Texas THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. office. 1.00 per year at this LAFAYETTE. WRITING. A GRAND FRAUD. DEEDS IIEUORDED. Letter writing is one of the pleasantest But Still Operations are Carried On.---It James W. Hutchcroft to Wm. G«ld- Gen Long has gone to Spokane Falls. Fools the Country People. X Xtra strong horehound candy fresh, hard, 1 acre in t 3 s, r 4 w; con $700. things in the world, it is simply delight­ Friday, March 22, 1889. Charley Bryan and family have moved at C. Grissen’s. State of Oregon to Henry Simins, the ful to let the |>en talk freely and unpre- Some time ago a business man in tbis No New Statements, But th? Sarne to town. n w « of n e « of section 27, t 4 s, r 6 w, Harrison’s best reais are on exhibition m-slitately and to one by whom we are sure city received the following letter, and it Old Thing. THE MARKET REPORT. 40 acres ; con $80. Tenement houses seem to be in de­ at the court house. to be understood—but essay writing is was handed to us for publication. In State of Oregon to F. P. Humpke, n mand just now. This market report is corrected Thurs­ Hurrah for Kingery, the furniture man of s e «, section 15, t 2 s, r 3 w; con just simply agony. An essay is gener­ the pajiers you see notices of people who day noon of each week by A. .1. Apperson of the Yamhill court house. Leslie Laughlin was in town one eve­ ally tedious, alike to writer and reader, bite at such circulars and get left of $100. ning last week. PORTLAND MARKET. Wm. Ball and wife to Wm. Dick, lota The average age of farmers is 65, of for most part spun out of meaningless course : It Looks as if He and Mrs. McPherson Wheat........... ft cental $ 1 35 to 2 and 3 in block 69, in Lafayette; con 1 37« printers 35. There is a moral in this. Mrs. R. P. Bird and son, Guy, have Oats. ............... ft bushel 32« to phrases, trite observations, flourishes 34 Understood Each Other. N ew Y ork , November, 1888. $250. been visiting in Portland. Barley ........ ton 20 00 to 2 31 Go to G. S. Wright, dentist, Braly Chas. W. Holman et ux to Emanuel D ear S ir :—In o]>ening this corres- and purloined sentences, so far not de- Potatoes. ............... ft sack 30 to Dr. Watts of Lafayette, sends to this 50 .block, McMinnville, for first-class work. The Masonic lodge held a regnlar pondence with you, I trust that if the i Northrup et ux. lot 4 of block N of Co- ceittul, for it deceives no one. Oh ! the m ’ minxville market . meeting last Friday evening. business I now propose to you in good zine's third additiou to McMinnville; In another column you will notice the , paper his same old denial which we again the misery of having to compose a set, faith, does not suit you, that you will on con $800. Chickens.......... V dozen $ 3 50 to $ 4 50 school - publish to please the old gentleman. George Grace left last Tuesday for The directors publication calling for proper, well-worded, correctly punctu ­ Ducks ............. y dozen 4 50 to 5 50 the honor of a man, not reveal it to a Lydia E. ____ to _ _____ John ____ and ______ Sarah Dalles to seek employment. It is as follows: Geese............... j) dozen 8 00 to 9 00 bids. ated essay, one that must have a begin­ soul. There is- bigger money in this bus­ Flett, 30 acres Flett in t 2 s, r 3 w; con $60. Turkeys y pound 12 to 11 i L afayette , Or., March 18th, 1889. ning and an end, as methodically ar ­ Wib Sitton was in town last Friday Mrs. 8. A. Moiton, from Michigan, is iness than in any other in the world, and James Crawford and wife to Ilans (Clear sides ft pd !» 10 night. He is engaged in riding the Ma­ ranged, and portioned off as a sermon all that is necessary to make a success of Miller, 160 acres in t 3 s, r 3 w; con visiting her brother A. J. Peckham, of f T he T elephone -R egister —S irs : Bacon ¿Shoulders J pd.. 7 Sincp you published what you did last under three heads. But the essay must sonic “ goat. ” this city. it is principally to keep a close mouth $4000. I Hams............... 10 to 11 week, as a matter of justice I think you be written at the precise point of time 10 N. M. Snodgross and wife to A. M. Tj>rd JIn 10 P<1 Pa»ls There does not seem to be many as­ (once a week or every two weeks, as the and follow instructions, and you can rely Mr. Collins, compositor in the Reporter should publish the following, also send Eari1 jin 5 gallon tins . 8 to •J pirants for the office of postmaster here case may be) given by the professor on it, that the profits of a few months Bray, block 2 in Deskin’s addition to office^was taken with a fit Tuesday while ’ to me a copy of your next paper: Eggs, weak, .3) dozen 15 will astonish you and prove that what I Newberg, and part of D. L. C. of John at work at his case. There were many applicants for clerk- Mr. Redding says lie will take it. as though one’s thoughts bubbled up to say is true. As there is no necessity for H. Butter, dull, fresh t) roll 50 Hess; con $1200. Brine................. pound. 