THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. ami that he haa shown his ability to . : earn a good living in the practice of law. I Tint the fact remains that he is given HARDING & HEATH. Publishers. , the most important diplomatic mission nnder the government entirely because | SUBSCRIPTION rates . of his ancestral prestige, and Col. Fred Jun Copy, per year, in advance................. $2 00 Grant is sent to the Austrian court for !>i:e Copy, six months in advace I 00 the same reason. This is a new order of things in the Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville Oregon, as second-class matter. United States. John Quincy Adams does not supply a precedent. He filled T he advertising R ates or T he T ele ­ important positions—the presidential phone -R egister are liberal, taking in consideration the circulation. Single chair, even—but he was an abler man inch, $1.00; each subsequent inch, $.75. than his father. Nor does his son, the Special inducements for yearly or semi- late Charles Francis Adams, furnish a yearly contracts. case in point. He hail demonstrated the * * A ll C ommumicattoxs M ust B e S igned B y the person who sends them, not for pub­ possession of eminent abilities of his own lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non before being sent to England, and was de plume,” but for a guarantee of good faith. No publications will be published known to be equipped to gain, under unless so signed. circumstances of marked difficulty, bis » * * Jon W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xecuted world-wide fame as a diplomat. The making of high appointments on at reasonable rates Our facilities are the best in Yamhill county and as good the strength of ancestry alone, we re­ as any in the state A complete steam peat, is a new thing in our history, and plant insures quick work. „ * * * it places a distinctive mark on the ad­ A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither F or the editorial or business departments, to ministration of the second Harrison. Is T he T elephone -R egister , McMinnville, it the beginning of a practice which is to Oregon. be continued, or will it, as well as the * * * S ample C opies O f T he T elephone -R egis ­ elevation of presidents’ bi others to fed­ ter will be mailed to any ]>erson in tlie eral marshalships, prove but a passing United States or Europe, who desires one, devotion from the proper course of free of charge -» » ■» things? Let us hope that the latter will W e I nvite Y ou T o C ompare T he T ele ­ phone -R egister with any other paper be the case, and that our ministers published in Yamhill county abroad henceforth will not be publicly welcomed for their fathers’ sake. F riday June 7, 1889. GO VERNMENT SALA RIES. Q U. I LIFICA TION NEC 'ESS. I RY A petition is being circulated by J. C. Cooper of this city amongst the republi­ cans, said petition praying for the a|>- pointment of Don Hayes as farmer in '■barge of the Klamath Indian reserva­ tion. It says; “that the following true republicans do petition’ etc.” for the ai>- liointment of Doniphan Hayes to the [>o- sition and Ikm’s qualification for the of­ fice is, that he has been a life long repulr- lican. All of the qualification necessary, however, in this administration and that much is vitally necessary, too. We have no kick coining about the appointment, for Don is a good man for the place al­ though a republican. We have no doubt but what as many democrats would sign the ]>etition for the ap|>ointment, as re­ publicans and that would show exactly what this community thought of the man, whereas now only about one-half will voice their sentiments. In speaking to Mr. Cooper, we object­ ed to the manner in which the petition was drawn up. He informed us that it did not require democratic signers, in other words the republican party lias now lull control of this country and they intend to control it even if they have to violate the constitution and every law in the land. The democratis showed more partiality for the opposite party than this and