The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 08, 1889, Image 2

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space holds out, in this issue. It seems ,
Why is it that the democrats of this
that a Mrs. McPherson w ho is the w ife city
are interesting themselves in a fight
of ex-State Pointer W. .\. McPherson, which docs not oelong to their party.
HARDING & HEATH, Publishers
held a claim against the state printing Several republicans are at present fight-
department for $1000.
The claim was ing for the post office and secured about
The adverting rates of T he T elephone R egis ­
ter are extremely liberal, and will be made put in at the session of 1885 but ignored. 150 democratic signers. Do the demo­
known on application. Special inducements This year she was referred to Represen­
crats that signed those documents know
foi yearly or semi-yearly contract'.
tative Ifahn in regard to the matter for that their names go East with agieat
the reason that Mr. Hahn was a K. of L. big
star after
Joo Work of all kinds neatly and quickly cxe Mr. Hahn suggested to her that she had means that the man is a democrat and
cuted at reasonable rates. Our facilities are better get some one who lived in Marion
that he has not get enough sense to stick
among the Lest, and satisfaction given on ev­
county to attend to the matter. She did to his party and let the repub’s light it
ery deal.
so, and her bill passed the house. When out, but will help the repub’s fight.
it came to the senate she went and saw
Address all communications. cither for the edi­ Senator Watts in regard to the matter,
The governor has signed Dawson’s to­
torial or business departments, to T he T ele
and he agreed to put the bill through for bacco and cigarette bill. Under it3 pro­
piione -R egis * eu , McMinnville, Oregon.
$20 She paid him the $20, but the mat­ visions the dealer selling tobacco or cig­
arettes to minors under 18 years of age
March 8, 1889. ter leaked out some wav, and an investi­ can be prosecuted. It id the duty oi the
gation was held.
The Astoria Pio­
neer says that the committee to officers when they detect a youngster
whom the matter was referred, thought, puffing on a cigarette to endeavor to as­
for reasons not stated, that the best way certain where lie obtained the forbidden
II. II. Welch is our only duly au- to settle the matter was for Watts to re­ article.
thorized canvassing agent for Yam­ turn the $20, and let the matter drop.
Salem can now- lie classed as one of
hill county. He will thoroughly can­ This was done and the Hon. senator most progressive towns in Ihe state
tos» this county, and the people are from Yamhill was whitewashed. Mis. since she raised the $20,000 subddv for
McPherson afterwards told Representa­
invited to subscribe to the Monarch of tive Hahn about the return of the money the woolen nill. It was a big undertak­
ing and wa« manfully supported by the
Yamhill Weeklies.
requesting him at the same time not to
Statesman. The subsidy represents :uib-
mention the matter.
seriptions from 325 persons.
\\ hat’s the use oi abusing Doctor
The advertising rates of T i : k T elei - hose - Watte so, anyhow ? The poor old cuss
An exchange says Harrison will have
R egistkb are as follows: 1 inch per month. has just about lini.-lieJ his political a brainv cabinet, mt it now appears that
$1.00. 2 inches. $1 50; 3 inches, -2 25; -t career and had to do something togain it will he more Blainey than brainy.—
iin lies, $3.00; 5 inches, $3,50; 6 inches, $4.00; notoriety for himself before jumping off
r^r.iciCi at.
7 inches. ?4.50; 8 inches. $5 00 ; 0 inches, into an abyss, never to arise. As a
$5,50; 10 inches, $6 00; 11 inches, or half
How’s This?
stiong republican of Watts’ county re­
column. $6.50; 1 column. $12.00 per month.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
marked to a Transcript scribe the other
T .e above rates will not l>e deviated from
day, in speaking ot the big senator: for anj- case of t’atarrli that cannot be
cured by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
“The old scoundrel is never sincere in F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Props,Toledo, O.
what he says ;i nd when pretending to
We, the undersigned, have known F.
Ye gentle clerks look oJt. Don’t have work for temperance, the devil’s imps J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be­
anything to do with l)r. Watts oi Ynm- applauded w henever he spoke. I mean lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi-
l.i 1. He is a terror and wants money ior hy that, sir, that he never said anything nws transactions and financially able to
cvety thing lie does, lie is the most un­ to hurt the feelings of a saloon keeper, carry out any obligation made by their
principle I man in this county and the but rather pleased them, and they W est & Tin ax, Wholesale Druggists,
republicans a-e now ashamed that they would applaud him.’’ And that was
Toledo, O.
ever elected him to office. He was put just about an conscientious as he showed W aldino , R innan & M ahvin , Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
there for a purpose. For instance, a repert- himself to be on the pilotage question.
