THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. M c M innvii . k , February - O regon : 8, 1889. CHASBD BV A THl'NDERBOLT. “What was th« fastest time vou ever made?” asked the talker of Johnnie Byers, one of the best known engineers in the western country. “Well, he returned, “I reckon a run of forty miles I made on the North Platte end of the division was the slickest. You see, I was sent out from Omaha with a light engine to pull in a special director’s car from North Platte, and when I got within about fifty miles of the latter station I was given an order to run regardless of everything—other trains were side-tracked for me. "I hadn’t left the station more’n five minutes before a heavy thunderstorm casse up—‘hey do it awful quick out there—and me and my fireman enjoyed the finest display of fireworks you ever see. "All of a sudden Tom yells to me: “Holy Moses! The lightning’s struck the track! Pu.'i out Johnnie, or we’re done for’’ “I looked back, and sure enough there came a streak of lightning along the right rail headed for us. It was a kinder whitish-blue sort of a thing, and was humping along like it had a time order. "I knew that if it struck the machine we was ail gone to the sweet hereafter, and I pulled her wide open. "Well, the old machine seemed to know something was up, and she gave a jump like a scared antelope and shot ahead of that lightning streak. At first the streak seemed to be gaining on us, but after ths engine got good and start­ ed, my, you ought to see the distance play out between us. But the lightning didn’t seem to be discouraged. It just spit on its hands and clawed along alter us like a promissory note after an insol­ vent debtor. "Well, I saw something must be done, but couldn’t make out how to do it. It waB plain that if this thing kept up much longer the water and coal would give o«A not to speak of red-hot journals. I s& to Tom: THeave away, now, with the coal and will fool him,’ and, although he’d been heaving away since the start of the race, that Beemed to help, for I could see the lightning was lagging. Then I turned the machine over to him and crawled back on the tank. I bad an idea. There was a siding a few miles ahead and if we could make it—well, you’ll see. There wai a broken drawbar on the tank, and when I reckoned we’d got about the right distance 1 dropped it. I could see it rolling along for quite a dis.auce, then I got back to the engine and slacked up. “All of a sudden I heard the most out­ landish racket you ever heard of behind ns. Then the air was full of splinters, and when I rolled back, sure enough the drawbar had fallen in the switch I’d calculated on hitting, and. bad made snch a connection with the main track that the lightning had been switched off and had run down on the siding and in to two cars of powder standing there. I’m sorry I can’t give you the exact time of that run, but under the circum­ stances you could not expect a man to hold a watch, now could you?”— Omaha Herald. Clinching a Bargain. “Some years ago when we wore re­ pairing our Sun lay school building we held the school in the auditorium of our church,’’ said Bishop Cheney. “I was superintending it mysell one dav, and entering the chttrcb I came across a little group of street gamine, some boys, one or two girls, ragged, dirty and unattrac­ tive. I stopped to speak with them pleasantly, and told them that I would put them in clarses after I got through with the opening exercises, and one of them thrust his hand deep down in hia trousers pocket and pulle<^ out an old rusty jackknife ¡.nd said; Mr. Cheney, I wish you would keep that until after the Sunday scl ool is ove>.’ Why he wanted me to keep it I did not know then. I do know now; but I took it, put it without thought into my pocket, took my place ipon the platform and struck the bell ihat called the school to order, was abort to begin the opening prayer—give ort tbe opening hymn— when my attention was diverted by the patter of little f 'et coming up the broad aisle. It ia a long church, and a little girl was coming from the extreme oppo­ site end. She rime slowly, but with an expression in her face that showed she had a most imprrtant message to com­ municate, and so all exercises were sus­ pended. Every eye was upon her and upon me as she climbed up the chancel steps. With a and voice expressive of intense eagerness, she said to me: “ ‘Say, Mr. C heney, Johnnie wants his knife; he has got a chance to trade.’ ” Inventor Westinghouse’s Millions. George WeBtinghouse, of Pittsburg, iB estimated to be worth 1'20,000,000, which he made first by his airbrakes for en­ gines and railroal cars. Every man who travels nowadays pays tribute to West­ inghouse. His inventions made fast travelling possibl ». The quick stopping of a train was next to imjtossible before his brakes came into u»e, and hence it was dangerous to run fast and create too great momentum. While talking with Mr. Westinghouse recently he was ap­ proached by a gentleman of hia acquain­ tance, who recalled the fact that Mr. Westinghouse had once offered him hie brake inventions for the sum of |3,000. Since he founded his enormous fortune Mr. Westinghouse has been interested in various other en erprises including the natural-gas deve opment at Pittsburg, electric light an< motors and railroad building. The Next Census. In taking the eleventh census a great man}' cumbrous and practically useless details that were carried out in taking the tenth census are to be omitted. Ex­ perience has shown how to reach with much less labor than heretofore all the results that ate of practical value. Twenty-two enormous volumes, besides compendiums, were the outgrowth of the census of 1880. The bill now before congress, to make provision for the cen­ sus of 1890, limits the volumes to seven, viz: (1) Population anil social statistics relating thereto; 12) Products of manu­ factories; (3) Mining; (4) Agriculture; (5) Mortality and vital Hiatistics; (6) Valuation and public indebtedncHs; (7) Statistics relating to railroad corpora­ tions, express, telegraph and insurance companies. A ARE YOU GOING EAST? ♦'HERBY PECTORAt.. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Prepared bj’ Dr. J. Ayer & Co., T.owell, Mase, gold by all Druggist«. Piice >1, six bottle», $6. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. via the w —THE— sb sums; « It is positively the shortoat and finial line to Chicago and tbe e«6t and south and the only sleeping anughary.judge of the county court ot tbe state of Oregon, for the To East Bound Passengers. county ef Yamhill, and the seal of aaid court Be caeful and do net make a mialaka i hereto affixed, this *22d day of January. A. D.- 1889. Attest: but be sure to take I lie J. W. Hom: U»l Conntv Clerk. F imos A F estos , 22 St AtLrney, for Estate. Transcontinental Route. Washington St., Portland, Orogen. THE TAQUINA ROUTE. A D CHARLTON. A txt General Passenger Agent. Local I’awienger Daily, except Sunday. luvx . [ aaarrx. Portland 8:03 amlEngene............ 2:40 pn Eugene............. 9:00 am | Portland........... 3-4S pre Pullman Buffit sleepers, Tourist Sleeping Cars, For accommodation of Second Class passen­ gers attached to express trains. The O. &. C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regr.lir trains on the East Side Di­ vision from foot of F street. WEST 8Il)t DIVISION Between Portland and Corva'lia. Mail Train, Daily except Sunday. ABBIVI. LKAVB. Pt rtland......... 7 30 a m St Joseph 10 05 a ■ St Joseph... .10 05 a m C«rvallta . .. .12 25 p m Corvalli« 1 30 p m St Joseph. .. 3 62 p a St Joseph .. 3 52 p m Portland........6 20 p n At Albany and ’orvallis connect with trail»« of Oregon Pacifie. Express Train, Daily except Monday LBAVl I awbvi Portland......... 4 50 pm McMninnville. .8 00 pm McMinnvile. . « 45*m|PorUand......... 