■ 1 à THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER.! - - ———: t AN EYE TO BUSINESS. J Dr. Gus Smith of this county, a former democrat and candidate for coroner of this county on that ticket, deserted the SUBSCRIPTION RATES. party last year. For what? A little $1000 On. Copy, per year, in advance................. *2 00 OceCepy, six months in advac» 1 00 office as reservation doctor at the Warm Spring Agency. What will he be Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville next campaign? A carpet bagger by Oregon, as second-class matter. profession. HARDING 1 HEATH, Publishers. T he A dvertising R ates of T he T ele ­ phone -R egister are liberal, taking in 'consideration the circulation. Single inch. $1.00; each subsequent inch, $.75. Special inducements for yearly or semi- yearly contracts. A ll C ommunications M ust B e S igned B y the person who sends them, not for pub­ lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non de plume.” but for a guarantee "of good faith. No publications will be published unless so signed. » * » J ob W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xecuted at reasonable rates Our facilities are the best in Yamhill county and as good as any in the state A complete steam plant insures quick work. * * * A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither F or the editorial or business departments, to T he T i : lepiione -R e <; istei :. 'McMinnville. Oregon. sample C opies O f T he ter will be mailed to T elkthonk -R egis ­ any person in the United States or Europe, who desires one, free of charge W e I nvite Y ou T o UoxuwgK* In k 'T ele ­ phone -R egister wifeM any‘’6the? puper published in Yamhill county Friday •• *.-g- i ' May Í0, 1889. The Australian Election law has pass­ ed both houses of the Legislature of Mis­ souri. This law is thenearesttoa perfect ballot. Oregon would do well to follow the course of Missouri. The great ball of New Y oi k city on April 30th, given by the buntons of the city, is now known by the press of the United States as the Fish-ball, as Mr. Stuyvesant Fish managed the affair. Mr. Blaine’s colored messenger, who referred to his lord's illness as a “serious attack of plumbago,” builded better than he knew. The reporter’s pencil is mightier than the sword.— Examiner. From April 1, 1889, Paris tiremen will be provided with cylinders of oxygen un­ der pressure, to be used for the prompt relief of persons suffocating during fires. The oxygen will be added to the regular supply of medicines always at hand in case of accidents. In proportion to its population the city of Portland, Maine, leads the world for its number of Odd Fellows. One out of every four of the citizens over twenty one belongs to the order. The seven lodges of the city have a fund of $149,615.74. The Unity is the rieliest lodge, with $34, 430 in the treasury. The Benton Leader has stopped it’s all- to-home print and now apj>cars in a pat­ ent outside. For Borne time past Editor Pipes has been very caustic when allud­ ing to a patent sheet. He better keep still until he drojis. How is a patent, anyhow ? We are glad to say that the T elephose -R mhster has grown out of its patent and it will stay out or bust. Washington’s father died when the fu­ ture president was twelve, Jefferson’s when he was fourteen, Jackson's before the boy was born, Madison’s when he was a youth. Garfield’s when lie was a mjre baby, Harrison the elder’s before he had reached his majority, Ty­ ler’s wh n he was thirteen, Johnson’s when he was four years old, and Hayes’ and Cleveland’s when they were young boys. The characters of nearly all -these were modeled bv their mothers. Corvallis must be a “Jim Crow” town if it can not support a pai>er as well edited as the Leader. When a town lets as good a pa|>er as the Leader go to a pat­ ent office for one side the town must be loosing its grip. The energy in a town can be Been by its support of the local papers; if it will support them well, any new business which is substantial and a benefit to the town will be supported, and the only means for outside people to know this is through the local papers. Moral: Support your local papers. Corporal Tanner, commissioner of i>en- sions, has rendered an important de­ cision in (Kissing ui>oii the application of John Webb, late private of Company D, Indiana Cavalry, for increase of pensions from $24 to $30 per month. Webb is re­ ceiving the former late ot pension for varicose veins of the left leg and asked for an increase on the ground that total disability of the foot now exists. In granting the increase asked for the commissioner says that in his opinion it was not the intention ot congress, in us­ ing the words “total disability,” to debar claimants for iiensions from the benefits of the act until a hand, foot, arm or leg is a wc-rthless incumbrance, incapable of motion and completely useless for any purposes whatever. He says that total disability shall be held to exist when the affected