E. II. V an H cesen , Cashier, Toledo Na­
e< of this pujer in conversation with a Doc. got into the (tosition of senator two
tional Bank, Toledo, O.
piominent republican naked him if he years ago by the skin of bis teeth,
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern­
was not ashamed of Dr. Watts, he Baid, through some mighty hard work done ally. acting directly upon the blood and
“Yes bull helped tv elect him for the rea­ by J. Cal Coo;>er with his Daily Cam­ mucus surfaces ot the system. Price
75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
son that 1 wanted io use him, and now paign. And now his requiem will be
Partner Wanted.
lie can go to h—.” We concur with the sung in the words: “Good bye, dear
repub’s opinion that 11— is the best place
tnan with capital
doctor, good bye.”— Astoria Transcript.
of $1000 wanted for a partner in a flour­
for the do< to,.
Senator Watts, of Yamhill, says the ishing business. Blacksmith or machin­
l)r. Watts was elected by the people of
East Oregonian, accepted twenty dollars ist preferred. Address:
this county, to represent them in an hon­
A. J. S mith , McMinnville, Or.
as payment for his influence in getting •» tf
orable body and the only dishonorable
the claim of Mrs McPherson through
’s Compound Syrup of Sarsa­
thing in that body was l>r. Watts.
tho legislature. At the end of the ses­ parilla can be relied upon for all blood
The republicans of thia county should
sion the charge was m ide against the diseases, skin affections, etc. Sold by
feel ashamed el them Ives. A man who
senator, and he denounced it as an in­ Rogers & Todd.
will sell his vote is not a man but a low fernal lie, but Mrs. McPherson mildly
eontemptable anim. i, a man who will
stated, in a womanly way, that she did S iefaiith -E lliot .—March 5, 1889, at the
advocate a measure for $20 puts a large
residence of the bride’s parents, Mr.
promise the (dis) honorable “Fog Hom”
price on his viiliany, it would not sur­ twenty dollars for his services.
Geo. Siefaith, of Dal’aH, l’olk county,
and Miss Jennie Elliott, of this city,
prise us to bear that t.e offered to kill
anyone ever hear of such baseness in a
Rev. W. J. Crawford officiating.
the editor of this]*p-r lor nothing. In
senator before? Senator Watts’ term
After congratulations, presents were
order that ti.c people may kuow the
has expired and with it his usefulness to given to the bride and groom, as follows;
depth of his character we publish
the people of Yamhill. He pretends to Set of teacups and sauceas, Minnie Sie-
the affidavit of Mrs. (Jnger, nee Dunn of
he a minister, is a temperance advocate, farth ; sugar spoon, Mrs. Emma Lvneh;
butter knife, H. Rummell; set of China
Lafayette, it as follows and explains
a lover of high moral ideas, and a mem­ desert plates, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mag­
ber of the grand old party, yet he is ers; spoon-holder, Luella Lynch; cake
S tatz of O bkoon ,
found selling himself for twenty dollars stand and rolling pin, Mrs. J. J. Col­
Cot sty of Y amhill .) b
and accepting that from a widow in lard; China bread plate, Mrs. W. J.
I, Anna Unger, being duly sworn,
Crawford ; glass water pitcher, Mr. and
depose and say that ju t prior to the needy circumstances. This is the man M rs. W. Siefarth; rocking chair, Mr.
conveiiliig of tlie present session of the who wants to bo United States marshal and Mrs. Jas. Ell ott; center table, Mrs.
legislature of this state, 1 applied to Dr. under President Harrison’s administra­ i .Jus. and Miss Hattie Elliott; rocking
J. W. Watts, senator troin said Yam­
j chair, E. Siefarth; glass tea set, It. F.
tion. Will he be? is the question.
hill county, to use his influence to pro­
i Rhodes and Mary Col laid; towels, Mat-
cure me a position as clerk of one ol
tie Stow; marriage certificate, Rev. W. J.
