____ [ __________ » J 1 ’ _______ £ 1 _______ L— E-- <• MISCELLANEOUS. A VERY CURIOUS » ihm . —Tn Europe it is customary to leave visiting cards on the graves of poets. This seems strange, whon it is known that the occupants of the graves aro always at home.— N. 0. Picayune. —It may be doubted whether the practice of chewing gum has an injuri­ ous effect on the eyes of the gum chewer, but it hurts the eyes of other people.— Somcrcille Journal. —Lincoln County, Georgia, requires on the average only a day and a half of court. At the last session the only prisoner who has been in jail in the county for several years was lot go on his own recognizance, tho prosecutor failing to appear. —Statistics lately published in En­ gland show that tho world has 700 Croesuses worth 000,000 or over, of whom 200 reside in England, 100 in the United States, 100 in Germany, 75 in France, 50 in Russia, 50 in India an'1 125 in other countries. —There is anew high-wire act. Two men starting from different ends of a slack wire meet and pass each other, going by on a waltz step. A woman actually dances on the wire, and a man trots across it with a companion up­ right on his shoulders. —A lady saw a driver, angry with his horses for Borne fancied offense, about to lash them severely. She in­ terrupted him by inquiring the way to a certain street, to a certain man's house, both of which sho knew very well. But the driver, too gallant not ♦o nnswer the lady’s questions, had op­ portunity for his temper to cool, and restored the whip to its socket without striking a blow. —Time, twentieth century. Place, at the polls. First Female Voter—“How do you do, Mrs. X? Who are you going to vote fofflow governor?” Second Fe­ male Voter—"O, I have not decided yet. Tho Republicans have put up Mr. They fay he’s very popular, and suro to be elected. But Mr. B, his op­ ponent, he doesn't seem to have any friends at all, poor fellow; guess I’ll vote for him." First Female Voter— "So will I.”— Yankee Blade. —“What will it cost m), Undo Ras- tus, to have my coop whitowashod?” “I kain’t tell yet, sah, till I makes an estimate ob de size and dimonshuns.” That night the ownor was disturbed by a loud noise in tho hen-coop. “Hi, there!” he sliou'.od from an upper window, "what are you doing there?” “It's Unc. Rastus," was the reply, and he’s liggerin’ on de size an’ di- menshuns ob de coop."— Harper's Ba- Habits of the Mateo, a Queer Creature Found In the Eaatern Beaa. POT-HOUSE POLITICS. The Character of the Thing»« Engaged In Expounding Its Merits. As a general thing the bar-room politician is not attractive personally. He rarely pays much attention to his clothing or his general make-up, be­ cause his time is completely absorbed with matters of great political import. Ho is kept so busy saving the country that ho has no time or energy to waste in removing grease spots on his rai­ ment or in manipulating a clothes brush. The blush on his cheek is not caused by his glowing with heaven- born enthusiasm for the just cause of the people, nor by the ruddy hue of robust health, but may safely be at­ tributed toan inferior brandof whisky. The averago pot-house mogul of small caliber is the victim of many strange hallucinations. One of his pet delu­ sions is that ho is indispensable. - lie harbors an undefined sort of suspicion that the continuance of the planetary system, somehow or other, rests on him. As for the political party to which ho claims to bolong, or rather which ho imagines belongs to him, he is perfectly sure that but for his sage counsel it would fall to pioces and re­ solve itself into chaos. It is almost impossible for tho small-boro dema­ gogue to believe that his party could survive a single campaign in case ho should pay the debt of nature—the only debt, by the way, which he ever does pay. Instead of being a modern Atlas with the wholo world on his shoulders, he himself is a burden grievous to be borne. He wanders around, never al­ lowing himself to stray far away from tho saloons, like an evil spirit seeking rest and finding none, and allowing no­ body else to find any, either, lie will halt gentlemen on tho public highways, and unless they seek safety in flight, he will inflict on such victims, in a whisky-laden whisper, whole libraries of stale political loro and decayed