’T FAIL TO G-ET SOME OF THE ZB-A-ZBO--¿LILTS -A-T ZSTUDLLOTTTD’S CLEAFA1TCF E TELEPHONE-REGISTER. I TIRED OF LIFE. PITCHED FROM A TRESTLE. CARLTON. Ellensburg doubled her population during 1888. New Post Master Jack now presides. One of the P. & W. V., Railway Coaches •T Dr. Johnson arrived from Tillamook The .Jack-knife Route not a Through February 8, 1889. Thursday last. HUSSEY’S OLD STAND. Friday Line. Turns a Complete Sommersault Carlton now has a debating society Built for the Telephone-Register by every Thursday evening. —Several Persons Injured. Judge Lougbary, who has been look­ R. Hoe & Co., New York. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Friday night a young man who gave ing at the Sound, returned Thursday. Master Abijali Hendrix was a guest of Crockery. O’.asswHT»-, Tobacco« and Candie. Freeh fruit« and Teaetablea All par­ An accident happened on the P. Mrs. Stott this week. Subscribe for T he T elephone -R egis ­ his name as Mabew. but whose right TWO THOUSAND FEB HOUK. Bishop & Kay are selling shoes at cost. ter , only $2 per year. Best local paper name is withheld from publication for & W. V.. railway Tuesday after­ The mother of C. Hendrix is now vis­ ch aroa delivered free in the city. Dr. Johnson left for Tillamook Tuea- in the county. A Marvel of Workmanship and Pow­ the reason that it can’t be found out, at­ noon near Middleton, by which a iting him. day. er-Excelled by None in the Notice the fine weather in Oregon and tempted to commit suicide by stabbing passenger coach was thrown from Mrs. Jennie Hendrix and mother-in- Valley--Best Equipped Feed cutlets from $7.00 up, at Martin write to your frielids in the east and tell himfelf with a jack-knife in the throat the track and four persons injured, law went to McMinnville this week. Paper Outside of A Sanders’. i them all about it. and breast. He did not hapiien to hit a none of them, it is thought, serious­ H. C. Plummer has bought property Three miles from SUMinnrille. containing Portland. I New spring goocb arriving daily at Joe Todd has purchased C. A. Wal­ vital spot so he is now in the jail waiting 2 k 0 acres: good spring water: 175 acres in culti­ at Beavertown, Washington county. ly- vation. Balance No. I pasture; large orchard; Bishop & Kay’s. lace’s interest in the grocery business. for the soreness to go away. Friday he About 5 p. m., as the train for W. A. Howe and wife paid Portland a fair improvements. WUI sell all or part. Terms The consolidation of T he T elephone T. P. Rogers and B. F. Saylor left for The firm's name is Wallace A Todd. was found near White’s station by some and R egister increased the business to Portland was rounding a sharp flying visit last week and while there reasonable Address: P. O. BOX NO. 331. February 8,1889. 1-lm Portland Monday. W. D. Wright and wife who have been farmers just as he was going to jump curve on a trestle, one of the fish placed a largo order with an eastern For Sale.—A fine milk cow and calf, east on a visit returned Saturday night. from the bridge to drown himself. They such an enormous extent that a plant plates broke, allowing the end of a house for dressgoods which will arrive m about 3 weeks. They left this city nearly six months ago. brought him,to tills city, but before the with a larger capacity was necessary. enquire at this office. rail to spring out, and a piece was It’s surprising the amount of pork The proprietors of the monarch of Yam- county judge coulc lie found he walked .Misses Fannie and Hattie Dorsey dau ­ A. L. Gortner returned from The ghters of Hon. Geo. Dorsey, are visiting into Hulerv’s saloor and sat down, after biil pajiers immediately started to pro­ broke off. The baggage car and shipped from Carlton each day. Dalles Monday evening. the family of County Clerk Hobbs in a few moments he walked out the back cure an outfit equal both in speed and the first coach passed over the 300 bushels of fine Side Seed Oats. For Streeter says graft green into dead and further Use “White Borax Soap” best in the this city. door and came in v ith blood streaming particulars csll st the residence of I place all right, but the rear coach it will become green. good work to do the large amount of Lebold, eight miles west o( McMinnville. market, at C. Griesen's. from wounds in the neck and breast, Use Wright’s Arabian Condition which he had inflicted with a jack-knife, work which is flowing into this office. was thrown from the