I « 4 THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. >- <* ■w * » I 1 A fine display of furniture at W. H. Bingham’s. The Chinese in the city were flying kites Monday. Dr. J. D. Fenton arrived in this city Tuesday night. Wall paper of all kinds, large stock to seclect from, at Bingham’s. When you go fishing get one of those fine rods at Rogers A Todd’s. A fine large band of sheep passed through the city Monday morning. Wayland Hunsaker, of Turner Station, was in the city Monday and Tuesday. In a few days the finest assortment of cook stoves ever set up in a hardware store can be seen at Manning A Unger- man’s. The Oregon Presbytery of the Cumber­ land Presbyterian church will meet in McMinnville Thursday, April 11th, at 7:30 p. m. The Transcript of Astoria is now owned by Snyder and Dunbar. A. V. R. Sny­ der having accepted a position on the Times-Mountaineer. For Sale.—Patridge Cochin and Buff Cochin eggs, pure stock for sale at Chas. Grissen’s or Mrs. B. F. Saylor’s, $3.00 per setting of 13 eggs. Dr. E. E. Goucher, who lias been con­ fined to his house with a bronchial trouble, is better and able to attend to business once more. Wright’s Red Cross Cough Syrup cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, loss of voice and all inflamed conditions of the lungs. Sold by Rogers A Todd. W. W. Baker editor of the Rural Spirit, of Portland shipped a fine mare to this city Monday. She is under the control of Chas. Woods, the horse trainer. Cheapest tailoring establishment in the city is next to the post office, do not charge profit on the goods. Good work, and all imported goods at low prices. Rev. F. Dullard Holman will preach in the Christian church at Sheridan Sun­ day morning and evening. A social meet­ ing will be held the Saturday previous. Wanted.—Two first-class sewing ladies in F. Zerkle’s triloring establishment, next the post office, good pay and steady work. Ladies who have had experience desired. The horsemen of this city aie begin­ ning to work their trotters on the track. What county is better situated for a stock county than Yamhill? None. This county will soon be producing trot­ ters for export. Secretary Wannamaker spends $5000 a week for advertisments and pays a man $12,000 a year to aitend to his ad­ vertising. You can’t keep such a man out of the cabinet. There’s more truth than poetry in the moral to this story, namely: Stick close to advertising; never run to seed. You’re all sure to prosper if you live by the creed.— Ex. The spring meeting of the Presbytery of Oregon will be held at Lafayette, com­ mencing on Tuesday evening, the 9th inst. All the sessions will be open to the public. The moderator of the last meeting, Rev. W. S. Forbes, of Albina, will preach on Tuesday evening. Rev. Dr. Landon of Portland, will deliver an address on Wednesday evening, on the “Reward of Christian giving,” and at the conclusion, other members of the Presbytery will further discuss the sub­ ject. The meeting will probably close on Thursday. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. STATE vs McKUNE. F Street Difficulties to be Enquired into. Juhe defendant killed Bewley he had rea ­ he came to McMinnville, where he made here on a visit Monday night. Some sheep men assured me Several Portland |>eople have lieen hands of the committee ol streets and sonable ground to believe, and did be­ his home until the time of his death. All season. will be down in the Willamette writing to friends here, asking what real Mrs. Brandt has purchased a half in­ public property with the power to em­ lieve, that his own life was in danger, or his children except his son and one they valley and buy farms. The majority of estate can be bought for. Our healthy terest in the Delmonico restaurant. ploy competant attorneys. that he was in danger of receiving great daughter who reside near Pendleton, them want to sell their flocks. Stock location ann good water is bound to at­ Marshal’s report read and on motion bodily harm from the deceased, then he were at the funeral. Look at Rogers A Todd’s fine stock of raising extensively is played out in East­ tract attention. placed on file. had a right to defend himself and, if ne­ fishing tackle, all new, no old stock. Mr. Mark was a man of sunnv pleas­ ern Oregon—the bunch grass is gone for­ Recorder’s rejiort read and on motion cessary, to preserve himself