YAMHILL CÜ. WEST SIDE TELEPHONE, I me »l aving ut I leming ‘. F-rtig w ih speak at G ange t all k< tf, G» iNHon ami Bill t. the allotment of lands in severally t«> Fhe cementer * on (lie court house are ‘•n Crlllld rV Ill'll nrng a' d evening. Sull the best I ever handled or saw used. Accounts and Cunent Expenses-Coun- had sidewalks, which must »»sin he re- the Indians on this reservation. Lieut This remedy i.s becoming so well known Jr-r t for evening ' lhe Devil.” < ilmeii Jone», fucker .nd W right. A. J. B aker . rushing their work to a finish. placed by new ones, on E street, you ar­ Col. Edward ('ollies of the “Retired and .so popular as to need no special men­ tion. All \\h<* have used Electric Bittern Fire and Water—Councilinen Wright, When con are looking for holiday Go to the milleiierv «tn.e mid see the l in ker ami Jonea. rive at the corner of E and First streets List” \V. S. Army who was appointed bv sieg the same song of praise.—A purer North Yamhill, Or., Oct. 3, 1888. the president special agent to allot then»« medicine does not exist ami it is guaran­ eleeant shade» ol p'lu-hes j i»l arrived goods go and see Roger» & ¡odd’». arid a sight greet* you which is lieailti- Streets and Public P»opeitv—Council­ Martin & Sanders. lands, arrived here some two w»»eks to day, mid new sty les in ladles lelt hats. to d<> all that is (‘laiincd Electric men l'tiikei, Barm-kcif and Wright. ful indeed. It is the Yamhill county since and employed lhe undersigned as teed Dr. Fertig will apeak at Grange ball Biiters will cure a!I diseases of the Liver Dear Sirs:—The Belle City Feed * very Wli.rtr-oin »¡mated on Bellingham Bay Health and Police—Councilinen Burt, court house w hich has been erected in surveyor to assist him. Wednesday, Friday ami .--uiidav The work is i and Kidheeys will remove Pimple«. Boils. cutter I bought of you last winter evenings. Whl by rille of the great ciliés of the G» i>8 n and BarnekofF. city at a cost of (45,000, by the prog'essing rapidly, something over Salt Rheum and oilier aflertions caused by gives good satisfaction, better than C, Fendall, of Willamina, an old resi­ northwest IinpioveiiicutB oi all kinds Judicialy—Councilmen Grissen, Jones this 5300 acres having already been alloted, impure blood. Will drive Malaria from lhe Pauly Jail Co , from the plans of Mr. are going up. and Burt. system anti prevent as well as cure .ill Ma­ mostly agricultnial lands. anyother machine around here, it dent of Yamhill courtly Was in the e.ty laria fevres,—For cure of headache, (’< n- The mayor repotted to the council that Geo. Babcock, of Walla Walla. The Col. Collins h iving spent a lifetime on We have not the largest stock of holi ­ cuts very fast for a small machine. Alondax. the Sax house in which Cha«. Bynum building stands on a fine block donated the frontiers, is well veifted in Indian stipation and Indigestion try Electric Bit­ day goods in the comtlv, hut we have ters — Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or I would recomend the Belle City One thousand eight hundred g'rls mk confined with the smali-p>x, would to the county by Mr. Hiram Tucker of affairs. His instrnetions are to distribute money r-funded.