The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, February 15, 1889, Image 2

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How much of a bonus will the citizens
of this city be willing to give for a wool­
en mill to bo established at this place?
HARPING & HEATH, Publishers.
We would like to hear from the people
on this subject. Someone give their
The adverising rates of T he T elephone R egis «
tei * era extremely libera), and will be made views on the matter through the col­
known cu application. Special iudnceinen*» umns of this paper.
foi yearly or semi-yearly contract*.
Several renters on Third street havo
appealed timo and timo again to their
Jo» Work of all kinds neatly and quicsly exe
cntrd at reasonable rates. Our facilities are landlords to have the rear yards cleaned
among the best, and satisfaction given on ev­ up. They have refused to do so, and
ery deal.
overflowing water closets grow and
prosper year by year
Tlio persons
Address all eoinninnicntiona. either fcr the edi­ owning property should ba more care­
torial or business departments, to T he Tata ful. They will be the cause of several
riK)NE-l{EOX»i'ER, McMinnville, Oregon.
deaths in this city dining tho summer if
thev do not clean up.
February 15, 1889.
Number of inches of Advertisements in
the T elephone -R egister last week, 326.
Number of inches of Advertisements in
the Yamhill Reporter last week, 246.
Number of Ems of Neu-s tn the T ele ­
last week, 66,915.
phone -R egister
Number of Ems of News in ihe Yamhill
Reporter last week, 63,022.
Which is the best paper’ The people
answer, “The Telephone-Register, by far.”
Mr. L. D. Mulkey is not authorized by
the proprietors of this paper to collect or
take subscriptions for us. He is work­
ing in the interests of the Yamhill Repor­
ter and we wonld advise the proprietor of
that paper to discharge him immediate­
ly. A week or so ago he was canvassing
for the Reporter in the neighborhood of
Wheatland and stated to Mr. V. Scott of
that place that he was authorized to re­
ceive subscriptions for the T elephone -
R egister . Mr Scott wanted the T ele ­
phone -R egister and Mr. Mulkey accept­
ed his name and the Reporter has been
mailed to him regularly’ since, until yes­
terday Mr. Scott called at this office and
informed us of the transaction and also
informed the Reporter that he did not de­
sire that sheet. If the editor of the Re­
porter will such transactions
he deserves the contempt of every honest
man in the county. Several people have
declined to take that paper from Mulkey
but their names have been entered upon
the books. The Reporter may continue
to do business with the people of Yam­
hill county in this way but the T ele ­
phone -R egister declines to do so. This
paper has gained its popularity by square
dealing and by furnishing all the newB
and it intends to keep on doing so.
The Bitline family is growing more
prominent every day. Mrs. James G.
Blaine, Jr., has just signed a three
years’ contract with a theatrical mana­
ger. She knows about as much of the
stage as a sunbeam. James G. Blaine,
Jr., has signed a contract as apprentice
in a locomotive works.
James G.
Blaine, Sr., has signed a four years'
contract with Harrison. His duty is too
run the government. Is there another
The spring is almost upon us and if the
city intends to improve it is about timo
it was \ doing it. The new city jail was
referred to a committee and that com­
mittee has not yet made any evident pro­
gress in the matter. A new jail is need­
ed and must be built. The committee
should do some work on it. Waterworks
have died a natural death. Let us re­
vive it and have them. The health of
the city demands immediate attention.
Sidewalks prosentn pitiful atq>earance.
The property owners should build them
immediately and not wait for orders
from the street commissioner. The Cook
house drainage question is in the same
state as it was several months ago.
Thousands of dollais can be spent to an
advantage on onr streets.
Secretary of State Bayard has request­
ed the resignation of H. M. Sewail, con­
sul-general to the Samoan Islands. This
appears to be a wrong move. Mr. Bay­
ard, in tho Samoan difficulty is not dis
playing the common sense which he was
born with. He is too timid to be the
chief diplomat of this nation.