they cannot say that t ey had a pre­ cedent in the democratic policy of the the last four years. OREGON’S RENE FA CTOR. Mr. Villard, of railroad fame, has writ­ ten to Col. McCracken that he expects to bo in Portland about the middle of June. Through some cause or other, notably the Oregonian,the impression has gone abroad that Villard is trying to ruin < Iregon by favoring Washington Territory in his railroad schemes. The people of Oregon should rememlier that our rail connections with the east are entirely due to Mr. Villard. He is the man who, some years ago, was the instrument through which some $50,001,000 were sp*nt within this state in order to open it up. If the people of this state and es- lieeially the Oregonian would stand in with him ho would undoubtedly do more for us, for he certainly is the coming man in the railroad world of the Pacific coast. It will not do to get his enmity; and his friendship might work wonders for this state. It is true that when the final crash came a few years ago several Oregon cap­ italists went to the ground, but Villard did also; he cannot be blamed for it. lie is Oregon’s greatest benefactor and spent in this state of his own i ee will and asked help from no one. Honor him for it. If Villard had been with us during the last few years, Oregon and more especially Portland would have had a greater growth and it is still possi­ ble that his master brain will Ire used for this state in the future. Through the most severe reverses he has passed, and is once more on top. It shows the ma­ terial in the man. He cannot Ire downed. Let Oregon honor him when he visits the state in June. APPERSON I J w Olympian I Festival 1 Of Intellectual and Refined Amusement, Rich and Rare as the Feasts of the Fabled Gods. SELLS ''Caatorla is bo well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any proscription mown to me." IL A. Aantnii. »I D . Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, h. Y. ROTHERS’ I ENORMOUS UNITED SHOWS STOCK I IN MIGHTY UNION WITH Tin1 Old Reliable MrMinnville Pioneer B imi I and Shoe Store. 1NSI. , I That is deserving of more than mere mention and 2 Biggest Shows on Earth 2 Why? Because, when style GREAT RAILROAD SHOWS and quality are to be found, Sterling and World-Endorsed Enter­ BUGGIES tainments ! why select from odd sizes FELLE A fEATERY W ADVANCE or inferior goods? THE ABSOLUTE AND ONLY Eureka of Canvas Entertainments ! “Prodigious, Overshadowing and Enormous,” ----- s Is the verdict of all beholders. Created and proudly placed before the people by the consolidation of the The Greatest Corps of Distinguished Per­ formers 9 The most important union of ll.i- M‘en its 2»nh;birthday. I am thank- fill i<> UritiK. (Patrons for past frit lulsbip i< • merit a continuance t >e Mime. I will continue u> 11 BOOTS ami SHOES’at prices that will convince the public thatjt will pay them to call and ex­ amine Goods and ascertain Prices before purchasing elsewhere. No Trouble to Show Goods. No charge mad« on Sewing Rip on Goods ASSEMBLEE ! P. F. BROWNE Opposite the Grange store. Gigantic, sweeping and brilliant centraliza­ tion of The H 'orld under the above caption opens up another reform for the people to talk about. It no doubt would make BIGGER AND BETTER numerous pap-suckers feel great, as the expression is, should the motto cf “Darn the expense!’’ be used in paving govern­ ALL OTHER SHOWS COMBINER! ment officers. This subject has been broached by several prominent men. In the June Harpers Mr. George Will­ iam Curtis says, with reference to pay for public services, that “there is always a latent controversy in this country Ire- tween the republican tradition and the American spirit.” The former upholds simplicity and economy; the latter leans to liberality and profuseness, and would justify the adoption of “a cornucopia with the legend ‘Darn the expense!’ ” as the national arms. There is no mistaking the fact that the salaries of our public mca are at present regulated in a very unsatisfactory way and need revision. However suitable they may have lieen once, they are now, owing to changed conditions, out of har­ mony with their environment. The dif­ ficulty in making the correction lies largely in the conflict of which Mr. Cur­ tis speaks, but the different standpoints Positively first time presentations of from which people gauge the value of Sixty-Five New and Exclusive Acts! money have also much to do with it. There is the metropolitan idea and the The finest and most accomplished new Equestrian Features that ever thrilled New England farmer’s idea, and they an audience. are as far apai t as the poles. Yet another obstacle to iucresing the pay is the doubt whether it would really bring better men to the front or merely put mere money into the pockets of worthless place-hunters and stimulate them to still more energetic dishonesty. It would at least remove a barrier which keeps many honest and able men, Unrivaled and Daring’ Gymnas­ tic Exploits should they so desire, from accepting public position. That the average rail­ By the best and largest troupe in the world road president should receive twice the salary of the chief justice of the national supreme court, and that lawyers fitted to serve ti|>on that bench can earn more than double as much in the practice of their profession as the government pays the judges, present a condition which is certainly wrong. With regard to congressional salaries the propriety for the increase is not so clear, but it is probable that, as Mr. Curtis says, members could now vote for more pay without raising much of an outcry. A committee might probably be appointed to consider a new schedule all along tlie line. It is safe to say that when the matter comes seriously under advisement the “American spirit,” whose motto is “Darn the expense!” however potent it may be in private life, will be called upon by a large majority to give place to common sense. REPENTENCE AFTER DEATH. UN THE WORLD JIAS KNOWN. áñd Notice for Publication CARRIAGES ! Lixn Or FH » O ku ox' CiTv.i Oregon, May 23. 18st* i Notice is hereby give-i that the following- named settler lias filed notice of his inten­ £W“COIN WILL TALK, fl tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made tie- c. o. TomsTSoasr. fore the county judge or. in his absenci*, be­ fore the county clerk of Yamhill county, at McMinnville. Oregon, on l-’riday. July I:». 1889, viz: JOHN 1. WATT, Homestead Entry No <¡724, for lots.», fl and 7 of section 35, 15». r 4 w. He names tlie following witnesses to Have been purchased by prove liis continuous residence upon amt cultivation of said land, viz : A. Dent. It Dent and Wm. Dent, of Wheatland, and Jos Watt, of Amitv ; all of Yamhill county. Oregon Anv person wl o desires to protest against Of Amity, ami is now ready to tlie allowance of such proof, < r who knows receive customers of any substantial reason, under the law The business will he conducted with the and the regulations of tlie Interior Depart­ ntention of pleasing everyone, and we ask ment. wliv such proof shouhl not lie al- loued, will lie giv-n an opportnnity at the continuance of the public patronage. above mentioned time amt place to cross- examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted bv claimant W T BURNEY, (Marell 31:22 » Register. B est A ssortment I n T hk C itv .O n W iiiti - Of all Cotemporaries. B: ERLESS, PRINCELY’ POETIC P A­ GEANTS, ENTRANCING YOUNG AND OLD ! D PITY My stock of Clothing em­ braces the Latest Styles and GUARANTEED the Low­ est Price of any ever bro’t to this county. I SS, Want It Administrator's Notice. There certainly is no better advertisement for a stock of Clothing than a PERFECT Thrilling and Electrifying Aerial Acts! By unequaled Lady and' Gentleman Artists. That They Are THE FIT, and that is what I will Guarantee any LARGEST AND BEST MENAGERIE lone who selects a suit from my stock, Ever shown under canvas. Circus Rings and Q ing in price from $6. to $30 Conie and ex­ Brilliant Circus Organizations! 