THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. M. CHEVREUL’8 WORK. L. E. Knapp, the Vermonter, who has When a man lives almost to the end of been appointed governor of Alaska, was HARDING L HEATH, Publishers. his one hundred and third year, as was graduated at Middlebury college, Ver­ the case of M. Chevreul, the French mont, in the class of ’62. He enlisted at L SUBSCRIPTION BATE8 chemist, who died the other day rather once in the Sixteenth Vermont ami went One Copy, per year, inadvance......... $2 00 unexpectedly, it is natural that the work to the war as captain of Company I. He Or.e Copy, six months in advar»... I 00 he has doue in the world should be re-enlisted two years later, and when the war closed had won the rank of colonel. Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville somewhat lost sight of in wonder over He returned to Middlebury anil became the lime he has been given to do it in. Oregon, as second-class matter. It is, indeed, no slight distinction, as editor of the Kr^ùfei'of that city. Dur­ OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. T he advertisixg R ates of T iif . T ei . e - human life now goes, to have lived long ing the past few years he has practised fhonk -R bgistkr are libera), taking in __________ ______ law. He has represented his districi in All the Ladies enough to have seen three kings in VIA eonuderation the circulation. Single That They Are THE Who Lave given Ayer’s Hair Vigor a trial inch, $l.(iO; each subsequent inch, $.75. France, one king of the French, two em­ the Vermont legislature several times. are enthusiastic in its praise. for Infant« and C h i I d r e n . Special inducements for yearly or semi- perors, and three republics. But M. What he does not know about Alaska Mrs. J. .T Burton, of Bangor, Maine, says : vearly contracts. •* 1 have been using Ayer’s Ilair Vigor with * Chevreul was much more than a mere would fill a large number of volume«. • * . Mxori. is K) well adapted to children that I Caatnri. cure. Colle. Conatlp.tir>n. marvelous success. It restores the original Ai t. < I'xrcATioxs M i st H k S ioxf . ii B y centenarian ; he served in the world in I recommend it aaauperior to any prescription I 8tom«e published ories of the days when Bonaparte was a family and friends are not at all satisfied Ayer’s Hair Vigor, 39 HOIKS’ T hs Cmrrara C ompany . 77 Murray Street. N V. nnless so signed. with Mr. Harrison’s general appearance. Prepared l>y Dr.J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mak«, second lieutenant, and Danton and California Express Traioe Bun Daily # » bold by Druggisu and Perfumer«. J ob W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xbcctkd Robespierre obscure lawyers. Although He has always had a very pale complex­ BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRAN­ at. reasonable rates Our facilities are ion, but there is a chalky whiteness to not to be ranked, perhaps, among the CISCO the l>est in Yamhill county and as good his face at present which is unusual. l.KAVK I ABKIVK. as any in the state A complete steam very foremost of the world’s chemists in Portland ...« r .Unwm •■nrr*ci He takes much more exercise than did DUO pm Sail r Francisco 7:<5 aai plant insures quick work. respect of the advancement of the science San Francisco. 7:00 pm| Portland ------ ’ ■*«• r-.tzL? ......... -------------- 10:45 am * * » either Arthur or Cleveland, but lie does Inorai Pawenger Itaily, except Sunday. A ddrf . sk A ll (’ ommi nicatioxs . E ither F or in its broadest aspects, M. Chevreul not get enough rest at night. He has the editorial or business departments, to Sample rooms in connection. LEAVE. ARKIVK. T ub T elephone -R egister , McMinnville, nevei Useless outranked many of his co­ been troubled with insomnia, and as he Portland ...........8:05 am Eugene............ 2 40 pm laborers as regards the practical direc ­ Oregon. Eugene .............. 