THE TELEl’IIONE-REGISTER. Friday, March 29, 1889. THE MARKET RETORT. This market report is corrected Thurs­ day noon of each week by A. J. Apperson PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat ........ $ cental $ 1 35 to .......... $ bushel 32» to Oats. ----- >1 ton 20 00 to Barley ... to ............ ,1 sack 30 Potatoes. . 137« 34 2250 50 M'MINXVILLE MARKET. Chickens.. ....■$) dozen $ 3.50 to $450 5 50 ........ $ dozen 450 to Ducks 9 00 ___ dozen 800 to Geese . 14 pound 12 to Turkevs 10 9 ' ¡Clear sides V pd 7 Bacon -¡Shoulders $1 pa.. 11 10 to 10 r.„i (In 10 pd pails .. 9 8 to (In 5 gallon tins . 15 Eggs, weak, AH dozen Butter, dull, fresh V roll 50 15 Brine .............. p pound. 12 to 5 4 to Dried apples, dull, pd. 6 to 8 Dried plum«, dull, p | h L 8 6 to Dried prunes, dull, fl pd. 8 6 to Driedpeaches.dull, pi or 3 feet from blood; think pistol was under Bewley’s body when we picked him up. IDA KINGSBURY: hand to his side, and McKune drew pistol quick and fired ather was hurt; saw T R Bewley coming toward office from stable, told him to go back. Cross-examination—went on guard about 7 a. m , went to dinner about 11. went back so Ben Evans, the other guard, could go to dinner; remained there on guard till 4.30 p in , then came up town. Edward Dickinson was with me, did not see Allen Kelly: Ralston was leaning on the cart wheel; "when I told Bewlev he said, “D---- you get in,” and started to draw pistol; I drew my pistol and fired, think first shot killed Bewley; fired at Roswell, exchanged shots; saw my father going toward the scene of shooting, and I went home to get my other pistol to protect him . when I came back I saw my father was hurt, he was carried into Dr. 'Fields’ office, and I, P. Mays took pistol from me; was not angry, not on unfriendly terms nor par­ ticularly friendly with Bewley Defense ¡rested and court adjourned till 9 o'clock Friday morning Friday morning at 9 o’clock the judge called the court to order and Fenton asked to be allowed to examine a few more wit- nesse« for the prosecution—allowed. The first witness called was EDGAR DEAKINS: s. w. EVANS: Dentist, saw old man McKune come up speak to Bewley and go away, Bewley say­ ing “you have" not got men enongli to put me out,” saw Willard coming up street, go i nto hardware store then to drug store then to Bewley, did not hear the conversation heard a muffled shot as if it was fired inside the stable then a sharp one, at the third shot Bewley fell from his cart. McKune shot two at the cart, two at the stable and one at T R. Bewley. Saw Bewley make motion as if for pistol, did not see Ralston during the firing. The cross-examination brought out that he was also there to see the fight and a large crowd of people were standing on the corner to see it also WILL MENDENHALL: Resident of Sheridan said that T. R. Bew­ ley said that Jim would be in the town that afternoon. DELOS HEMBREE: A resilient of Sheridan was told at the de­ pot that Bewley was in town and that tiler« would be a row; went to see it. Did not hear the conversation, saw Bewley go for bis pistol then McKune fired. G. w.EVANS; A carpenter, reside in 8heridan Ina con­ versation with T. R. Bewley T. R. said that he would sink the whole property before James Bewley should be driven out of town because he had been to McMinnville. ALLEN KELLY. Newspaper man of San Francisco corrobor­ ated nearly all the defense but on the cross examination stated positively that no small boy accompanied McKune up town. J. w, deakin : Live in Sheridan; heard Bewley tell Faul- coner that he would come to Sheridan whenever lie pleased. Cross-examination —I did not say it would not do to put Wil­ lard McKune on guard. ROBT MCKUNE: Father of defendant; live at'Sheridan; was deputy marshal; saw Bewley come into town,'went to him aud told him if he came from McMinnville he must leave, Bewley said he would leave when he got ready I said: “I’ll get someone to see about it.” Went to recorder's office to get warrant. Cross-examination—Have poor memory of what happened at that time; saw Foster, Bible and Mendenhall and they told nie to get warrant. FRED HEIDER: Was in Sheridan; saw J. F Bewley in cart, Ralston and Roswell Bewley stood near, could not hear what was said; saw motions, thought Bewley would draw pistol, then Willard McKune fired ; saw Robt. McKune coining down street; saw Ralston walking from cart to postofnee Cross-examina­ tion—Am