The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 24, 1889, Image 2

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ai . len thorndyke rice .
Allen Thorndyke Rice, editor of the
The MaT report of the statistician of
HARDING &. HEATH, Publishers.
North American Reriev, anti the new the agricultural department contains the
-------- ■—---------- —---- minister to Russia, died in New York, result of the investigations of the defici-
•»UBSCItlPTIOJf RATES.------------- Thursday, May 16. He was to have enev and surplus of each European na-
itne Copy, per year, Inajvaoce.............. $2 00 sailed for his post the day before. He tion, especially in connection with Araer-
reo Copy, six month» in advaee.
1 00 was s„frerini£ from a sore throat on Mon- ¡can agricultural products that seek for-
Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville day, and his physician forbid his starting : e*gn markets.
till he was better. The disease rapidly . Tl,e question of a possible enlarge-
Oregon, as second-class matter.
developed into malignant tonsilitis, re- ment of exportation in quantity and va-
Tire AnviKTisixo R ates of T he T ele - sulting in liis death as stated. No serious , riety is canvassed, and opportunities for
ekoxe -R egistei : are liberal, taking in
displacing of any importation by enlarged
consideration the circulation. Single result had >>een anticipated tip to last
production are pointed out.
inch, JI.90; each subsequent inch, $.7’>. night.
Special inducements for yearly or semi-
The investigation was made pursuant
yearly contracts.
glottis swelled suddenly and shut off his to a resolution passed at a meeting of the
A ll t’owMvxicATioxH M ist B e S ioxed B y breath.
Death occurred at 3 o’clock a. national grange, held at Topeka, Kan.,
the person who sends them, not for pul>-
last fall. Some of the figures in the
lication, unless unaccompanied by a "non m.
de plume,” but for a guarantee of good
The above is a dispatch which appeared statement prepared by Dodge are start­
faith. No publications will be publisher,
in the morning papers. His death will ling.
unless so signed.
As to wheat, it says that Europe is
cause a blankness to the readers of the
J ob W oke N eatly A sd Q uicklt E xecuted North American Review. Amongst think­ practically the only market America can
at reasonable rates Our facilities are
He was have for this cereal, and she imports
the best in Yamhill county and as good ing men his name stood high.
as any in the state A complete steam born in Boston, Mass., June 18, 1853. only 144,000,000 bushels a year, raising
- plant insures quick work.
At the age oi nine years he was taken 1,200,003,GOO bushels herself, more than
. * .
A ddkess A ll C ommcxicatioxs . E ither F ob abroad and remained there five years. half of the world’s crop and twice that of
the editorial or business departments, to
all America. Of the European deficiency
T iie T elei - hoxe -R egistek , McMinnville, In 1867 lie returned to the United States
and remained here until 1871, when lie the United States supplies 95,000,000
* * *
S amtue C opies O f T iie T elephoxe -R egis - went to England and attended the uni­
In2 oats and barley there is a very
tkh will be mailed to any person in the versity at Oxford. He was graduated in
United States or Europe, who desires one, 1875. In 1876 lie puchased the North small international trade, Europe im­
free of charge
American Review and has since been the porting only 19,000,003 bushels of oats,
. • »
W f . I xvite You To C ompare T he T ei . e - editor. In 1884 he purchased an interest and the United States exporting 2,500,000
piioxe -R egister with anv other paper
in “Lc Matin,” tiie chief Paris paper,and bushels. Of barley this country exports
published in Yamhill county
was a proprietor in the paper up to his 7,500,000 bushels.
Rye is the great bread grain in Eastern
May 24, 1889. death. His writings have been read by
thousands and lie made the Review the and Central Europe, and Russia alone
magazine of its kind published in the first produces more than does the United
United States. In politics he was rad­ States. Europe imports not less than
3,003,000 bushels.
