The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 01, 1889, Image 2

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HARDING &. HEATH, Publishers,
Tl.e adverising rates ci Tai: Ti.i.rvi'o Ruii-
Tsa are extremely liberal, an.l will be ucide
known on applic «lion. Special induct men's
!oi yearly t»r semi-)early contra, t .
Jon Work of all kinds neatly and ijiiifK’y exe
ruted at reasonable rates. Onr facilities are
among the best, and satisfaction given on ev­
ery deal.
Address all eommnnieatior.s either for the edi­
torial or business department-1, rT he T ele
rirosE-ltiiGisri::!, McMinnville, Oregon.
February 22. 1.889
II. II. Welch is our only duly au­
thorized canvassing agent for Yam­
hill county. He tcill thoroughly can­
vass this county, and the people arc
invited to subscribe to the Monarch of
Yamhill Weeklies.
The advertising rates of T he T elepi IONE-
R egister are as follows: 1 inch per month,
11.00. 2 inches, $1 50; 3 inches, $2.25; 4
inches, $3.00; 5 inches, $3,50; 6 inches, $4.00;
7 inches, $4*50; 8 inches, $5 00 ; 9 inches,
$5,50; 10 inches, $6 00; 11 inches, or half
column, $6.50; 1 column, $12.00 per month.
The above rates will not be deviated from.
Harrison and Blaine arc on the ground.
The Jingo administration commences
next Monday.
Are our grangers still in favor of the
mortgage tax law ?
Mr. Flagg, of the Washington Demo­
crat, is getting out a very ci editable
A great party has principles. It must
live. They must have office to-wit, post
offices. Do you savee. Fire the rascal
The people of this city should read the
amendments to the old charter which
are published in this issue. You will
find them on the third page.
Who gets the McMinnville post office?
Shut up! That is just what Watt Hender­
son, D. M. Caldwell, E. B. Fellows and
Mrs. Mattliieu want to know.
Queen I’ia of Portugal is very anxious
to come to this country. A Lisbon news­
paper recently asserted that she had be­
come interested in “the natural bridge
over the Alleghanies.”
Why not have the flag of our country
gracefully floating from the flagstaff on
the court house? The flag has been
badly used up in Samoa, but let it be
understood tfiat there is on? place in
this country where a sight of it is appre­
The newspapers of the state have been
raising a rumpus about the change of
common school text books. The com­
mittees appointed by tlie house and sen­
ate Have furnished their reports and
they are in substance the same, botli
committees favor the adoption of the
text books. The books adopted were
Fish’s, and to show tlrat the paients ot
school children need not be alarmed
over the cost we submit a portion of the
senate’s report on the change:
Fish’s arithmetics are in use, as your
committee a.e informed, in Nevada, Col­
orado, Washington territory, Montana,
Idaho, and in portions of California, as
supplemental to the state series. The
retail prices of Brooks’ aritmetics dis­
placed are as follows: Brooks’ primary,
25 cents; Brooks’ elementary, 45 cents;
Brooks’ written, 90 .enrt; making the
set cost $1.63. Flic exchange prices of
the new arithmetics are as follows:
Fish’s No. 1, 15 cents; Fish’s No. 2, 30
cents; and old books of a lower grade
may be exchanged for the new books of
a higher grade. The exchange if lower
grade old books for higher grade new
ones is an important item, as it enables
the pupils to use a large number of pri­
mary books which they had finished and
would have had to throw away had the
Brooks’ remained in use. The introduc­
tory prices of the Fish’s are as follows:
Fish’s No. 1, 30 cents; Fish’s No. 2, 60
cents. The exchange and introductory
prices are not limited as to time, but arc
to continue until all the schools are sup­
plied with books. The retail prices af­
terward as follows: Fish’s No. 1, 35
cents; Fish’s No 2, 75 cents; making
the set cost $1.10, or 50 cents less than
the set of Brooks’.
The change instead of being for the
worse is beneficial for the reason that a
set of Fish’s book can Ire pui chased 50
cents lower than a set of Brooks’.
The Medford Mail in an article on the
advantages of that city makes a state-1
ment as follows: ‘‘Another advantage.
Medford is a republican town, in sym­
pathy with the coining administration,
and we will be able to secure the mail
service, that under the Buffalo ex-sher­
iff we could not secure, and plenty of
men will stand ready to stock the line
and improve the road.” Is it not strange
to what length political fanaticism will
lead a person?
Medford is a town
which has a few ac ant ages upon which
it will undoubtedly grow, but the fact of
its being a republican town will not in­
crease its population or the popularity of
such a hide bound paper.
