The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 01, 1889, Image 1

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    tt ^Consolidated Feb. 1, 1889.
REGISTER Established A
TELEPHONE Established
M c M innville . O regon , F riday
m a
VOL. I. NO. 4.
zling array of goods fills the eyes in
The writer has seen him twice this He is a yellow bay gelding, homely
season—at the Cleveland and Roch­ in conformation, hammer-headed, The City of the Sultan—The Great Cos­ this bazaar! Carpets from Persia, American Detectives Run Down Two of
The Equine Stars of the Season of ester circuit meeting—at each of and only to be admired when in
shawls from India, silks from
the Murderers of McClure and
mopolitan City of the World.
Broussa, brocades from Bagdad,
which he could have beaten 2:14, motion. He was foaled in IS.-»,
The stars of the trotting season
— AT —
Ever since the assassination of
of 1888, says the Pittsburg Dispatch, land finish the last half of a racing high, and was bred by C. M. Pond, tinople instead of being buried con­ ent and light that they have been Paymaster J. B. McClure and Stable
are easy to pick. There are a dozen mile in a shade better than 1:05— of Hartford, and bought by V . J. tinually in the recesses of their
Foreman Hugh Flatmigan on the
of them, and the six brightest are wrongly estimated at 1:04. No one Gordon, of Cleveland, in 1881, for houses are the greatest gad-abouts covers embroidered with arabesque, mountain road leading to Miner’s
spoken of in this sketch. The has ever driven the “Pride of Kcn- $20,000. He was born a racehorse, in the world. They are to be seen
Mills, near Wilkesbarre, Pennsyl­
XXa.rd.lzig' <fc Heatlx.
trotter is advancing faster than the tuckp”—the Colonels will bet their and since 1881 has, while not a everywhere—at the bazaars, en­ threads, robes of crimson velvet vania. October 19, 1888, Contractor
thoroughbred, and by the end of lives on Prince Wilkes against any champion, been beating champions gaged in woman’s favorite occupa­ bordered with ermine and sprinkled Charles McFadden, their employer,
October there will be a 2:50 list of trotter—but Crit Davis, and to him as they came along, until to-day no tion—shopping; at the markets; on all over with golden stars; mantles has been urging Pinkerton's de­
J m Copy, per year, inailrance...........
♦- 00 500.
The present season has should be given the credit for much greater trotter is on the turf, except the steamers going up and down of green, orange and purple, bridal tective agency to cause the arrest of
i)R«C«py.»ix month« in admet........... 1 00
swelled the list more than any one of the horse’s work. He made him, Prince Wilkes, whom Clingstone the Bosphorus; they visit the Sweet veils sparkling with silver spangles, the murderers, January 13th Mich­
’ . Trotters have come “out as he made Phil Thompson and hasn’t beaten. He lias trotted 78 Waters of Asia; they ascend the and the satin girdle worn by the ael Rizzolo, alias “Red-Nosed Mike,"
Entered at the poetoffice at McMinnville before it.
sea uaenn/l.olaaa matter
Oregon, as
aocond-claaa matter.
■ of fllO
the YV1
woods,” as Alden Goldsmith Eaud Messenger, both out of sight contested heats and won 58 of them tower of Galata; are seen on the Turkish lady on which no eye save was arrested by Capt. Linden, of
used to speak of the country, from since Davis gave them up. Prince —35 below 2:20: has a team mark bridge of the Sultan Valide; in fact, that of her husband ever falls. But Pinkerton’s agency in Philadelphia
every side, and nearly every genu­ Wilkes began racing early, but was with Guy of 2:17 and a single har­ everywhere except at the mosques, it is the jewelers’ bazaar that re­ He was tried last week at Wilkes­
S, A. YOUNG, M. D.
ine race record, not, of course, to a slovenly colt. He was beaten in ness record of 2:14, made in 1882 which they are not allow’ed to en­ alizes our ideas of Oriental magnifi­ barre, convicted of murder in the
include the hotbed ones of Cali­ 2-50 as a two-year-old, and got a and repeated in 1885. His weak­ ter. Provided the Turkish women cence. Here Aladdin’s wonderful first degree and will be sentenced
Physician & Surgeon,
fornia or Maud S’s 2 :O84, has been record of 2:48f as a three-year-old, ness of legs comes from too close are at home before dark they are lamp has conjured up a vision of to be hanged.
