4 REGISTER Established August. 1881 TELEPHONE Established June. 1886. M c M innville . O regon . F riday , may 17,1889. W. T. Shurtleff. J. I. Knight. Notice for Publication. Treat the Newcomer llifilit. VOL. I. NO. De Bansset's Air Ship Copies troni Nature Mr. Grant Allen ¡>r q .mn.l~ ¡1 7" / • rxwi a new view of “Winnaii'a I'laee in Several of our cotemporaries through­ April 10, 1889 A committee cf congress |>.t reported Most of tlie skillful devices invented by Nature,” “The iuale>.” Le say« are the out the state are giving seasonable ad­ favorably a bill appropriating >1'0.0'0 Notice is hereby given that the f«dl<>v. men for doing fine work rapidly can 1 h > raee; the female» are n e elv tlie ■ xtohl named settler has {¡led notice* of his i? vice to their readers relative to lheir so­ for the purpose of building an air ship as traced to nature, where for countless eon- offto recruit anil pro.lu -e it. All that i» tion to make I’mal proof in siir-port of cial treatment of newcomers seeking described in the patent of Arthur de turies they have ln'en operating, says g at McMinnville, Oreg m, mi Fi i-.Liy, lie shown that his idea was as old as the tive—the home,the nm1 v. tho :-• !>< <>1- 1880, viz: en themselves worthy of confidence and than the water it displaces it will float. hills. It is suggested that the inventors rr»m.” “This very m- . - !v for h'llint; ISRAEL LANGLEY, respect—newcomers to this valley in re­ So too, if a vessel can be construct el that of the future will be those who carefully off at leant a <*on»iral>le numi e. of th. Homestead Entry No. »003, for the V. human cent years—of the utter indifference and will displace air weighing more than it study the natural world. The buhr v.omen for the artlnou* (he stones of the mills are another styleoi the maternity pre-rent» the possibility of wo­ s w % of section 18. t 5 s, r 5 w apathy manifested by a great many of level where the air is just heavy enough names the iollowing witn«- <•< to prove molar teeth, which grind all the grists man, ns aneli, over lieing really in anv LOAN BRÖKERS. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND SEARCHERS of RECORO. his He the older settlers to those who were so to float it. continuous rc.-idenc«* upmi ami : r.!iiv;.- The “Boston Tran < iij>!" that feed men nml beasts. The hoofs of deep venae the raiv It ishm i <11 totill. tion of. said land, v:.:; describing the proposed ship, says: ÆS unfortunate as not to be pioneers them­ horses are made of parallel plates like to trtiihl, to niviga'e. t>> manmaeturo; M Aylward. Jos', pl: !’ir«!. I D.m. “ Nothing can ’ •«• built that wool carriage springs, the finest tile of hu­ ami there are the function» that fali u|»m selves Surly or contentious conduct and Patrick Casey, nil of Kellcvuc, V i J lighter than the air it displaces, but county, Oregon we rarely hear of among the pioneers to­ | practically the same effect can lx* pro­ man manufacture is a rough affair com­ man." "Themaleahave built up hum in Any person who desires to protest against pared with the batch rush used by cabi. civilization and liave ma«le the gieat wards recent arrivals, and when chance duced by removing from a lightly built net makers. The jaws of the turtle an/ functionally acquire'! gain» in linmar fac­ the allowance of such proof, ir who know- .1 of any substantial reason, umb r the law throws the latter directly upon the hos­ structure more than its weight of air: or tortoise are natural scissors. ulty, while the female -. I.ave m ted aa ami regulations of the interior dcpailinen!. IL 1 °^} er wor< ^ s By creating a vacum. ” The squirrel carries chisels in its inoutli mere passive transmitter» H these male pitality of the old Oregonian be is never why such proof sl’iould not L • allow J. v. That is to sav, the weight of the weight bo given an opportunity at the above men- j found lacking in the art of entertain­ oi a hollow body consists of two parts; and the hippopotamus is provided with acquisitions.” adzes, which are constantly sharpened tioued time ami place D» <•:«.' --e.xamim* the ment; bat many have found Io their sor­ first tho weight of tho niateriate forming us they are worn. Tho carpenters plane witnesses of said claimant, and io oiler evi­ In probably no connl the shell , ami seeondlv, the weight of the row that the whole-souled ho.:t or host­ is found in the jaws of the bee. The has the telephone co No. 1—*19 acres, 3U miles from McMinn­ 300,000 feet of lumber now on hand, 4ft) dence in rebuttal of that submitted by | claimant air (ontaind in the shell. Now if this air ville; finely improved, good buildings; wa­ acres good timber land. Price. $6,000. One- woodpecker