*—Price öOcts. and !fil.0o‘per i some veiy nice goods tha> we ate selling be destroyed. before any other. the agricultural lands pro-rata amonu bottle a*. it Todds Drug Store. (5) grauuuterl lioin Boston cooking schools nlteaP' R< GEBs le allowance C. Z immerman . Frank Rogers will leave for :i two ported that the cistern could not be praise for this donation than he gets. when tliev take grazing laml. This will o 1,10 Children. They aro *•- Prince Alexander, of Heeao, uncle ol finished before September 1889, and that If Mr. Tui-ke' had not given this block necessitate the survey of some 1.5,000 or IJvVV'V poclally liable to sudd«« McMinnville, Or., Nov., 20, 1888. Grand Duke Ludwig is dead. He was week» duck hum on the Columbia. Chiistinus. He intend* to ship whm lie it would take at leubt l»(iJ to complete it. of land to the county it would have cost 20,000 acres additional to that sm vevod 3olconded that the next quire another I would buy one con­ Mis* Ella Pierson, of Modesto, Cal., prisoner to break out by breaking or • ess pool mound their houses. If you i of the council be given up en- ; sawing. Immediately in front of the structed on the same principal. who has been visiting in Uns eilv lor tire will rememher it was about a yetr ago meeting i tirely io the revisement of ordinances. < cells aie the waterclosets and sink. last two months will leave lor home next that spinal nieningetis appeared ami r J. W eneriierg . » Carried. The ladies department is a room by its week. away tour children. It was in­ Council adjourned unt I Wednesday sell i and contaiu* two steel cells each fit­ Mr. C. C. Walker a leading fann­ Several people in the town will invest carried duced bv malaria mid tlrat is marie bv night, i Dec. 26th, at 6:30 o’clock p. m. ted up with an iron bed, a watercloset er of Polk county, writes of the in type writers. J.. C. Cooper has a throwing slops around on the ground. and sink. FINE CATTLE Remington and has been taking testimo ­ Take care of it mol pievent another epi Belle City Feed cutter, I am well The first coat of plaster ha* been put demie ol meniogetis. on and the workmen are now engageil pleased with the machine. 1 will ny with it. D. W. Ralston of Sheiidan passed Eight tons of turkeys were shipped in putting on the second, The cemen- A KEWAlill OFFERED sav it is the best fodder cutter I fiom Oakland, Douglass county, Oregon, through this city Sunday morning with ters have nearly finished, and they have have ever used, being far superior to San Francisco tlie Satuiday preceding “Castorin isso well adapted to children that I Cantoria ____________________ , etiros/Jolie, _____ Consfipr.tim. For the Best C< mpoeitich by a Scholar 4) head of beef cittle for the Portland done a tine job. I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Ronr Stomach, Diarrhcoa, Eructation, 1 lialiksgiving. to the Baldwin. file court room is reached by four dif­ promotes di- kaowBtotn«.- IL A. Aarma, H. D., ' I Kills Worms, ~...... - gives sleep, &nd “•* ------ ■“ in the Grammar < lass at the markets. They averaged 1266 pounds ferent flights of stairs and the room is ! gestion. The persons wishing supper alter the I ubiic Suh ol. tn the head upon arriving at Poitbind 111 So. Oxford St, Erucèùya, N. Y. I Without injurious medication. large and finely lighted by two immense dance Christmas night can get it by go­ Pro". Ciawford of th<* public school ! This is ti e finest band of cattle ever sky lights. Gass and water pipes have T ub CnrrAUB C ompany , 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ing to the St. Clurles, where u fine sup­ • Iriven out Yamhill county. Mr. Rai- been laid tliiougliout the building and has mfornied ns that Im will give to his per will be sei ved. BARBERS, sion has ovei 6.) head on his ranch five me now ready to connect with the Mc ­ A'lam Foiepaugh is estiinilerl at hav­ erammar class a little uoik in composi Have opened neat shaving parlors on Third nuivs above Sheridan, feeding them up. Minnville waterworks