12 to Cato Sullivan, of Tillamook, is visiting the well-head, at regnlar intervals to be beating about the bush, I will come to A. Yocum shipped from this place . ship of committees during the last session H. Hurley and M. F. Hurley to W. C. Dried apples, dull, ft pd. 4 to relatives and friends here. It looks as bottled off for future use. Thought (?) the point at once. I now have on hand Kruger, pa-.t of lot 2 in block 7 of Hur­ Monday, a fine band of stall fed cattle to i of the legislature. Dried plums, dull, jt pd. 6 to Among the many was Mrs. Anna Un­ though clams and salmon agreed with What has thought to do with it? It a large amount of U. S. treaenry hills and ley the Portland markets. & Large’s addition to Newberg; con Dried prunes, dull, fl pd. 6 to • ger, who was the only lady applicant murders thought, wastes time, spoils pa­ also National hank bill», and 1 will sell $80. Cato. Drledpeaches.duH, ft pd 0 to Use Wright’s Arabian Condition Pow­ ' from Yamhill county that I heard of. per and wears ont the innocent pencil. Flour . __ L __ . ...à sack 100 to Wm. Summers to John C. Hiatt, 4 We hear that G. E. Lewis has rented It would be pleasanter to be a kitten and them at such a low price that you can at In answer to her letter was in person, Sugars, firm advancing. 11, 12 and 13 ders if you take pride in seeing your in and advancing Mr. Ungerman’s bouse as soon as va­ cry "mew,” than write one of these once see the immense profits to be acres in t 3 s, r 2 and 3 w, and lots 2 and pounds for $1 00; pickles, in 5 gallon kegs, stock look well. Sold by Rogers erfect and beautiful essay appear“. will send you full particulars. Please John Smith and wife to Edgar C. Tar­ weighed 1540 pounds. Pretty good for a Or suppose there was an essay steam en­ The “Jersey Lily” is now Mrs. Geb­ the pa;>ere were not placed on file, and Clyde and Bevie Apperson and sister my letters and I will return rant and wife, 13.54 acres; con $3000. Yamhill colt, eh? hardt. She is now happy. gine. Steam does everything nowadays. return are suffering with a severe attack of tho were subsequently withdrawn by the yours. I remain yours in truth and Jesse and Mary Hobson and Samuel , committee, I have requested their re ­ It the poor, over-taxed schoolgirls woul 1 The health of our citizens has never Seattle real estate transactions amount prevailing epizootic. It is fashionable to friendship, G. B. S mall , and Mary Ann Hobson to R. T. Inglis, turn, etc. petition congress for the means, I am been better than at present. People who have a cold now. to about $500,000 per week. 25 Cottage Place, New York. lot 16 of block D in Hobson’s addition to This was true, it was conditional, as are seeking a healthy location cannot do sure Edison would set about and achieve THS PUZZLE. The signature was not written at the Newberg; con $50. If you want to be disgusted, look at the the following will show: this most glorious of undertakings. The better than to come to Lafayette. R. Smith and Lydia E. Smith to L. furniture in the Yamhill court house. S alem , Or., Jan. 21st, 1889. steam engine would be nowhere, for that bottom of the letter, but written on a C. J. Washbnrn, A Total of 141) Answers Received, Only 50 acres in t 3 s, r 2 w; There was quite a demand for your only spares manual labor, this would re­ At this the first meeting of senate com ­ 30 of Them Correct. small, separate piece of pa|>er and en ­ Select your buggy or carriage at Mar­ con $200. papers last Friday. You could have lieve mental drudgery. Such a machine mittee on corporations. The question tin & Sanders’ before they are all picked Chas. IL Bodie et ux to Sarah Bodie, The puzzle put before the people last coming up, shall this committee employ struck a bonanza if yon had sent a news­ would not groan in spirit at the dire ne­ closed. If our Yamhill people want to over. in t 3 s, r 4 w; con $500. boy down here to sell extra copies. cessity of having to think out one of the make a fortune all they will have to do 9 acres week was extremely simple but of the a clerk. After suggestions and informa­ Chas. N. Saylor to Magness E. Pike, A tine line of millinery will be display­ tion and due consideration, it is the opin­ aforesaid essays. Oh ! no, that is not is to write for the number of dollars We notice in the dispatches that Hon. ed to the public by Campbell & Fuller, I4:> answers received only .10 agree with ion of all the members of said committee W. M. Townsend, an old citizen of this for us poor mortals. It is w’e, who, hav­ they want. They can have them for block 9 in Saylor’s addition to McMinn­ ville ; con $325. the correct solution. The persons en­ that said committee does not need any place, has been elected mayor of Lake­ ing in due form spread out the pajier be­ tomorrow. United States to Henry P. Webster, for tne present. fore us in all its purity and having about 25 per cent of the amount re­ homeBtead view. Yamliillers always get there. XV. T. Booth has torn