ZDOISTT ZT-A-TZL TO JURY LIST—1889, Thursday iw ning just about noon, Mrs. A. J. Smith of this city passed AMITY. peacefully away. She has been sick for F E Connor FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1889. a long time with a liver trouble, which C W II F Burch I’eter Durrant Coulter ended with death. Andiew Hoffman F M Glover G A Maddox The kind of a friend the newspaper R AV Lancofield O II Sheldon likes, is thj one who subretibes for it, R B Putman J C AVilson anerity but contributes Chas Aller EXTRAORDINARY T B Ladd nothing toward its success, but on the E N Henderson I (’ Robison contrary borrows his neighbor’s paper to G M Patty read. Such friends are good enough to BELLEVUE. have when a person don’t care a snap Jas Agee Sam Buel whether they wish him success or not.— David Cona J K Connor One 3STig-Iit Only! Ogden A rgui. Jno Evenden Isaac Dougherty J R Martin The Portland Business college, of Port­ J J Hende-son AV L AVarren land, Oregon, has made for itself an en­ The World Famous Violinist viable reputation for doing thorough CARLTON. work in all its departments. The princi­ AV Carl AVm Geldard pal, Prof. A. P. Armstrong, is one of our F P Hembree D AV Laughlin most successful educators, and is well AVm Merchant D J Olds And His able to advise those seeking practical L C Thompson John AVinneberg qualifications. Note what lie says in C Little AVm Messinger our advertising colnmns concerning the N K Sitton AV L Hanna requirements of a stenographer. Will give one of their celebrated concerta in J L Steward McMiunviile. The Press and Public agree that Last Friday, at noon, the pupils at­ DUNDEE. Heine is wiihont a rival, and Madame Heine is tending Muddy valley school having J R Owens a Pianisto with few equals. C H Vanghn gone upon the bill back of the school Monroe Ramsey Reserved teats for sale at Rogets h Todd’s. F T Keyes house to play, were attracted to where a AVm Parrott Ney Ha’gey dog was scratching in the ground. They LOCAL AND GENERAL. DAYTON. soon found by positive evidence that a AVm Clemens Sugar cured venison for eale at Gris- skunk W’as there. Several of the boys Andrew Callinan Hy Gates were in for the fun. and after an hour B Gabriel Bon's. Owen Hatfield J IIGoodrich and a half’s work, theylreiurned to the Heine, the blind violinist, Tuesday, school house with twelve full grown J A Lambert J II Carev Feb. 19th. AV m Moor Martin Miller skunks, taken from one burrow. Geo Dorsev The school directors will hold a meet­ Josef Heine, . the wonderful blind Fred Crawford J M Hamilton L J Fletcher ing to-night. musician, with his wife and daughter, J M JoneB G AV Knapp was here Monday and Tuesday nights Snow enow beautiful snow, you better B F Lewis I N Edmiston and gave our people entertainments that C git up and go. C F Mackie Lichter they can long remember. The professor B F Morse Heine the violinist at Garrison’s opera is at home on several instruments ; is a H F Morris AVm P Palmer Odell house, Tuesday, Feb. 19th. complete master of the violin, producing A J B Riley A M Peery Jones Howell will superintend the melodies that will bring tears to the eyes Duncan Ross J B Stillwell of listeners or cause the most sedate to erection of Booth’s blacksmith shop. CHEHALEM. EAST grow fat with laughter. His daughter is Our exchanges will please put the T el - an excellent singer and his wife has few­ Oliv Abernathy Jno Clemenson bpiione -R eoister on their exchange list. equals on the piano.—.laloria Transcript. A N Cono Cyrus Hoskins Andrew Picket G AV Mitchell Go to G. 8. Wright, dentist, Braly’s Almanacs for 1889 are out. Did you Cyrus Vaughn Leander Winters block, McMinnville, for first-class work. ever notice the poor chap who has taken Jno Anderson Ney Austin The other day Addie Braly killed a taker, his position in the first picture in D N Brown G R Bristow the almanac, with the fish and sheep fine large w ild cat on the Riverside farm. Albert Heater and scorpions and bulls and lions and LAFAYETTE. Lou Maddock is once more seen on the twins all around him? Did you ever streets. He has had a long spell of sick­ notice that he was naked and his stom­ R P Bird E Carpentei ness. Joseph Hembree ach appeared empty? Well, that poor II Gatennan Jno Hubbard J M Ketty Clark Braly has lost a very fine black chap used to edit a newspaper, and he Geo Moor D V Olds and tan bitch. He will pay $2.50 for its became the sad wrock you see him, Jobe Carey- return. (J. tf) waiting for his subscribers to thresh and M C Rudder Henry Hopkins pay up and then died on promises that D E Fraser A. J. Apperson will movo into the they would pay after they husked their L D Kimberlin J J Martin Burns property, formerly occupied by F. corn.