“Castorio is so well adxpted to chü Iren that
I recommend it as Buperior to any prescription
UaowB to me.’*
if. a . Aaccsx M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford
Brooklyn, N. T.
The McMinnville T elephone -R egister
is now on otir table. It is a neat, newsy,
seven-column paper and is a credit to
the town in which it is published. The
publishers seem inclined to blow their
own horn considerably, hut then, we
can’t blame then: — Graphic. Thanks,
brother Giaphic. It is always the case
that « hen a person has a hoin lie blows
it. It is a good horn, in our estimation,
and will beeome more musical with age.
Direct from. New y ork
I cstof all cough cures. It allays inflamma­
tion < f the throat and speedily removes irri­
tating mucus from the bronchial passages.
Mrs. L. P. Cutler, 47 Nc-th Washington
so.. Nev/ York City, says : “ When I was a
r irl of 17 I had a coi gh, with profuse night
sweats, and Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cured
me. I have recornm-'nded this preparation
ia scores oi similar cases.”
Having made arrangements with a Firstclass Tailor.
All Ready Made Clothing. Purchased of
me. Will be Altered or Recut
to Suit the Purchaser.
CaetcrLi cures nolle. Constipatinn.
Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation,
Kills Wurms, gives sleep, aud pruxnotas dl-
VTUiiout injurious mcdicaUao.
T hk CaxTAva C ompany , 77 Murray Street. N. Y.
Headquarters for the Compounding of
And Family Recipes,
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
77/E S-, McM. & A. R. R.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maps.
Sold all by Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5.
The above caption means the Salem,
McMinnville and Astoria Railroad. Sev­
eral prominent men of Salem are inter­
ested in a road to Astoria, and are at
present making plans for its construc­
tion. During the meeting of the legisla­
ture several of our business men were in
Salem and were interviewed by the pro­
Near the I’estoiTice,
jectors of the road to see what could be
done toward making McMinnville a
point on the road. They were informed
that McMinnville people were progres­
Lately with Bishop &. Kay. Las opened a
sive and were on tne lookout for all such Firstclass Tailoring Establishment, and Re­
spectfully solicits your patronage.
schemes but just at present were engaged
All Kinds of Work Guaranteed at
in several other schemes. They were
Very Low Prices.
immediately informed that it did not re­
quire cash hilt if the right of way would
be secured by this city, in this vicinity,
it would be all that would be asked.
The projectors of the road want it to
cio.'S the 8. I’, lines at this city and then
tike the Nehalem Pass for Astoria. We
Goods of all descriptions moved and careful
would advise our business men or board
handling guaranteed.
Collections will be made monthly.
of trade to open a correspondence with
Q^llaoling of all k nds done cheap.“tw
these gentlemen of Salem and see what
can be done toward making the road
pass through ibis city. It is certainly a
Dealers In
fair offer, to secure the right of way
for it.
ZDr-CLg; Store,
Dray rxx e xa
I- mt much money but it
will buy the biggest cake of
Toilet soap or the best Ci
ar in the city at
Field, Flower and Végétais Seeds,
Second St.
Send for Catalogue.
Our correspondent from South Yam­
After all the fight in Washington terri­
hill states talit you must vote the six
tory at the last election, the elected del­
mill levy for school purposes down. The
egate will not take Ins seat in congress.
directors are careful business men and
Washington territory is now a state and
trom their figures it will take a levy of 6
will have a representative. Allen will
mills and no more to complete the build­
be the man, he w ill not, be deserted after
ing and pay the coupon maturing in Au­ That wants a Cook, Parlor and Heating Stive,
the hard fight of last fall.
remember you cat lind the best asset:
gust. It will take 2 and ono-half mills
meat in the countv at
The 22d of February in our boyhood to pay this coupon and three mills and
days was a holiday and how gladly the
day was celebrated bv closing school. building. The building is the finest in
The 22d has come and gone and our the state for its cost and it is a shame if
And at prices that defy competition.
school children can not tell us w by it the people of this school district allow it
should be celebrated. Keep the Father to be seated with the seats from the old
school house. The contrast would be so
of Our Country green in our memory.
great that all visitors would be disgusted
The Oregon legislature lias met and with the parsimony exhibited. We know If you want Hie lied rron Roof in the w> rid
Hodson pnla that kind on and
adjourned, each representative has in­ full well that the burden of tax has been
Third Street,
warrants them.