cam­ paign rubbish. In regard to tho actual services he renders his party there will always be an honest difference of opinion. There is good reason to beliovo that this pos­ tulant for pap doos moro to cause the rospectablo eloment of his party to go over to the opposition than all the other causes put together. Tho shrewder politicians and office-seekers perceive that the unsavory but enthusiastic dem­ agogue is in reality a dangerous Jonah, who should be promptly inserted into tho raging main if tho ship is to be saved, and they often do throw him overboard; but ho al ways bobs serenely up and swims to shore, or is picked up by tho rival craft. Occasionally the small-bore politician gets into power and sticks with the pertinacity of a postage stamp in a pocket-book on a damp day. Tho tax­ payers discover that they are being robbed by a set of famished cormorants. Then it iB that the man whose property is being sold for taxes lifts his voice and a rebellious hoof and rails at tho small-boro domagogue. An independ­ ent tidal wavo sweeps over tho neigh­ borhood, and tho small-boro demagogue and his frionds aro left high and dry when tho waters recede. This stylo of politician prevails, in a moro or less malignant typo, from Maine to the Rio Grande, and infests overy political party.— Texas Siftings. No one bo old that he may' not live a year, none so young but he may die to-day.— German Proverb. Doc« Hit Earth lira Uy Move? Contented minds are more conducive to hap pl ileus t han riches, glory to fame. In oilf h«**“ work let us retnember that It will prut it, when we see how stubixirnly cer­ science against dUease will never cease until lamp between fore lege and inftamm tain ola fogies “ling to their musty and anti­ we arrive at that utopian epoch when the hu ance, and belongs to the family of ineg- her with 8t. Jacob« Oil. L. 0. GARDNER. quated idcus. It was believed once that con­ man family shall cease to be afflicted with bod­ apodes, or “big-feet,” which are also The Arms Palace and Stock Car Co., sumption was incurable, and although it has ily ailments. One of the most potent weapons Th© Heat. St Clair Bldf . Toledo, 0 , Juae. ’M. been clearly demonstrated that it is not, thou­ which the armory of medicine furnishes, is Hos­ CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH called “mound-builders.” We cheerfully recommend St. Jacobi. Oil aa the sands of old-time physicians close their eyes beat for «.neral u.±en atock K. AEM8 © CO. ’« Stomach Bitters, which is of special These latter are gallinaceous birds anir-put their hands to their ears and refuse to tetter utility as a tamilv remedy, as it is adapted to For 10 Month«. Winaboro, Texas. JnnelO. tS. abandon the theory. But for all that the world the immediate relief and ultimate cure of those (as aro our common fowls or pheas­ ily terse waa hurt ou hind leg, auilered 10 month«; BID CBOSS DUROND 1UXD. moves on, and Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical disorder« of the stomach, liver and bowel« wu cured by St. Jacoba Oil; baa remained perma- ants), which are found in Australia and Discovery continues to rescue sufferers from which are of commonest occurrence. Indiges­ OrlslMl, b««t, only «rnulne an.l aent.______________ w CL1MI. reliable pili lor tale. Never Fail. consumpives’ gravea. It is a sure cure tion, biliousness and constipation are insep­ I’apua, or New Guinea, and which lay ¡^Aak for fhicheetert blnglishi for this dreadful disease, if taken in time. arable companions, and these ailments are com- AT DRUGGISTS AND DIALERS Diamond Brand, red me- their eggs, and then scratch up and All scrofulous diseases—and consumption is pit trly eradicated by the Bitters. But the reme­ tall‘a boxes, aealeti with blue rib. included in the list—yield to it. THI CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Biltimor«, Md. bon At i>rugmloa. «.ar Blomxcb, X.U», JU- ing Disorders of Children, 41a,.a Cue.tl palina. Fullnaaa aliar «»UM. root Mcott'ti fCnialaion of Pure (’<><1 Liver Oil —Italian Proverb. purpose, two or three times aa large in rr-ov™ 6,000,000 people beliovo thatx Siala« ir th. lioulh Bail dlaagr.aabU UaU aft«» a»b- with Hypophosphites I n unequaled. The ra­ —i- ■■ pays lieet to buy Seed« lag. M«rroun«M aad Law-Splrita. proportion as those of our