THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. make good roads without a good deal of labor, and the people most interested manage to shirk their February 15, 1889. duty. If it cannot be done other­ wise the law on roads and highways should be amended to some extent STOPPED AT THE HAREM. and all road taxes be paid in mon­ All Zieber, the politician, was re­ ey or its equivalent. No labor cently telling a crowd in Portland should be allowed unless done well. about a lecture Gen. E. L. Apple­ A citizen might be given preference gate delivered there once on a time. as a worker, but not allowed to “Lish” overheard the narration, but work as he pleases. All work should preferred his own version of the in­ be done under the supervisor and cident. He said: “It was a good no man credited unless he docs as many years ago, d’ye see, when well as the day laborerer, who is they were raising funds for the hired from the out side. In the past Portland library. The wise men too much slackness was permitted. and philosophers who were getting The farmer is the man who uses the it up, d’ye see, engaged me to lec­ road and he should see that in every ture. They agreed to pay me $100 district work is faithfully done. A an hour, d’ye see, and I was to lec­ county with good roads stands ture five hours for $500. I con­ higher on that account. Poor roads cluded to speak for two hours and a mean a poor county and a shiftless half each evening. The time ar­ people. A really good road super­ rived, d’ye see, and the lights of the visor is a true blessing in any com­ Oro Fino shone over a throng of munity. philosophers, w-ise and intelligent men, and the fairest and brightest On the morning of April 30tli, ladies in the great metropolis of the 1889, at 9 o’clock, it has been ar­ Pacific northwest. The subject of ranged that the church bells all my discourse was the ‘Koran and over the country shall ring to cele­ the Mahomet.’ This, d’ye see, took brate the event of 100 years ago. in a wide range of subjects, and of when the church bells throughout course I had to mention the harem, the thirteen states rang out to call which is spoken of in the Koran, the people together to pray for the d'ye see. Well, at the conclusion success and prosperity of General of my remarks on the first evening, Washington, that day inaugurated I got aB far the harem. In order to president of the United States. A properly round off my remarks, I call is made from the committee said, ‘here I will stop for the night,’ having charge of these arrange­ d’ye see. Well, do you know that ments that in every church in the this innocent remark of mine just land services be held to implore a brought down the house. I thought continuance of the favor which has the philosophers, the wisC and intel­ been shown this nation since its ligent men and the fairest and birth. brightest ladies of the metropolis of the Pacific northwest had gone According to the Alaskan there crazy. It seemed to me, d’ye see, as if every one prelent had put are citizens of the United States on the cap and bells and was who will not learn the result of the playing the fool over my innocent presidential election before July, little remark. They roared, shout­ 1889. These are the settlers of St. ed, jumped and hooted like’* lot of Michael’s, the Lee islands and those domiciled along the banks of the wild Indians, d’ye see.” lower Yukon. Before anyone allows his sympathy for those denizens of GOOD ROADS. the ice-locked north to become too A road-master in Michigan was intense he should reflect that they planning how to fix a bad piece of are entirely beyond the reach of road so it would be passable, when cabinet rumors and speculations, along came a traveler who answered and that even the iniquity of the his diflicUÎty. He said: “If you inaugural ball has not been fully will put down a drain tile under the set before them. There are com­ middle of this road bed and then pensations, even in isolation. take a scraper and round up the drive way you will make a good The Papular Vote. road.” Of course it was necessary The whole number of votes cast to lay this tiling so the drain had an outlet. The idea was adopted in all the states in the election of and put in practice, and the result November 6th, for president, was was that the road bed over the tile 11,285,825, of which Cleveland elec­ drain was as dry as possible. Here tors received 5,646,200, Harrison is a suggestion that costs nothing electors 5,566,702, all others 72,923. and has been proved by practice. These figures may be varied by The making of roads is one of