Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1889)
Creamers vs. D*iry. OREGON WEATHER. DEEDS RECORDED. THE MASS MEETING. LAFAYETTE. Peter Jackson, the colored pugilist, (jers>. will return to San Francisco on V edues Meeting Heltl anti Three Delegates Elected Will. 81-ott to Yardman Scott, 40 acres Crop Weather Bulletin, n .», io . for In an article on dairying an experienced Dr. Nelson and Lotus Rogers, of your ta Attenti Meeting at Astoria. in 7 6 S. R. 3 W. Con. $1500. "'eek *«»y »'• »«»»• The fishing mat. h it is said will 1® a day from Nevada and Thursday for Port- eitv. were in town last Saturday on their dairyman makes the following comments xnu ■■ni.n>6land on Ins way East and to Europe. Ore?°n S,a,e wea,her Burea" in. <«- wheels. Friday, May 17, 1889. on tire value of a creamery and reasons Friday night the people of this city i„ T 3V8*£*2 wA‘,CW8 al ure’ At Spokane Falls, Javkso-i will meet why they are to be patronized i “ vv n v ’ w o operation with U. S. signal service, cen* Hawkeye force pumps at Martin & Terrv Powers, a colored lieavy weight, assembled at the opera house and was . r n u v O n A gentleman from Oakland, Cal., has 1 vklnLt0 W7?' \Tr’ trol Office Portland. Oregon. “Why sell cream in preference to mak called to order by J. E. Mageis. A. J. > or k . in Sanders’. who is well con idereii by local fan.-v. TIIE XI VttKET ItEI’ORT. been trying to purchase a half interest in New berg. ( on. $ou. weather conditions have lieen ing butter? Ask the |sitient housewife Appersou was elected chairman and H, the flouring mill here. Good fresh Bread, Rolls, Doughnuts, Joi n McAlister, the 13 year-old lad L. Heath se ietarv. and the female help which is more pleas Tbi i market report is corrected Thurs Tho president of 9 favorable to cro'w in eas,e,n and \ who is said to 1® dying with consumption stated the cause of the meeting a»*;»,» and «rx/i Mr. v.. ‘ *4nn’ ’ ’ ’ ........... ... • southern Oregon than in other sections. Mr. J. T. Hembree and wife of East ant on a hot summer day. when the sun day noon of each week by A. J. Appcrson Pies anil Cakes at the Bakery*• • *' its ’ u? <..™i. xt Steward „20 «sn acres, I The of the was (he cloudy Portland, have been visiting relatives pours down in scorching splendor, and i Creamery butter is now sidling at 40 *n“iepenitentiary,*tl;alem,istheyoung- ’ Magers made a short *------ speech. roari.xxn mabket . .tent gn(1 fore part rahj jn a„ week par(gof the cows give such an abundance of milk, and friends here for the last week. roil at the stores in this city. est convlct e'-eI,n institution. He It was moved and carried that three ........ 73 cental $ 1 ¡Kt to 1 32 i cents per 1 I was sentenced for life from ..r.,,.,- when there is so much to be done that | Jackson conn delegates I® elected to attend the mass 32' ...............-fi liushel 3« tn John Mitchell to 8. J. Stott, 322 acres Two gentlemen from Salem have been our fair ladies are overburdened with The stage line to Tillamook from North tv for murdering his fatli r, and it is trjvY The temperature has been below the hero pricing property. They are lately meeting at Astoria. The persons elected !n T 9 < p q \v ' ........ fl ton 20 C3 to 22 50 Yamhill will be in opeiation in a few i thought that it will not take many years lo atlen.i the meeting were A. J. Apper- .-.o tn »;,» n‘i>,,j.. ,„'’;..i.■ > fi*. N.. »7, ?- « 1.,„.1 I K" normal from ua» 1 to 3 __ degrees. rain i - from the states, and sav thev are going work, which is more conducive to health ®s. . «■) sack 30 , ,i has >- _“ halt r„ir to The __ •„ days. for him to serve out his sentence.’ fall been from _ one one inch ,, i~„._ i,„rA ..os and comfort, to toil for hours over the son, J. E. Magers, and I»’. Barnekoff. Xl'MlXXVlM.C MXIIKE 5T. in Willamina. churn and working butter, or to simpiy the normal. The sunshine has ' It was moved and carried to elect three to $ 5 00 J. A. Peckham who has been working Ills.. 'fl dozen $ Geo. H. Durham to Fred A. Crawford, above Last Saturday while Dr. Goucher was been below the average. The effect on Mr. Wm. I-evis returned last week get cream ready and have the driver take ............ V dozen 7 00 to M 00 in Salem for some time, returned Wed driving in the neighborhood of this citv ' alternates. The alternates elected were one acre near Dayton, Con. $50. crop, of these conditions, has been from a short trip to his old home in it at your ease? Which requires the ■}! dozen son to 10 00 nesday. E. B. Williamson to Rachel E. Baker, the tlie met with an accident. A Siwash Judge Lougharv, Win. Galloway and 10 y pomid 15 to fairly good. More sunsliiue and less Iowa. He says vegetation has just com- least labor, and leaves the time for other Geo. Jones. . On motion S. A. Manning 5 acres. Con. $125. squaw came running down the road and <- 10 !* For a good neat meal go to the Mc work? The answer is unnecessary. But (Clear sides V 11». «inj r’S.o.o iinr u'n> n annnintihl <1S il ! TY o a- ___ • and Uiins. Fleming were appointed as a U. 8. to Lewis Johnson, 160 acres in rain in the Willamette valley would prove | menced to grow there. « ¿Shoulders F lb. Minnville hotel. Homelike and victuals scared his horse and the buggy was committee of finance. Friday tlie alter Manning> your ma niayur> ha8 a great many people say, wbat is time? to be a benefit; a continuance of cool j | JIon Hon g s A Manning, T. 2 8. R. 5 W. Patent. to 11 thrown over. The squaw ma» e the re iHunis well cooked. that is nothing to us; we dont caie so secn on our 8treets qdite Lewis Johnson to Richard B. Churchill, cloudy andrmny weather will be injunousi! _ > numer- 10 pd pail« . mark,“Cultus Cuitan,” and all the doc nates and delegates settled the matter as Lard jin late|v. We We don “now whether much about time; it is money we want. 9 lo Strawberries by the ton can be seen on tor said in reply was “No, cultus si- to who should go, and on the afternoon 160 acres in T. 2 8. R. 5 W. Con. $800. In Southern Oregon and along the coast tin 5 gallon tins . don . ’ t t j know Very well, admitting this to I m » Inie for ttn a addition ,ld train Messrs. Apperson, Galloway, Jone* V dozen Eggs. the foot hills. The ground is literally wash.” B. F. Simmons to Geo. B. Hutchcroft, everything is progressing nicely, in the , -ntendg roaki to IJuttiT, Creanie y. . . $ . roll and Barnekoff left for Astoria. They 173 acres in T. 2 S. R. 5 W. Con. $1700. former the cool rains have somewhat re your city or intends locating here where the sake of argument oulv let ns see. 1 red with them. 30 have kept careful track for several years, Butter, dull, fresh roll S5 to lour families of newcomers purchased state that tlie people of Astoria are Oliver & Colcord to J. L. Watters, 10 tarded the berries and fruits; in the latter taxes are low. 15 of the prices paid for butter at the same Brine ... pound. 