The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 31, 1889, Image 4

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M c M innville ,
O regon :
- 31, 1889.
Already Gen. Felix Agnus, of Balti­
more is mentioned as Minister to Russia’
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Batcheller denies that he wants the Tur­
kish mission.
Arthur L. Thomas, the new Governor
of I. tali, was at one time a telegraph mes­
senger boy in Pittsburg.
Sydney P.urdekin is the richest man
in New South Wales. This is not sur­
prising, as lie began life as a pawnbroker.
It is suggested that the Harrison fam­
ily adopt a coat-of-arms consisting of a
public office prostrate beneath an heredi­
tary President rampant, with the legend:
“ 1 on are all right while I’m President."
if Sir Julian Pauneefote ami his two
secretaries of Legation were laid out,
heads and feet touching, they would
cover a line nineteen feet in length. Per­
haps Mr Blaine will "lay them out"after
a while and test this report
It is vastly to the credit of the lute Al­
len Thorndike ltice that he was not will­
ing to be known simply as a man of
wealth. It is to tlie honor of a rich man
in these days that lie resists the temta-
tion to live an existence of leisure.
A story is told illustrative of John
Prigtit’s perseverenee, to the effect that
on one occasion lie struck a salmon on 1
Saturday and did not bring it to ¡and be­
fore the people were going to church on
Sunday. This is certainly a very noble
Competition in the
fish story.
Ex-Attorney-General Garland lias had ;
Style and Strength
good luck since he hung out his shingle
in Washington in corralling more law I
of this Pump, and
eases than lie can take care of. He lias
lieen so busy, in fact, that lie will be un­
Confidently R e c-
able to take his usual vacation at Hom­
iny llill this summer.
ommend it as the
Capt. Murrell, of the Missouii, says
the hand shaking of the Americans is
We have a machine quite unlike anything else.
often barbarous in its sweep and intensity ;
Principles, New Ideas.
but his opinion is worth nothing until he Is Unexcelled for Durability, Ease of Operation, and Lightness of Draft. j>
meets a country blacksmith canvassing
It is the New High Arm “ DAVIS.”
for a seat in the legislature. That grip
It is new patem; A New Model.
can never, never be forgotten.
Pump; or
1 Did you ever see a sewing machine with Olliy Six
The real reason for the sudden depart­
Working Parts? If not you never saw this new ma­
ure of Senator Cameron for Europe, is
said to be the state of bis health, lie lias
lieen threatened with a recurrence of a
The old method of feeding from below is entirely
trouble which caused him great distress
and throw a stead}’
away, and all the complicated machinery con­
a few years ago, and his physicians
’ T / 3
ordered him peremptorily to drop all of­
nected therewith taken out and dispensed with, No
stream of 50 or 00
ficial cares and go abroad.
Machinery Underneath to clean or oil.
A good name is indeed worth striving
feet. Call on us, or
This New Feed method does not Stop nt seems,
for in this pushing, selfish world. The
hut Steps evenly over them.
birthday observances of George W. < ’hilds
write for prices.
on Sunday las, in Philadelphia are made
There is Only One Tension to regulate. No holes
the occasion of the most kindly remarks
to thread through.
by his brethren of the press everywhere.
No man envies him the happiness and
It is a Mechanical Wonder, yet no more interest­
pros|>erity which his life of good deeds 1
ing for what It Is, than what it will do.
has brought to him.
It is the only machine having Steel Roll Bearings
Gen. Butler said to a Washington
for its needle bar.
newspaper man a few days ago: “1 have
had all kinds of abuse and am used to it.
The only machine having a Support for the Needle
I have been called everything—every­
after it leaves the needle bar.
thing," he milled with an added slant to I
That we have as
his left eye-lid, except a fool, and no one
This “ New Davis ” is as far ahead of the old ma­
ever called me that.” lie came near de­
serving that when he reopened his war
on Admiral Porter.
Come and See for Yourself. It will pay you
Col. Elliott F. Shepard discusses the
j From Curiosity. We are so much interested in this
question, “Can an Editor Be a Christ­
Of General Hardware, as can he found
ian?” in the last week’s Frank Leslie'a.
ourselves that we are anxious you should see, know,
On the Pacific Coast than all other Companies together.
The topic is worthy of consideration
in the County;
from such a source. Col. Shepard’s edi- i
Ladies, come; Tailors, come; Mechanics, come;
tonal career, however, has already an­ The Great Popularity of their LIGHT STEEL Frame :
selling at the very Lowest
swered his question in the affirmative.
Experts, come; Everybody Come and Sec this new
And John Wanamaker has further
Machine is Positive Proof of its Superiority.
model machine and learn what it will do.
proved that a postmaster-general can lie j
a good Sunday school teacher.
Sybil Sanderson, the California girl
who has made a striking success at Paris
in the title role of Massenet’s latest i
opera, has luxuriant auburn hair, a pale '
complexion and a magnificent figure.
