The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, April 19, 1889, Image 2

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HARDING &. HEATH, Publishers.
subscription bates .
One Copy, per year, in advance................... $2 00
Or.e Copy, six months in advace........
1 00
Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville
Oregon, as second-class matter.
R ates of T he T ele ­
are liberal, taking in
consideration the circulation. Single
inch. $1.00; each subsequent inch, $.75.
Special inducements for yearly or semi-
yearly contracts.
* * *
A ll C ommunications M ust B e S igned B y
tlie person who sends them, not for pub­
lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non
de plume,” but for a guarantee’of good
faith. No publications will be published
unless so signed.
* * *
J ob W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xecuted
at reasonable rates
Our facilities are
the best in Yamhill county and as good
as any in the state
A complete steam
plant insures quick work.
* * *
A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither for
the editorial or business departments, to
T he T elephone -R egister , McMinnville,
* * *
S ample C opies O f T he T elephone -R egis ­
ter will be mailed to atty person in the
United States or Europe, who desires one,
free of charge
« *
W e I nvite Y ou T o C ompare T he T ele ­
phone -R egister with any other paper
published in Yamhill county.
T he
phone -R egister
Apri» 19 1889.
Grover Cleveland lias been adopted as
one of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
This distinction lias been conferred upon
but two other men, George Washington
and Henry Ward Beecher.
The great American people have been
hoodwinked by Harrison. The people
read with great satisfaction the following
paragraph in Harrison’s letter of accept­
ance, w herein he set forth hie opinion on
the civil service reform.
It is as follows:
In appointments to every grade and de­
partment fitness and not party service
should be the essential and discriminating
test, and fidelity and efficiency the only
sure tenure of office. Only the interests of
the public service should suggest removals
from office.
In order that his views of this matter
should be made more public and that it
should be deep seated in the mind of the
public, he in his inaugural address pro­
claimed that
Heads of departments, bureaus and all
other public officer, having any duty con­
nected therewith will be expected to enforce
the civil service law fully and without
Harrison’B views in this matter do not
seem to be entertained by the heads of
departments, as Secretary of tbe Interior
Noble said but a few days ago that
In making removals and appointments
republicans will get all the favors. It may
just as well be understood at the outset
that the department is not to bs conducted
for the benefit of democrats.
This you see is in flat contradiction
to the views of Harrison on this import­
ant subject, and the T elephone -R egis ­
ter is inclined to think that Harrison
has settled himself down to pure repub­
lican doctrine and intends to bosB the
reign of unadulterated spoilism to the
best of his immense ability in that line.
It seems remarkable to the eyes of a
democrat that Benjamin Harrison with
his prayers and piety should fall from
grace and be added to the list of repub­
lican presidents who have promised one
thing in order to get office and do another
when elected.
On the first page of this issue you will
find the full text of the new land law
which was approved by the president
March 4tli, 1889. All the homestead
rights have been restored and leave of
No class of literature affords of itself so
absence from the claim provided for. It many instances of palpable misprints
is worth your while to read it.
and absurd blunders as the bible does.
In Field’s pearl edition of 1653, 1 Cor. vi.
The Samoan commissioners sailed in 9, this extraordinary statement occurs:
the steamship Umbria Saturday lor Ber­ “Know ye not that the unrighteous
lin. Bates’ final utterance was, “We shall inherit the kingdom of God?” In
desire merely to secure protection for its correct form the sentence of course
American, German and British residents states that the unrighteous shall not in­
in Samoa, without giving any particular herit, etc. Another astounding biblical
power full control of the islands.”
error occurs in Barker’s octavo of 1631,
We notice that the newspapers of wherein the Seventh Commandment is
Yamhill, Tjt'.’inook and Washington entirely left out. For this carelessness
c^^^es ar&3EuhUaliing monthly over Barker is said to have been fined £300,
150 limber notices. The timber lands which he compounded by presenting a
in the above mentiongd counties are be­ set of rich types to one of the universi­
ing grabbed up very fast. Is it by hon­ ties. The number of blunders in a sup­
est settlers or is it by some large con­ positious Edenburgh black-letter Testa­
ment of 1694 has been estimated at
cern ?
two thousand. But even misprints and
Numerous farmers in the vicinity of errors have their value. They serve in
this city have posted their farms and several instances to detect a clever for­
soon there will not be a place for the gery that would othei wise pass muster
townites to hunt upon. This has been as original. This is notably the case
brought about by the gross carle-Hness in with the celebrated Elzevir Ciesar of
handling filearms when hunting. The 1635, the “good copy” having the num­
people who like to hunt should be more ber of the 149tl> page misprinted 153.