The Oregonian has repeatedly stated ically republican and owing to his defeat
The receipts of the European countries
that the negro and white man were equal.
requiring matzo do not make a sum half
The editor of that paper bases his opinion able cf his attention to advocating the
upon what he has read. He must have adoption of the Australian ballot system. as large as the products of Illinois, Iowa
or Missouri. Great Britain takes nearly
a (>oor opinion of a white mail. Of course The American people have lost a forcible
three-fourths of tho total, or 62,(XX),000
there are exceptions and when the Ore­ writer.
bushels, and this country exports 68,-
gonian landed John R. Lynch in the fol­
030,000 bushels. The deficiency of
lowing phrases, “a most judicious ap­
The liquidator of the Lesseps Panama France could be supplied by Mcla-an
pointment of the president is that of
announces to the stockholders county, Ill., ami Germany requires still
ex-Representative John R. Lynch ot
Mississippi to the place of fourth auditor that he has failed in his attempts to bor­ less. Russia and Roumania have a sur­
oi the treasury. Lynch is a colored man row $3,000,000 for the survey and main- plus, and Southern Europe grows enough
of excel lent character and business ability, tainance of the work. This is tantamount for home consumption.
Europe iti.poris over 1,003,000,000
who in congicss acqtiited himself with to a declaration of abandonment of the
of rice, but none of it comes
great credit both as an orator an a work­
ing member in committee. He has work upon the embankments, excava­ from the United States.
Of potatoes Europe grows mote than
acquired a handsome property by his tions, and machinery already constructed
needs. The United States supplies
own exertions, since he ceased to lie a
slave, and has gained the respect and will endure for centuries to come, and a deficiency in Cauada and Germany.
Only Great Britain, Belgium and Por­
esteem of all decent and fair minded men the Panama canal will rank with the
among his white neighbors. He has tower of Babel as a memory of the vain tugal, of all the European nations, do not
been conspicuous for the kind relations effbits of man to overcome the changeless produce enough butter and to spare.
To make up the deficiency of 25,003,000
which he has always maintained with forces of nature.
But though the French project was ill pounds, the United States exports 24,-
tho family who in his youth owned him
as a slave. Lynch has been a delegate advised, ill managed, and directed to­ 000,003.
It requires 140,000,000 pounds of
to the republican national conventions wards a teigon in which malaria has an
for the last twenty years and has always impregnable fortress, surrounded by cheese to supply the European deficien­
borne himself well. President Harrison quicksands and quagmires, the two cy, of which 118,000,030 are furnished by
shows sound common sense in appoint­ oceans are waiting to be made one. The the United States.
Of course, Europe has to import all of
ing a Southern negro, once a slave, to a commerce of the world, and the political
cotton, the annual average imports
public office for which he is fitted by his
intelligence, his business ability and his demands a shipway aeioss the narrow being 2,632,000,000 pounds. The United
personal character. To appoint a worth­ lands that separate the Pacific from the States sends 1,850,000,000 pounds.
Europe gets from South America, Asia,
less Southern colored republican on the Atlantic. And the logic of politics and
score of color would be folly, but Harrison finance aigues that it shall be made and Africa and Australia two or three times
by this appointment significantly says ow ned by the citizens of the western i-on- the wool she imports from tho United
to the colored people of the south, “I tin. nt. Now that the liquidator cf the States. The net deficiency of Europe is
will not appoint a man to public office French company has formally announced 780,090,000 pounds, slightly more than
liecause he is black or because lie is a the end of ali hope for a successful pros­ the amount produced there. The United
a republican if he is not worthy, but ecution of the delusive scheme of Lesseps, States produces four-fifths of the wool
colored men who are intelligent, upright not even politeness bars the pay to Amer­ manufactuied here. The aim of the
and competent are sine of recognition.” ican enterprise. The Panama scheme wool growers of this country is to supply
this is true kindness to the colored race, lias failed utterly. The Nicaraguan proj­ home manufacture, if possible, never to
because it is an object lesson that teaches ect, which is as practicable as the other export raw wool. If there ever shall be
every negro that he must have brains was visionary, should be pushed toward a surplus it will bring more money to
wool growers, if sent abroad in a manu­
and character in order to expect a fed­ completion.— Inter Ocean.
factured form. The United States im­
eral office,” he was speaking cf an excep­
ports 69,000,030 pounds of wool net every
tionally good negro, with more than
three-fourths white blood in his veins.
