The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 07, 1889, Image 4

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M c M innville ,
O begon :
7, 1889.
The Situation in Europe anil
What the Russians Have
The Osborne No. 4, Light Mower ;
D, M. Osborne & Co. Sell More Binders
Style and Strength
of this Pump, and
Davis Sewing Machine.
R e c-
ommend it as the
We have a machine quite unlike anything else.
New Principles, New Ideas.
| It is the New High Arm “ DAVIS.”
' It is new patern; A New Model.
Did you ever see a sewing machine with Only Six
Working Parts? If not you never saw this new ma­
The old method of feeding from below is entirely'
done away, and all the complicated machinery con­
nected therewith taken out and dispensed with. No
Machinery Underneath to clean or oil.
This New Feed method does not Stop at seems,
but Steps evenly over them.
There is Only One Tension to regulate. No holes
to thread through.
It is a Mechanical Wonder, yet no more interest­
ing for what It Is, than what it will do.
It is the only machine having Steel Roll Bearings
for its needle bar.
The only machine having a Support for the Needle
after it leaves the needle bar.
This “ New Davis ” is as far ahead of the old ma­
chines as the Telephone is ahead of the speaking
Come and See for Yourself. It will pay you
From Curiosity. We are so much interested in this
ourselves that we are anxious you should see, know,
tell and help us get these facts before the people.
Ladies, come; Tailors, come; Mechanics, come ;
Experts, come; Everybody Come and See this new
model machine and learn what it will do.
to be used as a Lift
Their Pitman Connections are the Best in Use.
Competition in the
The Baltimore American sums up the
situation in the following language:
European war scares have not material­
ized this summer with tbe same ease and
frequency as in former years, but there
may be all the more reason for apprehen­
sion. Heretofore it has been to the in­
terest of certain Europen statesman to
fill the air with rumors of pressing [terils
that they might control a parliment and |
accomplish a bit of domestic legislation '
to which the people were not partial, and
it has been shrewdly suspected that
most ot the panics were originated and I
engineered by these wily public function- '
aries with no more serious designs : but
now the situation is altered. Bismark
himself lays the greatest stress on the
pacific intentions o( Germany,and assures
the world, with an energy that makes the
wish appear to lie father of the thought,
that there is no danger of com plications for
several years to come, anyhow. No I
doubt Bismark is, and has been a jiotcnt.
factor in the presorvrtion of |ieace, but I
there is always present to the mind bis |
dogmatic assertion that the triple alliance .
composed of Germany, Autria-Hungary,
and Italy is the stable guarantee of the
etatue quo —a fair inference at the time it
was made, but not so self evident to-day.
The Russians have been working like
beavers since then to involve some sort
of system out of the chaos in which their
military was floundering, with the result
that they have concentrated an army of
700,000 men on the German and Aus­
trian frontiers, and have provided them­
selves with a supply of monev for any Is Unexcelled for Durability. Ease of Operation, and Lightness of Draft.
contingency that may arise. But this is
not all accomplished by the Russians
since the triple alliance was formed. The
Roumanian government, which can put
in the field 150,000 troops, lias veered
completely round, and from being the
strongest of Austria’s allies, is now in
thorough sympathy with the czar. Ser-
via has compelled her king to abdicate,
as much on account of Austrian leanings
as for any other reason, and theie is a
possibility that the dormant Russian
sympathies of the Bulgarians may be
aroused, and Ferdinand forced to
pronounce for the czar or leave the coun­
try.. A union of the Balkan provinces
against Turkey and Austria means seri- I
ous work, A splendid armv could be
quickly mobilized .»n the Hungarian
frontier, which would release tbe main
body of the Russians to operate against |
Gennany, and while France could divide
her foiees, liold-rg the Italians in cheek
with one dctatcbinent, and making a vig
orous campaign against Emperor Wil-I
liam with the other. Bismark, if be
were to express bis real sentiments now,
would probably say the maintenance of
peace or war rests with tbe czar and not
with the triple alliance. The czar, to all
appearances, has outgeneraled tlie sa
gactious chancellor. Of equal signifi­
cance is the hold of Crispi upon the Ital­
ian government. 11c has already been
On the Pacific Coast than ail other Companies together.
forced to recede from the agreement made
upon joining the triple alliance, and it
begins to look as though this were not The Great Popularity of their LIGHT STEEL Frame
enough for the Italians, but that lie
would be driven from power altogether,
Machine is Positive Proof of its Superiority.
with the result that Italy would once
again throw herself into the arms of
France. The withdrawal of Italy from
the alliance would destroy the formida­
ble character of the alliance at once and
compel Germany to Beek other friend­
ships or run the imminent risk of a gen­
eral hostile combination against the
Empire. The young German emperor
may find a worthy outlet for his feverish
activity before the summer wanes.
Pump; or
Attach a Hose
write for prices.
And Don’t Forget
Buggies, Hacks, Carriages.
That we have as
Fine and Complete a Line
Of General Hardware, as can be found
in the County;
< 1 And that we are selling at the very Lowest
Although we
Of our Elegant Rigs this Spring, wo still have a full Assortment to se­
lect from. We Defy Competition.