take the life ant disposition, and always made numer­ ever. I came home Saturday night by Just sup|>o«e some of our Eastern Sunday was a fine day and all the placed on file. of Bewley. ous friends wherever he resided. Be­ the Lebanon road over the Cascades and friends could go to Bleep in one of the citizens in the town were out walking. Mayor declared that councilman Tuck­ There is evidence tending to show sides his children, who, in him feel the with four feet of snow on the sum­ states where it is cold and wake up here er had forfeited his light to a seat in the that at the time of this homicide Bewley loss of both father and mother, he leaves met Go to G. S. Wright, dentist, Braly mit from the head of Cash creek to Big one of these hot afternoons. Gollyl council and ordered the election of a was armed with a pistol and that he was block, McMinnville, for first-class work. many friends to mourn his demise. lake; two feet of snow on the Sand wouldn’t they think they were in hades. councilman to fill his place. Upon look­ attempting to draw it. If you should be­ If we had only waited a few hours or Jones and Babcock of the I’auly Jail ing up the charter it was found that lieve that such was the case, then Mc­ A ustin .—At her residence in Portland, mountain; no snow at Fish lake, nor on Oregon, March 29, 1889,, Catherine the Scven-mile hill, l*eer is plenty at the other parties had hurried up we Co., were in the city during the latter part councilman Tucker was still a member Kune if he had reason to bc’lieve that Grazier, wile of W. H. Austin, of bfood Fish lake; they came up early from the might have Bent you another birth no­ of last week. and (hat he had not absented himself the Bewley was attempting to draw the pis­ poisoning. desert and may be counted by the hun­ tice last week, for a daughter was born required number of regular meetings. tol to use oil him, he might shoot Bew­ Miss Ella L. Woods proposes to open a dred.” to the wife of W. W. Nelson on March Barnekoff of way and means reported ley in self defense before Bewley had select school soon after the close of the We Try to Get Even. 28, 1889. that two of the county jail cells could be time to draw his pistol. To Washington and Oregon. public school. purchased for $75. It was ordered that There is evidence tending to show M c M innville , March 29th, 1889. Married.—At the residence of the Teeth extracted without pain by the “They are coming from the deserts of bride’s parents, March 31, 1889, Mr. G. the committee purchase two cells for $75. that at the time of this homicide the Last summer there were several young application of local anesthetics. G. S. Moved that the committee be em­ town of Sheridan, in which the killing the dim and dusty east, where to raise E. lewis and Mias Mattie Henderson. Wright, dentist. powered with the marshal to build a city took place, was quarantined against the ladies from this city picking hops at a stunted turnip gives the prospect of a The happy couple have the congratula­ Butteville, and by invitation from the pound ; carried. into it of the citizens or residents coming tions of a la-ge circle of friends, who The ordinance prohibiting boys under Ordinance No. 74 an ordinance govern­ of the city of McMinnville, in conse­ ladies six of our best young men left this feast, where the farms are made of gravel wish them prosperity and happiness. 18 years of age being on the streets after and they plow with dynamite, where the ing and regulating ttie assessment of road quence of smallpox prevailing at the lat ­ 9 o’clock has passed. place one Sunday morning to visit with There has Iieen numerous inquiries tax read moved that it be amended so as ter place, and that the defendant was festive chattel mortgage sings its dirge Henry Carlin arrived in this city Mon­ to read, “that the poll tax may be paid then acting as a deputy marshal and the young ladies during the day. Owing day and night; they are coming in their made lately as to whether the Yamhill falls, opposite town, could bs purchased day from Camp Polk. He came over in labor at $1. 