900pm Through tickets to all points South and East via California. Ticket offices, No. 134, corner Firstand Aid- e street«, Portland. Oregon; corner F and Front streets Portland. R KOELER. B. R. ROGERS. Manager. AitOFi P Agt Narrow Gangs System. Oregonian Railway, L’d, Line. Portland 4 Willamette Valley R y Until further notice trains will arrive and depart from Lafayette as follows, to and from Portland. MAIL LKAVB L1AVI Portland. 7 15 a na Airlie............ 1 00 p re 9 00am Sheridan,... 5 07 p m ___ ; Dundee. .. Lafayette . 9 26 a m Lafayette... ♦ 15 p m 4 40 p m Sheridan 10 30 am Donde«... Airlie (ar). .12 30 p m Portland (ar) 6 SO p m For fin th,r information apply to the Com­ pany's Agent at Lafayette, or address General : office, corner Second A Fine Sts.. PortlandOga Notice is hereby given that the tax roll for the oity ef McMinnville, Yambill county, state of Oregon, has been placed in my hands for collection, and will remain in mv bauds for thirty days from the date of tbie notice, during whies period I will be at my office in said city, between tbe hears of 9 »'clock a m. and 5 o'clock p n>., daily, to receive and receipt for city taxee. bated this 30th dav ot Januatv. A b., 18.-9. JOHN LOVIS ROGERS, City Treasurer. 4141 Northern Pacific Railroad. And see that your tickets read via THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to avoid changes and serious delays occa­ Other, may imitate,but nose ean turps,» it sioned by other routes. TIME BETWEEN Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run Our motto is “always on time ” Portland and San Francisco regular express trains full length of Be ,nrt and ink ticket xgente for tiokete on 39 HOURS ! via thi, celebrated route and take none tbe line. Berths free. lowest rates. Califoiaia Exprès, Train, Rnn Daily Quinkeat time. ethers. W H M1AD, . JOHN T WATSON, Executor Aforeraid F eston A F bmtom . Attorney! for Eetate ?5-5t Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by the county court of Yamhill conntv, state of Oregon, duly appointed exeon- trix of the estate of John Haney, deceased. Therefore all persons having claims against said estate, or against the firm of Harried are hereby notified to picaettt the same 22fl Miles Shorter—20 hours less Haney, with 'proper vouchers therefor to the under­ Notice for Publication. time than by any other route. signed at the law office of W L. Bradshaw, at Lafayette, Oregon, within six months from L and O ffice at O beoow ( tit , I WFirlt class throngb passenger and freight thia date. M ABY HANEY. Oregon, Jan. 7tb, 1889. | Use from Portland and all points in the Wil­ Executrix of said Ests e. lamette valley to and from Sen Francisco. G. O, B isoham and 41Vt Notice is hereby given that the following W. L. B radshaw . Attorneys for Eetate. named settler has filed notice of bia intention to make final proof in support of hi« claim, and Time Schedule (except Sundavs). that said proof will be made befoie the county Lear, Albany. .1:30 pmfLeare Yaqnina 8:48 am Notice of Final Settlement. judge, or, in hi« absence, the clerk of Yamhill leaveCorvaili«l;40 pm]Leav«Corvalli,10:3.} ,m Arriv, Yaqnina5:30 pmlAr.-iv, Albany 11:10 am 'SCTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT county, Oregon, at Tillamook. Oregon, on O.&C. traisi eonneetat Albany and Cor­ IN the undersigned has filed in the Tuesday, February 26. 1889, viz: vallis. THEODOKE JACOBY, The above train, connect atYaqriNA with Couutv Court of Yamhill County, Oregon, the Oregon Developement Co',. Line of Steam- his final account as administrator of the homestead entry No. 5655 for the s j of n w 4, estate of John W Murray, deceased, and n w i of a w 4, »nd lota I and 2. of seoti?n 35, •hipa Between Yaqnina and San Francieco. said Court has set Tuesday, March 5, 1889. 