the official returns, but will not be ma­ most important concerns of the terially changed. It will thus be country. One of the country ex­ seen that Cleveland had a clear changes complains, or a correspon­ majority over all of 3,575, and a dent does, that it is impossible to plurality over Harrison of 79,499. M c M innville , O regon In the circuit court of the state of Oregon in and for Yamhill county. A leck M utchi . ee , Plaintiff, vs J. W. S mith , Defendant. To J. W. Smith, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required io appear and answer the complaint bled herein ’against you in the above entitled action within 10 days fr ,ni the date of the service ot this summons upon you, if made in this county, and if made in any other county in this state within 20 days fromthe date of said service of summons upon you aud if yon fail to answer, for waut thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against you in the sum of one hun­ dred aud five dollars ($105) with interest thereon from June 29th. 1*87. at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the further sum ut $40 as special attorney's fees, and for costs and dis­ bursements of said action. And it is further ordered that ibis summons be published in the T elephone -K egisier , a weekly newspaper, published in this county and state, and ha ing a general circulation, for six ci' secutive weeks from the date of this or­ der done in open court, by order of Hon. Ii. P. Boise, iudge of the third judicial district, at La­ Follows the use of Syrup of Fig«, as it acta fayette Oregon, this 2Cth day of December, ls88. gently’ on the R. 1. EATON, Attorney lor Plaintiff. K idneys , L iver and B owels l-6t In the circuit court of the late of Oregon for ; Yamhill county: J, W . Ingle, Plaintiff; xs I Jess.; Yocum, Nettie V Busbee, ■ VV G Busbee, John Dempsey, | Kate Dempsev, Geo Y Davis, | Caroline Davis. Elizabeth Yo- i cum, Clara B DeLashmutt, Aus- ‘ tin Yocum, Jesse Yocum, Ada j Yocum, Katie Yocum. Belle Yocum, James Yocum, Elmira Yocum Branson. George Bran­ son, Mary Minerva Yocum Branson, I N Brans .u, Nina Hendrix. Lyman M Noble, Nancy Noble. Levi Zu malt, John Zumalt. Abraham Zumalt. | J B Zumalt, O C Yocum. Ann M Yocum, TompkiusYocum, Eliza i J Yocum, and al! the unknown i heirs at law of Minerva Yocum, i deceased, by name “Unknown j Heirs; ’ W C Hembree, J J Butler, L Bettman, Edgar Pop pie ton, J Prevost and L> B Pre vobt (partners as Prevost Bros) Louisa Yocum Walter Yocum, | Carrie Yocum.’ Mittie Yocum | aud Ellen Hall, Defendants J To the above named defendants: In the name ot the state of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to ap­ pear and answer the amended complaint Summons. of plaintiff tiled :n sa>d causa in said court, within 10 days from the day of the service of In the circuit court of the alite of Oregon, this summons upon you, if served within said county or if’ served in any other iu and for Yamhill county. county ot this state, then within 20 days from F rank G tldner , Plaintiff,) the date thereof: but if served by publication, va / then on or before the 25th day of March, J. J. S mith , Defendant. ) n 9 the same being the first day’ of the next To J. J. Smith, the above named defendant: 18 regular term of said rouit; and ifvou fail so to Iu the name of the statu of Oregon, you are answer, lor want thereof the plaintiff will apply hereby required to answer the complaint tiled ihe court for the relief prayed for in said herein against yr u in the above entitled action to complaint, towir. A decree foreclosing two witLin 10 days from the date of the service of this summons upon you. if served within this certain mortgages executed by Minerva Yocum deceased, upon lots Nos. 87, 88, 8!» 94. 95 and county, and if served within any other county­ 96, of the town of Daylon, Yamhill county, Or­ in this state then within 20 days from the date egon, recorded respectively at page 91, Vol. S, of the service of this summons upon you, and ard page 97, Vol. Q, of the records of mortgages ifvou fail to answer, for want thereof plaintiff for said county, and for a decree that be wi 1 demand judgment against you in the sum paid all sums of money due him upon plaintiff said mort of $s0 (eighty dollar*) with interest thereon gages to wit: the sum of $993.55 with interest on from October 3 st, 1881, al the rate of 10 per 15 thereof at 8 percent per annum and cent per annum, and tho furt er sum of $ th as $123 on $56J.80 thereof at 1G per c?nt per annum special attorney's fees iu said action, and for f:om this August Mb. 1»8, and $50 attorney’s