track, break­ MAX LEBOLD. Harry lias a fine purp and he has full February 8,1889. Martin & Sanders have just received a Powders if von take pride in seeing your with a blade about two inches long. He 1-1® ing the link which connected it control of him. Fox. They purchased a Hoe press, built by car load of farm wagons. stock look well. Sold by Rogers A Todd. walked to the row of whisky barrels and and landing right side . ’ p at the LAFAYETTE. Martin & Sanders carry a fine line of It is reported that one uian was killed lying down beneath one, turned the fau­ Hoe & Co., of New York, the most cele­ foot of the trestle. table and pccket cutlery. and three seriously hurt at Nestucca Sat­ cet and remarked that he intended to brated press builders in the world to-day. Superintendent McGuire, who Every one admits that Long is the best happy. He was put out, and he The press is large and is fully capable of Mrs, S. P. M. Briggs left for Chehalis, urday by a falling tree. Their names we die We handle, »ell, and rent all kinds of then sat down upon the sidewalk and doing the entire press work of the coun­ was on the platform of the car in shot in the county. have not yet learned. real estate, city and country propertv on W. T., Monday, on a visit. every one who passed was requested ty. It will print a sheet 32x47 inches front. He gave the alarm and the Joe Mattey has oi>ened out a fine line favorable terms. I’. F. Browne intends to move his to kill him. He was finally taken to a Mr. Masten, Auditor ol the O. R. A N. present place of business away from the doctor’s office where his woundF were and print 2000 of them in an hour. It train was stopped before it had of hardware in the old tin store, corner of Co., was in the city Tuesday. We now have for sale the John Sax prop­ Third and Adams streets. corner in the spring and put up a brick and then in a very weak state has al! the latest improvements and is a gone seventy-five feet. The four erty in. and adjoining this citv at a bargain, Throw away that cigarette ami buy a store. Invest in McMinnville propertj’. dressed passengers in the derailed car were ’ •1 lots to suit Hon. J. W. Watts came down from Sa-1 in was conveyed to the jail where be is perfect press in all its parts. It is fed good cigar at Kogers A Todd’s. Sam Goff, of Independence was in the. still confined. His past history is a by one man and delivers the papers at once transferred to another car Iem the latter part of last week Will sell on commission at auction all Go to G. S. Wright, dentist, Braly's city Tuesday. He remarked that if tbe blank as far as any inionnation he gives. and the train came on to this city, Mrs. G. E. Getchell and daughter are classes of property. block, McMinnville, for first-class work. people of this city would do as much for He is undoubtedlp suffering from a very right side up at the rear end. printed. down from Amity visiting Mrs. Dr. arriving at 6:45. only thirty min ­ The power is furnished by a two horse Office between C and D streets on Third Smith. Smoke no ‘‘Chinese scenters” but buy it as T he T elephone R egister , we serious case of alcoholism. McMinnville, Oregon. power Willard engine which is a model utes behind time. “Young Lady” cigar, 5cts. at C. Gris- would have a town here in uo time. ART ENTERTAINMFNT. Quite a number are joining the A. O. J amis F letcher A Co. of good workmanship. Tlie steam Ls Three of fhe injured persons were Wednesday at 19 o’clock, in Corvallis, sen’s. furnished by a six horse power boiler. taken to the Good Samaritan hos­ U. W. at this place. the Grand council of Royal and Select The Stuttz’s are known throughout the Mrs. C. E. Watts and Miss Carrie met. Dr. G. F. Tucker. A. H. A Very Beautiful Display of Sewing The boiler is large enough to furnish pital, where their injuries were at­ United States as the best travelling Masters steam for a steam heating apparatas to Maohine Work. Hodson, Chris. Taylor, C. W. Talmage tended to by Dr. Panton, while the Molloy went to Portland last week. troupe. heat the entire T elephone -R egister of ­ and J. F. Wisecarver of this city attend­ H. Johnson is making much needed fice, which will be put in as soon as the other, Mrs. Charles Ray, was con­ A full line of hardware and agricultur­ ed. Large posters announced to the people fixtures can be obtained. The people of Has the n-.ost complete stock of harness repairs to the brick corner. veyed te the residence of her daugh ­ al