member, by reason of wound, injury or disease, is useless in perform­ ing ordinary manual labor. Consider the scene and the matchless heroism and generosity of this Yankee crew. Almost sure of instant death themselves, they could see the Queen’s ship fighting the hurricane and appreci­ ate the gallantry of the effort with the generous pleasure of true mariners. We do not know in all of our naval records any sound which makes a finer music up­ on the ear than thecheerof theTrenton’s men. It was distressed manhood greet­ ing triumphant manhood, the doomed saluting the saved. It was pluckier and more human than any cry raised upon the deck ofa victorious line-of-battle ship. It can never lie forgotten, never must be forgotten speaking of Americans. That dauntless cheer to the Calliope was jhfl expression of inuiiorUUeoanufff. Telegraphy , : CASTORIA Pr AN ENGLISH OPINION. E rs AYER S ( IIERRY PECTORAL is the test of all cough cures. It allays inflamma­ tion of the throat and speedily removes irri­ tating mucus from the bronchial passages. Mrs L. P. Cutler. 47 North Washington sq.. New York City, says : ‘;Wlien I was a girl of 17 I had a cough, with profuse night sweats, and Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cured jne. I have recommended this preparation in scores of similar cases.” "'S OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. VIA Southern Pacific Company s Lines THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE! for Infants and Children. “Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. Aacnxn, M. D., Ill So. Oxlord SL, Brooklyn, N. Y. CMtorla cures Colic. CoMtlp&tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea., Eructation. Kilin Worms, gives sleep, and promotes 1.00 a box, 6 boxes for 45.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every 45.00 order, to refund the money if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured by A php . oditine . Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. western branch , BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR. Sold by Roger« & Todd, sole agents fo • McMinnville. We are not ashamed to sell them; you will not be ashamed to buy them. They Will be a Constant Satisfaction, because you got them at such bargain prices. When in doubt where to trade, call on There certainly is no better advertisement for a stock of Clothing than i a PERFECT FIT, and that is what I will Guarantee any one who selects a suit from my stock, , krig­ ing in price from 86. to 830. Come and ex­ amine my Clothing and Hat Stock before purchasing. - - - * S No Trouble to Show Goods. — ANU- Clothiers of Yamhill We are Just Whooping them Out ATTENTION!! O. O. HODSON Has just received another carload of the JUST LY CELEBRATED ARRY ARRY RON nOOFING, RON HOOFING, I Direct from the Factory. This is acknowled­ ged to be THE BEST ROOF NOW IN USE, Prices Always Lower Than All Competitors. As a reference, ask anv ot those who are using THE GARRY IRON ROOITNC, As I have put oti over 400 Squares in Yamhill and Polk Counties. I am prepared to do Job work of all Kinds, from a Tin Cup to the most IN BOYS- Eliihtinile Gahiinized Iron Cornice. I Carry a Full Line of Hardware. Stoves, Tinware. and Farm Machinery. have a 1 VU.M.V Rule is to do the Best Work. Best Goods at the Least Prices. To Select From. C-^uTuT-. No Trouble to Show Goods, Tailor Shop in Full Blast Sell the SEE IX4ZE2. O. O. HODSON. THE (TTY STABLES, V SS-Finit clasv through pn-Rcnger and freight line from Portland and ull pointa in the Wil lamette valley to and from San Fianeiaco. ZsÆcZxÆinn.TT'ille, Oreg'orx. 1 line Schedule (except Sundays), ¿tí. leave Albany .1:30 pn> leave Yaquina 6:45 an leave Uorvalli. 1:40 pm leav«C<>rvaUi*b>:35 aui Arrive Yaqnfea5:J0 pm Ar -ive Albany 11 ;10 am O. AC train, connectât Albany and Cor­ vallis. Tlic above trains connect at Yaqrisa with the Oregon llevelopement t’o'n. Line of Bteam. skips between Yaqnina and Sun Fram iaco. ^¿14. •W- I Sailing Dates. FROM Y AQUIN’A Sunday. April 28th. Monday, May 16tli. Tuesday, May 14th. FROM SAN FRANCISCO Willamette Valley, Thursday, May 2rn in Con- chased at a reasonable price In the Braly ne ticut on Septeml>er 17, 1818. He re Block, next door to Dielschneider’s ceived only a cotnmon-Kbool education. Notice of Final Settlement Entering a business career while a bov he amassed a fortune in the manufacture ot Notice is hereby given that John E. Hub- iron and car-wheels. hard as administrator de bonis non of the In 1852 Mr. Barnum was elected to the estate of Nathan Westfall. deceased, has filed his filial account as such in the county Legislature of Connecticut, and in 1807 be court of Yamhill county, Oregon, and said was elected to the national House of Re|>- court has fixed ui>on SATURDAY, JUNE 9tb. 1880. r jsentatives. He served in that branch of the hour of 1 o’clock p. in of said day at Congress iroui 1807 to 1870, when he was at the court bouse door at McMinnville, in chosen to til! the vacancy in the Senate said county as the time and place for hear­ ing the same made by the death of O. S. Ferry, serving Therefore, all iiersons are liereb.