Persons and Things.
l’rinee Ferdinand of Bulgaria is soon to
marry tlie I’aincess Marguerite of Bour-
boun, second daughter of the I)uc de
Secretary Windom is said to be the i
hardest working member in the cabinet. i
“It is a condition, not a theory” that con­
fronts him.
There has been no explosion at the
Samoan conference at Berlin. The near­
est approach to it has been W. W.
Phelp’s bang.
L. Q. C. Lamar, jr., a son of Justice
Lamar, was a department clerk under
Cleveland. He is now a drummer for a
Rochester boot and shoe house.
A correspondent writes that President
Harrison lias been laying in a supply of
spring ties. Heretofore he has devoted
much of his attention to family ties.
Charles I*. Hitch has been United
States Marshal for the southern district
of Illinois. This is not the only hitch in
the presidential appointments, however.
President Carnot of France is a greater
believer in capital punishment than was
M. Greyy. The guillotine is much more
active in Paris than it was some years
David Christie Murray, the ’English
novelist .will sail for Australia next month,
lie will st>end six months on the lecture
stage in that country. He may visit
America afterwards.
The Rev. T. De Witt Talmage said in
Washington a few days ago: "I might
have asked the president for the appoint­
ment as minister to Brooklyn, but I got
that place some years ago.”
Harriet Beecher Stowe is in much bet­
ter health than she was a year ago. This
is conclusively proved by the fact that
she has been strong enough to read “Rob­
ert Elsmere” clear through.
Prince Bismark now devotes a great
deal of his time to piaying solitaire.
This was a favorite game with Napoleon
I., who turned out in time to Ire the most
solitary sovereign in Europe.
A tally of the Y'ale Seniors shows that
their favorite actor is Edwin Booth and
their favorite actress Mary Anderson of
London. Both preferences indicate a
partial failure of the college education.
King Humbert, of Italy, is learning the
meaning of the word “razzle-dazzle” in
German. His digestive apparatus leaves
much to be desired so far as strength is
concerned, and his physicians fear that
the young Hohenzollern will lead the
Italian potentate too lively a dance.
Humbert is a billious-looking little man,
accustomed to a life of great regularity
and he is always very particular about
his diet.
Sarah Bernhardt has a new fad. She
now has a habit of arising at 4 o’clock in
the morning, dressing herself as a man
and prowling about the remote streets
and byways of Paris until 7 or 8. Then
she returns to her home, undresses and
goes to bed. She recently remarked
that she had thought she was too old to
learn anything new about Paris, but she I
has been taught a great many facts hith-1
erto unknown to her by her matutinal ■
wanderings. Sarah will be quite a wise j
woman yet.
Degrading to Trite Veterans.
It has been decided by the pension de-
I>artment that a soldier about to be mus­
tered out, who was slightly injured in
the leg by an empty demijohn, which
was being playfully tossed about the
camp, is entitled to a pension. This
would seem to mean that all soldiers hit
by demijohns, whether full or empty,
are also entitled to pensions; and that
no distinction can lie made on “the roll
of honor” between a soldier bit by a bul­
let in front of the enemy and one hit by
a demijohn in fiont of friends. Messrs.
Bussev and Tanner would have the law
regard' both as battle-scarred veterans
equally deserving of the government
-bounty. This is what a surplus revenue
c I k <1 o in the way of upsetting the ofli-
su d.— Spri ngfield Hep ublican.
This magnificent property comprises 10Û lots and lies in the very heart of the residence portion
of McMinnville. It is high, commanding a beautiful view of the valley. Many of the most prom­
inent residents of McMinnville are now purchasing property in “Oak Park Addition,” and many
QYirl cniKctcmti
rl on nnc vxrill
lvo constructed
nnncfuiwiort' fViOT
’o during
rlii vi-n the
4-Ivo coming
nn-m i n r*» vrnnv
IirnT-n« ­
elegant and
substantial 1 residences
will be
year. Water
works and electric lights will be put in this summer, giving all the comforts of the choicest villa
Lots are from 50x100 to 50x150, and blocks 200x215, with a 15-foot alley down the center of
each. The advantage of having an alley in each block are obvious.
“Oak Park Addition adjoins the depot of the Southern Pacific Railroad, the new county court
house, the elegant public school building, and is three blocks from Third street, the business
thoroughfare of McMinnville. “Oak Park Addition” offers superior inducements to investors,
the settled policy of its proprietors being to steadily advance prices with its growth, rendering
investments absolnt.elv
absolutely safe and nrafita.hle
“Oak Park Addition’ will be planted in shade frees; cross and sidewalks constructed and streets graded. The proprietors are turning in 10 percent of all
pales as a fund for this purpose. This property is being offered for from to 25 to 50 per cent less than any other property in McMinnville of half the advan­
tages. Prices of lots range from $25 up and arc sold either on the cash or installment plan.
A p at of this growing addition can be seen at Jas. Fletcher & Co.’s and J. 1. Knight & Co., where all further information and price of lots and blocks will
be furnished. Also at office of Barnekoff’ & Co., McMinnville Flouring Mills.