On the first page of this issue, you will
Europe produces about as much to­
But as a class the editor of the Oregonian see an article headed as above. It was
knows very little of the negro. Governor written by the Scientific American man bacco as the United States, 500,000.000
Alcorn of Mississippi, a white man and who 8|«nt some time in Oregon last annually, and could easily produce all
as good a republican as our learned Har­ spring. The article is full of misinforma­ she needs, but. American tobacco is de­
sired for two reasons; it is cheap, and
vey, and that it not saying much, being tion and 'f paid for, is money wasted.
interviewd bv the Washington Post
Tiie wiiter states that, “east of the cas­ very desirable for fortifying the Euro­
during the centennial inauguration in cade mountains, <Iregon is a sterlile plain pean product. So the United States
New York, said : "I will stay in Wash­ w ith no vegetation.” This is false; East­ furnishes 242,000,000 pounds out of an
ington a few days. I have been here only ern Oregon is a far larger producer of annual deficiency cf 345,000,030 pounds.
In conclusion the statistician says:
once since I left the senate. When the grain than many of the eastern states, is
president returns from New York, I shall well watered and vegetables of all kinds “About one-tenth of our agricultural
have the pleasure of calling upon him. flouiisli and find a market. We wonder products is exported. No other nation
I have never met him. He enteied the how the eastern empire jieoplo like exports so large a proportion. Yet arti­
cles shipped abroad are few. They are
senate after I retired from that body. I this write up.
wish him success, but he will not be able
He also says of Portland: “From its cotton, tobacco, meats, breadstuff's, but­
to build up a white party in the South. streets may be seen the beautiful cone ter and cheese. All of the other articles
It is born and bred essentially democratic shaped glitter of Mt. Hood which is the together are about 3 per cent of the ex­
and cannot be changed from without. wonder and admiration of all travelers, ports. The enlargement of the surplus
The republican party missed its opi»or- and which rises from the vast plains to u must inevitably reduce prices, both at
tnnitv at the close of the war and in the height of 11,225 feet, solitary in its home and abroad. In response to the
succeeding years. If it had chosen a wise grandeur.” In the first place we have inqniiy as to what agricultural p oducts
policy then it would have divided the never seen the glitter of anything have arc now imported tiiat our country and
South. When elected governor of Mis­ a shape, in the second place Mt. Hood climate are capable of producing, sugar
sissippi in 1869 there was a large white does not riso from a plain but from the is first suggested. Flax and hemp should
vote cast for me, and when Ames defeat, almost impassible Cascade mountains, be more extensively grown, displacing
eii me in 1873, I received 25,000 more in the thud place it is not solitary, for. foreign fibers, costing millions of money,
votes than he did. He was a carpet-bag­ from this city, Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson, and furnishing material for the bagging
ger, and the |>cople wouldn’t have him, Mt. Adams, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Ranier of cotton, wool and hops. Other fibers
and overthrew his administration. If and the Three Sisters, all of them snow­ of sub tropical regions should t>e pro­
(irant had sustained me at the time oi capped peaks, can be seen. When Ore­ duced along the Gulf coast. Imported
ray election there would have been a gon is to receive a “write up,” for good­ fibers, with heil manufacture, alto­
white republican party which would have ness sake give the job to some one who gether amount to a value of more th :n
held the state. The louthern people will knows something about this great state. two-thirds as much as the magnificent
not have the negro rule. Tho negro is Such articles mislead the jreople and are ' and boasted cotton exportations of the
I United States There is an importation
not a white man with a black skin. He a hindrance to our advancement.
| of fruits, of the value of $20,000,009, half
is a different race. He is a barbarian,
Sol Hirsch has been appointed by Pres­ j of which, at least, should be produced in
and barbarians cannot rule civilized peo­
ple. His head is covered with wool. ident Harrison, minister to Turkey. this country.”
