The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, July 12, 1889, Image 4

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M c M ixxvili . e ,
July___ -
O regon :
5, 1889.
Personal an<l Pertinent.
Can it be tiiat Four-aker, of Ohio,
means to develop«' into a four-tenner?
Gov. Foraker is a graduate of Cornell,
of the Class of ’69. He has also gradua­
ted in Ohio politics.
The tombstone is about the only thing
that ean stand upright and lie on its face
at the same time.— Terre Haute Exprete.
President and Mrs. Harrison will be
the guests of Secretary and Mrs. Blaine
at Bar Harlior during the last week of
Col. Thomas P. Ochiltree, of Texas, is
in Boston. Can it bethat he has been
called upon by Gen. Butler to assist in
compiling the latter’s notes on Admiral
It is probable Ihat the Piesident will
take his vacation in small doses so as to
keep an eye on “that man Tanner,” who
seems inclined to ahnorb the whole Unit­
ed States.
It is charged by a Paris feuilletonist
that the Prince ot Wales smokes in his
sleep. Perhaps it is a new remedy for
snoring that the head son of Albion is
experimenting with.
The farmers are patiently waiting for I'n
de Jerry Rusk’s report on electric-1 iglit
plants- It is believed that he can show
that they do Iretter in the American cli­
mate than sunflowers.
A Paris journal nominates Henry
George for “next president of the United
States.” The wild waves of the Atlantic
will be likely to swallow this exotic
boom before it gets out of sight of land.
Prince Bismark’s salary as Chancellor Is Unexcelled for Durability, Ease of Operation, and Lightness of Draft.
of the German Empire is only about
$13,009 a year. He is also entitled to
occupy an official residence free of charge
though, and a great many brewers send
him free beer.
It is reported that Senator Evarts re­
cently remarked that he would rather be
fat than be president.
The senator
should keep up his spirits. He is still
youthful in mind and manners and may
take a slant towards adiposity vet.
English curates have been the succe-s-
fill lovers in romantic tales since the in­
stitution of the church, but since three
out of four of Archdeacon Farrar’s daugh­
ters have married curates the character
I humus from the realm of fancy into that
of fait.
During his i event visit to Paris the
Prince of Wales was frequently seen at
the race tracks. The Jockey Club fitted
up a box for him in elegant style, but it
remained untenanted, the prince pre­
ferring to mingle with the crowds and
l>et on the horses like common mortals.
The heathen Chinese have not been
On the Pacific Coast than all other Companies together.
slow in contributing towards the releif
of the sufferers at Johnstown. In Pitts­
burg they raised $120, with which they The Great Popularity of their LIGHT STEEL Frame
Machine is Positive Proof of its Superiority.
liought supplies and sent them on to the
stricken city. Over $^00 was raised by
the pagan Chinamen of New York.
Vice-President Morton’s brother-in-
law, Mr. Win. F. Grinnell, has been
transferred as I'nited States Consnl from
Bradford to Machester, England. So it
seeins that Mr. Morton in purchasing the
Vice-Presidency secured a snug family­
berth by way of lagniappe, and he had
influence enough,too, to keep his brother-
in-law in office under Mr. Cleveland.
The Pittsburgh American Manufacturer
states that on June 1 st there were 292 fur­
naces in blast, with an aggregate weekly
capacity of 129,682 tons, or ten fewer fur­
naces in blast than on May 1st, and a re­
duced weekly capacity ot 8,856 tons. The
decline is chiefly in coke furnaces. One
year ago, or June 1st, 1888, there were
298 furnaces in blast, 6 more than in 1889,
with a weekly capacity of 123,015 tons, or
6,667 fewer tons than on June 1st, 1889.
A Kansas editor in drawing a pen­
sketch of Senator Ingalls writes: “Mr.
Ingall's is not very pretty, his hair is
very gray and he is exceedingly thin and
would make a good clothes-prop or living
illustration of the Dr. Tanner theory.
His legs reieinble breech-loading sin­
gle-barrel guns thrust into gun bags. It
Ji a mystery to us how he manages to
carry such a big head full of eighteen
carat braius around on such an emaciat­
ed set of underpinnings.”
Col. F. D. Hitt, of Ottawa, 111., pos­
sesses some rare relics of the early French
explorers of the Mississippi valley.
Among them are the camp-kettle of I-a
Selle and the Jesuit cross of Father Mar­
quette. The cross is of lead and copper
and in form is double, having a figure of
Christ crucified on the obverse anil of
the Virgin and child on the reverse. At
the end of each lieam is a heart. The
relics are undoubtedly authentic.
A trust for the manufacture and sale
of paper has been formed in England,
its purpose being to control the market.
This it may do to a limited extent, but
•he English consumers of paper are not
particularly alarmed at the situation.
