^^E^^T.‘.,:.’S:>Consoli(lated Feb. I. 1889. M c M innville , O regon , F riday , F ebruary 8, issa VOL. I. NO. 1. MARVELS IN STR AM. GAMBLING DBMS. “We know," said he “that flour and NEW TOBI RECRIVIS A BIG TIP. meal dust mix with atmospheric air and Speedy Yacht« Dealgned by a Blind Man. produce a terrible explosive. What it The Way our National Law Makers It waa te the Shape of aw Elebhant Pre­ Have American. Sol.1 the French Eatra- is, and how produced, we do not know.” Spend their Extra Tims. llte. N CI 3. Bellite or F(our-D««tS sented by Adana Forepaugh. PÜBU8.1BD SVERY FRIDAY Perhaps the Americans have sold the At the time the famous Burgess vacht French the secret of flour-duat! Cer ­ Volunteer outsailed her rival, the British New York and Philadelphia are joyoua —AT- Tlie police here claim that there ie over a fine present each. It all came The sale to the French government of tainly no cheaper explosive could be cutter Thistle, over the inner course of than one made by a mixture of M’ m INNVIL LE • - OREGON. not a single gambling den in the city of about in this way: Mr. Adam Fore- a new explosive more terrible than me­ imagined the New York Yacht Club, eighteen flour or meal and air 1 Three men were linite and roburite —and, indeed, it is killed, a number injured and a building months ago, a strange-looking little craft Washington. This is probably a state­ paugh, of Philadelphia, who has a little —BY- hinted, than any of the terrible family blown to pieces by oatmeal-dust in Ihivid rigged with two lofty spars darted around ment of fact, for when the Washington­ circus that is sometimes heard of as ZXa,rdAxxgr de ZZeatlx. of “ites”—has drawn tlie attention of Oliver’s mill on North Halstead street, like a flash of lightning in the midst of ian wishes to “dally with the tiger” travelling around the United States in Chicago. nowadays he takes the ferry-boat and the summer time, was recently confined practieal men more forcibly than ever to in The compounds of nitrogen furnish to the large fleet of yachts and excursion­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. the subject of high explosives and the the student of explosives, however, ]>er- boats attending the international races, hies him away to Alexandria, just to hia bed by a severe illness. During Un« Copy, per year, in advance............... |2 00 ucw iiiatc-veries constantly making in hajM his most seductive ami extensive and created no little excitement. She across the I’otomac, on the Virginia his illness he had a dream. He dreamed Oce Copy, six months in advace............. 1 00 them. The Chinese knew ul gunpowder ftold for investigation and invention. It steamed around the fastest of the steam­ shore, where be will find gamblers and that he was lying on a mossy bank, in a possible that the Americans sold a gambling in all forms. All of the noted beautiful valley, and that a stream of four thousand years ago and more, and is Entered at the poetoiiice at McMinnville nitrogenous compound to the French. ers and sail yachts and parsed them as Jupiter’s thunderbolts, that shook the It is well known to scientific men that though they were at anchor. She rushed gambling places of tbe capital are closed limpid crystal water ran with a musical Oregon, as Becond-clase matter. world and made Olympus rock, were in chloride of nitrogen (N C| 3) is one of the by like a race-horse, and it was difficult and probably will be for some time to murmur in the shadow of a line of over­ all probability an early and simple form most terrible explosives known to science. to make her out, so great wai her speed. ccine; but those who are fond of cards hanging elms but a short distance away. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Dr. Gotterman, of the University of Got- of the cannon cracker. There is no hu­ tengen, enrolled himself among the This strange sciaft was the Now Then, are not deprived of their favorite game. His throat was parched, and lie was al­ UNrrao ititm . man trace, however, of the existence or heroes of chemistry not long ago by risk­ built by the Herreshoff Manufacturing Poker has taken the place of faro, and if most famished for a draught from the President................................... Grover Cleveland discovery of high explosives before dy­ ing his life to determine just what the Company in Bristol, R. I., for Norman the walls of some rooms in the fashion­ cool stream, but his limbs seemed para­ Secretary of State................... Thoa. F. Bayard namite and its family, which daily grow proportions of chlorine and nitrogen are L- Munro, of New York. Everybody able hotels could tell a story, there lyzed and he was powerless to move. Secretary of Treasury..............Chas 8. Fairchild thia wonderful compound. He coated Secretary of the Interior................... W. F. Vilas more numerous, were discovered in the in At play around him were thousands of his head and body and legs in armor who saw this wonder ot marine architec­ would be a series of sensations which Secretary of War......................... Wm. C. Endic f United States. while making the experiments and de­ ture at that time looked at her in aston­ would shake up more than one commun­ poorly-clad children. In vain he called Secretary of Navy ....................... W.C. Whitney Poatmasicr General. ........... Don M. Diokinsnn Experts, when asked their opinion of termined N Cl 81 to be the right propor­ ishment. Nobody dreamed that her re­ ity outside of AVashington. I hear that upon them to bring bim a cupful of not more than a week ago there wes a Attorney General............................ A H. Gauland the new substance just sold to the min­ tions. lie also made the amazing dis­ Chief J..atice.,....................... Melville W. Fuller This powder never varies. A marvel of pur that a rav of sunlight will explode cord eould be beaten. But since that poker game going on in a hotel on Fif­ water. They mocked his cries and con­ ister of war at Versailles, according to | covery teenth street whicli dazzled even those tinued to play. Finally one little fellow, ity, strength and vrbolesomenes?. More eco ­ N Cl 3.—.V. F. World. COMGUSBIONAL. time another steam yacht, the Say nomical tliau the ordinary kinds, and cannot be the cable, seem to agree, with as much who were in the habit of risking a few more compassionate than the rest, drew - _ j J H- MhclwH sold When, lias lieen launched from the same in competition with the multitude of low 8en‘llor,•........................................ | J. N. Dolph thousands in the course of an evening. near to the prostrate showman and said: TKRSONAL AND PERTINENT. ter-t, short weight alun, or phosphate powders unanimity as can be expected of exper’s, stocks which saw the Now Then glide At the close of this particular game an “Say, vou’s de hloke what owns all dem Rup resent at ive...........................Binger Hemiaun Sold only in c »ua. R oyal B aking P owder . that the new substance is in all proba­ Minister Phelps sailed for the United from her ways, and which has outateaui- ex-sanator from a Southern state but­ big elephants, ain’t you? You,s de fel­ MT ATI. Co., 106 Wall St: Ni Y. bility some form or preparation of ex­ States on January 31st. toned bls overcoat over *23,000 in cash low what kin see elephants every day in Governor................................. Sylvester Pennoyer ed her rival. plosive gelatine. and some checks and promissory notes the week and Sundays too. You's de Secretary.................................... Geo. W. McBride The election of Boulanger is indeed Although two years have passed since for a lesser amount. In all his win­ chap what has more elephants than you Treasurer............................................ (J. W. Webb “The high explosive of the future,” stirring up a row in France, A révolu- knows what to do wid, but you don’t Supt. Public Instruction...............E. B. McElroy tbe last challenge for the America Cup nings represented about *35,000. tion is imminent. Baid Capt. Zalinski, of the Fifth United State Printer.................................... Frauk Baker This incident calls to mind the pecu­ give ua kids no show to see no elephants waB issued anil the building of the Vol­ | W. W. Thayer States Artillery, oue of the leading Wm. E. Gladstone is still at Naples unteer, still the great interest which liar antics of an aged lady living in tlie widout ws’s put up de price. You kin Supreme Judges............................. Wm. P. Lord authorities on explosives in this country suffering from an affliction of the ears. fashionable West End, whose house is just lie