— Ex. M J Ramsey J Mattey W. Redmond. m ’ minnville . Are you interested in bee-keeping? If Teeth extracted without pain by the you are you cannot do better than to send Hiram Adair s A J Apperson application of local anesthetics. G. S. to A. I. Root, Medina, Ohio, for a sample J A Axora G L Baker Wright, dentist. W T Campbell copy of Gleanings in Bee Culture, and C P Bishop Hy L Clark All the prominent business men of the his catalogue of apiarian supplies. Glean­ W T Baxter B F Hartman city have given up their business to ings is published twice a month at $1 per D O Durham B F Fuller Geo Barnum year. Mr. Root is the most extensive monkey with a now puzzle. J W Gault manufacturer of supplies in the world, F Barnekoff AV. T. Booth began to pull down his and employs during the busy season one W L Gilson AV H Bingham buildings on Third street, Monday, in bundled and fifty to two hundred hands. AV G Henderson Wm Henderson order to erect a fine 35x80 shop. Wesley Houck You will find him always prompt in fill­ 0 O Hodson J S Martin I. A. Macrum of Portland, was in the ing orders and thoroughly reliable. By C D Johnson Wm Roof city Monday, in attendance at the meet­ strict integrity and close application lie J O Rogers B Clark G AV Burt ing directors of the McMinnville National has built up an immenso business. L H Cook J AV Cook bank. Tbe Reporter says that the McMinn­ J J Collard O F Davidson Wm. Martin has opened the neatest ville fire department is on the decline. John Ennerv J 8 Hibbs bar in the city at Cook’s hotel. It is Five years ago no more active depart­ Wm Holl J R Longacre stocked with the choicest wines, liquors ment than that existed ; but many of the S A Manning G M McGuire and cigars. old stand bvs are gone, the citizens don’t Wisdom Millsop stay with the boys as they should, and NORTH XAMIIILL. Wednesday l’eder Moller and Kristien ’s w hat’s the matter. Boys of MeM. Nielson, natives of Denmark, declared that R Beard Thos Brown H. & L. Co., and Eclipse Engine Co., their intention to become American citi­ stay with it. The eves of members of '73 Ivan Daniel T M Goodrich zens, before Clerk Hobbs. and into the 89ties are on you.— Astoria Frank Hauswirth Phillip Mesner C Obey Ail persons interested in the camp Transcript. The T elephone -R boisteb J D Monthian J M Bunn ground near Gant’s bridge are requested will inform you that the statement of the Geo Perkins T W Hayes to meet Saturday, 23d of thi3 month, on Reporter in regard to the decline of the AV B Gilpin AV F Raison the ground. AV. L. Molloy. fire department of this city, is untrue. A T W Perry F D Stott large amount of interest was exhibited Alfred Smith Elder llauhnan ot Hood River, and at P AV Morgan the annual election of officers and all late of Illinois, will commence a series boys are determined to stay with It, SHERIDAN. of meeting in the Christian church, in the A S Bible Chas M Agee this city on Friday evening, March 1st. thus accepting the Transcript’s advice. W m Chapman Joe E Brown Farmington is near the Cœur d ’ Alene The M. E. church south is having a John Cronin, Sen John Eb: all reservation and near the Idaho line. It nice little fight on their bands. The Sos Kinney II S Maloney’ Benton Leader is engaged in the fray for not only had a Samoan difficulty last R L Churchman Isaac Lambright week, but tho Cœur d ’ Alene Indians, the opposition and blood flows every is­ John Townsend, Sr 8 Potter who have been hitherto peaceable, got sue. WILLAMINA. their anger up becauso their old chief The columns of T he T elephone -R egis ­ sold a white man $2 worth of timber. R L Booth C E Fendall ter are open to the people of Yamhill They drove the whites off the reservation Alf Wilson Abr AVright county on all controversies which will, who had gone there to cut the wood, and Ira D Stephens John Green defeat oppression and do the county for a day or two war appeared imminent. Abe Wright D B Brvan goal. One of the Indians got shot in the neck D C Dougharty T H Gilbert H W Damson Fritz, the photographer, is in town with a rifle bullet, and several whites and you