THE LEADING GROCERY HOOSE ON THE WEST SIDE I RETAIL DEALERS IN TASCÌ in STAILE GROCERIES, GLASSWARE. CROCKERY, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. SKI & I & 1 Vil I Special Attention. ■ We would call special attention to our TEAS, of which we have a well selected stock, being imported for our trade. When you buy of us U pay but one profit, and that a reasonable one. Our Tea Buds brand will compare with brands costing 50 per cent more. A trial order for this or anv of our Teas will con­ vince you we offer exceptional values. XX 'XX X ÿ* ’S? »? çgM 5s$ÿ? V&î VÄ M-ÿ1 In Coffees. Ü | BK Owing to the continued advances, we will at present quote no » prices, but you will find us with a good stock on hand, which S we will sell at Bed Rock Prices. ...1 TJ.L C1..A1........ Pocket and Table Cutlery. B Wo carry the tin Largest stock of the kind in the County, and KB can Guarantee > you Prices below competition. We are selling Bacon sides at 121 cents; Hams at 14 cents; Salt Salmon at 10 cents; Canned Corn at 10 cents; Tomatoes, best brand, at 124 cents; Oysters at 10 cents; Raisins at 10 cents ; Baking Powders at 25 cents ; Desert Peaches at 20 cents per can : Apricots at 20 cents, etc., etc. We carry a full line of Imported Table Delicacies, such as would please the palate of the most fastidious. You will find our goods first class in every respect, and not the cheap stuff that you can see so fabulously advertised as leaders by some firms. It is not always the cheapest goods that arc the best; Our motto is not the lowest prices regardless of quality and quantity, but Lowest Prices ¿fe Consistent with Good Quality and Honest Quantity. 1 XU JU. Alz^jIz^f^jIz^Jf^fz^fz^jIz^jf^fz^Mz, J!>J'z, X‘! ''|j w ™ XI! JU. -.Mi, J! -z|f -ZiS- "W W W W "Zb" -Zu' W •Zk-'Zli5W "Zr? •?>> -Zlf -Zl? W 'Zli 'Z|5'Z.5'Z|.'-ilV 'zi ¿J £jl ¿J Spices and Flavoring Extracts. § s & & i If you wish a No. 1 article we can unhesitatingly recommend g>j to you our Shillings’ White Cross brand. After experimenting with the prominent brands we have succeeded in placing before ksi you a quality which, beyond all doubt, has no superior. But £S should you want a cheaper article we will guarantee we can suit you. i KìjJ V/ ’X/’ XX! XiÄ Wì We also carry a full stock of candies, nuts, cigars am. tobac­ co. Fruit and Vegetables always on hand when in season. In Cigars and Tobacco we have a well selected stock. We would especially refer to our 5 cent Punch Cigar, which we can recommend as one of the best in the market, which our many customers will testify to. In chewing tobacco we are now offering a full pound plug "for only 30 cents. M5 * In Crockery ¡mil Glassware > We have just added to our already large and well selected stock a large invoice direct from Eastern Manufactories, and have taken special pains in regard to the selection of new styles and paterns, which make one of the most complete stocks of ! goods on the West Side, and by close buying we are enabled to sell them at prices so that you can afford to buy. We have also just received a large invoice of Glasss Fruit Jars, which ' we will sell at the lowest prices. OUR GREAT ATTRACTION. We have just recently adde the shape <>f« iq q ^T BARGAIN COUNTER Which is creating a great deal of attention, bat will not attempt to describe the bargains in our limited space. Neither could we if we should attempt to do so; but will say however that we can sell you articles for 10 CENTS that you cannot buy in the city for double the amount. But come and see for yourselves, as it costs nothing to look at them. Remember we always pay the highest market price for Produce in exchange for goods. Do Not BE MISLED by big signs and advertisements of some merchants who would have you believe that they were the only ones who paid you for your Produce. You can always find us in the Front Line of march; besides We are in the GROCERY BUSINESS, and will not exact one hundred per cent, for the exchange. We solicit the trade of every person in need of such Goods as we handle. Any purchases you may favor us with, eithei’ personally or oth­ erwise. will receive our most careful attention. If you have NEVER DEALT WITH US. LET US HAVE YOUR NEXT ORDER: WE WILL MAKE IT PAY YOU. REMEMBER WE CARRY EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE THAT IS USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE. All PURCHASES IN THE CITY will be DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE AT YOUR DOOR. DO NOT FORGET THE PLACE ONE DOOR EAST OF MUSIC STORE. NEAR COOK HOTEL. 3d ST.. McMINNVILLE. OR. ZeespeCtfVLll^, WALLACE & TODD.