0 3 Spacious A-TOl NDING, BEWILDERING AND amine my Clothing and Hat Stock before Weare Just Whooping them Out INEXPLICABLE METEORIC SUR­ PRISES ! purchasing. O---- =~ The best and most impressive Free Street Notice is hereby ;riv -n that 1.. F Hall, a- administrator of the estate of It C: West­ fall, deceased, has tiled tiis finiti account ill tlie county court of Yatnliill county, Ore­ gon, and said court has fixed upon TUESDAY. JULY 2d, INO, nt tlie hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at tlie court house, in McMinnville, in said . county, as tlie time and pince fur hearing tlie suine. [ Therefore all persons are hereby notified to appear at said time and piaci» ami show I cause, if any then- lie, why said iieixmnt lie not allowed and said estate finally settled. Dated this 31st. d.av of Mav, I88!i I.! E. II ALL. Administrator Aforesaid F. W. F extox . Attorney lor Estate. Muy 31:21) Timber Lami, Act June 3, 1X78. Notice for Pltbliciitioii. F’a.rad.e That ever delighted the people. The “Chil­ dren’s dream of Fairyland,’’ an enjoyable episode of the Grand Procession. Heavy, Latest Shades, Neatest Patterns in 21 inch BIRGE, New ant! Excellent Quality, at 10 CENTS per yard, Just Re­ ceived 20 piece?. Leading Circus Celebrities from Five Conti­ nents winning the meed of applause! A. J. APPERSON, Prices Always Lower Than All Competitors. 3d mid B Sts., McMinnville, Oregon p a A IN BOYS' BLOUSE SW i'S We have a I. axii orrii'K. Oregon L'ity. Or., ( March sth, IK k '.I. | Notice h hereby given tliat in compliance with tlie provisions of the act of congress ol June 3, lsfH, entitle I-An act for the sale ol timber landa in tlie elates of California, Oregon. I Nevada nnd Wa-hingtou territory,” Elmer Re­ pay, of Portland, county of Multnomah: state nt Or, lias this day tiled in thia office bis sworn alate meni No.Citi,for tlie purchnaeof tlie nw J nfaee. No. 10 In township No. 2 south, range No. « writ, a d will oiler proof to show that the land nought is no re valuable for its timber or stono Ilian for ogricultnrnl piiriiosee, and to estab­ lish his claim fo aahl land befoie the itegistor anil Receiver of tliia office at Oregon City, Ore­ gon, on Wednesday, the 5th day of Jimi*, 1881». lie names aa witnesses: W 8 Banyan, W W Esp-y, E Griggs anil M I-’ Nosaley. all of Port land. .Multnomah connty, Oregon, Any and ull persons Haiming adversely tlie ulnivo described lands are reqneated to file thair Haims in thia office on or before said 5tli day of June, 1889. W. T. BURNEY, Mario 15 Register. Notice of Final Settlement. To Select From. No Trouble to Show Goods. The only Hippodrome of modern davs de­ Chariot Races. Roman Standing Races, serving the tide! FLAT RACES AND JOCKEY RACES, • The most complete and’thoroughly organ­ By expert daring lady and gentleman Jock­ eys and Charioteers ized That part of the Presbyterian creed tn which it is declared that God has foreor­ OIFSaTTS The only successful act of riding, driving dained a certain part of the human race TIBIFLE Existing anywhere or in any country. and grouping to eternal life and the rest to eternal des­ truction was read by Kev. Dr. Lyman Everv resource exhausted, and nothing left to be desired in ring entertainments Abbott Sunday morning in Plymouth All the acknowledged and recognized Church, and was made the text of the The Greatest Masters of the < 'Lampions of the Circus World ! most notable sermon Dr. Abbot has de­ EQUESTRIAN AN> GYM.MC ART livered since he became the siicessor of In unified and glorious association. "The Children's Dream of Fairylaud,” Ilenrv Ward Beecher. The sermon was A delightful episode of our daily Speclacu- All the marvels and mysteries of the brute remarkable as containing an outspoken lar Street Procession creation—Beasts, Birds and . eptiles J TERRIBLE CALAMITY. declaration from an eminent Congrega­ shown in our stupendous collection. Tlie only Leviathan Pair of _ , _ . The great flood of Johnstown, Pa., is tional clergyman, and ’.lie editor of the . chrMaa f mo», of a belief in the possi- Lar 9 er Tentsand Railroad Trains now a matter of history and it stands at With any Exhibition ! °nC the head of all the great floods of Amer­ bility of