and Gass Co., as ing a fortune ot about a million ami a «ion. They must have ready Ly the streef, between C and D He al*»o shipped 3 )0 head of sheep soon as they exist. hall, most ol which is invested in Plula 22nd of Febiiarv a composition. T he rom this city Tuesday for the Portland We respectfully solicit a share of the pat­ The Hheritl'a, clerk’s, rwordei's, treas­ iclphra real estate. I iu•• phone believing that this branch of market. They were a very fine hand of urer’s and all the other otlic'H are large rodage oi the public b FORCED WELCH. Oregon can put a cap on the weatliet education should he stimulated makes sheep, all stall fed. Mr. Ralston be commodious and well lighted. Th» of the eastern states. For lhe last two the following ( fler : iieves ii. feeding stock roots. IL* planted '•leik’s and recmdei’s ofllces are each THE week* tlie therinonieter lias averaged To the pupil wilting the best enmpo compo last spring about 8 acres of Swedish tur­ Kited with a fine iion vault, uiunufai- io me about 55. Hon is that. Mtion, eoniaining not less than 10() ami nips; he has led them to his stock with tured liv the Hall Sate Co. One shoit limn The basement contains several store Cha* Fleming who ha« been in the ¡not more than 1000 woids a fit e steel the above resu t. Is now prepared to furnish milk at nil east lor the last twoor three months, ■ di graving will I e given «•u-ting |15.O ’, steer, four-years-old, weighed 1754 rooms and living room*, the living rooms times i »V<* h ive seier- of these», fine engravings pounds ailer the diivr. have been cemented on the sides and While we do not claim to have reduced prices on all goods but only writes that he will lie in McMinnville by ! ail diffeient subjects ami the w inner can floor and aie well lighted. the 25lh, of this month. on such goods as we advertise to sell 1 ItOGltAMME I have his or her choice of th»* seven sub- The I'arpentar work is being pushed Chas. M igers, who is teaching school Per pint, one month, delivered morning or ! j ’ Tts. Th»» winning composit¡<>i» to he forward as fust ns possible bv the ener ­ in Tillamook, arrived in tin» city Moti­ evening, $1.. per quart, $2 Following ie the programme for the getic contractor II. Schenk. The build­ i published in T h *-. T elephon The en- lity on Ins wav tc lhe bedside ol Ins ■ -¿ravings an» bemititnl amt aie well Yamhill county tea< hers association to ing when completed will tivul the be«t Milk saved seperate for children, lather n b > is ser iously ill. ' our object is simply to close out these goods before taking stock in Jnn- wmtha little extra <»fT»»rt to gain une building in the state for sightliness, and no extra charge. Golrl and silver w atches for tallies and As soon as po-sild»» th« pi' til es wiil be be held at Lafayette on the 28 and 29 of solidity. unry. Hence we oiler these bargains to cur many patrons, so tlioso Dec. 1883. gentlemen at all prices, also all kind- ol place«] on exhibition. C has . W. H olman . In our cloak department every Easy flights of stairs lead tn the tower who wish can avail themselves of them jewelry tn solid gold oi roll (dated at FIRflT DAY. which is over Ilk) feet from the ground. garment is marked down to original cost and some McMinnville jewelry store. AVAR OF RACES. 9 a. m. Roll call, mu*ic, recitation. Fiom this elevated perch you can view Reading—.Miss Phillips, Newberg. Ducks are scarce on the rivet now. A the surrounding counirv lor miles; you twelve Whitesand ('ne Hundred and Fiftj few more rains will bling them. Several School punishment—General discus­ can see the Coast and Cascade nioiiri- Negroes Killed. sion. / tains, Mt. Hood appears to be about five parties have made the inn of tho liver W’liat should teachers read and miles awav; you run see Table Rock, anil met with hardly any success. methods of cieating n desire fur good A dispatch Irom VVailhall.