down his old titled to a years subscription on the T el ­ clerk [Signed] entry s «ot sw«, section J. W. W atts , achieved the herculean task of writing ceived, in cash. shop and has begun the erection of the ephone -R egister are the following: Arrangements are being made here to 2, in 12 s, r 5 w; patent. D onald M ackey , “Silent Influence,” “Necessity of Educa­ new one. NEWBERG. accommodate sixty Presbyterian minis ­ Johd 8. Evenden, J H Cook, James P. Morgan to W. L. Clevenger, C. A. C ogswell . who will attend the Presbytery tion," “Procrastination,” “Spring,” or F. C. Woods, 3 acres in t 5 s. r 6 w; con $550. Teeth extracted without pain by the J. R. Hutchison, The suggestions and informations above ters anything else, feel that we are in for it March 18, 1889. W. L. Clevenger to Rufus and John application of local anesthetics. G. S. Lynda W. Jones, Mrs. Lavenia Cane, referred to come from two members of which meets next month. We must all and must say something. Oh! that J. Snelling, try to be as good as we can at that time. Pansy R. Wright, R. Ivie, 3 acres in t5 s, r 6 w; con $550. Who is to be the next postmaster? Wright, dentist. the committee on corporations of two something that must come of nothing! Mrs. 8. C. Ford, Mrs. Nellie llagord, years before. Mrs. Anna Unger and all A. K. Olds et ux to V. M. Olds et al, Mr. Glass of the Reporter has been bricks to be made without straw! New buildings going up all the time. 178.89 acres in t 5 s, r 5 w; con $5. Don’t forget the opening to-morrow. V. P. Fiske, Mattie E. Martin, “ other applicants were notified ot the canvassing the town in the interest of Those Those pages that must be tilled with Third street at the millinery store of Frank Wright, Rhoda (iardiner, John Atkinson et ux to George J. Lots of newcomers arriving at this above order, that the committee would his mammoth editon which he expects words! Words that must mean some­ Campbell & Fuller. A. B. Hibbard, A. I.. Talmage, Christenson, 117 acres in t 2 and 3 b , r 3 not employ any clerk for the present. It to issue soon. Mr. Glass would be a thing, or at least seem to say something, place. It. L. Holman, w; con $2500. The opening of the Delmonico restaur­ C. II. Fleming, was agreed by the committee that should very good man if ho was only a democrat. and linked together so as to form one Newberg has voted to have a $3000 C. Murbee, Wm. II. Buffum et al to Leo H. Bak­ ant Friday night was well attended and G. W. Connor, the business of the committee require it We are to be visited next month by smooth, polished surface, and no two schoolhouse. Mrs. A. E. Breon, W. T. Baxter, er, 182.51 acres in t 5 s, r 3 w ; con $400. the Bupper served was delicious. they would change the order and em­ the governor, secretary of state, ot al. thoughts on the same subject will come. A. M. Dee, A. Roof, Miss N. E. Deskin to W. C. Kruger, E. C. Tarrant is bothered with several ploy a clerk at any time. Mrs. Anna Just think of it Mr. Editor, and while What were the labors of Hercules to R. P. Ungerman moved his family to C. N. Graves, M. Smith, lot 1 in block 9, Deskin’s addition to Unger was told of all this in a few min­ thinking of it please send us a clean pa­ such a task? Just imagine the unfor­ of Job’s pets. this city Thursdav. He will occupy’ the C. N. Martin. W. I!. Turner, Newberg ; con $60. utes by the members of this committee per collar if you happen to have one tunate individual doomed to write a Miss Anice Brown commences school Hamnett house near the railroad. Wm. Holl, Andrew ('lark. John J. Henderson to Chas. Allen et or at least by the chairman and I think handy. prize essay, located in the seat of torture, to-day at Middleton. al, part of block 3, in Rowland's addi­ Some of the persons who answered all were present. She requested of them • The Wizard Oil company’s concerts Dr. Watts said in his speech that he in the right hand lie holds a pen, which J. M. Holston, of Portland, was at this tion to McMinnville; con $3000. have pleased the people of this city and sent in two solution: i, some three, we to let her know at Lafayette, should they had demanded a retraction from the ever and anon is dipped into the ink as Susan Hindle to Sarah Ellen Nicker­ we can recommend them as a troup well have thrown them out , also all who did change the order; and it was agreed to T elephone -R egister and that you dare though to hook up ideas; in the left a place a few days ago. son, 320 acres in t 5 s, r 7 w; con love worth seeing, as the following will show : Webster ’ s Unabridged, on which the not fail to retract. We see that you did C. K. Spaulding has moved from Sum ­ not write their names and addressee up­ and affection. S alem , Or., Jan. 30th, 1889. retract, but do not think that it gave the eyes are fixed with an air of disconsolate mit station to Newberg. Opening of spring millinery at Mrs. A. on tho ansA’crs. D. J. Olds et ux to J. T. Williamson, JLs. .Inna Unger: perplexity, searching for some of those doctor much satisfaction. People here Burt’s on Friday and Saturday, March Ed Robinson and wife and F. S. Cottle 40 acres in t 3 a, r 3 w; con nothing. At the first meeting of the committee did not think much about the charges precious words of many syllables, that The correct solution of the puzzle is: 22d and 23d, opposite Grange store. Chas. L. Flint to J. F. F. Brewster, on corporations during this session of the preferred against the ex-senator until he till whole lines at once, as incomprehen­ went to Portland Friday. 