Since Mr. Zerkle, of this city, won
$200 in the Louisiana lottery, several of
our citizens have invested in the sclienio.
If they live to be 10,000 years old and
spend $1 per month in the lottery they
will stand a chance of drawing $200, It
is like going to Seattle to invest and
earning the money to invest in Yamhill.
One amendment to the charter pro­
vides i>r the county roads running
through the town to bo under the juris­
diction of tho city. There is a kick about
that amendment also, Under the pres­
ent charter street sewerage could not be
laid on Third street. By all means the
city should have the control of the streets
within the corporate limits.
From Canadian papers tho impression
is gained that the people of Canada favor
annexation and that if that country is
annexed to ihe United States it will
soon bo done. It is rumored the govern­
ment intends to submit the question to
the people. It would bo a good scheme,
although the Canadian debt runs away
up in.tbc hundreds of millions.
for Infants and Children.
“Oartori* is so wall adapted to children th*»
I recommend it aa superior to any prescription
known to me.”
H. A. Anona, M. D.,
U18a. Oxford SL. Brooklyn, N. Y.
I have just received a Full and Complete Line of
these SHOES, guaranteed to be the best and cheapest
in the market. ALSO—A full line of C. M. Hend r-
son & Co.'s Gents’ Boots and Shoes, end Ladies' and
Misses’ Fine Shoes.
General Merchandise.
At Extremely Low Prices.
txt .
U we ,
Carlton, Oregron.
Headquarters for the Compounding of
Physicians’ Prescriptions
“Take a PHI?”
“Why, Ayer’s, of course.”
AYER’S FILLS aro the best. They regu­
late Digestion, cure Biliousness, Colic, and
Constipation, relieve Sick Headache, Neu­
ralgia, and Rheumatism. They contain no
calomel and are sugar-coated. Mild, but
effective, they are the favorite family med­
icine. As an after-dinner pill, used by
And Family Recipes,
--------------- --------------------------
Geo. W. -Burt’s
thorough teaohinq in shorthand, DAILY PRACTICE
in type-writing, oareful instruction in penman­
ship and abundant drill in correspondence amply
qualify students for positions always open to those
fully prepared to fill them. Send for catalogue.
A. P. A rmstrong , P rin ., - P ortland , O regon .
^xesoripticn. ZDrvig: Store,
ZÆcZÆizsrrT-v-xrjZ-iE, ors.
Tlte Best Bar in tlxe Oity-
BtockeJ with the choicest Wines, Liquors
and Cigars—Domestic and Imported
WM. MARTIN. Proprietor.
salt : cojsrTTNruEs.
Notice of Appointment of Ad­
Notice is hereby given that the nudoraignoJ,
Lucretia M Austen, has been duly appointed by
the county court of Yamhill countv, Oregon,
administratrix cf tho estate of Hints P Ana-
ten. deceased.
Therefore all persona having c.’aims against
said estate aro hereby notified and required to
present the s: me with proper vouchers to the
undersigned at tho law ofiic® of Fenton & Fen­
ton, at McMinnville. Yamhill county, Oregon,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 15th d«v of February, 1889.
Administratrix of said Estate,
F snton <t F enton ,
Attornoys for Estate.
Notice of Dissolution of Copart­
Tho copartnership heretofore existing be­
tween the undersigned. M B Hendrick and M
E Hendrick, under the firm name and stylo of
M B Hendrick A Son, at Amity, Yamhill
county, Oregon, has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent, said M B Hendries having
sold and transferred all his interest in said
firm anj the business and property thereof to
Mid M E Hendrick.
The business will be carried on by M E Hen­
drick, he assuming the payments of all the just
debts ana liabilities of the said firm, and all
claims and demands due said firm are to be
paid to him, the said M E Hendrick.
Dated at Amity, Oregon, this 11th day of
February, 1889.
Notice for Publication.
L and O ffior at O regon C ut .)