turkeys. White Elephant of Siam, Lion of Eng of the largest and moot reliable house, and tL/ use pidity with which children gain flesh and At DrufffitU and Dea eri or ient by matt ai re strength upon it is very wonderful. Bead the land, Dragon of China, Creaa of Switzer, Instead of using leaves and sticks and eeipltfZicU 11 turxee »1 .00) “ * etampe. Sample following: "I have used Scott’s Emulsion in land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt- sand, tho maleo of Celebes uses the eases of Rickets and Marasmus of long stand­ Double Eagle of Rushia, Star of Chili, Trie ant on receipt ra results, as in every ease th** improvement was Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin. acknowledged u> bo the To get iheae buy a box of the genuine marked.”—J. M. M ain , M. D., New York. its eggs, and these eggs are extremely We wteh a few men to k;' argest Seedsmen D r . C. M c L ane ’ s C elebrated L iver sell our goods by »ample larro in proportion to the size of the In tho world. to the wiiolaale and re- The piety that does not give is piety that does P ills , price 2.*) cents, and mail us the out­ ^D M. F eiiryaco ’3 bird. ___________ tall trade. Largest uihiih - side wrapper with your address, plainly not “pay.”— Bongregoiionalcst. j Illustrated. Descrin. line. Enclose 2 cent stamp. Wages per written, and 4 cents in stamps. We will frs in our They do not mako regular mounds, tive and Priced Permanent position. No postalsans Were u. then mail you the abov^liat with an ele­ Day. “Purgatory Bullets.” Money advaneedfor wages, advertising, etc. <’en liko their cousins, tho megapodes of SEED ANNUAL Ail excited Irishman lately rushed into a Bo«- gant package of oleographlc and chro teunial UaiiiiHlciuriug <0 , <’incinnati,Ohiu. Australia, but the whole beach shows toil drug store, having a “brokeu-uo" appear­ malic tards. For 1880 Will bo mailed fREE ance generally. "Be Jabbers”! he yelled, “I’m Bi< u t>u tiven anrw- F leming B ros ., P ittsburg , P a . a series of elevations and depressions, to ail applicant«, and all wrong entoirely. I want some shtuff to sal satisfaction In lb. r .t to lOHt year’« customers Cure» In 'M« like a rough, confused sea. Contrary straighten me out. Some o’ them ‘Puifcatory wi bout ordering it. Inr.il„. Fl TO 5 DATB.^j cure of Gonorrhea and The days are made on a loom whereof the Bullets’ will fix me, I’m thinkin’. What d’ye Gaar&aUed not «1 Gleet. I prescribe Hand Earli«it Cauliflower : to what wo should imagine, the very tax for thim?” “What do you mean?” asked warp and woof are past and future time.— timer- mom Slriolure- ’ in L i Ben(i for or, lt F,,,wer 1Sw< iu «xiEtence. exiacenuc. i ’ should Address feel safe In recommend- the clerk. "Purgatory Bullets,’ sor, somethin' non. largo eggs aro not found at the very Mid only by th« loike that, they call thim,” replied the man. Ins It to al) sufferers. O- M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. bottom of tho depressions, nor on the l«l bui CbtmlolCB. — A. J. STOSSB, M.D_ “Shure, I’jn in purgatory already, with head­ ache and liver complaint, and bad shtomach, t Cincinnatl.HBj R summit of the mound of gravel, but in Daeatur, III. Vûu. To • « a I>ay. Sample, worth »1.50, FREE. and the divil knows what all.” The clerk Lines not miller the horses foot. Write S kew , shallow trenches, and on tho slopes of PRICE. *1.00. . passed out a vial of Dr. Pierro’s Pleasant Purg­ I ____ PURE ____ , stkr ’ s Sarm-v lists H oldzk Co*.It oil y , j| I Sold by Drugclatn. ' ative Pellets, and i’at went off contented. These Trade the irregular hummocks. little Pellets cure all derangements of liver, The natives of the Island understand stomach and bowels. Sugar-coated, little larger than mustard seeds, and pleasant to take. Drug­ perfectly how to find them, by probing gists. in the gravel with a flexible, dolicate The cats that drive away mice ar« as good as stick. If tho egg has been lately laid, those that catch them.—Germa?