242 acres in 15 s, r 5 w; con $200. Last night a six-day-go-as-you-please legislature, it was ordered that no clerk made a public denial of them, when they sibility, possibility, inconvenient, etc., My items of two or three weeks ago Will Johnson to Rebecca Johnson. 1 race began in Portland. It is a hippo­ for said committee was necessary, and began to investigate and the investiga­ as if perchance this would give rise to a have not appeared in your paper. 1 1 » acre in city of McMinnville ; con $1. drome and the people will be fooled. that none be employed or engaged for tion has not been to the doctor’s benefit. thought. When ijucli a one does arise Thos. Gorman to Mary E. and J. W. Rev. Aaron Bray and family of Smock’s the present. You as an applicant from In our opinion he would have done much seize it quickly and dexterously, but at Í I A large assortment of the latest styles Gorman, block 2 in Chandler’s addition have moved to this place. Yamhill county was notified in a few better to have ignored the whole matter the same time with such prudence in in- station, 1 of hats, bonnets, shades and trimmings, to McMinnville; $500. minutes of the order of said committee. and it would have soon died out. 1 1 / termingling the long words as not to Y'esterday was Paddy's day, but there at Mrs. A Burt’s opposite Grange store. Ixjrenzo Root et ux to James M. Also yon was informed at the same time huddle up or contract into one Bhort was very little stir. 1' guess it was too M. T. H ead . Stultz, 3! 4.10 acres in t 3 s, r 3 w ; con Opening of spring millinery’ at Mrs. A. that it the Baid committee should at any sentence«that which if used judiciously rainy. i $6305.60. Burt’s on Friday and Saturday, March time conclude to have a cler!., that you may lie lengthened so as to spread freely BAK DOCKET. Mary E. Moore et ux to Lindley Paik- •? Miss May Cottle will teach the spring 22d and 23d, opposite Grange store. should be notified, so as to re., -w your 3 3 4 1 i and smoothly over a whole page. I er, .0188 of an acre in t 3 s, r 2 w; con $1. March Term of Circuit Court. 1889. term of school at the Parrott school ­ application for appointment for clerk of think this is about the experience of ' The meeting at McCabe chapel, held Samuel Hobson et ux to Lindley Park­ 3 3 house. 1 1 said committee. The session is near half by Mr. and Mrs Round, closed last Sab­ John Williamson vs Eliza Williamson ; every poor girl whose pitiless teacher 1 er, 213 acres in t 3 s, r 2 w ; con $50. out. The committee has not made any has called for a prize essay. I would •> 5 11. C. 1 laid went to sleep Saturday af ­ bath, with nine accessions to the church. 3 3 3 4 1 4 James Fletcher and wife to John Nar- order for a clerk as yet at any time, and divorce. close by asking our teacher to abolish ternoon I and the doctor had considerable ver, 143« acres in t 4 a, r 4 w; con A K Wright vs J Delap ; equity. R. Jacobson, of Sheridan, has rented judging from the business now before that barbarious institution, essay writing, i 28 20 trouble waking him. Charles Greening vs Riley Smith ; ap­ $7000. the vacant room in the Braly block and them they will make no order for a clerk peal. February 22, 1889. Welcome Acquisition. E. C. Williams to Rosa E. Buffum, 1 will put in a stock of gents furnishings. Mrs. Vannie Martin, Miss Emma Phil­ during the session. N ellie M. G ardner . Alphonse E LaRocque vs Wr.i Hume, [Signed] J. W. W atts , and Miss Lillie C. Smith are teach­ acre in t 5 s, r 4 wr con $50. I i bis essay is the one which the teachers lips ■ Last week one of our prominent busi­ John Pender, one of the prominent Sidney Dell et al; partition. R. Stott et al to Will H. Thence 300 D onald M ackay , th. public school consider the best of tlie 1 ing in Newberg district. ness men was assaulted by an enraged horsemen of the coast, who has been in State vs J C Coulter; bond to keep of acres in t 2s, r 3 w ; con $8500. C-. A. C ogswell . several which were written for the prize crank of a woman. She should have Salem a few days looking over the David Gubser will commence another peace. 