She is fond of dressing in black, and the
whiteness of her skin, the brilliancy of
her eyes and the |ieculiar tint of her
hair combine to make her a fascinating
object when thus attired. She is a great
coquette and has had various love affairs
of a romantic character.
Mrs. Cleveland is soon to be the re-
cipientof an elegant souvenir in the shape
of an albumn containing the autographs
of the members ot the Author’s Club of
New Yo-k, spread upon leaves of the
finest parchment. The signatures were
collected through the efforts of Dr. Ed­
ward Eggleston, and the book has been
artistically bound by one of the most
skillful bookbinders in the country. It
is to be presented to Mrs. Cleveland in
remembrance of tlio courtesies she ex­
tended to the authors while she was liv­
ing in the White House.
The death of Allen Thorndike Rice
emphasizes the prevailing impression
that an evil influence overhangs the
state department. Mr. Blaine has been
ill, Eugene Schuyler and Murat Hal­
stead were snubbed by the senate, and
Halstead nearly died. Minister Ryan’s
son has been arrested for forgery, Min­
ister Enander is too sick to go to his
post, Minister Rice met with sudden
death, and in various other wavs a ma­
lignant spirit stems to have attacked the
department of state and those it has
Davis Sewing Machine.
The Osborne No. 4, Light Mower
Their Pitman Connections are the Best in Use
Attach a Hose
And Don't Forget
Fine and Complete a Line
0. M. Osborne & Co. Sell More Binders
Buggies, Hacks, Carriages
Although we
Miss Theresa Stoughton, fiancee of
Senator Allison, is the daughter of the
hte A. B. Stoughton, of Washington, I).
C. Her sister is the w ife of Paymaster
Bacon, and it was their former residence
on I street which Secretary Tracy re­
cently purchased. Senator Allison has
lieen paying attentions to Miss Stough­
ton for some time, -enator Allison is
now in California with the senate com­
mittee on trade relations with Canada,
and Miss Stoughton is with the party
under the chaperonage of Mrs. Eugene
Says the Philadelphia Inquirer: “Ev­
erybody knows of George W. Childs’s
numerous and bountiful gifts, but few
know the extent to which he is run down
and annoyed by mail and in person.
Anybody, everybody and r.obody ask for
money on all sortH of pretexts—to start a
school, get insured, learn music, lift a
mortgage, bury a son or daughter, moth­
er, fattier, aunt or anybody, to get mar­
ried, to travel and in fact for everything
which the imagination can conceive. lie
even receives letters from various parts
of Europe asking him to aid in all sorts
of schemes both personal and public.”
It is claimed that where the eucalyp­
tus tree is grown in large quantities en­
tire immunity is obtained from mosqui­
toes, even though the air may lie thick
with tlie insects at a comparatively short
This magnificent property comprises ‘too 1 jts and. lies in the very heart of the residence portion
of McMinnville. It is high, commanding a beautiful view of the valley. Many of the most prom­
inent residents of McMinnville are now purchasing property in “Oak Park Addition,” and many
elegant and substantial residences will be constructed there during the coming year. Water­
works and electric lights will be put in this summer, giving all the comforts of the choicest villa
Lots are from 50x100 to 50x150, and blocks 200x215, with a 15-foot alley down the center of
each. The advantage of having an alley in each block are obvious.
“Oak Park Addition adjoins the depot of the Southern Pacific Railroad, the new county court
house, the elegant public scliool building, and is three blocks from Third street, the business
thoroughfare of McMinnvill e. “Oak Park Addition offers superior inducements to investors,
settled policy of its propi ‘ietors being to steadily advance prices with its gro wth, rendering
investments absolutely safe t md profitable.
It is alleged that almost all the tur­
quoises that have been sold during the
past ten years have been cheap imita­
tions. They are said to have been man­
ufactured by a Persian syndicate, which
has Hooded tlm Nijni-Novgorod fairs with
100,000 of the fraudulent stones.
Has the most complete stock of harness
in the county. At present 12 sit of sin­
gle harness, hand made, in prices
ranging from $12 to $30. and 8
set of team harness as cheap
Can be seen on the hooks in my shop.
I have competent workmen employed
to do all kinds of repairing and to make
any harness ordered. I also keep a full
stock of oil and rubber robes, lap robes,
horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of
ras for repairs constantly on hand.
T. ROWE <3c CO.,
Proprietors of
Where Meats of all kinds can lie pur­
chased at a reasonable price In the Braly
Block, next door to Pielschneider s
“Oak Park Addition’ will be planted in sha de trees; eross and sidewalks constructed and streets graded. The proprietors are turning in 10 percent of all
sales as a fund for this purpose*. This propert y is being offered for from to‘25 to 50 per cent less than any other property in McMinnville of half the advan­
tages. Prices of lots range from S25 up and are sold either on the cash or installment plan.
A plat of this growing addition can bo seei i at Jas. Fletcher & Co.’s and J. I. Knight & Co., where all further information and price* of lots and blocks will
be furnisheel. Also at office of Barnekoff & 1 Co., McMinnville Flouring Mills.