- notified until 1879. Iu 1880 Mr. Barnum became to appear a; said time and place and show Chairmanof the National Democratic Ex­ cause, if any there be, why said account be notallowed and said estate tinallv settled. ecutive Committee, and retained the posi­ Dated May 7th, A. D., 1889 JOHN E HUBBARD. tion till his death. To his leadership is at­ Administrator Aforesaid. tributed much of the success of the party­ F xntox i F kntox , Attorneys for Estate. May 10 13:17 in 1884. mi Pullman Buffit sleepers, For accommodation of Second Class passen­ gers attached to express trains. The S P Company's Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the East Side Di­ vision from foot of F street. I -HSHT ««TP 1 ”»< '•-rt-o. Notice. A Correction. < tk I The board of school directors will sit as a l>oard of equalization at the Council Chamber, Monday, May 13, 1889, from 10 o’clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m. W m . G alloway , C has . G rissks . W m . M c C hrisman . H eadquakteks C usteb P ost N o . 9,( McMinnville, May 6, 1889. I General Order» No. 2. I— A full attendance of cotnradee is re quested at our next regular meeting, Saturday, May 11th, lor the following reasons: II— There will be a special election to fill the vacancy in the office of ]>ost com­ mander. III— To make* arrangements for the pio|>er observance of Memorial day. IV— To encourage the efforts no*'be­ ing made by the kind hearted ladies of the city to organize a Relief corps. V— And to assist in the muster of new recruits. By command of J. W. C oovert , Acting Post Commander. Official. J. C. C ooper , Post Adjutant. LEAVE. I ARBIVK. Portland ..........S:0."> am Eugene...............2:40 pm Eugene ............ 9:00 am|Portland. 3:45 pm NEW GOODS A Western Wholesale House has recently added to its regular business a special department which will require services of capable men in various localities. This firm makes no misleading promises of exorbitant salaries, but At the Baldwin locoirxAive woiiS.1 I’hiladelphfev ttaww afwltf course of con­ struction four locomotives which are de­ signed to run by soda, which lanes place of tire under the boiler. The engines are now neaily finished and will be shipped within two weeks to Minneapo­ lis, Minn., and are to be run on the streets of that city, where steam engines are forbidden. The engine is about 1G leet long, entirely boxen in, with no visi­ ble smokestack or pi|>es, as there is no exhaust or refuse. The boiler is of cop­ per, 81'.jinches in diameter and 15 feet long, having lubes running through it as in steam boilers. Inside the boiler will be placed five tons of 8 )da, which, upon being damped by a jet of steam, pro­ duces an intense heat. In about six hours the soda is thoroughly saturated, when the action ceases. A stream of siqxirlieated steam from a stationary boiler is then forced through the soda, which drives out the moisture and the soda is ready ¡ore use again. The ex­ haust steam from the cylinders is used to saturate the soda and by this means all refuse is used. These engines are the first of their kind that have been built in this country. They will have the same power as those used on the New York elevated roads. Soda engine i are used in Berlin and other European cities very successfully, and they also traverse the St. Gothard tunnel under the Alps, where the steam engines c inuot be used, because the tunnel can­ not be ventilated so as to carry off the noxious gasses generated by a Iccomotive. —S. F. Rurural Pres». ABR1VB. I Portland.. 4:00 pm San Francisco. 7:45 in San Francisco. 7:00 pin) Portland........ 10:45 am “ CoU MB! A III V KN llOUTK.' And see for yourself in regard to prices. Do not forget the place. Opposite Grange Store. Cor. 4th and B Streets, McMinnville, Oregon. TIPIZCTC to ®n<1 bom Principal pointa in the I lurvL I 0 United States. Canada and Earope C. D. JOHNSON. Elegant Pullman Palace Cars. Emigrant Sleeping Cm Kun Tlirongb on Express Trains I« FREE OF (¡It A HUB Of all kinds of i GOODS DECEIVED From the best firms in the United States, at F. ZIRKEL S TAILOR SHOP. 1 do my own Cutting, and Do Not Charge Profit« on the (foods. Rent is low, and all that I ask is pay for my work. Goods will be tele- graghed for, for persons who are in a hurry. I can GUARANT EE 'l ou PRICES at least 10 PER CENT LOWER than any other tailor shop in Oregon. Pants, to order............................................ $ < 00 to $10 00 Suits, to order................................. 25 00 to 40 00 ami . « WITHOUT UBANO Clow connection, nt Portland for Han Fran- cisco and Puget Sound pointa. A 1 Iron Steamships leave Portland ami Fan Fianci-.xi every four (4i days, mak­ ing the trip in «*0 hours. tsuo Cabin.................. f I <> 00 I Steerage Pound Trip—unlimited.................... 