Many an enthusiastic book-collector has
Professor Swift, of the Warner obser­ been finely “sold” over the work just
vatory. lias received a telegram from the mentioned, because there are numerous
Lick observatory announcing the dis­ “1635 Czesars” in tne market, having
covery recently by Professor Barnard of the 149th page duly printed as such, a
a new comet. Position, right ascension, circumstance which at once exposes the
five hours, twenty minutes and fifty sec­ counterfeit.
onds; declination, north 26 degrees, sev­
en minutes; faint; has slow motion
is the senior colonel of
the army,” said the World some weeks
Tins paper receives each week on the ago. During the war a Col. Grierson
average of ten letters from people who perfotmed a most remarkable feat of in­
have seen a copy of the paper and re­ vasion. With a regiment or two of cav­
quest another sent them. This is the alry he left the Mississippi river at some
good which a town derives from its point where the Federal» were garrisoned
newspapers. The local paper is the and rode across the state of Mississippi
thing which newcomers to this city waut into Alabama and back to the point of
to see the first thing in order to find out starting unharmed. Tracked by Confed­
the names of business men, etc.
erate cavalry and threatened by bush­
Prince Oscar, of Sweden, who last year whackers, he executed his message with
married the singer Ebba Monck, lives extraordinary coolness and celerity.
happily with his wife in the most demo­ Amongst the residents of the locality
cratic manner. A few months ago a through which hia cloud of blue coats
daughter was born to them, and instead boldly swept, it has always been surpris­
of the birth being announced in the ing that he did not rise to greater fame
usual court style, this ordinary notice and command.— Texas Siftings. We will
appeared in the advertisement columns state that in this city lives a man who
waB one of that celebrated raid, his name
of the Kariskrcna local paper:
is I. T. Terry. Mr. Gallentine, of this
En Dotters lvckliga fodelse.
city, who died some time ago, was
Kariskronaden 28 februart 1889.
anotiier, who for seventeen days and
Ebba och Oscar Bernadotte.
nights rode in the saddle on that famous
Out of sixty-nine samples of American ride to Baton Rouge. Also Mr. Max­
lard analyzed in Canada, only one was well, the representative from Yamhill
pure. That was made in Boston and and Tillamook counties, and a resident
the firm which put it up lias since failed. of Tillamook, was companion-in-arms of
The Chicago papers have been strenuous the two above mentioned.
in their claims that all lard made in that
city in which was blended cottonseed oil
or other foreign matter, is plainly
So indestructible by wear or decay is
marked as "made” and that lard which
is sold as pure is pure. Apparently the the African teak wood that vessels built
only pure things that come out of Chi­ of it have lasted fully one hundred years,
cago are “cheek” and “gall.”— Detroit to be then broken up only on account of
their antique mould or detective sailing
Free Press.
This wood is one of the most remarka­
We do not believe that President Har­
rison has intimated, as repotted, that he ble employed in the human industries,
will “appoint no free-trade itariff-re- for its great weight, hardness, and dura­
form) democrat on commissions required bility, its weight varying front 42 to 52
by law to Ire composed of republicans pounds per cubic foot. It works easily,
and democrats,” but will only take “pro­ but from the large quantity of silex con­
tectionist democrats.” Benjamin Har­ tained, the tools for working require to
rison is a thorough-going partisan, but be hard, apd even then are subject to
he is also a lawyer and a matt who severe wear. It also contains an oil
means tobe conscientious. A “protec­ which prevents the iron spikes and nails
tionist democrat” is half a republican. driven into it from rusting.
The democratic party has, in national The East Indian teak wood is some­
convention and in congress, declared it­ what lighter and easier worked, and also
self in favor of tax reduction through from its silicious qualities a perfect ger-
tariff reform. No man who does not micide to marine life, so destructive to
stand with his party on this question is other woods. It requires from sixty to
a representative demoezat, and Presi­ eighty years for growth sufficient for
dent Harrison would commit a petty shipbuilding purposes, It is largely in
partisan outrage to select such a one to use in English shipbuilding.
represent it.— New York World.