O buiiom .
beaten. The average time down though he lost both races in which inbreeding, Hamblctonian lines allowed perfect liberty of action. unparalleled beauty so dazzling
Robert Petrello and Pasqual Ro-
Office end residence on D street. AU the circuit has been decreased by he started. As a four-year-old he pouring into his blood from all At.home they are the mere toy of that we rub our eyes and wonder if cehi, who were accessories before
e«lla promptly answered day or night.
nearly one-quarter of a second and improved and beat the horses which coiners. This weakness will keep their husbands—one day caressed,
the fact of the murder, were also
young and old trotters have gone had beaten him in their two and him back as a steady performer in another neglected, and living in zilian topaz that would have de­ arrested by the Pinkerton detect­
faster than ever before. But the three-year-old forms, won one good future, but he will probably be at constant dread of being supplanted lighted Madame Bonaparte; a dia­ ives in Philadelphia and held in
stars are as scarce as ever, Guy and race at Lexington and got a record bis champion beating again next by a younger and fairer rival; for a mond from Golconda worthy to Wilkesbarre as witnesses. Two
Practicing Physician and Surgeon,
Arrow being virtually the only new of 2 ¡27. He began the season of season.
Turk is allowed to have seven adorn the necklace of an empress; a other men, Giuseppe Bevivino and
Another Cleveland trotter and a wives if he can support them. A turquois from Macedonia that Vincenzo Villelo, who were asso­
was a circuit star of fair luster, great one is Patron, 2:144, owned wive occupies a different part of the might have fallen from the scimiter ciated with “Red-Nose Mike,” and
come out during the season.
J m .31, ’8».
The champion trotter of 1886 winning his races in fine style and by C. F, Emery of the Forest City house from that of her husband. of a sultan; here are piles of neck­ were actual participants in the
was a Cleveland horse—Oliver K. getting a record of 2:20| at Albany. Farm. He is a brown horse, a They never take their meals to­ laces of opal and pearl; rubies of crime, escaped to Italy with their
In 1887 Cleveland sent Patron out In 1887 he was a circuit brilliant, shade over 154 hands high, bred by gether, and only meet when he priceless value and gems of every share of the $12,400 which was ob­
to sustain her supremacy among got a record of 2 :16, won his class J. C. McFarran, Glenview stud, chooses to pay her a visit. Con­ kind known to the lapidary. The tained by the murder. Contractor
the trotting cracks. Until he went races in his own complete way, Louisville, Ky., by Pancoast, record stantinople is a city of strange and Turks are the most stupid people in McFadden directed Robert Pinker­
amiss Patron was the best horse of would have won the $10,000 purse 2:21} (son of Woodford Mambrino startling contrasts. From the water the world. They make no changes; ton to have his men go to Italy and
the year, and like Oliver K., landed at Hartford but for a mistake in and Bicara, by Harold), dam Bea­ the eye is delighted with its many as their fathers lived so they live; endeavor to arrest these murderers
Marble what was good enough for their an­ under the extradition treaty. Mr.
V749 the Hartford $10,000 purse. This the third heat, and closed the sea­ trice (sister of Elvira, four-year-old and varied attractions.