Oregon, Feb. 7th, 188*. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten­
tion to make final ¡»roof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
county iudge or in his absence, before the coun­
tv clerk at McMinnville, Oregon, on Friday,
April 6th, 1888, viz: Orcelus L. Doane, home­
stead entry No. 4849, for the r | of n e f and w
i of 8 e 4 of sec 2 t 2 s r 5 w.
He names the following witnesses to »rove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
8 Anderson, I) Richardson, F Anderson, ana
M Martin, a'.I of North Yamhill. Yamhill county,
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows of
any substantial reason, under the law and the
regulations of the Interior Department, why
such proof should not bo allowed, will bo given
an opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to oross-oxamiue the witnesses of said
claimant, and to offer evidenc in rebuttal cf that
submitted by claimant.
It is announced that Sir Julian Paunce-
fote, permanent under secretary ol state
for the foreign office, has been appointed
British minister to the United States.
Although the report is not officially con­
firmed, it is credited at tho foreign office.
The appointment is creating intense
irritation in British diplomatic circles as
a departure from the rule of succession
in appointments according to rank in the
service. Sir Julian Pauncepote is a law­
yer, not a diplomat, and was never at­ 2-6t
tached to any embassy. He was ap­
pointed to his present post on account oi
his extensive knowledge of the legal
bearings of treaties.
As his present sah.rly is only £2000
yearly the new appointment is a desira­ Third Street,
ble one, the salary of the minister at
----- Keeps constantly on hand-----
Washington being £6)00.
Eurisko Market.
J. S. HIBBS, Pro.
The new British minister is sixty
years old, anil for th? past twelve years
held the office of per lianent under tecre-
tary of state for foreign affairs. lie was
nominated as a barrister of the Inner
Temple in 1852. In 1865 ho was ap­
pointed attorney-go leral of the colony of
Hong Kong, and from 1869 to 1871 acted
as chief justice for that dependency, and
subsequently in the Leeward islands.
In 1874 he was promoted to the post of
under secretary of state for tho colonies,
and two years later his re markable at­
tainments in the department of Inter­
national law led to his appointment as
under secretary of state to the foreign
office. Knighted in 1874, he has since
then received the Grand Cross of the Or­
der of St. Michael and St. Geoige and
the Order of the Bath. He married in
1S5S Selina, the d iughteref the late Ma­
jor Cubitt, the fc under of whose family
was a famous lord mayor of London.
Sir Julian is a member of Arthur’s and
of several good Iz. inion clubs, and is rec­
ognized as one of the most distinguished
authorities of the day en international
Cantoris eures Colte. Constln*’'’-’'.
Sour Stomach, iHarrhœa, Eructation,
Kills Worms, give, sleep, and promote« di-
Without injurious medicasi».
Tint C bntavr C ompany , 77 Murray Street. N. Y.
On the local page in the proceedings
of the county court you will notice the
order of the county court for the convey­
ance to the city of Lafayette all the
Ayer’s Pills,
county property at that place. This is . Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sola by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.
just as it should be, and we are pleased
to see it done. If the trustees of Lafay­
ette use this property right, they can by Requirements of a Stenographer.
it induce a college, manufactory or some
TA Succeed as a stenographer, one must be ac-
other paying interests to locate there IIJ curate in shorthand, skilled in type­
a good penman, a competent cor­
which in the end will benefit that city writing,
respondent. In the Shorthand Department of the
moro than the county seat e--er would.
The editor of the Prineville News has
commenced suit against several delin­
quent subscribers. He should be suc­
cessful! in every instance, and the delin­
quents mulcted in heavy damages.
Some men will take a newspaper fcr
years, receive great benefit, and when
asked to pay for what they have re­
ceived, will evade this honest debt in
every possible way. Editors mo3t firmly
believe in a place of future punishment,
a moral necessity to harmonize God’s
plan and meet the requirementsol etern­
The Yamhill Reporter makes the fol­ al justice.— T. 31.
lowing offer through the canvasser Mul-
Samoa, which attracts a deal of atten­
To all persons who aie subsetibers to tion at present, consists of a group of
the T elephone -R egister and have paid islands cf volcanic origin in the South
in advance they offer their sheet free hr Pacific, 3700 miles from San Francisco
the time of the paid subscriplion to this and 3000 miles from Sidney. These
paper if tl:e subscriber will drop islands aro amazingly fertile. Cotton of
T he T elephone -R egister now.