the committees ol the s nate; and on
] Crawford; boquet if paper flowers, Rena
the 17ta day of Ducvmhcr, 1888, he
Rummel!; quilt, Mrs. If. Rummell. A
Last Monday Grover Cleveland s'epped
wrote me a letter m which he expressed
splendid repast was then served. The
u willingness to assist me in procuring down and out of the presidential chair ! band troys having arrived made the
such position, mi l a fev days Niilnse- which he lias held ior the past four I evening more pleasant with their splend-
quent. told me to go to :a.em at the years as gracefully as any ¡»ret i-lent of ■ i.l mnsie. They were invited inand given
opening of tlic se.-sion. whicli I did.
a share <>f the cakes, pies and other good
Alter arriving at ffaiem . ■■nator Watts tho United Stales. He does not leave it ■things prepared for tlie occasion. At
told nt" th at, as ch..i mail of the com­ with a large amount oi work tin-lone for ¡9:3'), ¡i. m. the company dispersed,
mittee on to.¡mr.itions, be could ap­ the new president to begin on, but l wishing tin- happv couple a long and
point me to a clerkanip to that commit­ everything was done in his methodical ! prosperous life. They go immediately
tee, out that lie would expect me to
| to their future ho ne' near Dallas, l’olk
give him one dollar | kt day out of my way up 11 the last moment. For four I comity.
¡lerdiem d .ring the time I -hould be so years this great responsibility has rested
cmplued. anil '¡dor nvl me that this upon the shoulders of Grover Cleveland,
was e istomary, and ih.,1 ho had a per- the first democratic president since tho
Mrs. .John
Simmons died the 25th
lv t right to ¡«quite th s <>: me, that in
fact lie bad a better offer Irotn another war, ami if it has ever been better born of Feb., and the death notice appeared
¡ersoa, but hud rose re I the place for by anyone we would like to hear his in the last issue of this paper, since then
name shouted cut. A better chief ex­ we have been informed of the following
lie thereupon wiote ent and signed ecutive could not or cannot be found
facts: .'dis. Simmons was horn in Du-
luy apjiointmeiit and gave it to me and 1
took it to the secretary of state and than Grover Cleveland of New Yotk. havs county, Indiana, Jan. 25, 1844. In
was sworn in as such clerk :o said com Already Benjamin Harrison prides him­ the fall of 55 she immigrated to the then
luiitee. On tiie second Monday of the self on his pedigree and long family
territory of Kansas. In the fall of 56 a
session Dr. Watis informc I me that the name, in this he is aping English aris­
sister was taken sick and died and before
commilte.’ wonl I do no work and would
want rm clerk that week, and that 1 tocracy. II is rule during the four years the corpse had bean buried the family
eoulJ letmii home mid t.e would let will undoubtedly be founded on English were attacked by a gang of marauders
me know when to return, and 1 re­ principals, he having such a stiong and were driven m-ro-is the line into Mis­
turned to my home itt;. ette.
where the sifter was buried. The
English element in his compusit.iii. It J souri
lamilv then started for the state oi Iowa,
Not bearing further bomb m, on the
lollowing 'iond.iy 1 returned to baleni
1 ul before reaching (heir destination the
to engage in my duties as such clerk, of onr great grandfathers was fought to father w >> taken sick and died, the re­
when I wa< iniorined hy Dr. Watts free us from the curse of English rule mainder i I the family pushed on and
settled in the neighborhood of Bedford.
that mv services would not, in all proba­ and anything perta ning to it.
bility, be r.quire l during the present
Tailor county, where the n other, three
Th ; American public during the next sisters and one brother still reside. Or
session, mid 1 was eompelleu to return
lo niy h me and suffer the 1
of all rav four years can have tl.e chance to distin­ the 10th of Feb. 1860 she «a married to
exiensc? in traveling to an ! ironi Salem, guish tlie difference l-etween the rulings John A. Simmons, and in 65 crossed the
as well as expeiievs while del •, and re­ of a man with tiuc American feeling vi­ plains with an ox team, their destination
ceived no comp tor my lime or
being Yaml iil coi.nty.
They arrived That alter my home brating every fibre of his body, and the here after a journey of six months and
and during th" e si m afor aid, f le- ruling of a man whose brain is absorbed the family has resided in this county
qiieste I L-enato: Ji.licit, ei 1 oik county, m the fcoiishi.ess of aping English cus­ ever since. She leaves a husband, three
daughters and one son to mourn her loss.
to get io me the n.»id original appoint­ toms and laws.