50per day;” carried. health officer and specially charged with to the distance they had to drive, it re­ the mountains on horseback. Moved that ordinance No. 74 be read the duty of preventing persons from Mc­ quired them to start quite early from Mc­ wagons, they are coming on the train, or the water privilege secured lor manu­ they are coming from the region where facturing pur|>oses. These enquiries are twice by tital and placed on it final pass­ Minnville entering or remaining in the Head quarters for fishing tackle at age ; carried. Read, those voting yea be­ town of Sheridan, and that Bewley had Minnville, so they drove to Newberg for they struggled long in vain; they are being made rather quietly, but from Rogers A Todd’s. Full line of fly hooks, ing Barnekoff, Burt, Grissen, Jones, on the day of the homicide came to breakfast. They went to the hotel and coming from the cabin, they arc coming what we can earn it is a 4 lerman colony snell hooks, leaders, lines, rods, etc. Wright. Sheridan from McMinnville, and that at soon supplied the inner man. They set­ from the hall, they are coming io Wash­ that is putting out feelers for a location Give Manning A Uugerman a trial Ordinance No. 75 amending ordinance the time of the homicide the defendant tled tlieir bill, got in the hack and went ington, where’s plenty for them all. for a carding and woolen factory. when you want any thing in the way ot No. 60 read twice by title and passed, was notifying the deceased to leave Sher­ on their way rejoicing, arriving at Butte­ They are coming from the southland, The performance given by the Excel­ stoves’, hardware or agriculture impli- those voting yea being Barnekoff, Burt, idan in obedience to an ordinance of the ville about 10:30 a. m. The boys had a they are coming from the north, from the 1 sior club Wednesday evening, was every meuts. Jones, Grissen, Wright. town. very pleasant time with their young lady valleys and the mountains they in droves creditable affair. Some of the club de­ ' Moved and seconded that the council If the defendant was acting as such friends. About 5 p. m. the boys started are coming forth ; they are coming with serve special mention for tlieir excellent Wrigtit’s Comjiound Syrup of Sarsa­ 1 adjourn to Wednesday night at 7 :30 officer at the time, he had a right to ap ­ for home. A few days after ’ a smart singing and acting, but all did so well parilla can be relied upon for all blood their husbands, they are coming with 1 o’clock; carried. proach the deceased and notify him of young man from Newberg went to the their wives, they are coming with their we will not particularize. The concert .diseases, skin affections, etc. Sold by the ordinance and request him to depart trouble to go to Butteville and report all hammers, with their needles and their was April 3rd. for the benefit of the Presbyterian ’ ^Rogers A Todd. Meetingcalled to order; present, Mayor from the town. over that city that the young men from knives; with their harrows and their Sunday school library. The club is ooai- 1 Several fishermen started for the In this case the evidence tends to McMinnville, were so drunk when they planters, and their pencils and tlieir 1 posee ot the young folk» in town who Manning, Councilmen Barnekoff, Burt, mountains Wednesday morning. We Jones, Grissen, Wright, Recorder Spen­ show that a large number of persons stopped in Newberg for their breakfast guns, they are coming with their fathers will give entertainments occasionally. have not yet heard their stories and sup­ witnessed this homicide, and there is that they could hardly get into the hack. and their mothers and their sons. They The proceeds going for some charitable cer and Marshal Kauffman. pose they are saving them for a better some conflict in the evidence of these Now the six young men want to say this are coming stout and Blender, they aie purpose, and should be encouraged and Ordinance No. 76 read and passed. time. persons. This is not unusual in such much to the smart young man from New­ coming short and tall, they are coming patronized by all. Ordinance No. 77 read and passed. cases, as men see and remember the berg, that they can prove that they had to Washington where’s there plenty for Ordinance No. 78 read and passed. We call your attention to the adver­ Fine Photo Gallery. same transactions somewhat differently, not drank a drop that day; and more them all. Where you needn’t dig pota­ There was a great deal of talk during Ordinance No. 79 read and passed. tisement of C. D. Johnson in this issue of and it is the province of the jury to judge than that, can prove by the best citizens toes with a sabre or a dirk, where when the late county seat contest about the Ordinance No. 80 read rnd passed. C. Fritz A Co., artistic photographers, the paper. He lias a fine lot of carriages of the value of the evidence of such wit­ of McMinnville, that not one of the young rain is badly needed, then the rain gets court house here being ready to fall On motion council adjourned. and you can no doubt be suited if you have just over-hauled and repaired their nesses. men was ever drunk in their lives.’ Now in its work ; where the rivers moan and down. Those who wantonly lied about see him. NOTES. gallery in the Adams block. It is now In order to justify you in finding the we just wish to say to the smart fellow, murmur on their journey to the sea, it can now Bee wherein they misrepre­ sented if tbev will only take the trouble Ordinance No. 78 amends ordinance prisoner guilty you must be satisfied be­ that the boys have been watching all this Eugene Harding, of Gaston, moved to the finest photograph gallery on the west where the breeze tackles cornstalks big to come and see how difficult it Is to to this city Wednesday. He will live in side. They have expended considerable No. 53 and increases the liquor license yond a reasonable doubt that he killed time to play even with him. So Sunday- as fences on the lea; where the savage take out the bricks. Tlie bricks are from $300 per annum to $400. the Handley house, and will sell ma­ Bewley when he had no reasonable last there was a hack load from Newberg Ordinance No. 79 is the gambling or­ ground to fear no attack from Bewley— arrived in our city; and from their actions lately wandered in his search for human hard and solid, and the cement can chinery for the Northwestern Manufac­ time and money in this rearrangement, hair, while his hoarse aud howling war and now invite the people to call and in­ dinance and the principle sections are from which he might l>e killed or receive we think we have got the upper hand, cry floated on the summer air; where a hardly be dug out with a chisel, while turing company. spect their work. They are the sole published in another column. great bodily harm. In this case if you and will report if we ever hear anything hundred braves would answer to the the plastering is almost like iron. We Mr. H. Adams has moved his harness owners, will wager onr Inxitjack that it will out­ Ordinance No. 80 is the cow ordinance in Yamhill county, of the right shop into the building formerly occupied to use Phelps' patent enameling process, and shuts up the town cows, thirty days believe from the evidence that at the more about the McMinnville bovs being chieftain’s battle call, they are coming to last an}’ brick building now in the county. T he S ix B oys . Washington, where there’s plenty for by Geo. W. Burt. Mr. Adams will refit whereby a luster and finish is imparted after its passage. This ordinance has time the defendant fired the fatal shot drunk. M. T. H ead . he had reasonable ground to believe his them all. Where the savage used to the old harness shop and move his to the photograph not attainable in any long been needed. Councilman Jones life was in danger, or that he was in W. C. T. IT. District Convention. wander, yearning for a crop of iiair, now ^¡billiard ball into it. Partner Wanted, other way. Photos finished by this pro­ stated to the council that the cows were danger of great bodily harm from de­ The annual convention of the third the farmer takes his ¡torkers to the near­ Stanley writes a long letter from the cess will never lade or loose their ex­ a nuisance and that at the present time ceased, and that the danger was immi­ A young, industrious man with capital est county fair; and the corn is daily Interior of Africa explaining at some pression. which is bo common in other there was an obstruction on one of the nent, and that he did so believe, ami W. C. T. U. district was held at Corval­ growing the greasy wigwam stood, of $1000 wanted for a partner in a nour­ length the country through which his ex­ kinds of work. The price for this fine sidewalks near liig house which bad been acting on said belief killed the deceased, lis la6t week. The first afternoon was where he where burned the wailing captive now ishing business. Blacksmith or machin­ pedition traveled. He is alive and well work will only be a little higher than for built