He is a sheep. The white man has Hirsch was an aspirant to the senatorial
The Mail ami Erpre*», having cltaiged
straight hair, like a lion. The negro is chair and the appointment was. undoubt*
that General Fisk, the prohibition candi­
an infant. He has the flat nose, the re­
date, was ready to join the republicans i
treating chin, the protruding lips of an ell, who wants to l>e retained by the
next fall in an attempt to gain control of i
infant. It will take centuries of develop­ people of Oregon, as their senator. |
the New Jersey legislature and re-estab­
ment to thoroughly fit him foreivilizution. Hirsch is a jew, born in Germany, and lish local option, Governor Fisk writes:
Take a dozen white babies and a dozen his appeintment illustrates the state of “I remain a prohibitionist, but am will- :
negro babies, put them in a room where politics in Oregon. It seems strange that
ing to unite with alt good people to place I
there is a fire, and cover them with a only political bosses and men of no worth
in our legislature a set of men who are
sheet. You can tell the white from the get all the fat offices. A good honest 1
willing that we should say at the ballot-
colored without seeing them. The col­ American citizen with ability stands no'
boxes in each county whether or not the ;
ored children will work around till their show in the political aienaof this admin­
drain shops shall be closed.”
heads are toward the tire; they arc trop- istration.
cal. The white children will have their
Grover Cleveland is at present probab­
Washington Irving Bishop, the mind­ ly the most popular man in the United .
feet to the fire and their heads away.
They want the oxygen of the cooler air
States. Out of power he continues to be
It is a radical difference and the stronger immediately dissected. His mother and quite as interesting a personality as when ■
• race will rule.” J. L. Alcorn has been a wife have had the Doctors arrested, and he was the Chief Magistrate of the nation, ;
resident of Mississippi since 1844 and they are held in $2500 bail. The charge He grows by contrast of his policy with
knows of what he speaks.
He was is, that he was not dead at the time of the policy of his successor in so far as it
elected governor of that state in 1869, on dissection, but in a cataleptic fit, to which has been developed. Ilis enemies are
the republican ticket, anil is the promi­ lie was subject; and that his death was trying to kill l:im off by precociously
caused by the surgeon’s knife. If this be pushing him a.: a c mdidete for the Pres-1
nent republican of the south.
so, it is indeed a horrible affair. Bishop idency in 1892, but the scheme is too gau- '
was a wonderful man, and pocesseil |>ow- zy to deceive anybody.
In some manner the people outside of ers which were unexplainable.
Oregon think that A. Noltnerof Portland, i
The Evening Star, a daily paper pub­
Wanatnaker will make money out of lished in Washington, D. C. says, editor­
is the leader of the democratic party in
Oregon. When the democratic party of his position as postmaster general, for ially :
"The nomination of Solomon Hirsch,
Oregon is to be bossed by an ignorant his business. He has put a hundred or
foreigner anti a professional governmental so drummers on the road and all for the Turkish mission, removes Senator
pap sucker, we want to know it and sail postmasters who iun a business at the Mitchell’s most dangerous rival for the
out from beneath the folds of his demo- I same time will be called upon by his srmatoiship in 1891, and removes all
cratic banner and breath the pure air of' angels of commerce. Their heads will lie doubts ot the latter’s return to the sen­
democracy alone. The party must be in taken off if they do not trade with Wan- ate.” Mitchell, it says, ma.v be depend­
a very bad strait if it cannot produce a amaker. See.
ed upon to secure llirsch’s confirmation.