11 n, r 10 w. Sailing Dates. He names the following witnesses to prove at 9 o’clock a. in., at the Court house at McMinnville, in said County, for hearing his continuous residence upon, and cultivation Steamer«. IFrom Yaqrena IFrom Ban Fran, the same of, said land, viz» Therefore, all person, will ap ­ WIIlametteVaI’yll>e<-«inber 19th December sth pear at said time and place and show cause J, C Bewley, W.T. Douglas, W. J. Elliot Wiliam,tteVal'y " 24th 17th said estate be not finally settled and and Geo. Fulton; all of Kilcbia, Tillamook Willamette Val’y] ■ “ 30th why county. Oregon said account approved. W T. HURNEY, The company reserves the right to change Dated. January 24, 1889 I 24-tit Regia er. sailing dates without notice. W m G alloway , N. B —Passengers from Portland and all Wil- F kxtom & F kxtox , Administrator. ! amette Valley Pointe can make close connec­ Attorneys. j24-44 Notice for Publicntion. tion with the trains of tbe Y aqvina K ovti at Albany er Corvallis, and if destined to San L and O fficb at O bjoton I ity , I Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaqulns NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Oregon. Jan. 7th, 1889. ( the evening before date ef sailing. L and O ffice at Oregon Citv. Or , ) Notice is hereby given that the following Jan.. 7th . 1*89 i . ZSi-ver Steamers Notice is hereby given that the following« named settler has* filed notice of hia intention Will run between Portland and Corvallis as make final proof in support of bi« claim, and follows» North bound leave« Corvalli«. Mon­ named settler has tiled notice of his inten­ to that said proof will be made before the county day, Wednesday and Friday, 8 a m.; leaves tion to make final proof in snnport of bis judge, or, in his absence, tbe clerk of Yamhill claim and that ssid proof will be made be ­ Salem. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 6 a. Oregon, at McMinnville, Oregon, on m. South bound leaves Portland, Monday. fore the county judge or in his absence then county. Tuesday, February 26, 1889, viz: Wednesday and Friday, 6a.m.; leaves Salem, the county clerk of Tillamook county Ore., ! at Tillamook Or., on Tuesday Feb 26th. 1889, CHAS. CALLAHAN, Tuesday, Thursday and Bat iv day, 6 a. m. Passeuger and freight rates always the low­ viz ; John Lattin homestead entry No. 3842 I homeatcad entry Ne. 419.5. for tbe s ’é of n e est For information, apply to Messrs. HUE- for the NE 1-4 of SW 1-4, W 1-2 of SW 1-4 of: 4 and n » | of n e 1. of section 12. t 5 s, r 6 w. MAN & CO. , Freight and Ticket Agents, 200 Sec 11 and SE 1-1 of SE 1-4 ol Sec IS T 1 N R He names the following witnesses to prove and 202 Front street, Portland, Oregon; or to 10W hia continuous residence upon, and cultivation He names tbe following witnesses to prov >___________ C. C. HOGUE, of said land, viz; Acting Gen l, Frt. Matrhew Murphy, Geo. Grimm, Patrick Ca­ R. R. Co., Corval’ia, Oregou. tion of said land, viz: Wm Ralston. Frank i «ey and John Murray: all of Sberidau, Yamhill 6 C. H. HASWELL, Jr., E Krotb. John Johnson, and W H Busbv ’ county, Oregon. Gen l. Frt. A Paas. Agt., Oregon Development ail of Hobsonville. Tillamook county Or. < W. T. BURNEY. Co., Montgomery atreet, San Francisco, Cal. W T B urney , Qegister | 24-6t OREGON DEVELOPMENT COM­ PANY’S STEAMSHIP LINE. Citation. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregou for Yamhill county. In the matter of the estate of Nathan We>t- fall. decease»1. To Margarett J. We-tfall, Jane Rathburn. Mel­ vina Hyde. Ellen Kc'logue, Leonar! the state <>t Oregon, you are hereby cited and reqnired to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the oom ty of Yamhill, at the court room thereof, at McMinnvil'e in, the county of Yamhill, on TUESDAY. THE FIFTH DAY OF MARCH, A. D., 1889. • ’ 1 o'clock .n the afternoon of that day. tneu and ’.here to «how cause, if any, why the following real estate belonging to «Hid deca­ dent should not sold: T ract N o . 1. Being a part of sections 7 and 8 in toanship three south of range two west, and known as a part of the William Wallace donation lard claim, notification No. 1,477. bounded and de scribed «»• follows: Beginning at a point at the nort iwest corner of said claim; thence running •onth one quarter ot a mile to a stake; thence east one half mile to n stake: thence north one quarter of a mile to tbe line of aaid claim; thence west one half mile along the line of said claim to the place of beginning; containing NO acres more or less, in yamliill county, Otegon. T ract N o . 