8. C. Foster et ux to Rena H. Foster, Miss Gardner has not yet called for her en- < I made a copy of this and [kept the been locked up. State vs J A Odell ; larceny. which was offered by the T ele - term of school at the Chehalem moun­ lot 6 in block 8 in'Fuulconer’s addition to ground and the prospects, yesterday se­ original] and mailed it. to Mrs. Anna Un­ Jane McGrew vs James McGrew ; di­ graving tain schoolhouse on April 1st. phone -K egister a-a prize for the best es- Sheridan ; $50. Colin Allison of Amity, a native of ger at Lafayettee, Oregon, her home. At say it is here in the office Call and get 8. C. Foster et ux to Fanny E. Foster, Canada, declared his intention of becom­ cured a nice twenty-acre tract of land, a the last meeting of said committee the vorce. Lewis Jones has sold his interest in it. — En I . J W Ingles vs Jesse Yocum et al ; fore­ ing an American citizen before the coun­ part of tho Steele place, about a mile following was done: the meat market to J. M. Hanson, and lot 7 in block 8 in Faulconer's addition closure. stati : taxes . ty clerk Wednesday. east of the penitentiary. Mr. Pender has S alem , Or., Feb. 19th, 1889. has moved on the Case place, formerly to Sheridan; con $50. Thomas M Shadden vs Malinda Paris Neil Johnson to Rebecca Johnson, the Tolson place. of State: “White Borax" soap for all kinds of now nine first-class horses, among them Secretary et al ; partition. A Table Showing the Counties that Have land in McMinnville; con $1. Silt:—At the first meeting of the com­ washing is unexcelled, it saves time and “Combination” and “Director,” well Paid and Those that Have Not. Annie Schopp vs John Herman Winters was thrown from a E Hubbard, H. Hurley et al to C. E. Jones, lot 8 in labor, and keeps the skin smooth. For known breeding animals, which he will mittee on corporations during this ses­ administrator; foreclosure. colt last Saturday and had one of his block 12, Newberg; con $1. From the Salem Statesman we take the legs broken just above the knee stand for service here during the season. sion of the legislature in was ordered— sale at C. Grissen’s. He is Row ell & Son vs Charles Douglas; ac- Thomas B. Jones to W. F. Jones, « ot He has put in the winter at City View that—no clerk be employed for the pre­ tion for money. following table of taxes. You will notice doing as well as could lie expected at 45.69 acres of Luke McKern’s D. L. C; For Sale.—Patridge Cochin and Buff park sent by said eommitte. They have not near Portland and will move hete present. Ely T Branson vs Sarah C Branson ; that Yamhill is square with the state. con $1. ’ Cochin eggs, pure stock for sale at Chas. in a week or ten days. Mr. Pender is a changed tliat order as vet. Said com­ P rohibitionist . Jesse Edwards et ux to Leon B. Ruck­ Grissen’s or Mrs. B. F. Saylor’s, $3.00 great lover of good stock, and will lie mittee have ordered no clerk. They have divorce. A number of the counties of the state James F Bewley vs Wm Chapman; man, lotB 3 and 4 of block 24 in Ed­ per setting of 13 eggs. CARLTON have been very slow in paying in their welcomed as a permanent resident of had no clerk no one has acted as clerk suit in equity. ward’s addition to Newberg; con $70. for said committee to this date, For neat, nobby, well fitting suits, and Salem.— Salem Statesman. quota of state-taxes this year. It will be F Landers vs John II Carso; fore ­ E. P. Wallace et ux to Minnie M. Buf­ Rain, the welcome rain has come. [Signed] J. W. W atts , latest spring styles in men’s and boy’s Mr. Pender came to this city some time closure. seen that only seven counties have paid fum, land in Amity; con $40. D onald M ackay , Business is steady increasing in our clothing, A. J. Apperson takes the ago and made arrangements with the as­ J Boemer & Son vs A T Hayworth ; ac­ in full. Some of those credited below as town. Union Lodge No. 43 to A. J. Smith, C. A. C ogswell , cake . (Well he does!) sociation to train his horses on this track. lot in Masonic cemetery; con $10. Senate Committee on Corporations. tion for money. having paid in full have arrearages for A house was built for him to live in and L C Washburn vs J W Graham et al ; Mrs. Chas. E. Ladd of Portland, is the Milton W. Gumm to Albert M. Hos­ Go to Apperson’s «nd take a look at Thus I have given you the statements fixed up generally for bis horses, taxes of other years, and this credit only guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Howe. those new styles of spring hats, in straw things kins, lot 6 in block 27 in Newlterg; con of this committee at their first meeting action to loreclose a lien. etc. It is now learned that he will stable covers the tax of 1888. Besides those A Mutchler vs J W Smith ; action for and felt which they are selling like hot at Salem the coming season. He did not and near the middle of the session, and Our P. M. Smith, has been quite sick paying in lull, nine other counties have money. A. M. Hoskins to Jesse Edwards, lot 6 cakes. They are crushers. past week but able to be on duty let the fact he known here until the at their last meeting. I have the origi­ Frank Gildner vs J J Smith; action paid part and four of these, Lane, Linn, the in block 24, also lots 4 and 5 of block 17 nal orders and send to you copies, and I again. Mrs. J. E. Magers left Wednesday Statesman furnished the news in the Malheur and Polk, have paid their share for money. in Edward’s addition to Newberg; con don’t rend vou copies of all tlie original morning for an extended visit at Port­ above. Salem can have him. Our sick folks are all about ......... ................ well and $100. McGrew & Walker vs Milton Lee; ac­ of the military and university funds in documents I have either, about the lies land, Oregon City and Seattle. She will Master Abijali has gone to visit his old iuil, in addition to the amounts credited tion for money. Jesse Edwards et ux to Albert M. A GKAN1» OPENING and slanders and libelous publications friend, Mrs. Stoll. be gone for three or four weeks. Emma Emmett vs D E Emmett ; di­ them on the general expense fund. Hoskins, of block 17 of Edward’s ad­ that you have published concerning my­ Of Carefully Selected and Stylish Stock Thirteen counties, or nearly half the vorce. W. A. Howe is now erecting a fine dition to Newberg; con $90. Manning & Ungernian will keep a full self, and this is no “crusade” against your of Millinery. whole number, have paid no part of their Commercial Insurance Co vs John J large stable with a capacity large enough and complete stock of farming impii- paper either and you know what this A Chinea* Artlnt. state assessment for 1888, and a portion to hold 35 head of horses. Asa Koley is Sax et al ; action for money. ments. They will be the agents for Saturday, at our pallors, we will hold “crusade” means and but few others do, State vs Wilfred Unger; assault with a of them are among those owing the the mechanic. Staver & Walker. Mr. Manning left for the opening of our new and carefully se­ and had your paper not contained what Sunday, Sam Yick invited us to his largest amounts. Portland Wednesday. it did m the last I should not have dangerous weai>on. and Mrs. Dad CollinR have return­ laundry to see some painting and decora­ The following table shows the state tax ed Mr. State vs James Nickerson and George lected st.x-k of the latest styles of milli­ troubled you with tigs much. from their visit East of the mountains Sanders Martin intend to do a large o. each county for the general expense looking hale and hearty. They come to ting done by a Chinese artist. The work Izenhouser; larceny. Yours etc. business this season, Their business last nery. The goods were selected from State vs Willard McKune; manslaugh­ fund for 1888, and the amount paid to stay. Welcome. was fine and compares very favorably J. W. W atts . samples furnished bv Portland, San year was large, owing to heavy advertis­ the state treasurer up to the present with the best of our American artists. If you will not publish the above to re­ ter. Hairy says he can stand off one or two The artist informed us that it we would ing. Have you seen their large ad on the Francisco and New York houses, and time: John E Harding vs Edward Henry fute the dozen falsehoods you published consist of all the latest styles and novel ­ fourth page of this paper? Counties. Willis; action for money. Paid, dogs but when they come 15 and 20, 12 bring him a picture he would duplicate ties of the year 1889. An exjierienced last week, then send it to the Reporter nothing o’clock at mid-night some of them are it so that we could not tell which was the U 8 Grant Marquam vs Wm Krueger; Baker.............. Chas. Woods arrived Friday from Al­ trimmer has been secured and we will for publication. Benton ........... action for money. $10,000 sure to get away with the contest. We original. He lias lieen visiting here for bany with his stable of horses. He was guarantee satisfaction on al! work turned We have nothing to say about the do­ in fnll are sorry for you Harry. II Clay Burch et al vs J L Howard; Clackamas ... the past two weeks and has decorated accompanied by Mr. E. LaForest of Al­ ont of our establishment. The ladies of Clatsop............ We heart! a lady say, “Why can’t I the interior of Sam’H place after the latest nothing bany who owns several of the horses this city and county are cordially invited ings of the committee or any resolutions action for money. Columbia ......... in full learn to talk jiolitics, chew tobacco and Chinese methods which are about 1000 Caroline Martin vs Charles Mart in ; which Mr. Woods is training. to inspect our stock, whether they buy signed by them vindicating Dr. Watts. divorce. Coos.................. 4,322 58 swear.” When asked why, “replied she years old. The secretary of state in a letter last Dr. Tucker and family left home last or not. Crook ......... .. thought it would be more agreeable to nothing Geo W Sappington vs W A Howe; M esiiames C ampbell & F i ller . Tuesday for a visit to Brownsvillle. The Curry.............. week said that the papers had been in his suit for damages. nothing her husband and keep him at home of doctor has closed his dental office with in full evenings. Edgar I’oppleton vs Yambill county; I »ouglas........... office but were withdrawn, lie said they the view of taking a long rusticating trip Gilliam............ review. nothing Wo are rejoiced to state Mrs. N. K. When Baby was sick, we gave her CaMoria, were not filed because they were condi ­ as soon as the weather is suitable. . The directors of School District No. 40 2,835 20 Sitton is getting well from her long Bick- When she was a Child, she cried tor Castoria. Win Jamieson vs Yamhill county; re- Grant. tional. Now Dr. J. W. Watts senator ! view. Jackson ........... nothing ness. will receive sealed bids for the old school Drs. Calbreath and Goucher, Judge Fox. When she became Miss, she clung to CaMcria, Josephine....... in full A E Stuart vs II P Stuart; divorce. ■j > what were those j Loughary and those of this city who I building. Also plans and propositions from Yamhill county, TOURISTS* When she had Children. sli. gave tb.u, CMua 3,633 92 John Aspinwall vs Geo W Grayson el Klamath......... were interested in Seattle property, have for building outhouses and fences. The papers spoken of by the secretary of Lake.............. nothing Whether on pleasure bent or business, Bold out and cleaned up about $5000 in right for rejecting any or all bids re­ state? We know that it was the appoint­ al; foreclosure. Lane ............ 5,743 74 Annie Gear vs Wesley Gear; divorce. the transaction. They held the property served. Bids received at First National ment of Mrs. Anna Unger to the cle-ik- 13,363 51 should take on every trip a bottle of bank to April 10th. W C Mesner vs Charles Braithwait; Linn................ about tree months, Malheur. . siiip of the committee on corporations 601 04 Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly action for money. W. m . G alloway , A flood Story, Lakeview elected the following ticket | in full and effectually on the kidneys, liver and Lafayette Lodge No 3 vs Jesse Hob: on Marion............ C has . G kissex , . whether it was weighed down with con­ Monday, March 11: Mayor W. M. Town­ i Morrow .. nothing bowels, preventing fevers, headaches et al; action for money. W m . M. C hrisman , Tho following good story is told on a ditions or not we do not care. send, Councilmen W. T. Boyd, B. Daly, j nothing and other forms of sickness. For sale in prominent citizen of Pendleton, • Directors. R L Stowe vs Benjamin Perry; fore­ Multnomah. Hit We have asked you a point blank closure. John McElkinney, J. 8. Field. The1 50c and $1.00 liottles by’ all leading drug­ Polk ................ 3,151 18 An Ohl Horse. ____________ I question and we expect an answer to it | J F Calbreath vs J C Michanx; fore- Tillamook....... mayor is Judge Townsend formerly of wife had lieen absent about a month and 418 85 gists. this countv but now agent at the Lake­ Umatilla......... nothing tlie gentleman had been boarding at a Notice. S.iturday the oldest horse in this city ■ by next week, or forever hold your peace, j , closure. view Land office. nothing hotel. The other evening he thought lie passed away and is now jumping fences If you have anything new to tell the peo- i Bird & Gates vs Mary A Caves et al; Union.............. Tax payers of Yamhill county will take Wasco............. nothing w ould walk by liis residence and see how foreclosure. Granville Baker has surveyed his land in the horse heaven ; it was old Bill aged pie let us know, but do not keep sending nothing notice that the time has now expired for things were going, and was surprised to J R Derby vs George Bryan and Wm Wallowa......... adjoining this city.i The work was done 35 years, the projierty of the Saylor estate. Washington .. in full paying taxes without cost and that all see a light in the window. Entering he by Surveyor Cooper and the property All the Imys of long ago. in this city re­ on the same stale old matter week by Galloway; action for money. Yamhill........... week. in full taxes now due the county are subject to found his wife domiciled therein. She State vs Jack Cooper. made just 15 blocks 200x200 feet. The member the old horse well. You say, “This is no ‘crusade’ against had been home for two or three days James Newport vs George Fendall and streets north and south are 50 feet wide, How’s This? a forced collection. Come in and settle and your paper either, and you know what Warren Dougherty. Card of Thanks. those east and west 60 feet wide. with the sheriff and save costs and ex­ fact. lie had just discovered tho happy this ‘crusade’ means and but few others Mary E Gorman vs John W Gorman We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward penses of levy and sale of property, For the cure of colds, coughs, and all I extend my heartfelt thanks to the and Katie A Gorman ; partition. for any case of Catarrh that cannot be therefore to save costs and trouble please A I’ecullar Situation. derangements of the respiratory organs, many friends who so kindly offered do.” Wm Campbell and W Millsap vs Or ­ Yes, we know what this “crusade” cured