The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 15, 1889, Image 4

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    trusted me with their money that
M c M innville ,
O regon :
it was used for the purpose for
15, 1889. which they subscribed it, and that
guarantee Mr. Quay gave me. That
is how there came to be a Manufac­
turer’s bureau.
How the Money to Defeat the Democrats
“Now people are saying that I
Was Raised.
am to be paid for my services with
a seat in the cabinet, as if I want
A republican politician who will pay for doing my duty, or as if I
have much to do with President would buy office. They say that
Harrison’s administration said re­ ' was why I went to see Mr. Harri­
cently: “Mr. Wanamaker is’ not son. I went because Mr. Harrison
going to give you or any other news­ sent for me and I thought it only
paper correspondent an interview. proper to go. But for that I should
He isn’t the sort of man that hank­ have sailed for Europe on Satur­
ers after notoriety, but he talked to day to join my family. Personally,
me pretty freely the other day, sup­ I would much rather have gone to
posing me to be a safe person, and see Mrs. Wanamaker. Now report­
it is such a simple, straightforward ers are lying in wait for me all the
story that I should rather like to time. I haven’t anything to tell
have you publish it provided you them, though I can’t convince them
don’t use my name and you begin of it. Mr. Harrison didn’t tell me
by saying that Mr. Wanamaker what he was going to do and I
hadn’t the least idea he was going 1 didn’t ask him. He isn’t the kind
to be reported. It came from my of a man to talk about what he
thanking him, as every good re­ means to do.”— St. Louis Republic.
publican should, for the part he
Didn’t Want to be Endorsed.
took in the late election.
“ ‘I don’t deserve any thanks for
Several years ago there lived in
what I did,’ he said. ‘It was just Medford, Massachusetts, two old
one of the things that came to me friends, Sam Parker, cashier of a
to be done. When Quay sent for Boston bank, and Sam Train,
me I was surprised. I had no more leather dealer, both wealthy men.
idoa what he wanted with me than Train was deacon of the Orthodox
you might have had if he tele­ church, and Parker was a Unitari­
graphed for you. But I knew he an. During a great revival Deacon
was not the kind of a man to send Train urged his friend Parker to
for me unless he had important accompany him to an enquiry meet­
business with me, so I went. Then ing, and seated him in a seat beside
he told me that the National Re­ himself. The deacon in a fervid,
publican committee needed money solemn manner related his experi­
and his scheme for raising it. I ence ; he told what a sinner he had
at first declined to have anything been, that he was but a worm of the
to do with it. I had very little dust and not fit to live among his
hope of defeating Cleveland, fellow men, and it was of the Lord’s
and still less Mrs. Cleveland, who mercy that he was not consumed.
is justly popular with the whole After he had finished he called up­
country, and whom I admire greatly on his friend Parker to tell his ex­
myself, and I didn’t want to get in perience. Parker rose and in an
a sinking ship. He urged the mat­ impressive manner said: “My
ter, told me why he felt sure of car­ friends, I have not much to tell
rying the election if he had money. about myself. I dislike to boast of
“Even then I hesitated, and asked my sins or my virtues, but I have
three weeks for consideration. He been acquainted with Deacon Train
urged, and I talked with our lead­ for many years, and can fully en­
ing manufacturers, men whose dorse every word he has said about
names are the best in the land, himself. He has told the truth.”
such men as Washburne and Amos This hearty endorsement was so
Lawrence’s grandson, and a dozen unexpected to the beacon that he
others I could name, men who ldst control of his temper and want­
would never have given $1 for dis­ ed to fight. He upbraided Parker
honest uses, even if I had been will­ for perfidy. “How could I do other­
ing to ask it, and at the end of the wise?” said Parker: “I did not
three weeks I told Quay I would want to make you out a liar by sav­
undertake to raise the money if he ing we must not believe you as bad
would allow us to establish a Man­ as you say you are. I preferred to
ufacturer’s bureau and have a voice back you up as a man of truth.” A
in the disposition of the money. I coolness sprang up between the
don’t mean that we insisted on families of the two old friends, and
knowing what was done with every the deacon never invited the cashier
dollar of it. I didn’t want to know. to another inquiry meeting.
When I sell a suit of clothes I
Taken collectively the cabinet
don’t insist upon being told just
where those clothes are going. My presents a fair average of ability,
responsibility ceases when I furnish and probably represents the spirit
a good article at a fair price. What and tendencies of the republican
I did insist upon was that I should party.— Alta California.
THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. be able to satisfy the men who
In the circuit court of the state of Or .gon in
and for Yamhill county.