12 to C. R. Cook of this city, has been their cooking utensils, furniture, etc., in aroused to their need and that this road tlie weather is very suitable for the grass. acres in Yamhill county. Con. $200. to 5 Dried apples, dull, ]sl. 4 time, and I find, as the result of my ob granted a pension of $24 per month and this city Wednesday, and started lor will be built. It is already graded for We understand that the Evangelical _ In Eastern Oregon the rains have lieen Margarette J. Westafll to James Mad 8 $1000 back pay, Pried plums, dull, i' ]>d. fl to their claims in the foothills. They are 10 miles and while the delegation were ' son, land in Yamhilloounty. Con. $200. plentiful and the earth is more wet now college has already very bright prospects servations, that during the summer 8 Pried prunes, dull. ,1 pd. fl to months, when the yield was highest, and 8 Pried|K»iiches.duIl, I’d fl to Teeth extracted without pain by the from Kansas and says this county is a there a vessel was unloading rails and John E. Hubbard, administrator of than it has been for a year. The oc before it. The gentlemen who are at bulk of the butter made, that the Flour . fl sack lflfl to 1 10 application of local anesthetics. G. S. heaven beside that state. Eastern peo iron. The Yamhill delegation assisted in Westfall estate, to James Madson. Con. casional frosts and strong winds have, the head of this institution are rustlers, the [»rices paid for cream was high, and even ple who read this item should take heed laying tlie first rail w hich will connect $4830. in sections, done damage. Through the and think the school will open with an Sugars, declined ernt 11 . 12, and 1 Wright, dentist. the prices paid for butter. pounds for $t IX>; pii kles. in 5 gallon kegs. , 1 higherJhan . of this statement and immigrate to the McMinnville with the deep sea at Astoria. mountain regions, frosts have been fre attendance of about 200 pupils. John Wortman, administrator of Geo. 41.• is .1 .................. ... .rt..ii .1 $ I 25; coffee? range from 25 to 35 cents fll . , ... . Which, then, the more profitable? Joe Todd will commence the construc land of red apples, where crops never quent and they have done slight damage Hansen estate, to W. E. McCutcheon, 5 ou may curse the republican admtn- But berc pooJ bult<,,. lnakcr IHiuml; coal oil. verv firm. $2.75 "Pease; tion of his house on C street as soon as fail. The Scene of .'iany Tiagetliefi. to grain and fruits. At Lone Rock in istration for not getting your items from step fartb,,r> and claims that he can make land in Yamhill county. Con. $2880. salt of all kinds advanced $2 00 per ton, the weather permits. Some genius with, a remarkable head U. 8. to John E. Hayes, 320 acres in Gilliam county on the 6th, at 2 p. in., a here week before last. They sometimes (lairy batter that is just as good as cream- and is very firm The city needs more hotel room. It heavy shower of rain followed by snow, reverse the order of things when they er.. anj commands just as high prices A number of bicyclists were in town seems that another large hotel could be for assorting singular coincidences has T. 4 S. R. 4 W. Patent, ’ I.OCAL~\ND GENERAL. 4-zx »mi flxzx r.iooala nv putting liiifftncr nno ■ C. F. Toose to John Edwards 76 acres lasting some minutes, occurred ; the hills try to Sunday and of course a photograph was built, when the lack of accommodations made the discovery that Alder street is put the rascals rxtif out by one 1 mi’ • ■ n . were white. Two inches of rain have in. The items were mailed Thursday This is all true enough in some instamvs. taken of them by Fritz. for the traveling public is so apparent. pre-eminently the most sanguinary thor in T. 3 8. R. 2. W. Con. $1300. but can or do they all do it. For even fallen since the 1st, inst. at this place. Ice colil soda at C. Grissen’s. oughfare in the city. John Wilson to W. J. Crawford. 160 morning as usual. one that does make that high gnuie Use Wright’s Arabian Condition Pow- The hotels are crowded every day and The heavy rainfall and showery weather Second and Alder streets was once acres in T. 3 S. R. 5 W. Con. $875. The band discoursed sweet music at ders if you take pride in seeing your when a meeting like tlie Grand Lodge of Last Friday evening while Linn Fer butler, there are nine others who do not. called “the dead man’s crossroad.” John Cnmmins to Mary A. Johnson, may, in sections of the valley, cause fall the head of the parade yesterday. stock look well. Sold by Rogers & Todd. the I. O. O. F. is held here the delegates Three men were shot there in one night 25.63 acres in T. 3 8. R. 5 W. Con. wheat to go to straw. Curl leaf is effect guson, aged aliout ten years, was riding It is so with the majority. With due must be taken to private houses for the ing peach trees in Linn county. Straw a spirited young horse, the animal took respect, I will not claim that all do not Mr. l’ercv Clark,of Newberg was visit For Sale.—A span of small mules, night. This shows a lack of energy on at the time Neally was killed at the old $645.75. butter, 1 for 1 will take | every 1 1 11 v «11111 and I ran «111 *1 away »> «1 A with «villi 111 him, 111 | UllAlIJ finally I make good w berries are plentiful at Roseburg; at 1 fright ing friends in town during the week. Cornucopia saloeu by the notorious A. P. Fletcher to Geo. A. Lewis, lots 1, hack and lumber wagon. Cheap, for the part of our capitilists. dashing through a picket fence. The : farm-wile's word lor it, and sav they do. Grants Pass, they are just coming into “ Jack ” Buobard. 2, in block 62 Lafayette. Con. $1258. Ros Bewley who has l®en sick for some cash or on time. Enquire of Rev. J. Ho Sell’s brothers circus will be here on Jack Harris stabbed a man on the James Roberts to C. V. Kuykendall, market. A few cherries are ripe in boy was badly scratched and cut about' However we might class butter as good, time with lung fever, is now on the^streets. berg. the 22nd of June. They have rented the corner of Second and Abler streets some 17136 square feel of land in Yamhill favored localities. A few days of warmth the face and head, though nothing seri- betterand best,discarding|>ooraltogether Then for every farmer that makes the W. II. Bingham is sole agent in this Rowland block in the east part of the time after. ar.d sunshine will benefit crops all over ous. Go to G. S. Wright, dentist, Braly county. Con. $300. best butter, vou will find onlv two that block, McMinnville, for first-class work. county for the Improved Triumph school city. Their hill Ixjards will he built Zed Wilson shot and instantly killed U. 8. to Waller C. Heyden, 160 acres the state. Reports show Saturday to be As i®or a game of base ball that we | make (be letter and seven'make the desk. Teachers are invited to inspect around the burnt block on third and D MikeSharinassy in the Fifteenth Amend in T. 3. S. R. 5 W. Patent. very warm and dry. have noticed for some time was played . gooa }jow (be ¡jca r;gb) beie A large number oi people from the sur them. streets and the paper will lie put up on ment saloon, on Alder street, between E. E. Elliot to Lu II Baker, 2 acres in I. I’ ag ft; here last Saturday between a nine from Creamerv butter sells from tln-ee to ten rounding country attended Hie races yes tlie 22nd of this month. Their show is First and Second streets. Yamhill county. Con. $200. Observer, U.S. Signal service in charge. McMinnville and the l®vs here. The ; rents a pound higher than th. ordinarj The lack of street lights was apparent terday. A man named John Dillon shot Charles Jesse Hobson to Mrs. G. B. Halloway* Tueshay nignt when the town was full of enlarged and the California papers state