We fine quality is produced, as well as to­
havo not yet received notice from anyone bacco, coffee, pepper, lemons, oranges,
to stop their paper so we think the aud many other products. Vast cocoa-
nut plantations oxist there also, the prin­
Bchetne does not work.
We make the same offer to subscribers ciple exports consisting of dried copra
of the Reporter, but do it openly and cocoanut od. Cattle and hogs are
and mako a belter offer. To all persons raised in abundance. The population
who have paid in advance not more numbers about 40,000, but a few hun­
than three months on this backbiting dreds of which are white.
sheet wo will double their time on that
Senator Wager has introduced a very
paper if they will subscribe for T hs
T elephone -R egister . In other words if important bill in the senate to regulate
you desire to stop your paper, having the foreclosure ot mortgages, etc. It
paid three months in advance or less, provides that when any tax becomes due
T he T elephone -R egister will Ire sent upon any debt, mortgage, deed or trust,
to your address for six months or less, etc., the tax shall be paid in the first in­
just double your subscription duo you on stance by the owner of the instrument or
the lieporter. We have no canvassers tho obligee therein; but if the tax is not
out to throw slurs on anyone but we fully paid by the time of its delinquency,
mako all our business propositions to the the maker or obligator becomes liable
people of Yamhill county openly through for the tax. Any provision in the obli­
the columns of this paper. A backslid­ gation by which the maker specially
ing democrat is a peculiar individual agrees to pay the taxes is declared void.
and we are now observing his habits No suit for the foreclosure of a mortgage,
deed of trust, contract, or other obliga­
carefully. lie is a whole menagerie.
tion, whereby land or real property situ­
In the Michigan legislature a bill has ated in the state is made security for the
been introduced to protect innocent and payment of a debt, shall be maintained
unsuspecting male citizens of that state unless the plaintiff proves that all taxes
against the wiles of adventuresses who are paid.
may attempt to marry them for their
It seems strange that whenever a pro­
ceeding is begun which will lead to im­
provements in this city, that a remon­
strance is always on baud to be brought
against it. It is nea>ly always signed by
the same people and it is always against
improvements of any kind.
ville is just at the turning point of her
carreer and the least tiling which is
brought to bear against improvements
will give her a set back which will be
felt for the next ten years. A low ainend-
ments have been made in the charter
and it is now before the legislative to be
passed upon and in all probability will
be defeated by tho efforts of a few’ who
are opposed to anything which will make
McMinnville anything different than the
mud hole she is at present. Several of
he men who havo signed tho remon­
strance and are now engaged in the
pleasant avocation of kicking do not pay
one dollar of city tax although living in
the city and being worth $5000.
All Meats of Best Quality.
Bighest price paid for fat cattle, sheep hogs
and poultry.
If so be sure and cal! for your tickets
via tbe
ta !i ¡¡sites torn
“Ms m k
“Competition is tho Life of Trade,” and if you have not seen our latest improved good« vou
cannot Imagine how lively trade Is or how hard our competitors have to work to keep within Rlirht of us
Ask your retailer for tho JAMES MEANS’ «3 SHOE, ortho JAMES MEANS* Si SHOE
according to your needs.
Positively none genuine unless having our name and price stamped plainly on the soles. Your
retailer will supply you with shoes so stamped if you insist upon his doing so; if you do not faisfst, some
retailers will coax you Into buying inferior shoes upon which they make a larger profit.
->• AN D •<—
Oregonian Railway, L’d, Line.
Portland & Willamette Valley R’y
All broken lines and odd suits in Mens’
Youths’ and Boys’clothing reduced to cost.