has il powerful little trip erain*»than in Kw«1 ess can be as cold, repelant, distant and can be removed, that is, if a sntEcientiv ler pip <1 to bouse ami barn. Price. $10,500. third cash ; balance, one to two years’ time, indfferent a neighbor as ever went Urge vacum can bo created, the ve-sel hammer. The diving-liell immitates the Stockholm boast th J (April 10-16) for cash or lumber. One-third rash; easy tvrm<. work of the water-spider, which con­ through the form of exchanging greet­ will displace more air than it wo’gh and structs a small r oil under the water, phonic arrangement n No. 2 210 acres, 3 miles from McMinn­ dition to the hugest per. No, 50—160 acres, eight miles from Mc­ will rise De Baussett proposes to build ville; well improved; running water. Price, ings. A due amount of care and caution clasps a small bubble of air between its phone sub-- ’i ibe . bni th. . Timber land, act June 3, IS7N. $9,000. One-third cash; balance, easy terms. Minnville; 30 aeres plow land, balance tim­ a strong steel shell of sufficient . ‘ -trenublirat«on. in receiving strangers into a neighbor­ ber and pasture; 100 acres .fenced, small or­ to resist atmospheric pressure f, 'm marine chamber with the bubble, dis­ west cooBt will soon b<* in telephon No. 5— four 20-acre tracts 2' ^ miles from chard ; warranty deed. Price, $050. This powder never varies. A marvel of McMinnville. Price, $.800 per tract. One- L and O ffice at Oregon City,Or., » purify, strength and wliolesomeness. More hood is not only expedient but commend­ without after the air has been removed placing tlie water gradually, until its lnunieation, a line between 8tei kh<^in half down March 2i'ih, l-W.i No. 2, B—Furniture stock and good will nit al than the ordina y kinds, and able; but it is unchristian and inhuman from the interior. Here are his figures, abode will, fishes contains a large airy and Gothenburg being in course of orec- tion. Many small towns arc in telepneji- , be sold in competition with multi­ to live within a stone’s throw of the givinK dimensions, lifting |>:>vvcr.' etc: No. 10—five 10-acre tracts. 2 miles from of b’asiness, invoice price on goods, easy Notice is hereby given that in eomplianc;- room surrounded by water. In hiving terms ; satisfactory reasons for selling. low test, short weight alum or phos- McMinnville. Price. $50 per acre. with the provisions of the act of congress of Weight of airship complete, 115,It ».; its eggs on tlie water, the gnat fastens ic communication with each other, and the number of pubscribers is < ¡Ktantly powder. Sold onlv in cans. R oyal strangers, who in nine cases out of ten «eight of air contained therein, 721,S72 No. 8. B—635acres 2 miles from postoffice, June 3, 1.878, entitled ‘ An act for the sale of No. 11—15 acres, with good house and them into the shape of a life-boat, which, increasing. . 106 Wall St., N. Y, boasts of Ireing descended from pioneers In Malmo, for instance barn, chicken house, etc., tine orchard ; 2 1-2 2 houses, one barn, living water, 400 acres timber lands in the states of i'alif« lbs.; vacum at exhaustion, 511,404 it is impossible to sink without tearing it which has about forty thorn aid inhabit* miles from McMinnville. Price, 1.700. One- plow land; price $15 per acre, balance time Oregon, Nevada. an 0 lbs. That t > pieces. tory,” William 11 Atlkin.-, of Oregon secured by mortgage on the premises half cash; balance, three years. ants, there are six hundred subscribers; county of <'laekamas, state of Oreg »: terest enough in the welfare of himself is when the vessel is finislcd and be. ae The iron mast of a modern ship is this town is connected with ab *nt thirty No. 12—170 acres adjoining the town of the air pumpingconiin,':.. it will « h this day Iiled in this office his sworn slate No. 3 — 30 acres two and one-1-alf miles strengthened by deep libs running along smaller towns and country places, with McMinnville: with extra good buildings, from postoffice, house of five rooms, barn ment No. 516, for the pun has? of th* n 1-2 o or family to even enquire his name for 415,696 lbs. and « ¡11 contain 721. 00 lb-, its interior. A ¡sircupino <|uill is ✓ large orchard and land of l»cst quality. 24-30, living water on premises, all firstclass n w Fi of section No. 26, in township No. 2] lia: th** most complete stock of harness months and even years after his arrival. of air; the lifting ]>ower being, of mirse strengthened by similar ribs. \\ lien en­ subscribers ranging ln-tween two hundre»l Price. $75 per acre. $7,060 cash; balance, land; price, $1500. and ten. In Norway also there are sev­ south, range No. (> west and will oiler proof I Such a course would breed discontent anything less than the diil'er. n« 1 ■ n gineers found that hollow beams were linn*. to show that tho land sought is more vain- j it the county. At*present 12 set of sin­ new line; in con is - of c »list * url ion. 1 th. stronger than solid ones, they only dis­ eral No. 13—555 acres. 