the morning lie reached home, but and enduring. This difficulty, 111 as HEALTH and STRENGTH SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. The canning season wil) soon l>e in estates in Oregon, so far as we know, at large proportions, is not met w ith in any state for years. While over 011 the coafit ■ ■■ . .-Hy follow. Every one ix using it Wheat—Foreign advices were unfav­ day evening. August 16th. A prize will it was noticed that the talents of several little the worse for having been several ’ like enterprise on the continent. The operation at Nestucca, as at this place. all events, the country through which ! ail aie delighted with it. Ask your orable for holders and prices show a de­ be given to the best lady waltzer. Best of our professionals were in sight and it miles at sea astride a sawlog, canal at Sault St. Mary, connecting Steamer communication will be replen­ we passed is divided into small holdings, ■ggist fur SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu- cline. Shippers are less disposed to of music will lie in attendance. Every created quite a stir and numerous people Lakes Superior anil Huron, although of ished and money bo plenty among the and the farms look as though they wen- Tillamook By Ministerial Eyes. body invited. t ured only by the laboring classes. operate and would take hold freely only large dimensions, has not to contend visited their bailiwick to see them. Dr. occupied and tilled by the men and Rev. W. S. Malloy of the M. E. Church with this rise and fall of the water; at a material reduction from present ask­ Complaint is made that the accommo­ George Simon Wristht lias a talent for women who owned them. ( LIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Mr. Maddux, the genial mail contrac ­ ing prices. Offerings are light. No. 1 dations at Newport are insufficient tor sailing and running the boat aground on South returned Wednesday from a pro­ neither has the one at Louisville, Ky. “Oregon seems to supplement all that S am F rancisco , C al . is re-building his residence in Moore’s shipping $1 33>4@$1 35. the crowds now there. This will proba­ ths mud flats; John Weston Ilobbs has fessional visit to Tillamook where he has Not only has the work to be strong and tor. U -ttr, Kr. valley that he had the misfortune to lose California lands, and each state appears N bw Y ork , N. Y. Barlev—The market shows no im­ bly lie remedied by another season, but a talent for catching flounders and Dr. enduring to resist the power of the vast fire some time ago. Mr. Maddux is a to the other a market in which to ex­ provement either as to value or demand. what are those to do who expect to visit John Frederick C'albreath has a talent been paving the way for a minister of his volume of water which forces its way by Simulions. pusher and is not going to let any thing change its productions. Oregon should Offerings are large and far in excess ot that resort this year. for eating clams. lie got away with just denomination. From him we learn that through the channel during the spring in the Bhape of bad luck down him. supply California with hams, bacon, as requirements. Choice feed exhibits there ate no church houses of atij ’ kind or freshet season ; but it also renders 1 bushels by actual measurement. I ’ i the circuit court «»f the tah* ot Orcrou that country seems admirably adapted On our way west we were talking with more strength than poorer qualities and In his report to the war department for the raising of swine, and its climate is for Yamhill county in the county and but one minister, he more difficult the construction of an old gentleman from the east w hose fi ­ Most flattering gold prospects have concessions from quotations are mostly the work. During high water in June concerning river and harbor improve­ better than ours for caring pork. The Dundee Mortgage and on inferior. Quote feed, choice, dflj-gc; nal stopping place on this coast, accord­ lately been taken from Reuben creek, a being of the M. E. Church. Mr. Molloy the lower portion of the canal is filled ments in Oregon, Captain Willard Trust I nvestinent < 'om(»any “There is no rigorous climate in Ore- ( ing to his pronunciation of the name, tributary of Grave creek in this county. thinks the country is a fine one, and that No. 1, 65c; lower grades fl0(a62,.2c; brew­ with back-water, and this necessitates Young, engineer in charge says: * * 1 gon, and though its. grander mountain Limited >. Plaintiff'. was the San Joe Whackin valley. He From 25 cents to $1 to the pan of nice it is full of chances for young men to the vs ing, 85@95c. removal of all engines and derricks Future operations on the improvement ranges, with their loftier peaks wrap|>ed looking gold has been frequently taken. make their fortunes. Hundreds of peo­ Shepherd anti Mary Oats—Receipts large to-day. The meant tl e San Joaquin valley. to the upper level. If liberal appropria­ of Tillamook baj’ and bar will lie devoted in mantles of eternal snows present a George A. Shepherd, ami Fred Flo A number of claims have been taken, ple are there spending a vacation on the market is rather easier, but prices vary tions were made, the engineers in charge largely to the advancement of lumber in­ landscape that is most attractive, there is rey and Sherman Hatch, 1 J. VV. Jones threshed 42 acres of wheat but little from yesterday’s quotations. which went 42 bushels to the acre. The and other parties are going in daily to neach. Hundreds more are looking up could work a large force of men during terests involved. There are, according very little ice or snow in the lower val­ Defendants. get a share of the hidden wealth. The j timber. Tiilamook city is the best town The movement is slow, buyers trusting yield is at least- l, better than expected. the favorable seasons, and there would to Captain Young’s report, large bodies leys. Cattle unhoused do very well dur­ To the alM>vc named defendants: to increased receipts affecting the market Never be afraid of a poor crop in Oregon. banks of Grave creek have been claimed 1 and in his opinion will see a large in­ not be the loss from cessation of opera­ of the finest kind of timber on