shoemaker; had shop in Graves’ drug store ; was warm dav. often went out to get sea breeze; saw Willard McKune come into store; he asked if any one was up there; I did not know what he meant. I soon went out of store, saw Bewley mo­ tion with open hand and then drop his ________ *___________ rrrKKRviLLK. Man-h 26, 1889. rieasant weather. Miss Lizzie Gilbert left for Portland last Tuesday. Miss Mary Smith expects to go to Til­ lamook soon. Alt there! Dick Smith, what brings you to 1’uckerville so often ? Miss Lina Gilbert has been quite sick for several days, but we are glad to sav she is much better. Mell Wood sjient a few leisure hours at the mansion Sunday afternoon. Sidewalks on the main street are dreadfully iu need of repairs. Mr. A. J. Kidder and C. Little visited McMinnville last week. Fred thinks there is no use for him to go to 1’uckerville now. WILL RALEIGH : A party of young ladies visited the The qucition asked by Fenton was objected lake last w#ek. to and the objection sustained. ROS BRWLEY; We have not decided yet who will Stated that Munson was not in the field teach the next term of school. with him and his father, and did not ride to B lue E ves . Am 11 years old, lived at Bellevue; remem­ ber of hearing about Bewley being shot: went to school that day. saw Bewley and Raleigh talking; heard Raleigh tell Bew­ ley he had better not go through Sheridan; Bewley said he would shoot his way town with him through Cross-examination brought out H. H. WINSLOW: no new facts. Was in and near tlie field on tlie 25tli and MRS. R W. KINGSBURY: did not see Munson there, saw Ros ride to May Downing accompanied my children to town alone. school on the day of the shooting; she has ARTHUR BRANSON : since died. Was in Sheridan Sunday was at livery sta­ FRANK GRAVIS: Was in drug store; saw Coleman pick np ble at 12 o'clock and saw mother anil T It pistol: could not say what kind of a pistol Bewley drive off in hack for North Yamhill. it was f T R BEWLEY LEWIS KINGSBURY : Stated that he drove Mrs. Branson to North On the 25th of September was going to Yamhill also took Miss Casey home and school and saw Wm. Raleigh and Bewley did not return to Sheridan until 12 o'clock driving along, heard Bewley say that he of day would shoot his way through Sheridan. SAPPINGFIELD EZRA CONNOR .* Said that he passed the field and did not sec A resident of Polk county was in Sheridan, Munson. beard that Bewley was in town and went H. S MALONEY over near the stable to see the fun; saw Mc­ Kune go up to him, and talk fora time, saw Stated that A J. Bewley had went to Sher­ Bewley make motion w ith liis hand to draw idan on Monday at his advice, that lie went pistol, then McKune fired. Ralston started Tueeday at his advice to sec about some away. < ross-examination—would not swear land in Tennessee that Ralston had his back turned at the time J steward : cf shooting. Was driver of the hack in which the sheriff AARON MUNSON : took McKune to Lafayette; looked at re­ but did not change it Farm laborer, was working for young Ros volver, II Durham opened the argument Bewley on the 25fh of September; James for Geo the prosecution He finished before Bewley came to the farm in the morning noon, when the court adjourned. In the lie wanted to go across the river to bis place afternoon McCain will speak for the de­ through Sheridan. Ros wanted him to go by way of the ford but he would not. T. R. fense Bewley was there at that time and said he LAFAYETTE. would see him through. After Jim left Ros and I put our horses in the barn and start­ Messrs. W. D. and F. W. Fenton were ed for Sheridan also,’I stopped at Young's and Ros went on into town In the cross- in town Sunday. examination no new facts came to light. Kirt O’Connor, of Bellevue, was in Boy, 15-years-old reside in Sheridan Saw McKune at guard rope, walked up town with him when he started for his supper, walked all the wty with him; stopped in front of barber shop saw Bewley in the road, McKune went to him and ordered him out of town, saw Bewley go for his pis. tol saying "If you touch me lwill kill you.” Bewley's hand was coming up when Mc­ Kune fired. Saw pistol in Ros’ pocket. Cross-examination—Did not know McKune hail pistol. On the way up McKune stepped into hardware store and into drug stere, then went to Bewley. CARLTON. Beautiful weather. SAM smith : The grouse hootetli but the boys can’t Was in Sheridan after the shooting: saw Bewley lving