The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 29, 1889, Image 3

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Friday, March 29, 1889.
This market report is corrected Thurs­
day noon of each week by A. J. Apperson
Wheat ........ $ cental $ 1 35 to
.......... $ bushel 32» to
>1 ton 20
00 to
Barley ...
............ ,1 sack 30
Potatoes. .
Chickens.. ....■$) dozen $ 3.50 to $450
5 50
........ $ dozen 450 to
9 00
___ dozen 800 to
Geese .
pound 12 to
' ¡Clear sides V pd
Bacon -¡Shoulders $1 pa..
10 to
r.„i (In 10 pd pails ..
8 to
(In 5 gallon tins .
Eggs, weak, AH dozen
Butter, dull, fresh V roll 50
Brine .............. p pound. 12 to
4 to
Dried apples, dull, pd.
Dried plum«, dull, p | h L
6 to
Dried prunes, dull, fl pd.
6 to
Driedpeaches.dull, p<l
.. y .«ack
___ ...
Sugars, firm and advancing. 11, 12 and 13
pounds for $1 00; pickles, in 5 gallon kegs.
$125; coffees range from 25 to 35 cents V
pound; coal oil. very firm, (d! $2.75 Vcase;
salt of all kinds advanced $2 00 per ton,
and is very firm
Don’t fail to be at the dance to-morrow­
Eastern oysters at the Delmonico res­
taurant Sunday.
Go to the social dance Saturday night
and enjoy yourself.
Mrs. S. A. Burnett is on a visit to her
son, Geo. II., in Salem.
Sol Smith Russell, the comic imitator,
will soon appear in Oregon.
Sample copies of Texas Sifting» can be
had at this office. Send for one.
Rev A. J. Hunsaker came down from
Umatilla county Tuesday evening.
Go to G. S. Wright, dentist, Braly
block, McMinnville, for lirst-class work.
A social dance will be given at Wright’s
hall Saturday evening. Everybody in­
Go to the Delmonico restaurant Sun­
day and get a dish of those fine Eastern
There is to be a concert for foreign
missions at the Baptist church on Sun­
day evening.
Mrs. J. J. Hembree and Mrs. I. N.
Hembree of Lafayette paid this office a
call on Monday.
This warm sunshine brings the ladies
out on the promenade, and they all wear
a new calico dress.
Dr. J. II. Nelson is the only dentist in
the Garrison block and is prepared to do
all kinds of dental work.
J. H. Nelson the dentist can be found
in Garrison’s block. Dental work of all
kinds done and satisfaction guaranteed
J. R. Derby of McMinnville, and Tim­
othy Goodrich will serve as jurors in the
United States circuit court, beginning
April 16tb.
Mr. Chelcoot and family, of Mankato,
Kansas, arrived in this city Saturday
morning. They intend to permanently
locate heie.
The windows of Mrs. A. Burt’s millin­
ery store was tastefully arranged by Mrs.
A. E. Stuart for the opening last Friday
and Saturday.
A lady with a good certificate wishes a
situation as school teacher. Address:
T eacher , care T elephone -R egister , Mc­
Minnville, Oregon.
Mrs. J. Wils. Cook and Mrs. Frank S.
Harding attended the district convention
of the W. C. T. U., at Corvallis on Tues­
day and Wednesday.
Leila Baker, granddaughter, of W. J.
Garrison, of this city, fell against a
pump curb Sunday and broke her left
arm above the elbow.
Judge Caples of Portland, was in at­
tendance at this session of the circuit
court. He is the attorney for Mrs. Em­
mett JIN :er diverse case.
J. D. Fenton of this city will be the
valedictorian of the graduating class of
the University of Oregon ; the exercises
will be held Saturday. Jeff will then
wear M. D. after his name.
The veteran deputy clerk, John
Thompson, looked familiar in the clerk’s
office this week. A clerk’s office in this
county would look lonesome indeed
without Mr. Thompson in it.
The windows of Mesdames Campbell
A Fuller’s millinery store was tastefully
arranged by Miss Sadie Smith. Natural
flowers in one window and artificial in
the other vied with each other for the
prize of beauty.
Mr. Jacobson has not rented the room
in the Braly block as per last week’s
item. He lias concluded not to open up
a store in this city. He ordered his
shelving etc., but countermanded the or­
der the next day.
The Osborne county Journal comes to
our table marked with an x. To be sure
we will exchange. We want to let people
in Kansas know what a beautiful place
Oregon is, and there is no better way
than to send you the T elephone -R egis ­
ter .
For purifying the blood, stimulating
the appetite, and invigorating the system
in the spring and early summer, Ayer’s
Sarsaparilla is unsurpassed. Be sure
you get Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and no other;
else the result may be anything but sat­
Al. Hussey returned from his trip
East Monday evening. He reports a
splendid time and looks healthy, the
trip did him some good. He attended
the inauguration at Washington. A
cousin, W. Y. Hussey, of Illinois, came
back with him.
No medicine has had greater success
in checking consumption, in its early
stages, than Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It
stops coughing, soothes the throat and
lungs, and induces much needed repose.
Hundreds have testified to the remark­
able virtues of this preparation.
Some time ago Mr. J. W. Elliott, of
this city, lost a three-year-old filly and a
week ago he found her. It seems that
some of the boys tied tin cans to her
tail and she was found above Bellevue.