and tribu­ ing the winter months, anil sheep un­ In the name of the state of Oregon von for several miles up the creek, and as crease in population duiing the next five in their favor. Quote choice feed, $1 15 Eastern people should read this item and tions and removal of plant which annu ­ tary to the bay It is, therefore, probable and each of you arc hereby notified and re­ sheltered during lambing time do not @$1 17*s ; No. 1 feed, $1 15; common to compare the crop here with the one at there has been several good paying years. The Headlight contains 276 land ally occurs under the present regime quired to appear and answer the complaint that the lumbering district i which will yield to the inclement season. Water is of plaintin mines worked on Grave creek for a settlement notices in the last issue, liled in said cause in good feed, $1 05th of the bar and of the the work the time is variously estimated country of frequent rains, anil abounds No medicine in the world is in better quite favorable tor the establishment of being taken up. The state is building a !**<•. that being tie- first day of Potatoes—No chango to report to-day. from three to twenty years. The walls of channel in the bay. At present the de­ in rivulets, brooks and larger streams. In September, next regular term of said court, next Demands fair and receipts light. Bur­ lepute or more widely known than Ayer’s a very prosperous mining camp there.— fine load from Netarts bay through the the upper lock are nearly complete; but mand is for a better channel from the every part of Oregon, in the lesser and ! the after tine service of th;« summons upon you Grants Pass Courier. Sarsaparilla. As a safe and certain n-m- Big Nestucca country to the Grand Ronde banks 70c west of the Wil­ tating, gr ping comjionnds taken as pur ­ soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when Lou Maddock and party returned from seaboard is under the control of a rail­ where Astoria now stands, instead of r 4 w; $900. The cannery has been turned into a in need of a laxative, and if the father or lamette meridian, Oregon, nt which |»oint a gatives. In Ayer’s Pills, tlie patient has flowing Clear Lake Saturday. W. J. McConneli and wife to J. W. toad monopoly, the importance of open­ on down by Mt. Shasta and out stone monument 7\l«»\lo inches marked dryer. a mild but effective cathartic, that can mother be costive or bilious the most “<* 8 57 Baily 150 acres, t 2 s, r 4 w; $5000. ing it to the trade of the people will be from which an oak four < I; in­ A very fine cigar for 5 cents at the be recommended alike for the most deli­ at the Golden Gate.” gratifying results follow its use, so M. M. High to Frank H Gregory lot 5 understood. that ches in diameter bear- north eightv-three Nearly everybody has got coast on the news store—the Figaro. cate patient as well as the most robust. The Astoria Erening Transcript says: and w, >2 of lot 6, block 14, Rowland’s it is the best family remedy known (83; degre s. w«*at nine <9 link’s, and and brain. marked “(’S.'»7 C 1» T, aim an ouk tour < 4) Mrs. O. O. Hodson and part}’ returned every family should have a' bottle. On the hills in the Southeastern |>or- The Northwest Timber company sold to addition to McMinnville; $450. Geo. Hardwick has sold his hotel to inches in diameter l»ears smith thirty-six from the Meadows Sunday. L. Loughary and wife to Frank H. tion of Polk and adjoining lands in Yam­ Daniel Whitney, of Michigan, 5026 acres Deafness Can’t be Cured degrws (38i. west live < 5 > links, marked O. P. Maison. of timber land back of Knappa and West­ Weather Doc Wright is the only man in the hill, wheat is yielding very heavy. Dave port, for $75,000. It is reported that Gregory’, lot 7 and '2 e of lot 6, block 14, so hot. “<’857 1» T." running thence cast sixteen Rowland’s addition to Me.Minnville; The prospects are that we will soon by local application, as they cannot reach (10) chains ami tllte« n 15 links to set Townsend had 90 acres harvested the town who knows everybody. have some new sidewalks. the diseased portion of the ear. There is stone 7x9x14 mnrkeople are still crossing the arrangements to entertain the associa­ It is confidently believed by parties in­ Sunday and the services were well at­ girl; to the wife of Cyrus Lamb, a girl. Annum, the sums one. an or all of those Axil for stieh other relief a * Forest fires are raging in various see­ races, should the Board of Directors in hiirscniist.«, day night from an extended visit in Ba­ the home see cars and home builders who day. ris appointed gnardian. Addition to mi­ niAV lie just A six horse twwer stationary engine varia. He looks brown and healthy and come to a new country w it h the necessary lions of the country. The timber on their judgment ami for can«i- th r-m it < ,(.<- This «timin' nors named in petition. Notice. reports having enjoyed the trip. ix the MeM means to assist them in their endeavors. and boiler on skids, and a large size en­ both sides of the Columbia above Astor­ dient. races to begnverneil bv the rules by order i.f Box ’SiOIJLOJSE I forbid anyone bunting on land owned ia is burning. It is reported that the of Trotlmg Wm. Martin and Am Shadden killed In conjunction with the outfit was a car­ gine lathe for iron work, all in first class the National Trotting Association. s . a id mart, in Aile Cr. S. Wright order, will be sold cheap. For particu ­ by me. All trespassers will be prosecu­ Nehalem country is on fire and several 40 grouse Sunday. This is the largest load of Holstein cattle, aristocratic Bloo.1 Hor«e rules to govern all rnntiing 27th 1--41 Is Prepared to do All Kinds ol I people in this citvaie anxious as they race« bag of the season. They are fine shots, chickens, blooded pigs, etc.— East Ore­ lars call at this office, or address A. J. ted to the full extent of the law. C. W TALMAGE. Smith. Carlton. Oregon 30 DENTAL WORK A. J. B aker . have taken timlier claims in that section. and hunt with well-trained dogs. gonian, Secretary. TH E TELEl’HONE-RE(i 1ST EK. ♦ X FUNMBRISTOL! Tuesday, August 13, r 'A KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS Cleanss tn System Effectually, A #• X 4 i ♦ A ♦ ’