A leck M ctchler , Plaintiff, |
J. W. S mith , Defendant. *
To J. W. Smith, the above named defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required io appear and answer the
complaint tiled Herein against you in the above
entitled action within 10 days fr mi the date of
the service ot this summons upon you, # made
in this county, and if made in any other county
in this state within 20 da ys fromthe date of said
service of gummosa upon .von and if you fail to
answer, for want thereof the plaiutili will take
judgment against you in the sum of one hun­
dred and five dollars ($105) with interest
thereon from June 29th. 1887. at the rate of 8
per cent per annum, and the further sum of 140
as special attorney's fees, and for costs and dis­
of said action.
i \ atures P lea sant T axative bursements
And it is further ordered that this summons
be published in the T elephone -R egister , a
newspaper, published in this county
A Pleasing Sense of Health and weekly
and state, and ha ing a general circulation, for
six co* secutive weeks from the date of thia or­
Strength Renewed, and of
der. done in open court, by order of Hon. R. P.
Boise, iudge of the third judicial district, at La­
Ease and Comfort
fayette. Oregon, this 2' th day of December,
Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts 1888.
R. 1. EATON,
gently on th 3
Attorney for Plaintiff.
K idneys , L iver and B owels
Effectually Cleansing the System when
Costive or Bilious, Dispelling
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon,
Colds, Headaches and Fevers in and for Yamhil! county.
F rank G ildner , Plaintiff,)
and permanently curing
J. J. S mith , Defendant. )
named defendant:
without weakening or irritating the organs
In the name ot the state of Oregon, you are
on which it acts.
hereby required to answer the complaint filed
For Sale in 50c and 91.00 Bottles by all herein against you in the above entitled action
Leading Druggists.
within 10 daj-8 from the date of the service of
this summons upon vou, if served within this
and if served within any other county
in this state then within 20 days from the date
S ax F rancis «), C al .,
of this summons upon you, and
L ouisville , K y .,
N ew Y ork . N. Y.
if vou fail to answer, for want thereof nlaintifl
wi l demand judgment against you in tne sum
of $"0 (eightv dollars) with interest thereon
from October 3’st, 1881, at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum, and the furt er sum of |40 as
special attorney's fees in said action, and for
costs and disbursements ot this action.
And it is further ordered that this summons
be published in T he T elephone -R egister .' a
weekly newspaper, published at McMinnville,
in this county and state, and having a general
circulation, for six («onsecutive weeks from the
date of this order, done in open court, by or­
Portland and San Francisco der of Hon. R. P. Boise, judge of the third ju­
dicial district, at Lafayette, Oregon, this 20tli
day of December, 188s,
California Express Trams Bun Daily
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Southern Pacific Company’s Lines
4:00 pm San Francisco. .7:45 am
San Francisco. 7:00 pm| Portland....... 10:45 am
Notice of Appointment of Ad­
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
Local Passenger Daily, except Sunday. Lucretia M Austen, has been duly appointed by
arrive .
Portland ......... 8:05 am Eugeue.......... 2:40 pm
Eugene .......... 9:00 am Portland......... 3:45 pm
Pullman Buffit s eepers,
Tourist Sleeping Cars,
For accommodation of Second Class passen­
gers attached to express trains.
The S P Company's Ferry makes connection
with all the regular trains on the East Hide Di­
vision from foot of F street.
the county court of Yamhill county, Oregon,
administratrix of the estate of Thomas P Ans-
ten, deceased.
Therefore all persons having claims against
said estate ara hereby notified and required to
present the s .me with proper vouchers to the
undersigned at the law office of Fenton & Fen­
ton, at McMinnville. Yamhill county. Oregon,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 15th dav of February, 1889.
Administratrix of said Estate.
F enton A F enton ,
Attorneys for Estate.
2 5t
Between Portland and Corvallis.
Mail Train, Daily except Sunday.
Portland ... .739am McMinnville. 10 13 h m
McMinnville. .1013 a m Corvallis .... 12 25 p m
Corvall s....... 1 30 p in McMinnville.. 3 44 p m
McMinnville.. 3 52 p m Portland.........6 20 p m
At Albany and Corvallis connect with tiains
of Oregon Pacific.
Exprest Train, Daily exeopt Monday
Portland......... 4 50 pm McMninnville. .8 00 pm
Mc.Minnvile... 6 45 am |Portland......... 9 00 pm
Through tickets to all points Son th and East
via California.
Ticket offices, No. 134, corner First and Ald­
er streets, Portland, Oregon; Corner F and Front
streets Portland.
Ast G F & P Agt
Notice of Dissolution of Copart­
The copartnership heretofore existing be­
tween the undersigned, M B Hendrick and M
E Hendrick, under the firm name and style of
M B Hendri?k A Son, at Amity, Yamhill
county, Oregon, has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent, said M B llendrict having
sold and transferred all his interest in said
firm anil the business and property thereof to
said M E Hendrick.