10 miles from McMinn­ and dissatisfaction even in paradise. To the weight of the materia'» No. 7—110% acres four and one-half miles able for its timber or stone than for agrirul- j gle harness, hand made, in prices — Iwhit fi i, •. amount of tlie vacum i icated « r air di: - ville; 2 houses, 4 barns: ibis is one of the from McMinnville, well improved,good|l»uild- tural purposes, and to establish liis claim | covered a principle that is very common ranging from $12 to $90, and 8 a high-spirited American who feels the best stock farms in tne County. Price, ings, schoolhouse on one corner of farm; to said land before tho register and receiver | placed, «^uch a vessel would ri. ■ slight] , in nature. A wheat straw if solid, could set of team biymcss as cheap pride of liis nativity, tills kind of treat- with a weight of pas-smgers and fie! «ht $7.500. One-half cash; balance, terms to price, $45 per acre, two-thirds cash. It would be an excelieib ¡»lea if | of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on i nrt support its head of grain. The bones suit Monday, tlic 21th day of June. 1S89. ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY I ment « «^re galling than positive suspi- amounting to 125,01» lbs. Or it ««.ni l ol the higher order of animals are |K*rous; cians of the present day would i No. 9 — House of five rooms and acre He names as witnesses: George Brough­ No. It -540acres, 11 miles from McMinn-! ;1 i seen on the hooks in my shop, cion or lepulsion, and yet there are some rise without any additinal weight to ■u. l: those of the birds, where lightness and some other reason lor about all < j vibe; this farm has good buildings of all in McMinnville, chicken house, barn, wood ton and Albert Blount, of Oregon City. | ?lovcd ne*K*l^°r*,oot*H ‘n ^,e county where this an altitude where the weiiiht of the . 1 strength are most beautifully combined, deaths that occur nowadays th Clackamas county, and : seph retch and l kinds necessary for the farmer and stock shed, etc.; price, $650. ent workmen enii. —. . - , This i side atmosphere displaced just e oialh d are hollow. The framework of a ship re­ cheap fraud, heart failure. James Henry, of North Yamhill, Yamhill j raiser: running water. Price, $18 per acre. I of repairing ami to make course is systematically ‘ — - __ ,.j pursued, ^Mioucd. l'or- I1 or- the weight of the material» and the rati­ sembles the skeleton of a herring. Aero­ not be of serious moment u - .* it u No. 10—20 vacant lots at prices ranging county; all of Oregon. Part cash and easy terms. • < ordered. I also keep c f - ” I • • • a foil tunately there are other sections where from $100 to $150 per lot, 60x120 feet, con­ fied air contained in the partial vat-mn. nauts try to copy the structure and move­ the fact that hundreds of |»eople a: A dv and all persons claiming adversely oil and rubber robes, lap robe No. 15—540acras, 2 1-2 miles from post-! veniently located; easy terms. the aixivc-doscribed land - arc rrqiv. >tere constant use of the cause of u 1 leno r repairs constantly on hand. * No. 11— Relinquishment of claim to 1571 said 21th day of June. IS1«*!). No. 16 -860 acres, 7 miles from McMinn­ hand of fellowship to worthy immigrants sei reads as follows. “Tho cylinder is potter, studied seashells to learn the and manv people who are - i k and i to be constructed of thin steel plat .f best method of fortifying a town. The ville; about 5i) head of cattle and ho ses. acres, ten miles from McMinnville, has for W. T. BURNEY, and cordially welcome them to a share great tensile strength, 1-14 «. an inch Iwsidcs hogs, goats, farming machinery, improvements—large house 20x35, barn April 12:19 i*csp«»ss Notice. ship-worm is an admirable tunneler, sailly. hive son » heart symptom R< gi ter. in their church, school and social privi­ thick. These will be braced from th boring his way through any submerged kept in constant terrò« by i adii •etc. Price, $21,000 One-fourth cash; bal­ 40x65, 9000 feet fencing, etc.; price, $600. are forbidden from hunting leges, and it is in such neighborhoods interior— the pressure «¡11 be all from limber, and lining the icund passage hearing in other ways of deal:» allori ance, time to suit No. 13—House and 1 acres two and one- Timber Lind, Act June 3, 1878 :i our premises Any viola- tlie outside—by a system of arcs, flanges No. 17—100 acres, 7 miles