by a cow, said obstruction being lie is excusable, and it was not neces­ poultry search for food; and the ist preferred. Address: the ordinary, and an inspection of speci­ nearly as large as the pyramid of cheojis. sary that he should wait until an assault sjieiit in devotional exercises and the the and has found Emin Pasha. “ “ S mith , McMinnville, Or. A. J. people who are coming to this pleasant­ 3-tf mens can not fail to please the most By actual measurement it was 6 feet bv was actually committed. For if one usual business routine. In the evening est Reports from the John Day say that fastidious. of climes, show a happy knack of 4 feet 6 inches and three inches high. threatened witli an assault with a pistol Prof. Rork, of Salem, delivered a tem­ Gallery up stairs in Adams ’ Notice. keeping with the times; they will find a several hundred sheep have been poison­ block, Third street, McMinnville. The mayor wanted to know whether the was compelled to wait before defending perance lecture in his peculiar and en­ country from the spring time to ed there by cattle men. The cattle and cow was alive yet after her superhuman himself, until his assaillant had present­ tertaining manner. The second day the fall, beaming All persons indebted to us are hereby when they land in Washington, horse men have sworn that no sheep BAR DOCKET. efforts at sidewalk decoration. This ar­ ed his pistol, then his defense would be was devoted to reports from superintend­ notified to settle with W. A. Henderson where there ’ s plenty for them all. — El- shall summer on their ranges. plague on the sidewalk won over of no avail to repel the attack. ents of departments and discussions. At lensbnrgh Capital. A K Wright vs J Delap; equity, Re- tistic at McMinnville on or before April 10th, all the councilmen who would have voted April fool's day brought to the front port This case has excited much interest in the evening meeting Rev. Spangler told 1889. After said date all accounts due us filed. against the ordinance. the usual number of April fools. The The Fountain of Youth. how prohibition does prohibit in Iowa; this county, both from the circumstances will be left with Fenton A Fenton for State vs J C Coulter; bond to keep town was covered with bogus dollars peace. Prof. Hull, of the Agricultural college, that preceded and surrounded the com ­ immediate collection. Continued. PROBATE COURT. A mity , Or., March 18, 1889. nailed to the sidewalk. Dr. Wright did mission of the homicide, arising from a compared the slowness of moral suasion Jane McGrew vs James McGrew; di­ H enderson B ros . E ditor T elephone -R egister : — nothing but laugh all day long. Estate of Mary Hill; final account al­ then existing excitement caused by the witli prohibition, in some well chosen re­ vorce. Referred. For Sale. It is believed that where the great At­ prevalence of smallpox in some parts of marks; Rev. Atkins closed the meeting If your cough keeps you awake and Thomas M Shadden vs Malinda Taris lowed. Estate of Morris W. Wilson; petition the county and from the prominence of withan excellent address on.Sabbath lantic ocean now is was once a conti­ restless by night, take Ayer’s Cherry et al; partition. Settled. Saw mill fully equipped and now run­ observance. The following officers were the deceased, who had long been a resi­ Annie Schopp vs John E Hubbard, granted. Pectoral and obtain immediate relief. elected : Mrs. Edwards, Newberg, pres­ nent and thickly populated, where ning a full crew, capacity 10,000 feet per Estate ol John W. Murry; final ac­ dent of the vicinity. This remedy allays inflammation, heals administrator; foreclosure. Continued. The case has been thoroughly and ident; Miss Maggie Butler, Monmouth, people lived to be a great age, and the day, orders now on hand for 300,000 feet. Rowell A Son vs Charles Douglas; ac­ count allowed. the pulmonary organs, induces sleep, Estate ol Frank Kloucheek ; final ac- ably presented to you by the counsel, secretary; Mrs. Percival, Monmouth, continent was called Atlantes, if so, Easy terms given. Reason for selling, ill and restores health. The sooner you be­ tion for money. Settled. James F Bewley vs Wm Chapman; connt of Wm. Holl as administrator al­ who have been zealous for the prosecu­ treasurer. Sujierintendents were also then when it sank it slid westward so health. For full particulars