The bovs should be arrested and prose­
cuted. It would teach them a lesson.
The people of Dallas were very indig­
nant at Justice Frink for the decision he
rendered in the examination of Beards­
ley, charged with the murder of Perry­
man at Eola. Justice Frink admitted
the accused to bad in the sum of $2500.
A petition was immediately circulated
asking the justice to resign.
Judge Frank J. Taylor, of the fifth ju­
dicial district, was in town on Tuesday
and paid this office a pleasant call.
Being a wide awake and observing man
he noticed the lack ot proper fire extin­
guishing apparatus and also the need of
a water supply. It is no uncommon
thing for strangers visiting our city to
notice these things. Judge Taylor re­
sides in Astoria.
Mr. Chas. N lark died very suddenly
Monday, hm ouituary will appear next
Teeth extracted without pain by the
application of local anesthetics. G. 8.
Wright, dentist.
For Sale.—Patridge Cochin and Buff
Cochin eggs, pure stock for sale at Chas.
Grissen’s or Mrs. B. F. Savior’s, $3.00
per setting of 13 eggs.
For neat, nobby, well fitting suits, and
latest spring styles in men’s and boy’s
clothing, A. J. Apperson takes the
cake . (Well he does!)
“White Borax’’ soap for all kinds of
washing is unexcelled, it saves time and
labor, and keeps the skin smooth. For
sale at C. Grissen’s.
Go to Appcrson’s and take a look at
those new styles of spring hats, in straw
and felt which they are selling like hot
cakes. They are crushers.
Wright’s Red Cross Cough Syrup
cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, loss of
voice and ail inflamed conditions of the
lungs. Sold by Rogers & Todd.
W. T. Booth & Son’s new blacksmith
shop and machinery hall is nearing com­
pletion, and they desire to say to their
patrons and the general public that they
are again ready for business. Horse-
shoing ahd blacksmithing of every kind
done in first-class Btyle.
The Mum social given at the Grange
hall Friday evening was well attended.
The receipts of the evening amounted to
$19.20. The thank offering $4.55. The
ladies of the society desire to thank Mr.
Fletcher, Mr. Knight and others that as­
sisted in the evening’s entertainment,
also the T elephone -R egister and Re­
porter for special favors. The proceeds
go to help enlarge the Girl’s boarding
school at Foochow, China. Again we say
thank you for your generous patronage.
S ecretary .
W. F. Coulter, who recently moved to
this city from near Amity, is the proud
possessor of a very ffne thorough-bred
Jersey cow. This cow was five years old
in February last, and will soon drop her
fifth calf. The Jersey is pre-eminentlv
the family cow, producing the finest
cream ana butter, and requiring less feed
than the large boned scrub. Mr. Coulter
has shown excellent judgement in the
breeding and rearing of the cow, and he
is now reaping a just reward. Those fine
well matched horses you see him drive
are of the Henry stock, and they are as
good as they are beautiful.
Hon. Enoch Hoult Dead.
Word was received in this city Mon.
day that Hon. Enoch Hoult, of Harris-
burg, was dead. He died Monday morn­
ing after but a few days illness, aged
about 69 years. Mr. Hoult came to Ore­
gon at an early date and settled in Linn
county several years ago, where he has
since resided. He was a member of the
convention that framed the constitution
of the state of Oregon, having been elec­
ted a delegate from Lane county. He
also served a couple of terms in the state
senate. Mr. Hoult was widely known in
Oregon, was an honorable, upright man,
and respected by all who knew him.—
Eugene Regitter.
Nehalem Valley.
The Albina Courier says: Judge H. R.
Wilson, of Nehalem valley, was in the
city this week and brought up a few
specimens of ore from that section.
Compared with the Oswego ore it ap­
pears to be of heavier and better quality.
The judge stated that a few days before
he left the valley an exploring party con­
sisting of J. A. Deeds and wife, Cronin
and wife, and two other men, left in a
canoe for the mouth of the Nehalem
river. As the country through which
they will pass is very wild they will pro-
baplv have quite an adventurous and in­
teresting trip.
Closing Out At Cost.
I am closing out the weil selected
stock of boots and shoes of the late firm
of Harris A Haney, at Lafayette, at coit.
The stock consists of a general assort­
ment of ladies’, gents’ and childrens’
fine and coarse wear, most of which was
bought of the best Eastern factories at
the lowest rates. Will sell you boots
and shoes 25 to 40 per cent less than you
can get them elsewhere.
________ M ary H aney .
Arbor Day.
Tlie public school of this city will ob­
serve Friday, April 5th, as a holiday.
Arrangements have been made by the
pupils of each room to plant a tree on the
new school grounds. A programme has
been prepared, consisting of recitations,
declamations, little speeches, essays and
music. Meet at 9 o’clock, exercises at
10 o’clock A. M. The patrons and friends
of the school are invited to attend.
W. J. C rawford , Prin.
To the Sabbath School Workers of Yam*-
hill County.
Having given notice that our Sabbath
school convention would be held in
Marell, Me desire to state that we find it
will suit the people generally to hold the
session later. The exact time of which
will be duly given through our county
papers. By order of the
E xecutive C ommittee .
All persons indebted to us are hereby
notified to settle with W. A. Henderson
at McMinnville on or before April 10th,
1889. After said date all accounts due us
will be left with Fenton & Fenton for
immediate collection.
H enderson B ros .
For Sale.