boys here have had no practice, and | dairy. If we can buy yourercam, paving His Name is Apple Martin & Sanders’ have as fine a line strangers. Have some light on the that the show is x;ery fine. They did an Manciet at the Argonaut saloon, on lots 11, 12 and 13, block E, Hobson’s ad some of them w°uM not play if they I you ¡liet «he same price for it, or even immense business in San Francisco. First and Alder streets of general hardware as can be found in streets. dition to Newberg; con $155. A man by the name of Apple is justice r had, thev - were easy vic more than you would receive had von — consequently _ •!.. •». Save vour rockets to sjiend with the the county. Four Chinaman were shut on the corn F. W. Fenton to Emanuel >Seyk, 4 ot the peace of llilgard precinct. Union tims. churned it into butter, saving you all Some one tried to blow up the engine fakirs. er of Second and Alder streets in the acres in t 3 s, r 2 wr con $500. county. He may be sound, but how can Pools for the races yesterday were sold of the Benton Leader the other day. The Dr. Stewart has purchased a lot from tl‘18 extra time, trouble labor and ex late Chinese highbinder conflict. Union Lodge No. 43 F. & A. M. to How the people live in New York is a he be square. — L'. O. in Hulerv’s saloon. Several were bought Leader offers $50 reward for the appre Mr. Burbank, upon which ho intends penne, and if we manufacture butter from Constable Litlienthaler was shot at by Wm. L. Toney, lot in cemetery ; con $10. subject of general interest, and it is fully Oh, let up on his shape; what we want bj- the l®ys. soon. We understand he also ! ■* *^al eell*. on the average, for at least hension of the miscreant. Daniel Everest to Mabel Dear, lot. 3 in to know is, does he ever get mellow? If building treated of, from the lowest hovels to the Harry Irwin at tlie corner of Third and Martin & Sanders’are beadquarters for block 5, in Everest’s addition to New he is green and sour, you can bet there tried to purchase the coiner lot where :five‘’?n?s“lwun'ln>?'cthan itotlieiwise J. A. C. Freund, ex-superincendent of palaces on fifth avenue, in a beautifully Alder streets. the old store buiding stands, with the in- wou*.» *H n°t 4 saving of live cents a D. M. Osborno & Co.’s pure manilla this county, arrived in this city from illustrated article in Demorest’s Monthly One of Sullivan’s detectives shot a boy berg ; con $40. are no flies on him.— linker City Re tention of removing the building and po**l>d on every pound of butter made in binder twine. J. E. Mageis to Wm. L. Gibson, lots 3 veille. Moscow Wednesdy evening. llere[®rts Magazine for June. It takes you, by in the leg on the corner of First and Ai a brick, which would be a pay the creamery a great saving to the countiv streets. and 4 in Newby’s third addition to Mc We will rise right here and suggest erecting A full line of lace curtains .»an I® seen the upper country as progressing finely. way of illustrations and descriptions, der Think of what it does, that simple five ing investment. Joseph Moran shot at Al Cody, with Minnville; con $800. the squalor of tho 5-cent lodging that if the unfortunate justice happens by calling at W II. Bingham’s. All the cents gained. It is left right here The Oak Park audition is selling fast from intent to kill, at the corner of Fomtli Paul Jones lo Florence Newell, 40 acres houses, through the various phases of to be rotten, he’d be a bad one to sit There was quite an exciting runaway amongst yourselves. It does not wander latest designs. and Mr. Barnekoff states that as soon as life to the gorgeous modern flats and the and Alder streets. in T. 5 S. R 6 w. Con $150. down on some of the sleek-haired altor on the streets last Friday. While the into tlie capacious ¡Kiekets of the million The delegates had a right to complain 50 lots are sold, an excursion train of 500 palatial homes of tho Astors and Vander The |mor boy Herman Joseph, w ho A. Gaines lo T. F. Booth, land in neys. But what a “soft” snap for a hard driver of Mr. Sampson’s four horse lum aires or bloated corporations, it is clear when the restaurant doulded the price of or 600 people will be sent to this city bilts. In this number is found also was shot through the heart by Brown, county. Con $2200. case. — Timet-Mountaineer. ber team was taking a trunk off the gain to you. It helps support some of regularly. meals on them. Emma J. Parsons to Joseph Williams, “Amusements in Japan,” a liicli differing was standing very near Alder street on Now, this thing has gone far cnougn. wagon the team became frightened and your families; it buys some of vour sur 320 acres in T. 2 8. R. 4 W. Con $1.00. If this Apple has stem sufficient to hang dashed through the street at full speed. plus products; it helps your various in N. Dennis and wife of Portland are so radically from our amusements, are Third at lhe time of the shooting. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn of lnde|®ndence Emil Weber was shot nv “Sandy” Daniel Parsons to Joseph Williams, on to his branch of the legal profession, Thej' kept the road as true as they dustries Take it in figures, if you please. will soon move here. Mr.Vaughn will I® visiting the family of Jacob Wisecarver amusing to re id about, especially as the of this city. Mr. Dennis is a nephew of article is so finely illustrated. Published Ohls at the corner of Third and Alder 320 acres in T. 2 8. R. 4 W. Con $1.00. and isn’t so seedy as to be a disgrace to could have l»een driven lor about half a During the six Bummer months, the employed by Booth A Son. streets. — Oregonian. A. Grace to Warren Dodge, 40 acres in the bench, what business have newspa mile, but when crossing the Martin _______ Mr. Wisecarver and comes here for his by W. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 14th creamery here turns out about 120,6110 Wm. Albortson, a former resident of health as well as a visit. T. 3 8. R. 5 W. Con $1800. Street, New York. 1.. of i._.« — T| |c im-ream, ,,f value pers poking fun at him?— Milton Eagle. bridge the wagon came uncoupled, leav-! ------- pounds butter. _________________ Resolutions. thia place, arrived here yesterday to at Wm. L. Gibson to S. M. Rees, 10 acres This is getting too personal, and we ing the lumber and all of the wagon on gained therebv, tlie net pain figured at Spokane Falls ha? been booming last Our Washington correspondent sends tend the meeting of Odd Fellows. in T. 5 S. R. 5 W. Con $1800. understand Mrs. Apple is be-cider self the bridge except the fore wheels; they ; five cents per pound, coming right home Many lots and several plots of us the information that the land contest week Resolutions of respect adopted by Wm. Shepherd to M E. Church, of with grief. Apple says he will not be ran a few hundred yards farther when to vou, would mean a saving to Fenninioie Several wagon loads of men left North of Thomas Colvin vs. John Dixon was real estate have been transferred fiom acre in T. 2 S. R. 5 W. sqeezed too much, and has peeled him one < o,e *.lor?‘s , <lown Yamhill this week for Tillamook where decided in favor of Colvin. The land is one to another recently. We notice by Charily Lodge No. 7, A. O. U. W. of Mt. Pleasant, tl,e annually of the snug little sum of $6000; Con $25. self, ready for a mill with his tormentors. rest of the team. L _.... Strange as it may at>- j it would mean a saving to Grant county they intend to locate timber claim."