30 00 1 « rr For further particulars inquire of any ai of the Company or A L Max we GP A T Partland, Oregon. Call and see Samples at F. Zirkel's Shop, next to the Postoffice. W. H HOLCOMB. Genl. Manager A. L. MAXWELL, « F AT. A. The G-reat Transcontinental Route. Sheriff's Sale. Have been purchasee by Remember cuf Old Motto: ARE YOU GOING EAST? If so be sure and call for your tickets via the UiciK Si Hsa Mi -THE- » It is positively the shortest ami lin line to Chicago ami the east ami south and the only sleeping and dining car through line to Omaha, Kansas City, anti all MisstMiri lliver l’oints. Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed train service ami elegant dining ami sleeping cars has honestly earned for it the title of The Hoy al Lioute Others may imitate,but none can surpass it Our motto is “ahvavs on time ” Be sure and ask ticket agents for tickets via this celebrated route and take none others. W II MEAD, G A No, 4 Washington street, Bort land. Or By virtue and authority of au execution and order of sale duly issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon forYam- E. R. Harrison, Chas Chaney and hill county, on the 27tli day of April A D., Chas. Allen, 1889, upon a decree of foreclosure duly rendered, enrolled and docketed in the clerk’s office of said court, in said Of Amity and i. now ready to receive county, on the 30th day of March, A. D , Customers. 1889. in favor of Robert" L Stowe, plaintiff, and against Benjamin I) Perry, Sarah J The ba: inesa will be conducted with the in­ Perry, J W Watts and J W McConnell, de- • tention of pleasing everyone, and we ask »con­ fendants, for the sum of $400 and interest at , the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the tinuance of the Public Patronage. 11th day <»f November, 1887, and $l<»o. at-; torney’s fee. and costs taxed at $6.00. and ! Timber Act «June 3, 1878. to me duly directed and delivered, I did on ; the 1st day of May, A. 1).. 1S89, < as by law , Notice for Publication. I directed ) duly levy upon the following de-1 scribed real property, described in said de­ L and office , Oregon City, Or., I cree, to-wit: March 8th, 1889. J Beginning at the southeast corner of a I Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of tract of land formerly owned by Wm L June 3, D78, entitle 1 “An act for the sale of Toney and E A Toney, in the city of Me- | timber lands in the states of Cnlifo: nia, Oregon, Minnville, Yamhill county, Oregon, and be­ Nevada and Washington territory,” Elutcr Es- ing the southwest, corner of H A Tucker’s pey, of Portland, county of Multnomah; state of land, and running thence west 60 feet; Or, has this day tiled iu thi« office his sworn state thence north 200 feet; thence east60 feet; ment No.4.*W,for the purchase of the nw .} of sec. thence south 200 feet to the place of begin­ No- 10 in township No. 2 south, range No. 6 ning; all in the city of McMinnville, Yam­ west, a cl will ofler proof to show that the land hill county, state of Oregon sought is mere valuable for its timber or stone Now, thcrefoie, by virtue of said execu­ than for agricultural purposes, and to estab­ tion, on lish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore­ SATURDAY. THE 1st DAY OF JUNE, A. D., 1889, gon. on Wednesday, Che 5th day of June, 1889. lie names as witnesses: W 8 Ranyan, W W at the hour of 10 o’clock, a. m.. at the court bouse door in the city of McMinnville, in Esp v, E Griggs aud M F Nessley. all of Port­ said county and state. I will sell at public land. Multnomah county, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the auction the" above described real premises above described lands are requested to tile th?ir to the highest bidder for cash in hand to claims in this office cm or before said 5th day of satisfy said decree, costs and accruing costs. Dated this 1st dav of Mav, A. I).. 1889. June, 1889. T. J. HARRIS, W. T. BURNEY, May 3:17 Sheriff of Yamhill County. Or. Mail'. 15 Register, X feta Pacfic feitaL ------- VIA THE------- I have just received a Full and Complete Line of these SHOES, guaranteed to be the best and cheapest in the market. ALSO—A full line of C. M. Hend r- son & Co.'s Gents' Boots and Shoes, and Ladies' and Misses' Fine Shoes. UÄ- FTTTaL T j IISTE of Cenerai Merchandise. At Extremely Low Prices. 6 HOWE, CointB East. Tickets sold to all Prominent Points throughout the East and Southeast. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­ ing Cars Reservations can be secured in advam-e. A To East Bonnd raaaen»era. Be caeful and do not make a mistake but be Bure to take the Northern Pacific Railroad, And see that your tickets read via TIMS LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to avoid changes and serious delays occa­ sioned by other route». Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full length of the line. Berths free. Lowest rates Quickest time. ---- o---- General Ofllce Of the Company, N®, 1*1 First St., Cor Washington, Fortland, Or. A D CHARLTON Asst General Passenger Agent. ♦