Bnr<ery a Specialty.
season Cleveland sent out Guy— son by clever defeat of that fast but record 2:18j), by C'uyler, second palaces, tall towers, beautiful gar­ cestors is good enough for them. Pinkerton’s London agent went to
2:12f—by Kentucky Prince, dam faint-hearted mare, Belle Hamlin— dam Mary Mambrino, by Mam­ dens, and magnificent mosques A fire often benefits an American Italy and traced Bevivino and Vil­
Flora Gardiner by American Clay, 2:13}—at Lexington, Ky. This brino I’atchen. These are choice meet the gaze in every direction. city, changing it as Augustus lelo to Cantanzaro in Southern
------- OF m ’ m INNVILLK, OB.,-------
and he is easily the trotting sensa­ year he has been beaten only by blood lines, mingling as they do The glowing sky of the south of changed Rome, from brick to mar­ Italy. Some trouble was experi­
JACOB WORTMAN.................. President, tion of the year. Guy was foaled the erratic Guy—a scratch victory the Mambrino Chief and Hamble- Europe melts into the soft azure of ble; but a fire in Constantinople de­ enced in getting the extradition pa­
The blue stroys houses which are not rebuilt, pers, as the state department was
R. P. BIRD....................... Vice-President, at Stony Ford, N. Y., in the early —and has beaten all the race-for- tonian crosses, wit! strong thor­ the Asiatic heavens.
Jno. WORTMAN......................... Cashier. summer of 1880, and is eight years allers, Clingstone once, Patron three oughbred dashes. Patron is another waters of the Bosphorus, lined with for the Turks, being fatalists, be­ of the opinion that the Italian gov­
old, a black gelding, scant 15.1 times, and reduced his record to game and early* trotter by breeding stately palaces, stretch out in un­ lieve that what it pleases Allah to ernment might refuse to give them
Transacts a general Basking Business. De
posits received subject to check. Selis sight high and weighs 955 pounds. He 2:14f at Cleveland, in August. and disposition. He was the three- surpassed loveliness until they blend destroy the hand of man must not up on the ground that they Were
exchange and tvlegraphie transfers ou New was bought for $400 at the Kellogg Prince Wilkes is an honest trotter, year old of his year, trotting a third with the beautiful waters of the rebuild. When we remember that
Italian citizens, but through the in­
York, Ssu Francisco end Portland.
sale in New York in the spring of driven and owned by honest men, a heat of a race on a bad day and Golden Horn. In Constantinople the Turks conquered the fairest por­ tercession of Gov. Beaver, of Penn­
June 24, ly.
1883 by Jacob B. Perkins of Cleve­ combination hard to match on the track in 2:19| at that age. As a distance lends enchantment to the tion of Asia and Africa, and were sylvania, Secretary Bayard finally
four-year-old he was almost as view. The city which appears so the terror of Europe for more than a ordered the papers to be issued.
M c M innville national bank . land, O. The Perkins trainer, Jim American trotting turf.
On the morning of September 29, good, and started out last season attractive from the water loses its thousand years, we are astonished Robert Pinkerton sent the papers
McKeever, gave him some work
and in the spring of 1884 he began last year, was published a brief dis­ better than any five-year-old ever gay and smiling aspect when you at their present supine and demor­ to his agent in Italy and the secre­
to show some very fast pieces of patch, dated San Francisco, in the started; only to fall _off his form enter it. You land, perhaps, in a alized condition. The proud em­ tary of state cabled the American
Transact» a Central Banking Business.
miles, and at a matinee trotted a morning papers, which said: “The and meet defeat by Clingstone. fish market, where there is nothing pire of the Moslems, after a long de­ minister that extradition papers
President.......................... J. W. COWLS
full mile in 2:21 j. A few weeks bay pacing gelding Arrow, owned This year Patron is being raced in­ to please the eye and everything to cline, seems about to fall. How had been granted. The Italian
Vice President............ LEE LAUGHLIN
later W. J. Gordon paid $10,000 for by Durfee & Covarrubias, Los An­ to condition, after a long term of offend the nose. Escaping from changed from those days when the government granted a warrant for
Cashier........................... CLARK BRALY
paced the third heat of a race duty at the farm. Prince Wilkes this you turn into a graveyard, des­ haughty grand Vizier of Soliman the arrest of the men.
him, $6000 down and $4000 when geles,
Bella axehsugs on Portland, San Francisco he should show 2:20. In the fall at
Stockton yesterday in 2 :14, beat­ has beaten him three times.
cend a few broken steps, and you the Magnificent kept the ambassa­ Mr. Pinkerton has just received
and New York.