troduced a pet measure and has seen heavy this year but look and see what it
----- Keeps constintly cn hand----
that it passed, but what legislation ef­ has accomplished. We have just started
fecting the people at large been ac­ on the road and the load is heavy but in
yon arc going to want any Galvanize I Iron
complished? Not one thing. The ma­ a short time it will become lighter. If If Window
Caps, or (Galvanized Iron Cor. i.*e,
jority of the honorable body should feel the i lea of tax had been in force for ne­
or Ornamental Ir »n work of any kind
remember that Hodson's shop is the
ashamed of themselves and ’heir labor. cessary improvements tci years ago the
burden would have been lighter but it
Thomas Stevens, who has been sent bv
was left for the present generation to
the New York ll'urM to Africa to hunt bear. Let us bear it and not kick. We
up Stanley, carried with him a lot oi
do not loose by it. Vote for it.
Has the most complete stock of harness
Waterbury watches to give to the na­
Where such v.ork can be done.
in the county. At present 12 set of sin­
tives. He will find them very useful.
Creamery Man Wanted.
gle harness, hand mad'*, in prices
When tlie Africans once get hold of the
ranging from $12 to $30, and 8
watches they will be kept so busy winding
Bring on your drawings an.l -<4 esi imutcs on
set of team harness as cheap
work, warranted tirst-clas.- and to your
them that they will have no time for creamery established at this point. We
or of the details of this kind of establish­
Can be seen on the hooks in my shop.
American rights wilt now be upheld in ment , but we do know that we have quite
I have compotant workmen employed
to do a” kinds of repairing an 1 to make
Samoa, the government has just bought a large number of good average dairy
hr ? ®ss ordered I also keep a full
and paid $34,000 for 200d tons of coal tic cows (common stock); and that wc want
s je’e f oil ami rubber robes. lap robes,
livered at 1’ago Pago. You can’t mon­ to make or have made—a regular grade
horse covers, saddles, et<-. A full’line of
ras ior repairs constantly on hand.
key with America, Germany, while coal of butter, which we cannot do when each
lasts. It would be a good idea for the makes his own butter. I am requested
government to purchase about that much to open correspondence with you, hoping
you may know of some experienced and
common sense and give it to some of our i reliable man, who would take hold of the
great arbitrators an.l make them u , it. bu- h:e-s as manager, &c.
I believe a joint stock company could
It has finally been decided that a fie inaugurated. 1 am confident that the
“swallowtail” is not to be the sine qua milk from plenty of good cows can be
non at the Inaugural ball. A five-dollar bail. 1 will say further, I believe this to
be as good a point as any on the west
ticket carried by a man in a Prince Ab- side of the Willamette valley for an es­
TlPai-TC *° and
Principal peints in the
I lunl ! Q
United States. Canada and Europe. !
bert coat will be honored at the entrance. tablishment of this kind.
Will you lie
But all coiners must be clothed in pleas­ kill . enough to let me hear from you at
an cariv day and oblige.
Elegant Pullman Palace Care.
ant smiles and firm allegiance to the
doctrine that the party which fostered
D C. C oleman .
war taxes should spend them.— B'orfd.
Sheridan, Oregon, Feb. 12. 1889.
The above was clipped from the Pacific
James C. Flood, the California mil­ Farmer. A creamery has lieen establish­
on Express Trains
lionaire, died in Heidelberg, Germany, ed in McMinnville and Sheridan will be
requested to furnish cream. The entire
at 9:30 o’clock Thursday, January 21st, countv will be canvassed for cream in
of Brights disease of the kidneys. His order to supply the factory. Although
Where will always be found all the latest
death removes a most remarkable figure we do not deshe to interfere with the es­ styles
in season. A^so a nice line of Bazaar
in the history of California. Mr. Flood tablishment of a creamery at that place, Goods such as is usually kept in a millinery
it will require all the available cows in store, and I would respectfully asa a share of
was one of the richest rnen this Golden the county to furnish cream for a cream­ pub! c patronage. I will also say tint I have
Coast ever produced, and it was all ob­ ery with a capacity of 1000 pounds per engaged the services of Mrs. Stuart who will FREE OF GUAR E wn WITHOUT CHANO
be pleased to meet her former patrons.
tained within the short space of three day.
Yours trulv.