implements at lowest prices at Martin in the county. At present 12 set of sin­ O. O. Hodson returned Saturday from of this city that a free art exhibition Yamhill county should feel proud ol Mr. Gilkey and wife, from Dsvton, & Sanders. ter, Mrs. Snort. No. 38 Mill street, an extended business trip through South­ would be held at Martin A Sanders’ such an enterprising paper, ahd the gle harness, hand made, in prices were in town Thursday. Teeth extracted without pain by the ern Oregon. He went to introduce Gar­ store on Thursday of last week. Hun­ management desires a good word for the where she was attended by Dr. ranging from $12 to *30. and 8 application of local anesthetics. G. S. ry’s patent iron roofing, and galvanized Mr, General Ixing has sold his barber paper if you think it deserves it. Our Strong, She was supposed to be set of team harness as cheap Wright, dentist. iron cornice, which he manufactures. dreds of people visited the store of this subscribers and the people at large are injured internally, but it was found shop on Third street to Mr. Thad. Dunn, AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY enterprising firm and all were agreeably who will continue to shave and cut hair He met with good success. cordially invited to call at this office and A special meeting of tlie council was that she had sustained but slight in the latest style. Can be ,een on the hooks i n my shop. held last week to allow Alonzo Johnson For the restoration of faded and gray­ surprised when they saw the wonderful inspect the new press at any time. If injury, the effect of a rather severe you call on Thursday or Friday of each competent workmen employed hair to its original color and freshness. working of the New Davis sewing ma­ week the press will be running and the •haking up. which will cause no se­ S. G. Dorris has gone to Portland on to I do have a saloon license. all rinds of repairing and to make business. Ayer ’ s Hair Vigor remains unrivaled. chine. Seven or eight finely finished auy harness ordered 1 also keep a full M. U, Gortner left for Portland Tues­ is the most popular and valuable machines were, there, each witli a differ­ whole work of getting off a paper can rious results. stock of oil and rubber robes, lap robes, J oe day to go on the road for Russell A Co., This then be seen. T he T e ' EPHOXE-REGtsTER toilet preparation in the world ; all who horse co-era, saddles, etc. A full line of Those taken to the hospital are: selling machinery. SHERIDAN. extras fcr repair« constantly on hand. use it a.e perfectly satisfied that it is tbe ent attachment. The work which was at one jump has become the most popu­ F. S. Barzee, a merchant of Mon­ done by them was truly surprising. But­ lar paper ever published in Yambill, For 30 days only, Martin A Sanders best. and it will continue to bo so, if good mouth. He has a cut on the scalp will sell the Daisy Road cart at $28.00 The child ot E. E. Selph has been ser­ Mr. Peterson the gentleman who owns ton holes were made in the twinkling of management and a desire to piease the which is not serious. He will go iously ill, but is growing better. and it is a daisy too. the corner opposite to Fellows’ furniture an eye, hemming, tu king, felling, was public can make it so. The paper does I Read Rogers A Todd’s new ad. It took store will build a brick building during all accomplished without an effort on not intend to rest with the laurels it has home to-day. Reuben R. Gant, of Mrs. Morgan is expected to die anv a. long time to compose it, but it won’t the coming summer. The plans have the part of the machines. Some of them already gathered but intends to gather Ballston, who like all the others ■ moment. ----- By Using----- been drawn and we surmise that Mr. would even sew wheat. Specimens of new ones, and as th« support to the pa­ fell first to the roof of the car and take you long to read it. R. Brown went to the mountains a Palmer went to Portland the other day work were given away, consisting of per increases so will the paper, until the then to the bottom, striking on his Bent wood churns, a new pattern, short time ago and captured two pan­ leaves, rose buds, etc., all perfectly made time will come when McMinnville will all bent wood, light running, easily to get the contract for the brick. side across a seat, was at first sup­ thers. by the machine. One thing . which par­ You save 7 per cent, or, on every Tbe safe in the sheriff's