from McMinn-i half miles from McMinnville. | by hoart failure. T: ore aie probjl otice wiil be prof C.nited to the we shall sec the highest development in and rings which will be arra.ig I ■ with a hard easing. The engineer Itruel, more Notice for Publication. deaths from he rt fnilur * in ville; very best valley land. Price, $15 per I took a hint from this animal, and was i material progress and happiness. There inches apart throughout itsn.t r . |(".. t!i. acre. . *««». — _ _ 8 lots in No. >« 17— House ui of O 8 rooniM rooms 1. with than heretofore, bat a n. w • first to succeed in tunneling tinder water. times | A C D avis , •** #. . barn, . . Location is L and O ffice at Oregon City. Or., ) No, 18 348 acres, well improved, water McMinnville. Good etc. L< for death Ims been coined and the was a time when our own pioneers would This will give double the .'trengtli 10- 1 — f ih’r.trfal Journal. 1 P- < >v. ENS, March 22, 1889 ( in every field, buildings gixsl. orchard. one °f the best in McMinnville Price, vous ami timid are beings ve • Iv i:» .1. B H andley . have been glad to receive such kindly at­ quired by the atinosphorie pressure, As $1700. Price, $30 per acre. ' ; only t ’“nn Notice is hereby given that in compliance by it.— Mu u < F. A J N elson . is well known, the pressuredei resse tho *i--------- : ---- ' of the :mt of emigre ()f provision:: j," tentions, and the hostility of the savage Ko- 19—PM) acres. 1 mile from postoffice. J No. 9, B—360 acres, 2 miles from McMinn- with the Iri tho Matter of ( ’ alvos. IAN O. B bK inner , greater tho altitude. At ¡12 lmli June 3, 1878, entitle«! “ An act for 'cr, 1886, six young calves, ilv obeyed as those u . immigrant who locates among ns be­ titicially providiMi. Th.’cur « r ) a i. rm plete ami now working full crew-orders for' i years. of the same age, were taken onto the “suggestions” of every p sihlo s«a ( were section No. 10, in township Ko. 2 son L nd Oi l d e at O regon C ity ,) comes an integral part of our society; on which will bo carried mu. h • the state farm at Lansing. There was a as effectually communicate 1 thiongh th range No 6 west, ami will oiler prooi Oregon, April 21, 1889. ( show that the land sought is more valua and society’ is good or bad as content­ machinery, the pa»seng;’:s mi l p ■’ , Hereford, a Devon, a < lalloway, a Jersey, medium of tho machine a s ii niud<* "f liere ’ i iy fiven that the following- is suspended from th cylinder l.v' for its timber or stone than for agricultu a Shorthorn ami a Holstein. It was re­ voce. The conclusion decti1? I i y lh\ Pi- !?r lias filed notice of her inten- ment or disaffection prevails among its steel ban bo arrangetl rato tl puruoses, and to establish hi- Haim to s lie cur­ solved to feed the calves for three years nel is that the theory <> a ei: . • final proof in support of her members. land before tho register ami receiver of t asa whole the p that said proof will be made be­ with a view to ascertaining the:r bee rent passing from th'* *»p< 1 ib‘tlu*sub­ office at Oregon Ci absolutely necessary. It will be about making qualities, auty judge, or, in his absence, the 20th day of June, 1889. The 'critters” were ject ia entirely l»a: e’e-nv aubject to theie.— Elt / • i lb. ■! i. experiment . WRIGHT. go digging in the musty catacombs for for exhausting the air fr ,m tin- « vlimlerl j j excited Anv and all persons <-luimin*g inversely a wide interest, and when, in the the above-described lands are r qiu-st! 1 to i ’. m E Wright, deceased, Raineses or any of his cotem|>orarie8. and the propelling apparels. St. i l with ! I fall of 1888, the animals were taken to Siimi alni Cattish. of s tile their claims in this office o:i or ! efore it uert»?a«l E: y No. 4!)29, for the s in tin I I* Chicago hit stock show, they were We can have them made to order by an alloy of aluminium will b" w ' of section f, 13 s. r 2 w. said 20tli day oi' June. 1888 construction of tho machine:v, partly Th«r largest shad tho irrito*' ha» «.* ■lie names ip following witnesses to two very clever Arabs, who will furnish elaborately tlisctissed bv stock breeders W. T BURNEY, because the weight wd! b 1 imed, i n! and farm journals. They were killed seen bere wa» reni to thè .1?.' < 1 < ol sve her and •r deceased husband's con-1 April 5-18 kings, queens and princes at very reason ­ ti primarily because finer wo k « an 1 f. e up >n and cultivation of, | November 20th, and after .36 hours were vostenlay witli 111" comi lim<'!il.» of I . I ia;:d. viz; able figures. I have had the distin­ The horizontal motion or spec,! will be cut ep. While some of the animals iiorclier», alio had jtiM caligli! il. Il Timber Land, Act .Tune 3, Í87S ohn W Winters, . AS Vaughn, Jas New- guished honor of being present while obtained from «tigtit independent <• >i i- were better as feeders and growers than 21*.j inelics long ami weigui .1 filile <1 Notice for Publication. n ami Win G uirland, all ot ________ Middleton, , this manufacture astonislied my eyes. ]>onnd exhausting screws. Four of these the others, and while the Jersey pro­ »ix ]»Hind.