The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 29, 1889, Image 4

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'j’fc* *ifc* W
*7j^ *’4^|'?
They have received direct from
the factory a Carload of the Finest
Rugbies and Carriages ever bro’t
into Yamhill County.
of Barouches, Carriages, Phaetons,
Jump seat rigs, Buggies, Spring
Wagons, Etc., you ever laid your
eyes upon. Their brand of bug­
gies have been well tested in this
climate and are guaranteed in ev­
ery particular. Having purchased
these buggies direct from the facto­
ry they are prepared to
than have ever before been otter­
ed in the Valley.
M c M innville ,
O regon :
29, 188 9.
A Successful Air Ship.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER­
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu­
factured only by the
S an F rancisco , C al .
L odisvill «. K y .
N ew Y ork ,
N. Y.
Southern Pacific Company's Lines
?¿The aerial vessel at whose build­
ing all the world laughed until at
Coney Island a few days ago it
proved its capability to navigate
the air in any direction is likely to
bring fame and fortune to the pa­
tient, plodding man—P. C. Camp­
bel], a Brooklyn jeweler, who
thought it out and then wrought it
out. Lieutenant Lemprieve, of the
royal English navy, has made the
inventor a flattering proposition to
cross the Atlantic, and he will no
doubt accept, but he has a desire to
first make a trip to Philadel­
phia and “astonish the na­
So, in the event of a
considerable atmospheric distur­
bance, Philadelphians will know
that it is caused by the aerial pro­
peller from New York. Professor
Allan, the balloonists, who made the
trial trip in the Campbell baloon,
and who was at one time associated
with the engineers of Dom Pedro in
aerial navigation, expresses entire
confidence in the navigable qualities
of the new air ship, and declares
the inventor has solved the problem
that has puzzled balloonists for a
century—tne problem of steering a
balloon against air currents and in
any desired direction.
The Latest Snake Story.
R ochester , N. Y., March 24.—
Several days ago the 11-months old
daughter of Mrs. Schulz, while re­
California Express Trains Run Daily
covering from whooping cough, had
BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRAN­ a startling experience. She had a
paroxyism of coughing, but Mrs.
Portland... . 4:00 pm San Francisco. .7:45 am Schulz saw nothing very remark­
San Francisco. 7:00 pm| Portland......... 10:45 am able in that.
When, however, she
Local Passenger Daily, except Sunday. became aware that a live snake
was coming from the little girl’s
Portland .......... 8:05 am Eugene............ 2:40 pm
Eugene............ 9:00 am Portland. ........ 3:45 pm mouth, she was horrified.
mother succeeded in capturing the
Pullman Suffit s eepers,
reptile and placed it in a bottle.
Tourist Sleeping Cars, Louisa appeared perfectly well as
soon ao the snake, which measured
For accommodation of Second Class passen­
12j inches was ejected. The mys­
gers attached to express trains.
The S P Company’s Ferry makes connection tery now is how it got into the
with all the regular trains on the East Side Di­
child’s stomach. The reptile was
vision from foot of F street.
of a grayish white color and about
half an inch in diameter.
Portland and San Francisco
Between Portland and Corvallis.
Mail Train. Daily except Sunday.
Portland......... 7 30 a m McMinnville. .10 13 a m
McMinnville. .1013 a in Corvallis .... 12 25 p m
Corvallis......... 1 30 p m McMinnville . 3 44 p m
McMinnville.. 3 52 p ni Portland......... 6 20 p m
At Albany and Corvallis connect with tiains
of Oregon Pacific.
Express Train, Daily oxcopt Munday
Portland......... 4 50 pm McMninnville. .8 00 pm
McMinnvile... 6 45 am|Portland......... 900 pm
Through tickets to all points South and East
via California.
Ticket offices, No. 134, corner Firstand Ald­
er streets, Portland, Oregon; corner F and Front
streets Portland.
Ast G F & P Agt
Her Hair Turned White.
Mrs. Mary Arndt, a lady about
30 years old, living at Calhoun, In­
diana, a small station or. the line of
the Lake Shore road, was taken
sick several days ago and was con­
fined to her bed. The second night
of her illness her hair, which was
jet black, began to whiten, and by
morning it had turned completely
white. The woman has recovered,
and is an object of considerable
curiosity.— St. Louis Republic.
ARE YOU GOING EAST? The Celebrated French Cure,
If so be sure and call for your tickets
via the
Csicag: if Meh Railway,
“ ms m w
It is positively the shortest and fin
line to Chicago and the east and south and
the only sleeping and dining car through
line to
Omaha, Kansan City, ami all Missouri
River Points.
Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed
train service and elegant dining and
sleeping cars has honestly earned for it the
title of
The IRoyal Houte
Is S old on a
to cure any
form of nervous
disease, or any
disorder of the
generative or­
gans of either
sex whether ar­
ising from the ______
excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium,
or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg­
ence, ic., such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful­
ness, Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal
Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn­
al Emissions, Leucerrheea, Dizziness, Weak Mem­
ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if ne­
glected often load to premature old age and insan­
ity. Price 1 1.00 a box, 6 boxes for «5.00 Sent by
mail on receipt of price.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for ever}’ $5.00
order, to refund the money if a Permanent
cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
cured by A phroditine . Circular free. Address
BOX 27
Others may imitate,but none can surpass it
Our motto is “always on time.”
administrator’s Sale of Retd Es­
Be sure and ask ticket agents for tickets
via this celebrated route and take none
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
No. 1 Washington street, Portland, Or. an order of the county court of Yamhill coun­
Great English Remedy.
Murray's Snecfic.
Trade Mark. A guaranteed cure for all
nervous diseases, such as weak
memory, loss of brain power
hysteria, headache, pain in the
v?-. -//J back, nervous prostration.
wakefulness, leucorrlioea, uni­
versal lassitude, seminal weak­
ness, impotency. and general
loss of power of the generative
Scforo Taking. ()rgans jn either sex, caused
by indiscretion or over exertion, and which
ultimately lead to premature Trade Mark,
old age,insanity and consump­
$1.00 per box or six
boxes for $5.00,sent by mail on
receipt of price. Full particu­
lars in pamphlet, sent free to
every applicant
BOXES to cure any case. For
every $5 00 order received, wcAftor Taking»
send six boxes with written guarantee to re­
fund the money if our Specific does not ef­
fect a cure
Address all communications to the Sole
Kansas City, Mo.
Sold by Rogers & Todd, sole agents
Notice for Publication.
L and O ffice at O regon C ity , )
Oregon, Feb. 7th, 1888. [
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias filed notice of his inten­
tion to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
county judge ori n his absence, before the coun­
ty clerk at McMinnville, Oregon, on Friday,
April 5th, 1*88, viz: Orcelus L. Doane, home­
stead entry No. 4849, for the s A of n e 4 and w
i of s e 4 of sec 2 t 2 s r 5 w.
He names the following witnesses to jrove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
8 Anderson, D Richardson. F Anderson, ana
M Martin, all of North Yamhill. Yambill county,
Any person who desires to ^rotes’ against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows of
any substantial reason, under the law and the
regulations of the Interior Department, why
such proof should not be allowed, will be given
an opportunity at the above mentioned time and to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant, and to offer evidenc in rebuttal of that
submitted bv claimant.
or others, who wish to examine
this paper, or obtain estimates
on advertising space when in Chicago, will find it on file at
45 to 49 Randolph St.,
the Advertising Agency of
RUlCIl I I v EH w
ty, Oregon, made and entered of record on the
5th day of March, 1889, in the matter of the
estate, of B. 0. WestfaU, deceased. the under­
signed as administrator of said estate, will on
SATURDAY, the 27th DAT of APRIL; 1889,
at the itour of 1 o’clock p m of said day, sell on
the premises hereinafter described; at public
auction to the highest bidder: all the right title
and intesest of said B C Westfail, deceasedin of
and to the following real premises, to-wit»
Th« east A of the southeast 4 of section 22, ir
t 2 s. r 3 w, of Willamette meridian, in Yamhill
county. Oregon, containing >0 acres, being
the homestead claim of B. C, Westfall, in Yam
hill county, Oregon.
Terms of Sale—Cash in hand. Deed at ex-
pensa of purchaser.
Dated March 15th, 1889-
Administrator of said Estate.
F enton A F enton ,
Attorneys for Estate.
Notice of Appointment of Ad­
Timber 1 ¿and. Act «June 3, 1878.
Timber Land, Act «June 3, 1H7H.
Notice for Publication.
Notice for Publication.
Notico is hereby given that Mary Haney, the
undersigned, has been, by the county court of
Yambill county, state of Oregon, duly ap­
pointed administratrix of the partnership es­
tate of John Haney and R. Harris, as Harris A
Haney, both deceased.
Therefore all persons having claims against
said partnership, or against said partnership
estate, are hereby notified to present them
duly verified an ! with proper vouchers to the
undersigned, at Lafayette, Oregon, within six
months from this 22d day of March. 1889.
March 22-11
Administratrix Aforesaid
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has filed in the county court of Yamhill county,
Oregon, his final account as administrator of
the estate of Mary Olds Taylor, deceased, and
said court has set
TUESDAY, MAY’ 7th, A. D., 1889,
at 2 o’clock, p. m., at the court house of said
county, as the time and place to hear the same.