When Patron gets into sharp find yourself in a public square dors of Charles V. in his ante­ a cable despatch from his agent
George Saunders gave him a mile ing the four-year-old record.” This
Intereat allowed on time deposits.
in 2:19| In 1884-85 Tom Dunbar was the first general notice to the condition again he will be sent to crowded with people, representing chamber for a week awaiting an saying that he has caused the ar­
Office hoars from 9 a m to 4 p m.
was the Gordon trainer. During trotting world that another wonder beat the stallion race record— every nation of the East, and all audience! During the last hundred rest of Vincenzo Villelo and has re­
that season Dunbar drove Cling­ was abroad in the west. This was Phallas, 2:134—which he could busy, some changing money, others years Turkey has seen her finest covered 5000 francs and a large
stone and Guy several exhibition the swift Arrow who in Budd have beaten in his race against selling fruit, some mending shoes, possessions stripped from her with- i laliure. American-make revolver,
Sample rooms in connection.
team miles, and at Cleveland the Doble’s skilled hands has turned Harry Wilkes last year, anil retired all cheating if they can. Constan- out power to prevent it—the Crimea,; which is probably the one used by
pair went in 2:17. But the high- 1 out to be the champion pacer of from the track tor good.
■ ope'1.0111 i..,s io its varied pop­ Greece, Egypt, Bulgaria, Servia, him in the murder. Mr. Pinker­
spirited youngster was a bad actor, 1888, and is going yet with a re­ Johnston came out of the West­ ulation the people of three conti­ and Roumania. The Turks can ton’s agent expects to arrest Beviv­
Is now fitted up in first class order.
of speed and a record of 2:134. ern woods in 1883 and astonished nents—Europe, Asia and Africa— not but feel and lament their de­ ino in a few days. The extradition
Accommodations as good as can be and nothing reliable came from serve
him in single harness. In 1886 Arrow is a remarkable figure on the the world by his wonderful speed, the Orient, with all its mystery and cadence, but they calmly and of these men will now be strongly
foun din the city.
John Splan had the Gordon stable. track. He is 5 years old, 15.2 hands and on October 3d of the next year magnificence, the West, with all its proudly submit to their fate, be­ urged by the state of Pennsylvania
3. E. MESSINGER, Manager.
He tried to break Guy’s spirit and high and by A. W. Richmond, dam at Chicago paced a mile in 2:064. dash and energy, Africa, with all lieving that whatever is, is right, and the United States government.
failed. He was weak and thin at Critchton’s First, by Critchton. His Johnston is a bright bay gelding, its fervor and fanaticism. You can that everything comes from God,
the end of the season but meaner blood is seven-eighths thorough­ 15| hands high and 11 years light your cigar in Europe and that all things are foreordained,
The First Printing Office.
general conforma­ old. He is unfashionably bred, shake off the ashes in Asia. The and the inevitable can not be
than ever. During 1887 he was al­ bred,
The first printing office on the
lowed to rest and gain. Millard tion that of a runner, and he bears his sire being a Western horse of bridge of the Sultan Valide (Sultan changed or stoped.— E. L. Didier, in
Pacific coast was built by the two
Opposite Cook’s Hotel, Third Street,
missionaries, Whitman and Spauld­
--------- ♦♦♦---------
March, and with gentle treatment sire has infused some quality into since named Bashaw Golddust, and Galata and Pera, the Turkish with
Minister Belmont’s Plight.
ing, who settled on Lapwai creek, a
McMinnville, Oregon
his temper improved, and his speed some of the Palo Alto matrons. his dam an ordinary mare by Ned the European quarter—the civiliza­
came to him very quickly. All All this puzzled the breeding map Forrest, This season Colonel John tion of the West with the barbarism
Perry Belmont had rather an branch of the Clearwater, and
his work was in company, and at publishers and cranks of this and Conley of Chicago, who bought of the East—in a word, progress awkward experience on his arrival twelve miles above Lewiston, Idaho.