*. the Press that one hundred and seventy McMinnville. Or. Mav 9, 1889. the Oregon City land district. W. A. Graves to G. W. Graves, lots 4 Drop it.— Union Scout. I>ear, there was no damage done except the enormous sum of $56.000. Is it worth W hereas our beloved brother, Asa 11. and 5 in block 2, Potter’s addition to thousand dollars changed hands in the When tlie college telescope arrives, the The creamery at Walla Walla, W. T., If Mrs. Apple is so be-cider self with breaking the coupling pole. I while to support a creamery ?” moon stuck young folks of this city can runs steadily every day, turning cut 1560 purchase of town projierty in one dav, Hodson, who has long been a faithful Sheridan. Con $100. grief it must be a pine Apple case. Apple M. T. H ead . view their gixliless to their heait-s con- pounds of butter, which sells at once for j and nearly $403,000 worth in one week, member of Charily Lodge, No. 7, A. O. An Vnparnllrleflt Oitrr. butter not pay any attention to these re U. W., has lieen suddenly removed from Ancient Art. i Spokane ¡- ’ alls is destined to be a second tent. 35 cents a pound from the creamery. ■ Indianapolis or Denver, with its many among us by death, therefore be it marks, but go ahead and show the effects NEWBKRÜ. A unique and hitherto unexcelled offer of an Apple blow on the violators of the The I k > vb are interested in base ball. The industry is thriving surprisingly. Resolved t hat, by his death the state has has just been made by the Ore^oniatt rail read connections. It is probable A long time ago Iloratious Flaccus A heavy thunder shower yesterday. Can a State team be organized? Mc- C. A. Wallace and Flint Martin went that Spokane will become the capital of lost a good citizen, the community an wrote about the comparative merits of law.— Eugene Register. i Publishing Company. They announce This is as exhibition of considerable Minnvillo can furnish the best team in to Portland overland, with a couple of the future state of Washington, Four honest and industrious member and city ami country life. He found that city Grain and garden stuff are growing ' thev will give away as rewards for sub- the state. horses to sell. Flint returned Wednesday weeks ago Spokane Falls w as as dull as a order, a zealous brother, one whose loss people always praised the beauties of rind. Mr.Apple sliuld not lie ground to finely. , scribers to their weekly issue premiums the core just because a lot of quill drivers toovn,] ! i do(ai amounting to (>ffcr hundreds country life and that country people as desire to show off. And then to press Wright’s Compound Syrup of Sarsa evening and stated that he had »old his town could possibly be, and lots were not will be long felt. Mr. Westfall and family nave moveu |a of tbiH nn, of dollars. lo The |„. Resolved that we tender the relations . lllV«*l IilUlV praised |>lalSvU VlLJk invariably city 11115. life. 1>UI But JlDldU; Horace Mrs. Apple into the jam is theunkindest to Dayton. parilla can 1® relied upon for all blood horse to Frazier the livervstable man for : selling for as much as thev are here now. Many left there <n account of dull times, of the deceased our heartfelt and fraternal lived before the age of improvements. cut of all. Her beautiful red cheeks given here, occupying two whole pages in diseases, skin affections, etc. Sold oy $160. Will Newbeig celebrate the coming . I he'Weeklg Oregonian ; but n general idea out at a low figure, ami some sympathy in this hour of their sore lie- Here in Corvallis, for instance, we can must not suffer such bitings any more. Rogers & Todd. Work on the Corvallis revetment has selling Fourth of July? stayed with courage only to become im rea veinent. I may be given our readers of the extent enjoy all the conveniencies of city life I). M. O.siiorne A Co. sell more bind been interrupted by the rise in the river, mensely rich. Resolved that as a maik of our esteem and pleasures of the rural districts. We Apple butter hug Iter and cal I it “square.” Our city cage is erected; wonder who ! | and value of these premiums ami II»» At any rate he better bebe-eider, lint tell ers on the Pacific coast than all their which has prevented the workmen from with which anv ami all resolutions 1® engrossed and be ran gaze upon, or can shortly, the flash- In speaking of the Mongolian pheasant these will h? the first bird. j comparative y — ',llaj. ease :obtainv(b ........ competitors together. Such popularity putting in the footing. But for the rise, presented lo the family of our deceased ing ligbt of e|eclric |alnps anj behold her not that lie is a ladies Apple. As the rcad- the revetment would have been finished the Oregonian says “ several efforts have must I® due to superiority. iircther. J. G. Wiley, of Portland, has lieen up ers of The Weekly Oregonian are ‘ in the The Mark of Death. . l®neath its glitter the quiet herds grazing by this time. been made to domesticate these birds —— j a a ivw i main farmers throughout th? great Pacif Reeolred that our members wear and few- fliuvn days uu on a a vidiv visit. . Persons wishing warehouse receipts without avail. Nests of eggs have been that our hall I® draped in mourning for as peacefully as they would upon their From tho Albina Courier we lerrn that .•,»«’«».• • ■ ■ . .... ic Northwest, ao it is intended that the The new California theater was opened found and put under setting hens to should call at this office and order them. native heath, or words to that effect, a strange and hideous monstrositv exists J'• .• " oo<* flat ted to-day on a visit to premiums offered shall Is? won by farm ...... .. we are on .... ...... . ......... ancient themes, we in Portland We guarantee you su]®rior work for less Monday evening to a packed and fash hatch. They would hatch all right, but the period of thirty days and that these while in the person of a six-year- . ’ ’ as ‘ ,ln 8t° n territory. ionable house. The play was “Othello,” as soon as the little chicks were but of resolutions I® spread upon our minutes \ ¡„¡„¡¡t era and used by them. Here is a list of > q |> v menTion jiiCBilivii thal in.kv ’ ti® liiv Greeks, vnia-ivn, ’who »• nO money than any office in the country. and be furnished to the papers for pub- were • lovers of .................................. . old boy, the lineaments of whose f< a- Miss Tennie Minthorn, of Salem, was the princijral premiums: with Edwin Booth as Iago. The appear all perfect beauty, thought A circular from Seattle says that lots ance of Booth and Barrett was lhe signal the shell they refused to recognize the lication. tures and the pallor of whose counten- at this place last week. Minnesota Chief threshing machine; the eyes of cattle particularly beautiful clin k of the lien. It wasn’t tl.e nature will I® sold for a song. Frank Rogers, for a burst of applause. $700. so much so that they gave the epithet of ance have an exact similitude to those of J. L. Vickrey, of Lafayette, was in price of the bird to lx* clucked at and thc.v in Holt Nelson and a few of the boys should The Water Committee. a corpse. During a critical period pre A Studebaker