office is filled ticularly struck us was the head of a cat be noted for the best paper published iu ■ posed to be very seriously injured, cleaned; sold by Martin A S nders. A large quantity of grain is being relics. In one compartment we no­ made by the machine, which could the state. All persons wishing printing , but soon recovered from the effects shipped Fifteen Dollars Mdse. Bought The quarantine guards were removed with from here to Portland. of any kind are requested to call at this 1 five revolvers used in the Bewley- scarcely be excelled in outline and shade Monday night and the people of Amity ticed office and get figures. We are prepared of the shock and his condition is ----- You Receive — McKune affair at Sheridan, the large The city council has ordered the city by a crayon. The success of Martin & to do work at the lowest margins for bj- now have free access to McMinnville. pistol carried by Mr. Bewley and the one Sanders ill quarantine against Amity. not considered at all dangerous. has been attained by rustling Large assortment Gold B dishes re­ which killed him were lying side by side. and heavy advertising. They have con­ doing wo increase our business. Judge E. A. Willey of Dayton, a har­ From, the amount of drummers in us by what we do and not by the envious ceived at C. Griesen’s. He has the most In another place the jack knife of the tracted with the T elephone -R egister ' ness maker, suffered a facture of town recently one would judge that there complete stock of lamps, glassware and would-be suicide was noticed alongside for a half page ad to run seven months. I spite of others. Remember at the right leg. but no other injury are several county papers. crockery. e of which could be seen the picture of Keep on the lookout for it, it will contain | AN INTERERTING DOCUMENT. C. GRISSEN S. Mabew and bis wife. of consequence. Rev. Abbot closed his meetings here very interesting matter for the farmers ofl The attendance at the meetings at the on Tuesday. When it is considered that the this vicinity. Methodist church bke been good and Probate Court. Last Will and Testament of John car turned a complete summersault THE they will be continued another week. II. S. Maloney, surveyor on the Grand Sax Admitted to Probate—A All invited to come. OUR TRAVEL. falling about fifteen feet and alight­ Ronde, informs me that the work of al- c innville dairy W. M. Wardle appointed guardian of $55.000 Estate. ing on-its wheels, it is fortunate lottment is progressing fairly well. A young child of Mr. Wolf, living near 1« now prepared to furnish milk at alt this city was seriously injured Friday by Alfonso Wardle, a minor. The child cd M. A. Cave was buried on that no one was more seriously times J. E. Magers ap]>ointed administrator The Number of People and Teams ♦hat a horse running away with him. He was Monday. The will of John Sax, who died of hurt. Enter this City Every Day. of the estate of H. Dunzer. picked up senseless. There seems to be a groat deal of sick­ Per pint, one month, delivered morning or paralysis in this city on the 27th of Janu-1 G. W. Sappington appointed adminis­ That lot of Davis Vertical Feed Sew­ ENTITLED TO THE BEST- ness in the country now. evening, $L, per quart, $2 From the quarantine guard, Mr. Watt ary, was yesterday admitted to probate. ' trator of the estate of James McGinness. ing machines, that Martin A Sanders re­ Whitmer & G.aves are the possessors The document bears date August 28, J Henderson, we have learned the follow ­ Milk saved seperate for children, ceived last week, are nearly all sold. BOLL OF HONOR. All are intitled to the best that their ing item, which gives au idea of the 1888, aud was at the request of the testa­ I money will buy, so every family should of a fine large panther; call around and They lead all others. no extra charge. see him. The following is the roll of honor of the number of people who enter this city tor signed for him by B. L. Norden, and have, at once, a bottle of the best family Kogers A Todd sell a larger number of C has . W. H olman . A. S. Bible enjoys the distinction of •cigars every week than any other firm Carlton school for month ending Febru- every day on business of some kind. On witnessed by that gentleman and Frank remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the lieing the best wing-shot here. in the city. The beBt brand» to be found ary 1, 1889: January 2otii twenty-nine double