Ssw mill fully equipped and now run­
ning a full crew, capacity 10,000 feet per
day, orders now on hand for 300,000 feet.
Easy terinB given. Reason for selling, ill
health. For full particulars enquire of
J. I. Knight A Co. McMinnville, Or.
The Grand Jury.
The grand jury for the March term of
court consists of the following named
gentlemen: Albert Heater, H. Gater-
man, C. Loder, Ivan Daniels, W, Y.
Martin, J. W. Cook, and Alfred Smith,
Partner Wanted.
A young, industrious man with capital
of $1000 wanted for a partner in a flour­
ishing business. Blacksmith or machin­
ist preferred. Address:
A. J. S mith , McMinnville, Or.
C onrod -S mali ..—In McMinnville, Ore­
gon, March 26, 1889, by S. F. Harding,
J. P., Mr. J. F. Conrod to Miss Mar­
garet Small, all of Yamhill county.
G ilpin .—At the residence of his parents,
near North Yamhill, Oregon, William
Gilpin, son of S. B. and Lucy Gilpin,
aged 19, on March 14,1889.
The immediate cause of his death was
erysipelas or blood poisoning, caused by
running a tack in the ball of his foot.
He was a young man beloved by all.
His parents have the sympathy of the
entire community.
off, but saw McKune come up, hold liis
hand up, pull his revolver and shoot
Bewley; he immediately fired another
shot, I supposed at James Bewley, but
could not tell. Young Ros. came out of
The Evidence of the Bewley Shoot­ the stable door and apparently fell, and
two shots were then fired. Did not see
ing Affair.
belt or pistol on Bewley.
c. w. CLOW,
A FULL FORCE OF LAWYERS. A laborer, resides in Sheridan, and was
in the town on the 25th of September.
Saw Bewley talking to Ralston in front
The Jury Secured After Excusing Twenty- of stable. Saw Willard McKune come
across bridge and go into drug store,
come out and go over to where Bewley
was talking. Heard the following con­
Wednesday morning, at the time ap­ versation : “You are in town.” “Yes
pointed for the trial of Willard McKune sir,” said Bewley. “You are from where
for the shooting of Jas. F. Bewley during the smallpox is?” “I have not been
near the smallpox, I don't want the dis­
the smallpox quarantine last fall, found ease.” “I will give you five minutes to
the court house full. The jury was em­ leave (own, or I will arrest you.” “Ar­
panelled after excusing twenty two. The rest me then.” McCune then called out
following is the jury: Fred Crawford, three times, “Getout of that buggy, then
fired and the horse started up throwing
Wm. Roof, John Anderson, G. W. Mit­ Bewley out. McKune then fired at Ros.
chell, A. P. Magness, W. V. Price, Sid­ Bewley, who threw up his hands and
ney Root, A. J. Edson, E. A. Blair, ran into the stable and came out and be­
Noah Heater, G. M. Watkins, Martin gan firing at McKune, who commenced
to run up the street. I heard men say
to Willard McKune before he went over
After the jury had been sworn Mr. to Bewley, “Willard do your duty,” and
Magers addressed them, setting forth also heard them say that “That Jim
the prosecution, After he had com­ Bewley was in town.”
pleted his talk, Mr. Hurley spoke in be­
half of the defense. The jury is com­ A resident of Sheridan, first saw James
Bewley in cert in front of stable all
posed of good men, and they will render alone. Saw old man McKune come up
a verdict according to the evidence. and say that they had an ordinance and
The attorneys for the defendant are Mc­ that Mr. Bewley should get out of town.
Cain A Hurley, of this city. The at­ Mr. Bewley replied that he would go out
in a few minutes, but did not like the
torneys for the state are H. H. Hewitt, idea of being forced out. McKune left
Fenton A Fenton, W. L. Bradshaw, J. and went down the street. Bewley then
E. Magers, and Thompson A Durham, called Mr. Ralston and began to con­
verse with him. Saw McKune come up
of Portland. At 12 o’clock a recess was and
ask: “Are you up from McMinn­
taken until 1:30. In the afternoon a ville to-day?” “Yes sir.” “I’ll give
large number of people assembled, many you five minutes to leave town.” “What
if I don’t go?” “I will arrest both of
of them ladies.
” (meaning Ros. Bewley). “Arrest
Mrs. Bewley was the first witness you
then.” “Consider yourselves under
called. She stated that Mr. Bewley left us
” As McKune said the last word
this city on Thursday morning, Septem­ arrest.
ber 25th, to attend to business both at he stepped back, at the same time draw­
Sheridan and at the farm. She said ing his revolver. He then aimed it at
that the business in Sheridan was to Bewley and fired ami turning fired at
collect some money from Mr. Jacobson, Ros. Ros. ran to the barn and just as
who had bought his wheat; lie also had became out McKune yelled, “Getout
business there to see renters who had of that door,” and fired, then RoS. fired.
rented his farm. And that it was Mr.