-'. Tliis i» I» l.eve l to Ita w .shingten county, Oregon. L and O ffice at O regon C ity , I . ii v pi ’ -m who desires to protest against A dead man was brought into the shop will be placed directly under tho cylinder duced the best beef of all, a committee largo a sliad il» ever w:e< « l'.iglit in ami will each be capable of tlirowin ■■ of the Illinois boa id of agriculture was Columbia ri ver. Acc.'upany ing thè. ! Oregon, Mar, Sth, 1889. J »Í such proof, or who knows Notice ¡3 hereby given that in compliance ntial reason, under the law at Gournab, on the Nile. I think the "lion the Rurronnding atiibs "hero iron' unanimous in putting the Hereford first, wero two smaltar li.di. :il-«i cauglit I y 1 with the provisions of the act of congress of 300, (DO to 500.003 Pnbi,. f,., ,,f . . and then the DeVoti, Galloway, Jersey, llorciiei», "all »live un i wiili tlc.-ir . * of tin o Interior Department, Arabs paid three shillings for him, or in June 3,1878, entitled “An act for Hi? ml < f î .should ' ’ ii K»t be allowed, will the native money what three shillings minute. The other four will I ;;t gated Shorthorn and Holstein. The consider­ open. Tliey are g ’mine . it fiali, iii timber lauds iu the states of < aiii ruia. Orc in i opportunity , ...... at the above men- on the platform, two at each cn 1, mid fello« k , lillt of U h - Itile borii p u;t In e Nevada and Washington territory. ’ Milford i I place to cross-examine the would represent. The body was put on will be used in connection with the ation by which their respective merits They arc the first w<» < v n a. •Nessly of I’orland. couniy of Muhnomnh, stufe we e detcimined was profitableness of . ............................... n .said ’ Faimant, and to oiler cvi- a slab and the entrails were removed. steering apparatus for guiding th ■ y. .1 the care ts? to the butcher and consumer. coast, and brought up memori *s *«l ot Oregon, has thfc day tiled in ¡hi^ «• •ice his ;• <’ in n buttai of that submitted by swam stah ni m No. 134, for the pnrshase cl The brain was drawn through the nos­ and also in its propulsion. I),-. «1 ■ Ban ■' A new experiment is now being made hook ai« west, anti will «her preof t > I m »'. v r pheric conditions ho can driv hi: . ir eat fish isa vicious, ugly Register. | that the land sought is niuro ’.a'u.ilh* i n- i;s. Herodotus describes the embalming pro­ ship at more than seventy miles :.a hour ford, two Jerseys, two llolsieins ond two eat, but not tlu* mo-J r. d.< I’.an set'.-. ,,i; th' and to establish his claim to said land bofore I '- íiih e l'or Publication. the Register and Receiver of this offi ent< It would lie a good «li corpse was thrown rudely into a large face of it, reads like a leaf from th«' wihi I Oregon Productions. gon City. Orego ■. cn Wednesday, the th • romance; but every one ot his stiiteme:i! lumbia if every cat fish in i vat of brine. After remaining there for can of June, 18b‘J. 1 « .1 0, , i; K « t Oregon City, Or., I be backed up mathematically. S, A. YOUKG, M. D. He names as witnesses: W 8 Ranyan, W W March Kill. 188». ( Oregon produee« as fine apples, peats, terminate I. If they over ■ a period of fifteen days it was removed it it would be folly to contend that one Not- ■ " : tiv given that in compliance Espey. E Espey and E Griggs al! of 1 *<•;■:! .:: file their i > of California; Oregon anj fi|le(. in­ tho - dealing in the line. In fa< t, fruit out here. W. T. BURNEY. " ‘ 1 ■ h ■■■ ' ■ .j in this oflice his sworn doors were closed and the corpse was < alls promptly answere«! day nr night. dorsed by many men of selenc ■ ani ong Dealer in All Kinds vt Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware. till. 1.1 m i;: >. br the purchase of the s J , Register. Neither aliad nor hor:. ; others Geo. \V. Jfelville, chi f of the always commands a gool price, hut . t Metioa Ko. I. in like a ham. ¡Given Or rgi n does not prr»hicc enougli lor her ot the Columbia, blit (lie r I..