costs and disbursements ot this action. ami costs and dishurscnients, and for such And it is further ordered that thia summons fees other relief as m^y be just. be published in T he T elephone -R egister , a summons is published for six weens it weekly newspaper, published at McMinnville, the This T elephone R egister by order of Hon. IL in this’ county and state, and having a general P. Boise, judge of '‘aid court, made at Salem, circulation, for six consecutive weeks from the Oregon, January 29th, 1888. date of ibis order, done in open court, by or­ FENTON A FENTON, der of Hon. R. P. Boise, judge of the third ju­ Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1 lit dicial district, at Lafayette, Oregon, thia 20th day of December, 1888. LEWIS & BRADY, Summons. Attorneys for Plaintiff. l-tit In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for county. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION C Yamhill aroline M artin , Plaintiff. ) L and O ffice at Oregon City, Or . [ vs > Jan.. 7th , 1889.{ C harles F. M artin , Defendant ) Notice is hereby given that the following- To Charles F. Martin, ’ said defendant: named settler lias tiled notice of his inten­ In the name of the state of Oregon, you are tion to make final proof in support of his < claim and that said proof will be made be­ hereby required to appear and answer the com- plaint filed against you in the above entitled ent fore the county judge or in bis absence then suit on or before the Hr>t day of the term of the county clerk of Tillamook conntv Ore., at Tillamook Or., on Tuesday Feb26th,1889, said court, to-wit, March 2 »th, 1889, and if you fail so to answer, tor want thereof, plaintiff viz; John Lattin homestead entry No. 3842 apply to ;lio court for a decree dissolving for the NE 1-1 of SW 1-4, \V l-2ofS\V 1-1 of will marriage contract now existing between See 14 and SE 1-4 of SE 1-4 olSec 15 T 1 N II the plaintiff and defend-mt, and for such other re­ 10 W as is prayed for. He names the following witnesses to prov lief This summons is published six consecutive his continuous residence upon and cultiva­ weeks in the T klephone -R kgister , by order of tion of said land, viz: Win Ralston. Frank Hon. R. P. Boise, judge of said court, made at E Kroth. John Johnson, and W H Busby chambers, in Sale .., Oregon, February 1st, ail of Hobsonville. Tillamook county Or. 18-9. W T B urney , Qegister A. L. FRAZER. let Attorney for Plaintiff. ! X/' tures P leasant I axative A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Effectually Cleansing the System when Costive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without weakening or irritating tho organs on which it acts. For Salo in 50c and SI.OO Bottles by all Leading Druggists. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Tn I! CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S an F rancisco , C al ., L ouisville , K y ., N ew Y ork . N. Y. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. VIA Southern Pacific Company’s Lines THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE! TIME BETWEEN Portland and San Francisco 39 HOURS’ California Express Trains Run Daily BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRAN­ CISCO LEAVE I ARRIVE. Portland....... 4:00 pm San Francisco. .7:45 am San Francisco. 7:00 pm| Portland....... 10:45 am Local Passenger Daily, except Sunday. ARRIVE. LEAVE. Portland....... S:0.)^ni Eugene............ 2:40 pm Eugene.......... 9:00 am Portland.......... 3:45 pm Puilman Buffit s eepers, Tourist Sleeping Cars, For accommodation of Second Class passen­ gers attached to express trains. The O. Ac (’. IL R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the Ea^t Side Di­ vision from foot of F street. r WEST SIDE DIVISION Between Portland and Corvallis. Mail Train, Daily except Sunday. ABKIVE. LEAVE. Portland ... .7 30 a ni St Joseph... 10 05 a m St Joseph .. .10 05 a m Corvallis .... 12 25 p tn Corvall s....... 1 30 p in St Jose ph.... 3 52 p ni St Joseph .. .3 52 pm Portland....... 6 20 p Til At Albany and (’orvallis connect with tiains of Oregon Pacific. Express Train, Daily excopt Monday LEAVE | ARRIVE Portland...........4 *'0 pm McMninnville. .8 00 pm McMinnvile... 6 45 am ¡Portland......... 900 pm Through tickets to all points South and Fast via California. Ticket offices, No. 134, corner First and Ald­ erstreets, Portland, Oregon; corner Fand Front streets Portland. R. <0 ELF IL E. IL ROGERS, Manager. Ast G F A P Agt Citation Notice i;> Taxpayer.