Bewleys intention to go by the hill route Stable keeper, and resident of Sheridan,
and not to go through Sheridan.
saw Bewley and Ralston talking; saw
After starting he returned to take cream McKune come up, and this conversation
of tarter; did not know whether he was took place: “Are you from McMinn­
armed or not. He did not come back ville?” “Yes sir.” “I will give you
for pistol had not carried pisto. before five minutes to leave town.” “What if
time of being shot at by Kuns, since then I don’t?” “I will arrest you.” “Then
he had carried pistol' Owned land on arrest me.” McKune then pulled his
south side of Yamhill river had been revolver and shot him. I ran into office
rented by Drumheller. In order to get and got revolver from rack, came out
to this place he would have to go a con­ and saw McKune running up the street.
siderable distance around and crossing Some one took revolver away trom me.
near Eli Branson’s; the route being Only saw one shot fired. Air. Bewley
through Sheridan. Did not see Mr. Bew­ did not make a motion to draw pistol.
ley again until the night of the 25 of Sep­
tember, when he was dying in Dr.
Bewley, was in Sheridan
Field’s house, from the effects of a pistol on Tuesday, September
25th, was stand­
shot in the head by the hand of McKune. ing in door of stable. Father
was in cart
Being cross-questioned by McCain, in the road. He called to Ralston
she stated did not know whether it was
talked for some time. Before this old
further from the ford to Ead’s house, man
McKune came up and ordered my
than from the bridge to that place.
father out of town, he said he did not
have the small-pox and would not go.
Farmer, reside in Polk countv, been McKune said he would get some oue
acquainted with Bewley 15 years, and w ho would make him go. A short time
with McKune 12 years. ’
after this Willard McKune came up and
said that he would give my father five
to get out of town'or lie would
Being called, was shown a chart of the minutes
him to which father answered “Ar­
town of Sheridan, stated that he had arrest
McKune then said “Get
prepared it, and explained it to the jury down off that ” buggy,
” and fired, killing
and attorneys.
him. I started for stable and got revol­
ver came out and fired at McKune until
Recalled, on the 25th of September chambers were empty. Old man Mc­
was in Sheridan, entered between 3 and Kune threw a rock at me and I picked
4 o’clock in a cart, bitched horse near up one and threw i.t him, which hit him,
harness shop. Mr. Bewley was standing then went to where father was and re
near and called, saying that he wanted mained. Met father at farm and he sent
to see me if I was not afraid of him on me to Sheridan to transact business for
account of small-pox, was not afraid and him. Father bad carried revolver to
went and talked to him, shook hands; farm in the buggy but when lie ex­
while standing talking to Bewley for 20 changed the buggy for the cart hat put
minutes, Willard McKune came up the the belt around him.
first one. Roswell was behind the cart
The court then adjourned till 7.15 p. m.
on his right. McKune said: “Are you
Court convened at 7:15 p. m,
from McMinnville?’’ Bewlev said: “I
am.” McKune—“I will give you five Am a physician ami surgeon, was called
minutes to get out of town, or I will ar­ to see Bewley September 25th; found him
rest you, and you also (releiring to Ros­ insensible, scalp wound, and wound
well Bewley.” Bewley—“All right, we
by pistol shot, in right cheek
are now under arrest; now what are you caused
back and upward. Scalp wound
going to do?” McKune shot him; imme­ ranging
diately he pointed pistol at Roswell and seemed to have been caused by a fall.
fired at him, being the third and last
shot; did not know whether it was Mc­ Was sheriff on September 25th, shown
Kune or Roswell. When Roswell was pistol; this is the pistol McKune used;
shot at he was backing off; McKune another pistol was shown witness, this
started up the street and Roswell fol­ pistol is the one said to have been in the
lowed ; old man McKune came out of possession of J. F. Bewley; it is in ilie
Dr. Field's office. When Bewley was same condition as on the day I received
shot he fell from the cart backward on it, having five loads in it; third pistol
his head ; he made no effort to resist ar­ shown, belonged to one of the Bewley
rest, but made a gesture, at same time boys, two chambers empty; fourth pistol
saying, “Now we are under arrest. “He Roswell Bewley’s, five chambers, four
spoke very distinctly, and made no empty; fifth belonged to McKune.
threats. J ust after the shot saw no one
Cross-examination-Coleman called my
come up; noticed a pistol scabbard, a attention to the J. F. Bewley pistol anil
large one, on his left side ; at time of pointed out the apparently empty cham­
shooting did not haye pistol in his hand; bers, but when carefully examined later
was not three paces away from Bewley; it was in its present condition.
did not see pistol and did not knew he
had one until told so. He had business Shown pistol; this is the pistol my father
with Bewley and wanted to see him, but owced.
did not go to Sheridan for that purpose,
but when Bewley called him to the hack
they talked of the business. He did not I took belt and scabbard from Bewley’s
see the Bewleys drive in. Alter the body late in afternoon, one shown, is not
shooting ran to the house of Dr. Smith, the one; Bewley’s scabbard was some­
but did not find the doctor, then re­ what different, had no fastening, large
one and pistol could have fallen out.
Prosecution rested for the present and
court adjourned.
Farmer, resides in Yamhill county,
Court convened at 9 o'clock, and tlie ex­
about a mile north of Sheridan. Was in amination of witnesses in behalf of tlie de­
Sheridan on September 25th and while fense commenced.
in butcher shop saw McKune come up
to cart in which was Jas. Bewley, who
was talking to D. W. Ralston and Ros­ Live in McMinnville, worked for Bewley;
Bewley come out of his house with pis­
well Eewley, near the wheel. The cart saw
tol in his left hand, pistol had long barrel;
was in the middle of the street in front Bewley drove out of gate and went oil'
of the livery stable. I was standing Cross-examination—came from Missouri,
twenty-five feet away. T. R. Bewley saw wood and job around, am 76 years old,
was standing in the door of the stable. worked for Bewley three days.