dore and dia, you kin. Why (R. S. Strahan The Italians have cheered too loud in Americans take in racing with steam tlie resort of some of the wealthiest of dod't yon give us poor boys an elephant V1BTB1CT. Thet wants a Cook, Parlor and Heating 8t >ve. or in the world, “will not be dynamite; and sail yachts has not died out. On the tbe young sports here, as well as that of to look at for nothin’? You'» got plenty remember yon can find the beat Maori Judge....................... R. P. Boise that much is certain. The nitro-glycer' bis honor. some others. Poker is played here of 'em and we ain’t got none." nient in the county at Attorney............................................ H. H. Hewitt Artist Whistler, of London, is not contrary, such marine architects as Bur­ nightly and the “oid party" invariably ine is apt to exude and get into danger ­ Mr. Foropaugh awoke in in a cold Deputy.............................................. J. E. Mager* gess and IlerreBhoff have been busily sweat and immediately gave orders that ous places. It will, I think, be gun-cot­ painting with much enthusiasm of late, takes a hand. There has never been COUWTT. lie has not blacked anybody's eye for employed ever siuco making improve­ any suspicion that the hostess resorts to two of his largest elephants should be ton or explosive gelatine. Both France over a week. Judge.................................................L. Loughary ment on their original designs. Mr. anj- but fair means to get the advan­ forthwith bequeathed to the public, for Clerk................................................. J. W. Hobbs and England are receutly reported by Dean Wayland, of the Yale Law Burgess has plans ready for a number of tage, but it ie quite noticeable that her the edification, free of cost, of the child­ Sheriff.................................................. T. J. Harris And at prices that defy competition. cable to bo experimenting with their School, says that Minister Phelps will ren of rhiladelpliia and New York. Boli­ Treasurer........................................... P. P. Gates sloop ami schooner yachts which are su­ winnings have been considerable and Recorder........................................... Wyatt Harris { new color les» and smokoless powders resume his lectures in that institution perior to any of his former achievements, me not duo to her superior playing. var, the biggest elephant In America, Assessor-............................................... F. M. York was at once donated to tho Zoological So­ for small arms. In this new powder, so when he returns from England. white Mr. llorreshoff, the bliud engin­ Iler method is a very simple one. She ciety of Philadelphia, and Tip, the next does not pay her gambling debts and School Superintendent................. Ic H. Baker | often discussed in connection with the Senator Morrill, of Vermont, lias been eer, is now building two large steam her gnestB have never troubled her for largest, was preaontoil to the city of New Coroner........................................... E.B. Fellows If yon want tba beat Iron Roof in the world mviterious Lebel rifle, I have uot over­ in public life longer than any American yachts which, although not superior in them. She never invites the different York. Hodson pats that kind on and speed to the Now Then and Say When, Co-ia.lon.ra.............................. b Tip arrived in New York by the way much confidence. It has been the sub­ now living. He entered the bouse of must be considered wonders of marino sets of gentlemen to her house on the warrant« them- representatives Ibirty-four years ago. same evening. Those who oau afford to of tne ferry-boat Passaic and was landed ject of experiments for some time. It architecture. They will be superior to TUB LAW or NEW8PArrR8. James P. Lanadin, the celebrated por­ any steam yacht ever launched for their play for high stakes oome on one even­ at the foot of West Twenty-third street. has been found to deteriorate in storage. 