by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure. call at once and settle up your tax bill. no other medicine is so reliable as Ayer’s their services during my late bereave­ means. rin B. Skinner; suit in equity. Mr. A. Braly has a calf not yet a year Listen and we will tell you. We j F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props, Toledo, O. McMinnville, Feb. 5, 1889. Cherrv Pectoral. It relieves the asthma­ ment. M rs . E. C ap . lin . addressed a letter to Mrs. W. A. Mcl’her- j James F Bewley vs T N Graves; man- We, the undersigned, have known F. old which will come in during tlie com­ T. J. H arris , tic anil consumptive, even in advanced J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be­ Wright’s Compound Syrup of Sarsa­ son of Salem, requesting her to furnish Jute Sheriff of Yamhill Co. ing week. This calf will lie a milk cow stages of disease, and has saved innumer before her mother. The calf is a Jersey parilla can be relied upon for all blood an affidavit regarding that $20 speech of: E I’ Hembree et al vs I R Dawson et lieve him perfectly honorable in all buni- able lives. yours and in it stated that Dr. Watts had ' al 1 appeal on taxation of costs, ness transactions and financially able to and is small. Brace Up. The commissioners of this county diseases, skin affections, etc. Sold by began a crusade against this paper. Mrs. carryout any obligation made by their Partner Wanted. You rc feeling depressed, your appetite should be ashamed of themselves for Rogers & Todd. firm. .McPherson has forwarded you the letter i Their Business Booming. putting the old furnituie of the old court and did not forward us the affidavit as I A young, industrious man with capital W est A T ruax , Wholesale Druggists, is poor, you re bothered with headache, MOTHERS! I ’ roliably no one thing has caused such a house into the new one. The county you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out Toledo, O. is recommended by physicians requested, lie stated in that letter as of $l(M)0 wanted for a partner in a flour- judge is in for furnishing it in a style or Castoria children teething It is a purely veget­ vou now- know Dr. Watts, that we wanted ; ishing business. Blacksmith or machin- W ai . ding , K innan & M arvin , Wholesale of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up general revival of trade at Rogers * Todd's which will compare with the building. able preparation, its ingredients are pub- Ihe affidavit whether for or against you. ; ist preferred. Address: but not with stimulants, spring medicines Drug Store as their giving away to their Druggists, Toledo, O. or bitters which have for their basis very custoniers of so many free trial bottles of But the commissioners say no. lishcii around each bottle It is pleasant She could not furnish one in favor of’you 1 3-tf E. II. V an H œsen , Cashier, Toledo Na­ cheap, A. J. S mith , McMinnville, Or. bad whiskey, and which stimulate Jr. kin^- - New Discovery for Consump­ When Macbeth ironically asked,“I ansi to the taste anil absolutely harmless. It re­ so did not furnish one at all but sends I tional Bank, Toledo, O. you for an hour, and then leave you in a lieves constipation regulates the bowels, Wright’s Red Cross Cough Syrup thou minister to a mind diseased?" lie quiets pain, cures diarrhe a and wind colic, you the letter for j’our advice. If Mrs. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern­ worse condition than before What von tion I heir trade is enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always little knew that mankind would one day I allays feverishness, destroys worms, and McPherson can furnish an affidavit free­ cui es coughs, colds, hoarseness, loss of ally. acting directly upon the blood and want is an alterative that will burifv your cures and never disappoints, Coughs, Colds be blessed with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. In j prevents convulsions, soothes the child anil ing you from the charge it will be pub­ voice and all inflamed conditions of the mucus surfaces of the system. Price blood, start healthy action of Liver and Asthma, Bronchitis. Croup, and all throat lungs. Sold by Rogers & Todd. purifying the blood, this powerful altera­ gives it refeshing and natural sleep. Cas­ lished next week if you will furnish it. 75c. ¡1er bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Kidneys, restore vour vitality, and give re­ ami lung diseases quieldy cured. S’ou can newed health and strengtli ’su. h a medi­ test it before buying by getting a trial bot­ tive gives tone and strength to every I toria is the children's panacea—the moth­ We have published tlie doctors article you will find in Electric Bitters, and ers’ friend, 35 doses, 35 cents. this week to show that he has no defense. free, large size $1.’ ¡•’.very bottle war­ function and faculty of the system. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria cine only 5o cants a bottle at Rogers