JAMES MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.
Nairn Gai® System
our object is simply to close out these goods before taking stock in Jan­
uary. Hence we ofFer these bargains to our many patrons, so those
who wish can avail themselves of them In our cloak department every
garment is marked down to original cost and some
->• TO •<—
Su Ji h.u been the recent progress In our branch of Industry that we ore now able to affirm that the
J.iu.t h M.-. vjs ’ Sim; is In every respect equal to tho shoes which only a few years ago were retailed r.tefght
doh.-rs. If • • u will try on a pair you will be convinced that we do not exaggerate. Ours are tho
original .'3 and $4 Sl.-»«s, and those who Imitate our system of business are unable to compete with us In
quality of to.ct-«ry j r- iucts. In our lines we are the largest manufacturers In the United States.
Ono of <>',*•
z talesmen who is now visiting the shoe retailers of the Pacific Coast and Kock
Mo’.'utaiu lieghin tvrile.-» fr >in there as follows:
•'I a;.i i'll .re that satisfied with the results of my trip. I have thus far succeeded in placing our fui
lino Ir. the »•:■ ;.-s of a No. 1 ’ dealers in every point I nave visited." He goes on io say, "This Is •
suhu.'u.) re.-; n L*r us to sell shoes in, because most of the retailers are charging their customers .u
r. ia i
1 • the prices which th? shoes have cost at v.holesale. Tho consequence Is that the
[•colile who
ar -hues ire paying six <»r seven dollars a pair for fhoer. which aro not worth as much ns -nir
— ‘r;s
. ... AS*S’
.u.tid SI SHGKS. Our shoes with their very low retail prices stumped on dio
soli s of every pi.: • >ir' ’ n-tuin ,’ down the high prices which have hitherto ruled in the retail markets hero,
and a hen a reud *-r . ; sfuli Iiue of goods m his stock they at once begin to go off like hot cakes, so
the Ufci'.Gind iz,i’*
No .<. ku:d r. • ■!.«• L‘-t stop and ciuixider vet the above signifies eo far as you are concerned, it
assures you ¿hat K you Keep on buying shoes baarh.g no manufacturers’ name or fixed retail price stamped
on the soles .you eunnot toil wuat you are getting sad your retailor is probably making you pay doiu io
who.t your shoes have co^t him. Now, can you afford to do this while we are protecting you by stamping
our r.' and tberlxod -etai'. price upon the solv.s of our shoes l«efore they leave our factorv so that
cannot : •■? made to pay nunc for your shoes than they are worth ?
Shot s from u-i ovJebt aird f«e?ory arc m «»1<I by vyb-lr-awnko retailer«« in »• ?! pitrta ot
the '’ou oi ry. We wlli pl.iei- them easily within your reach in any State or Territory k v- u wih invest one
cent in - postal ca?’d mid
to us.
Dress Goods Departm’t
We offer a line at 15 cents, regular price
30 and 35 cents. A line at 31 regular price
50 and 60 cents.
Shoe Department.
A line offered at 50 and 80 cents, regular
price $1.25.
For Fine Wines, Liquors,
We offer a special line at 25 cents worth
and Cigars.
40 and 50 cents.
------ G-O TO-------
These goods are going like hot cakes. Call early if you want tbe
Uotil further notice trains will
bargains. When in the city do not fail to inspect our new
arrive and depart from Lafayette
Shoe and Grocery departments which arc not equalled in Yamhill coun­
as follows, to and from Portland. New Stock, New placo of business. ty for fresh, stylish goods and all right prices.
Call and see me while in
We call especial attention to our display of Holiday Goods.
Portland.... 7 1‘- r m Airlie........... I 00-p in
The choicest lines of Cigars and Tobaccos can be found at
Dundee....... 9 00 a m Sheridan....... 3 07 p m
Lafayette... 9
a in Lafayette... 4 15 p m
Sheridan... .10 30 a in Dundee.......... 4 40 p m Win. Martin Behind the Bar.