end spring top buggy; j “ox-eyed” to their goddess Juno. They town one day last week. The people of the Scotch Company are variably ran off into the bushes' and go up and get a few. They are songsters, vious to the child ’ s birth his mother, re Price $215. do say that in the evolution of tilings, in Oregon and have looked at the Narrow died there.” This may lie true in The “Convicts” were badly beaten last A self binding harvester; price $175. f>n the Saturday evening train, Major ancient types and ancient instincts do ceiving intelligence of the dangerous ill- Guy Bird, A. Morse anil.Marshall 1’op- tillage system and think that the road seino instance, but it is not invariably her father, hurried to his bedside Saturday at North Yamhill, Culver’s iron drag saw ; price $150 tdeton, of Lafayette, were intown Sunday would be profitable if rightly managed the case. On lhe contrary, several A. I. Seers of l’ortland, arrived for tin“ continually reappear. It may be that ness of only to find him n a eni-nee eorpse. Tim Tho slirmlr shock in to 1 A Cortland spring wagon ; price $I5tt. mi tlieir silent steeds, and took a spin a- If rightly managed, it certainly would broods have been raised near Corvallis purpose of going over the ground with there is a renaissance of Greek art in tlie onlv ............. g,™«, I , A * ’ • K- I ’ 0 « 1 organic at thia A Mitchell wagon; price $120. water committee, in order to make , city of Corvallis and that we shall vet be her in her delicate condition was great. round town with the McMinnville bicycl pay more than it does at present. that are apparently as tame as the do the and w hen the child was born it had tlie place last Thureday evening. estimates fur construction and to enable telling »’• . An I. X. L. wind mill; pries» $30. our sweethearts and our wives ists. mestic fowl. Hundreds of eggs have mark of death upon its face. the committee to come to a conclusion us I David Gnbser attended the teachers’ A “Triumph” steam generator ;t>iiee The well known trotter, Kitty Lynch, they have eyes like cows.— Benton 1). M. Caldwell has tiansferred tlie owned by De Lashmutt of Portland has been placed under Benton county hens to the source of supply for the McMinn that The boy though now six years old is institute at Hillsboro last week. $60. spring, “ and over 75 percent of them ville water .» oiks. They visited Cowles Leader. Wells, Fargo agency to Chas. Talmage foaled a fine filly colt by Hambletonian \ this very small and withered up and has a |,:L\VL7atehe "ainl'the Dick's fatuous feed cutter; price $35. The Panama Canal. The commencement exercises at the .... i young birds arc creek, Baker creek, and the Derby hill. ! of this city and will remove to Amity, Mambnno. Kitty has trotted a nnle in shrill piping voice, liis nose is pinched, Gandy's patent endless thmlier ls»ll ; academy last week were splendid. where he will engage in tlie furniture 2:26 and Ham is the sire of a large num doing nicely. A brood of 15 ycung On the hill, which would make a fine his eyes and cheeks sunken ; on the tom- j price $65. A dispatch from Panama dated May 15 chicks was hatched in Corvallis last business. A barrel of lubricating oil. ...... Never in its history „„ Reese A Hunt have just finished burn ber of trotters, so wonders are expected ; week and we think the “Oregtnian’s” reservoir, a sight was taken on the conrt I says: has the pies and beneath the eyes the skin is Washing machines anil garden plow? it was seen that the hill is j isthmus presented the scene it affords discolored, while the whole countenance ing a kiln of tile. Call and see them. Wheat in tho noighlxirhooJ of this city of the foal. reporter would change his mind if he house 1< and 0 feet above this city. They also today. Thousands of people are out of has the dull pallor of a corpse. The ' Geo. Olds and wife, living near Belle at prices respectively $15 and $6. looks fine. The piece of 3'J acres or so, Kemmler, who killed bis mistress could see how t/iry respond to the chuck oyer Besides these then» are guns, wait lies, visited lhe river and Mr. Seers stated that work, the busy centers of activity along hands, feet and limbs are very small anil vue, weie at this plac e last Thursday. in the Gak Paik addition has fallen in . in Buffalo, New ' ” ‘ some time ‘— ago, — 1 j of the fond biddy.— t.'orrallis Times. York, Isroks and jack-knives in number as gt»»a( this was the most advisable place to lo- . the canal are abandoned and hundreds bony. The left hand is devoid of a several pl:u»es. . t is very rank and | was sentenced Tuesday morning to be j as the Henry Hopkins, of Lafayette, attended — -_ demand which may be made f..t Tlie Race«« < |........... ate the :.i works and that 4i.., the water would of deserted «. by the former . resi- . thumb, while on the right hand that would make the best of ensilage. executed by electricity during the week i ...... i... .... . in 4i. » houses . J villages ... be considered by ..ii all the towns the „ I , dents. The smaller arc almost member appears to be jointless and use the funeral of his mother last Wednes- them, The Doctms of this city report their beginning June 24th. No more definite ; A large m.w 1 attended and the band country very good. ' The less. The child is very bright and pre Everyone can obtain one of these pre __ ___ j—___ day. major is an ___ old I uninhabited. business dull, and if this is the case Mc time is named. This is the first sentence i furni.-l>ol mnsi *. The judges were Wm, railroad engineer and has built roads in , miums. Every one of the articles named The Columbia papers have been pub cocious and answers questions with an There is a gentleman here from Wis will be absolutely given away during the Minnville is tlie li?altliiest city in < hegon. to death by electricity. Galloway, .Tames McCain and 8. Buell. Peru. Brazil, Mexico and many of the , lishing extensive articles regarding the intelligence that is rather startling. consin looking for a suitable place to next three months. The value of the Mrs. Johnson is slowly recovering her Never hail a preparation a more appro The starters in the three minute race were South American countries, andentertaind probability of assistance being obtained How ever, the same pallid, set expression a cheese factory. We hope he will premium * person may cot will de|s»nd health. Mrs. Mct^uade is improving. priate name than Ayer’s Hair Vigor. Baby I no, owned by S. A. Manning; Gold the committee very highly with stories of in the United States for the completion of countenance always greets the eve. ! start Locate near here. He never smiles or changes his facial life in those far away countries. A gravity j wholly upon himself or herself. When the eapilary glands become en- A large number of strawberry pickers of tho canal, and they are unanimous dust, owned by C. Bralv; Jeff, owned by J ...................... . residence of Wm. E The purpose of The Oregonian in mak Died.—At the system bo •— ths ----- best, » ---- but -- it -------- seems I that required not to _ _ ___________ left for I I k - hills Sunday and returned ' feebled by disease, age, or neglect, this C. Galbreath. I-.