Thev point to the fact that there is not
in Great Britain, as there is in the
I'nited States, a tariff on paper to
strengthen the trust. There is a beautiful
moral here for peop>e in this country
who have to buy goods at trust prices sus­
tained by a high protective duty.
An interesting figure on the streets of
Quincy, 111., is the aged but still erect
form of Gen. James W. Singleton, one of
the old war-horses of the Illinois Demo­
cracy. Gen. Singleton lives on a beauti­
ful country place known as Boscobel,
just out of Quincy, anil every fair
day he drives into town, lie has re­
tired wholly from politics and is send­
ing the decline of life quietly among his
hooks. He is one of the few surviving
ante-bellum statesmen of Illinois, and is
filled with entertaining reminiscences of
Douglas, Browning, William A. Richard-
son and other companions ..f his earlier
political life.
It is another instance of Civil-Service
Reform under Harrison that Joe Manley
as Mr. Blaine’s next friend, has been
made room for by the removal of Post­
master Fowler, of Augusta, Me. There
appear to be no charges against .Mr.
Fowler, and Mr. Harrison undeniably
did say that “fitness and not party ser­
vice should be the essential and discrim­
inating test, and fidelity and efficiency
the only sure tenure of office”—but then
how can Mr. Blaine provide for Ins
“horn-blower” (to borrow Anditor foul-1
ter’s beautiful phrase) if such campaign
pleasantries are regarded as principles"
Berish the thought!
The Osborne No, 4, Light Mower
Their Pitman Connections are the Best in Use
Competition in the
Style and Strength
of this Pump, and
Davis Sewing Machine.
R e c-
oinmend it as the
\Ve have a machine quite unlike anything else.
New Principles, New Ideas.
to be used as a Lift
Pump; or
It is the New High Arm “ DAVIS.”
It is new patern ; A New Model.
Attach a Hose
Did you ever see a sewing machine with Only Six
;i Working Parts? If not you never saw this new ma-
and throw a steady
<i chine.
The old method of feeding from below is entirely’
stream of 50 or 00
b done away, and all the complicated-machinery con-
feet. Call on us, or
;! nected therewith taken out and dispensed with. No
• ! Machinery Underneath to clean or oil.
write for prices.
¡, This New Feed method does not Stop at seems.
5 but Steps evenly over them.
There is Only One Tension to regulate. No holes
J to thread through.
It is a Mechanical Wonder, yet no more interest­
ing for what It Is, than what it will do.
• It is the only machine having Steel Roll Bearings
5 for its needle bar.
That we have as
The only machine having a Support for the Needle
«[ after it leaves the needle bar.
Although we
This “ N ew Davis ” is as far ahead of the old ma-
b chines as the Telephone is ahead of the speaking
2 tube.
Of General Hardware, as can be found
Come and See for Yourself. It will pay you
in the County;
From Curiosity. We are so much interested in this }
ourselves that we are anxious you should see, know, *
tell and help us get these facts before the people.
< [ And that we are selling at the very Lowest | of onr Elegant Rigs this Spring, wo still have a full Assortment to se-
lect. from. We Defy Competition.
Ladies, come; Tailors, come; Mechanics, come; ’[
Experts, come; Everybody Come and See this new
model machine and learn what it will do.
And Don't Forget
Buggies, Hacks, Carriages
OAK. 1 ‘A R Ki A D 1)1 T1[ON1!
This magnificent property comprises ¿toG lots and. lies in the very heart of the residence portion
of McMinnville. It is high, commanding a beautiful view of the valley. Man yof the most prom •
inent residents of McMinnville are now purchasing property in “Oak Park Addition,’ and. many
elegant and substantial residences will be constructed there during the coming year. Water­
works and electric lights will be put in this summer, giving all the comforts of the choicest villa
Lots are from 50x100 to 50x150, and blocks 200x215, with a 15-foot alley down the center of
each. The advantages of having an alley in each block are obvious.
“Oak Park Addition’ adjoins the depot of the Southern Pacific Railroad, the new county court
house, the elegant public school building, and is three blocks from Third street, the business
thoroughfare of McMinnville. “Oak Park Addition’’ offers superior inducements to investors,
the settled policy of its proprietors being to steadily advance prices with its growth, rendering
investments absolutely safe and profitable.
“Oak Park Addition’ will be planted in shade trees; cross and sidewalks constructed and streets graded. The proprietors are turning in 1(1 percent of all
sales as a fund for this purpose. This property is being offered for from to 25 to 50 per cent less than any other property in McMinnville of half the advan­
tages. Prices of lots range from S25 up and are sold either on the cash or installment plan.
A plat of this growing addition can he seenat .Jas. Fletcher A Co.’s and J. I. Knight & Co., where all further information and price of lots andzblocks will
be furnished. Also at office of Barnekoff A Co., McMinnville Flouring Mills.
Children Cry for
Pitcher’s Castoria