teams, Haehney. system when costive or bilious. For sale is the attraction to smokers. There is not a vacant house in town; fifteen saddle horses and three single Leslie Fonts, Frank Fonts, Mr. Sax bequeathed to his wife, I’ru- in 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading renters are turned away every week. Go to Dr. J. H. Nelson tor plate work Ernest Redd, Scott McCutcheon, teams, carrying seventy-five grown people, dentia, to hold her own right, all the druggists. of all kinds, a moulding composition Addie Fouts, Maggie Fouts, People are very much interested in LIST OF LEITERS. used for taking impressions. In opera Ella Swanson, Anna McCutcheon. entered this city over the B street bridge. ; household goods and personal effects, the T elephone -R egister . The consoli­ Tin Saturday, January 20th, not Grange and for her use during life, in lieu of house building. Room No. 6. dation was a happy business deal. A gnes S weet , Teacher. day, but just an ordinary Saturday travel, dower, the north half of lot 4 in block 2, Rumors of a wedding are afloat. Capt. Wyatt Harris, the county re­ LAFAYETTE. thirty-nine dcubie teams, fifteen single Portland, with the buildings and im­ In one of our exchanges we found the corder, is 51 years old and is as lively as C orrespondent . teams and sixteen Baddie horses entered, provements thereon. This property, to­ Letters remaining unclaimed in the following: It was in the Gasburg cor- a cricket, lie is a boy yet, to use his OPPOSITION BOOT AND SHOE carrying 107 grown people. All these gether w ith the rest of the estate, will be Officers Fleeted. own words, and Tuesday ran a foot race. cespondenee to the Martiniville (Ind.) people who came in during the two days held in trust by the executors, and in­ postoffice at Lafayette, Oregon, Febru­ STORE. Republican. ary 1, 1889: In looking over last week’s Republican, were not city jieople but all from the vested in mortgages on real estate, the Since the first of January, Martin A Anderson, C Atkins, Mrs D C At the 4th annual session ot the Grand country around. This is the travel over from which will be divided into Sanders, of this city, have sold six en­ we learned that our old-time friend and one bridge, understand, and there are revenue Mickers, Mrs Lou Stafford, James council of Oregon, Royal and Select gine«, five threshing engines and the en­ neighbor, J. W. Hobbs, is now keening four other county roads which enter the five parts going to (1) Anna B. Drucks. Wiley, Mrs Nancy Woole, Dr W (2) Mary (3) Lizzie Sax, all Masters, which was held at Corvallis on gine tor the T elephone -K xgister office. clerk’s office in one of the finest court city, each of which has as much, if not daughters C. of Warren, the testator, (4) Nancy Parties calling for the above letters houses that grace the Pacific slope, Feb. 6th, the following officers were elec­ Fritz, the photographer, is in town where Wes had been cast ashore by the more travel. T-et the towns of this state Cline, an adopted child, and (5) the two will please sav “Advertised.” ted : and you have only to see specimeus of tide of ;inmigration that a few years ago lookout, McMinnville intends to be some­ grandchildren, children of his son, John G. E. J ohnson , P. M. G. M. D. Straud, of Portland, Th. III. his work to know that he is a good work­ rolled over this vicinity bearing away thing in a short time. J. Sax. Grand M.; G. F. Tucker. McMinnville. man. Call on him, over Redmond’s some of our best citizens. Thus it seems No bequest is made to John J. Sax, for Circuit Court, SHERIDAN. Deputy Ill. Grand M.; W. C. Crawford, What Some of Its Leading the two reasons that he has already had store. * that auother one of the Gasburg students Corvallis, Grand Ill. M.; M. Stock, Cor­ more from his father than the other at the Letters remaining unclaimed has successfully entered one of the ave ­ The committee oil the charter consist­ Farmers Say. vallis, Grand P. C. of W.; J. F. Wise­ children, and that it is thought better in nues leading to places of lioner and pro ­ The following cases have been filed post office, Sheridan, Oregon, If not ing of Mayor Mantling, Councilmen Bar- carver, McMinnville. Grand Treasurer.; way to make the grandchildren’s nekoff and Jones have finished their la­ fit, and we aro ot the opinion that Wes with the clerk since the December term this called for in 30 days, will be sent to the C. W. Talmage, McMinnville, Grand Re­ bors and the charter as amended is be­ has not yet reached the goal of his am­ of the circuit court. John E. Harding portion more secure. Martin & Sanders. corder. ; Jno. E. Wood, East Portland, “Ido hereby appoint,” says the will, dead letter office. bition. We also learn, by receiving a ing copied. Grand C. of the Guard.; S. Bullock, East Dear Birs:—I have used and Mabe James neat little pa]>ei published somewhere vs Edward H. Willis; action for money. “John Lewis, son of my old friend, C. H. Ayres B Portland, Grand Chaplain.; A. B. Bloom­ handled a great many machines Mr. II. D. Gradon, of the firm of Mc- in Oregon, that Frank Matthews is edi­ Mecaux John W. S. Grant Marquam vs Wm Kon­ Lewis, and Charles E. Ladd, son of my Ayres John er, East Portland, Grand Marshall.; S. Quinn A Gradon. surveyors, Portland, tor-in-chief of the same, and if we have ger; action for money. friend, W. S. Ladd, executors,” etc. Burton Sendia McDonald H ! N. Sellev, Corvallis, Grand Steward.; M. and I have found your Cutting Box strived in this city Monday night, and not been misinformed Ezra Woodward McDaniel M H. Clay Burch vs J. L. Howard ; action These two named executors have filed Clark C the best I ever handled or saw used. Stoker, Fast Portland, Grand Sentinel. Tuesday began his labors of straighten­ has served one term in the legislature. for money. their petition in the matter, which esti­ China Wash Ilouso Nutler Ursula ing the several streets in this city. Osborne Nevada A. J. B aker . So it seems that Oregon has been favor­ Caroline Martin vs Charles F. Martin; mates the value of Mr. Sax’s Portland Funk Linnie property at $15,000, and his McMinnville Gelaud Charlev Smith W W Some ot the people think the salvation Tom Hughes, of Josephine county, ably impressed with Morgan eountyites for divorce. North Yamhill, Or., Oct. 3, 1888. property- at $40,000. — Oregonian, ?d. Stone Zevilda Haskell L army is in town. They are not, it was Geo. W. Sappington vs W. A. Howe; spent Sunday in this city. Mr. Hughes who emigrated from this vicinity. Martin & Sanders. Tilleson Edven Kelley Lee only the girls out serenading. an action for $20000 damages for alleged AWFUL CRAZY. is au old time resident of this city, lie is Birthday Party. 7 • Dear Sirs:—The Belle City Feed seduction of daughter. When calling for the above, please say now interested in mining in Josephine Annie Gear vs Wesley Gear; action Frank Howard Cut» hi» Hand off so lie "Advertised.” county and is reported quite wealthy. cutter I bought of you last winter D. C. Coleman, Can’t Work. Monday night a number of the young for divorce. gives good satisfaction, better than I*. M. Sheridan, Or., Feb. 1, 1889. All parties having accounts with C. A. Win Jameson vs Yamhill county; an Wallace A Son not settl id will please call folks assembled at the residence of C. D. action for review. anvother machine around here, it Frank Howard, a convict in the state NE'VBERG. and do so at once, no matter how small Johnson in this city to celebrate the 20th cuts very fast for a small machine. Edgar Poppleton vs Yamhill county; penitentiary, deliberately cut off Ins left an account you owe us, your account birthday of Miss Mary Johnson. All the an action for review. I would recomend the ~ Belle City The Following is a list of lettele re­ must be balanced, as we have to pay for hand with a dull hatchet at 4 o’clock before any other. our goods, and we shall require the same persons attending speak highly of the Something to Bead. maining in the Post office at Newberg, Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 30. He was goo ! time they enjoyed. A very nice C. Z immerman . of you. sent up from Multnomah county for Or., uncalled for January 31st, 1889: lunch was prepared which was fully en­ A beautiful young lady became so sadly joyed by every one. Peter Carry McMinnville, Or., Nov., 20, 1888. five years, having bean convicted of ob­ Chas W Brown F orest G rove , Or., Feb. 4, 1889. disfigured with pimples and blotches The following persons attended : Gentlemen:—Yours of a recent taining money under false pretenses, Jacob Christenson M J Coate E ditor T elephone -R egister : that it was feared she would die of grief. I Jen Longe Mr E C Maddock E. W. Fuller and wife, Mrs. B. F. Say­ date duly received. In refference ' and arrived at the prison the 19th inst. l Chartey Nichell The following will explain itself : A irier.d recommended Ayer’s Sarsapar­ lor, S. 