WEATHER BULLETIN NO. 12. c . mji . t O n . FItOM BAVARIA. THE SANTIAM MINES. THE GRAND ORlfeXT. Ice cold Praia at C. Grisscn’s. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. For Week Ending May 25, 188*1. * A Letter From Wm. Holl «living Inter ­ History of Their Discovery and First and A («rand Lodge of This Inspired Order Or­ VIA The Derby « Edwards’ tile mill is run- 1 Ilut. More Rcent Workings. esting Data of his Trip to Bavaria. ganized in Till« City. ning. Oregon State Weather Bureau, Co-op ­ ltoads very dusty. Southern I’ arilir Guii|tiinfx Lines Friday, May 31, 1889. Special Cor to Telephon -Register A coi respondent in the Oregonian sends The trial of the Patent case of the West­ erating with V. S. Signal Service, central | Monday evening, a lodge of the order Next Sunday is Childrens Day and the inghouse company against the Edison older folk" are preparing to give them a A igsbirg , B avaria , M ay 10.—G en ­ office, Portland, Oregon. in the following history of the Santiam of the Grand Orient was organised in this THE WW SII IST I ROl’TEl THE MARKET REPORT. company opened in the I'niled States grand good time at this place. tlemen : To make my promise good to . mines. The people of this state are not city, tlie communicator lieing J. P, Gor­ The rain fall has l>een below the aver ­ supreme court at Pittsburg on May 20th. Time Between This market report is corrected Tlinrs- Patents worth $20,003,000 a e at stake. Now Miss Maggie Triplett takes the you I will let you know of my present age, the temjieralure lias been about or ■ as yet aware of the richness of these dig­ don of Ohio. The charter members are: Portland and San Fmnrinco, day noon of each week by A. J A pperson cake with just tlie finest, best arranged whereabouts. gins. There is no doubt but what gold, slightly above theaverageandtheamount • ieo. W. Jones; C. W. Talmage; F. Wise­ Slight derangements of thy stomach j bequet we have received yet. It is a hon- 3» HOIKS! PORTLAND MARKET. I boarded a Pullman sleeper in Port­ of sunshine has lieen very much above silver, lead and cinnabar abounds both in carver; T. J. Harris; Walter Durham;.1 and bowels may often be corrected by ! ey without doubt. .. V cental $ 1 30 to Wheat land for Nev; York Sunday evening, the Cascade and Coast ranges of moun- J. L. Rogers; Chas. Fleming J. F. Cal- : California Express Trains Kun Daily taking only one of Ayer ’ s Pills. Through the average. .... V bushel 30 to 32^ (M b . James McCain of McMinnville tvas in April 14th, and after a few stoppages in not having the pills at hand, your disor­ V ton 20 ID to 22 50 ains. The Santiam mines better known breath. Wyatt Harris, C. Braly and H. L. BETWEEN PORTLAND ANO SAN FRAN­ Barley . . The effects of these conditions have 50 der increases, and a regular fit cf sick­ our town last week and did not forget to St. Paul, Chicago and other places I ar­ Heath. The officers elected were C. W. to Potatoes. .................... sack 30 CISCO 1 been exceedingly favorable to crops of all as the Quarlzville mining district, Linn Talmage, Grand Orient; H. I,. Heath, ness follows. “For the want of a nail, buy a lot of those best flies for trout fish­ LEAVE ARRIVE m ’ mixxvii . le market . rived safe in New York City. I have , county. Or., were discovered in 1855, or ing at W. A. Howe ’ s. descriptions. Better weather could not Portland. 4.00 p iu San’Fran 7:45 am the shoe was lost, ” etc. Vice (irand Orient; Geo. W. Jones. High $ 5 00 to Chickens.. dozen $ sœ Ducks ..................V dozen 700 to Our enterprising warehouse man, J.E. very little to say in regard to the count™ fiaVe prevailed for the benefit of the grow- near that time and were worked and Priest: Chas Fleming, Grand Herald; San Fran. 7:00 p iirPortlainl.. 10:45 a m Rudolf Kruettner, of Nestucea, a new ­ Ixx al Passenger Daily, except Sunday J, Harris. G. A. P. This order is (Jeese.......... dozen 800 to 10 00 comer, lost his life by a falling tree last Swanson, went to Portland last week and which I have passed over as it would not ing crops. The recent rains which were scratched over for free gold, not knowing T. 15 to lß Turkevs pound beautiful in symbolic thought, and is de­ LEAVE. ARRIVE week. He had taken up a claim and purchased an engine of 40 horse power, be interesting, nearly every one in Yam- somewhat cold bad a tendency to retard anything of the silver ores of today. rived 10 9 ' (Clear sides V lb. from the ancient order of the Orient. Portland . S a A a a iu Cugene. 2:40 p in was at work improving the same, lie and will be used to run both warehouses hill has passed over it and already have the maturity of the strawberries and clier- Later they were worked some in tunnels 8 7 B iccn ■'Shoulders V lb. Eugene. !t :00 a in Portland . 