------ would ------- — I. ..i it is absolutely __ _________________ . j expression under any provocation. A ipkins, ing this offer is to extend the circulation A large ieiiin®r number ui of i : dressing imparts renewed life to the scalp I First heat was won by I no in3;07:scc- imjiossible to get an adequate supply lor : withdraw from the United States, but parson not acquainted with his history Davis. May 7, 1889. Grandma Hopkins' loaded with berries. .« i. suppose •- him to be in the last ■ aged 80 years. ” ______ 2______ . edition, ami instead of eni- such a system for $20,600. Her lenmins were .„i laid at i of the weekly the pickets s(>ent the day in the neighbor- . so that the hair assumes much of its rather to take advantage of the immense would oml heat by Ino in 3:07. Braly requested hood of M c iis c.imp on Panther creek. ! youthful fullness and t®auly. l>oweiand gigantic influence of that nation stages of some wasting disease, but the rest in the Chehaletn Mountain cetne- ploying agents it calls u|»on every one of father says the boy lias never been Council Meeting. *- friends, its readers, — - to ■ Ii ■ Ip • to du • - • that his horse he sent to the stable Third un tery. its this. to conclude with its assistance the per Eve. y bicyclist should u?e liis personal The Yamhill county .Sunday school heat won by Ino in 3:01bL The saddle well a day in his lif •. * But it does not ask them to do this foi l*IU)li IBÏTIONIST. An adjourned meeting of the city foration of the isthmus to trade, and the «.nllueiiee to secure go .1 loads, but liis convention was held at the C. P. Church race with five entries, Indigo, E S. Ragers; ! nothing. On the contrary, tin» iniinili- Lived Out IIig Life Quickly. council was held Monday evening at the advance under its shadow, and always to in • this and 1 Wednesday. CARLTON. 4aty doe* not require him to gel off his f- 1-:- city Tuesday .......... ’---- *— . cent rewinds offered makes it worth tlie that the road for the fuuure ad- whnel over the handles and smooth the From the number of people present we Ilaeine, E. Crandall; Salt Petre, ('. cnelling; city council chanrbers. All the council rember while of every man, woman and child in Homy Voorman recently died al Oak of Spanish-America does not Rain, too much rain. iliighw.ty down with the back of his neck. should judge that considerable interest Big Indian, Wm.^Ma'one; Fleeta, Dr Min- men were present but Jones. The mavor vancement (lie Northwest who are reading The IFrei- land, California; dropped dead in fact. lie in the direction of Europe, but in the stated that the meeting was called for tie; 1-4 mile, 2 in 3, First heat won by Ra was being taken in the work. All parts Strawberries are plentiful. ly Oregonian lo induce their neigbl®rs to Brought, at only eight years if age, from The citizens of North Yamhill w ill have of the county were represented. cine in 25’:;; second heat by Indigo: third the purpose of reading and referring or direction of the stais of the north. sen<l their names along with Iheii own as Michigan across the continent, he landed their town surveyed,platted and recorded. Ed. the Reporter was on our streets dinances to the various -committees. The Song Birds Coining. subscribers to that paper. Dysi>epsia causes depraved blood, by Indigo on a farm in Yamhill county, Oregon, last week. It will then be a town, Yamhill is pro The starters in the 3:30 class were Patty, Ordinance No. 80 and 81 referred to the Every one should secure a copy of Th. where l.e worked in the summer and in gressing and all are on the alert to re which, in time, effects every organ and committee on streets and public property. Our machine and blacksmith shop will ll’reify Onraonian and read tlie lull des Secretary l’fluger, of the society for the winter went to school; a boy in a ceive the expected immigration this function of the body. As a remedy tor : Dr S. A Young; Pig Bend, B. F. Coulter; Ordinance No. 82 refilling to the licensing criptions of all these premiums and the these troubles, nothing can approach Dolly (r , E E. Goucher; Jo-Jo, C. Braith of drays, hacks etc. referred to committee the imiaortation of tierman singing birds, wayside inn at ten ; teamster at thirteen ; be in lull blast in about ten days. summer. received a dispatch yesterday stating that cattle driver at fourteen ; milk seller at Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It vitalizes the Mis. D. VV. Laughiin ami Mia* Carrie manner in w hii Ii they an- to be di-t i ii n Washington Irving Bishop, the mind blood, strengthens the stomach, and cor waite; Prince Ham. Kirby; Dolly Ids on judiciary. Ordinance No. 83, relating the birds passed Council Bluffs at 10 fifteen; miner at sixteen; blacksmith ted. It is a chance for men »nd women, reader, died in New York, Monday, of rects all disorders of the liver and kidneys. Geo. Olds; Geo. Ham, F A. Turner: Lot to obstructions in alleys, referred tocom- o’clock yesterday morning. Another from seventeen to twenty-two; graduate Johnson each presented Mr. llowe's store l®ys and girls, for old and young alike. tie, John Morgan. We did not stay to see mittee on health and police Ordinance dispatch will be received when they pass of a business college at twcnty-thiee; with a lioquet. hysterical catalepsy, Dr. Bishop is well There is something for evei v one. An official representative of the Scotch the finish of this race. The first heat was No. 84, relating to establishing E street, Huntington, and they will probably ar blacksmith again and student from remeinhered in this part of the country, VV. A. Howe's fine livery stable is now Notice. from the furore created in Portland over liquidators of tlie narrow gauge road, says won bv Big Bend in 3:17; Jo-Jo second; referred to committee on streetsand pub rive here Wednesday evening. Mr. twenty-four to. twenty-seven ; civil en completed and anyone wishing horses, lic propeity. Ordinance relating to ob the Neieport Republican, was in Newport his mind leading exhibitions. buggies or hacks can I® accommodated. ' Tax payers of Yamhill county will take Patty third; Dolly G., Dolly O., Prince Frank Dekinn, president of the society, gineer at twenty-eight; fire engineer at struetions of streets for building purposes is having a dozen large cages, 6x6x4 feet last week to examine the government attorney at thirty; deputy W. D. Fenton lias moved liis family works and Yaquina bay with a view of Ham, Geo Ham, Lottie, in the order referred to judiciary committee. Miss Susie Chatfield, who has been notice that the time has now expired lor O11 made, in which the birds will be turned twenty-nine; district attorney four days after being ad- spending the last few weeks in Portland, and law office to Seattle where he will running the road to the coast. He ex named. motion council adjourned. loose. Green C 1__ 2__ sod ’ will bo placed on .2. the milted to practice; deputy city attorney is again among us looking none the worse paying taxes without cost and that all reside in the future, Mr. Fenton will presses liinitelf well pleased with the .Shot Dead. floor of the cages and a big pan of wafer four months later; elected city attorney for hei visit. taxes now due the county are subject to build during the cummer in Queen Ann’s harbor. and plenty of food and vegetables in each at thirty-two, district attorney at thirty- a forced collection. Come in anil settle addition to Seattle, lie has fronted a law , . , , . Last Friday, Emii tVeber, the notorious SicKEnrox-KEi.i.ts.