repentence after death. Dr.!Tl,an "ere ica. It is a horror. More than 10,000 Abbott began with a statement of the------------------------ ----------------- »--------- Ten Cavas-canopicd acres of sterling and i'.i.ioniciin ovefo... „1.: i. i.rtO.:i <♦ r. Phenomenal Stage sensiitions and nnprecc- dented Special Features! Unprecedented Attractions ! people lost their lives. Where once a C al vanistic sy stem, l^bicn, lie •.aid, treats . beautiful city stood is now seen the deso­ the whole human race as a unit under ■ Matchless Herd Of lation of death. The flood was caused condemnation tor the sin of Adam. Wc "V^restlers, Boxers, And Gladitoria’ Combatants, in friendly Marvellously Educated do not punish the pick|>ocket by cutting Elephants ! by a cloud burst which filled the great rivalry Johnstown reservoir, which lies about off his offending fingers and putting them Planned Elevated Stages, for Vau­ Earth’s Greatest, Grandest and Most Stu­ eighteen miles northeast of that city. It in jail, but by imprisoning the whole man Ncwlv deville and Novel Entertainments! pendous Tented Exhibition ! is the largest reservoir in America, and and so it is the Calvinistie system regards was built on tlie site of an old reservoir the whole human family as one bedy, The Ironwood Times, Michigan, relates i According to the Jewish idea, the only which was a feeder to the great Eric doomed to punishment for the sin of its i that the other day a freight brakeman on [ true way to stent the tide of intem- canal. It is some three hundred feet progenitor. I the Lake Shore road was ordered to get perance is to be }«rsonally temperate ; The modern system—Dr. Abbott could I the number of eight ore cars in the train the man must be possessed of the moral higher than Johnstown and is a body of water three miles long and from one give it no better name—took the opposite taken out to Wakefiel i. He stood on the consciousness that he violates the law of mile to one and one-fourth miles wide side. Siu is individual. Every man is platform .-s the cars passed by at a mod­ his being by going to excess in drinking, and is in sotno places 100 feet deep. It responsible for his own sin done. Sin, erate rate of s]>eed and read the numbers and the same might be said of eating or was hold in check by a dam 1000 feet consience, remorse—these are not vicar­ all of which were in the ten thousands, any other natural habit. But to dictate wide and 110 feet high,the base being 90 ious, but personal and individual. But without writing them down he went to to a man that he shall not eat or drink is feet thick. The dam was inspected Dr. Abbott proceed to go still further in tlie conductor and rei>orted the numbers. tyranny. As to our own people it may some time ago by an engineer and pro­ the opposite direction from the Calvan- It was afterward ascertained that all were be truly said that we constitute a vast nounced safe. The cloud burst filled the istic faith. He held that God’s mercy correct. temperance organization, and that this lake to ever flowing and the rush of | was not limited by race. It was for one is the result of the teachings of our relig­ waters destroyed the dam. This im­ race as much as for another. It is not In a ease recently decided by the su­ ion and laws. We do not, however, de­ mense body of water rtisbed down tlie j limited by color; and under this head preme court of Indiana it appeared that prive ourselves of a rational ihdulgence mountain gorges and carried death and i the clergymen referred to the discus­ a husband conveyed a house and lot to in the good things of this life. We fhar disaster to thousands of people. Homes sion of the color line in the Presby­ his wife on condition that she would sup­ there is a lack of moral vitality in the Christian system of religion, and this, in have been swept away, children Ix-reft terian General Assembly, and said port him while he lived. The court held our opinion, is the vital cause of the pro­ of their parents, whole families drowned, that the same subject would be publi.