3:45 p Hl The emblems arc beautiful anil convey ■ was cutting down a tiee, but walked off at this place at once, thus saving the use 10 to 11 (Hi-ins.................... an opinion. There is certainly a great I ries, and to cause the’wheat to lodge and and in open bets. These mines and pros­ grand thoughts to the iuitiated. The ' riilhiiiiii Buffet Sleepers 10 without paying further attention to it, in of one engine and lalxir. T 1 (in 10 pd pails . mosque is now ojien and pilgrims who | nara •• ga||on tins # contrast. When I left McMinnville ' g,} to too much straw, 9 pects are lying on both sides of the north 8 to company with M. Newman, when the Oh, how delicious they looked as they will bo leceived by tlie order and Tourist Sleeping Cars, 15 Eggs, dozen tree fell striking Mr. Kruettner and kill­ were returning from their wedding tour every cherry, apple and other fruit tree fork and of the south fork of the Santiam enter The warmth and sunshine of the past the mysteries of the Orient revealed to .50 Butter, ( reamery, rofl For accommodation of Second Clan Pas­ ing him instantly. Mr. Newman escaped. was in bloom and the weather had been week have matured rapidly the strawlier-, and run in a southeast and north­ them. Eleven kxlges have been organised sengers 30 last Monday, and that is the way we 25 to Butter, dull, fresh roll attar lux I to express trains. This is a sad affair, and the second case hope they may always look. Here is our like summer. Here it is not co, and I 12 to 15 Brine .......... pound. riea and cherries and visibly affected the west direction, parallel veins or lodes of in Washington territory and four in Ore­ The S . P. Company’s Ferry makes con­ with a short time. — Tillamook Headlight. 4 to 5 Dried apples, dull, # P’F hand, Mr. and Mrs. L. Booth. May God should judge that we are, in Yamhill, wheat and other crops favorably. Had quartz between granite and white por­ gon, one at The Dalles, Albina, Portland nection with all the’ regular trains on the 8 Dried plums, dull, V | h 1. 6 to East Side Division from foot of F street Horace Greeley once wrote a note to a bless you forever and ever. Amen. 8 at least six weeks or more ahead in the the weather turned suddenly hot after phyry and black slate, and about one and McMinnville. This order isdestin«*«! 6 to Dried prunes, dull, V pd- brotliy editor of New York, whose writ­ WEST SIDE DIVISION 8 Driedpeadies,dull, pd ß to the rainy sjiell the result would have been mile wide; length unknown. There is to be one of the largest in the United While over in Marion county last week season. ing was equally illegible with his own. wo notice the grain more forward than States. 1 10 Flour ...14 sack 1 00 to detrimental ; however, the weather was Between Portland and Corvallis. In New Yo:k I stopped three days as 1 tempered just right to harden the stock gold and silver on the west side of the Sugars, declined >4 cent 11, 12, and 13 The recipient of the note not being able here. The fall wheat is very rank, and To Nurserymen. Mail Traiu Daily, except Sunday. pounds for |1 00; pickles, in 5 gallon kegs. read it, sent it back by the same mes­ had private business to attend to. I also and leaf and to gradually prepare them belt or zone, and galena on the cast side. possibly will be ready for the binder by LEAVE $1 25; coffees range from 25 to 35 cents # senger to Mr. Greeley for elucidation. ARRIVE Notice is hereby given to all nursery­ Portland On the southeast side of the Santiam, 7:30 a in McMinn'. 10:13 a in pound; coal oil. very firm, @ $2.75 $ ease; Supposing it to be an answer to his own the 20th of June. Also we noticed the visited various jxjrtions of the city, and tor the more fervent heat yet to come. Willamette river at Ray ’ s landing pretty Reports from all parts of the state are salt of all kinds advanced $2 00 per ton, that the Portland Investment Com­ McMinn' 10:13 a tn Corvallis . 12:25’p m the most interesting to me was Central the mountains and ridges run nearly east men 1 note, he was likewise unable to read it, filled with the Narrow Gauge rail­ park. and is very firm 1:3ll p in McMinn’ 344 p in It IO is UHU one V/1 of IIIV the HIIUCl finest 1/4*1 parks it. Al RO * 1 of . a most 0*4. encouraging '1 nature. 1-1 i Wheat , is and west, with the rivers, yet small spurs j pany desire to contract for 2,000 shade Corvallis and said to the boy, “Go, take it back, well McMinn' 3:25 p iu Portland . road ’ s cars. There lies at the foot of the <1:39 p m have ever seen and cost the city of New i rom •'* ’ to 40 inches high, the heads trees, of different varieties, to lx* deliver ­ what does that fool mean? ” “ Yes sir, ” LOCAL AND GENERAL. track that projects down into the river, York a large amount of money to put it about four inches long which are well run in various directions, forming deep , ed in October, 1889. For further par- At Albany and Corvallis connect with said the bov, “that’s just what lie says.” 4 box eais that got loose and run down 1 in its present beautiful condition.. It so formed, indicating a forty bushel yield all canyons, and are covered with timber of ticulars, call on the undersigned at the trains of Oregon Pacific Cream soda at C. Grisscn’s. Express Train Daily, except Sunday Dan Gallagher and John Hawley, two into the water, which about blocks the happened that in my presence the world- over the state. In Eastern Oregon the cedar, hemlock, sugar pine and red fir, McMinnville flouring nulls. ■ LEAAE, I ARRIVE Mrs. Narver returned from a visit East old-time prospectors and and miners, re­ transfer. known anil so well trained Chimpanzee cereals are in an excellent condition, sprinkled with larch, making thick un­ F. B arnekoff . Portland . 1:50 p m McMinn’ R.00 p m Fox. turned to Deadwood from the now placer monkey ate his dinner. It was a won­ most of the barlev and wheat have head­ dergrowth. The ledges, or veins, cross Tuesday. McMinn >:45 a m|Portland. 