1. Th« north half of the w< st half of the dona­ tion land cluim <>f James Morris r.nd sifo, in township three, south of range ’wo west, in Yamhill county, Oregon, containing 80 acre«- Also the following tract of land, to wit; Hitu ate in said county and state, couime cing at the southeast corner of tin- la'.d aold by .lame«* Morrit* aud wife Io Natuh Bryan: thence west following the south line o’ ^aid lanu NO red*: thence south rods to the land sold by said N«th«n Westfall to Z. Mcndenluili; 1 hence east 80 rods: thence north rods to tbe place of beginning containing 26j acit-a. Also all the following tract situate iu said county and state, to-wit: Being a part of the donation land claim of James Morris wnd wife and sold by said Morris and wife to barah Bryan, in townsnip three south of range two west, and beginning at the uortiiesst comer of the above named douahon land claim; thence west 8o rods: thence south 10GA rods; ihcnce fast «(> rods: thrive north 10(’4 rods to tbr place of beginning; contsiniug 53j acres more or Ices. Also lot No. (I) one in action No« (7» seven iu township (3) three south of range two west, in Yamhill county, Oregon , containing 1 ‘.tl-lOC acres This citation is published for live weeks iu the weekly T ele hone -R b < hstek by order of the Hon. L Loucharv. judge . made Janna rv 28th. 18»». Witness, the Hon. L Loughary, judge of the county court of tbe state of Oiegou. for the county of Yamliill, and the seal ot said court hereto affixed, this 22d day of January. A. D , 18- Atte st: [ul J W. H osm . County Clerk. F enton A F enton . Attorneys for Estate. Ï5S» Administrator*». Notice, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, baa been, by the count}' coiitt of Yemliill conu ty, Oregon, duly appointed as administrator of tlie estate of Samuel McCutcheon, deceased. Therefore all persons having claims against said estate ate hereby notified to present them with proper vouchers to the undersigned, at the law office of Fenton A Fenton, at Mc­ Minnville, Oregon, within six months front tins date. bated January ♦, 1889. C. LODF.B. Administrator aforesaid. Fsnren A F emtom , Register. Attorneys for Estate. 22 51 OFFER I ! WONDERFUL TO THE PEOPLE To Make a Fortune from a Small Investment. A NEW IDEA IN THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. NINETEEN TPAPTQ rausin^ irom ,,ne to 12 acres have been ninC I CCn I IlHU I 0 put upon the morket to SELL. In order to make it an inducement to buy, the land will be sold in the following manner: We will sell you a chance in a drawing, to be made April I, 1889. for 0250 in cash, or approved note, to be deposited in either bank in this City, at any time before the drawing takes place. When the chances are all sold the purchasers’ names will each be put in an envelope and a description of each parcel of land will be put in a separate envelope. The envelopes containing the names will lie put in one box and those con­ taining the descriptions in another; and a blindfolded child will draw’one envelope from each box at the same time. The name drawn shall receive a deed to the land drawn at the same time. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. This property is Martin’s addition to the Town of McMinnville, Oregon, and on the East bank of the Yamhill river, adjoining the city; ten minutes’ walk from the Courthouse, Public School, or business portion of the city. S ee P lat . Good View! Good Land! Good Water! CREATEST OFFER EVER MADE—YOU CAN’T LOSE! You are certain to get one acre, and you may ge twelve acres. Everything perfectly fair. Drawing to take place in presence of purchasers. See Plat and full description of proper­ ty at my office any time. C. W. TALMAGE.