McMinnville Baths and
first behind another horse and with that school. All agreed that Arrow Johnston at public sale for $3900, with stagnation, the nineteenth cen­ at the court of Madrid. When he The house still standing, was orig­
an open bridle. Sanders says of would be uncertain of disposition turned him over to Budd Doble. tury with the middle ages. Stand­ prepared himself for presentation to inally a two-story building, though
and many set him down for an “in and Budd has shown that the racy ing upon this bridge any fair day the king he was informed from the only the ground floor remains, and
C. H FLEMING, Prop.,
and outer.” He was neither. In and hightailed pacer has the oid a moving panorama is presented, foreign office that the Spanish gov­ was made of logs and stakes. It is
All kinds of fancy hair cutting and li air
idea that Guy had never been prop­ the fall John H. Shults, the wealthy speed with which, for John Splan, such as can be seen in no other city ernment had received no official now used by the Indians for a
dressing done in ti e latest style.
AU kinds of hair dyeing a specialty.
erly balanced. I experimented with Brooklyn baker, bought the gelding he used to make the talent “holler.” under the sun. People of every notification of the withdrawal of Mr. stable. In this building the first
Special attention given to Ladies' and him, and in all his work he starts for a long price and turned him With him at Springfield, Doble
nation and condition and occupa­ Curry as the United States minister. printing office west of the moun­
Children’s work.
in with eleven-ounce shoes and over to Budd Doble, the best man showed a quarter in :29j, and at tion pass by. Turks, Greeks, Cos­ The Spanish court is nothing if not tains on the Pacific coast was es­
Shaving. 15 cents
I have just put in the flnest baths ever in three-ounce weights in front and in all America to train and drive Fleetwood a half in 1:004.
No sacks, Moors, Jews, Egyptians, formal, and in the absence of this tablished. The material was origi­
the city, where you can find hot or cold
five-ounce bar shoes behind. Last him. Wherever there was money other pacer can go as fast as this, French dandies, aCd half-nude Ne­ notification the credentials of Mr. nally sent by the American board
baths always ready.
I also have the largest and finest stock of week he carried four-ounce weights. for them down the grand circuit and his speed outclasses him. In groes, Caucasian beauty and Hot­ Belmont possessed no significance. of foreign missions in Boston, in
imported and domestic cigars in the city
I reduce his weight as he goes line Budd Doble and his racy pacer all the circuit free-for-alls he was tentot deformity, friars, priests, der­ Under the circumstances it was not 1809, to the Sandwich Islands, and
Third St. McMinuville, Or.
heats to two ounces in the second have appeared, both trim, honest barred, and because he was too fast vishes, all people, all color, and all good form for Mr. Belmont to re­ in 1840 was presented by the first
to none afterward, the work steady­ and careful. Only one race has to earn money, Colonel Conley got costumes, from that of Adam to the main in Madrid, or in fact to ap­ native church of Hawaii to the
Lapwai mission. E. O. Hall came
W. H. Logan, ing the gelding as he goes along. Arrow lost. That was at Spring­ him for $3900. A hard handicap last Parisian „fashion. Constanti­ pear in public at all. He there­ along with it to set the type. The
His double gait inclination comes field, when Gossip caught him off this. Johnston holds several re­ nople is’the most cosmopolitan city fore withdrew to Seville and went
while he is going at half speed. He form and beat him. It was only cords. His 2 :13 at Cleveland this in the world. You can be shaved into retirement, took the black veil press is now in the state library at
wears quarter boots and buckskin because the wonder, slight and season is the saddle record, displac­ by an Armenian barber, have your it might be said, until the depart­ Salem. ------------- -------------------
in front and scalpers and shin young, was worn out with work and ing Billy Boice’s 2:144 a ten-vear- shoes blacked by a Hebrew boy, be ment of state could forward in
, The Alligator is Going.
North sida Third St.