9:00 am I Portland ...........3:45 pm o ------ o refuses to give up smoking his case is » « tion of his researches and the industrial SiMi-i.r. Corm Or Tuit T elephonx -K egm - hard to treat. He looks forward eagerly Important results tek will be mailed to any person in the value of his work. Is now fitted up in first class order. to his visits to Deer Park when the Ciiiteil States or Europe, who desires one, attained through Ins investigations in Tourist Sleeping Cars, weather becomes warmer. free of charge. Accommodations as good as can be the field of animal oils and bis studies of » * • For accommodation of Second Class passen­ W e I nvite Y ov To C ompare T he T ei . e - theories of color and the effects in dye­ An opera company from Mexico was forni din the city. ger« attached to express train«. rHoNE-KEGtsraa with any other paper The S P Company's Perry makes connection ing and the arts will always be associ­ recently stranded in San Francisco. One published in Yamhill county with all the regular traius on the Fj^t Side Di­ 8. E. MESSINGER, Manager. ated with his name; and for them he of the musicians was something of a poet vision from foot of F street. Aprii 26, 1889. has received an immense airay of titles, and he had dedicated a few of his verses Friday WEST SIDE DIVISION prizes and medals. The usefulness of to Mme. Diaz, wife of the president of IN BOYS' Between Portland and Corvallis. his life was, indeed, not disproportionate Mexico. She had been much pleased at Mail Train. Daily except Sunday. When we talk about one we talk about the other. Ballot reform woiildjkill the republican to its length; if his career is marked by the compliment and had told him she ™ec<1 ‘APHRODITINE” i l.KAVK. »a«’» ' ABKBK. 1\ rtland 30 a tn m MtMinnvi'l« i* rii il nu .. .7 • jo OUR LARGE STOCK of New Goods means Good party. The democratic parly is some much that is exceptional interesting, it would be glad to serve him at any time. McMinnvi'Ie 10 13 am Is S old on a r *■ .. ________ McMinnville 1013 a m Corvallw 12 25 pm few thousands stronger than the repub­ is scarcely less marked by great industry Remembering this, he telegraphed the m . p . m ... ::L positive News to every buyer of GROCERIES in McMinnville i'orvt.ll Corvall'« a ... I 1 30 McMinnville 3 44 p m GUARANTEE McMinnville.. 3 5'2 p ml Portland........ ____ lican party but still their votes do not and serviceableness to his fellows. because fi *20 r p — ui facts regarding his companions to the to cure any We have a At Albany and (’or vail fa connect with tiaina count. form of nervous kind-hearted sefiora and asked her as­ of Oregon Pneitie. disease, or any THE OKLAHOMA CRAZE. sistance. Immediately came an answer disorder of the Express Train, Daily exropt Monday Twelve thousand emigrants sailed for generative or­ Thirty thousand men are in a mad ___ saying that rhe would pay their exjiensett l.KAVK I AR1UVK AR KICK gans of either the I’nited States last week from the Portland ... .4 .‘»0 sex whether ar­ .. ... ' pm I'”’ McMtiinnville. .••••miiv lllf . .8 .ft 00 piu l)|u rush upon ten thousand land claims in back to the City of Mexico. Her con­ BEFORE McMinn vile. . ti dui single port of Liverpool. What a surplus ising from the Tt.o,.._l. .... r the relatively small section of Oklahoma descension cost her $3,000. excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium i Through ticket* to all point« South and East we would have if there was a tariff on That is one good reason. It won't make you feel or through youthful indiscretion, over indule' 1 which was ojiened for settlement on the California. To Select From. encc, Ac., such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful­ foreign labor. poor to look at our stock, as it does when you look at Ticket offices. via No. 134, corner Firstand Aid 22d inst. ness Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal er streets, Portland, Oregon: corner F and Front Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Noctuni ! goods with prices away up. streets Portland. What is the reason of this crazy rival­ The Baptist College of this City S’5OO al Emissions, Leucorrhœa, Dizziness, Weak Mem- A majorty of the people who are mak­ orv. l.ojpof Power and Impotency, which if ne- B. KOELKIt, E. H. KOGEK8, Better oil ’ . “ P;,Power ing the great rush into Oklahoma will let ry? The land in Oklahoma is no better glectefloften glecteiroften lead to premature old age and insan insan- ­ You will feel rich when you see how much a little money will buy. Manager. Ast G F A P Agt ity. Price fl-00 a box, 6 boxes for $5.00 Sent by adapted to farming purposes than much their *300 binder stand out in the field The beneficiaries of the estate of Al­ mail on receipt of price. It is good news, because