I saw Willard McKune go up the cart.
My attention was drawn to McKune for Saw Bewley going toward Copher valley;
when I came into town a short time be­ saw pistol laying in buggy scat beside Bew­
fore this he was at the rope in the north ley, on right side; think it was a Colt's
end of town standing guard. I did not navy revolver; talked with Bewley, who
hear the words first spoken, but heard had business on his ranch, and was going
the hill
McKune say, “I will give you five min­ over
Bewley near Bellevue blacksmith shop;
utes to leave town.” Mr. Bewley re­ Bewley said Sheridan folks acted foolish,
marked, “Suppose I don’t go?” “Then and that he could go through Sheridan on
I will arrest you,” said McKune, and his own land; described roail from Belle-
without more ado pulled his revolver vile over lull to Bewley's ranch
and fired the shot which killed James
Bewley. He then turned his pistol at Lave extracted one ball from J F. Bew­
Ros. Bewley and fired one shot at him. ley’s pistol, since last evening and found
The horse started forward and Mr. Bew­ no powder behind it Cross-examination—
ley fell from the cart, striking on his Andy or George Bewley had pistol looking
head. Roe. ran into the barn after being at it just before we started for Willamina;
not think they could have changed its
fired at and in a moment returned with do
appearance or condition. Re-direct—Was
a revolver. At the door he dropped on called
front hack to speak to some one
his knee and McKutieagain fired at him, about that time
Ros. then fired at McKune. T. It. Bew­ Think no one could have taken pistol from
ley was standing in the door and. Mc­ box without being seen.
Kune yelled “Get out of that door,” and
fired two shots, which afterwards was Saw J. F T. It. and Itoswcll Bewlev in
found to have taken effect in the stable. field above Sheridan on afternoon of the
I then started for the cart, D. C. Cole­ day of the shooting, seemed to be loading
man and I being the first there, G. Bew­ grain Roswell went toward the barn with
ley soon arrived, and we carried him to wagon,T R. came into road and went to­
Willamina; J. F. came into road and
the stable. His coat was taken off and ward
stopped at a house near by. Cross-exami­
a belt and scabbard was found, the nation
—T. It Bewtey went toward his
scabbard being on the left side. Did not home; J. F. Bewley came into road about
see a pistol and did not see Bewley make
mile west of Sheridan about 4 o’clock.
a motion to draw one, if he had I would
have certainly seen it.
Live at North Yamhill, was at Sheridan on
A farmer, resides two miles north of
Sheridan, was in Sheridan on the 25th of
September and saw Bewley sitting in his
cart talking to Ralston. Some distance
day of shooting, acquainted with the Bew­
leys, saw them at I R. Bewley's barn be­
fore the shooting, talked with T. It. Bewley
about cattle, Roswell rode into barn on
horse, and old Mr McKune came up and
told J. F. Bewley to leave town, Roswell
said there was not enough men in Sheridan
to drive him out of town. Bewley said he
would go when he got ready, and McKune
said, we’ll see about it, and started off. I
thought it no place for me, and immediate­
ly left town, heard no pistol shot.
Live in Sheridan, was in McMinnville on
dav of shooting, met J F. Bewley near
Bellevue, Bewley said he was going to his
ranch but not going through Sheridan, told
Bewlev of the quarantine, he spoke as
though he knew ail about quarantine and
guards. Cross-examination—We talked
principally about small-pox, Bewley said
he was as afraid of it as any one.
boxes :
Resided in Polk countv at time of shooting,
was in Sheridan that day, saw Willard Mc­
Kune enter drug store and then go to J. F.
Bewley, saw Bewley make a gesture and
McKune also make a gesture, heard pistol
shot and saw Bewley fall from cart saw
Roswell Bewley on left of cart, and Ralston
on right, saw Ralston step back, turned my
head to speak to crowd, McKune shot at
Roswell and Roswell shot at McKuna, could
not tell which was first, they fired two shots
apiece, think three persons were shooting
at McKune from seabla: next I saw of Ral­
ston was when the Militia came out and
took charge ot the town, then he was near
the stable.
seemed calm, gestures were quick and
hands were open; Waller Graves declared
the town under military law. members of
the company appeared on th« streets in
uniform with carbines.
Resided in Sheridan, post-master and was
on sidewalk in front of office, Bewley sat in
cart in middle of street in front of stable,
Ralston stood near talking to Bewley; R,
McKune came up and «poke to Bewley.
Willard McKune soon came up and Ral­
ston stepped back, heard the word arrest,
heard pistol shot, saw Ralston coming rap­
idly toward me. heard three shots almost
simultaneously and Bewley fell out of cart,
think it was the third shot that killed him :
firing continued and Roswell Bewley fell
and I thought he was shot but he got up; I
picked J. F. Bewley up and called for assis­
tance to carry him into barn; before the
shooting did not see Bewley make any dem­
onstration ; picked up pistol, cocked, two
caps gone, two chambers apparently empty
but had not appearance of being recently
fired, took pistol to post office, shortly after
W. A. Graves brought in four other pis­
tols and put them in my charge. I showed
him the pistol I had picked up, and
said two chambers are empty, put the
five pistols in a box under a settee in post­
office. next morning Sheriff Harris called
and wanted those pistols; I took them out
to the hack and they were apparentlv just
as they were the evening before Sheriff
looked at pistol and said only one chamber
was empty; several looked at pistol then
and there and it was discovered that none
of the chambers were empty. Cross-exam­
ination—Went to Bewley took him by left
hand to raise him up, there was no one in
tlie immediate vicinity, called for help to
carry Bewley into stable, ¡returned to post­
office and then went back toward stable;
saw blood aud the pistol; think pistol was
2>i or 3 feet from blood; think pistol was
under Bewley’s body when we picked him
hand to his side, and McKune drew pistol
quick and fired
ather was hurt; saw T R Bewley coming
toward office from stable, told him to go
back. Cross-examination—went on guard
about 7 a. m , went to dinner about 11.