-ly in the case (Corcoran vs Corcoran) that the hibition craze and the condition of so­ and never in the history of the world has | introduced in the Congregational Associ- executory promise of the wife to support ciety that produces it.—Rabbi Levy. as much desolation, death and despair I ation shortly to meet at Saratoga. The the husband was void, it being the legal Three cases of spontaneous combustion been brought about in so short a time. I colored man rides in tlie same car, puts duty of the latter to support himself and of cotton cargoes in the of steamers i up at the same hotel, goes to the same his wife and family also. May it never happen again. have been reported in as many weeks, theatre, attends the same school as the FOR THE SAKE OF HIS FATHER. white man ; shall lie not. Dr. Abbott asks, The New York IForM says the Navy is a Spanish vessel was docked at Liver­ worship the same God, with the same pool on Thursday and a fire which had The Rail Mall Gazette greeted our new gospel, in the same church, under tlie distressed liecause the husband of the been raging two days finally extinguished niece of Mrs. Benjamin F. Harrison was minister to England, on his arrival in same roof? sent to Berlin with the Samoan Commis­ Fortunately in no instance was life lost, London, with a glowing panegyric on Neither is God’s mercy subject to any sioners as a sort of marine valet. It was but in view of the fact that cotton in a Abraham Lincoln, and added: “We limitation of time, said Dr. Abbott. He compressed state has this peculiazity a welcome the son for the sake of the found nothing in the bible to lead him to a clear case of favoiitism. But this is a careful study of the mattei with a view family Administration. The only ques ­ father.” These words were intended to believo that the offer of divine mercy w as to preventing the danger would seem to express satisfaction and lie cordial and limited to a man’s life-time. If he had tion now is: “How large is the family?” be called for. pleasing, but they cut decidedly across found that doctrine in the gospel, it The Yakinnf Herald prints the first the grain of the American idea. They could have been no gospel to him. God’s The United States intend to see that carry the endorsement of a principle mercy is eternal. Jf in the far recesses full returns we have seen of the election the Behring sea is not entered by vessels of eternity some wretched beings have held eleven days ago in Washington which should find no root in our polit ical forgotten God, it will not be because the territory, from which it appears that for the purpose of taking seal, etc. The Rush has been ordered to Alaska, and is soil. door of bis mercy is not wide open. the constitutional convention will stand It is to be said in behalf of this parti­ now receiving ordnance at the Mare Is­ politically as follows; Republicans 39, People who intend to locate a timber cular appointment that Robert T. Lin­ land yard. Several new guns are being coln lias never brought discredit upon claim should first read the article on the Democrats 33, Independents 2, Labor 1. put aboard. the name of his father, that lie lias a third page of this i>ai>er, giving the ques­ Pitcher's Castoria Children Cry for respetable record as secretary of war tions to lie answered. 35 Horses by a Single Equestrian Remember Our Old Motto: I have just received a Full and Complete Line of these SHOES, guaranteed to be the best and cheapest in the market. ALSO—A full line of C. M. Head r- son & Co.'s Gents' Boots and Shoes, and Ladies' and Misses' Fine Shoes. Notice i. hereby given that John K. Hul>- baril ns inhiiinlBtralor on SATURDAY. .Il’NE «th. l*B, at tin- hour of I o'clock p. m of said »lay at tin- court bouse at McMinnville,* in sai»l county a » tlie timi- and place for hear­ ing the satin- Therefore, all persons an hcreb,’ notified to api«-ar a sai»! time ami place and show cause, if any there is-, why said account la- not allow. »1 nn»l salii estate tinallv settled. Dated Mav Till, A. D . pesti • JOHN E HUBBARD, A »Im in is tra tor .Aforesaid. IT » ton A- I-T xton , Attorneys for Estate. May 10 13:17 i Û likte cf General Merchandise. At Extremely Low Prices. ZZOWE, "-y-”.. 