1— Subacri ere who do not give express no* trait and landscape painter, died sud­ beauty the great comfort which they will ing. those who want a medium game Followed by au admiring crowd ot street "The English war officials have been denly at 6 o’clock Thursday, while on tice to the contrary are considered at* wishing If you are going to want any Galvanized Iron cotue another, and the remainder of her urchins ho was marched to Central l*ark, afford to their passengers and crew. te continue their subscriptions. in the same way experimenting with a the train bound tn bis borne in German­ Window Caps, or Galvanized Iron Cornice, friends, who only lightly indulge, are to where Andy Foronaugh delivered tho Another vessel is to be launched this 2— If subscribers order the discontinuance of animal as the gift of his father and him­ or Ornamental Iron work of any kind new smokeless, colorless powder for town. their periodicals the publishers may continue to summer which, when completed, will be be found there on another occasion. self to tlie Central Park authorities. remember that Hodson’s shop is the •end them until all arrears are paia. the speediest craft of her class in the There are some queer people in this Commissioner Kohb received the ele­ small arms. It is my impression that Tbe country house of Henry White, 3— If subscribers neglect to or refuse to take world and every one doesn’t have to they do not like it. It will be some secretary of tbe American legation, at world. This wonder is now in construc­ work hard for a living.— Boiton Travtl- phant in behalf of the city with a few their periodicals from tie office to which they tion in Bristol at the Herreshoff ship­ word of thanks ami assured tlie blushing have been directed, they are held responsible years before such a powder is it common Ramsdale, was burglarized Thursday yards, and is intended for the United Ifr, IVathington Letter. night, and robbed of *35,000 worth of till they have settled their bill and ordered Foropaugh, junior, that tlie park board use, the feeling so far being in general jewelry. States Government. She is not a yacht, their paper discontinued. would forward its formal acceptance of ON FORTUNE'S FLOOD TIDE. 4— If subscribers move to other places with however ; her mission will not bo a against its practicability on account of tlie handsome present at an early date. Where such work can be done. President-elect Harrison is fond of out informing the publisher, and the papers are deterioration by chemical and atmos­ bay horses. He does not take much peaceable one, for she lias been destined The Large Sums Earned by Mrs. Bur- sent to the former direction, they are held to find a place on the register of Ameri­ pheric change." responsible. • THE CHIEF JUSTICE AND FAMILY stock in dark horses, however, accord­ can warships, and is now known as tor­ nett from her Books an.l Plays. A—The courts have decided that refusing to Of course, the new explosive may be ing to the latest rumors regarding his pedo-boat No. 1, the first ever built in take periodicals from the office or removing Bring on your drawings and get estimates on A Poet reporter was Blanding on the this country. She will be superior in Mrs. Frances Ilodjson Burnett is just and leaving them uncalled for is prim« facie some one of tbe “ites” in another form. cabinet. work, warranted first olaee and to your evidence of intentional fraud • speed to tlie dynamite cruiser Vesuvius, moving into an elegant new house she rear platform of a Fourteenth street car. Anthony Higgins, tbo coming senator It is expressly denied in the cable that satisfaction. 6-The postmaster who neglects to give the from Delaware, is a member ot_ the which accomplished a speod of ovor has recently purchased on Massachu­ Inside sat Chief Justice Fuller and Ins- it is either melinite or roburite. legal notice of the neglect of a person to take Scroll and Key Society of Yale.' He twenty-one knots during her recent trial from the office the paper addressed to bin), is In regard to the former Capt. Zalinski will join the Boodle and Buncombo Club trip in the Delaware river, and it is ex­ setts avenue, in Washington, and is fit­ tic« Harlan, making one of the strongest «¡ible also to the publisher for the subscription pected will beat the record of the famous ting it up in the most sumptuous man­ contrasts it is possible to concoive of be­ says: of Washington. price._____________________________________ torpedo-boat Arieto, which was built in tween two men. One is «mull, gray­ “Tbe French have been experiment­ Miss Arnold, a niece of tlie late Mat- England laBt year for the