The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 24, 1889, Image 6

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M c M innville ,
O regon : -
- 24, 184*9.
Stanley’s Machine Gun.
The prints of the English-speaking
world have been full of stories about the
machine gun which Henry M. Stanley
carried with him in his last desperate
venture in Africa. And yet it is an old
story. It occurs to the Cincinnati En­
quirer to properly tell it: “The weapon
so much talked about is a Maxim gun.
It was invented by a citizen of these
United States. He was poor and sought
encouragement from our government.
He got none. He went to England,
where they saw its merits at once and
made him rich. So his gun is under the
control of the British government. At
the time when he commenced his inves­
tigations the three great machine guns of
the world were the Gatling, the Hotch­
kiss and the Nordenlioff—the first two
American, the last English. There was
little difference in their merits, save that
the Hotchkiss was light rand made for
ready transportation. Maxim, an Amer­
ican boy, said to himself, there are
faults about these machine guns: 1.
The turning of the crank prevents any­
thing like an aim. 2. Often the car­
tridges hang fire a little, but the crank
turns on, and they explode at the wrong
time. 3. Most of all, the rapid firing
heats' the gun so that it is useless and
even dangerous in a few seconds. The
Maxim gun overcame all these defects.
It is automatic. It needs no erank.
I’ull the trigger once and it continues to
load and fire itself so long as the supply
of cartridges. The power of ‘the recoil’
does all the work, even to shooting a jet
of water along the barrel to keep it cool.
It fires 700 shots in a minute, and all
that the operator has to do is to aim it.
This is the Stanley gun. You cannot
see it in the United States now , for it is
owned by the government of Great Bri­
I fil BilIEÎ^
Competition in the
Style and Strength
Davis Sewing Machine.
The Osborne No. 4, Light Mower
Iowa Prohibitory Law Construed.
Another decision involving the con­
struction of the Iowa prohibitory law has Is Unexcelled for Durability, Ease of Operation, and Lightness of Draft.
been rendered by Judge Brev.e'r, of the
United States Circuit Court, with the
concurence of Judges Love and Shiras, in
the case of Burkitt vs. Leissy et al. The
defendants, brewers of Keokuk, inqiorted
beer from thjir brewery at Peoria, Ill.,
and claimed that they had the right to
in the original packages in Iowa not­
withstanding the prohibitory law. The
court decided that the case should be re­
manded to the state court for the reason
that the proceeding was simply one to
enforce one of the penal laws of the state
viz. the prohibitory law, in which the
plaintiffhad no personal interest,received
no pecuniary or other compensation, and
sought simplv to compel obedience to the
law. rhe decision was tendered under
the uuthoiitv of the opinion recently filed
in the case of the state of Iowa vs. the
Chicago, Bmlington A Iowa Railroad I
Ci >mpany.— Bradstreet’s
Their Pitman Connections are the Best in Use.
That Immense Horse.
It seems that the big horse that is be­
ing shown is Clydesdale from the follow­
ing description:
Jumbo, a Canadian horse of the Clydes­
dale breed, is of a dapple-bay color, stan­
ding 20G hands high and weighing 2(>ti0
pounds; which at 6 years of age is ex­
ceptionally heavy—in fact Jumbo is the
largest horse on record. The arm meas­
ures 32 inches around ; stifle, 45 inches;
across the hips, 341» inches; around the
girth, 7 feet 11 inches; in length, 11 feet
4 inches. The animal was sired near
Brompton, Canada, and is a “right smart
of a chunk” of a horse. Jumbo lias
been Known to draw over six tons—his
walking gait is five miles an hour. His
owner, XV. T. Lundy, has refused an off­
er of $5000 for him.
0. M. Osborne & Co. Sell More Binders
On the Pacific Coast than all other Companies together.
The Great Popularity of their LIGHT STEEL Frame
Machine is Positive Proof of its Superiority.
Pump; or
Attach a Hose
and throw a steady
stream of 50 or GO
feet. Call on us, or
write for prices.
And Don't Forget
Buggies, Hacks, Carriages
That we have as
Fine and Complete a line
Of General Hardware, as can be found
in the County;
And that wc are selling at the very Lowest
Although we
Of our Elegant Rigs this Spring, wo still have a full Assortment to se­
lect from. We Defy Competition.
Virtue Its Own Reward.
That young man in Philadelphia who
foil ml |:>l,000, lost by a bank messenger,
and at once took it to the bank, had been
a pupil in Wanamaker’s Sunday school.
He had been taught that virtue has its
own reward, and had evidence of it when
the cashier munificently tendered him $5
for the recovery of the $31,000.—.S'f. /’««/
to be used as a Lift
The agents for a certain kind ot cough
candy distribute circulars on which is
stated the following puzzle: “What
number can you take, and when you di­
vide it by two, three, four, five or six
you will have one over, but when divid­
ed by seven nothing will remain?’’ The
circular goes on to say that if a person
cannot solve the puzzle he should buy a
box of the candy, when the agent will
hand him the right number on a slip of
paper. The methods of advertising are
not yet all exhausted.