Clo e connection« at Portia: d for Son Fran­
years. He made his raise in a saloon.
cisco and Puget Sc«nd pop ts.
zz o zo s a z>r ’ s
Eurisko Market.!Re,"irem",,so'aS,CT09rap,'er
J. S. HIBBS, Pro.
One night last weok James G. Blaine
attended an exhibition by Herrmann,
the prestidigitateur, in Washington. He
sat near the stage and seemed to take
great interest in the performance—know­
ing a thing or two about tricks, as he
does. After a time Herrmann brought
outthespi1' hand. It rapped out an-
8wers to several questions.
“Will James G.
Herrmann asked:
Blaine be the next Secretary of state?”
“Yes,” rapped the hand, and the audi-
ence applauded warmly,
Mr. Blaine
smiled, but gave no further indication of
p motion.
ping Cars I
H arris .—Tuesday evening, February 26,
18S9, at 6 o’clock, an old resident of
this county, Reuben Harris, at Lafay­
ette, Oregon.
Mr. Harris was the father of the pres­
Cabin................. $lr, 00 ¡ Steerage............ ? 8 00
----- By Using-----
ent sheriff of this county, and was known
Round Trip -unlimited.............................. 30 00
by everyone as “Uncle” Rube. He has
been sick for a number of years and his
death was caused by no disease but a
You save 7 per cent, or, on every
gradual failing. He was — years old
Ifis death is regretted by a large number Fifteen Dollars
Mdse. Bought
of friends in this county.
----- You Receive----
S immons .—Monday, February 25, 1889,
Mrs. John A. Simmons, of Pike, this
G. P. & T. A.
She was well known by all as a true,
Remember at
kind-hearted lady, and her death is
mourned by many friends.
Genl. Manager
Grissen’s Cash Cards
$1.00 in Mdse. Free!
I have just l’cceived a Full and Complete Line of
these SHOES, guaranteed to be the best and cheapest
in the market ALSO—A full line of C. M. Hend r-
son & Co.'s G-ents' Boots and Shoes, and Ladies' and
Misses' Fine Shoes.
TA Succeed as a stenographer, one must be ar-
; U curate in shorthand, skilled in type­
writing, a good penman, a competent cor­
respondent. In the Shorthand Department of the
in type-writing, careful instruction in penman­
ship and abundant drill in correspondence amply
qualify students ior positions always open to those
fully prepared to till them. Send for catalogue.
A. P. A rmstrong , P rin ., - P ortland , O regon .
Notice for i’ablcation.
L and O fiice at O kegon C ity J
Oregon, Feb. 11th, lbi.ft. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of Lis intention t<>
make final proof in support of hia claim, and
that eaid proof will bo made before the
county clerk of Yamhill, county, Oregon, al
McMinnville, Oregon, on Tuesday, April
............ 9,
1883, \ iz:
Pre-emption D. S. No. 5323 for the w A of n w
4 and w i of s w of section 2, t 3 s, r G w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Lis continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, viz:
E J Wood and James S Flett, of McMinn­
ville, $»nd Frans Fonts and Sumner Carr, of
Cad ton; all of Yamhill county, Oregon.
Anv person who desires t-> protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows of
any substantial reason, under th«; law and reg
illations of the In* J*ior Department, why such
proof should not be allowed, will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross examine the »»’itnesses of said
claimant, and to otter eyidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant .
Others may imitate.l»ut n->
Our motto is
Feb 22 8
Be sure and
via thia coleii
No. 4 Washi
Transcontinental Route.
via the ------
Cascade Division' now cornnieted,
making it tiie Shortest, Best'
and Quickest.
The Dining Car line. The Direct Route.
No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low­
est Rates to Chicago and all
points East. Tickets sol i
to all Prominent Points
throughout the East am] Southeast.
Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­
ing Cars
Reservations can be secured in advance.
-j.c Oit
Stocked wilb the ulioiciKt Wi ; -, Li-j-.i
and Cigars-Domestic and liim-irî» 1
WM. MARTIN, Proprietor
Tl?aJe M
To Bast Bound i’assengers.
Be capful and do not make a mistake üí-fore Taki-
bv indiscreti».'! sure to take the
ultimately lea
Northern Pacific Railroad. old
And sec that your tickets read via boxes
THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to reccip
avoid changes and serious delays occa­ lars in paiiipl
sioned by other routes.
every ai
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular express trains full length of DOXLS
$5 (
the line. Bertlis fiee. Lowest rates.
send six b
Quickest tune.
fund the n
feet a cure
General OHIcc or the Company, No,
Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
Asst General Passenger Agent.
Yâïig Líñiñwifi
W li FITTAMI LlMMF-.’fTclirf'K PîïJfl, SH
:s, CAlíKUtttUWt, iNl LAMXAnoh. BH