1’. M. Briggs, A. L. Gortner. James Nvs Revolted. that this joint teachers' meet­ On his way there he informed the deputy ' John Vanderhoof illa, which she took, and was completely Frank Rogers,- James Durham, P. D. to the Belle City Feed cutter, I Mrs Louisa Pound cured. She is now one of the fairest of Glenn, C. H Fleming, E. Johnson. W. ing of Washington and Yambill counties sheriff that be did not intend to work in Wm Summers Miss Addie Stevens would say that my No., 3 is all I the fair. Dawson, B. Apperson, Mieses Kate Lea- does not favor the amendment to the the foundry, but lie was put at work in 1 Harvy T White 2 James Watkins. could desire. I have speeded up school law creating county boards to se ­ J oseph E verest , P. M. Sunday, S. A. Manning received a dis­ bo, Nellie Gortner, Laura I’attv, Anna lect text books for the common schools. the moulding room at once. Ou the first to about 600 revolutions, and it is patch from Maquokea, Iowa, stating Adams. Mary Clemenson, Miss Robin­ Retailed, that the secretary be required i day he burned his foot and was laid tip. only a question of getting the hay NEWBERG. that his father could not live through the son to forward a copy of these resolutions to Dr. W. H. Byrd, the prison physician, to the machine. I am well satisfied night. Mr. L. F. Manning is an old resi­ A Challenge. Senator Tongue, thee Hillsboro Independ- was called and attended him. Howard atures leasant axative dent of Maquokea having lived there 11 in every respect. It has the only Farmers are busy plowiug. ent, T elephone -R egister and Reporter of declared he was sick, and had been years, he is 75 years of age and was born Dr. B. A. Young, of this city, chai- i McMinnville. Health is pretty good at this place. feed I have seen, viz: the t treated by Dr. Lane in $au has above can bo bought on easy terms, for Messrs. Martin 1)lanufac. land for repairs, I Fever Sores, Tetter, ( happed Hands, Tliad Tarrant has bought in the grist mill Belle City Feed cutter, I am well different you know. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt­ : pavirg taxes without cost and that all | tured by F. J. Cheney ACo., Toledo, O., with his father J. D. Tarrant. J. S. HIBBS, Pro. pleased with the machine. I will j taxes now due tbe county are subject to • contains no mercury, and is taken in- On next Monday and Tuesday after­ ions, and positively cures Piles, or no Jack 8mith has moved on to the Parrett noons, Feb. 11th and 12th, at 2:30 o’clock, Pay required. It is guaranteed to give , a forced collection. Come in and settle ternallv, and acts directly upon the mountain. Third Street, - McMinnville, say it is the best fodder cutter I IY Fertig will commence a course of pri­ perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, i with the sheriff and save costs and ex-' blood and mucus surfaces of the system. ; We understand that there will be a wedding have ever used, being far superior ' penses of levy and sale of property, I In buying Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure be sure 1 ----- Keep» constantly on hand----- about here next week. vate lectures on the science of healing price 25 cents per box. RogersA Todd. to the Baldwin. therefore to save costs and trouble please you get the genuine, it is taken inter- 1 Joshua Ford has gone to W. T. the sick, at his rooms opposite the M. B. Wright's Ked Cross Cough Syrup, call at once and settle up vour tax bill. ' nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. church, 4tli St. Ladies free. Gentlemen Wm. Galloway of McMinnyille and rome other McMinnville, Feb. 5, 1889. J. ----- Chen ey & Co. cures coughs, colJs, hoarseness, loss of 25 cts. Any one who is afflicted with any gentlemen passed through here Monday with Children Cry for fWSold by all druggists, price 75 T. J. H arris , some fine burses on their way to the Sound. Bighest price paid far fat cattle, sheep hogs voice and all inflamed conditions of the disease, arid attends all of these lectures Sheriff of Yamhill Co. cents per bottle. 41-lm PauHIBITIONtBT. and poultry. Pitcher's Castorla lungs. Sold by Rogers A Todd. trill be healed free of charge. THE NEW HOE PRESS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Bed Rock Prices. Farm for Sale For Sale. REALESTATE E. WRIGHT CASH REBATE! Glisson’s Cash Cards S 1.00 in Mdse. Free ! M M FIRST ( LASS Hill MY MOTTO F. IHELM'IIMEhER. YAMHILL CO N P I Eurisko Market All Meats of Best Quality. I