* Proverb. and just covered, the gravel is very lit­ tle packed, and easy to penetrate with CONSUMPTION CURED. > An old physician, retired from practice, hav­ the stick. Then the gravel is scraped That “poor back” is held responsible for more than its share of the sufferings of ing had placed in his hands by an East India away—the stick used again—and so dog mankind. . II your r _ bites a man who kicks it, do you blame the dog? On the same missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of tho egg is reached at last against nervousness, impure blood, and principle the kidneys utter their protest Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, It is often throo or four feet below to do extraordinary work in ridding the and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a posi­ resulting constipation rl liese force them tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and tho surface of tho mound. The heat of result of effete matter retained in the system of the poisons which are the all Nervous Complaints, after having tested it« tho beach, however, on which the trop­ wonderful curative powers in thousands of back aches; the kidneys are dis- blood. Then the sufferer says the cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to ical sun is ever shining, hatches the his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive be unless the nerves are strengthened, ..■cased. “Not yet;” but they will eggs at this depth; for, after they are and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will removed. These are the causes the blood purified, and the constipation send free of charge, to all who desire it, this re­ onco deposited and covered up, the cipe, in German, French or English, with full Compound removes them quickly, of kidney troubles, and Paine ’ s Celery directions for preparing and using. Sent by parent birds tako no moro notice of mail by addressing with stamp, naming this effect, it also strengthens the weak W:*.h its tonic, purifying, and laxative thorn. paper, W. A. N oyes , 1& Powers Block, Roches­ curing all diseases of the nerves and kid- kidneys, making it almost infallible in ]J ter, N. Y. The male birds, as well as the hens, been realized, try Paine’s Celery Com- neys. If your hopes of cure have not dig up tho gravel to form tho mounds, Temperance is the moderate use of good things and total abstinence from bad things. pound; it gives perfect health to all who complain of “their poor backs.” Price $1.00. and throw up the material in perfect —The Voice. S old by D ruggists . S end for I llustrated P aper . showers; and thoy do this in an odd way, and not scratching alternately, Shall Women be Allowed to Vote? i The question -of female suffrage has agitated with botli foot, liko common fowls. The Us superior excellence proven ln millions of homes for the tongues aud pens of ^reformers Jvr, many mpfe than a quarter of a century. It 1 b used by the nialeo poises himself on one leg, and BURLINGTON, VERMONT. years, and good arguments have been adduced United fltatra Government. Endorsed by the heads of for aud against it. Many of thO softer sex the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and most gives rapid digs with the other, the could vote intelligently, and many would vote Healthful. Dr Price's Cream Baking Powder does not largo foot, slightly webbed at tho base as their husbands did, and give no thought to contain Ammonia, Lime or Alnni. Hold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.'- ^DWIGHT’S/ tiie merits of a political issue. They would all of the toes, being as large and effective NSW YORK CHICAGO 8T. LOUIS vote for Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, f- r as a man's hand. they know it is a boon to their sex. It is un­ equaled for the cure of leucorrhea, abnormul Although the explorers from the discharge, morning sickness, and the countless ills to which women are subject. It is the only Marchesa found tho curious birds in remedy for woman’s peculiar weaknesses mid SOO a ailments, sold by druggists, under a positive I'his is the darndest placo I ever great numbers upon tho sonHhore, thoy THE COW BRAND. guarantee from the manufacturers that it will could only got them by creeping up was in,” exclaimed the bucolic gentle­ — TO MAKE — give satisfaction in every case, or money-will be refunded. See guarantee on wrapper around man at tho theatre. “I’vo been look­ quite closo, and then running in and bottle. __________ ___________ or ing around for tho last half-hour and shouting; when, instead of running off, Cheerfulness is an excellent wearing quality. can’t find the