- LN THE OOUNTY COURT OF Til E S i. IL of OxegQti for flte cminlv of ’l am hill. In tie matter . f the estate of B.C. WertfaJ, deoeaied. To Jennie C. Mvr»11:!, Harold n ’.2. in I 2«.r3 w, of Willamette meridian, in Yamhill county. Oregon, containing "0 acres, being the qomesteud claim of B. (', Westfall, in Yam hill county, Oregon. This citation is published for five weeks in the weekly T elephone -R egister by order of the H«»n. L. Louguarv. judge, made January 28th, 1889. Witness, the Hon L Loughary. judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Yamhill, and the seal of said court hereto affixed, this 22d day of January. A. D.- 1889. Attest: J. W. H ob ::«: [LS] County Ckrk. F enton A F enton , Attorneys fur Estate. 2-5I Notice is hereby ;*ive:it tn • tax roll t i the city of McMinnville. \ ami.ill < sLite of Oregon, has beeu placed in my bauds lor collection. a;.d will remain i.t my ha-ols im thirty days from the date of this no-ire, during which period 1 will be at inv ofil. e in said city. between the hours of 9 o’clock «. m. and 5 o’clock p m., daily, to receive and receipt tor city taxes. Dated this 30th < ALo nil the following tract situate in said county and state, to-wit: Being a part of the donation Evd claim of Janies Morris and wife and sold by paid Morris and wife to Farah Bryan, in townsnip three south of range two west, and beginning al the northeast corner of the above named donation land claim; tlience west St) rods; thence smith 10f4 rod«; ihence cast HI) rods: thence north 106| rods to the place of beginning: containing 53^ acres more or less. Also lot No. (I) one in action No» (7) seven in township (3) three south of range two weet. in Yamhill county, Oregon , coiii.lining I 91-TOC am s This citation is published for five weeks in the weekly T ele hone H egisteii L order of the lion. L. Ixnwhary, judge, made January 2stli, 18x9. Witness, the Hon. L Longhaty, judge of the county court of the state ot Oregon, lor th- county of Yamhill, and tho real ot said emit hereto affixed, this 22 d dav of January. A. 1> , 18'9. \ leaf J W. Hou«. [LS] County < iei k. F into n A F enton . Attorneys for Estate. 25 St L and O ffice at O regon C ity , I Oregon, Jan. 7th,^1889. ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has* filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before the county judge, or, in his absence, ti e clerk of Yamhiil county, Oregon, at McMinnville, Oregon, on Tuesday, February 2G, 1889, viz: CHAS. CALLAHAN, homestead entry No. 4195. for the s of n e 4 m*d n e 4 <»f n e 4; of section 12, t ’ •*, r 6 w. He names the foliowinp witnesses to prove his continncns residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz. Matrbew Murphy, Geo. G»imm, Patrick Ca­ sey and John Mui ray: all of Eherida.., Yambill countv, Oreg n, W. T. BURNEY. Register. I 24-Gt THE Notice is hereby given that th - nndcrsigtM «!. has been, by the county court of Yamhill ct/im- ty, Oregon*, duly appoint'd as ftdininiHtrator ol the estate of Samnel McCutcheon, deceased. Therefore all person.» having claims against said estate hit hereby notified t.» present them with proper ycuchers to the undersigned, at tne law office of Fen:on A Ftuton, at Ale Minuville, Oregon, will'in six months from this dato. Dated Januiiry 4, . LODER. Ad.nit iniratt'i- ufore^ai'1. F enton &. F enton , Attorneys for Estate. 22 1 l’EOl’LE To Make a Fortune from a Small Investment. A NSW mna. IN THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. NINETEEN TRACTS Of land ranging from one to 12 acres ha\e been put upon the morket to SELL. Iu order to make it an inducement to buy, the land will be sold in the following manner: We will sell you a chance in a drawing, to be made April 1, 1889, for 8250 in < • : li be put in an envelope and a description of each parcel of land will be pul in a separate envelope. The envelopes containing the names will be put in one box and those con­ taining the descriptions in another; and a blindfolded child will draw one envelope from each box at the same time. The name drawn shall receive a deed to the land drawn at the same time. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. This property is Martin’s addition to the Town of McMinnville, Oregon, and on the East bank of the Yamhill river, adjoining the city; ten minutes’walk from.the Courthouse, Public School, or business portion of the city. S ee P lat . Good View ! Good Land ! Good Water ! GREATEST OFFER EVER MADE--YOU CAN’T LOSE! You are certain to get one acre, and yon may ge twelve acres. Everything perfectly fair, Drawing to take place in presence of purchasers. See Plat and full description of propor­ ty at my office any time. ti W. TALMAGE.