The following from the Democratic! The twine trust is in good working or­
limes, of Jacksonville, tells how a town ' der and if the farmers of this country
can be helped toward prosperity:
think they are going to get twine for last
Order your goods from San Francisco. season’s prices they are mistaken. A
Buy of peddlers as often and as much as few papers are telling the people that be­
possible. Obtain the services of some cause our dealers bought a large quan-
minister who lives in a bigger town and i tity at last season’s rate the price
lias a bigger salary, and let the home will not increase. This is folly, for the
preacher live on sawdust and pine nee­ ; dealeis bought it expecting a raise and
dles, It’s fashionable you know. Glory they will sell their twine for the highest
in the downfall of some man who has market price. The farmers can beat the
done much to build up the place, Keep I trust in a very simple manner. The
every cent you get and don’t do anything grain in this country is in no danger of
of a public nature unless you can make being damaged by rain ; let the fanners
something out of it directly. If a stran­ take the knotter from their binders and
ger comes to town, tell him everything is | let the machine drop the bundles not
overdone and predict a general crash of bonnd, the bundles can then be stacked
the town in the near future. If you are and threshed just as easy and with less
a merchant, don't advertise in the home expense than to bind them. There is
paper, but buy a rubber stamp and use no reaeon why the farmers of this state
that—it may save a few dimes, and make should put up with a twine trust, one of
the paper look as if it was published by the fungi of republican doctrine.
amateurs, in a one-horse town. If you
The inventor an dmanufacturer of the
3re a farmer, curse the town where you
trade as the meanest place on earth— puzzle “pigs in clover,” lives at Wav­
talk this to your neighbors—make them erly, N. Y., is overwhelmed with orders
lieve the business men are all robbers and his profits are said to be $100 a day,
neves—it will make your property and they would be $1000 if he could fill
the orders.
The new torpedo boat for the Uunited
States navy is rapidly approaching com­
pletion in the yard of the llerresboff Co.,
at Bristol, R. I. With a length of 137
feet and width of 14 feet 6 inches, the
new boat is to draw but 3 feet 7 inches,
She is to carry two torpedo tubes, as
well as two 6-pounder machine guns,
The highest anticipations of her speed
Take a Pill?”
are indulged in, very naturally, when
“Whose?” “Why, Ayer’s, of course.”
the immense horse power of her engines AVER
’S I’ll-I-S are the best. They regu­
is considered. These are calculated to late Digestion, cure Biliousness, Colle, and
develop 1500 horse power. The boat is Constipation, relieve Sick Headache. Neu­
ralgia. and Rheumatism. They contain no
to have only 99 tons displacement. calomel and are sugar-coated. Mild, but
When completed, the hull will be nearly effective, they are the favorite family med­
icine. As an after-dinner pill, used by
filled with boilers, magazines, and ma­ thousands.
chinery for propulsion of the vessel and '
Ayer’s Pills,
for ejection of torpedoes, leaving little Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M am .
room for accommodation of officers and Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.
Some interesting experiments have re­
cently been conducted in England which
gave a practical demonstration of tlie
Sample rooms in connection.
possibilities of modern ordnance and
high explosives in artillery practice.
o------ o
An old ironclad, the Resistance, was ,
heavily plated and fitted with protective
Is now fitted up in first class order.
coal bunkers and casemates. Wooden i
dummies were placed in the latter to j Accommodations as good as can be
represent men. Thus equipped the ship foun din the city.
was made a target for practice with gun­
S. E. MESSINGER, Manager.
powder and high explosive shells. Eight
6-inch shells annihilated the upper works
of the vessel. The powder shells did
most execution, as they penetrated i
further before explosion and did more
general, because less localized, damage. "tTc^r ‘APHRODITINE” °rerS
Is S old on a
These tests are of interest in connec­
tion with aerial torpedoes, as they indi-1
to cure any
cate tbe kind of trial so much desired, j
form of nervous
disease, or any
The destruction ol the Silliman showed
disorder of the
their power against the hull under water; '
generative or­
gans of either
their power against plated sides and pro­
sex whether ar­
ising from
tected work above water remains to be
excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium,
seen. It is to be hoped that our govern­ or through youthful Indiscretion, over indulg­
Ac., such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful­
ment will follow the example and give ence,
ness, Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal
the torpedo boats an armored vessel to Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn­
al Emissions, Leucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Mem­
test their destructive powers.— Scientific ory, Loss of Power and Im potency, which if ne­
glected often lead to premature old age and insan­
ity. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes for >5.00 Sent by
That Tney Are THE
for Infants and Children
Clothiers of Yamhill
‘ Taatoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me.’’