better leader than A. Noltner The re­
publican |>arty is no better, it being run
The Sunday Oregonian is the equal of
Tamberlik, the tenor who die ! the oth­
by foreigners also. If the democratic
party wants to gain Oreeon, they bail any paper published in interesting mat­ er day, wits once strolling through the
better go to work and clean out of their ter. It is not quite as large as the New- market at Madrid, when he noticed a
ranks such blood suckers as A. Noltner. York HorW but its articles are as good. great lot of song birds in cages. He drew
Villard has control of the Oregon & The only fault we find with it is that the a 1,00) franc note from bis pocket, hand­
Trans -ontinental stock and thus controls publishers do not send it on exchange. ed it to the proprietor, and threw open
the O.K.AN. and the Short Line and the It is in fact the daily paper, And the all the cage,, saying: “Go an 1 be free,
Oregonian is indignant.
county exchanges would like to read it. my brothers!” as the birds fl >w away.
Phil Armour, the great Chicago mil­
lionaire, has been attempting to buy a
plot of ground next to his Chicago resi- i
dence and has offered |5,033 a foot for
the land. The property in question be­
longs to Roloson. a broker, who does not '
like Mr. Armour and refuses to sell at
any price. He is erecting a stable on the
ground which will entirely destroy the
view from Mr. Armour’s house.
Has A
Miss Margaret Blaine is fast earning
the reputation of being one of the witti­
est young women in Washington. Her
voice is particularly pleasing, an 1 it is
said that she has a naive way of saying
“Don’t you know?” that is the envy of
all the other Washington belles. She
acquired it in England during her visit
last year and uses it frequently in her
for Infants and Children
“Castorla is so troll adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me.''
H. A. Ancncn, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
It is stated that William K. Vanderbilt
will build near Asheville, N. C., the
most magnificent private residence in
the South. Some months ago he began
the purchase oi property near Asheville
and now owns 4,030 acres, on which he
will shortly erect a mansion of 303 feet in
length. The cost of the estate when
completed will be over $1,000,003.
That is deserving of more
than mere mention, and
Why? Because, when style
and quality are to be found, i The
why select from odd sizes
or inferior goods?
I have on display at the City Repository. McMINNVILLE. ORE­
Emperor William II. is having an im­
perial train built, like that of the imper­
ial family of Russia. The train, says Lt
Figaro, was already painted and furn­
ished when the emperor declared him­
self dissatisfied, and ordered the work to
be done over again. Why? Because
the colors employed did not match the
blue of his hussar uniform !
GON, a Fine Line of Carriages. Buggies. Etc.
Best Assortment Ever Brought to the City!
Opposite Grange Store. Cor. 4th and B Streets. McMinnville. Oregon.
Red Cloud, the Sioux chieftain who
has signified his approval of the admin­
istration by calling on President Harri­
son, is 64 years old, but looks much youn­
ger. He owns a big farm, raises corn for
sale and is rich enough to live comfort­
ably without doing work with his own
hands; He hires younger Indians to
work his farm.
The Old lit liable McMinnville Pioneer Itoot «nd Shoe Store.
O------- o-
My stock of Clothing em
braces the Latest Styles and
est Price of any ever bro’t
to this county.
A “historical peasant” died a short
while ago in a small Russian village at
the ago of 98. In the disastrous cam­
paign of 1812 he drove Napolean I. in a
sledge all the way from Moscow to the
German frontier. To the day of his
death he hail carefully preserved a few
pieces of gold which lie received from the
emperor in his flight.
No charge' made on Sewing ltip on Goods
bought of me.
That is one good reason. It won't make you feel
poor to look at our stock, as it does when you look at
goods with prices away up.
You will fee! rich when you see how much a little money will buy. \
li is good news, because
Combines the j juice of the Blue Figs olì
nnd nutritimi«
California, so laxativa
laxative and
nutritious, •
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER­
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
We arc not ashamed to sell them; you will not be ashamed to buy
them. They Will be a Constant Satisfaction, because you got them at
such bargain prices. When in doubt where to trade, call on
No Trouble to Show Goods.
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu­
factured only by the
By virtue «and authority of an execntioiv
Yamhill count}*, on the 29tli dav ol April.