6 OVERLAMO TO CALIFORNIA. VIA Southern Pacifie Company’s Lincs, THE MOI XT SHASTA ROTTE! Time Between Portland and San Francisco, 39 HOURS! Carlton, Oregon. I O regon R ailway N avigation C o . AND COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE California Express Trains Run Daily BETWEEN PORTLAND ANO SAN FRAN­ CISCO ! LEAVE AllRIVE. Portland. 4 .00 p n SanFranciseo 7.45pm San Fran. 7:00 p m Portland in.45 pm Local Passenger Daily, except Sunday LEAVE. TiPkPTi ,0 and ,rom Pr>"C'Pal point» In the llur.Lld United States. Canada and Europe ARB1VE Portland. M :05 a m Eugene. Eugene. . 9:00 a ir. Portland . Elegant Pullman Palace Cars. Emigrimi Sleeping Cars linn Tlirmigli 2:40 pm 3:15 p m Tourist Sleeping Cars, WEST SIDE DIVISION I.EtAE. arry ARRY G RON ron I ¡ iu : e of gii ai «; e um without chano Close connection» at Partland for San Fran- < ¡.-co and Paget Sc..nd point». A I Iron Steamships leave Portland and San Francisao every four (4) days, mak­ ing the trip in tiO hours. Cabin................. $ IG 00 j Steerage . Round Trip -unlimited...................... ARRIVE Pitcher’s Castoria. F a ' y nOOFING, H oofing . Direct from the Factory. This is acknowled ged to be Tbc best and nimpleat RIFLES ES GL MADE. Strongest Shooting. V. THE BEST ROOF NOW IN USE, As a reference, ask anv o! those who arc- using THE GARRY IRON ROG I ING. As I have put on over 400 Squares in Yarn'iill and Polk Counties. I am prepared to do Job work of all Kinds, from a ! Tin (’up to the most Elaboraie Ralvanizetl Irim I'tirnirt*. T Carry a Full Line of Hardware. Stoves, Tinware, and Farm Machinery. Rule is to .<><> up. t V ’ Shooting than all other makes of rifles put to­ gether. Stand without r rival for aceu- racyand killing < powcron large Ms or small game Our We guarantee 1 Our Goods A 1838 EQUAL TO Anything Produced XliMMouri Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed train service and elegant dining and sleeping cars has honestly earned for it the title of The Koyal Route Others may imitate,but none can surpass i Our motto is “alwavs on time ” Be sure and ask ticket agents for ticket via this celebrated route and take none others. W II MEAD. G A No. 4 Washington street Portland. Or Illustrated ('atjdogin- wnt FREE on application. Address Cata­ logue h just k «Hit. IN THAT LINE. Ask your dealer t o show our rilles. SEE If so bo sure and call for your tickets via the Portland. 4:50 p m McMinn’ 8.110pm McMinn’ 5:15 a in Portland . ll:0)am Through tickets to all points Smtli an.l For further particulars inquire of any agent East via California of the Company or Ticket offices. No 13*. corner First nnd A. L. MAXWELL. Alder streets. Portland. Oregon: corner G. P. & T. A Front and F streets. Portland C. I. SMITH. R KOEHLER, E. 1*. ROGERS, Genl. Manager Portland. Oregon Manager. Asst. G F. A- P Agt. Children Cry for Ha» junt received another carload of the JUST LY CELEBRATED ARE YOU GOING EAST? For accommodation of Second (’lass Par- sengers attached to express trains. The 8 P. Company’s Ferry makes con­ nection with all ¿lie’ regular trains on the East Side Division from foot of F street Between Portland and Corvallis. Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. LEAVE Portland . :!0 a ni McMinn’ in 13 a in Corvallis . McMinn’ m Corvallis 30 p in McMinn* m McMinn’ 25 p in Portland . m At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Orégon Pacific Express Train Daily, except Sunday I on Express Trains to Pullman Ruffct Sleepers ÊhkïÆrW O. O. HODSON ■ gMARLIN FIRE ARMS CO. V r. o. iiox go it, I NEW HAVEN, CONX. Lyman’s Patent Combination Gun-Signt. 40 Per Ceatl. Iteciu(liou I m Price. REND FOR Ti pa«» Citato.«? of Flirtila, infles, ele. Address, Wm. LYHIN, Middlefield« Ct. IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS FOR ALL RIFLES. Pistols T and Shot Cuns. B wt nr THE W orld . Eend 7. for lllnstrated I xjm ripnvi E Circular IDEAL MF'G CO. £ New Haven, Conn. ' 'Ox 1064 G