door.” “Don’t you see they took to thoir wings and perched USE It lias been called the bright weather of the the sign on that door?” asked tho gou- upon tho forest trees which formed a neart. tlemanly usher. "Exit, that’s Latin, belt along tho beach. Hero they seemed PRICE- T ry G ermka for breakfast. and moans the place where you go out." to think themselves perfectly safe, and Then why in timo don’t it say so? I ono can be shot at a time, without put­ 50. CENTS. ABSOLUTELY PURE. don’t know nothing about dead lan- ting to flight the othors. They were ------ FOB----- guages. ’Cause a feller can’t read found to be doliciouB eating, and their ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Asthma,Coughs,' Colds, - Croup, In ­ Shopping by mall 1« quite a practice, and our Latin, he’s got to burn to death in case skins, being unique, most valuable for experience has proven it siltlsfactory to buyer fluenza, BronehitiH, Catarrh, Whoop- stuffing, for museums and collections. >• awe that there Is a picture of a Cow on your package and you will have and seller. We offer to send postpaid—School inc-Cough, L qhh of Voice, Incipient of Are, eh?”— Boston Transcript. Handkerchiefs, border, each, lie. 4c. be; Ladles' Consumption, aud Jail ^Throat and The maleo's egg is huge, in propor­ the beet Soda made. THK COW BÏMJÎD. Men," said the captain of the Handkerchiefs, border, each. 4c, 5c, tic, 10c; La­ I-unff Troubles. dles’ lldkfs., border, each, 15c, 20e, ’25c; Ladies’ steamer to tho frightened passengers tion to the size of the body, and some DWIGHT^/ Hdkfs., scalloped, each, 10c, 15c, 25c; Ladies' < J. R. CATES & CO.,' PROP'S. huddled about him, ‘'itistruowe aro days elapses between the laying; and Hdkfs., embroidered, each, 12c, IKe, 25c, 50c; tho question is, why should tho egg be Ladies ’ Hdkfs.. lino linen, 15c, 20e, 25c; Ladies' •117 Sansoiue Street, Sait Francisco, Cal. not gaining on tho leak, but wo are lldkfs., hemstitched, 25c, 50c; Silk Hdkfs., figured, 25e, 50e, 75c »1, »1,25; Silk lldkfs., plain, only fifteen milos from land, and if so disproportionate to tho size of the white or red, 45c, 75c, »1; Bandanas, two sizes, The BUYEB8’ GUIDE is necessary we can throw overboard bird? LERATUS 7c, 10c; Men's White Hdkfs., 5c, 15c, 25c, 50c: issued March and Sept., The theory of Doctor Guillemard, the small reduction in '.«-doz. and doz. lots. Men’s 2,000 tons of freight to lighten ship. each year. It la an ency­ Neckties, light, 12c, 15c, 25c; Men’s Neckties, VILLAGES OF RUSSIA. naturalist who describes them, is that clopedia of useful infor­ There is no occasion for alarm. We dark, 15c. 25c, 50c: Men's Kid (¡loves, »1, »1.25, mation for all who pur­ huvo several hundred casks of rum in the eggs of these birds would bo ox- The Deplorable Condition of Sixty Mil- »1.50, |2; Men’s Kid (¡loves, fur top, »1, »1.25, Z. T. WRIGHT, chase the luxuries or the »1.60; Men’s Buck Gloves, »1, »1.25, »1.40; Men’s lions of Ignorant Peasants. the hold that we can------ ” “No occa­ posed to much risk if in an open nest, necessities of life. We Buck Gauntlets, »1.25, »1.50; Men’s Working while buried ns they nro they are com ­ Foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. can olothe you and furnish you with Tho idea of 60,000,000 of people be­ (¡loves, 50c, 75c, »1; Men's Woolen (¡loves, 50e; sion for alarm!” exclaimed a tall Ken­ Ladles' Warm Mlttons, 25c; Ladles’ Wool Hose, all the necessary and unnecessary He says that the ing constantly upon th‘ verge of starva­ extra, tuckian, turning pale with apprehen­ paratively safe. 45c, 50c; Infants’ Wool Hose, extra, 20c, General Agent for the appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, Misses' Wool Hose, 5 to s',, ;t0e to 45c: sion. “Captain, do you intend to throw weight of such n mass of gravel must tion is a startling or.j, yet there does 25c; eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, Men's Cotton Half Hose, tic, 10c, inc, 20c: Men’s be takon into consideration, when it or stay at home, and in various sizes, not seem to bo any reason to doubt the Fancy Cotton Hose. 25c. B5c. 60e: Men's Wool that rum overboard?”