I A. D , 1889, upon a decree of 'forecloNtire
duly rendered, enrolled and docketed ilk
the ( lerk’s office in said county on the 29tb
• lay of March. A I)., 1-889. in‘favor of J W
Ingle, plaintiff, vs Jesse Yocum, Nettie V
Busby, \V G Busby, John Dempsey, Kate
Dempsey, Geo Y Davis, Caroline Davis,
Elizabeth Yocum. ( Inra B Delaslimutt.
Austin Yoeum, J< sse Yocum, Ada Yocum.
Katie Yocum, Belle Yocum, James Yocum,
ElmiraYocuni Branson. Geo Branson, Mary
Minerva Yocum Branson. I N Bnins<»n*,
Nina Hendrix, Lyman M Noble, Nancy
Noble. Levi Zumalt, John Zumait, \bra-
ham Zumalt, J P Zumalt, OU Yocum, Ann
M Yocum, Thompkins Yocum Eliza J Yo­
cum, and all 11>e unknown heirs at law of
Minerva Yocum, deceased, by name un­
known heirs ; W C Hembree. J J Butler, I.
Bi ttman. Edgar Poppleton, J Prevo and D
Has just rece ived another carload of the JU-T B Prevo, partner« as I'revo Bron., Ilxmiaa
Yocum, Walter Yocum, Carrie Yocum,
Milton Yocum and Ellen Hull, defendant«,
for the sum of four hundred ami forty-five
forty-ene-himdredtli dollars <$44.5 44-1010
ron hoofing 9
at 8 per cent p<*r annum, and six hundred
and six dollars <
> at 10 ¡ nt cent per an­
Direct from tlio Factory. This» ie acknowlrd num. ami $.50. attorney’s fee. ami costs
aed to be
taxed at $134.00, and to me duly directed
ami delivered. I did on the 2d day of May.
18X9, (as by law provided ) duly’ seize ami
levy upon the following dewcrilicd reai
A* a reference, ask anv of those wl:o areu ing premises, descrilHsl in sai<l decree, to-wit ■
l.ots No. 87, 8.8, 89. 91. ‘G ami 90, of the
A b I have put on over 409 Bcpian s in Yiunhill town of Dayton, Yamhilll county. Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu­
and Polk Counties. I ton prepared to
tion. on
do Job work of all Kinds, from a
Tin ('up to the most
A. D . 1889,
at the hour of 11 o’clock, a. m., ut the court
' house door in McMinnville, in said ronnij
ami state. I will sell at public auction tVw
I Carry ft I’n’.l Line of
| alxive described real premises of defendants
I to the highest bidder for cash in hand to
' satisfy said decree, costs ami accruing cost«.
Dated this 2d day of Mnv, A. D. 1889
, May 3:17
Sheriff-of Yamhill County. Or.
Remember Our Old Motto:
«9»My Ihih» is to <lo the Bo-t Work.
Best Goods at the Least Prices.
/ell the
N. Y.
The Celebrated French Cure,
'VoTuT* ‘
Is S old on a
to cure any
form of nervous
disease, or auy
disorder of the
generative or­
gans of either
"ex whether ar-
ising from the ...
excessive uso of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium,
or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg
encc, Xc., such as Loss of Brain Power. Wakefur
ness. Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal
Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn­
al Emissions, Leucorrboea, Dizziness, Weak Mem-
ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if ne­
glected often lead to premature old age and insan­
ity. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes for 1-5.00 Sent bv
mail on receipt of price.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every 15.00
order, to refund the money if a Permanent
cure Is not effected. Thousand» of testimonial,
from old and young. of both sexes, tiermanently
cured by APHRODITINE. Circular free. Address
BOX 27
Sold by Rogers A T<xld. sole agents fo •
I have just received a Full and Complete Line of
these SHOES, guaranteed to be the best and cheapest
in the market. ALSO—A full line of C. M. Hend r-
son & Co.'s Gents' Eoots and Shoes, and Ladies' and
Misses' Fine Shoes.