«, Miss., on Mt. Jeft'rt'sen and several other smaller Mis. A. E. Tucker ha« sold her in­ peaks of the Cascade range It will pivy terest in tlie millinery’ business to liei I the 17th. of Dec.. says: Theie waster reading among papers. you to go up and take a look at the beau­ AFTERNOON. partner, Mis. 8. P. M Bi iugs. who will liible riot lieie last n‘q»ht and to-daj. tiful sight. the busines. in Hie tutine, Primary nmnber woik—Miss Vanors- I Twelve white men and 15 ) negroes lie OPPOSITION BOOT AND SHOE conduct dal. North Yamhill. LETTKR LIST. Dr. W. 8. Fertig has located in Me-1 , | dead as a resuit. For a I- tig time there STORE. How to secure politeness in and out of Minnville, treats ail diseases by the Consultalion free. has been much ill-feeling between the school—General discussion. New Met hod Cure. List of letter* remaining uncalled for Methods of teaching history—Piof. whites and blacks at this place, and it Office at Mrs. Wallace's, Fourth St. in the l’ost office at McMinnville, Ore­ Williamson, West ('hehaletn. has been aggravated l»v the impertinence The present Georgia legislature con­ gon, Dee., 1st, 1888. SECOND DAY. tains more farmeis than any of its recent of the Utter, ami yestenl.iv the two ele­ I'UMidy Thomas Dorelle N. T. ments became involved in a quarrel predecessors. There aie sixty-nine 9 a. m. Roll call, music. Craword J \V Dallur Hiile farmers in the house, against foity-six which resulted in great loss of life. Metho'ls of opening school. Harn. John The facts, as far as cm be ascertained, Methods ol teaching geography—Miss Earl Mr lawyers. Earls Mi** Sarah Halle». Mr It is estimated by the city assessot are as follows: A negio and white man Mills, Newberg Academy, Korstinon John Hibbard W became engaged in a quarrel and the English literature in common schools that, the property of this city w ill foot up Lucus S W Harding Ezra R M c M innville , oriîgon . to $500,0 0 or over. At least $5.000 ate negro was killed. This was an excuse —Prof. Crawford, Pi in. o! McMinnville Morgan John L Il ausoni <4 W for an assault, ami immediately a black public school. needed for necessary work during the Martin C N Oubois Mr lioide swept down upon the whites, who AFTERNOON. coming year. Morri* Mi** M S Osborn Clark 2 were greatly on tn nm he red. Knowing Physiology—Prof. Morrison, Pres., of McGrew Mr* Jane Tyler James A newspaper in the little town of Bo- that it. was a fight to death, the whiles Versteeg John Whitalser Gesrga benbacli, in Bohemia, which bus been prepared to receive their black assail N w be i g A ca «1 e m v. Methods of teaching orthography—M. Parties calling for the same will please Prompt Attention to Orders from confiscated by the government for the ants, and when the battle was ended it say udvertised. J. F. W isecarver , three hundredth time, lias just celeoiat- was found that twelve white men and L. Edmonds, North Yamhill. the Country I*. M. The association will convene on the ed the event over 150 negroes hail been killed. evening of the 27th, for the purpose of The directors of Riverside school in RESOURCES OF OREGON. perfecting the organization. GRANGE OFFICERS. district No. 00. near Sheridan, want a A literary entertainment ineb’ding a I teacher, the school to commence imme lecture will he given on the evening of rarties