McMinnville, Or.
boots behind. I rig him with a needed rest. He has shown Doble old affair. Johnston’s 2:114 is the bathed by a Nubian, be rowed formal official style the notification
Hair entting In the lateet atylea. Cutting or
crop of alligators is de­
perfection bit and nose band and halves in 1:03, and travels with fastest pacing heat ever made in a through the Golden Horn by a that Mr. Curry had been relieved.
ladiea’ and children’s hair neatly done.
slim in the South this
Turkish boatman, buy fruit from a This contretemps, of course, will
For a good «hare or shampoo give ns a call. overdraw check attached to the
a pacing-bred horse. Arrow is cer­ against Harry Wilkes, last year, is Syrian, pillau from a Greek, sail up have the effect to shorten very con­ year,” said a man who had just re­
Guy has already shown plenty of tainly a mystery, a “breeding the wagon record. A great pacer the Bosphorus by a steamer com­ siderably the limit of the time of turned from Florida. ‘Tn fact, the
All ihe Latest Novels
quarters in 30-J seconds, and is re­ scratch,” as horsemen term it.
is this Johnston, and as good as manded by a Dalmatian, be driven Mr. Belmont’s official enjoyment of supply is giving out, and the alli­
ever. One of these days, in an air by an Italian coachman, have your the pleasures of the Spanish capi­ gator seems on the road towards
Can be Eon nd at he
extinction as rapidly as the buffalo.
make a mile in 2:10 or better, with stone should be permanent and he that fills his lungs aright, this high- pulse felt by an English physician, tal.
The slaughter for their hides has
a little more sharpening and racing should never trot another fast mile, tailed and speedy fellow will beat whose prescription will he prepared
been waged so fiercely that it is no
The Deadly Cigarette.
education. Sanders says: “I think the great son of Rysdyk and Gret­ another record—Westmont’s 2:014, by a French druggist, and have
wonder the stock has been de­
I can give him a mile in 2:11 on a chen will have left a deep mark in with running mate. Ard when your teeth filled by an American
During a discussion in the Amer­ pleted. It is only a matter of a few
good track.” The gelding is named the history of American trotting.
Johntson beats it he will do it dentist. The Turks are the laziest ican association, Professor W. F.
A Full Stock of Musical Instru­ after Mr, Perkins’ favorite child, a
Clingstone is perhaps the greatest “away off.”
people under the sun, and, by long Dudley described some experiments years until the last survivor of a
ments and Stationery Always
boy, who, had he lived, would be as trotting racehorse that ever lived,
--------- »♦ »--------
experience, have become perfect which he had made on the injuri­ mighty-mouthed race will lie dodg­
on Hand.
old as Guy. Guy’s mile in 2:12f, and practical horsemen said last
masters in the art of killing time. ous effects of cigarette smoking. ing the bullets of the hunter in
Horse Notes.
with a first half in 1:04. on the up year, “Clingstone can beat any
With them the highest earthly bliss He showed that they were princi­ some lonely lagoon and wearily
an absolute stagnation of mind pally due to the manner of smok­ waiting for the end to come.”—
Third Street, McMinnville, Or.
Park last week, gives an idea of the on a mile than he is.” It has al­ a horse’s mane and tail once or and body. They eat five meals a ing and not the impurities as is Chicago Tribune,.
little fellow’s speed. “One of these ways been his disposition to get twice a week with a rice root brush day, sleep ten hours, and smoke currently supposed. In smoking
Some interesting data respecting
days, when Guy is feeling well,” just fast enough to beat the other will clean out the skin and the hair everlastingly. The use of wine is cigarettes, to get the desired effect the frequency of triplets in the
says Sanders, “I’ll give Maud S. a
forbidden by the Koran, but many the smoke is inhaled, that is to say human race are lieing collected and
a race which he would win in 2 :20, many dollars to the market value of them drink secretly, get crazy it is breathed into the lungs; where­ elaliorated by Dr. B. Ornstein, late
new record to beat.”
Third Street, between K and F
Prince Wilkes, 2:14}, by Red just as good looking as one won in of a nice horse.
drunk, beat their wives, smash the as, in smoking pipes and cigars, surgeon-general of the Greek army.
McMinnville, Oregon.