«I r Clocks and Spectacles. McMIKNVILLE, OK. DR. J. <’. MICHAUX t ' - : » '.th, innge No. n west, amt In ten hours this o|ieration wascom- bureau of steam engineering, i J.S.N. ; plant- 1 own consumption. It is surprising to ed a feu yea r R ago is givi W. II. I'ainc, chief engineer oi tl.c Brovk- I Timber l.atitl. Act .’tine 3, 187ÍS w I!' . r i.roi 1 ili.at the laml sought is . . ... , ,, . . hii II h . know this when an acre of land will yield i hl C 1 :l-1 mher or «Hue than for pteted, and I beheld a most remarkable Iyn bridge,anil Professor Edwin ii oiistin, Notice for Publication. In si»», a« in flavor tl»e\ npire 3 2 icu'tuial ptirpcse.-. and i<> establi-h his change. Practicing Physician and Surgeon, professor of physics in Franklin in ¿tute, a profit if from io1) to io00 and sometimes favorably with the I ».-lev.. n Pi : .«ad bi iure tl.e Registeraad He- The body had turned almost black. It Hitherto when in t! •e air more. The farmers of Oregon imagine L and O ffice at O ksgon C iiy , 1 cci.' or it; ■ ..;.«• at Oicznn City. Oregon, on had shrunken fully one-third. The fea- Philadelphia. “I*l.i»»kr«l shad with th • Lii tliat nothing hnt wheat can 1»' raised Ovtgon, .'l:;r. Bib, ‘ 89. 1 Wc'; : j, t!>e i.:, i'. iy of Jnne, ls8s. turea were pinched just like those of a the airship lias be m at the nit i v of < »very here, lint it is well to know that there is ing,” waflloH, cetTee, *tr.. I.AFAVETTE. OREGON ID r a. 37-e n.. rlx?rt Notice is hereby given that in complRuve varying breeze, because n itries-« uivvw, tH-r.iiise no ruui !> tiiir.d 1 1 •. E > arc believed to nuk » ui» Espey ■ suit M ■' v..U|ey‘,al?Port- “”>mmy, and it bore the appearance of device could bo invent 1 that Goods of all description« movedd and care­ with the provisioM oi the r.ct of con<*r> .<< < f - r.ld an immigration of 10t>0 iteoplo 11 week cream breakfast as cannot be b<*a- June 3, 1S78. entitled “An act for tho sa'e ct Mnllnonia!i c««nt; i>riving in the slate, and the dear old m, (*r< «; »n. great age. Some aromatic g adversely the nature of which I did not learn, were i counteract the action of the wind on the mo.- backs are awakening to the fact TI iíh sha«l is a roc shad a; d t 1 great swaying mass of silk wlii« h ■ c,. ] tic Nevada, and Washington territory.'- John il lb V Collection-; will l>c made mouthy c innville national bank lli-it we are living in an advanccil age. memlous amount of egg in I. ’ < «I ’ le-tc-fl tv» file theii then prepared, and the corpse was filled [ . me corpse was tilled the gas that furnished the lifting : . It •him 11 .■! 111 i 11 ■’ of a I kinds done cheaD^KV Rankin. c»t Portland, county of Molln :>ef 1 s said .7:11 ed the water as its progeny, « his sworn statemerl No :33; for the pnrclia. ■ • • yr--ivi.'Y t',e ',ra'ns ’’’ere removed the skull was I to * * Re'diiter. filled with a gummy substance smelling quently no prop lling inm-liin • v . m-l never to return. Now blood has come reach unythi«ig like maturity if of tho s I of ne ’ and lots I and *2. of .-• <-iio i No. .-.I'. be brought to hear for givir..: it : ■ 1 Transac*« a General Banking Business, i Mint 4, in t »unship No. 2 south, range Ko. <> west, among ns ’ an I we are thankful indeed. into th * IciiN of thou and > like sandalwood. A mummy case, made against the wind. In tin air : hip un i ■' ai.d will offer proof t*> idiow that the land so"g!>t President................................ I. W. COWLS ■ t ii.T.o't 1R7R the day before, but looking readv to fall discussion there is perfect rigidity, which Th? Oregon of today is not the Oregon be is more valuable for ils timber or stone than lor i -F 7>. vubiicatioJi.' ’ f""“ ol;‘ ":is »»'> A ÍJIIKII,.. . allows the effective action of propelling of ten years ago. The march ¡ h onward, Vice President............ LEE LAUGHLIN agricultural purposes, am! io cst.blish l.i- ■op|<>. the corpse of the peasant, previously machines. Dr. de Bausset’s -chemo has and we feel that it is for the best. The claim to said land before tho Register and !b- < ad der............................. CM R K B K A L Y Third Street, - McMinnville, ceivtr day will R'jon he over that the farmer i. sd office , Oregon City, Or.I sf this at Oregon City. Ore ■■ • I The American citizei who painted and gilded, was put in, and a not been proved practically, but, I . in. Mart li 8,1889. Í Wednesday, the olli day of June. 18S'J. go-s to buy Lin blitter, eggs and meat, or I read aright tlie le.sons of tin* o .'■s'il:, exchange on Portland, San Fran­ ----- Keeps constantly on hand---- e is h i-, I v given that in compliance long scroll of parchment was prepared theoretically possible, »honld ri ii en­ sends 2,0.10 mile» away for his apples.— He names as witnesses: W 8 Runyon, W W curring in < Iklalioma must I m a v cisco and New York. in- < f tho act of congress Af by one of the rogues, giving a history of couragement, as its »nee' sill :i"c.nn- Oregon Scout. Espoy, E Espey and E Griggs. :.ll of’Portl m !. vvith th iic ¡ June 3. 