Airlie (ar). .12 30 p m Portland (ar) 6 30 p m
For fin the r information apply to tbe Com­ THIRD STREET, M’MINNVILLE. OR
pany’s Agent at Lafayette, or address General
offico, corner Second A Pine StF., Portland Ogn
The G-i*eat
Transcontinental Route.
Hin Pult Uli
-------- VIA TUB--------
Cascade Division’ now completed,
making it the Shortest, Best’
and Quickest.
The Dining Car line. Tho Direct Route.
No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low­
est Rates to Chicago and al!
points East. Tickets sold
to all Prominent I’oints
throughout the East and Southeast.
Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­
ing Cars
Reservations can be secured in advance.
To East Bound Passengers.
Be caeful and do not mako a mistake
It is positively tho shortest and fin »1 but be sure to take Ihe
line to Chicago mid the east and south and
the only sleeping and dining oar through
Northern Pacific Railroad.
line to
And see that your tickets read ria
City, nul all Missouri
River Points.
THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to
Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed avoid changes and serious dolavs occa­
train service and elegant dining and sioned by other routes.
sloeping cars has honestly earned for it tho
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
title of
on regular express trains full length of
the line. Berths free. Lowest rates.
Quickest time.
Others may imitate,but none can surpass it
Our motto is “always on time.”
General Office Of the Company, No, 2
Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
Bt» sure and ask ticket agents for ticket*
via this celebrated route and take none
No, 4 Washington street, Portland, Or.
Asst General Passenger Agent.
Tlie IRoyal Route
While wo do not claim to have reduced prices on all goods but only
on such goods as we advertise to sell
The Star Saloon is the cosiest place in town
to spend an evening
The best Wines, Liquors, and Cig-
always kept in stock.
Third St.,
.McMinnville, Or.
Great English Remedy.
_______ APPERSONS.
FOR 1889!
Now is the time to Subscribe for the
For 1889, and secure a full volume of numbers.
It is the
Murray’s Spacfic.
A guaranteed cure for all
nervous diseases, such as weak
memory, loss of brain power,
hysteria, headache, pain in the
back, nervous prostration,
wakefulness, leucorrhoea, uni­
versal lassitude, seminal weak­
ness, ini potency, and general
n p t li 1°89 Power
Jeforo *asing* organs, in cither sex, caused
by indiscretion or over exertion, and which
ultimately lead to premature Trad© Mark,
old age,insanity and consump­
$1.00 per box or sixj
boxes for $5.00,sent by mail on
receipt of price. Full particu­
lars in pamphlet, sent free to
every applicant.
BOXES to cure any case. For
even* $5 00 ordc-r received, weAfter Taking»
send six boxes with written guarantee to re­
fund the money if our Specific doe. not ef­
fect a cure
Address all communications to the 8ole
Kansas City, Mo.
Sold by Rogers A Todd, sole agents’
THIS PAPER-^ n - ä ^
®^“The mass of information it contains covers tbe entire Pacific
Northwest completely, and deals with all subjects of interest to those
seeking information of this region.
For the current year The West
Shore will surpass in excellence the volume just closed, and will I. a
complete exponent of the resources of, and a careful chronicler of all
now enterprises of importance in, the entire region embraced within the
limits of Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, British Columbia .nd
Alaska, together with a multitude of superb engravings of scenery,
cities, industries, etc., of the country described.
Twelve Art Supplements,
All elegant engravings, in colors or tints, will be issued, one with
each number. These supplements are 17x23 inches in size, and repre­
sent some object of general interest or some feature of the .Magnificent
Scenery of the west, and will alone be worth the price of the magazine.
You can not do without The West Shore for 1889. Onlv $2.50 a
years ; 50 cents extra for postage if sent beyond tbe limits of the Unit« <1
States, Mexico or Canada. Single copies, 25 cents. Address
L. Samuels, Publisher, Portland, Or.