The business will be carried on by M E Hen­
drick, he assuming the payments of all the just
debts and liabilities of the said firm, and all
claims and demands due said firm are to be
paid to him, the said M E Hendrick.
Dated at Amity, Oregon, this 11 th day of
-Febru ry, 1889.
In the circuit court of the tate of Oregon for
Yamhill county:
J. W. Ingle, Plaintiff;
J ess j Yocum, Nettie V Busbee, !
W G Busbee, John Dempsey, I
Kate Dvmpsev, Geo Y Davis, I
Caroline Davis, Elizabeth Yo- |
cum, Clara B DeLashmntt, Ans- |
tin Yocum, Jesse Yocum, Ada j
Yocum, Katie Yocum, Belle |
Yocum, .lames Yocum, Elmira |
Yocum Branson. George Bran |
son, Mary Minerva Yoenm i
Branson, I N Branson. Nina ;
Hendrix, Lyman M Noble, I
Nancy Noble, Levi Zaman, |
John Zumalt, Abraham Zumalt, i
J B Zumalt, O C Yocum, Ann M
Yocum.TompkinsYocnm, Eliza
J Yocum, and al) the unknown |
heirs at law of Minerva Yocum. |
deceased, by name “Unknown I
Heirs-,’’ W C Hembree, J J
Butler, L Bettman, Edgar Pop
pieton, J Prevost aud D B Pre­
vost (partners as Prevost Bros)
Louisa Yocum Walter Yocum,
Carrie Yoenm.’ Mittie Yocum
and Ellen Hall, Defendants
To the above named defendants:
In the name ot the state of Oregon, you
and each of you are hereby required to ap­
pear and answer the amended complaint
of plaintiff* filed in said cause in said court,
within 10 days from the day of the service of
this summons upon you, if served within
said county or if’ served in any other
county ot this state, then within 20 days from
the date thereof; but if served by publication,
then on or before the 25th day of March,
1889 the same being the first day of the next
regular term of said couit: and if you fail so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for in said
complaint, to wit: A decree foreclosing two
certain mortgages executed by Minerva Yocum
deceased, upon lots Nos. 87 , 88 , 89 91. 95 and
96, of the town of Dayton, Yamhill countv, Or­
egon, recorded respectively at page 91, Vol. S,
ard page 97, Vol. Q, of the records of mortgages
for said county. and for a decree that plaintiff be
paid all sums of money due him upon said mort
gages to wit: the sum of 1993.55 with interest on
$423 25 thereof at 8 per cent per annum, and
on 1569.80 thereof at 1G per cant per annum
Lorn this August Hh, MM, and $50 attorney’s
fees and costs and disbursements, and for such
other relief as may be just.
This summons is published for six weeits ii
the T elephone -R egister by order of Hon. B.
P. Boise, judge of said court, made at Salem,
Oregon, January 29th, 1888.
1 6t
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
~ -e~ - ' -
for Infants and Children
"Caatoria is m > veil adapted to ehildrra that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me.”
IL A A bcher . M. D..
111 So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, N. T.
I Caataria raw. CoHe. OotetHpatio,.
I Sour Stomach. Diarrhcea. Eructation,
***** ■ioep’
Pruu‘ntM <b'
| WitbX^ injurious
Tax C bntaur C ompany , 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
Notice for Publication.
L and O ffice at O rugon C ity ,»
Oregon, Feb. 7th. 1888. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of bis inten­
tion to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made be foie the
county judge ori n his absence, before the coun­
tv clerk at McMinnville, Oregon, on Friday.
April 5th, 1S8R, viz: Orcelus L. Doane, home­
stead entry No. 4*49, for the a | of n e 4 and w
4 of 8 e 4 of Bec 2 t 2 s r 5 w.
He names the following witnes<ei to »rove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
8 Anderson, I) Richardson. F Andersen, ana
M Martin, all of North Yamhill, Yamhill county,
Any person who desires to j rotes against
the allowance oi such proof, or who knows of
any substantial reason, under the law and the
regulations of the Interior Department, why
such proof should not be allowed, will be given
an opportunity a» the above mentioned time and
| place to cross-examii.e the witnesses of said
I claimant, and to offer evident in rebuttal cf that
, submitted by claimant.
’ 2-6t
If ho be sure and call for your tickets
via the
iW ra ir
It is positively the shortest and fin »it
line to Chicago and the cast and south and
the only sleeping and dining car through
line to
Omalia, KanuM City, and all Missouri
ltlver Pointe.
Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed
train service and elegant dining and
sleeping cars has honestly earned for it the
title of
The Royal Route
Others niav imitate,but none can surpass it
Our motto is “always on time ”
Be sure and ask ticket agents for tickets
in the circuit court of the state of Oregon for via this celebrated route and take none
Yamhill county.