18. >, entitled “An ac# for the sale ot the dead man’s deeds some time during plislnnent ¡would i Multnomah county. Oregon. lierson indeed. If the new qiap Interest nilowe.I im time deposits. Any and all p?rsons claiming adver. cly the timber I: ir.d•; in the states of California, Oregon the reign of Thotmes, about 1405 B. C., modes of transjioi tation.” he believed, ton times an tr uly Oilice liours front 9 a. m. to 4 p. ir. highest price paid for fat cattle, sheep hogs above describe«! lands arc requested to filo their Nevada. ai d Washington territory,” William W when, in fact, he was a few days before Villard Goin«; in With GdiKon tlie new territory van tiecon.iiv and poultry. claims in this office on er before said 5t’i Cav of E-p*y.< ; 7, for the purchase of W. T. BURNEY, A» soon as the food enlcra lie »1« liai tin prepared, sold, I think, for £40 Io the tomach. io following: The certificate of in ­ land, and those who are fanii M.i11 .'> !5 lb- the sw .? of ». •; n No. 4 in township No. 2 the natural tendency i- fur fermon- cor|x flation of tlie Edison (lencral Eicc- former rushes into Indian i ■ south, range No. (» v vest, and will offer proof to Academy des Sciences in Paris. i o.tor tation at once to licgin, mid then trie c • itnpaiiv was filed yesterday l>v the exjiect a good deal of bloodsl.. show that the I s ..•gilt is more valuable tor Ultori its li: - b r cr there arises a contest l«-tv«.--ii H i han for agricultural purpos- si', retarv of ttate, A Great Invention. ton- ‘ ' ‘ ‘ and the company ’ s tho respective lights of rival ¡w I Requirements of a Stenographer .•- . ml to B8l ablish his claim to »aid land before Sample rooms in connection. deney am! the digestive p.mve . mi if lawyers paid to tbo adjusted This nie.uiH but Hutt o. -lu- B gi ler :i: .l Receiver of this < ffice at Ore- M c M innville , O regon . There was displayed on Main street to­ these powers are vigo irons, ami the »30, the ftate tax of state treasurer $15,- It signifies that the American pc TA Succeed as a stenographer, one must 1 ar- gon Ci’v. i -n •a. o Wednesday the 5th day of one-eighth of 1 per o------- o process of fermentation i . |Q curate in shorthand, skilled in type­ day, by Mr. T. L. Brophy, a mining ma- 9 intcrupted or payable by rdl newly ineor;>'>rateo He nanic? as w ii-.. W S lianyan, E Es- cliino styled the “King Dry Concentra­ checked, , then ing to l>e lamlloss, aa Europeans__ , . Is now fitted up in first class order. respondent. In the Shorthand Department of the ' the food will be digested, and sail ■ . ................................. mid the aml M F Ncssley, all of Portland, Th; < i < oae oi tho largest incorpurati. n that with landlessness will come, lmrc P.-tpor Hanging and -PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE — tor,” manufactured in Walla Walla and will not be needed, though Mi ’ flnuinnh ci lunty, Oregon. *• (> iwxvx.e-4 «' low 1---- wa . : , a at anv time TEACHING in shorthand, DAILY PRACTICE es paid to the state for many years, there, poverty, Any and nil a. o .s claiming adveisejy the sold in large numbers on the Pacific this will assist in the pr< Carriage Painting, Accommodations as eood as ran Is* THOROUGH in type-writing, careful instruction in penman­ > of digestion, (•lasn, an I a tenant da , and company w.e formed hv II niv Vil- above deser.h ; i. n is are requested to filé their found in the city. ship and abundant drill in correspondence amply : coast by J. T. Jones, of the Pauly Jail Salt keeps food from d< -.lying until it yrd, Ti, mas A. Edison an t associates to i American mauhrwul and m - Prompt Attention to Orders from qualify students for positions always open to those , claims in this (•!!:. on or b-.-.cre said 5t!i day of can be digested and : „ ............. - .. ,dmiiat«*d, and :'.; .y out the H cor.lly perfected airange- Hence, everv num wh » i- ¡ mi Co. It is designed for separating flour fully prepared to fill them. Send for catalogue. , June, 1 -8?. prolongs the time to alt rw 11 ■ c S. ft. MESblNGER, Manager. the Country. W. T. BURNEY. ! el i nvi before every acre of ur.. ’.L land to save in paying quantities. The ma­ quentlv will be ot much advatit '. And able l>e taken up. When it i- chine wxs operated before a large crowd i wind further, salt is preventative I turtber, »alt a of i: PHOTOGRAPHER. X Corner in H«*n(s. A h lienrv George says. Im of spectators, and it was shown that When fermentation sets in. th" • - !i- created, there is just so mu every particle of this flour gold could be tiuns presented are favorabl > to th ■ ■■ ei month, ac- tho richest and most power (• »rdinz to location. At the first of the the globe. Is there no ren to pan out the tailings, and eagerly ac­ as needed.