on ground, with pistol par­ shooteth. tially under nis body Miss Daisy Stott paid Carlton a visit EMMA BORDEN : last week. Was standing on porch at Dickey house; saw man come out of back door of livery Mrs. C. Hendrix visited her old friend, stable and shoot three times; man had on Mrs. Stott, at North Yamhill. blue ehecked shirt; did not know him. Mr. Editor, please turn our red school­ al . duxdass : Live in Polk countv, 12 miles from Sheri house children right side up. dan; was in Sheridan at corner of drue Mrs. Chas. E. Ladd, of Portland, is store; saw Bewley in front of stable, also | visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Howe. George, Andrew and T. R. Bewley were in barn, could not hear what was said; saw Last Sunday night while Mr. C. Hen­ Bewley put his hand down at his side and drix, wife and little boy were riding in a McKune immediately fired: saw Andrew cart, by some unaccountable cause the Bewley come out of barn and fire. cart was turned over, throwing its con­ EVENING SESSION. tents out, but fortunately no one was DR. FIELDS: hurt and no harm done. Was recorder of Sheridan; have custody of Mr. Chas. Buckingham, of Castle ordinances of said town; (pointed out tlie ordinance relating to the public health, un­ Rock, Oregon, is visiting friends in old der which McKune was acting—prosecu­ Yamhill, and says in two years more tion objected on the ground that the town he will come to live in this county. So of Sheridan had no legal power to euaet you see if Yamhill should chance to lose snch an ordinance; and the point will be an old settler he soon returns. argned and authorities cited later). Mr. Wash Laughlin placed on our J. M TOWNSEND: Was marshal of Sheridan: (being shown desk a regular fruit moth, one, no doubt, paper, said it was his official appointment that destroys our fruit in some seasons by stinging the blossom, therein* causing of Willard McKune as deputy marshal ) the worm to appear in the fruit as we WILLARD MCKUNE, often see. The mode by which Mr. The defendant, shown paper: This is my appointment as deputy marshal, went on Laughlin caught these insects was by duty onroad leading to McMinnville, on placing beneath tlie fruit tree a basin of Tuesday afternoon came up town to sup­ water with a little coal oil floating on per, saw J F and Roswell Bewley, J. F top, then hanging a lighted lantern sat in cart; I went into drug store and within a few inches of the water and al­ asked if any one had warned Bewley to lowing it to remain all night. The first leave town ; went to Bewley warned him to leave town in five minutes, said he would night 170 of these moths were captured leave when he got ready; told him he was and the second night 60, making a total under arrest ■ Bewley attempted to draw of 230 in two nights from one plum tree. pistol and I fired- Roswell Bewley shot at Fanners, think of this and consider if me, aud I emptied pistol at him and others these are the insects that are causing so in barn door- started home to get another much trouble in our orchards. Fox. iiistol; came back to Field’s office; saw my town on Thursday. Bird & Gates are receiving their large stock of spring goods. Born.—To the wife of J. I’. Johnson, a daughter, March 21, 1889. Born.—To the wife of A. L. Mosier, a daughter, March 23, 1889. Born.—March 25, 1889, to tlie wife of Joseph Smith, a daughter. Born.—To the wife of E. M. Martin, of Tillamook, last week, a daughter. B. W. Dnnn is preparing to burn a large kiln of brick near town. Mr. Carpenter has purchased a lot and will erect a dwelling this summer. Dick Phillips was in town the other day, swapping talk with our citizens. Several of our citizens have been called to attend circuit court this week. It seems odd for the Lafayette people to have to go away from town to attend court. W. I. Westerfield has lately added some new novelties to his large stock of furniture. Mr. Editor, if you see any Lafayette- ites up your way looking for the county seat, please inform them where it is lo­ cated. Al. Morse and Marshall Poppleton took a spin on their byeicles last Sunday to McMinnville, Sheridan, Ballston, Ber­ rydale and Amity. Last week was an unlucky one for the narrow gauge bridge carpenters working here. Two of them had their feet mashed, one quite seriously, and another had his hand hurt. Last Thursday afternoon while a gang of bridge carpenters were repairing one of the narrow gauge bridges