IL A. A bchkr , M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
We are Just Whooping them Out
Prices Always Lower Than
All Competitors.
( April 19-16 >
Between Portland and Corvallis.
That is one good reason. It won’t make yon feel
poor to look at our stock, as it does when you lock at
goods with prices away up.
To Select From.
No Trouble to Show Goods
Tailor Shop in Full Blast
Mail Train. Daily except Sunday.
Portland.......... 7 30 a tn McMinnvi'ie 10 13 a m
McMinnville 1013 a nt CorvalHa . .12 25 p tu
Corvall s.......... 1 30 p nt McMinnville.. 3 44 p tn
McMinnville.. 3 52 p tti Portland.......... 6 20 p tn
At Albany an<l Corvallis tonnect with tiBioa
of Oregon Pacitie.
Express Train, Daily eieopl Monday
Portland.......... 4 50 pm McMitiunville. .8 00 pm
MeMinnvile... G 45 am [Portland.......... 900 pm
Through ticket« to all points South and Fast
via California.
Ticket offices, No. 134, corner First and Ald­
er streets, Portland, Oregon: corner F and Front
streets Portland.
E. it. ROGERS,
Ast G F A P Agt
You will feel rich when you see how much a little money will buy.
It is good news, because
We are not ashamed to sell them; you will not be ashamed to buy
them. They Will be a Constant Satisfaction, because you got them at
such bargain prices. When in doubt where to trade, call on
225 Miles Shorter—20 hours less
time than by any other route.
»iFir.-t class through passenger and freight
line from Portland and all pointa in the Wil-
Linn tte valley to and from Sun Francisco.
Time Schedule (except Sundays).
Leave Albany .1:30 pin Leave Yaquina 6:45 tat
l,ea ve Corvallis 1:40 pm l.eaveCorvallialO:33 sm
Arrive Yaquina5:.10 pin' Arrive Albany 11 ;10 am
O. &. C. trains connect at Albany and Cor­
The above trains connect at Y aqcika wlib­
rile Oregon Developeiueut Co’s. Line of Steam­
ship* between Yaquina and Sau Fram-iaco.
Sailing l)at<*s.
1 have on display at the City Repository. McMIN’NVILLE, ORE­
GON, a Fine Line of Carriages. Buggies, Etc.
Rent is low, and all that I ask is pay for my work. Goods will be tele-
graghed for, for persons who are in a hurry. I can GUARANTEE You
PRICES at least 10 PER CENT LOWER than any other tailor shop in
Pants, to order............................................ $ 7 00 to $10 (X)
Suits, to order............................................. 25 00 to 40 00 .
Best assortment Ever Brought lo the City!
Call and see Samples at F. Zirkel's Shop, next to the Postofrice.
Yaquina 'FromHan Fran,
WillametteVal’y December 12tli l>eceml»er 6th
Willamette Yal’.v
The company reserve» the right to « hange
flailing dates without notice.
N. B —1‘aspengers from Portland and all Wil-
amette N alley Points can make clone connec­
tion with the train« of the Y aquina B olts at
Albany or Corvallis, and if destined to San
Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaqnina
the evening before date ot nailing.
River Steamers
le oies „aAUQ,, isti) ai|i
The Stock Consists of
ui popnptii »an (jjnd
j . h I
qtt.i.) fj
•'»till »soif ssapuiMs Vivati
(saiperj p1IK ‘s.Cosjap ‘saiputo
Side Bar Eliptic Spring. |side Bar Park Wagons.
Half Platform Wagon,
Brewster Side Bar
Whitechaple Bodies.
Sporting Wagon.
Timpkin Side Bar.
Jump Seat.