enquire of gin the better. lowed and his resignation filed; he is to tion and defense, and may be biased by appointed for about twenty-one depart­ that the Garden of Eden is directly J. I. Knight A Co. McMinnville, Or. suit in equity. Report filed. “When trie spring-time comes,” we be discharged upon some suitable person tlieir feelings. You, however, have ments. A very pleasant time was en­ under this part of the world, and the A Mutchler vs J W Smith ; action for usually find ourselves drowsy and ex­ money. Continued. Closing Out At Coat. being named and appointed. been selected to try this case because joyed bv all present. water bubbling up from the tree of life, hausted, owing to the impure and slug­ Estate of Nancy Moor; final account to you have no bias, and can impartially is the reason that |>eopl<> live so long Gildner vs J J Smith; action I am closing out the well selected Piesi.lent and Mrs. Harrison« gish state of the blood. To remedy this for Frank be heard may 7th at 1 p. m. consider the evidence and make a true here. We propose to continue the money. Continued. trouble, take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the stock of boots and shoes of the late firm Estate of James Green ; final account deliverance between the state and the proof of our position, that we have more McGrew A Walker vs Milton Lee : ac ­ The demand for the portraits of Presi­ most powerful, yet safe and economical, tion for money. Judgement. . to be heard May 7th, at 11 a. m. prisoner, which is your duty. old ;>eople than can be found in any of Harris A Haney, at Lafayette, at cost. blood-purifier in existance. The stock consists of a general assort- Estate of Nathan Westfall; claim of It is your duty to find a verdict in this dent and Mrs. Harrison is unprecedented. country. Grandpa Toney is about 92, Commercial' Insurance Co vs John J The other evening we were shown a Sax et al; action for money. Continued. Margaret J. Westfall; allowed after hear­ case and end this litigation. It is your Two very fine etched portraits, on one and we would advise him to move back merit of ladies’, gents’ and childrens’ fine and coarse wear, most of which was duty to discuss this case after you retire plate, 16x22, of General and Mrs. Harri­ on that licit of healthy land for fear lie beautiful cactus bloom which is more State vs Wilfred Unger; assault with a ing proof. Estate of James F. Bewley: first semi­ with a view to agree on a verdict, for the son, published at the home of the presi­ should die; Isaac Agee, 84; Henry bought of the best Eastern factoriee at than eight inches in diameter, and of a dangerous weapon. Continued. case is probably now as fully presented dent, by M. R. Hyman, publisher of the White, 78, and Lis wife, Charlotte 8. the lowest rates. Will sell you boots State vs James Nickerson and George annual account approved. deep red hue. Mrs. Judge Laughary is Estate of C. W. Tolson; final account as it ever can be. It is the theory of our Indianapolis Herald, are meeting with White, 75 ; Rev. A. Garrison is 78, and and shoes 25 to 40 per cent less than you the possessor of this cactus, which at Izenhouser; larceny. Failed to appear. law that jurors will agree in every case esjiecially large sales. Agents are want­ his mental faculties are as clear as when can get them elsewhere this time has no less than fifteen buds, State vs Willard McKune; manslaugh­ to be beard May 7th, at 1 p. m. Estate of John Carlin; Martha E. Car­ that is submitted to them, and it is im­ ed in every town in the Union. Send he was 40, as he oftens delivers us a __ __ M ary H anky . ter. Acquitted. and it will bloom the entire summer. lin and G. D. Carlin appointed joint ad­ portant in the administration of justice 25 cents for sample portraits and terms good sermon, full of sound doctrine and U S Grant Marqtiam vs Wm Krueger; The April issue of “Our Little Men and Friday last Mrs. E. F. Matthieu who ministrators. Bond fixed at $(>000; bond that jurors shall agree, for it is only by to agents, to logical reasoning; Mr. Rider, 74; J. E. Women,” published by D. Ixithrop A Co. for money. Continued. M. R. H yman , has been teaching the primary depart­ action approved M. Underwood, J. S. Hibbs, the finding of verdicts that cases of this Smith, 78: Isaac Ball, 75; Mother II Clay Burch et al vs J L Howard; Indianapolis, Ind. of