A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every $5.00 all winter or will haul it up to the house of the other government land still unpre­ bert W. Kinney, who died some years order, the money if a Permanent THE YAQUINA ROUTE. empted. A correspondent who has been ago, yesterday fiieil with the county clerk cure is to not refund and make a chicken roost out of it . effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently over it says it is, as a whole, “a fair their wri.ten consent th it the $2560 left cured bv A phroditine . Circular free. Address Remember Our Old Motto: It has often been said that a Chicago faimer county—scarcely a good one.” It by Mr. Kinney to be Iplaced at interest THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN BRANCH, thief would steal anything from a safety is no doubt virginally rich in spots, but and tbe interest applied to mission work We are not ashamed to sell them: you will not be ashamed to buy BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR. pin to a red hot stove, or words to that it has neither roads, bridges, abundant of the Baptist convention of the ¿forth --------- — —j Sold by Rogers X- Todd, sole agents fo- 1 Then Wil! Will be t.« a - Constant —a—a « them They Satisfaction, because you got them at effect, but a thief in New Orleans hss timber nor good water. What chance Pacific coast, should now be applied to McMinnville. —AND- such bargain prices. When in doubt where to trade, call on capped the climax by stealing two thou­ has any one except an experienced pio­ the McMinnville Baptist College, the convention of the North Pacific having sand gallons of water from a man’s cis­ neer to make headway in such a place failed.— Polk County Obserrer. as this? tern. Next!— Pioneer. We have heard of men in this city The probability is that a main cause of What might have been a serfous acci­ 225 Miles Shorter—20 hours leas who have given up the steal-in night tlie invasion is tbe fact that Oklahoma dent happened to young Charles ' au> other route. racket. has been a forbidden land to the whites. son near Webfoot on Tuesday. An ax fell from its position in tbe woodshed, as it^ FirKt cllM through pa-Bongcr and freight The natural “eartb-nunger” of this race Oieg-on The Ea»t Oregonian says: “The Orego­ is intensified bv an inhibition. Human he was passing in such a manner as to line from Portland aud h I) points in the Wil inflict a slight wound only on tbe side of lamette valley to and from Snn Fiancteco nian still prints ‘(Dem.)' alter the New sXU. nature, beginning in Eden, lias had a his head. York Snn.” We cannot understand why Thue S<*li.<> Steamer*. I IFroni From Vaqrina GON, a F ine Line of Carriages Buggies, Etc. Yaqrina ! ’ From From Ban San Frau Frau .. .. . » I ask • is • pay for my work. Goods will be tele- Rent is . i low, and a all that Ifoi'dnliel 12th II-. Wil lamette Val'y ì>ecember l>e< 1.1,/, Will iiiii between Portlaml and ('orvallfo as The new and magnifi ed ocean steam-i (I’XTIIAINED) lolluas: Noith d leav« s Corva la* Mmi- er City of Pa>i- arrive ! at New Yo'k on do. W>-'iic-tla v :tii'i Itiilav. 8 ■ in.. !>■*«*• M' . C cvchml while president paid ■ lie llih lost., <>n her fir-t trip, Laving j Salem, Twesdaj . Tlmrsdav and Saturday. (i a Owners to Drive. r his fait- wiie evei lie went. Blaine ami m ide the voyage from Qncenstown in if. South bound lbav<“4 Portland, Monday t i V\ edno*dav ami Friday, (J a . in ; h aves S m I i iii , Harr.Min an* >I-:«i-li>as the low eat For iiiloimation, a|q>lv to Me«<-r« Ht'L temler the other day. Mr. Harrison lias speed will lie increased after a few more a !ANA ( <). . Freight amt Th ket AgeiUs, 2(4J no more rigl t to it; e government prop­ voyages have been made and her ma- j anSi de Bar Park Wagons, A |iro]s)ait ion is on foot to found a | voyage last season. Both ships are sub- TTo lì Platform Dl n -- TTT --------------- Í -- »--i— ....... scientific — stantially Half Wagon, “scltool for —— the teaching of I I ____ , similar in size, construe- Brewster Side Bar. | tion and machinery. philosophy, ethics, and the history ot Conditions same as above. Whitechaple Bodies, length over all, 580 feet; length on religion.” This is in part a reply of a “ C oli mbi i Itivim R octk ." CHAS WOODS Sporting Wagon. practical nature to the question, Can water line, 525 feet; breadth, extreme, Timpkin Side Bar. morals be taught apart from religious 63*4 feet; and depth, moulded, 42 feet; dogma? Mr. Wade, of Cleveland, pro- the gross registered tonnage being 10,500 Barouche, Jump Seat, posed to half endow such a school aliout tons. The vessels have very fine and ten years ago, but the contingencies were graceful lines, and their beautiful ap­ Phaetons. ; Surreys, not met and the scheme fell through. pearance is in nowise impaired by the Oregon Hacks. 