9:00a m diggings thirty miles south of there on derful sight. He seated himself at the ed out; the fruit is of fine quality and these ridges at right angles, and crop out PUCKER VILLE. The Ladies Delighted. Miss Rtiss of Medford is visiting in Gold Run, having made eleven placer Through tickets io all points South and table in a chair like a human being, and promises to yield abundantly. In west­ at the steep points covered with moss. this city. East via California and two quartz locations. A district will Talk of a new church going up. The pleasant effect and the jierfeet taking a knife in his right hand aud a ern and southern Oregod the conditions The Galena mining camp is about four are all that could be asked for. The Chas. Cook is repainting his house on bo organized next Monday, a recorder with which ladies may use the Ticket offices. No 134. corner Firut and Miss Caroline Gilbert spent Sunday in fork in his left began to eat and enjoy yield will be greater then ever before. miles southeast, direct line or seven miles safety 1 Alder streets. Portland, Oregon; corner elected and laws governing locations. himself. He ate his soup with a spoon Thiril street. 1 fruit laxative, Syrupof Figs, under Front and F streets, Portland Strawberries are lieing picked and by trail from Quartzville and is a fine liquid The diggings are dry but wonderfully this city. and as occasion required it he used n Chipped beef sli.- Miles Sliortcr 20 hours less Our board was A No. 1, just as “Venture” was hard on the Company but now of Sandy, is in the city. mo lerate temperature will prove of lien- northwest side of the parallel range with Linn* Ilian by any other route. and doubly hard upon our “boys,” Sev­ Miss Nellie Findlay of North Yamhill, good as; in any first-class hotel. -Iliad fit and value to all crops. In sections the river, known as the White Bull Miss Edith Kelly of Lafayette is visit­ erance and Bowers. All hands have was the guest of Mrs. C, Little last week. only one objection to it and that was, mountain, is the center of the gold belt. THE CHAMPION »'First claw tlirowgh passenger and freight that I was deprived the use cf it for where the soil has a tendency to bake, a ing Mrs. A. E. Young of this city. hung on, however, with steady pluck and lire from I ortland ami all point, in the Wil Emery Murphy showed his lieautiful seven days on account of sea sickness few showers would prove a iienelit. The Some of the finest ledges of quartz in Blood-pnrificr, Ayer’« Sarsaparilla leads lametie will now crowd their work in order to re ­ valley to and from San l-'iaiuhieo. nil others in ago, merit, and popularity. It Races will be given on the Fourth at week wits marked for its excellent grow­ Oregon are found in this district, contain­ tones smiling face on our streets Saturday after­ and hiccoughs. tip the system, improves the appetite, ing gold silver lead and tin. The White the fairground. Look out for programme. gain lost time. Both Bowers and Sever­ noon. We had fine weather from New York ing and maturing weather. strengthens the nerves, and vitalizes the ance have a large lot of logs in the Time Ncliedtile (exee| I Sumlava). Bull mine was patented about eight veais B lue E yes . to Southampton, with the exception of B. 8. I’ ague , Mrs. Hibbs of Palouse is visiting her Dougherty slough and sufficient timber in Just what yon need. Try It. laiave Albany. .1:30 pm Leave l’aer ton and silver $60, though some block, McMinnville, for first-class work. up the logs as fast as received. The land from Germany after being kept in delayed about 15 hours by fog. The I'l:e Hands Employed on the Narrow Es­ assays run very high ; about $10,000 per Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, The above train, coanect at Yaqnsa with The road scraper is a success as can lie amount of money that should lie distrib­ time on the sea owing to delays was nine cape Want Their Money, ton have been found. The mill was Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer iiCo., Txiv dl, Mui, the Oregon Deyelopenxmt Co’s. Line of steam­ seen by looking at the streets which it uted in this country during the summer large cages for a few days for recupera­ and one-half days. We landed on May ships between \ sqniua and San Franc isco. Price $1; fix bottle«, ?5. Worth $5 a bottle. owned by the W. B. Company and run The other night when the train 4th and after passing the custom house ! graded. tion have been given their liberty. “ The from this one mill will be a very consid- Nailing Dates. with success, with a lease to tlie Sa'.amon I started for Hanover accompanied by of the celebrated Narrow Gauge Brothers, of Portland, who made quite a The Pigs in Clover puzzle has struck able addition to our ready money.— Til­ greater number of the birds,” says the two gentleman with whom I had formed «•Il FROM YAQUINA the town and midnight oil is being lamook Headlight. Oregonian, “were turned loose at the an acquaintance. Hanover is a city of road arrived at Monmouth at 9:30, !wo fortune, and afterwards a fire in the for­ lllamtete V alley, Thunnlny, May 23d. burned. “I don’t like the Jenness-Miller reform City park and adjoining grounds. The 100,000 inhabitants, and has beautiful hours late, it became generally known ests burnt the mill and thetown of Quartz­ Saturdnv. ■lune 1st. Willamette Valiev, Sunday. June Util ville. Miss f.enore Kay of Brownsville, is straight-from-the-shoulder dresses and birds were delighted to regain their liber­ parks, residences, palaces and nice wide that the employees had refused to work The extension of the White Bull oil FROM KAN FRANCISCO visiting her sister, Mrs. C. P. Bishop of petticoats,” said a quiet-mannered, but ty. The saucy starlings Hew high up in streets, everything being modern. It al­ , unless they were immediately paid the the northwest is called the