Medical men in general are probably
not aware that in France the doctor’s
claim on the estate of a deceased patient
has precedence of all others. Even the
landlord’s claim for arrears of rent must
yield to the doctor’s fee, The courts have
decided that as it is an im|ierative right of
humanity that the dying should have the
necessary care and treatment, such at­
tendance should be paid for before all
the other debts. Such a law in this
country would lie hailed with satisfaction
by the doctors, and a similar provision
for the undertakers would delight that
Ingenious Mode of Advertising.
The Trancontinental Freight associa­
tion held a session at St. Louis, do., on
the 10th. The Puget Sound trouble be­
tween the Union and Northern Pacific
with the Canadian Pacific siding with
the latter was taken up, discussed at
length and finally referred to the three
lines mentioned, who are to settle the
difficulties among themselves. A rate
of $1 per hundred pounds in ear loads
was established on canned fruits and
salmon from all Pacific coast points to
all Missouri river |>oints, St. Louis and
Chicago. This is a reduction of twenty
cents per hundred pounds. The associa­
tion adjourned to meet at Tacoma July
20th, when the question of Puget sound
rates will again come up.
ommend it as the
We have a machine quite unlike anything else.
New Principles, New Ideas.
It is the New High Arm “ DAVIS.”
It is new patern ; A New Model.
Did you ever see a sewing machine with Only Six
Working Parts? If not you never saw this new ma­
The old method of feeding from below is entirely
done away, and all the complicated machinery con­
nected therewith taken out and dispensed with. No
Machinery Underneath to clean or oil.
This New Feed method does not Stop at seems,
but Steps evenly over them.
There is Only One Tension to regulate. No holes
to thread through.
It is a Mechanical Wonder, yet no more interest­
ing for what It Is, than what it will do.
It is the only machine having Steel Roll Bearings
for its needle bar.
The only machine having a SuppGI't for the Needle
after it leaves the needle bar.
This “ New Davis ” is as far ahead of the old ma­
chines as the Telephone is ahead of the speaking
Come and See for Yourself. It will pay you
From Curiosity. Wc are so much interested in this
ourselves that we are anxious you should see, know.
tell and help us get these facts before the people.
Ladies, come; Tailors, come; Mechanics, come;
Experts, come; Everybody Come and See this new
model machine and learn what it will do.
tie Likes American Slang.
Munemitsu Mutsu, Japanese minister
to the United States, is a jolly little di­
plomat who has made heroic cfl'orts to
master our language. He has accom­
plished liia purpose fairly well, but
stands appal Im 1 at the difficulties pre
sented by our slang phrases. He has
his countrymen’s love for the imagina­
tive and picturesque and thinks slang is
a most admirable institution, although it
defies his tongue. “In the soup” is an
expression which has attracted liis atten­
tion of late, lie is fascinated by it and
■Mes it upon all occasions. He looks
forward to introducing it into Japan.—
New York World.
of this Pump, and
Confidently R e c-
/ îvs / s / s / s / s / sæ !sr^rry^í^-tr^iC‘rF>rrv^JT-,f3r¿5r^K2.r¿^?fT'.f^
This magnificent property comprises 460 lots and lies in the very heart of the residence portion
of McMinnville. It is high, commanding a beautiful view of the valley. Many of the most prom­
inent residents of McMinnville are now purchasing property in “Oak Park Addition," and many
elegant and substantial residences will be constructed there during the coming year. Water­
works and electric lights will be put in this summer, giving all the comforts of the choicest villa
Lots are from 50x100 to 50x150, and blocks 200x215, with a 15-foot alley down the center of
each. The advantage of having an alley in each block are obvious.
“Oak Park Addition" adjoins the depot of the Southern Pacific Railroad, the new county court
house, the elegant public school building, and is three blocks from Third street, the business
thoroughfare of McMinnville. “Oak Park Addition" offers superior inducements to investors,
the settled policy of its proprietors being to steadily advance prices with its growth, rendering
investments absolutely safe and profitable.
The outbreak of Crow Indians l ist
summer was caused by a chief who used
a Sedlitz powder to convince his warriors
that he was possessed of supernatural I
power and could make cold water boil.
The federal authorities in Montana are
now suppressing the weird and demora­
lizing Sedlitz powder for fear that its
mysterious |<owers may lead the Chey­
ennes and Sioux to revolt. It seems a
strange outcome of the close juxtaposi­
tion of civilization and savagery that Sed­
litz powder and gunpowder should have > 1
so peculiar a connection in the Indian
Lewis Wunder, the su|>enntendent of
the Inquiry division ot the Philadelphia
postotfice, has just completed his fortieth
year of service as a postal official. He
was appointed a stamp clerk in 1849,
during the administration of President
Taylor. He has served under twelve of
the twenty postmasters that Philadel­
phia has had and during his long term of
service has not once been suspended.
Mr. Wunder is sixty-four years of age
anil is hale, hearty and good for another
quarter of a century of active work.
“Oak Park Addition will be planted in shade trees; cross and sidewalks constructed and streets graded. The proprietors are turning in 10 percent of all
calcs as a fund for this purpose. This property is being offered for from to 25 to 50 per cent less than any other property in McMinnville of half the advan
tages. Prices of lots range from $25 up and are sold either on the cash or installment plan.
A plat of this growing addition can he seen at Jas. Fletcher & Co.’s and J. I. Knight & Co., where all further information and price of lots and blocks will
be furnished. Also at office of Barnekoff & Co., McMinnville Flouring Mills.