She was a kind and atl. ctionate wife and
ment or a copy of it ihe secretary
of state and send the same to me. That
a loving mother. She was buried beside
her two children, her youngest, and old­
Senator Hatch appli 'd to Ihe secretary
for the S.1UIC, but .i: I. d tc gei either tlie Four Hundred,” of liiat city. It is com­ est, in the ee met ary at North Yamhill.
original m a copy, and upon a subse­ posed of the jieople with a long name Her health was poor for the last three
years of her life bother suffering was
quent application at the olfiie of the sec­
retary of state f r a copy of such ap- and who are proud of their descent from born with patience.
¡nintment on tlie Ctli day <,f February, old English and Dutch dukes-, laris, bar­
1889, Senator Hatch was ii.formed that ons, etc. A ball was given by the
Raid written appointment had been
“Four Hundred” and l’resident-elcct
withdrawn liom tlie olliee.
I do not know w.ietiier or m t a elei k Harrison and wife were invited to at­
of such committee is : eccs;...y. but 1 tend and lead the dance. Th is they did
do know- that . en.itcr Waits appointed and are now acknowledged by the “No­
me as such i l. rk of sm.b cinmnittee in ble Four Hundred” to be a ¡ ait of the
virtue ol his position as chminuui there­
of and infoimed me that it was eusto- English aping Americans.
Have been purcbaaee hy
luuiv and he shonl l exp-ct me to give Cleveland and wife were not invited be­
him one dollar pi r day of my wages as cause, to use the words of McAllister,
such clerk.
A nna U nger .
who was interviewed on the subject, E. R. Harrison, Cl as. Chaney and
Subsetilied mid s»o:n before me this
Chas. Alien,
“their descent was not of the right or­
18th day of Febrn ity, 1889.
.1. 11. Onus,
Justice of the i’e.ue, I af.iietle i’recinct, belong to tlie English aping Americans.
State of Orego' .
It is pleasant to know that they don’t.
An affidavit to this oik-ct c oning from If anything makes a genuine American
The bu'iness will bo conducted with the in­
sueli a source and directe I against J. W. sick, it is an account of such an un- tention of pleasing everyone, and wo ask a con-
nance of the Public Patronage.
Watts the great ch istian teinperanec American performance as the above.
advocate and artists mod -I for propriety
In this countiy one man is just us
Exemtor’s Notice.
and good morals is a si. kcm to decent ; good as another even ii he never had a
Notice is hereby given that th? undersigned,
1 lather or mother from which to claim
been, bv the county court g . Yamhill conn-
Dr. Watts has, as ihe peiq'leol Yamhill 1 descent., the man himself is the criter­ have
t?, Oregon, duly appH ited as joint executors
county kuow, been loud in his denuucia- ion, not the hundreds of dead grand- oi the estat*1! of lleuben Hairis deceased.
Therefore all persons having claims against
tion oi immorality diunkeness and dis­ i fathers. The “Noble Four Hundred,”
said c -tale < r against the firm of Harris
honesty and has been poring as the great ■of New York, are a pack of exclusive & Haney a.e hereby notified to present them,
mogul of the onlv moral show on eaitli, fools, and if Ben Harrison is one of them together with the proper vouchers therefor to
the undersigned, at the law office of W. L.
and it seems strange iliat his election to he is included in the remaik, but a man Bradshaw, at Lafayette, Oregon, within e LX
the senate has changed bis entire con­ who has the brains to pull Ihe wires as months from this data.
nections in regmd to moral- m d lie is he has pniled them should know better
m . j. ramsey ,
than to be an exclusive sper of English
now more than willing lo Uko a $20
customs, and that openly before the
Joint Executors of said Estate.
bribe from a woman. Tlie whole story American ¡icople. But it teems that he
G. G. B ingham end
March 8-9
W. L. B radshaw , Attorneys f r Estate.
of the doctor's misdoings will lie told if does not.
-A- Fine I_iine of
With Drugs that are as
ta as Möuatam h
We Al wry a
. J
arry a Full Line of
Choies Perfumes
And other
Toilet Requisites,
Direct from New York
Geo. AV. Burt’s
Prescription Drug Store.
Having made arrangements with a Firstclass Tailor,
All Ready Made Clothing. Purchased of
me, Will be Altered or Recut
to Suit the Purchaser.