Oregon Hacks, 4 Springs. And Oregon Half Platform
'onssi siq) j<>
J)»p iiiojj vpaM -»ito .inf
pooif piotj
pire ‘oj pojotipt: Aipnjjs
oq iijAi poftifjdApv ojB Áoqj ipii[M )i:
o . yi . k I
soptlT imaads 1« paujniqo aau tre spooS qans Apio asi.idtuoj
Notice for Publication.
L and O ffice at Oregon City. Or.. )
April 10, 1889 i
Notice is hereby given that tbe following-
aanied settier has filed notice of his inten­
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim and, that said proof will be made
before the County Judge, or in his absence
before the County Clerk of Yamhill county,
at McMinnville, Oregon, on Friday, June 7,
1889, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 3003, for the s w
s w
of section 18. t 5 s, r 5 w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva­
tion of, said land, viz;
M Aylward. Joseph Bird, I Doughertv
and Patrick Casey, all of Bellevue, Yamhill |
county, Oregon
Any person who desires to protest against ;
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and regulations of the interior department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men­
tioned time ami place to cross-examine the i
witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evi-1
dence in rebuttal of that submitted by
Tourist Sleeping Car«,
For accommodation of Second Gia as p aven­
gers attached to express trains.
The S P Company's Ferry make» connsetion
with all the regular trains on the East Hide Di­
vision from foot of F street.
do my own Cutting, and Do Not Charge Profits on the Goods.
Trespass Notice,
All persons are forbidden from hunting
or fishing on our premises.
Any viola­
tion of this notice will be prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.
L T D avis ,
A c D avis ,
G eo O wens ,
J p O wens ,
E J. O wens ,
J. H H asdley ,
J ohn R edmond ,
A J N elson .
B F. H artman ,
O 1! S kixner ,
B F «S parks ,
C. A. W
allace ,
W C. H embree ,
B’L atte Baos
J R L ongacre
Pullman Biiffit sleepers,
We have a
The Eiffel Tower leached its full height !
1,178 feet, March 31. A newspaper cor- I
respondent who went to the top says
that the ascent by the staircase took
forty minutes, and by elevators it is to
be made in five minutes. It is expected
that the electric light on its top will en­
able one to read a newspaper at a dis­
tance of seven miles.
Ixical Passenger Daily, except Sunday.
. >:0.» am Eugene . . 2 40 pm
Eugene ............. 9:00 am | Portland.......... 3:45 pm
When we talk about one we talk about the other.
OUR LARGE STOCK of New Goods means Good
News to every buyer of GROCERIES in McMinnville
California Express Trains Run Daily
A democrat of this city stepped into
the office Thursday morning earlv and
paid up for bis paper and stopped it.
His reason for the same is that the T el ­
ephone -R egister has advocated the re­
moval of the cows from the streets and
the taxation of the property owners in
this city for much needed improvements.
He is worth probably $20,003 and says
he can’t pay the taxes and that he will
have to move out of the town—a good
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di­
Without injurious medication.
At Aitken, Minn., on April 2, at 4:45
Remember Our Old Motto:
o’clock, it became so dark that lights
were necessary in business houses, and
BOX 27
the air was filled with snow that was as Sold by Rogers A Todd, sole agents fo*
black and dirty as though it had been McMinnville.
trampled into the earth. Six ounces of
snow and one-fourth ounce of dirt and
sand were found in the bottom of a dish.
The dirt is very fine, something like em- ’
ery, and contains particles that have a [
metallic luster. This dirty snotv fell to 1
the depth of half an inch. The atmos­
phere at tbe time presented a peculiar I
greenish tinge. There was a little wind '
Of all kinds of
blowing at the time from the northwest,
though there seemed to be considerable
wind higher in the air. Solid chutiks of
From the best firms in the United States, at
ice and sand are reported to have been
picked up in various places.
Portland and San Francisco
4:00 piu San Francisco .7:45 an
San Francisco. 7:00 pin| Portland........ 10:45 am
The Celebrated French Cure,
mail on receipt of price.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every |5.00
order, to refund the money if a Permanent
cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
cured by A phroditink . Circular free. Address
Castorin cures Colle. Constipation.
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation.
T he C entaur C ompany , 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
The St. Charles Hotel.
Southern Pacific Company's Lines
Having Purchased direct rrom the Factory, in the East, and having
them shipped to me direct in Car-load lots. I am ni epared to sell at
Bring on Your Nimble Dollars,
ion s 9 oq
And see for yourself in regard to prices. Do not forget the place,
Opposite McMinnville Hotel, McMinnville, Oregon.