went back so Ben Evans, the other guard,
could go to dinner; remained there on
guard till 4.30 p in , then came up town.
Edward Dickinson was with me, did not
see Allen Kelly: Ralston was leaning on
the cart wheel; "when I told Bewlev he said,
“D---- you get in,” and started to draw
pistol; I drew my pistol and fired, think
first shot killed Bewley; fired at Roswell,
exchanged shots; saw my father going
toward the scene of shooting, and I went
home to get my other pistol to protect him .
when I came back I saw my father was
hurt, he was carried into Dr. 'Fields’ office,
and I, P. Mays took pistol from me; was
not angry, not on unfriendly terms nor par­
ticularly friendly with Bewley
Defense ¡rested and court adjourned till
9 o'clock Friday morning
Friday morning at 9 o’clock the judge
called the court to order and Fenton asked
to be allowed to examine a few more wit-
nesse« for the prosecution—allowed. The
first witness called was
s. w. EVANS:
Dentist, saw old man McKune come up
speak to Bewley and go away, Bewley say­
ing “you have" not got men enongli to put
me out,” saw Willard coming up street, go
i nto hardware store then to drug store then
to Bewley, did not hear the conversation
heard a muffled shot as if it was fired inside
the stable then a sharp one, at the third
shot Bewley fell from his cart. McKune
shot two at the cart, two at the stable and
one at T R. Bewley. Saw Bewley make
motion as if for pistol, did not see Ralston
during the firing. The cross-examination
brought out that he was also there to see
the fight and a large crowd of people were
standing on the corner to see it also
Resident of Sheridan said that T. R. Bew­
ley said that Jim would be in the town that
A resilient of Sheridan was told at the de­
pot that Bewley was in town and that tiler«
would be a row; went to see it. Did not
hear the conversation, saw Bewley go for
bis pistol then McKune fired.
A carpenter, reside in 8heridan Ina con­
versation with T. R. Bewley T. R. said that
he would sink the whole property before
James Bewley should be driven out of town
because he had been to McMinnville.
Newspaper man of San Francisco corrobor­
ated nearly all the defense but on the cross
examination stated positively that no small
boy accompanied McKune up town.
J. w,
deakin :
Live in Sheridan; heard Bewley tell Faul-
coner that he would come to Sheridan
whenever lie pleased. Cross-examination
—I did not say it would not do to put Wil­
lard McKune on guard.
Father of defendant; live at'Sheridan; was
deputy marshal; saw Bewley come into
town,'went to him aud told him if he came
from McMinnville he must leave, Bewley
said he would leave when he got ready I
said: “I’ll get someone to see about it.”
Went to recorder's office to get warrant.
Cross-examination—Have poor memory of
what happened at that time; saw Foster,
Bible and Mendenhall and they told nie to
get warrant.
Was in Sheridan; saw J. F Bewley in cart,
Ralston and Roswell Bewley stood near,
could not hear what was said; saw motions,
thought Bewley would draw pistol, then
Willard McKune fired ; saw Robt. McKune
coining down street; saw Ralston walking
from cart to postofnee
tion—Am shoemaker; had shop in Graves’
drug store ; was warm dav. often went out
to get sea breeze; saw Willard McKune
come into store; he asked if any one was
up there; I did not know what he meant.
I soon went out of store, saw Bewley mo­
tion with open hand and then drop his
________ *___________
Man-h 26, 1889.
rieasant weather.
Miss Lizzie Gilbert left for Portland
last Tuesday.
Miss Mary Smith expects to go to Til­
lamook soon.
Alt there! Dick Smith, what brings
you to 1’uckerville so often ?
Miss Lina Gilbert has been quite sick
for several days, but we are glad to sav
she is much better.
Mell Wood sjient a few leisure hours
at the mansion Sunday afternoon.
Sidewalks on the main street are
dreadfully iu need of repairs.
Mr. A. J. Kidder and C. Little visited
McMinnville last week.
Fred thinks there is no use for him to
go to 1’uckerville now.
A party of young ladies visited the
The qucition asked by Fenton was objected lake
last w#ek.
to and the objection sustained.
We have not decided yet who will
Stated that Munson was not in the field teach the next term of school.
with him and his father, and did not ride to
B lue E ves .
Am 11 years old, lived at Bellevue; remem­
ber of hearing about Bewley being shot:
went to school that day. saw Bewley and
Raleigh talking; heard Raleigh tell Bew­
ley he had better not go through Sheridan;
Bewley said he would shoot his way town with him
through Cross-examination brought out
no new facts.