Therefore all persons interested therein will
appear at said time and placo and show cause,
if and there be, why said estate be not finally
Dated March 22d, 1889.
Administrator Aforesaid.
F enton <b F enton ,
Attorneys fur Estate.
March 2211
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of the < state of C. W. Tolson, de­
ceased, hae filed his final accouut in the conniy
court of Yamhill county, Oregon, of liis admin­
str at ion in said estate, and said court basset
TUESDAY, MAY 7th, A. D., 1889,
at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day at
the county courtroom at McMinnville, Oregon,
as the time and place for the hearing of the
Therefore al! persons interested in said es­
tate are hereby notified and required to appear
at said time and place and show cause, if any
there be, why said estate be not finally settled.
Dated this 22d day of March, 1889.
Administrator of said Estate.
Aduiinistvalors Notire.
F enton A F enton ,
Attorneys for Estate.
March 2241
Notice is hereby given that the nndersigne-i
have been by the county court of Yamhill
county, Oregon, duly appointed joint adminis­
Notice of Final Settlement.
trators of the estate of John Carlin, late of said
county, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
Therefore all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified and required to executor of the estate of Nancy Moor, deceased,
filed his final account of bis administration
present the si me with proper vouchers to the
undersigned at toe law office of Fenton A Fen­ of said estate in the county court of Yamhill
ton, at McMinnville. Yamhill county. Oregon, county, Oregon, and said court has fixed
TUESDAY, MAY' 7th. A. D., 1889,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 22d dav of March, 1M89.
at the hour of I o'clock in the afternoon cf said
day, at the county court loom at McMinnville,
Oregon, as the time and place for hearing the
Administrators Aforesaid.
F enton A F enton ,
Therefore all persons interested in said es­
Attorneys for Estate.
March 22 11 tate arc hereby notified and required to appear
at said time and place to show cause, if any
there be, why said estate be not finally settled
and said executor discharged.
U, 8. L and O ffice at O regon C ity , /
i Dated this 22d day of March, 1889.
Oregon, March ISth, 1889. f
Executor of said Estate,
Complaint having been entered at this office .
F enton ,
by Dennis J. Ryan against Samuel M. Ilayes
Attorneys for Estate.
March 22-11
for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 56*10,
dated July 29, 1884, upon the n e 4 section 20, t
2 s, r 5 w, in Yamhill coun'y. Oregon, with a '
Notice of Final Settlement.
view to the cancellation of said entry, the said
parties are hereby summoned ty appear at Me [
Minnville. Yamhill county, Oregon, before the j Notice ia hereby given that the undereigned
clerk of said county on the 30th day of April,. executrix of ihe estate of James Green, oe-
1889, at 10 o’clock, a. m., to re pond and furn-' deased, lias filed her final account of her ad
ish testimony concerning said alleged abandon-; ministration
of said estate in the county court
ment.and on the testimony then submitted a of Yamhill county, Oregon, and said court has
hearing will be had at this Office ou June 1,1 fixed
1889, at 10 o’clock, a. ni
TUESDAY’, MAY 7lh, A. D., 1889,
March 22:12
at the bout of 11 o’clock in the forenoon of said
day at the county court room at McMinnville,
Oregon, as the time and place for hearing the !
Therefore all persons interested in said es
tate are hereby notified and required to appear
A Western Wholesale House has recently added to i
shew cause, if any there be, why said es­
its regular business a special department which will
require services of capable men in various localities. , tate be not finally settled and said executrix
This firm makes no misleading promises of exorbitant i discharged.
salaries, but pushing and reliable applicants who can 1
furnish satisfactory references as to trustworthiness !
will be liberally paid in proportion to the ability they
Executrix of said Estate.
demonstrate. Our requirements will not of necessity i
F enton A F enton ,
interfere with business in which applicant may now
be engaged. Address, with references,
Attorneys for Estate
March 22 11
L and O ffice at O regon C ity , I
Oregon,Mar. 8th, 1889. |
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress of
June 3. 1S78. entitled “An act for the sa’e of
timber lands in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington territory,” John 11
Rankin, of Portland, county of Multnomah,
state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No 433; for the purchase
of the s 4 of ne 4 »nd lots 1 and 2 of section No.
4, in township No. 2 south, range No. 6 west,
and will offer proof to show that the laud sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to estiblish his
claim to eaid land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 5th day of June. 1889.
He names as witnesses: W 8 Ranyon, W W
Espey, E Espey and E Griggs, all of Portland,
Multnomah county, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above desoribed lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 5th day of
Jone, 1*89.
Regis er.
Timber I jiik I, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice tor Publication.