have only to seo specimens of got shot in the neck in a saloon, and WHEATLAND. there the war ended. The Indians found his work to know that he is a good work­ John A Campbell L C Forrest that when it came to war they were not man. Call on him, over Redmond’s W Y Martin anxious, and will now be more peaceable A P Magness •store. Smith Stephens than ever. They also have a religious G AV Misey John Stoutenberg Hy Hewitt Since the clerk has been installed in revival there and while the services are Jos Kirkwood the new court bouse be has issued three going on hoodlums cut harness and do papers for divorces, and there are two mischief. Runaways occur in conse­ WEST CHEHALEM. prospective ones. He has only issued quence, Farmington is only a young Sam Brisbine Hans Christensen one marriage license. place, a now beginner; what wilt it be Elbridge Fendall C Loder E P Utter Mr. Willis, of the Portland World, was when it gets its growth and comes of age? J C Nelson A C Atkinson Geo F Geigher in the city last week in the interests of FIREMENS’ BENEFIT. J L Davis P A Bates his paper. He was formerly of the Che­ Sidney Root. halis Nugget and will make the World With feelings of gratitude towards the prosper if rustling can do it. YAMHILL MUD. McMinnville Fire department, and ad­ The regular meeting of the Woman’s miration for their manly efforts to quell Add A. Launer and wife to Chandler Christian Temperance Union will be held at the Methodist church on Saturday, the monster during our recent fires, and AVamer, 11 acres in t 5 s, r3w;con Feb. 16th, 1839. at three o’clock p. m. witnessing the inadequate or almost use­ $275. M xry V. Y oung , Secretary. Add A. Launer and wife to John H. less machinery with which they had to 8. A. Manning is improving bis prop­ work, the ladies of the Coffee cluh have Grimes, lOkr acres in 15 s, r 3 w; con erty on the corner of D and Third streets. determined to give an entertainment to $250. He has moved the wood building on raise funds to help procure better appar­ J. B. Riley and Sinzella Riley to Zeca- Third street up close to the brick and atus. riah Spangle, lots 7, 8, 15, 16, and the s built a storeroom and workshop in the To this purpose tbe club met at Mrs. w % of lots 9 and 14 in Dayton ; con $100. rear. N. Hodson’s and decided to hold the en­ Yamhill Lumbering Co., to James Sam Hiss, of Chehalem, was in the tertainment on February 22d, the anni­ Setronen, 20 acres in d 1 c of J. R. city Monday and stated to the marshal versary of the organization of the fire de­ Young; con $440. that ho was sorry for the row of two partment, as well as Washington's birth­ Gus E. Detmering and Ella E. Det- weeks ago and that hereafter he intended day. The literary entertainment is in mering to Martha 8. Coutler, property to behave himself. Sam is a good citizen charge of a very able committee. The committee on refreshments will in McMinnville; con $700. until whiskey gets the best of him. canvass the city for donations. No one Gus E. Detmering and Ella E. Det­ Tuesday two of the cemonters who is secure from the dreadful destroyer, have been at work on the court house got fire, therefore we earnestly entreat mering to Mrs. Wm. F. Coutler, lots 1 full and held a set-to in front of Cook’s everyone to contribute something and and 2 in Newby’s addition to McMinn­ hotel. TLey were arrested taken before invite all to attend the entertainment. ville; con $350. Mayor Manning, in the absence of the Admittance, lOcentB; supper, 25 cents. Fred 8. Post to Alice E- Post, in­ recorder, and fined $10 and costs apiece. terest in d 1 c of John Sargent containing M rs . N ellie H odson , President. S. H. Kingerv and mother, brother M rs . I. 8. C albreatii , Sec. Pro Tern. 160 acres, % interest in lots 2 and 3 in sec 3 in t 5 s, r 3 w; con $450. and mother of our lively commissioner, MARRIED. arrived in this city Monday. Mr. King- O. & C. R. R.. to H. M. Cox, 48.88 cry lives in Los Angeles, and Mrs. King- Married in the Catholic church of East acres in sec 113 s, r 3 w; cou $122.20. ery in Illinois. They intend to stay some Portland, Feb. 4th, 1889, by Rev. Father II. M. Cox and wife to E. Morris Cox, time and inspect this section thoroughly. Fahaag, John J. Resing to Miss Dovie lots 1 and 2 in sec 1 t 3 s, r 3 w; con $250. “I have used Ayer’s Pills for the past Hill, formerly of Yamhill county. The Mary A. McDonald and R. B. Mc­ 30 years, and am satisfied I should not be alive to-day if it had not been for bride was well and favorably known in Donald to Wm. and M. J. Ball, 11.04 them. They cured me of dyspepsia when this county, being born and raised in acres in t 4 s, r 4 w ; con $1200. all other remedies failed.”