Spanish Gov­ ner, as she can well afford to do Mrs. ing with melinite and are dropping it.” I tbew Arnold ami a sister of Mrs. Huin- haired and rather distinguished-looking. Burnett probably earns more money S, A. YOUNG, M. D. In regard to the latter he says: “Ro­ | phrey Ward, author of “Robert Els­ ernment, and obtained a speed of nearly than any woman in tlie world, and gets He breaks over all unwritten rules of burite iB a very good explosive, but it is ■ mere,” is the guest of Professor and twenty-six knots an hour while steaming down the English Channel. a higher price for her work. Her in- the supreme court in wearing a heavy Physioian 4 Surgeon, found to absorb moisture.” Mis. Osborn at Princeton College, N. J. The largest steam yacht now in con­ como tliis year will be from *50,000 to mustache upon a smooth face Harlan The “ ites ’ ’ not expressly excluded are | McMtsirviLLs. ... Oazoox. Txriiat is it ? Jolin O’Conner and Thomas Condon, struction at tho Herreshoff Manufactur­ *00,000, In the first place she receives is as big as two of him. Standing on therefore Emmonsite, extralite, bellite ing Company's docks is the Augusta. and dynamite. Emmonsite, of course, members of parliament for Tipperary, Offic« »nd raaidencs on D street. All ths rear platform with the chief justice «»lie promptly »n.wered day or night. is the invention of Prol. Emmons, the were sentenced Thursday to imprison­ Her keel was laid in the new construc­ a percentage of tbe receipts from the learned husband of tlie beautiful and ec­ ment for four months each, without bard tion-house a few days ago, but she will play of “Little Lord Fauntleroy,” on the left side of the big justice, yon centric Mrs. Emmons, who amazed the labor, for inciting tenant« not te pay bo ready for het owner, I. If. Elwood, of whicli is now being presented by four have to look around the robuetnous per­ DR. J. C. MICHAUX Chicago, in the early part of next Juno. country not long ago. Each of the other rent. sonality of Harian to see tbe little chief She has been designed with a view to companies in England and one in tlie “ites" had its own special private inven­ justice on die other side. Opposite tho Mary Anderson says that she did not Practicing Physician and Surgeon, tor, who has kept its component parts, write the recent article in the North comfort more than for sjieed, but will United States, and two more are being f’entleman sat a comely, gentle faced plough the seas at the same rate of fifteen organized to travel in this country. or at least their proportions, a good deal American bearing her name. ady and a pretty young girl witli peachy Does mites an hour. She will he 130 feet long, of a secret from everybody else.. There LAFAYETTE. OREGON- Mary permit her name to be signed to 10 feet deep, with 17J^ fee: beam. She Her weekly revenues from the play in complexion, bright gray eyes, dark hair are several indications, and striking ones magazine England vary from *800 to *1200, and and vivacious manner. She reached articles which slie does not will have a composition frame, steel tim­ at that, that the new French explosive write? Jaa.Yl.’tt. across to the chief justice, pulled his from the managers of tbe Broadway bers of angle stoel and will re planked may be extralite. Indeed, from the fol­ She is not theater, in New York, she gets about gloves on more snugly and bnttoned lowing facts such an inference is almost Prince Rudolph, of Austria, is dead. with Southern hard pine. WIÏEKE? DR. O. H. SMITH, < a week Ffteeu hundred dollars a them, remarking: “Papa, you musn’l unavoidable. It is reported that he died of heart dis­ only intended to be a speedy bnt also a *500 wear your gloves that way. You must Not long ago Rudolph Ericsson, a na­ ease after a fatiguing day’s hunt. It is comfortable craft and has been designed week is not an exaggerated estimate of be more carefnl about your dress,” tive o'. Sweden, went to work in a drug also reported that he died by a pistol in so as to carry a large supply of coal. her receipts from this play alone, while while big Justice llarlan laughed and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, store at New Britain, Conn. Ericsson the hands of at. irate husband, whose The Augusta is to be a regular cruising her revenues from the sale of tho book the chief