L and O ffice at O regon C ity , I
Oregon, Mar, Nth, 1889. (
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress of
June 3,1878, entitled “An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California. Oregon
Nevada and Washington territory,’’ Milford F
Nessly of Borland. countv of Multnomah, state
of Oregon, has thia day filed in this office bis
sworn statement No. 434, for the pursbase of
the se 4 of section No. 4, township No. 2 south,
range No. 6 west, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuabe for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land bafore
the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore­
gon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 5th day
of June, 1888.
He names as witnesses:
W 8 Kanyan, W W
Espey. E Espey and E Griggs, all of Portland.
Multnomah county, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said Sth day
of June, 1889.
Notice for Publcation.
L and office , Oregon City, Or. I
March M, 18N»t.
Notice is htreby given that in compliance
with the proviakin» of the act of congress of
June 3, 1H7 <'ntith‘<i •• An Ml for th« sale ut
timber lands in the states of California, Oregon
Nevada, nnd Washington territory,” William W
Espey, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stau
of Oregon, Ims this day filed in this office bh
sworn statement No. 437, for the purchase ot
the sw 4 of section No. 4 in township No. 2
south, range No. 6 west, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural purpos
es. and to establish his claim to »«aid land before
the lb gi-tor and Receiver of this office sL^, e
Jon City, Oregon, on Wednesday the 5th way of
une. .*89.
He names as witnesses: W S Ranvan, E Es
ney. E Griggs and M F Nessley, all of Portland,
Multnomah county, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 5th day of
June, 1889.
Act «June 3v 1878.
Notice for Publication.
L am » office , Oregon City, Or., I
March *th, 18*9.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress uf
June 3, 1*78, entitle! •* An act for the sale i»f
timber lands in the slates of Califoi nia, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington territory,” Elmer Ea-
pey, of Portland, county of Multnomah; state of
Or, has this day filed in thisoffioe hie sworn state
mentN 0.436,for the purchase of the nw 4 of sec.
No. 10 in township No. 2 south, range No. 6
west, a d will offer proof to show that the land
sought is mere valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab­
lish his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore­
gon, on Wednesday, the Sth day of June. 18K9.
He names as witnesses:
W 8 Ranyan. W W
Esp»*y, E Griggs and M F Neasley. all of Port
land, Multnomah county, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 5fh day uf
June, 1889.
Timber I juh I, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
L and office at Oregon City, Or., I
March 8th. 1889.
Notice is hereby given that in cotnplianca
with the provisions of the act of congress of
June 3, 187*, entitled “An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California; Oregon
Nevada and Washington teriitory,” Edward
Griggs of Po.-iland, county of Multnomah, btate
of Or., has this day filed in thia office his sworn
statement No. 435, for the purchase of the s |
of nw 4 and lots 3 and 4 of section No. 4, in
township No. 2 south, lange No. 6 west, and
will offer proof tn show that the land sought is
more -alu ble lot its timber or stiue than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Re­
ceiver of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 5th day of June, 1889.
He names as witnesses:
W 8 Ranyan, W W
Espey, E Espey and M ► Nesaley all of Port
land, Multnomah county, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
abov t described lands are requested to file theii
claims in this office on or before said 5th day of
June, 1889.
L and O ffice at O reoon C ity J
Oregon, Feb. 14th, 1888. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the
county clerk of Yamhill, county, Oregon, at
McMinnville, Oregon, on Tuesday, April 9,
1889, viz:
Pre-emption D. S. No. 5529 for the w j of n w
4 and w | of s w 4 of section 2, t 3 a, r 6 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, viz:
E J Wood and James 8 Flett, of McMinn­
ville, and Frank Fouls aud Sumner Carr, of
Carlton; all of Yambill county, Oregon.
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows of
any substantial reason, under the law and reg
ulations of the Interior Department, why such
proof should not be allowed, will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
Executor’s Notice.
that submitted by claimant.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
Feb 22-8
have been, bv the county court of Yamhill conn-
ty, Oregon, duly appointed as joint executors
of the estate of Reuben Harris deceased.
Requirements of a Stenographer. Therefore all persons having claims against
said estate or against the firm of Harris
TA Succeed as a stenographer, one must be uc*- & Haney are hereby notified to present them,
| U curate in short hand, .skilled in type­ together with the proper vouchers therefor to
writing, a good penman, a competent cor­ the undersigned, at the law office of W. L.
respondent. In the Shorthand Department of the Bradshaw, at Lafayette, Oregon, within six
months from this date.
Dated this 1st day of March, 1889.
in type-writing, careful instruction in penman­
ship and abundant drill in correspondence amply
qualify students for positions always open to those
Joint Executors of said Estate.
fully prepared to fill them. Send for catalogue.
G. G. B ingham and
March 8 9
A. P. A rmstrong , P rim ., - P ortland , O regon .
W. L B radshaw , Attorneys for Estate.