— .tuierican Itahgi. St*«cko. I with the Choicest Wines, I.iq- yen! three young men conceived the idea cepted the invitation, but faileitii Completed. with the p’ivi'ege of three, the intention A pretty little story about the ?■. WM. MARTIN. Proprietor. 0 ci DESCRIPTION AND PF DIGREE: being tn ient at an ad vance of $2 $4 and TI ki ionn . t bclon/inz, iiav«* A very curious breach of promise of of the city the shells beg n to fail «¡an the weighs 1 l.iO pounds: winner ol tee 2:1 > chiss at mil© h*. 2:30, by Dodd’s Nelson, by John Nelson (piietly, always closing every lease they been gathered in, and are at the head ol City View Park, Sep mber 1 », ls>s. defcaliig ¿87: 2d dam by Btiitcrii'du’s St.Clair: 3d dam marriage case, and one in what is called ouslv near the Jardin •■_' i s Rattier; »th dam by “high life,” is reported from London. M. Chevreul had his LiL->. ■;•■» v. Fear­ j in advance, and by “moving day” they j Burroughs. Any person Laving cattle three straight heats. Thi.i was DirK’s first n . .lack il v. kins, i>y Boston: 5th dam by Ohl St. The rich and titled defendant was en­ tag that itr *|>. only race, at which lime he he made his recur Ciair. gaged to a young lady, daughter of a min­ dune to the cause of tci •: ce, that ti le- I had in their jM/.-ession pearly every a- among t hem ear« se< lire 11« oi by visiting of 2:30. Sired by Fcaraaught, •Ir. • vail ib’e Louse in the city. Then the the henl an«l identifying am! io)>crty. It is pnMimied wvcral»,«!■- in which be jtoinfed out the fact . and ; - of the $10,000 purse st BnHilo m 18.; .defeat Bo-ton Girl, a cc.ehratcd 3-iuile trotter, qy Old reward of t heir shrewdness. People were I l ie» of I lie IVndleton are aniotiu' f h«' nnfi- taining medical advice that his sanity quested that the glim nd,-I J I ■ ing Palaier, Col. Mav::.Tr .!. American AtuLdte’i. i n “ :-i “ George P-*~ " * *' i J. t Bradley, •> _. h . .r i, I eny. • compelled to have houses, and they could b.-r, and tlu'y rhould b.; bn.iizld b.:-1; at was affected, wrote him a letter withdraw­ in another direction. This, it is Girl, J. -, .Myron X ¡ tor lingo POSITIVELY rull Stock of Musical Instru­ ing their consent to his marriage with done by the German authorities only get them from the trust and at the ' once, as xli id«« lr-'g-', gardens ami side- Study this hoise’s »reeding. Beside? l'oing a tndter Finisci», I k * comes from ) trust’s terms and as a <*on.»e jui*::ce the I walk» are in entirely too fiotlHahing a ments and Stationery Always their (laughter. He acknowledgefl and that they were by no means the trotting ancestry. ' scheme has worked to the «ompleto sat- ¡condition. Parties having lost cattle, accepted the release, married another la-, ians. bent only on destruction, t: on Hand. dy shortly afterward, and has exhibited no w riters would have the public 1 i-faction of the trio of financiers. should attend to the mailer this week.— TEEMS: To Iixsw?®, i^O; Sea Their Qixaliy. Eeul (tregonifin. S3O. signs of mental derangement since. The Mares bred by season payable July l.-t: nriro- bred by ins ¡rance p wh n marca are young lady sues him for breach of prom­ known tn he with foul For further i.¡ f<»rn»:i ¡i<»n ad hr s-: Third Street, McMinnville, Or. L hlELMIEMEIlEK. ise on the ground that his release was ob- I CHAS. WOODS. Man.tgnr. .'h-.'dinnville, Oregon. tained by false pretenses. L and O ffice at Oregon f’itv. Or., Ml SS I1I1IUII I Vb VUIJ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, McMinnville, Oregon ^ akihc We Notice a Few of Our Properties POWDER Absolutely Pure. Lots in the Oak Park addition on the Installment FLAN. Besides Town Property of nil descriptions. We can only give a very small proportion of our properties. Should any thing in this list interest you, address us, giving number on list and we will forward * von « full description. [f you wish any information regarding our County, do not fail to write us. All your questions will he answered cheerfully ind to the best of our ability. WM. HOLL, Physician & Surgeon, & Watchmaker and Jeweler. FETZER & HIGH, . M M Eurisko Market. J. S. HIBBS, Pro. All Meats of Best Quality, J. B. ROHR, The St. Charles Hotel. lloii.se. Sign, aiiil Oriiiiwi'ntal I'aiiiler W V. PRICE. F. DIELSCHNEIDER, Opposite look's Hotel, Third Street, THE NADJY BAR! DICK FLAHERTY, Commencing April 1, Ending July 1, AT OINIMLLE FAIR GROUNDS, Ail 4 Latest Novels NEWS STORE. Reliable Opposition Boot & Shoe Dealer. No Goods Misrepresented as to Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria Children Cry for Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria, Pitcher’s Castoria.