justice apologized to the bright- was a bright young man and devoted wife had been stopping at the same yacht, and for this reason is to have un­ are large. Be verity-five thousand copies laced young lady. The elderly lady LAFAYETTE, OREGON usually large cabin accommodations. of 1 “Little Lord Fauntleroy” have al­ his leisure moments to chemical experi­ chateau. The new steam yacht is to he schooner- ready been sold, and the publishers say was Mrs. Fuller end the young lady Where will always be found all the latest ments. He had worked with his uncle y ’ -49 One of the largest opium consignments rigged and carry two headsails. a fore- I they cannot print them fast enough to was number four or five of the eight Surrsry » Specialty. styles in season. Also a nice line of Bazaar in Sweden in a gunpowder factory be­ Good* such as is usually kept in a milliuery ever received at San Francisco arrived topmast staysail and a jib. I supply the demand. An edition of 10,- daughters. Said the conductor, in a fore transplanting himself to the Nutmeg store, and I would respectfully asa a share of Thursday. Rosario A Co., of Hong The other steam yacht now in con- < 000 copies was placed in press the 1st of burst of confidence: “This ie the nicest FIRST NATIONAL BANK, state, and his studies took an explosive public patronage. I will also say that I have Kong, consigned to Alfred Boriel A Co. struct ion at Ilerreshoff’s is a forty-eight- December, and all were sold before they family ol people I ever know. They Uncle and nephew had both 350 engaged the services of Mrs. Stuarr who will beut. cases of prepared opium. Each case foot cruising launch, ordered by T. H. left tlie binder's hands. From this she travel on our care day after day, and F K’ MTXNVILL1, OB.,-------- be pleased th meet her former patrons. avowed their ambition to discover a sub­ weighs 41 pounds, so thgt 14,350 pounds Newbury, of Detroit. Rhe will lie ready receives i Yours trulv. 20 cents a copy, which leaves they are Jost as pleaaant as they can be. stance more powerful and leas dangerous President, received. A duty of *10 per pound for launching within a few mouths, and i the aggregate not a small sum. Then They have no frills and don’t put on any JACOB WORTMAN’ than dynamite. Early in the summer were has been levied, which will make the is expected to make over nineteen miles Mrs. Burnett has been paid *15,000 In aira. The chief justice stands on the Vice-President, R. P. BIRD of 1888 Rudolph received from bis uncle ! total duty *143,500. an hour. Mr. Newbury has not named advance i by the McClure syndicate for a platform with me and talks about mat* Cashier. the announcement that he had found the Jxo. WORTMAN his new boat. Mr Herreshoff says tiiat i serial story that is just about half ters and asks me all sorts of questions object of their transc-eanic researches. The Rev. Dr. Burchard, whose three Transacts s general Basking Business. De this yacht will be the fastest boat of her finished, and lias received a retainer about Washington aed our business, He inclosed a formula by which the new “R’a” at a crisis tnsde him famous, is pomts receive*! subject to check. Helis sight length ever built, and expects her to be 1 of *5000 from the New York l.fdgtr for and so on, and chats just as familiarly explosive was to he made, and shortly staying at tbe same hotel in Washington «txoh&nge and télégraphié transfer* on New speedier than her sister boats, the Hen­ another serial, to be delivered before the •a ha would with Mr. Harlan there. afterwards Rudolph had it patented un ­ which shelters Jamas G. Blaine. This York, Bsn Francisco and Portland. And tbe young ladies are just the same. Third Street, between E «nd F der the name of “Extralite.” is not tlie first time since 1884 that. rietta, Madge and Lotus Seeker, which 1st of July, when she will receive *10,000 They all patronize the street car, and June 24.ly. This new explosive is described, as be­ Blaine and Burchard have lodged be­ were designed by Nathaniel G. Herres­ more in full payment. Thirty thousand when they want to know anything that McMinnville, Oregon. ing as easy of manufacture, almost, as neath the same roof. During Mr. Blaine’s hoff in Bristol, It. I. The new ygchts dollars for stories unwritten and *30,000 I am liable to know about