wishing me to send Fast to friends diately. Apply to H. 8. Maioney, cleik The Grangers assembled in their hull can bars it by calling at this the 28th. Every body cordially invited of said district. Wednesday ami hurl a good time and to meet with us. office. L. H. B aker , It surprises the people of this city to ' dinner as usual. The following officers In behalf of committee. find out that 42 dwellings have been | Thia office ha* received a number of This does were elected for the enduing year : LITERARY AND MUSICAL EXERCISES. built during the past year. ----- the “Resource* of Oregon” a pamphlet W. Hembree, M. ; G. NV. Ohlft, O. ; not take in barns etc., of which there A. J. Nelson, B.; J. Bogue, 8.; A. L published by the state giving a map of were about 20 put up. The literary and ii.usicnl exercises at These goods nre going like hot enkeft. Call early if you want th* Cook, A. 8.; A. C. Davis, cliaplttin ; V. Tho government lias haft discovered a I m . Ohl.“, Ireawurer; N. A. Hembree, the college, held on Friday evenings, Oregon and a deecii|tion of i nch coui ty «•licier st bargen:s. When ill the city do not fail to inspect our new its product*, iiiineiaia, etc. All patie- ahortage of 8 cents in the accounts of a There are wisuing one to send to their friend* in Shoe and Grocery departments which are not equalled in Yamhill coun­ secretary; 8. M. Cook, nssistant serre are well worth attending paymaster who died in 1863, and liis • tary; B. F. Spinks. G. K.; E. Hibbs, good speakers among the students, and the eut c-.n get it fice by calling al this ty for fresh, stylish goods and all right prices. Ijondsmen must folk over if it sends bondsmen Ceres; N. E. Ohls, Flora; G. A. Booth, the music is of a high order. The band office. We call especial attention to our display of Holiday Goods. them to the poor • house. l’omona ; Alice Hibbs, L. A. 8. organised a few weeks ago, is making Judge Loughaiy reports that all the The choicest lines of Cigars and Tobaccos can be found at U m Wright’s Arabian Condition excellent progress. Their woik at the cases before him have been postponed MASONIC ELECTIONS. rhetorical exercises has won for them Powders if von take pride in seeing your and Hut thev will all be tried in Mc­ many compliments. Let it be reniem- stock look well. Sold by Rogers & Todd. Minnville at the next session ol the Saturdav evening Union Lodge No. 43. l»e>ed that the public are invited to all Cbinenr New Tear. WuRESpLEASÄNTßxATlVE county court, unless postponed again. A. F. A A. M., elected the following of- oft bee** exercise«. Tlie last one Iteiore The McMinnville Baptist college close» tli'j holidaVF will Ke on this Friday night. The forthcoming Chinese New Yea This instill! ¡ fliers fm the ensninif Ma-nnic year: A I Fridav for the Holiday« | day will bean event of uncommon !<•« M i^e's, W M.; It. H lion h Ol en «»II pilronized this year. t nn ¡livityund tejrieing. Il conic* on the - W : O O llo.l-on, J W. ; C It is well woitb its pair >n I TborS'laV, A Sleigh Ful. <»f G f»« t<> he Distributed at • ! 25iti of Febiiary. Tho important event' Tlie school Will b gi It is the Finest Structure in the State. Farmers Say. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castori»; Children Cry for Pitcher’6 Castorina for Infants and Children FORCE & WELCH THE GREAT SLAUGHTER M c M innville dairy S j YLK FIRST (LASS MILK con t iisr’u J i I Albany. We wee in Ail); s, L iver and B owf . i . locate in baleni. Fl' it citi «est asvhtm in tl'*- Effectually Clean-urtgtlie System when tn ►<*ho*»l, •tute boos«’, tie* Costive or B.lwus, Dispelling the biggest iwnilenfiary, Mm »•-- ' court hori«e. and wp arc «dung for U Io Inve Stinit too. We don't want him - anil pomianentlv curing Albany Democrat. HABlTUAIk CON3TIPATI07T The people ”« , i,T .’’"T* ’ , " '¡Ihrat weakening cr irritating tlio organ.