Will inn between Portland and Corvallis an
follows t Not th bout.«] h aves Corvallis, Mon*
<1 av , Wedne-day and Friday, hr m., leaven
Salem, Tnenday, Thu rad a v and Saturday. G a.
w. South bound leaves Portland, Monday.
V« ednesday and Friday, 6 a . m.; leaves Hah in,
Tiu sday, Thursday and Hatu* «lay. 6 a. in
Passenger and freight rates always the low
eat . For itifoltuition, apply t<» Messrs. HUL
MAN A CO., Freight and Ticket Agent», 200-
ami 202 Front street, Portland, Oregon; or tö­
t’. (’. HOGUE,
Acting Gen l. Frt. & Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific
B, K. Co , CorvaPfo, Oregon.
Gen’I. Frt. A P am . Agt., Oregon Development
Co., Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal.
“ C oli
mbi *
H ives Horra.'
TIPkCTC ,0 >n<* ,rom Principi' point* In th.
I IbnL I ò
United States. Canada and Europa.
Elegant Pullman Palace Cars.
Emigran! Sleeping Cam Kun Tlinuigb
on Exprm Trains to
Clone connections at Portland for Han Fran­
cisco and Puget Found points.
A 1 Iron Stea null ips leave Portland and San
Frannroo every four (4) daya, mak­
ing the trip in t>0 hour«.
Cabin................ $ IG 00 | Steerage.......... 18 00
Bound Trip nnlimited................................... 30 00
For further particiilarn inquire of any agent
of the Company or A L Mauro I, <« P & T A.
I'artland, Oregon.
gqj |Eqj 99IJ1I b ‘-s}9 sz Baud jatujoj ipjex J9d -sp gj joj psjgjjo
9q him (9piM saqoui Qg pus XAB9q bj |X9) SN3311VS
Genl. Manager
Transcontinental Route.
fete Pte: teli,
-------VTA THE-------
I have just received a Full and Complete Line of
these SHOES, guaranteed to be the best and cheapest
in the market. ALSO—A full line of C. M. Hend r-
son & Co.'s Gents' Boots and Shoes, and Ladies’ and
Misses’ Fine Shoes.
suiebjEg |Ei99ds 6UIJ9JJO jo luojsÁg v
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER­
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
General Merchandise
At Extremely Low Prices.
To F.aftt
Carlton, Oregon,
Cleanse the System Effectually,
9i| 9ns8| siq} qjiM jeqi soounouutf
J. S. HIBBS. Pro.
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu­
factured only by the
S an F rancisco , C al .
L ouisville . K y .
N ew Y ork , N. Y.
Cascade Division' now completed,
making it the Shortest, Best'
and Quickest.
The Dining Car line. The Direct Route.
No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low­
est Rates to Chicago and all
points East. Tickets sold
to all Prominent Points
throughout the East and Southeast.
Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleeje
mg Cara
Reservationscan be secured in advance.
Requirements of a Stenographer
Bound Paaaen^wra.
Be caeful and do not make a mistake
but be sure to take the
Northern Pacific Railroad.
■'n<l 866 *-hat your tickets read via
THIS LINE. St Paul or Minneapolis, to
avoid changes and serious delays occa­
sioned by other routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular express trains full length of
the line. Berths free. Lowest rates.
Quickest time.
---- o----
TA Su eet! ns a ' •
,raj ’■ ■:. ' - - I- • it I IW--
I U curate in «hnrlliuntl, klll<-<l In I. v | h -
writfug:, a £<»<><1 ponuuin, a <■<»,,.¡w-tcist"t-or-
hi the Shorthand Ltepa::....... toftlie
Third Street,
McMinnville, re^jtotKl^nt.
in shorthan-!. OAILV PrrACTlCE
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in type-writing, careful instructiom in penman­ OeMral Office or the Comp.nv. So, 1S1
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qualify students (or |H,-,itio:>i always open to tlutse
fully prepared to Gil them. Send for ealalogue.
Bigheat price paid for fat cattle, sheep hogs A. F. A rmstrong , Fri t., - P ortland , <
and ponltry.
All Meats of Best Quality.
Asst. General Passenger Agent.