they ask me. M c M innville national bank . cornmeal dough, and as looking, indeed, sojourn in Europe be was, more than are to be supplied with engines lately from her plays during tbe coming year Sometimes fonr or five ol them come not unlike moist cornmeal. As a result once, a fellow-guest with Burchard at designed by Mr. Iferresiioff, and the is not an exaggerateu estimate of Mrs. aboard together and they are full of fan m ’MINNVILLE, OREGON. boilers will be of tbe safety-coil pattern, Burnett’s income. She is receiving pro­ First-class accommodations for Ccnimsr of experiments made by Mr. Ericsson on hotels in England and on the continent. so constricted that they not only make positions from publishers constantly and spirits and keep everybody laugh­ Shuttle Meadow mountain last October it There is something weird and grotesque sial men and general travel. Transacts • General Renting Bneinee. ing at their bright remarks. I tell you was declared that the street commission­ about the fate which throws these mon steam astonishingly quick and are capa­ which she is compelled to reject, and they are nice people.”—.IFaakington Transient stock well cared for. ble of sustaining a very high pressure, has also applications from lecture bu­ Poet. President........................... J. W. COWLS Everything new and in First-Class Order ers of Hartford had decided to use extra­ together but at the same time afford all safety itr reaus to take the platform, but she is lite in the Hartford city quarries and Vice President........... LEE LAUGHLIN ! Ex-Mayor Carter Harrison, of Chi­ case of an explosion. The Now Then is too timid for this sort of work snd has that its manufacture should at once be BURNED TO DEATH. Patronage respectfully solicited ltf cago, who has just been circumnavigat ­ Cwliier ............... CLARK BRALY now owned by tbe Herreshoff Manufac­ no taste for it. Last week she received begun at New Britain. And the most ing the globe, will re enter politics at turing Company. At the time Mr. Mun­ an offer of *10(X) a week for eight weeks A Woman's Terrible Death Caused by a significant fact of the whole business, Sella exchange on Portland, Sen Fran«*i«eo the index pointing directly to the news once. Tbe interesting feature of his re­ ro ordered the Ray When to be built Mr. from a prominent lecture bureau to read Kerosene Lump's Explosion. •nd New York. All I he Latest Novels turn k public life lies in the fact that be Herreshoff agreed to take the Now Tnen extracts 1 from her works. Mrs. Burnett Interest allowed on time deposit«. exclusively published in tbe World, Sun­ will pose as a reformer. The citizens of The rear room on the second floor of as part payment for the new steam yacht. has jnst signed a contract to edit a day, is the statement freely made in Office hours from 9 s m to 4 p in Can he Found nt he ' department for a syndicate of the tenement-house st No. 242 West Great Britain on the 30th of last October: Chicago who believe in pure politics Rne ie now laid up for the winter, but is children's “The French government ie said to will meet and, mirabile dictu, nominate I expected to be sold before the coming newspapers, for whicli she is to receive Tenth street, New York, presented a NEWS STORE. have I a year. paid 1,000,000 francs for the right Carter Harrison as their candidate for | yachting season has opened. There are *7500 pitiful spectacle at midnight Monday. mayor. The “reform" republicans and a number of smaller steam launches be- to use extralite.” democrats will unite to elevate that I ing built in Bristol and alt will he ready A half-dozen people were buddled in the Tbe trials on Shuttle Meadow moun ­ A SrOOESTIVE DREAM. A Full Stock of Musical Instru Sample rooms in connection. little room, while in ths doorway leading tain showed that extralite cannot be ex- righteous outcome of Chicago politics to j for aer vice by the 1st of May. menta and Stationery Always tbe mayoralty. Who says there is noth ­ o------- o Sloded in the open air. It must be con­ to the adjoining bedroom a woman, on Hand. 4'ongr«a«miin L«F«vr»*i B«th. A friend of mine bad a dream the ned. This was demonstrated in this ing funny about Chicago U now fitted up in first class order burned to death, was outstretched with way. A fire ws« kindled on the moun­ AMITY