General Merchandise.
At Extremely Low Prices.
Carlton, Creg-cn.
and an order of sale duly ¡«wiled out of the
Tailor Shop in Full Blast j I circuit
court of the state of Oregon for
and Farm
Slierifi’*» Sale
Eliilmnilr Gnluiiiizol Iron Cornico.
Cleanse the System Effectually,
S an F rancisco , C al .
Locisvn.tF, Kv.
N ew Y ork ,
We have a
To Select From.
When we talk about one we talk about the other.
OUR LARGE STOCK of New Goods means Good
News to every buyer of GROCERIES in McMinnville
I because
L and office . Oregon City, Or., I
March bth. IK>9.
Notice i< hereby given flint in compliance
with the | if virion* of the act of rongrofw of
June 3, 1'78, entitle i “An act for the Mie ot
• timber lands in the Plates of ('alifoi nia, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington territory,” Elmer Ea-
pey, of Portland, county of Multnomah; state ol
Or, has this day liled in thia office hia ‘•worn state
mentNo.43G,for the nuicbaae of the nw 4 ofeec.
No. 10 in townahip No. 2 houth, range No. ♦»
went, a d will offer proof to show that the land
sought is in< re valuable for ita timber or atone
than for ngrictiltural purpose«, and to eatib-
lisli I hh claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore­
gon. on Wednesday, the 5th day of June,* IKri*.
lie names as witnesses: W S Runyan, W W
I E hji y, E Griggs and M !•' Neaaley. nil of Port­
land, Multnomati county, Oregon,
Any nnd all person* claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile their
claims in this office on or before Mid 5th day of
June, IK89.
! Marl.» 15
estate of Nathan Westfull, deceased, has
I filed his final account ns such in the county
court of Yamhill county, Oregon, and snick
court has fixed upon
SATURDAY, JUNK 8th, lswi,
i at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m of said day at
■ the court house
at McMinnville, in
| said county as the time and place for hear
1 ing the name
Therefore, all persons arc hereb, notified
i to appear a. said time ami place and show
| cause, if any there bo, why said account lie
i not allowed and said estate finally settled.
1 Dated Mnv 7th, A. I) IXH9
Administrator Afore said.
F enton & F enton ,
Attorneys for Estate.
May 10 13:17
Timber Land, Act .lune 3, 1N7N.
Notice for Publication.
Prices Always Lower Than Notice of riniti Settlement
All Competitors.
Notice is hereby given that John E. Hub-
j bard as administrator de bonis non of the
3d and B Sts., McMinnville, Oregon.
Want it
Notice for Publication.
L axii O ffice at Oregon t’itv, Or . I
May 14, 1889.1
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of liis inten­
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim and, that said proof will be made
before i* County Judge, or in his absence
before the County Clerk of Yamhill county, |
at McMinnville, Oregon, on Friday, July 12,
1889, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 3093, for the s
of s |
w % ami the n <
of s w 1-4 of section 20, t
2 s, r 5 w
He names the following witnesses toprove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva­
tion of, said land, viz:
Geo. L Riggins, Geo. Davis, T. B Rob­
ertson and Bert Bowers, all of North Yam­
hill, Yamhill county, Oregon
Anv person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and regulations of the interior department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men­
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to'ofler evi­
dence in rebuttal of that submitted by
(May 24-21
There certainly is no better advertisement That They Are THE
for a stock of Clothing than a PERFECT!
FIT, and that is what 1 will Guarantee any!
¡one who selects a suit from my stock, rang­
Administratrix’ Notice.
ing in price from SB. to $30. Come and ex­ Wa are Just Whooping them Out
Notice is hereby given that the under­
Hat Stock before
signed has been by the County Court for amine my Clothing and
Yamhill County, Oregon, duly appointed
administratrix of the Estate of A. it. Hod­ purchasing.
son, deceased
All persons, therefore, hav­
Heavy, Latest Shades, Neatest Patterns in 21 inch BIRGE,
New and Excellent Quality, at 10 CENTS per yard, Just Re­
ceived 20 pieces.