I have just received a Full and Complete Line of
these SHOES, guaranteed to be the best and cheapest
in the market. ALSO—A full line of C. M. Hend r-
son & Co.’s Gents' Boots and Shoes, and Ladies' and
Misses’ Fine Shoes.
A int much money but it
buy the biggest cake ol
Toilet soap or the best Ci
ar in the city at
General Merchandise
At Extremely Low Prices.
Carlton, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
M c M innville dairy
L and O ffice at O regon (' hy ,[
Oregon, Feb. 7th,
Is now prepared to furnish milk at nil
Notice id hereby given that the following times
named settlor has filed notice of his ¡men’
tion to make final ¡»roof in support ot his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the Per pint, one month, delivered morning or
county jndae or in his absence, before the coun­ evening, $1.. iht quart, $2
ty clerk at McMinnville, Oregon, on Friday. Milk saved seperate for children,
April .»th, D88, viz: Orceins L. Donne, home­
no extra charge.
stead entry No 4M!>, for the s | of n c 4 "nd w
| of s e 4
seu *2 t 2 s r 5 w.
C has . W. H olman .
He names ihe following witnesses to .»rove
his continuous u; on, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
B AnderFoti, I> Ln -hard-on. 1’ A ltd* rs n, ai a
M Martin, all of N »rth Ynmhi!l. Yamhill co nty,
Any person a ho de-ires to i iot»-s against
ihe allowance o such u»*»oL or w ho knows < f
substaniial tttanou under the law and tne
the most complete stock of harness
regui.itions < f ti t loterior IL pm tine: t, why
in the county. At present 12 set of .'■in­
s ich proof should i;«.‘ be allow«*.:, w ul I».* given
an opportunit / h ’ the a' ove uh nlionet! time and
gle harness, hand made, in price;
pl .ee to cross examine th.* witnesses <*f said
ranging from $12 to $30, and 8
claimant, and to otter evident* in rebuttal of that
set of team harness as cheap
submitted bv claimant.
Can be seen on the books In my shop.
Notice for Publcation
I have couipetant workmen employed
to do all kinds of repairing anil to make
L ash i>m k it O i loom C itv . i
any harness ordered
I also keep a full
Oregon. Fe:. Itth, 18SS, f
stock of oil and rnbher volt-..-', lap robes,
Strongest Shooting.
liorse covers, saddle \ < te. A full line of
No i<-e is hereby givi-i tlie followi.g
tiHiu- I settli’r lias iil'-rl notii-e of toe intention lo
ras for repairs constantly on blind.
make final proof in s.q.pnn of his cialm and
All sizes from 22 calibre
to 45 calibre.
that said proof «ill l-e m ole belc. e the
county clerk of i amhill. c .'i-dy., at
price* from
McMinnville, llreymi, on Ti-es-lnv, Apt ¡1 ;i,
IWi, viz:
»10.00 up.
Al l.l<f;l. mack - V,
has won more
rI?rxo Z3esc Zt3ar ¿xi tl-.e Citsr. Pi-n-eniption 11 S \'o. ',v‘ i fo» tin* w A of u at
Stand without a
prize« at Target
rival for accu­
Shooting than
Stocke-I with 1h<‘ Wines, Li»pi re 4 and w A ot e w | ol scclii'” 2, t 3 >, r <i w. ~
racy and killing
and Cigais-Domestic and Imported.
power on iaflr®
Lis continuona res d.-uce upon und cultivation of
all game
WM. MARTIN. Proprietor.
said lai. i. viz.
E J Wood .»irl Janiee 6 Fleti. .1 MeMinn-
We guarantee
vilie, and Franz I’.ni’e and Siiniucr L'rir. of
Cu'lton; all of Yanii.lll county, Oregon.
Any person who desires i t protest against
tl.e allowance ot sn-'h proof, or who koows of
any substantial re.-son, under lit- la v and reg
ulations of th-- Interim lAupsl ilnenl, w hy elicit
proof slioald not m-nilowt-d, will be givt-u an
opportunity at ilte above niautiotiea lime and
place to cross-cxatnlne the w-itn sse.of sain
to juut
claimant, and t > offer evidence in rebuttal of
that ztlbmitled bv rlaia.ant
Ask your dealer to show
i-: 1:N'.. y ,
our rifles.
Feb .2 8
Tlr*t want« a Cook, Bailor and Heating Stove,
renumber you can find the best assort
ment in the county at
An*! nt prices that th-fy competition.
