The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 17, 1889, Image 4

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M c M innvii . i . e ,
O regon :
17, 1889.
Sunset Cox will stump Washing­
ton territory this fall.
The papers have been arguing in
favor of abolishing the jury system.
The wreck of the steamer Yaquina
Bay was sold at auction on April 1 Oth
for $800.
Oregon will be represented at the
world’s fair at Paris by John Kelley
of Portland.
A mob attacked a wife-beater nt
Malheur county, the other day and
gave him a severe drubbing a duck­
ing and a broken leg
Filings an 1 entries will be allowed
on -‘Rep S” lands under the circular
of December 13th, 1886, i. e., by fil­
ing non-swamp affidavits.
Lake county will produce more
grain, more cattle, more horses, more
sheep and more wool than ever before
in her history, this season.
An exchange notes that "the smile
isthesamein all languages.” Hard­
ly. In Mexican it is pulque, in Ind­
ian firewater, in English benzine,etc.
The hop industry is becoming a
prominent feature in Lane county,
400 acres which yielded 1,000 bush­
els to the acre, being planted there
last year.
New York City has already 9000
Chinese. They are quite unnotice-
able in that large population except
for the smell that hangs like a fog
over their quarters.
A town is known by it’s newspaper
every time. If a sickly looking sheet,
then a sickly town, metaphorically
speaking. A town is judged by the
patronage of it’s local paper.
The Baker city Democrat gives an
account, in a late issue, of a rich
strike of ore, one mile from Robinson-
ville. It is estimated to be worth
from $5000 to $6000 per ton.
It is common to hear persons com­
plain of want of language; they
should rather complain of a want of
ideas: they forget that the tongue
is subordinate to the intellect.
A gentleman from Vancouver,
B. C., says that the latest railroad
news is that there will be a railroad
from that place to Seattle, via West­
minster, Blaine and Whatcom.
Mrs. Taylor, an El Paso lady, fell
thirty feet from a Memphis, Tenn.,
elevator on her hustle and escaped
unhurt. Old newspapers forsalcat
this office.— Tombstone Epitaph.
In nominating so manyediors for
prominent places, is President Har­
rison actuated by his love of the pro­
fession or a desire to rid the country
of it’s influence?— Chicago Times.
The Wallowa Chieftain reports a
heavy loss of stock in that county,
notwithstanding the mild winter. [
The loss is occasioned by a scarcity
of feed on the range last summer and
“Do you play by car? I see you
don’t require notes,” said a Fort
Wayne gentleman to a musician of'
the city orchestra. “No, sir,” was
the reply, “I play by the night and
require bank notes.”
M j>V.
They have received direct from
the factory a Carload of the Finest
Buggies and Carriages ever bro’t
into Yamhill Comity.
of Barouches, Carriages, Phaetons
Jump seat rigs, Buggies, Spring
Wagons, Etc., you ever laid your
eyes upon. Their brand of bug­
gies have been well tested in this
climate and are guaranteed in ev­
ery particular. Having purchased
these buggies direct from the facto­
ry they are prepared to
| than have ever before been offer
% I e<l in tlie Valley
. ■
"■ A
t XX
Spectator (to defendant)—“Well,
I guess the jury will find for you.
The judge’s charge was certainly
very much in your favor. Don’t 1
you think so?”
Defendant (modily)—“Oh I knew |
all along that the judge’s charge I
would lie all right. It’s the lawyer’s i
charge that’s worryin’ me
Mayor Rattler(of Pizen Creek Da-!
kota)—Young man, you say you are ,
going to start a red-hot political and
jiersonal paper in Pizen Creek.
What have you got in the way of
a plant for carrying on such a paper?
Caller(prodcuing two revolvers
and a shot-gun from a cottee-sack)
—There is my outfit, Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Rattler (enthusiastically) ;
—Partner, I see you are a good ter­
ritorial newspaper man! Your pa-
er will be a success. I’ut medown
for ten copies, and I’ll give you an ad.
of my First National Faro Bank !
Future Greeley—"Have you any
vacancies on your editorial staff?”
Busy Editor—“No, sir; no, sir.
flood da—”
Future Greeley— “I’m sorry you |
haven’t, 'because it’s my only chance
to get a position in this town.”
Editor(suspiciously)-“Eh? Have
you been working on the Daily
Blower across the way? Did you
come to me after being discharged
from that miserable sheet?”
“Oh, no, sir; I never worked on
that paper.”
“Oh, you didn’t? Then, I sup
pose you applied fora position on it’s
editorial staff, and—’’
“Editorial stall'?”
“Editorial stall! Bless you, no,
I didn’t suppose fiom the looks of
the sheet that it had any.”
“Young man, your hand! Sit
down! Haveacigar! I’ll see what
I can do for you.”
“Di<l you give that man money?”
was asked of a citizen who had just
parted with a man who walked with
a limp.
“Yes—a quarter.”
“He’s a chronic beat.”
“Well, perhaps.”
“But you should discourage such
“Yes, 1 know, but when a man
comes up to you and calls you colo­
nel and says he was right behind
you when you charged that battery
at Antietam, how can you go hack
on him?”
“But you were not at Antietam.”
“You were not a colonel.”
“You didn’t even enlist in the late
“No, and do you suppose I’m go­
ing to own up to it for the sake of a
quarter? Not much! I’ve got a
half dollar for the first man who
calls me general.”— Free Press.
Hypnotism lias become very luupniotu
in Enrol» late. It lias been used in
the place of chloroform for some time in
surgical operations at Paris, and when,
in a recent murder case there, it was
charged that the murderer had hypno­
tised the victim and forced her to kill her­
self, public opinion accepted the possibil­
ity of the fat tin a wav quite remarkable.
—Boston Jen mat.
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This magnificent property comprises 460 lots and lies in the very heart of the residence portion
of McMinnville. It is high, commanding a beautiful view of the valley. Many of the most prom ■
inent residents of McMinnville are now purchasing property in “Oak Park Addition,’ and many
elegant and substantial residences will be constructed there during the coming year. Water­
works and electric lights will be put in this summer, giving all the comforts of the choicest villa
Lots are from 50x100 to 50x150, and blocks 200x215, with a 15-foot alley down the center of
each. The advantage of having an alley in each block are obvious.
“Oak Park Addition" adjoins the depot of the Southern Pacific Railroad, the new county court
house, the elegant public school building, and is three blocks from Third street, the business
thoroughfare of McMinnville. “Oak Park Addition” offers superior inducements to investors,
the settled policy of its proprietors being to steadily advance prices with its gro wth, rendering­
investments absolutely safe and profitable.
uOak Park Addition” will be planted in shade trees; cross and sidewalks constructed and streets graded. The proprietors are burning in 10 percent of all
sales as a fund for this purpose. This property is being offered for from to 25 to 50 per cent less than any other property in McMinnville of half the advan­
tages. Prices of lots range from *25 up and are sold either on the cash or installment plan.
A plat of this gnwiug addition can bo seen at Jas. Fletcher & Co.’s and J. 1. Knight & Co., where all further information and price of lots and blocks will
be furnished. Also at office of Barnekoff & Co., McMinnville Flouring Mills.