Golden Ridge Sunday, May 19th. wealthy husband lately. His objection so has one of the finest Zoological gar- i : wages due them. This is a strike not for mine located in September, 1888, by Dr. this city. tiie trees ami chattered like mad, and Tuesday. May 2Hth. to the “reform” dresses and underclothes dens in the world, containing specimens the crossbills also (lew up high and Wednesday, Juhe 5t h E. (>. Smith, of Portland. Ohl tunnels Les Loughlin has a situation in the dry he went on to explain, were that they higher wages, but for their wages. ——O----- animals from all over the glolie. with trees growing in their entrances, The company reaeryes Hie right to change goods store of Shelly & Vanduyn’s at In­ looked anything but neat and attractive. looked down at the cages as much to of After This cessation of trains brings again to a rest of twenty-one hours an ex- j date, without notice. dependence. He said, and his wife who is a pretty and say, if you ever get us in such a box press ride of four hours brought us to notice tlie fact that the Narrow Gauge have been discovered. One tunnel, 250 Furniture of all the Latest Styles made to sailing N. II.—Pawceiigers from I’ortlaml and all Wil- I again you can shoot us.’ The finches long, four feet wide, in solid quartz, order in Oak, Ash or any Wood The Washington Critic says that un­ stylish woman, did not contradict him: and linnets shot in among the bushes Cassel, a city in the province of Heston, | I company is indebted to all of its em­ feet amette A alley Point, can make dore connec­ assays $100 in gold per ton and an aver­ desired. tion with the train, of the Y aqbisa Ihn tk st dertakers should bo happy as the berry­ “The Jenness-Miller dresses are like the , and set up a. joyous clamor, and a short with about 69,000 inhabitants. This city | ployees in sums ranging from a few age of $60 in silver. Albany or Corvallia, and if dentined t.. Smi Mother Hubbard, too fly for the street. season progresses. after were seen hopping about the is not modern, its streets being narrow, j months' wages up to the greater pait of The Discovery shaft, down thirty feet, FINE WORKMANSHIP A SPECIALTY! Francisco, should arrange io arrive at Yaqniua A woman without a waist is a woman in ! time 1 the architecture of the houses is of j two or three years. Some men they owe has a fine body of free gold, some pieces the evening before date of sailing. John Hutchison was severely kicked a bag. I’ll suggest a new dress right | paths of the park, some of them already and long ago period. It is interesting for | as little as $100, while others have claims the size of a man’s finger nail; average by a colt Sunday, while attempting to now. Make a large silk, lawn, velvet, gathering straws evidently intent on the the fact that Napoleon III was here kept for $1.500 and some even as high as $4,- assay, ISiver Steamers nest building. There is no doubt about $100 gold and $85 silver per ton. hitch it to a cart. Orders taken for all kinds of work and satteen or what you please bag without Will run lietween Portland and Corvallis as r or ! the birds doing well here, and but very a prisoner by tlie Germans in 1871, on 090. Two assays ran over $5000 in gold per hdlowsi Kill th IsriiLd leaves Corvallis, Mon­ satisfaction guaranteed Call at factory any bottom in it. Have a draw string John J. Spencer is reading law in the ’ . I little about their winter immigration. If “Wilhelm’s lloehe” about two miles from On Wednesday afternoon special trains ton The silver ore was black oxide anil anti sec specimens of furniture. day. Wednewlav and Friday, s a m leaves office of McCain and Hurley, preparatory ribbon at the neck. Let the woman ” ’ - they should not find their way back, the city in a beautiful castle, nicely situ­ were run down the lines on both sides of black Salem, Tuesday. Tlinrsdav and Snimday. fi a sulphurets. The mine is valued at into the bag and fasten the ribbon grace-1 to being admitted. will be somewhere on the coast and ated. I went to see the castle and after the river to Dundee, taking on every em­ $100,030 Do not buy without first seein. the furni­ m. South bound leare. Portland, Monday fnlly at the throat. She may wear ordi- I they pulling out of my vest pocket some coin, Wednesday and Friday, Cam.; leaves Salem The Black Bear mine, parallel with the ture manufactured here in vour own state Tuesday, Thursday and Satin Thus. Tongue of Hillsboro, was in the nary sleeves on h?r arms, which will will increase until the whole country is and handing it over to the guard of «lie ploye of the road who held an unpaid day, C a m check, and those men held a meeting. White Bull, assays about $40 gold ; silver, anti county city during Tuesday night: lie returned come out through hcles in the sides of stocked with them. Already further im­ castle, Passenger and freight rate, alway. the low- he showed and explained to us They determined to assign their checks $16; tin, 5 per cent. portations are talked of and it is quite Wednesday morning. 1 /> r J; ,f0,n >«ts5, 6 and of course, 294 to 5. This is not a mistake this property some time ago. Mr. Oliver to amusement patrons tlint for eighteen 1000 feet higher than the castle. From burn, lots 1, 2, 3, 0, 7 and 8, in block 20, wide of concentrating ore; assay, from 7 Homestead of section 35, 15 s. r 4 w. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE ! in proof. it a magnificient view is obtained; it was Faulconer’s addition to Sheridan ; con $12 to $40 per ton in silver ; trace of gold. He names the following witnesses to* the engineer, furnished estimates of the years the Sells Brothers have been noted built solely for that purpose by Landgraf $125. prove his continuous residence upon and Wright’s Compound Syrup of Sarsa­ various places, and in his opinion the Sax as having an equestrian, zoological and Charles; who commenced its erection The G. & B. ledge, ow ned by Messers. W. II. Lashier to Martha J. Vestal, of said land, viz: iiypodromatic entertainment everywhere Barker & Giddings, of Albany, has a cultivation parilla can be relied upon for all blood A. Dent. It Dent and Win. Dent, of 1696 and it was not completed until lot 2, in block 4, Everest’s addition to latge body of ore in sight (rose quartz). diseases, skin affections, etc. Sold oy property was the best and that the works recognized as being at the front among in ’ Point. In Hit Wheatland, and Jos Watt, of Amity; allot TIPKFTÇ I lu!\L I O *’ i*."?.'™" United State« Canada and Europe. could lie put in for less money at that reputable tented exhibitions. Mr. 8. II. 1714. To reach the statue, Hercules, Newberg; con $300. Rogers & Todd. Miss N. E. Deskins to Frances E. Ves­ Contains two ledges in solid walls not! Vamliill county. Oregon place than at any of the others. Mr. Ol­ Barrett also has lieen not a whit behind which is on top, you go from terrace to ter­ developed, but assay well on top. Any person who desires to protest against A $COOO subscription lias been raised iver in his estimates is very careful, and the Sells Brothers in catering to the race, (30 in all). From first to last, it re­ tal, lot 6, in block 5, Dcskin’s addition yet The William Tell and Extension, owned the allowance of such prf, • r who knows Elegant Pullman Palace Care. and work will be commenced soon on shows by figures that the Sax property amusement of the public. The circum­ quires 842 steps to reach the top. Twice to Newberg; con $40. of substantial reason, under the law Raleigh heirs to Wm. Raleigh, ICI by Loyd Magruder & Co., has a large and any tlie new wing of the State Normal school as suggested by the T elephone -R egister stance that these two formidable shows during the week a large volume of water the regulations of the interior Depart­ body of quartz, about half a mile long building at Monmouth. ment. whv such proof should not be al­ is by far the best location. Works can have joined their forces, and the two ex­ roars and tumbles down the terraces, acres in t 5 st r 5 w ; con $1.00. John Brisbine et al to Thos. Morgan, and fifty feet wide, which is the finest lowed, will be given an opi>ortnnitv at the which are made of cut stones. The in ­ be put in several thousand dollars cheap ­ hibitions being consolidated as an en ­ body of quartz in the district ; assays av­ above mentioned time anil place to cross- Wright’s Red Cross Cough Syrup 77.03 acres in t 2 s, r 3 w ; con $500. of this great structure was to ob­ cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, loss of er and the expenses of running will be tirety, at once and effectually places this tention W. F. Harris et ai to B. F. Simmons, erage $40 in gold and $8 in silver per ton. examine the witnesses of said claimant, a view of the country and to produce The camp has been run over and lo­ and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that voice anil all inflamed conditions of the only about $700 per year, where with the organization, in point of magnitude and tain 26.12 acres in t 3 s, r 5 w ; con $300. an artificial waterfall for the edification other location the expenses of running attraction, head anil shoulders above all cated without regard to the mineral until submitted liv claimant lungs. Sold by Rogers & Todd. James Madson et al to Jorgan P. John ­ of the nobles. After satisfying myself amounted to $5000 per year. The peo compeers, and enables the joint manage­ T BURNEY, 1888. Visitors from Coeur d’Alene and Chas. Fleming worked so hard during pie of this city want good water and a ment to offer the best hippodromatic, with sightseeing, I returned to my hotel I son, 55 acres in t 3 s, r 2 w ; eon $450. Register. state we have a fine camp of (Marell 31:221 the tire Wednesday that his heart failed low water rate and by all means give us equestrian, gymnic and zoological exhi­ and taking the train for Frankfort at 1 I Rebecca Johnson to Neil Johnson, Arizona good ore. We have had a miners meet ­ Und in McMinnville; con $1.00. on him and lie had to take to his bed. the water from Baker creek through the bition in America. This exhibition is ad­ o’clock I ai rived there at 6:30. After Chas. F. Murphy et al to James ing and made a camp named Golden City Nothing serious, a little over-work. Sax ditch. Panther creek can be con­ vertised to be here Saturday, June, 22nd. procuring a room, I went to see Henry- Noirec, part of J. R. Young donation mining district No.3,Linn county, Oregon. Bettman, who is in that place, and he nected with Baker at a small cost, thus Presideut, A. R. Campbell ; secretary, Read Mr. Wm. Holl’s letter from Ba­ was very well pleased to see a Yamhiller land claim, in t 4 s, r 4 w ; con $500. Board Appointments. varia. It is interesting. He has arrived assuring this city an abundance of good J. S. Hess to Elvira Cook, 10 acres in Lloyd Magruder. FREE OF (¡IIA1K.E and WITHOUT CHANCI in his room. The next day after attend ­ mountain water. The report was adopt ­ at his old home and will furnish letters The governor has made the following ing to a little