—T. P, Bon­ Lafayette. Following is the list of pres­ L. T. Davis and wife to Jno Redmond, ner, Chester, Pa. Ayer’s Pills are sold ents : Silver cake knife, Mr. and Mrs. 15.79 acres in 14 t>, r 5 w; con $355.27. by all druggists. Coad; silver cake basket, Mr and Mrs. John Lambert to the trustees of church One of the world’s famous violinists Frank Schmitt; silver fruit basket, F. will appear at Garrison’s opera house Terramoise; table spoons, Mrs. J. T. of the Evangelical association ofN A,t '4' Feb. 19th. He is a wonderful performer Hembree; teaspoons, Mrs. J. AV. Hem­ of a a acre in t 4 s, r 3 w; con $1.00 on the violin and people should hear bree ; tea spoons, Mrs. II. M. Wilkerson ; David E. Hollaway and Sarah E. Hol­ him. The people in Portland went wild tea spoons, Mr. and Mrs. McNamee; tea laway to Mary E. Moore and Chas. F. over his playing. Prices for admission : spoons, Mrs. R. Schmitt; silver fruit Moore, lots 1, 2 and 3 in block 22 ot Ed­ Reserved seats $1.09. general admission stand, M. J. Gorman ; Berry dish and ward's addition to Newberg; con $325. spoon, Mrs. J. E. Hembree; bouquet 75 cents, gallery 50 cents. Jesse Edwards and wife to Alfred E. Saturday, February 10th, a number of holder, Mr. and Mrs. Walter White; Moore, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of block 29 of gold headed cane, Joe Resing; silver young potatoes wore brought to us. Edward’s addition to Newberg; con $150. They measured nine and six inches in pepper box, Cyrena Hembree ; silver Jesse Hobson and wife to John Brown, circumference. This is not an extraor­ tray and glass water set, Miss Maggie dinary thing for Oregon. We have Bickett; table linen, AV. C. Hembree; 16 square rods in Newberg; con $106. known peopie in Yamhill county to mush setts Mrs. H. A. Hembree; towels Jesse Hobson and wife and Samuel have new potatoes and green peas for a Walter, Clark, Nellie, Eva and Maude Hobson and wife to Geo. AV, Mitchell, New Years’ dinner. The above men­ Hembree; Oil painting, Miss Rosa Hem­ lots 1 and 2 in block A in Hobson’s ad­ tioned potatoes were grown by AVm bree; funny box, Mrs. Jennie Coad; pair dition to Newberg; con $80. of vases Miss Annie Ryder. Arthur. C. 8. Williamson and wife to J. T. A strange disease, in epidemic form, ENTITLED TO THE BEST. Isham, lots 7 and 8 in block 9 of Wheat- broke out in the vicinity of Denver, a land ; con $50, small village ten miles east of Bowie, All are intitled to the best that their Texas, and up to date six deaths have AV right’s Compound Syrup of Sarsa­ monej ’ will buy, so every family should occurred. The victim is taken with a parilla can be relied upon for all blood slight fever, accompanied by a breaking have, at once, a bottle of the best familj’ diseases, skin affections etc. Sold by’ out on the wrists, which causes the vic­ remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the Rogers & Todd. tims to become raving maniacs. Death system when costive or bilious. For sale For Sale.—A fine milk cow and calf, results in a few hours. Twenty cases in 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading enquire at this office. druggists. were reported yesterday. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. Garrison’s Opera House! Musical Attraction Tuesday Evening, February lihli. Josef Heine, GRAND CONCERT COMPANY! AT ESHìT^lvdZOTTID’S OZArEZ-A-TMAATOZE: SALE. 2’JT SOME! OF THE THE “HOME COMFORT" RANDE. C1ARLTÖN. COUNTY COURT. Beautiful weather. Good time now to sow your early gar­ den sass Mrs. B. F. Blood is now recovering fiom quite a sick spell. I’rof. Griffith is this week giving a course of lectures here on phrenology. Farmers are improving these fine days and soon there will be a number of acres sown. Mrs. Maggie Shadden of McMinnville, was a guest of Mrs. C. Hendrix this week. Come again Maggie. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Edson has been quite sick but am glad to say is fast recovering. Last but not least Carlton is the place to buy goods cheap, Call on AV. A. Howe and be convinced of the fact. He stayed until about 12 o’clock, and when he heard the words “I’ll start that young man,” took a B line for home. Fox. The County Buildings at Lafayette Con­ veyed to that Town. M edford O b ., June J5t, 1388. The following is from the Medford Ad­ vertiser this week: AVe regret to note the fact that the sup­ erintendent and salesman of the AVrought Iron Co., who have been associated with us for the past two months, are soon to depart forane.v field of labor. For when these gentlemen came amongst us as strangers, we supposed they like a great many traveling men did a reckless business. We are pleased to say their business has been conducted here in a manner worthy of the respect and pa­ tronage of any community. Since they have been at Medford they have sold and delivered nearly two hundred of their “Home Comfort Ranges,” deal in” ex­ clusively with the best citizens of this (Jackson) and adjoining counties, and we have heart 1 a number of purchasers who have thoroughly tested the ranges, speak of them in the highest terms. They have circulated considerable cash in this community and have always been prompt to meet every contract. Success will naturally follow any set of men who conduct business as the gentlemen repre­ SOUTH PRECINCT. senting the Wrought Iron Range Co. AVe, the undersigned citizens of Med­ Most all of the farmers are plowing ford, therefore cheerfully recommend and many of them are sowing. them to any community : Joel Martin has been very sick, but is J. B. Riddle, proprietor Riddle bouse, M. E. Beatty & Co., real estate dealers. able to be about the house. G. F. Merriman, leading blacksmity. James McPhillips is staying in town 1). M. Crosby, deputy sheriff. this week, and is gradually improving in John B. AVrisley.real estateand farmer. health. B. S. AVebb, hardware and groceries. Neighbor B. McPhillips has gone to Miller & Strang, hardware and drugs. H. E. Baker, commission, warehouse. Big Nestuck, w here he will spend the summer. C. K. Fronk, agent O. & C. R. R. R. Pryce, M. D. Many apple trees are yet loaded with I. L. Hamilton, liveryman. Who ever saw that at this time C. AV. AValters, confectionery bakery. apples. of the year? E. P. Geary, M. D. The wheat and w’ild oats are very’ G. H. Haskins, druggist. AV. S. Cooper & Son, harness, saddles. thick, as there has been no freeze to kill Angle & Plymate, dry goods, clothing out the latter. and groceries. Mr ATernackea, formerly of Kansas, This county will be thoroughly can­ but of late one of our neighbors, will vassed and every person will have a soon move to Forest Grove. chance to see for themselves the true Elsia Wright is drainiug his farm merits of the Range. TESTIMONIALS FROM PEOPLE NEAR US WHO with tile. It is a good idea and many of our farmers Bhould do likewise. HAVE USED IT WITH GREAT SATISFACTION. Mrs. Rennie Mulkey is visiting her Below wo publish a few of the many the testimonials oi people who are using parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Mrs. the celebrated “Home Comfort” range. Mulkey was very ill, but is now better. Home testimony, especially that of neigh­ Mr. J. T. Jolly is being visited by his bors, is always the best: father, Dr. Wm. Jolly, of Portland. S hedd , Linn Co., Or., Nov. 19. Miss Rose, bis granddaughter, will ac­ -------- AVrought Iron Range Co -Gentlemen : company him home. —I purchased a Home Comfort range I< PROBATE COURT. with a forty gallon high pressure tank some two months ago and the more we Elmira Olds estate; fourth semi-an­ use it the better we like it. It does all nual account approved. that is claimed for it and more. It has John AV. Murray estate; final account proven indeed to be a “Home Comfort” to be heard March 5th at 1 p. m. to us. Yours respectfully, Mary Hill estate; final account to be AV. C. D avis . heard March 5th at 1 p. m. Claims to bo paid. * S heridan , Yamhill Co., Feb. 10th, 1889. Nathan AVestfall estate : supplemental AVrought Iron Range Co—The Home Comfort range purchased from Mr. Ham­ inventory aproved. Petition to sell re­ mett some time ago gives entire satisfac­ alty to be heard March 5th at 1 p. 111. B. C. AVestfall estate; petition to sell tion. Respectfully, I’. M. S croggin . realty to be heard March 5th at 1 p. m. Z ena , O r ., Feb. 11th, 1889. D. B. Putman estate; report of sale of My range gives entiie satisiaction personalty approved. Final account to You may use my name in any way you be heard March 5th at 1 p. m. see fit in recommending