-Saturday the mar Mrs. C. Hendrix lias opened a dress- ; in order that the little songsters may wash three, resigning at thirty-five; attorney with the sheriff and san- i .et- ai.d e x partnership with W. W. Newlin. The large number of people m the city ; gambler vx<sbot dead in tho streets of ? *«r cslvz-xixlzl I ««a rxfx t ni’t««i rxxxz fl nnzfl •all /tnn<. : __ . ... - - . - riage ceremony uniting Bill Suckerton making shop on a small scale and is and refresh themselves after their long for important incorporations at thirty now should tie entertained and all done [tenses of levy and sale of property, A force of men are now at work con necessary for their comfort. McMinn Portland by “Sandy” Olds the well known and Polly Kellier was performed by Judge journey. As to just where the birds will seven; turning out some very neat work. The _____ _ „ . plea-.- therefore to ....... save costs and ....... lioulile state senator in California at structing a paper mill at Oregon City. ville will make by treating them right; if faro dealer. The shooting was the result Louglmrv at the court house. ladies can get their patterns cut the very call atonce ail'd ‘ Mdlle' iip'ioi'u taVbiU be turned loose after tiiey have been ex thirty-eight, re-elected at forty-two, the ■ “ ‘ : □. of an oid feud. Weber was a quarrelsome Both a woodptilp and a sulphite mill will they like the town they will say so to their «.«..u:---- :n_ •.»_». .The couple belong to the I irand Ronde hibited at the exposition building, noth recognized leader of liis pally,’ making a latest style. McMinnville, Feb. r 5, 1889. be built, as near as can 1® learned, and friends when they return homo. If they I character and always in hot water. Olds reservation and are Siwashes. They ing certain is known, as the society will United Farmers now rejoice when they learn .States senator, receiving the com- T. .1. It arris , 15,063 cords of cottonwood will be con don't, then the towu will get a black eye pleads as an excuse for tho killing that stated that they had come to McMinn consult the man who brings them in plimentry vote of his party at forty-three the exceedingly low price V.r. VV. A. Sheriff of Yamhill Co. Weber had threatened to kill him. tracted for before the grind begins. Howe is offering them the best manilla from which it will take a long time to re Weber had a gun rq»on his person when ville to have their teeth pulled and to regard to this matter.—Orrgonian, 14th. and dead at forty-five. get married. We suppose they had their The G. A. R. committee will meet Tues cover. He worked for fame and wealth ¡worked binding twine. He has l®uglit five ton shot, but had no time to d aw it. The An Inhuman Bruto. day and decide how 1 ecoration day will | Tlie Corvallis Gazette published on I first bullet from Olds’ pistol struck the teeth pulled for mutual protection. eighteen hours a day; now he is dead; of the very best brand and farmers can I® assured that his prices are lower than * ire"celebrated by the Post. The box s will Friday last says: “The dynamo and j victim behind the ear. Weber fell and H anson —C hristenson ——On Monday, Frank Jarvi-», a brute, of Rooster Rock, his heirs get a million dollars. goto Dayton to attend memorial services machinery for L. L. Hurd’s electric light | rolled into the gutter when Olds put May 6th, Judge Lougharv united Miles charged by his married daughter, Mrs. There is a moral in the result; get into the lowest. When Baby wm nick, we pave her Pastoria, mi Sunday preceding Decoration day. A works arrived on Monday last and was j several more bullets into his prostrate Hanson and Lizzie Christenson in the D. W. Ross, with the crime of incest, it if you have time. ______________ _ Fox. When she was a Child, she cried forCastoria, picnic will be held in the Oak Park grove. taken to the room where it will be placed body. The shooting caused a great deal holy bonds of wedlock, at his office. had a brief preliminary hearing before The Way to Attract Iimnigiatiou. There is more catarrh in this section of When she became Miss, she clung to Cust<>ria, Mr. Hanson stated that Miss Christen Justice Tuttle, at Portland, last Friday. j of excitement on the streets of Portland. the country than all other diseases put J. C. Patterson brought to us Wednes in position. The main wire is all stretched son had come from Chicago on purpose The prosecuting witness, a frail little The Baker City Democrat advances the together, and until tlie last few years was When she had Children, she gave them (’&Ht<<ria day, two radishes which measured two and at present the workmen are busy wir Carrying Ont the Will. to marry him. lie paid freight on a woman with an honest looking face, was following sensible proposition: inch's in diameter; also a few green peas. ing tho different business houses which supposed to I® incurable. For a great woman from Denmark last season but accompanied by her husband and her “One hundred country newspajiers se many years doctors pronounced it a local This is lather early lor garden sass in lhe are to be lighted by this system. Hurd The executors of the estate of Albert VV. east, hut then this is a better country and expects that he can furnish light in i Kinney, deceased, are procuring a large she skip|®d out before she married him. three weeks old babe. Mrs. Ross re lected in favored localities throughout disease, anil prescribed local remedies, He considers that be has made a good lated the history ol the revolting details the East at points from which coast im and by constantly failing to cure with lo people lu the east should migrate lo this a week or ten days.” telescope to cost one thousand dollaae, al- bargain this time. of the crime, and during the recital she migration is expected, having an average cal treatment, pronounced it incurable. Timothy Hay for Kale. lair clime Lou Maddock returned from an ex | so a select library of standard and scien was weeping the greater part of the time. circulation of 1003 copies anil read by all Science lias proven catarrh to be a con Tlie Grand Lodge. An exchange of the east of the* tended trip to California, Thursday week tific works to cost one thousand doilars- Tiie story the poor little woman told was classes, would gladly lurnish space for a stitutional disease, and therefore requires I have some A No. 1 Timothy hav * mountains says: Surveyors are locating and reports that a heavy rain damaged and a Grand Weber piano to cost eight Monthly the delegates from the various a fearful one, and every one in the court well written article calculated to attract the line of tl.e Oregon Pacific through j the erops considerable. Oregon ctops hundred dollars. The whole will be pre lodges of 1. O. O. F. in the state, began room that had a view of her face was attention to Eastern Oregon, for not more constitutional treatment. Hail’s Catarrh which I will sell for $8.00 |x»r ton in tin- C i . akk P. rai . y . sente! to the Baptist college at McMinn, I are never damaged anil every year the the southern portion ol I rook county. to arrive. < hrer 150 delegates are in town satisfied that she was telling the horrible than five dollars an issue, This would Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & barn at my place. The lines will go south of Prineville, hut state expoits nn enormous quantity of i ville ill necoidance with 11® .will of Mr. now , 80 lodges being represented. A truth, lhe defendant was not placed on reach 1,003,000 jteople of the class desired Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the oniv constitu cure on the market, 'it is taken , will afford Uttar facilities for shipping wheat. Good crops are a certainty in Kinney.