near town, the jack which was used to raise the bent suddenly gave way, letting the whole weight of the bent down on the foot of one ot the men named Ross, mashing all the toes of his left foot intoa jelly. He was brought to town as soon as possidle and had his foot dressed by Dr. Smith. The chances are that lie will lose his toes. He was taken to his home at Silverton next day. The attention of the county court should be called to the condition of the bridge across the Millican creek west of town. There has been a few new planks put on which makes it equal to cor­ duroy, as one plank is thin and perhaps the very next one is thick. VVe have heard of four different horses going through the bridge lately. Some of the horses have been badly skinned about the legs, but fortunately no bones have been broken. This is a bridge that is being used a great deal, and something serious is likely to happen any time, and the county will have a damage suit on its hands. It will bo economy to refloor it. M. T. H ead . TOI'KIHTH, Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a Ixittle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale In 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading drug­ gists. _______________ Sunday Justice. Considerable fun is had in Stayton at tlie expense of a justice of jieace. It is said that Saturday of last week John Giebler was arrested for assault and taken liefore his honor, who adjourned the case over for examination on Sun­ day, and on that day held court and bound the prisoner over in the sum of $200 to await the action of the grand jury. The reason assigned by the court for holding the trial on Sunday is that he wanted it held while the saloon was closed so that everybody would be solier. The joke lies in the fact that the J. P. is not considered a prohibitionist himself, and the wender is will the judgment stand ?— Statesman. Brace Up. You re feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you re bothered with headache, you are lidgettv, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up but not with stimulants, spring medicine*, or bitters which have fortheir basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, ana then leave you in a worse condition than before What you i want is an alterative that will burify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, ami give re­ newed health and strength Such a medi­ cine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 5o cants a bottle at ltogcrs A Toda’s. |3| Ouestlon for Editors. What is a bustle?— Forest Grove Lexi­ con. Down here it is several copies of the Star strung on a string and circu­ lated around town by a pretty woman.— East Portland Star. If your circulation is confined to that it is surely behind. Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at Rogers A Todd’s Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles» of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump­ tion Their trade is enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disapixnuLs, Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchitis. Croup, ami all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bot­ tle free, large size $1. Every bottle war­ ranted, [3]----- Notice. Tax payers of Yamhill county will take notice that the time has now expired for paying taxes without cost and that all taxes now due the county are subject to a forced collection. Come in and settle with the sheriff and save costs and ex­ penses of levy and sale of property, therefore to save costs anil trouble please call at once and settle up your tax bill. McMinnville, Feb. 5, 1889. T. J. H arris , Sheriff of Yamhill Co. When Baby wm sick, we pave her Pastoria, When she waa a Child, ahe cried for Castor!«, Wlien she became Mias, she clung to Uastoria, When she Lad Children. she gave them Caatoria All subscribers who come in anil j>ay up their subscription to date or one year in advance are intitled to Texas Siftingr, one year for $1.00. This is for cash. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum' Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbapi>cd Hands’ Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Erupt­ ions, and positively cures Piles, or no Pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, cr money refunded, price 25 cents per box. RogersA Todd. Childien Cry for Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria; Pitcher’s Castoria.