Was in and near tlie field on tlie 25tli and
did not see Munson there, saw Ros ride to
May Downing accompanied my children to town alone.
school on the day of the shooting; she has
since died.
Was in Sheridan Sunday was at livery sta­
Was in drug store; saw Coleman pick np ble at 12 o'clock and saw mother anil T It
pistol: could not say what kind of a pistol Bewley drive off in hack for North Yamhill.
it was f
Stated that he drove Mrs. Branson to North
On the 25th of September was going to Yamhill also took Miss Casey home and
school and saw Wm. Raleigh and Bewley did not return to Sheridan until 12 o'clock
driving along, heard Bewley say that he of day
would shoot his way through Sheridan.
Said that he passed the field and did not sec
A resident of Polk county was in Sheridan, Munson.
beard that Bewley was in town and went
over near the stable to see the fun; saw Mc­
Kune go up to him, and talk fora time, saw Stated that A J. Bewley had went to Sher­
Bewley make motion w ith liis hand to draw idan on Monday at his advice, that lie went
pistol, then McKune fired. Ralston started Tueeday at his advice to sec about some
away. < ross-examination—would not swear land in Tennessee
that Ralston had his back turned at the time
J steward :
cf shooting.
Was driver of the hack in which the sheriff
took McKune to Lafayette; looked at re­
but did not change it
Farm laborer, was working for young Ros volver,
II Durham opened the argument
Bewley on the 25fh of September; James for Geo
the prosecution
He finished before
Bewley came to the farm in the morning noon,
the court adjourned. In the
lie wanted to go across the river to bis place afternoon McCain
speak for the de­
through Sheridan. Ros wanted him to go
by way of the ford but he would not. T. R. fense
Bewley was there at that time and said he
would see him through. After Jim left Ros
and I put our horses in the barn and start­
Messrs. W. D. and F. W. Fenton were
ed for Sheridan also,’I stopped at Young's
and Ros went on into town
In the cross- in town Sunday.
examination no new facts came to light.
Kirt O’Connor, of Bellevue, was in
Boy, 15-years-old reside in Sheridan Saw
McKune at guard rope, walked up town
with him when he started for his supper,
walked all the wty with him; stopped in
front of barber shop saw Bewley in the
road, McKune went to him and ordered
him out of town, saw Bewley go for his pis.
tol saying "If you touch me lwill kill you.”
Bewley's hand was coming up when Mc­
Kune fired. Saw pistol in Ros’ pocket.
Cross-examination—Did not know McKune
hail pistol. On the way up McKune stepped
into hardware store and into drug stere,
then went to Bewley.
Beautiful weather.
SAM smith :
The grouse hootetli but the boys can’t
Was in Sheridan after the shooting: saw
Bewley lving on ground, with pistol par­ shooteth.
tially under nis body
Miss Daisy Stott paid Carlton a visit
last week.
Was standing on porch at Dickey house;
saw man come out of back door of livery
Mrs. C. Hendrix visited her old friend,
stable and shoot three times; man had on Mrs. Stott, at North Yamhill.
blue ehecked shirt; did not know him.
Mr. Editor, please turn our red school­
al . duxdass :
Live in Polk countv, 12 miles from Sheri house children right side up.
dan; was in Sheridan at corner of drue
Mrs. Chas. E. Ladd, of Portland, is
store; saw Bewley in front of stable, also | visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Howe.
George, Andrew and T. R. Bewley were in
barn, could not hear what was said; saw
Last Sunday night while Mr. C. Hen­
Bewley put his hand down at his side and drix, wife and little boy were riding in a
McKune immediately fired: saw Andrew cart, by some unaccountable cause the
Bewley come out of barn and fire.
cart was turned over, throwing its con­
tents out, but fortunately no one was
hurt and no harm done.
Was recorder of Sheridan; have custody of
Mr. Chas. Buckingham, of Castle
ordinances of said town; (pointed out tlie
ordinance relating to the public health, un­ Rock, Oregon, is visiting friends in old
der which McKune was acting—prosecu­ Yamhill, and says in two years more
tion objected on the ground that the town he will come to live in this county. So
of Sheridan had no legal power to euaet you see if Yamhill should chance to lose
snch an ordinance; and the point will be an old settler he soon returns.
argned and authorities cited later).
Mr. Wash Laughlin placed on our
Was marshal of Sheridan: (being shown desk a regular fruit moth, one, no doubt,
paper, said it was his official appointment that destroys our fruit in some seasons
by stinging the blossom, therein* causing
of Willard McKune as deputy marshal )
the worm to appear in the fruit as we
see. The mode by which Mr.
The defendant, shown paper: This is my
appointment as deputy marshal, went on Laughlin caught these insects was by
duty onroad leading to McMinnville, on placing beneath tlie fruit tree a basin of
Tuesday afternoon came up town to sup­ water with a little coal oil floating on
per, saw J F and Roswell Bewley, J. F top, then hanging a lighted lantern
sat in cart; I went into drug store and within a few inches of the water and al­
asked if any one had warned Bewley to lowing it to remain all night. The first
leave town ; went to Bewley warned him to
leave town in five minutes, said he would night 170 of these moths were captured
leave when he got ready; told him he was and the second night 60, making a total
under arrest ■ Bewley attempted to draw of 230 in two nights from one plum tree.
pistol and I fired- Roswell Bewley shot at Fanners, think of this and consider if
me, aud I emptied pistol at him and others these are the insects that are causing so
in barn door- started home to get another much trouble in our orchards.
iiistol; came back to Field’s office; saw my
town on Thursday.