Wilkes, dam by Brown Chief, a son 2:14, aside from the fancied attrac­ Have at least one good-sized, windows, and break up things gen­ the smoke is simply drawn into the While on an inspection tour through
of Mambrino Chief, is the champion tion of the time announcement after roomy box stall in the barn. It is erally, just as men do in more lungs and then expelled. In exper­ Western Greece he discovered the
racing trotter of 1888, “laying away the race. His bull-dog way of go­ very necessary for a sick horse or Christian countries. The Turks iments on small animals, in which fact that triplets are more fre­
First-class accommodations for Cciumer over,” in the language of the horse­ ing, relentless trick of sticking to a cow, or for a mare about to foal. cat with their fingers, for the Koran they were caused to breathe air quently found there than in any
«al men and general travei.
man, any of the rest. Prince Wilkes competitor for seven furlongs and In fact all valuable stock should be forbids the use of knives and forks. containing cigarette smoke, it was other portion of that kingdom.
Transient stock well cared for.
is a chestnut gelding, 15.1 hands beating him in the eighth, machine­ kept in box stalls; they are less Coffee is a universal drink, and is found that after a mouse had Great difficulty is experienced,
everything new and in First-Class Order high 7 years old, got his record of like perfection of gait and the regu­
ground fresh every time, the milk smoked one and a fourth cigarettes! however, respecting information as
liable to accident and do better.
the Cleveland track this summer larity withjwhich he did his general
and sugar being boiled with the life was extinct. Examination of! to the age reached by either or all
Patronage solicited
and is owned by George Singerly of work, led a Western writer to dub
The horse will leave musty hay coffee. It is served in tiny China the blood showed that it died from of the children.— Science.
Philadelphia, an honest man and him “The Demon” in 1882, and the in liis bin untouched, however hun­ clips of quaint shape and workman­ the effects of the carbon monoxide-;
enthusiastic lover of the trotting name, generally received as appro­ gry. He will not drink of water ship. There is mystery and mag­ which was contained in the Finoke ; Her sex owe to Sarah Bernhardt
horse. He bought the Prince as a priate, has hung to him ever since. objectionable to his questioning nificence n Oriental lands that fas- and not from the nicotine and t’:c thirty two-button glove, the Em­
in Kentucky for about It was given after his remarkable sniffs, or from a bucket which m
from more civi- other volatile products of the to­ pire dress, Directoire sash and the
House. Sign, and Ornamental Painter yearling
$250. Prince Wilkes is one of the ! defeat of Edwin Thorne on the odor makes offensive, howevti liz i eoimtn.r lire grand bazaars bacco and paper.— Scientific Amer­ revival long boa, dear to the hearts
M c M innville , O regon .
greatest racehorses that ever lived, , Cleveland track, the first heat of thirsty. HiR intelligent nostril will o’f Constantinople are full of inter­ ican.
of our grandmothers. She has set
fast, kind, ambitious, resolute and which was one in 2:14, and the scc- widen, quiver and query over the est. and give the visitor a better
the fashion for Theodora hairpins
as game as old Widow Macree. He : ond in 2 :16|, first half in 1:05, af- daintiest bit, offered by the fairest idea of Oriental life than anything
An Arkansas man who bears the and Tosca hats, and has, in fact,
Paper Hanging and
is one of your improving kind, too, , ter which Thorne gave it up. Just
hands, with coaxings that would else in the city. As you approach name of Jerusalem John Johnson wielded an influence over the world
Carnage Painting. taking on speed with years, and 1 now, Clingstone is lame and in a of
make a mortal shut his eyes and this region of Eastern traffic you, wants it changed to John the Bap­ of dress b< yond that exercised by
Prompt Attention to Orders from likely to trot in 2:12, if nothing j roomy stall at Gordon Glens, next swallow a nauseous mouthful at a are ass ailed m
in ail
all inc
the languages oi
of tist >mith
Smith in order tha
that he may in- any other woman in the world since
i happens to him, before next season. i his father, still a vigorous horse. gulp.— Prairie Farmer.
the Country.
the Orient. What a rich and daz-|herit ten acres of land.
the days of Empress Eugenie,
The St Charles Hotel.
w. v. PRICE.
Henderson Bros. Props