Boston, is at hand and is a splendid ment closed her duties with appropriate Thos. D. Henderson appointed apprais­ kind can be properly disposed of and Smith, 75; E. Richardson, 75; Jane number. The subscription price is $1.00 for money. Continued. ceremonies. Mrs. Matthieu is a success action Regained His Sight. ers. Inventory approved. Exempt prop­ justice administered. The failure of Richardson, 74; It. J. Lancefield, 74; per vear arid should tie taken by every Caroline Martin vs Charles Martin; as a teacher and has left for Butteville divorce. Granted. Mrs. Taylor, 74; Mr. King, 73; T. S. child. erty set aside to widow. Petition to sell jurors to agree has a tendency to weaken _______________ where she will teach. Miss Ella Woods the faith of the people in our law tri­ For the past several years J. E. Brooks Jeffries, 71; Mrs. Buford, 78. I will Geo W Sappington vs W A Howe; personalty granted. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ot this city will take charge of the pri­ suit of this city has had to wear glasses be ­ Estate of Reuben close for the want of time — will give you Harris; inventory bunals and destroy their respect for the for damages. Continued. mary department. cause of the dimness of his vision. Some more next time. G. W. G oucher . laws. Edgar Poppleton vs Yamhill county; approved. I-ena M. Miner 16, Wm. A. Hogarth 20. Estate of Harris A Haney; inventory time ago he began to find fault with his Katie C. Briston ¿1, Claud Warren 30. Monday morning the town cows were review. Lei ve granted to perfect tran­ approved. MARRIED. Petition to sell personalty spectacles, they did not fit his eyes and Margare.te Small 50. J. J. Conrod 50. turned loose to graze in the streets. One script. Two Democrats Nearly Killed by a Run­ aiiout every two weeks bad to purchase L ewis -H enderson .—At the residence of Wm Jamieson vs Yamhill county; re­ granted to be sold for cash. Mattie H. Kirkwood 36, G. E. Lewie 37. of them, a festive damsel, during the away. a new pair. Finally he concluded that the bride’s father, in Lafayette, Ore­ day attempted to get into F. W. Red­ view. Dismissed. STALLION LICENSES. All subscribers who come in and pay A E Stuart vs H P Stuart; divorce. his eyes were regaining Bight, he dis­ gon, March 31, 1889, by Rev. Martin mond’s window where a fine piece of Sunday, Graham Glass, editor of the carded his spectacles and can now read up their subscription to date or one year The following stallions have been li­ Burlingame, Mr. George E. Lewis and green Japanese silk was displayed. She Granted. Annie Gear vs Wesley Gear; divorce. censed under the new law in this county. organic Reporter, and Wm. Galloway, fine print as good as he could twenty Miss Slattie Henderson, all of Lafay­ in advance are intitled to Texas Siftings, undoubtedly thought it a cabbage or horse-trader, went for a drive. They years ago. one year for $1.00. This is tor cash. Granted. The owner’s names are given: ette, Oregon. some other garden truck. borrowed Dr. Goucher ’ s buggy, and Lafayette Lodge No 3 vs Jesse Hobson King William, Jr., Chas. Cooper. The contracting parties are well and Dearness Can’t Be Cured brought it back in about the same condi ­ Notice. et al; action for money. Continued. Young Tornado, W. P. Pederson. favorably known in this county and the tion as the senator from Yamhill, Dr. R L Stowe vs Benjamin Perry; fore­ Milton, John W. Hulery. by local applications, as they can not T elephone -R egister join their many Tax payers of Yamhill county will taka Watts, (all broke up). Wm. Galloway, closure. Judgement. Fred Pearl, T. W. Hayes. when in the neighborhood of Fryer’s reach the diseased portion of the ear. friends in wishing them a happy future. notice that the time has now expired for J F Calbreatli vs J C Michaux; fore­ Delaware, Jr., Eugene Brown. There is only one way to cure deafness, place, near Carlton, stopped and went Registered Doctors. paying taxes without cost and that all closure. Continued. Young Milton, A. Yocum. “to see a man.” Mr. Glass was left to and that is by constitutional remedies. Bird A Gates vs Mary A Caves et al; Young Cleveland, Jas. Fletcher. taxes now due the county are subject to Deafness is caused by an inHamed condi ­ The following doctors of this county manage the horses. He claims they got Duke of Wenlock, Ladd & Reed. foreclosure. Judgement. the “lines under their tails” and lie tion of the mucus lining of the Eusta­ have registered their names with the a forced collection. Come in and settle J R Derby vs George Bryan and Wm Dick Flaherty, Eugene DeForrest. with the sheriff and save costs and ex­ could not get them out, so he jumped, chian tube. When this tube gets in­ clerk of this county; Galloway; action for money. Dismissed. Imported Millionaire, Ladd A Reed. penses of levy and sale of property, and the horses went down the road until flamed you have a rumbling sound or Wm Campbell and W Millsap vs Or­ Johnny Blood, J. N. Bransotne'. George E. Stuart, Dayton ; Aaron Mill», they lell from pure exhaustion. The imperfect hearing, and when it is en­ Newberg; G. II. Smith. Lafayette; John therefore to save costs and trouble please Young Sportsman, D. C. Stewart. rin B. Skinner; suit in equity. Contin­ debris of the buggy is now to be seen in tirely closed deafness is the result, and W. Watts, Latayette; John Fields, Sher­ call at once and settle up your tax bill. ued. Young England, J. 8. Hibbs. McMinnville, Feb. 5, 1889. the rear of C. D. Johnson’s shop, It is unless the inflamation can be taken out, idan; G. W. Goucher, Amity; S. A. Mason Forward, D. Grierson. James F Bewley vs T N Graves; man­ T. J. H arris , said that the wreck was not brought into and this tube restored to its normal con­ Young, McMinnville. Whirlwind, R. Baird. date. Mandate ente'ed. dition, hearing will be destroyed for ­ Sheriff of Yamhill Co. town until everyone was asleep Sunday Young Dexter. W. F. Ralston. F P Hembree et al vs I R Dawson et ever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by ­ Creamery Flection. night. They have lost their reputation King Fergus, Ladd & Reed. al; appeal on taxation of costs. Judge­ catarrh, which is nothing but an in­ MOTHERS! as horse jockeys at any rate. ment of clerk confirmed. Paris Boy, Jr., George Bryan. flamed condition of the mucus surfaces. Saturday the first meeting of the Castoria is recommended by physicians All the above named stallions are Progress. We will give One Hundred Dollars for creamery association was held in the or children teething It is a purely veget­ CARD OF THANKS. standing in this county, and if the own­ any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) Grange hall. The directors elected are able preparation, its ingredients are pub­ It is very important in this age of vast lished around each bottle It is pleasant ers will send in the places which they E ditor of T elephone -R egister : that we can not cure by taking Hall’s visit, the information will be published material progress that a remedy be pleas­ Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free A. J. Nelson, B. F. Fuller, J. 8. Ilibbs. to the tasie and absolutely harmless. It re­ Miss Mark and sisters wish, through directors elected A. J. Nelson presi­ lieves constipation regulates the bowels, The bottom has been reached in tailor free of charge for the benefit of the people ing to the taste and to the eye, easily _F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. The quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind coUe, dent and B. F. Fuller secretary. made pants. By calling on Bishop A the columns of your paper, to thank their of Yamhill county. You should not for­ taken, acceptable to the stomach and Sold by Lruggists, 75c. allays feverishness, destroys worms, and Kay you can get all wool business pants friends for their assistance, kindness and get that the T elephone -R egister has healthy in its nature and effects. Pos­ prevents convulsions, soothes the child and Use Wright ’ s Arabian Condition Pow ­ at from $5.00 to $7.00, cost any where ' sympathy, extended to them during the best facilities in the county for doing sessing these qualities, Syrup of Figs is Children Cry for ders if you take pride in seeing your gives itrefesbing and natural sleep. Cas­ else $7.00 to $10.00.................... .... We have the goods I their recent •• bereavement ................ in the death . of - horse printing of all kinds quickly and the one perfect laxative and most gentle is the children's panacea—ths moth­ diuretic known. Pitcher’s Castoria. stock look well. Sold by Rogers A Todd. toria I their father, Mr. Chas. N. Mark. ers' friend, 35 doses, 35 cents. jn place of samples. neatly and at reasonable prices. ✓