« ho d of the Ch i" m»* fe-trvnl and ar.' oa which it cctL | . t! • all po»-ild<* for a gfonotl« time on '«r Sale in BOo nn<1 St.OO Bottle» by ol’ r hii-tm i-eve. Tin« 1» lor evervl. ..|y, Leauinar Diijjraista* ,|| . hu . lre«. infl lal«. free thir k-rs. liAxrrAtTunrj» only dt tii 3 ,.f » ■•a«tes, eieritw.dy 1« invited !<• I nkeliold and make the affair a gr ind OALIIORKIA FIG SYlitJP CO. ‘i< • G'Ve them a Ke““ To,«. IL X- one / f‘>'- >1. the r,.iiPtilf vonnv’ier HUifloitlnn wld.-h they «rll-err.r nrb-r for va-s and , ears to eome. *«-,Sol .l Coin ',. S-Mh risk OP. u-»CII«'' The folio« ill« coring men arennxrort«- D*' t w«t»-h In th« * ii„, a a . invirafion t.y rmm- corin ' Parlcci tunek«ep'-r. >' Iv awaiting r»«tej. Il” „tternl ” tb- I ear ) ear Fall win- h lunttaft <-.*.« Indy t<> t ■nd fctil«' »’xM. " * ' * oiv voting ladies •ire getting up • ••.fl e t?e* vf equal r. I» Given. Ont* 1 “ F. Rogers, »»II r ei'l »r.r».»» fr-. W. I>m him, torMhrr with au’Jaff 11. Nt>l«oti, ««Me H«« nf iiou«rhcl I J. Durham, A. L. Gortner, Sample«. T*. - ” JI. Ap|*f*Gnr wi*’l a* th-' watch. «3 J. J. • ‘ poncer, Frr«. •«-! -r‘ C. Apver«<”t, jMfedkt a«d shown th m T M Field», Wm Iz>«an. ther berorv« r^nr e«i» rr®T*iti<« J;, in bn anra of rreelT'n? th« hVfft« ' Jink«. Will Albertson, inw all eTt-e««. _ '' *» J. 0. Rogers, I ww • ’ A Sanders Rob Lvnn, H. f*. . Btinlev W. , AUsHlli Austin. J yr pr - Several of the old marri»' A a--U > like *n invitational«” Ï f use of Syrup of Fio'-a, as it act .hj Colds, Headaches and Fevers Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorio. /he Finish. that will iM-i'r.r at that time, which is stirring tlie social fabric of China from' '..Ith, Hte- mg Follow in _> i* the pr. »grain me for Christ­ ! coofiis di r’lianrAriUI >* *bo marriage ol *»I*«4* rhe foil wmg A mas eve. Emperor Kwang Su, t'io ' iV-»‘» .tv »bl sonie tear : Son«—. hristii; i< Anthem, ruler of that Empire. Tlie reternmilrP G. I' Tucker. II J ’ rai — Rev. W. T. Jordan, .1 F <>il;-e. I attending the event are to cost (15.000, It r. J. Seen R' it it ..... Mr». Bri«g«, | tltX), or several millions les« ti an was K. ; .loloi Tableau, eer. C of II ; O O ll.rrl-.in. I’ S. ; II. A I originally pio|»>->oil, tlie low »fate of the ; P D. Gl»*nn. < r M Rrcilation — Mi«« Fannie Smith, C. ; - rm ker, R. A j celestial exclier|iier cansing this e**ono- S.,n^—Merrv Me ry Ch'i-tinas, 3rd V.; I’. F. Mo is, G. M. 2ml V.: , my. Alter tlie prirelfMl wedding tin Recitation—Grace Stuart, W R. I» riy >*, G. M. M V ; C. W. Tai Emjreror will nta'ty four other wive»,' illuvie, «pt*rF*tíUJ C I>. Johnson, t eas ; Table* o. wlm. however, will hold an inferior |<> Son«—Hull I” our Beautiful Sleigh. W. II. Bingham. entmal. «Ilion to the Emptes». Portland t'hi- I>i*tril»ntion of «¡ft«. Lafayette l.'rlge No. 3 A. F. A A M rre«e piopow having a high old time or. . .................. "lie Fritlav Dec.. held their 3* and C< ata. G F Tm k'T.Th J I V ; L Lmtgh Of health and atrciiKlh renewed and o »,». I. Tu III M.; C. W. Ta m,.«.-, I Fridav aft-rnoon n ro-v occurred in ea«c and comfort follows tin» use of Syrup C ofW.: I’. D tilenn. Í . J-J, II L • jv'h ¡i i Dec Carry th-) Fiimt Lin? or Dr m. P.ito i Mfirflclnas, Peraimry.T Jiiat A j H iî ! Criishe?. E’.c.. in Yamhill County. Bu/ v/hero \ ou Oin g •* goods THE CH2AP¿ 3 F wh.c i i > av KO 3-^3133 3c T’DTDTDS.