Notice for Publcation.
No. 4 Washington street. Portland. Or.
C aroline M artin , Plaintiff,
L and O ffice at O regon C ity J
C harles F. M artin , Defendant
Oregon, Feb. 14tb, 1888. f
To Charles F. Martin, said defendant:
Notice is hereby given that the following-
In the name of the state of Oregon, you arc
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
reaaired to appear and answer the com
make final proof in support of his claim, and
Murray's Specfic.
that said proof will be made before the plaint fil“d against you in the above entitled
or beftu-e the find day of the term of T'rade Mark. A guaranteed cure for alt
county clerk of Yamhill, county, Oregon, at
McMinnville, Oregon, on Tuesday, Apiil 9,
nervous diseases, such as weak
j fail so to answer, tor want thereof, plaintiff
1889, viz;
memory, loss of brain power
I will apply to ibe court for a decree dissolving
headache, pain in the
the marriage contract now existing lietweeu
back, nervous
Pre-emption D. S. No. 5529 for the w i of n w ! plaintiff and defenduut, and for snch other re
leucorrhoea. uni­
4 and w | of s w 4 of section 2, 13 s, r 6 w.
I lief as is prayed for.
He names the following witnesses to prove
This summons is published six consecutive
ness, iiujKitcncy. and general
his continuous residence upon and cultivation of weeks in the T elephone -R egister , by order of
said laud, viz:
loss of power of the generative
Hon. R. P. Boise, judge of said court, made at
gAI)s jn either sex, caused
E J Wood and James b Flett, of McMinn­
in Sale Oregon, February 1st.
ville, and Frank Fouts and Sumner Carr, of chambers,
or over exertion, and which
Cailton; all of Yamhill coanty, Oregon.
ultimately lead to premature Trade Mark,
A. L. Hl AZ Ell.
Any person who desires to protest against l-6t
and consump­
Attorney for Pl »intiff.
the allowance of such proof, or who knows of
$1 ,<MI j»er box or six
any substantial reason, under the law and reg
boxes for $5.00,sent by mail on
ulations of the Interior Department, why such
receipt of price, Full particu­
Executor’s Notice.
proof should not be allowed, will be given an
lars in paihplilet, sent free to
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
every applicant.
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant, and to offer eyidence in rebuttal of
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. BOXES to cure any case. Fo
that submitted by claimant.
. have been, bv the county court of Yamhill coun­ every $5 00 order received, weAftsrTaking,
ty, Oregon, duly appointed as joint executors send* six I mjxcs with written guarantee to re­
Feb 22 8
of the estate of Reuben Ha. ria deceased.
fund the money if our S|»ccilic doea not ef­
Therefore all persons having claims against fect a cure
said e-tate or against the firm of Harris
Address all communications to the Sole
A Haney are hereby notified to present them, manufacturers
together with the proper vouchers therefor fo
the undersigned, at the law office of W. L.
Kansas City, Mo.
Bradshaw, at Lafayette, Oregon, within six
Sold by Rogers A Todd, sole agents
months from this date.
Three miles from McMinnville, containing
Dated this 1st day of March, 1889.
260 acres: good spriug water; 175 acres in culti­
AU VCn I IvLlld thM papar, Of obtain «•twnatM
vation. Balance No. I pasture; large orchard:
on advertising space when In Chicago, will find it on file at
fair improvements. Will sell all or part. Terms
Joint Executors of said Estute,
reasonable. Address: P. O. BOX NO. 331.
G. G. B ingham and
March 89
February 8, 1889.
1-1 m j
W. L. BRADsnAW’, Attorneys for Estate.
Farm for Sale.
To Make a Fortune from a Small Investment.
Of land rn tnging from one to 12 acres have been
put upon the market to SELL. In order to make
it an inducement to buy, the land will be sold in the following manner:
We will sell you a chance in a drawing, to be made April 1, 1889, for 8250 in cash,
or approved note, to be deposited in either bank in this City, at any time before the
drawing takes place. When the chances are all sold the purchasers’ names will each he
put in an envelope and a description of each parcel of land will be put in a separate
envelope. The envelopes containing the names will be put in one box and tho?e con­
taining the descriptions in another; and a blindfolded child will draw one envelope* from
each box at the same time. The name drawn shall receive a deed to the land drawn
at the same time.
This property is Martin’s addition to the Town of McMinnville, Oregon, and on
the East bank of the Yamhill river, adjoining the city; ten minutes’ walk from the
Courthouse, Public School, or business portion of the city. S ee P lat .
Good View I
Good Land I
Good Water!
You are certain to get one acre, and yon may ge twelve acres. Everything perfectly fair,
Drawing to take place in presence of purchasers. See Plat and full description of proper-
ty at my oflice any time.