Bird & Gates are receiving their large
stock of spring goods.
Born.—To the wife of J. I’. Johnson, a
daughter, March 21, 1889.
Born.—To the wife of A. L. Mosier, a
daughter, March 23, 1889.
Born.—March 25, 1889, to tlie wife of
Joseph Smith, a daughter.
Born.—To the wife of E. M. Martin, of
Tillamook, last week, a daughter.
B. W. Dnnn is preparing to burn a
large kiln of brick near town.
Mr. Carpenter has purchased a lot and
will erect a dwelling this summer.
Dick Phillips was in town the other
day, swapping talk with our citizens.
Several of our citizens have been
called to attend circuit court this week.
It seems odd for the Lafayette people
to have to go away from town to attend
W. I. Westerfield has lately added
some new novelties to his large stock of
Mr. Editor, if you see any Lafayette-
ites up your way looking for the county
seat, please inform them where it is lo­
Al. Morse and Marshall Poppleton
took a spin on their byeicles last Sunday
to McMinnville, Sheridan, Ballston, Ber­
rydale and Amity.
Last week was an unlucky one for the
narrow gauge bridge carpenters working
here. Two of them had their feet
mashed, one quite seriously, and another
had his hand hurt.
Last Thursday afternoon while a gang
of bridge carpenters were repairing one
of the narrow gauge bridges near town,
the jack which was used to raise the
bent suddenly gave way, letting the
whole weight of the bent down on the
foot of one ot the men named Ross,
mashing all the toes of his left foot intoa
jelly. He was brought to town as soon
as possidle and had his foot dressed by
Dr. Smith. The chances are that lie
will lose his toes. He was taken to his
home at Silverton next day.
The attention of the county court
should be called to the condition of the
bridge across the Millican creek west of
town. There has been a few new planks
put on which makes it equal to cor­
duroy, as one plank is thin and perhaps
the very next one is thick. VVe have
heard of four different horses going
through the bridge lately. Some of the
horses have been badly skinned about
the legs, but fortunately no bones have
been broken. This is a bridge that is
being used a great deal, and something
serious is likely to happen any time, and
the county will have a damage suit on
its hands. It will bo economy to refloor it.
M. T. H ead .
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
should take on every trip a Ixittle of
Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly
and effectually on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, preventing fevers, headaches
and other forms of sickness. For sale In
50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading drug­
Sunday Justice.
Considerable fun is had in Stayton at
tlie expense of a justice of jieace. It is
said that Saturday of last week John
Giebler was arrested for assault and
taken liefore his honor, who adjourned
the case over for examination on Sun­
day, and on that day held court and
bound the prisoner over in the sum of
$200 to await the action of the grand
jury. The reason assigned by the court
for holding the trial on Sunday is that
he wanted it held while the saloon was
closed so that everybody would be solier.
The joke lies in the fact that the J. P. is
not considered a prohibitionist himself,
and the wender is will the judgment
stand ?— Statesman.
Brace Up.
You re feeling depressed, your appetite
is poor, you re bothered with headache,
you are lidgettv, nervous, and generally out
of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up
but not with stimulants, spring medicine*,
or bitters which have fortheir basis very
cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate
you for an hour, ana then leave you in a
worse condition than before What you
i want is an alterative that will burify your
blood, start healthy action of Liver and
Kidneys, restore your vitality, ami give re­
newed health and strength Such a medi­
cine you will find in Electric Bitters, and
only 5o cants a bottle at ltogcrs A Toda’s. |3|
Ouestlon for Editors.
What is a bustle?— Forest Grove Lexi­
con. Down here it is several copies of
the Star strung on a string and circu­
lated around town by a pretty woman.—
East Portland Star. If your circulation
is confined to that it is surely behind.
Their Business Booming.
Probably no one thing has caused such a
general revival of trade at Rogers A Todd’s
Drug Store as their giving away to their
customers of so many free trial bottles» of
Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump­
tion Their trade is enormous in this very
valuable article from the fact that it always
cures and never disapixnuLs, Coughs, Colds
Asthma, Bronchitis. Croup, ami all throat
and lung diseases quickly cured. You can
test it before buying by getting a trial bot­
tle free, large size $1. Every bottle war­
Tax payers of Yamhill county will take
notice that the time has now expired for
paying taxes without cost and that all
taxes now due the county are subject to
a forced collection. Come in and settle
with the sheriff and save costs and ex­
penses of levy and sale of property,
therefore to save costs anil trouble please
call at once and settle up your tax bill.
McMinnville, Feb. 5, 1889.
T. J. H arris ,
Sheriff of Yamhill Co.
When Baby wm sick, we pave her Pastoria,
When she waa a Child, ahe cried for Castor!«,
Wlien she became Mias, she clung to Uastoria,
When she Lad Children. she gave them Caatoria
All subscribers who come in anil j>ay
up their subscription to date or one year
in advance are intitled to Texas Siftingr,
one year for $1.00. This is for cash.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve-
The Best Salve in the world for Cute,
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum'
Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbapi>cd Hands’
Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Erupt­
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
Pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, cr money refunded,
price 25 cents per box. RogersA Todd.
Childien Cry for
Children Cry for
Pitcher’s Castoria;
Pitcher’s Castoria.