Accommodation» as good an can be Once upon a time Congressman La- other night, «nd he was telling it to a her arms extended towards the bed, as tain-ride and two pounds of extralite the next day. He said he dreamed prohi (oundin ths city. Third Street, McMinnville, Or- were putin it. It would ne>. aer burn Fevre waa taking a bath in the senate Qi.nrnntlnnd by Sheridan. if her lest struggle had been to reach for nor explode. When mixed with kero­ 8. E. MESSINGER, Manager. | bathrooms. While he was in the height be died and went to hades, and he saw a blanket with which to smother the February 2, 1889. sene and replaced in the flames, about of his tepid enjoyment snd tbe t>orfumed a great many of his acquaintances there. flames which hsd encirsled her. On the We have been casting about to find out half of it burned but no explosion fol­ “Did you see any republicans there?’’ table a small oil lamp gave out a .ight lowed. A small, dynamite certridge, to why that quarant' ie about seven years •oapsuda were redolent around bis ro­ salted the probi. about equal to that of a parlor match. tunda a mess* nger announced (hat there which a fuse had been attached, was ago. , The dead woman was Mary Cronin, "Yes,” answered the Iriend, “there A citizen of Amity precinct being : were some p iple who wanted urgently then inserted in a mass of extralite and aged twenty three, wife of John Crooin, PHOTOGRAPHER. were plenty of republicans.“ belated and fearing that night might { to see him at once. exploded, but the extralite did not ex­ “And were there any democrats?” a 'longshoreman. At 11 o’clock Monday North aide Third 8t. McMiunri b. Or. plode. Pounded with a hammer on tbe < overtake him risked wading through “Who are they?” called tho general. “Plenty of democrat»,“ was tqe answer. even ins her husband leit her and went Opposik ('«•I’ll HMii. Third Street, "I don ’ t know, sah, ” was the answer that tnndhole and passed that way home top ot a flat rock the extralite was simply "Well, did you see any prohis?” in­ upstairs to visit friends on the fourth Htir catting in tb* latta* atyka. Gifting of pulverized, not exploded. They say that incidents duplicate them­ i “I think they is some const itoente of quired the prohi floor. Four hours later the housekeeper Udita* ani chiHren ? hair a^ily d-«ue. McMinnville. Oreyren ! you re from Ohio, sab. ” selves, in time it is nooeit.le that some But its terrific force, when confined i Fo" a good «biava of ah am poo give ve a call. “Yea, there were a great many pro­ detected a smell of smoke, and on inves­ was demonstrated in thia wav A hole I belated traveler might pass that way i“Good heavens,” exclaimed the g“n his. What may neoin strange to yon, tigation found the young wife as above two feet deep was drilled in a rock in a again, between now and 1900, but I era! excitedly, “don't let them come near every republican had a prohi. stated. Ths lamp on the table had ex- McMinnville Baths and neighboring quarry. Three rolls of ex­ think before that time the smallpox here; keep them away. If they find out “Every republican had a prohi. How E’ led some time during the interval, tralite. each containing three ounce«, or I scare will be over. We will have to hunt in my district that I bathe in a m rble was that?" when nobody knew, for ns sound nine ounces of extralite in all, were for some other cause lor the quarantine, tub and am rubbe>l down by a nigger in­ been hoard, and, strangely enough, “Why every republican had a prohi stead of going down to the ■ reek to wash since thinking it over, if they have quar ­ Ceveei., and Trade Marks obtained, and all tamped down and a fuse put in. Th“ i holding between himself and the fire.” on one had board any cries for help, al­ C. H FLEMING, Prop.. antined against the Grand Ronde we and drying mv myself with my shirt. I'll explosion ehalter ld tbe rock and filled though a dosen people wore on the same Pwtont bavincF« con. C. miitted at that point. Third 8t., McMinnville, Or. THAT NEW ENGINE OF WAR. THE TELEPHONE-REGI8TER Absolutely Pure. Ho Everybody HODSOIT’S ¡?. S/J Only Place in the County 0. 0. HODSON. ¡SOMETHING NEW! Bazaar Store. OPPOSITE GRANGE STORE MRS. A. BURT, CITY STABLES, Henderson Bros. Props The St Charles Hotel w. v. PRICE. W. H. Logan, TONSORIAL PARLORS!, PATENTS TONSORIAL ARTIST,