it. Reap., Sixth annual report of the guardian of .1. II. H awley . Lena Bolinger allowed. Geo. Hansen estate; sale of personalty S uver , Polk Co., Or., Nov. 26. The Home •Comfort Range C pur­ approver!. First semi-annual account approved. Petition to sell realty to lie chased of Mr. Bradshaw is perfect and my wife would not part with it at any heard March 5th at. 3 p. 111. Israel Huber estate; petition of Thos. price if she could not get another like it. We have been using ranges for several B. Freeman for payment of his distribu­ years and pronounce the Home Comfort tiveshare granted. Thos. I*. Austen estate; ]>etition for tjie liest. Respectfully, the appointment of Lucretia M. Austen A. 11. C ollins . granted. Bond fixed Home Comfort ranges are manufac­ as administratrix $3000. Bond approved and Wm. tured of tbe best wrought steel and mail- at Roof. Rohl. McDonald, Chas. Palmer iable iron. The flues are all lined with appointed appraisers. asbestos, a material absolutely indistrue- apbointed Ruel Olds estate; order of distribution tible by fire. They are made by the approved and executor discharged. AVrought Iron Range Co., of St. Louis, Henry Dunzer estate; bond of admin­ Mo., and are sold by them exclusively istrator approved. to the people. James McGinnis estate; bond of ad­ ministrator approved. Our Exchange* The McMinnviile T elephone and R eg ­ ister have consolidated under the hy­ phenated name and w ill be issued as a semi-weeklv. It is a good combination. —Poll: County Observer. The new consolidated Yamhill paper is to be called the T elephone -R egister , Harding & Heath proprietors. They pro­ pose to do big things and as the Reporter is bulging ahead, wo may expect to see and hear of more vigorous newspaper work in that county than ever before.— Itimizer. The T elephone and R egister , two democratic papers at McMinnville, have done the sensible thing of consolidating under one management. Harding & Heath, proprietors, are good newspaper men and will dish up pabulum to the democrats of Yamhill in tip top style.— Salem Statesman. The McMinnviile T elephone and tbe R egister have been consolidated, and will hereafer appear as the T elephone - R egister . The proprietors promise a fine paper for its patrons, and a large outfit will be added, including a steam power press. The new paper will be democratic, as were the old ones.— Inde­ pendent. Tbe McMinnville T elephone and the R egister have been consolidated, and will hereafter appear as the T elephone - R egister . The proprietors promise a fine paper for its patrons, and a large outfit will bo added, including a steam power press. The new paper will be democratic, as were the old ones.— Ben­ ton Leader. The McMinnville T elephone and R eg ­ ister have consolidated and will whoop up the democracy of Yamhill in good shape. It will thrive, because the demo­ crats have always stayed with tbeir local organ manfully, while the republicans take it for granted that a paper repre­ senting their cause can make a go of it anyhow and let a publisher work out his own salvation. Glass is making a good paper out of the old Reporter, and there is plenty of room for the two in growing McMinnville,—.1 storia Transcript. A Gypsy Wedding. Several days ago the village of Al­ bany, situated on the AVillamette river, in tbe southern portiou of tbe state, had a sensation. It was the marriage of a gypsy queen to a dusky youth of the gypsy camp. These people have been camped near that town for some time. For two days they were conspicuous on the street, sometimes on ponies and sometimes walking in a procession. The bride was attired in a most extravagant manner. Her bridal trosseau was made by a fashionable milliner ami dress­ maker of Albany, and she was gor­ geously bedecked, a girdle of $5 gold pieces being suspended from her should­ ers. A license was duly obtained and they were united with religious cere­ mony. They made it a gala day and ended by getting drunk in the evening. For Sale. The county cou:t ol Yamhill county began its session on Feb. 11th. A long list of bills were allowed for which we have not the spa e this week to publish. L. II. Baker, county superintendent, was allowed to choose a room, suitable for his use any where in the court house and to purchase a secretary for the use ot his office and also a suitable store. The county court ordered that a con­ veyance be made