4 Springs.: ¡And Oregon Half Platform Elegant Pullman Palace Cars. For the new plan large endowments are clipper bows with which they are pro­ vided. Each ship is propelled by two Emigrant Sleeping Cars Hun Through already secured. sets of triple expansion engines, and Having Purchased direct rrom the Factory, in the East, and having on Express Trains Io In a letter to the World Donn Piatt they are supplied with twin screws, so them shipped to me direct in Car-load lots, I am prepared to sell at bring« a quite distinct charge of bribery that if one engine or propellor should be­ LIVING AND LET LIVE PRICES. against Senator Sherman, of Ohio. In come disabled, they can proceed with the aid of the other. This provision has substance, he states that he was a mem- tier of the legislature which decided the already been found of great value. senatorial contest between Sherman and THE TWINE TRUST. General R. E. Schenck ; that there was at first a decided majority for Schenck ; The fanners of this country seem to And see for yourself in regard to prices. Do not forget the place, FKI'.E OF till ARRE asi . WITHOUT CHANO that it melted away on Sherman’s ar­ be determined not to submit to the twine Opposite McMinnville Hotel, McMinnville, Oregon. Clone connection, at i-oifian Portland tor Han Fran ......... non« ai rival; that the cost of the melting pro­ I trust At the last meeting of the Che- cisco and Puget Ko.,n■ as used.” W hereas , There has been a home trust formed, and binding twine ad­ < $|R oo | Steerage Where is that “vigorous foreign pol­ vanced to an unreasonable price, there- t BlMr i Itountl 1 rip tinliinitril . 30 «b ELEBKATED REOifHOUL Á hú USESH u E icy” which the republican organs prom­ 1 fore, ........ Retolted, That we, tire members of ised the country as a result of Harrison’s Cheliulpnm grange, will not purchase election? The British Lion’s lai! is still twine at the pro|s>se A Blaine in the state department. Bis­ any l':.l il.«,.... sold at combination prices. Portland, Oregon marck has not been bullied. In fact, in Rewired, «e wdl hereafter pur­ the instructions to the commission on chase our machinery from any company *• U MAXWELL, i Ij the Samoan difficulty Mr. Bayard’s p ,1- tliat will put binding twine on the mark tf 11.» W H HOLCOMB. icy is adhered to. Not even a fourth­ et at a reasonable price. We further recommend that our state Genl. Manager class power has been insulted. This master correspond with all subordinate lamldike behavior is decidedly not up granges on the subject, that they may to the grizzly-liear advertisement.— Xev act in accordance with these resolutions. The farmers of this county should do York WorM. something to protect themselves; either Young Chester N. Dolph, son of Sena-! adopt the TEtErHONE-RKGisiER _______ ’s Bug- tor Dolph, is a student at Princeton col- gestion of not binding the grain or do as lege, New Jersey. Feeling his keeping . above. as a well fed, well clothed college scion, I — ' - ~ | ------ via the ------ he engaged with some of hiB chums in Edison believes that tbe time is eom- I have just received a Full and Complete Line of Cascade Division' now completed, the Young America business of painting ing when transportation through tlie air these SHOES, guaranteed to be the best and cheapest making it the Shortest, Best' tlie town red. He and his companions will be as common as terrestial carriage, were arrested and Young I>olph still not There will lie railroad lines in the air— in the market. ALSO—A full line of C. M. Hend r- and Quickest. satisfied, drew a revolver to shoot the or steamship lines more properly—trains son & Co.'s Gents' Boots and Shoes, and Ladies' and Ttie Lining Car line. Tlio Direct Route. officer, who struck him a severe blow on of convoy crossing the continent. He Misses' Fine Shoes. No Iielays. Fastest Trains. Low­ the forehead with his club, which made sees but one drawback to the adoption of est Rates to Chicago and all him at once a far more serious man. j the practice, and that is the ease it will Combines the juice of the Blue Figs uf points Fast. Tickets sold lainSTE OF to all Prominent Points Oregon hoodlums sent East Jo college afford criminals to escape from any point California, so laxative and nutritious, throughout the East and Southeast. must behave themselves.