— Chicago Trib- styles and quantities. Just figure out will be seen that no chick of ordinary truth of tho author’s statement. The Half Hose, 25e, 85c, 45c; Garden Seeds, 25 papers assorted for It: Rogers’ Plated Teaspoons. Lr what is required to do all theai'thinga Bizo could force its way through it to peasants are frightfully ignorant, and <4. >z„ »1.15; Rogers ’ l'lated Butter Knives, each, COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair —The averago age of locomotives is 50c. 65c; White Undervests, ladies', 4tic. (¡tic, »1, tho surface. Hence the necessity of a estimate of the value of the BUYEBS’ their mirs make them, to a certain ex ­ about twelve years, yet many, through |L:tO: Red t’ndervi sts, ladies'.75c, |l. |i.;io. »1.50: GUIDE, which will be sent upon largo egg and a powerful chick; or, in tent, selfish. These mirs aro village Combination Suits, wool, red or white, each, proper habits of living, biking their receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, other words, tho curious habit has been governments, each one independent of »2.25; Corsets, 50c, 60c, »1, »1.25, »1.50, »3. If to meals regular and avoiding all intoxi­ be registered, add 10c to above prices. Send MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. adopted for tho preservation of tlio spe­ tho other, and each peasant, while stamps, 1’. (». or express order. Underwear of 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, W, cating beverages attain quito a re­ all kinds, Shoes, Rubber Goods, Notions and cies.— Golden Days. bound for life to his mir, has no ties many other goods by mail at a tritie above list spectable old ago. The oldest run­ w • ♦ • connecting him with any other village. prices. Write for complete list of .1000 articles ning engine in Germany has been on at wholesale prices, In any giiantitv, to GROWING SMALLER. I Nor have tho mirs any connecting links. Nmlth’H <’oMh Ktorc. Nd. 41N Front the road since 1845, and is conse­ Nt., Han Franrlnro <’a'. To all iutents and purposes tho mirs in quently forty-three years old; quite a Methuselah, in fact. With regard to Different Ways In Which Men Grow Puny Russia are independent States, with and InNignlilcant. nothing in common but the Government its habits it has always confined itself HKATT1.E. W. T. A young lad overheard a conversa­ tax gatherer. It is this fact that has Btrictly to water, though it has been N ERVOUS »’«Olllty. Loaaof Vigor. Borni,,.; been tho safety of tho Russian autoc ­ , „ , . LoBsen, U oak Memory, Despoil BEST AND FASTEST THRESHERS addicted to smoking all Its life. It is tion which took place between his dency. aie., due toexce.se«or abuse, cured. IN THE WORLD. sad to see a locomotive grown prema­ father and Mr. JI., a neighbor, with racy, for were a concerted movement YOUNG m MEN "’ff|,rin? from the effects o v "f youthfuir.llics or indio- I especially request those contemplating purchasing either an Engine or Thresher next turely old by getting on trainsand run­ reference to a well-known inhabitant of to come tho General Government of tho Bhoul Coast that has given entire satisfaction. finding no relief in any of the chemically prepared witli in collisions.— Texas Siftings. cient attention to understand much that would a pile of sand before a breaking soaps and medicines prescribed for me by physicians, dam. In fact, the authority of the MIDDLE.ACED MEN^:» was said. This remark, however, I concluded to try your S. S. S. remedy, and have Flagstaff, Mo., is an interesting All kinds of Back- Nervon! I also deal in Laundry Machinery, Marine Engines. found great relief in the same, four bottles clearing Ì!ebiHtvKW^r,n5r PlB<1derf town for two reasons, it always has a struck him. “He is,” said Mr. IL, re­ Czar to-day rests upon two things—the my skin entirely. I cheerfully recommend your Brass Goods, Inspirators, Injectors, Oilers, Reapers, Mowers. ignorance of tho peasantry and their medicine to all who are in the position that I naxo Miles Standish among its citizens, and ferring to tlio person respecting whom "t “• Persons unable to visit ns may lie treated Chemical Fire Extinguishers, and Engines, Oils, been in. You can use this letter and my name as a b/.