to the trustees of the town of Lafayette, in trust, for all tbe county property at Lafayette, save and except the iron work in the jail and ex­ cept the vault in tlie old clerk’s office. Howard Succumbs. Frank Howard, the desperate five year convict who cut his hand off to avoid work, has relented and now says that as soon as he is able he will go to work. His arm is paining him considerably now, but AV. AV. Saunders, in the ab­ sence of medical attendants, carefully looks after the bandages, and soes that all goes well. Howard until this morn­ ing declared that his right hand should follow his left before be would perform labor, but calm afterthought and pain­ ful meditation have brought the convict to a realization of his position and he has decided to succumb.— Journal. GROCERIES. PROVISIONS. AT HUSSEY’S OLD STAND. Bed Rock Prices. Crockery. GI umwww , Cigar®, Tobacco« and Candies Fresh frnits and vegetable« Ail pur­ chases delivered free in the city. Farm for Sale. Three miles from McMinuville, containing 260 acres; good spring water; 175 acres iu culti­ vation. Balance No. I pasture; large orchard; fair improvements. Will sell all or part. Terms reasonable. Address: P. O. BOX NO. 331. February 8, 1889. 1-1 tn For Sale. 300 bushels of fine Side Seed Osts, for further particulars call at the residence of f. Lebold, eight miles west ot McMinnville. MAX LEBOLD. February 8,1889. 1-lm REALESTATE AVe handle, sell, and rent all kinds of real estate, city and country property on favorable terms. AVe now have for sale the John Sax prop­ erty in, and adjoining this city at a bargain, in lots to suit Will sell on commission at auction all Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that classes of property. Contain Mercury, Office between G and 1) streets on Third, A b mercury will surely destroy the McMinnville, Oregon. J ames F letcher & Oo. sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucus surfaces. Such arti­ cles should never be used except on pre­ scriptions from reputable physicions, as the damage they will do are tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from lias the most complete stock of harness them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac­ in the county. At present 12 set of sin­ gle harness, hand made, in prices tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken in­ ranging from $12 to $30, and 8 ternally, and acts directly upon the set of team harness as cheap blood and mucus surfaces of tbe system. AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, it is taken inter­ Can be seen on tlie hooks in my shop. I have competant workmen employed nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. to do all kinds of repairing and to make J. Cheney & Co. jti^Sold by all druggists, price 75 any harness ordered I also keep a full of oil and rubber robes, lap robes, cents per bottle. 41-lm sfiick horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of x---- - • -------- extras for repairs constantly on hand. Notice. E. WRIGHT Tho people of this city must keep their side walks in repair. At present there are about two miles of side walk which ---- By»U sing---- will have to be replaced with entirely new walk. Tbe owners of land know this as well as 1, and now if it is not built within 10 days I intend to order it A’ou save 7 per cent, or, on every in and if it is not put in immediately the city will do so and a lien upon your Fifteen Dollars Mdse. Bought property will be the result. Sidewalks ---- You Receive---- are needed and they must go in. This means business. H. L. H eath , Street Com. Grissen’s Cash Cards $1.00 in Mdse. Free! Notice. Remember at Tax payers of Yamhill county will take notice that the time has now expired tor paying taxes without cost and that all taxes now due the county are subject to a forced collection. Come in and settle with the sheriff anil save costs and ex­ penses of levy anil sale of property, therefore to save costs and trouble please call at once and settle up your tax bill. McMinnville, Feb. 5, 1889. T. J. H arris , Sheriff of Yamhill Co. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- The Best Salve in tho world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rlioum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt­ ions, and positively cures l’iles, or no I’ay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, price 25 cents per box. Rogers^ Todd. C. GRISSEN’S. THE M c M innville dairy Is now prepared to furnish milk at all times FIRST CLASS MILk Per pint, one month, delivered morning or evening, $1., per quart, $2 Milk saved seperato for children, no extra charge. C has . W. H olman . MY MOTTO —is— “Large Sales and Small Profits.” TUCKER VILLE. Farmers are busy plowing. Dick still hangs on that front gate. The mill will be ready for w ork in a few days. Puckerville is rejoicing over tho pros­ pects of a wedding soon. Lewis Gilbert will move into the house formerly occupied by Pierce Asberv. AA’e are sadly in need of now sidewalks, tLe old ones are becoming dangerous. Miss Mattie Gilbert has gone to Mc­ Minnville to visit her friend, Mrs. Lu Austin. Luther Newman of McM spent Sun- dayed in our berg. The attraction seems to be at the mansion. Our worthy citizen, Fred Little, bade us farewell Monday and started for Seat­ tle, where he will reside in the future. The party at Mr. John Stallcop’s on the let inst, was an enjoyable affair. Quite a number was present, and all seemed to liaye a good time tripping the light fantastic until a late hour. Among those 1 resent we notice I Miss Emma Smith, Misses Mamie. Lina and Lizzie Gilbert, Miss Alice Kidder, Mr. Luke Morris and wife, Geogre and James An- diews, Dick, Will and Sam Smith. Fred and Geo. Balmer, Mel Woods, James Pierce, Burr Kidder. Mr, Baily. B lue E yes . RESOLUTIONS, Upon the death of John Haney, passed by the Lafayette llook and Ladder Com­ pany No. 1, at a meeting held in their hall January 12th, 1889. W hereas , it lias pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to remove from our midst by death, our brother John Haney, and AV heueas , lie was a member of Lafay­ ette Hook and I.adder Company No. 1 in good standing at the time of his death, and AV hereas , the members of the com­ pany are desirous of showing tiieir re­ spect to our departed brother and mem­ ber; therefore be it Resolved, by the members of Lafayette Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, that in the death of our brother John Haney, we have lost a genial and good member and an estimable and honoied citizen. Rewired, that these resolutions be spread on the journal of this company and that a copy of them be furnished to the widow of the deceased, and also pub­ lished in the county papers. Dated at Lafa’ette, Oregon, February 7th, 1889. P. I’. G ates , AV. L. B radshaw , D. V. O lds , Committee. Use AVriglit’s Arabian Condition Powders if you take pride in seeing your stock look well. Sold by Rogers & Todd. OPPOSITION BOOT AND SHOE STORE. F. IHELSI H.MEhER. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Worth KnoAvinif. Mr W. H Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla , was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and Tun­ ing into Consumption in its first stages He tried many socallcd popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse Wai reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Fnally tried Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumpion and found immediate relief, and after using about a half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King’s New Discov­ ery for Consumption guaranteed to do just what is claimed for it —Trial bottle free at Rogers & Todd’s Drug Store (4) MOTHERS’ Castoria is recommended by physicians or children teething It is a purely veget­ able preparation, its ingredients are pub­ lished around each bottle It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harmless. It re­ lieves constipation regulates the bowels, quiets pain, cures diarrhoja and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, soothes the child and gives itrefeshing and natural sleep. Cas­ toria is the children’s panacea—tlie moth­ ers’ friend, 35 doses, 35 cents. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men­ tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.- A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran­ teed to do all that is claimed Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidheeys will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood,—Will drive Malaria from tho system and prevent as well as cure all Ma laria fevres,—For cure of headache. Con­ stipation and Indigestion try Electric Bit­ ters—Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded.—Price 50cts. and $1.0»}'per bottleai i.