— States ma.i. - a .. T. bowe <sc co.. number of Rebeccas are also here. The the stand, but he was bound over to ap to be reached, and at a cost of $500. As tional internally in doses from 10 drops to a -Oregon, and what other state can say than that section eiijovs. meetings are held at the court house. Tlie pear before the-grand jnrv, with his a business proposition, place this in con teaspoonful. Clufthig Out At Cofit. Proprietors of It acts directly upon the - this. session will be adjourned some time to bone’s fixed at $5003, which he jjas not trast with the poicy pursued by a numlier blood and mucus surface of the system. We notice little pamphlets around town 1 am closing out tho well selected able to furnish. day. The 1. <>. O. F. Temple was dedi- of towns of Oregon, who pay the Ore They offer one hntidred dollats ior any The Ilemizer in an editorial headed • Looming lhe Puget Sound country. They gonian a like amount for a verv question case it fails to cure. Send for circulars . are distribute.! by W. W. Beck, manager “ The agony over.” says: The court stock of limits and shoes of the late firm caled by the Grand Lodge yesterday mor At the Penitentiary. ning. able complimentry write up that carries and testimonials. Address, of the Puget Sound Ltml Co. He is a house contest, which liegan two months ol Harris & Haney, at Lafayette at cost. Where Meats of all kinds ran !»<• , u: Thursday afternoon the Grand Lodge Cumberland Presbyterian minister, and ago, ended yesterday forenoon, the result The stock consists of a general assort elected the h Howing officers for the ensning _ The present number of prisoners con distrust with it even to the most credu ^1. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. , chaswl at a reasonable price In the P.ralv j Block, next door to Dielwhneider's lous, and canno: be read by over 15,030 fine I within the penitentiary wallsis 291 nndoubt »div has gone into die real estate being 910 on the petition, and 996 on the ment of ladies’, cents’ ami childrens’ year i^^Sold by Druggists, 75c. remonstrance. Tlie petitioners presented fine and coarse wear, most of which was G. M..O. D. Doane, of The Dalles; D and of this numl®r, something near 203 people, and nine tenths of them already liecause it is more profitable. a list of names, which they believe to be lioiight of the best Eastern factories at G, M.,(ieo, H. 1’urnett of Salem; G, VV., of them are emplogeil in the stove foundry conversant with the true facts, and this right’s Red Cross Cough Syrup In th? famous Jones counlv, Iowa* calf wrongfully on the remonstrance, also tin» lowest rates. Wil1; sell vou boots and P. 1* Gates of Lafayette; (irand Secretary, The number of sick patients is five, three from Boards of Trade and men presumed cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, loss of ■case, which lias been in court since 1874, of persons who have since changed their shoes 25 to 40 )>ei cent less than you can A. M. (iandileef Portland ;Grand Treasurer, of whom are very low with consumption to represent the business sagacitv of their voice and all inflamed conditions of the a decision has Iwen banded down against minds, or were not on either, that would get them elsewhere. J. G. Wright of Salem. and will likely pass to the great beyond respective communities. lungs. Sold by Rogers & Todd. defendants for $1,000 and costs, which have overbalenced the majority but before the expiration of their sentences. M ary H aney . Have been pnrchaaee bj Notice to Contractors and Builders. From Whatcom. .amounts to $3,500. Appeal .was taken | tlio court lias decided to act upon The new cloth from the Brownsville MOTHERS! The Lndiefl Delighted. and the four calves to cost $20,6)0 the papers previously filed. So the fiat woolen mills has arrived and is conceded We the undersigned will on the 15 day (.'astoria is recommended by physicians .|®b>re the case is ended. Granville B ker who left this city for to I® of a better quality than that used Harrison, Chas Chaney and is that we are to have no new courthouse The pleasant effect and the perfect of May 1889, let to the lowest responsi or children teething It is a purely veget E. R. Morris I). Abbot of the Baker City Re for the present, but the air and the liones safely with which ladies may use the Wl atom, on a visit some time age, re before. The strips are much wider and ble bidder the labor for building a grain able preparation, its ingredients are pub Chas. Allen. turned Friday and states that Whatcom lished around each bottle It is pleasant if any change is made in the looks it is veille, and wife attended the meeting of of the tieople are still chuck full of that to the taste and absolutely harmless. It re the Grand I.isbje I. <». O. F., m this city spirit—the fire is not quenched, only liquid fruit laxative, <yriipof Figs, under is still booming and that improvements really more pleasing to tho eye than the elex-ator at McMinnville, Yamhill coun lieves constipation regulates the bowels, Of Amity, amt » now reedy to rreeir. Jis delegate. He called upon Illis office, smothered, and will break out again, no all conditions make it their favorite rem of all kindsare under way. but real estate former small stripes. Howard, who ty, Oregon. Plans and specifications can quiets pain, cures <liarrho*a and wind colic, t'UBtomers. and said the future |>ros|®cts of Baker telling when, where, or how. Polk edy. It is pleasing to the eve and to the is slow. Railroads are still the talk but chopped off his hand some time ago, is be seen at our office in the McMinnville allays feverishness, destroys worms, and City were good, and that tlie quartz mines county must and will have a new court taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on only one is being worked on, and that is sawing wood like a troo|®r. He is sub flouring mill. We reserve the right to prevents convulsions, soothes the child and the Bennett road, which runs into the dued and performs hi* labor gracefully. reject any and all bids. Tli« bn ine«« will be c < mm I u . ted with Ibe in gives it refeshing and natural sleep. Cas- Signed, in the ni’igliborhood were now being i house' before tliere can be any peace or toria is the children's panacea—the moth leution ut oknaiag even one anti wo Ml « < ,n coal and lumber reigon back of the town. —Salem Journal. the kidneys, liver ami Iwwels. rapid prepress within its borders. trorked to an advantage. llouini-e of the Publie Palrouage. B arnekoff . A i . i . yn A C o . ers' friend. 35 «loses. 35 cents. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. , Acme barrel churns at Martin & San- ‘ ‘ ■ .... • t » z % ’ i *■? STHE CITY MARKET. EC LES,