<’orrosòon. PRIVATE DISPENSARY. place received its name. G. W. Stand­ met tho person, ho eyed him narrowly, majority of these peasants are iu want NOS. 13« and 134 THIRD STREET, ish, ono of the loading mon of tho but could see no diminution of his all tho time, if they absolutely have That shfps J. H. riHK.Asssyrr and Analytical Portland, Oregon. town, is tho only remaining son of portly dimensions, lie went to his not enough to eat for tho larger part of Chemist, laboratory 10t First Bt.. Portland. Or. Analyse, made of all substances. 1« the only Private Dis ­ Miles Standish, who was the eighth father for an explanation of tho mean­ the year, a time will come when thoy pensary in Portland or on the Northwest Coast, direct descent from Milos Standish, tho ing of Mr. H.'s remark, and learned will move. Thoy may bo ignorant, but PI90S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION where patients are success, that there are other ways of growing nd man is so ignorant that he can not captain of Plymouth. G. W. Stand­ fully treated for all NERV IN OI H. CHRONIC ANI) ish's only brother, Milos, died seven small besides the lessening of tho bodily tell tho difference betwoon hungor and 31FINU/AY mkanich , PKAMKa PRIVATE DISEASES ln Ol Cinnni, HAt ’ H. Oabler, Roenlal young or old, single or CAR LOADS. repletion. When tho misory becomes years ago, but ho left a son Miles, now form. married, such as Plano«; Burdett Organ«, band instrumenta. Larger Men grow smaller when they grow widespread enough, when tho tooth of stock of Sheet Music and Books. Bands supplied a twenty-two years old, and G. W. has a LOST MANHOOD, Kaatern Prtoea MATTHIAS GRAY OO„ Kd Poa I peniiriflBH. Examples of this kind of starvation presses down hard enough, Street. Nervous debility, seminal son Miles, who is four years old. San Frantdaor losses, failing memory, growth aro quite common. “ There something will happen. Tho history ryphilitic emotions, ef- - Young lady (at dinner, sadly, to All sizes in stock from 40 frets of mercury, kidney goes a man, ” said a princely merchant of the world has shown often that pounds to 1,2*0. partner)—"I was forcibly reminded and bladder troubles, gon­ of New York to a friend from tho coun ­ under certain conditions in society a orrhea, gleet, stricture etc Send for REDUCED PRICES. Tho parasite«, of which we five cut below, dfa- yesterday. Mr. Larkins, of tho opening covered by us. are the direct cause of Catarrh CONBVLTATION FREE. Remember it is a pleasure ty show words of the poem, ‘I never loved n try as ho passed a man in the street- - spark is only needed to set fire to the and Cunsumptiou, also many other diseases. goods or answer question* If you OR. PIERCf'S NEW BELT dear gazelle.’” Mr. Larkins (with “There goes a man who was very lib­ train. It might begin iu Russia with Cannot cal) write * AND SUSPENSORY, Interest) —"Yes!” Young Lady—"Yes; eral before ho became rich, or before knocking down a tax gatherer. And (Pat. Oct. 11.’S’) cares all when it doos begin tho result will be there was a prospect of his becoming Nervous and Chronic DN* I was presented with a lovely little • a^es ofboth sexes. Priced fearful. Tho atrocities of the French *6 and upward, sand2c1 lamb which I tenderly nursed and rich." for sealed pamphlet No.l When the num in question was doing revolution would cease Jo bo talked of, cared for through tho Bummer, and of Rl PTI RE. ffmptured Magnified 560 Timo, for those in Russia will cast them Into «end stamp for Pamphlet No. 1. which grew very fond. Yesterday a small business he was very liberal New Invention. Send 2c tho shade. As tho Russian Czars and in proportion to Ills means. Nome Imagine millions of these anlmalctita In th© I I’ll.E*. rr.phlot No. a Addresa; tho poor little creature broke its leg nose, throat and lungs as wen as the mtnuto nobility have sown so shall they reap. eustachian thought he gave away more than was M E. T. Sacramento St.,San Franelsc6,:Cap tubes leading from the brt' k part and it became necessary to kill 1L I've Of course there will lie great wrongs of the throat to the middle ear, and you will felt bo distressed over the matter.” proper and right. When lie was worth imagine the misery they can produce. Thou­ // Z' S \«Z th*0 the Chsapet! done; of course the persons who have sands are swallowed when thepatieut is asleep, Mr. Larkin "it is indeed, Miss Brown, an hundred thousand dollars he gave causing kidney and liver trouble, headache, truly sad. ' Young Lady—"Ah, yea, away loss than when he began business brought; it about will escape. for in the blood poison, general debility, etc. We have a <« r specific for destroying theui and eTpelfltig the " Mr. I«arkins, and the pieoo do resist­ on a capiial of two or three thousand. vengeance of race» the innocent suffer poison OJ o fromtho blood. I se tho CAI IV. i ct t-qmpmtnr, . u_h instruction, rsiab- ance of to-day's dinner is all that is When he was north half a million, it for the guilty. 