business, I rambled over t 3 s, r 2 w ; con $100. Editing a Paper in Ala.ka. from time to time to the T elephone -R eg ­ ed and placed on file. The water ques­ 11. Hurley et al to Thos. Buckman, tion was discussed at length by the appointments to compose the board of the town in company with Mr. Bettman Clone connection, at Portland for ben Fran- ister . block 30 in Hurley’s addition to New­ The golden era of journalism must be Cisco anil Puget 8cutiil point«. council. medical examiners and also tlie board of and purchased a tine flute for Mr. John berg ; con $550. in its infancy in Alaska, judging from Wortman, cashier of the First National The following bills were allowed. Sunday was a very warm day and a dental examiners. These boards were Bank, on which at some future time he Samuel C. Hess et ux to Hans Chris­ this clipping from the Juneau Dree Pre»»: large number of the people of this city C. E. Oliver, engineer.....................$42 00 Iron BK-am.bip. leave I’ and Kan created at the last term of the legislature­ will lurnish solos. The instrument is a tenson, 20 acres in t 3 s, r 3 w ; con $100. “Our editor-in-chief has again turned E. Wright ....................................... 6 00 spent it in the mountains beside the bab­ r ran days, mak­ Prof. Warren of Portland, and part giving the governor the authority to ap fine one. Owing to the kindness of Mr. ing the trip in hour«. himself into a miner, and the junior mem ­ bling brook, casting for the fly-eating A Kicker. owner in the Oak Park addition, was point the members of each. For the Bettman, I saw nearly all the city during ber is at the helm, we will attempt to trout. the day and it. is indeed a very beautiful present anil upon the request of the May­ Every baseball crank regards Captain steer clear of tho rocks and snags, and ' $H> 00 I Steerage.......... IR 00 The Custer Post, G. A. R., of this city, or inand a few complimentary remarks board to regulate the practice of medi­ place with very handsome buildings. cine in Oregon, lames Dixon, Portland, Hound Trip-unlimited........................... jnun Anson as an expert “kicker.” In fact, with the assistance of an occasional pilot extend their thanks to the ladies who so on our beautiful city. The railroad depot centre is the largest we will endeavor to bring the craft safe one year; O. I ’ . S. Plummer, Portland, willingly and kindly assisted in decorat­ the Captain himself acknowledges that Council adjourned. into port. So boys come in and tell us two years; James Brown, Portland, full in the world, it has just been completed , ing the hall. By order of Post com­ ! term of three years. The dental board and ¡B composed entirely of iron,stone and he is, and pleads as extenuating circum­ what you are doing, so we can let the out mander. DIED. glass. The cost of it was 35,000,000 marks stances that he never kicks without side barbarians know that we have about consists of two members, Messrs. 8. J. For lurlber particular, inquire of any agent Rasmus Nelson will move here this S hadden .—At the residence of T. J. , Barber and E. G. Clark, both of Port­ and covers 34500 square yards of ground. good cause and, further, that he usually as much energy and push as the average of the Compari) or Combines the juice of the Blue Figi of The evening we spent at the Palmer “gets away with it.” lie kicked all American citizen if we do live in Alaska.” fall to reside permanently. He has com­ Shadden in this city, on Sunday, May land, each to serve a full term of California, so laxative and nutritious, A. L. MAXWELL. menced the erection of a house and barn 26, 1889, Emma, wife of A. M. Shadden, ! four years, or until their successors are Garden and listened to some very fine around the world, anil he kicked at with the medicinal virtues of plants C P AT. A. Stock Purchased. music. Two concerts are given every day Monte Carlo. People who have visited on his property lately purchased from died suddenly of heart failure. I appointed. known to be most beneficial to the in the year. It cost many millions of that resort know how swell it is—that C. I. SMITH. W. C. Hembree. The farmers of this county bought sev ­ Bt'RT.-Miss Minnie Burt died at Davis- Malignant Gleet. human system, forming the ONLY PER ­ Genl. Manager dollars to arrange this garden and it is' the patrons are supposed to lie intro­ Portland. Oregon FECT REMEDY to act gently yet beautiful in the extreme. Mr. T. W. Smith, who came here some burg, Mich., on May 29, aged 18 years. duced, that admission is by card only, eral of the fine Durham cattle which were This dreadful disease has broken out in She is a sister ot our townsman, G. W. promptly on the At 10 o ’ clook p. m.. my train being time ago, has been employed by R. L. and that the players speak in whispers, sold at auction Saturday. The cattle a number of places in the state to an ready I parted with Mr. Bettman after while the silent croupiers noiselessly Stowe & Co. on their lumber yard in this Burt. The G-reat were all registered and came from Ohio. M orris .