No Trouble to Show Goods.
Senator Stanford has not yet been able
to find a president for his great Cali­
fornia university, and will himself take
the reins until lie discovers a genius pos­
sessing an ideal combination of scholar­
ship and business ability. He hopes to
be able to open the university next year.
The only charge to students will be for
their board—$1.50 a week.
ing any claims against said Estate, will pre­
sent them to me, duly verified, at the office
of J E. Magers, McM innville, Oregon, on
or before six months from this date.
Dated Mav 22. 1889.
J. E. M agers .
Att'y for said Estate
May 23: 21.
Has seen its 30th birthday, 1 am thank«
ful to my Friends ami Patrons for past
JBP ¿friendship IIopineto merit a continuance
of the same. I will continue to sell BOOTS
——and SHOES nt prices that will convince the
public that it will pay them to call and ex­
amine Goods and ascertain Prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
It is positively
line to Chicago and the
lth and
the only sleeping ami dinin;
line to
Omaha, Kannas
and all MUs ittrl
River Points.
Its magnificent steel frack unsurpassed
train service and
----- elegant
---- dining and
sleeping cars lias boncstlv carried for it the
title of
Thelvoyal I?oule
Others may imitate,but none can surpass if
Our motto is “alwavs on time ”
lie sure ami a^k ticket agents for tickets
via this celebrated route ami take none
No. 4 Washington «-treet Portland. Or
SlicrifT’* Sal<‘
By virtue and authority of an execution
an<l order of sale duly issued out of the
circuit court of the state of Oregon forYam-
bill county, on the 27th day of April A It
upon a d<iT<<- 'of
duly rendered, mrolltsl an<l docketed in
the clerk’s oflltx- of said court, in said
on tin- .‘Vttli nay of March. A It
I'-'i. in favor of Robert I, Stowe. |>laintitf.
and against Benjamin II I’errv. Sarah J
I’orrv, .1 W Watts and J W Mi-t 'otim-ll. <|e-
fendanta, for U m .......
latersai ai
tin rate ■ i Pi p< i . nt ¡.< r annum from the
lltli day of Xoveml>cr, 1887. and $100, at­
torney - fee, and coats taxed ut ft; let Hn<l
to mg duly directed and delivered. I aid on
tiie 1st day of May. A. II.. 1880. i an l>v la«
ihrei-tisl, duly levy u | h > u the following de-
ribed real pro|>erty. described in said de-
ee, tc-wil:
Beginning at the southeast corner of a
•K-t of land formerly owned by Win I.
jinev and_E A \ Toney,
Toncv. in the
thè city
<-itv of
<>f Me-
Minnvillc. 1 allibilicoiinlv, Oregon, and I ip -
mg the sonthwwtt comer of .........
II A Tin ker
..., A s
land, and running Ihencc
west <»i
fhcncc w<-»t
Wl feet
thence '■ north
Dorili 200
'3»> feet:
f.-et ; thencc
thence cantivi
(¡it fwt
fau.l -
thencj rFoulhjrvi f..< t to il,.. p|a«.(>f U-rin-
ning; all in thè city of McMiiinville. Yam
hill <•< mnty. state of Oregon
Nov i, therefore, l»y virine of said exFcti-
ti«»n, on
A. I*.. IMO.
at tl.e hour of 10 o'clock, a. m.. at the court
hotis . !«,rintbe city cf M. Miimville in
-aid county and state. I will ...|| ,t public
auction the aU>ve dencrilied real premises
to tho lughoMt bidder forranh in hand to
satisfy «tald dr< r< «-. <
;md a« ruing err.!»
Bated this 14 d:iv of Mav. A D
T.’ HARR 1«,
May 1.
>benfi of Yamhill i'ounty. Or.