If you want the l ost Iron Roof in the world
Ilodecn pi ts that kind on and
warrants them.
If you are going to want any Galvanize 1 Iron
Window ( a | a, or Galvanized Iron Cor- ire.
or Ornamental Iron work of any kind
ren.ember that. Hodson's shop is the
Only Place in the County
Our Goods
Anything Produced
Bring on your dm wings and g t estimates on
work, war. anted first-class and to your
225 Miles Shorter—20 hours Jess
time than by any other route.
aro ’First class through passenger and freight
line from Portland and nil points in the Wil­
lamette valley to and from San Francisco.
’The Git*al
Transcontinental Route.
Time Schedule (except Sundays).
Leave Albany. .1:30 pm ¡Leave Yaquina G:45 tin
Corvallis 1:40 pur LeaveCorvallb40:35 am
Near the Postoffice,
Arrive Yaquina 5:30 pm| Ar/ive Albany 11:10 am
O. & C. trains connectât Albany and Cor­
Cascade Division' now completed,
The above trains connect at Y aqihna with
making it the Shortest, Best’
•the Oregon Devclopement Go’s. Line of Steam­
and Quickest.
Lately with Bishop &, Kay. has opened a
The Dining Car line. The Direct Route.
Firstclass Tailoring Establishment, and Re­
Sailing Dates.
ap ctfnlly solicits your patronage.
No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low­
Yaqrma IFromSan
'!• loir,San Fran.
!*’roni Yaquina
est Rates to Chicago and all
Al! Kinds of Work Guaranteed at
WillametteVal’) |December 12th December Gth
points East.
Tickets sold
Very Low Prices.
to all Prominent Points
Willamctti Val’y
throughout the East and Southeast.
The company reserves the right to change Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­
sailing dates ■without notice.
ing Cars
N. B.—Passengers from Portland and all Wil-
am*tte Valley Points can make clo-e connec- Reservations can be secured in advance.
tio i with the trains of th? Y aquina R oute at
Albany nr Corvallis, and it destined to San
To Hast Rcund PanRrngers.
Francisco, should arrange o 'arrive at Yaquina
Be caeful and do not make a mistake
the evening before date of sailing.
but be sure to lake ihe
Illustrated Catalotrue sent
FREE on application.
F. O. Box 90 e,
Lyman’s Patent Combination Gun-SUht.
Will run between Portland and Corvallis as
follows: North bom <’. leaves Corva lis, Mon­
day, Wednesday and Friday, 8 a m.; leaves
Salem, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. G a.
jt *. South bound leaves Portland, Monday.
Wednesday and Friday, 6 a.m.; leaves Salem,
Tuesday, Thursday and Sutu’day. C a. in.
Passenger anil freight rates always the low­
est For i.»formation, apply to Messrs HUL-
a IANACO. , Freight and Ticket Agents, 200
Dealers In
and 2>)2 Front, street. Portland, Oregon; or to
Acting Gen’l. Fit. A Pas>. Agt., Oregon Pacific
RHE <fc POULTRY SUPPLIES, I R. R. Co , Corval is Oregon.
Second St.
PORTLAND, OR, Gen’l. Frt. & Pass, Agt., Oregon Development
street, San Francisco, Cal.
Send for Catalogue,
Field, Fiower and Vegetale Seeds,
40 Per Cent.
________ BedaeUoto 1 b
REND FOR tapage Catalogue
of Slirhto. Rifle«, etc.
MlddleflelÀ, Ct.
Northern Pacific Railroad.
An<l see that your tickets read via'
Tills LINE, St l’aul or Minneapolis, to
avoid changes and serious delays occa­
sioned hy other routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars >un
on regular express trains full length of
the line.
Berths free. Lowest rates.
Quickest time.
General Ofttce Of tlie Company, No, 2
Washington St., Portland* Oregon.
Asst (¡eneral Passenger Agent.
Requirements of a Stenographer.
TA Succeed as a stenographer, rmc maat be iw-
IU runttr in Minrthund, »killed in type­
writing, h good pftiinan, h < <>iu]>e*eiit cor-
respont'ent . Jn the Shorthand Department of tt»e
in type-writing, careful instruction in penman­
ship and abundant drill in corrr.pondence amply
qualify students for positions always open to those
fully prepared to fill
Send for ratalorue.
A. P. A rmstrong , P rim ., - P ortland , O regon ^