— Portland where they have committed a crime. It with the medicinal virtues of plants Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­ known to be most beneficial to the World. i will not then be possible to intercept human system, forming the ONLY PER­ ing Cars Reservationscan be secured in advance. them with wires as now. He thinks we FECT REMEDY to act gentlv yet The phenomenal sales of “Robert Els­ At Extremely Low Prices. shall then see more crime. But Mr. promptly on the mere,” “Mr. Barnes of New York” and To Kalt Bound I'an.itrari. Edison forgets that the inventions which Be caeful and do not make a mistake “Little Lord Fauntleroy” have attracted wc owe to him and others enable us now but be sure to take the —AND TO — attention, yet there is one book, issued Carltoix, Creg-on. to detect and prevent crime quite as from one publishing house, the sales of Northern Pacific Railroad. I readily as when criminals could only es- which quadruple all these taken togeth- — SO THAT — ■ cajie on horseback or afoot. Science And see that your tickets read via PURE BLOOD, er. This book is the Bible. In the last LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to keel* apace of need and demand. Requirements of a Stenographer. THIS REFRESHING SLEEP, year the Bible society has sentout 1,326,- avoid changes and serious delays occa­ HEALTH and STRENGTH sioned by other routes. 672 copies, and in the last seventy-two The postal clerk, W, J. Hall, who has TA Succeed as a stenographer, one must lx *c- J. s. HIBBS. Pro. Tbrongh Emigrant Sleeping Cars run |U curate in shorthand, skilled in type­ years of its existence h is issued nearly I Ireen running on this sido has been fired Naturally follow. Every one is using it writing, a good penman, a competent cor- on regular express trains full length of ,50,000,00? Bibles, or, Io lie more specific, and H Cooper appointed. Tbe fun of it an i all are delighted with it. Ask your Third Street, - McMinnville, r«*>|MHil poultry. A. P. A rmstrong , P rin ., - P ortland , O regon . / A «st General Paweneer Agent CASTORIA Southern Pacific Company’s Lines THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE! Weare Just Whoopingtheni Out The St Charles Hotel. NEW GOODS Prices Always Lower Than All Competitors. Pullman Buffit sleepers, GOOD NEWS! The Celebrated French Cure, BL0US1 SUITS THE GOODS ARE CHEAP! THE GOODS ARE HIGH GRADE. 2,000 SAMPLES WALLACE & TÜOD, C. D. JOHNSON G-OOZDS RECEIVED McMinnville Fair Ground, $50 OREGON DEVELOPMENT COM­ PANY'S STEAMSHIP UNE. TO THE FRONT I F. ZIRKEL S TAILOR SHOP PURSE $50 The Best Assortment Ever Brought to the City ! Yamhill County Buggy Horses Tlie Stock Consists of For Yamhill Co. Horres. Ö É3 o go » Thirty inches wide are selling lively, and why? Because their quality, finish and heau- tiful figures commend them to every one. They will be sold another week for 19 cents per yard. Remember that QUALITY not QUANTITY is the bargain indicator, therefore I almost refrain mentioning ...... from ............. the splendid line just received, not as heavy or quite so wide as the above, hut splendid value for fop tear ¡¡ hipa fo TICKETS,0 Bring on Your Nimble Dollars, t=3 0Q O C. D. JOHNSON. PO B uy £M H enderson o CT CD y Per Yard. It is my earnest desire to please especially those parties ordering from a dis­ tance, J J • therefore • -B » if they follow appended in- struct ions, I will guarantee satisfaction Send yards Satine, at cents per yard; preferred; dozen huttons to match; yards silesia; yards plain calico. I have a full line of Bustle», Kid and Silk Gloves, and Shetland Shawls; in fact any- •/ KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS thing to be found in a firstclass ( ieneral Mer- Cleanse tns System Effectually, chandise store can be had AT APPERSONS 3d and B Sts., McMinnville, Oregon, The (Treat Transcontinental Route, Irfan Pia: teli General Merchandise. « -T77". Eurisko Market. All Meats of Best Quality.