—At the residence of his son alarming extent and up to the present thanking him for his kindness, as lie did I rake in the money. Well, Captain An­ The city. He has already made a big improv- owners brought out 42 head but -AND TO-— in McMinnville, on May 28, 1889, Dr. J. time the Oregon Domestic Animal con­ everything in his power to make my stay ' son went there, and of course he made a withdrew ment in the appearance of the yard. 14 of them from the sale be­ D. Morris. pleasant, and entering my train, I was few bets. One bet he placed on the they were selling for less than they Richard Cook of this city claims the Mr. Morris was born in Pennsylvania, vention have ordered thirteen animals whisked away to Augsburg from which seven and it won. The croupier paid it. cause — SO THAT — finest garden in the county, and justly, on April 8, 1818. He was an old pioneer, killed. The disase has broken out in place I write this: Giving my regards! Anson happened to glance awav for a could get in the east for them. The pri­ ces paid for them run from $50 to $215. as a look will demonstrate. He has pea coming to California in 1849, and to Ore­ Marion, Washington, Polk, Umatilla, to all, I remain PURE BLOOD, W m . H oll . moment and some one kindly appropri­ Mr. Scroggins of Sheridan bought four vines 6 feet in height, and lieets 7 feet gon in 1876. The body was buried at Wasco and Multnomah counties and sev­ REFRESHING SLEEP, ated the stake and the winning. When heifers, Air. Waddle one. Mr. Smith of high. Everything is thrifty, and tells North Yamhill, yesterday. He leaves a eral other counties yet to bo heard from. MARRIE». -------VIA THE------- the “Old Man” turned and started to North Yamhill one, a bull. HEALTH and STRENCTH the virtue of Oregon soil. large family who, with a large number of The disease is contagions and farmers or B ooth — D vmphrey . — On Thursday pick the money up, he found it had dis­ Naturally follow. Every one is using it Cascade Division’ now completed friends mourn the loss of a gocxl husband, owners of stock should use all precaution Notice. His big face grew very red. Saturday Geo. Owens passed through father, friend and citizen of Yamhill J possible, to prevent the spread of this evening at the residence of the groom’s appeared. and all are delighted with it. Ask your making it the Shortest, Best’ ’ “Stop’er, Mr. Dealer!” he shouted in druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu- this city with a full blooded short horn county. Tax payers of Yamhill county will take animal destroyer. A curious fact in the parents in this city, U. 8. Booth and i that awful voice which he employs on and Quickest. factured only by the cow and heifer calf, which he had pur­ matter is that tlie heaviest horses are the umpire when he strides in from first notice that the time lias now expired for chased at a stock sale in Portland. The A Kunaway. The Dining Car line. Tho Direct Route more subject to this malady than the Miss Nell Duraphrey were united by base to register a kicK. Every one paying taxes without cost and that all CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., cow was verv fine and a beauty. Mr. Ow­ marriage; Rev. Hoberg officiating. No Delays. Fastest Trains, few­ lighter ones. looked up. Loud talking was unusual taxes now due the county are subject to S an F rancisco . C al . Tuesday, while James McPhillips and ens believes in good stock. est Rates to Chicago and all The couple are well and favorably there. “I don’t know your lingo here, Lotmvn.L«. Kv. Naw V obk , N. Y. Fort Canby Restored. wife of this city were coming from their points East. Tickets sold known by a large circle. A long life and but the game doesn’t proceed until I a forced collection. Come in and settle Grain is just beginning to head now. with the sheriff and save costs and ex­ to all Prominent Points A dispatch of May 23 states that orders happiness we hope is before them. find out who nipped that seven in the penses of levy and sale of property, and reports from all over the count™’ in­ farm a few miles from here, tlie horse throughout the East and Southeast. red bet of mine. I don’t propose to get therefore to save costs and trouble please dicate tliat it is growing nicely What­ became frightened at ahull which was be­ have been issued from tlie department B OK N. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep- skinned out of $4.50 in that way.” He call at once and settle up your tax bill. ever damage heavy rains and swollen ing led, and ran away, turning the buggy headquarters re-establishing Fort Canby, ing Cars ‘APHRODITINE'’ streams have done to sheep and stock­ over and seriously injuring both of the which was abandoned in December, 1887. S avage .—To the wife of Geo. Savage, on talked very loudly anil every one be­ McMinnville, Feb. 5, 1889. Reservationscan be secured in advance came excited. “Right here on the sev­ men, the farmer enjoys it all.— Ea»t Ore­ occupants. Several people saw the acci­ Major John Egan, of the First artillery, Is S old ox a T. J. H arris , May 27, 1889, a daughter. en,” he insisted, “and some one has POSITIVE gonian. Sheriff of Yamhill Co. dent and the injured people were taken will command the post, which is to be To Kail Bound Paaaengara. swiped it. I want it, and right now, GUARANTEE garrisoned by a battery of artillery from ' to the house of Janies Hour' Savages expect to imbibe bravery by James Houck and a doc­ Be caeful and do not make a mistake Therc is more catarrh in this section of too. ” One of the managers rushed up, to cure any the Presidio of San Francisco. but be sure to take the drinking tlie blood of their brave ene- tor sent for. form of nervous the country than all other diseases put hearing the noise, and when Anson’s di.eare, or any ........ ............. —____ of _ vi- The doctors rej»ort that two of Mr. Me- mies. A more . enlightened method The State Fair. together, and until the last few years was kick had lieen interpreted, he hastily disorder of the talking tho blood is"by taking Ayer’s Sar- Phillips’ ribs were broken and I hat he was supposed to be incurable. For a great told the croupier to reimburse the big generative or­ saparilla. It braces up the nerves and otheiwise severely bruised. Mrs. Mc- The Oregon State Board of Agriculture many years doctors pronounced it a local man. The “Old Man” complacently When 3aby was sick, we gave her Castoria, gans of cither And see that your tickets read vi» «ex whether ar- gives strength and fortitude to endure Phillips sustained severe bruises on the will hold the annual state fair at the fair disease, and prescribed local remedies pocketed his winnings and walked off, When rt.e was a Child, she cried lor Castoria, THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneattoli« to i.lug from the ... ___ _ after When ste became Miss, she clung to Castoria, tne trials of life. .............................................head and shoulders. excessive use of Stimulants, Tohtcco or Opium, avoid changes and serious delays occa­ grounds near Salem, commencing Mon­ and by constantly failing to cure with lo saying: “The suckers can’t dome. I or through youthful iudlreretlon, over lndulr sioned by other routes. treatment, : ronoufted it incurable. thought I’d make that umpire change When see bad Children, she gave them Castoria A Slight Blase. day September lt>, 1889 and continuing cal A Camp meeting and district confer­ cnee, Ac., «uch a. Lott ot Brain Power, Wakeful Science has proven catarrh to be a con­ his decision. ” — Chicago Herald. nc*s«. Bearing down Pains iu the Bac k, Seminal Through Emigrant Sleeping Cara run six days. The cash premiums offered ence will commence in the evening of Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn­ on regular expresa trains full length of Wednesnay morning the fire bel s for agricultural, stock and mechanical stitutional disease, and therefore requires the Sth of June. The camp ground is al Emissions. I-eucorrhcna, Dlzslnccc. Weak Mem­ constitutional treatment. Hall ’ s Catarrh 1 MOTHERS! Bertha free. I/jwcst rate. near Gaunt’s bridge. New sheds and pealed an alarm and the fire department exhibits, for works of art and fancy work, Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which If ne­ the line. glected often lead to pre-matute old age and insan­ Quickest time. camp buildings have lieen erected. All and citizens assembled near the furniture and for trials of speed amount in the ag­ Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the oniy constitu­ Castoria is recommended by physicians For Sale Cheap. ity. Price *1.00 a box. 6 boxes for IS.OU Scut by ---- o---- or children teething It is a purely veget ­ are invited to attend. W. L. Malloy, facto™ of B. Clark, which had caught gregate to $15,000. on receipt of price. General «mice Of th. Company. N„ tional cure on the market. It is taken able preparation, its ingredients are pub­ A Serand-hand Buffalo Pitts thresher, mail A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every »5.00 First St., Cor Washington, Portland’, <>r’ Preacher in Charge. Good Shooting. internally in doses from 10 drops to a lished around each bottle It is pleasant and Pelton horse-power. Inquire of T..1. order, to refund the money if a Permanent fire frim cinders from the stack and was It acts directly upon the to the taste and absolutely harmless. It re­ Fryer, 1 mile South from Carlton. cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials Judge Loiigbarv and W. T. Baxter re­ fast being fanned into a blaze. The E. Long, last week, in a shoot before teaspoouful. A I) CHA ELTON lieves constipation regulates the bowels, from old and young, of both sexes, permanently turned from a trip to Tillamook Wednes­ Hook and Ladder truck was the first on judges, for a prize offered by the New blood and mucus surface of the system. quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, Asst. General Passenger Ag< nt cured by ArHnoDiTixg. Circular free. Address Timothy Hay for Sale. They offer one hnudred dollars for any allays feverishness, destroys worms, and day. They went over on Saturday. Mr. the ground, and got first water. They THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN BRANCH, Baxter reports a large number of people extinguished the fire alone and deserve York h ¡htine, made a score oi 4G out of case it fails to cure. Send for circulars prevents convulsions, soothes the child and I have lome A No. 1 Timothy hay gives itrefeshing and natural sleep. Cas­ BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR. Children Cry for there looking for timber On the wav the credit. This little blaze demonstrates a ]>ossible 50, 290 yards off hand. The and testimonials. Address, which I wil sell for $8.03 per ton in the string measured 35 inches. Ten shots F. J. CIIENEY & CO.. Toledo. O Sold by Rogers A Todd, sole agents for toria is the children’s panacea—the moth­ out he passed fourteen going in. One quite forcibly that waler works are need­ £M^Sohl by Druggists, 75e. Pitcher’s Castoria were shot. ers' friend, 35 doses. .35 cents. barn at mj place. C lark B raly . McMinnville. ed. party consisted of forty men. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER F urniture F actory , B. CLARK, PROPRIETOR. O regon R ailway N avigation C o . KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS Cleanse the System Effectually, Transcontinental Route. tó~ Pacific teli The Celebrated French Cure, Northern Pacific Railroad.