'The sins of the fathers TIVE AhO WCATIVE ELECTRIC OMXM.AMD — a. Ihned •■omit Mloi»,grow.tm impMl.irify. Blfc. to tako and the CAIHORMIA Coercion Schoo 1 and fitnm tnjhin Deo rt- left of my poor little lamb, lt nearly was with great difficulty that he could will be visited upon the children. And itCATM HECTIWC LIMiMENT to apply, the ment». Students admitted at any *ime. (aft- _____ „ aho breaks my heart. Won't you have be induced to give away any thing st who shall say. when those Htis are con-' at.-maeh is ’.ad, u*'tho CAIIFORNA I posmt logue andI ’pmmons of penmanship sent free. M 0C the WCATIVE ELECTRIC SYSTEM QURDEI it buhtauptl J. A. WkSt O.Kee 1. A. I-. AKMsTROX,. pri«. a small piece of the crisp fat, Mr, Tetr­ nil. His wealth had grown largo; his sidered. that this will be unjust.— Cur­ system ------------------------------- ati i purifies tho poisoned r-------------- blood. ------- Th< _aey rent Literature. soul had grown smalL — A ’ . 1 ’ . Ledger. an' manufactured from roots, herb® aul flowers kins? lt is simply delicious.”— Kpoch. that grow in California» aud are safe for child­ — In order to appreciate success we ren. They never fait. The Cough Cure if ex- — cellent for CouwbB, Colds, «*« must know fniluie,. and our greatest Croup, &e.. no child wil l ever M » k FOR EVERY FORROSE. —When you sec a man carrying a —A woman with a patent button Miccesser consist not in never failing die with croup when this i'»Z|h <5 S used. Orirl.inimont kills pain W \ Sold on Trial ! book bearing on tho cover the title. fastener, has been doing the towns in nut in persistently conquering such fail­ instantly. J 'C ures See our Trade Mark f 4 r on every wrapper. Sold L>jr2jT.i f ■Great Expectations," or "Our Mutual Eastern,Washington, says the' Seattle ures. C hills all druggist«. K Friend," don’t rush to the conclusion Post Intelligencer. Walking quickly Ftv E 1 - Wo are prone to forget whnt we do Irwinirr & C«.. fr»M. rj F dy SPEP5 that he is going to read Dickens. Many up to a staid old gent on the street she know;’whereas we should consider.tliat un inaitj, CAuioRiRA. J of the dair-ty volumes so labelled are will dexterously clip a button from his whatever good thing we know is only X 0 )lj hollow, except that they contain a half­ cont before ho lets loose of the idea so far good to ns ns it is remembered to BUT THK BKST. TAKK NO CHASCKS; I pint whisky flask. By touching a that she is going to hug him, and when purpose. — Richard Cecil. In v« »ment «malíj prpflù LCOH( H ar je. Send 10e for matting spring the mouth of the flask springs he ex|>ostiilates she produces her but­ I»rrr illustratesi C»taLfactored by and Cold«, or any tn.nble of thv Throat, Cure« Cut«, Sore«, Salt Rheum, iloila. GOULDS a AUSTIN, popular are these flasks that a Cham­ button, tight and solid. Of oourse ho than “Brines’« HrosoAtal Trwhra.” 1‘rlce’Jt eta, Pimple«. Felona, Skin Di«eaae«, and all , ailment« for *hlrh a salve ra suitable. For i«v a it. Bt. bers street firm offers them for sale buy».* Ijgx .of the fasteners, and the Said vnlp in boxes. taking out anremm« and healing it acta 1 CHICAGO. ILL. under the name of "Temperance Book lady-seeks another victim to practice In this world tali often onr toy. are only the like magic, ¡tlcente tbox. Al all druggists. teuder shadows which our sorrow cast- AtrcAcr, N. P. N. U. No. 267—8. F. N. U. No. Ml | her arts upon. —N. Y. Tribune. PORTLAND, ORECON. PENNYROYAL PILLS Diamond Vera-Cura Ferry’s Seeds SALESMEN weiow F 0?PRIC^ CREAM My Poor Back! WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors, DELICIOUS BISCUITS WHOLESOME BREAD D wight ’ s C ow -B rand S oda °"S aleratu $. O O r .SPINNEY Seattle Dispensary, PACIFIC COAST Bells! PRICES GREATLY REDUCBb A CALIFORNIA DISCOVERY WW • PROMOTES DIGESTION Hh 5s» MEXICAN SALVE STIMULATES LIVER WELL DRILLS F F' pURIFIES gLOOPJ EMEDYjÄk. k4J 1 REGULATES I’iOWELs •7 *7