t |,KOM< CHANGE. SIGNATURE AND SPACE. When first we parted. The barren fields lay bare beneath the sun. And crimson leaves dropped downward ona by oue: The heart of nature bled, that now was done Her labor sweet. Iler pulses beat Slowly as tear drops fall from aged eyes, For all the poor dead blossoms at her feet No more would rise: Yet gray clouds held for us a rosy dye: Love smiled through pain on love in that good-by. Shall the Newspaper Article Be Signed? Effect» of the Space System. When next we met, The summer fields were green with hope's warm tints. The waves were shining with the golden dints That sunbeams make, when on foam crests each glints In showered gold: And wide unrolled The carpet, flower decked, by nature spread. And silver arrows held with azure thread Glanced o’er the sea: But all was gray and cold, fair love was dead. And spring a frozen waste to you and me. —Ruth Ramay in New Orleans Times-Democrat. Girls and the Violin. The world will hear something of woman in art before the Twentieth century comes in. I have been listening to a singular con­ cert, improvised by the damsels who car­ ried off the prizes for violin playing this au­ tumn at the Conservatoire. There were eight of them. The flower of the flock wm a chit of fifteen. Paganini never bad a more accoin polished disciple. She looks a mere gamin. All of them acquitted themselves brilliantly. Is it not curious that girls wore so long in finding out how well the violin suits them? If they have talent and good figures, they are, as violinists, simply irresistible. The outline of the bust, when the fiddle is against the shoulder, is given its fullest value; the forearm emerges from a nest of lace, the head gracefully bends down towards the instrument, and, if the frock is not very long, the feet, which of course are in neat shoes and stockings, uro well in view. The drawbacks are that the violin wants an accompaniment and that girlish beauty is fleeting. Very ripe beauty does not go so well with the instrument. But skill and soul in the playing will make amends.—English Journalist. Exactness In Commercial Statistics. INDIANS’ MEDICINAL LORE. Space writing makes uewspajier work a vast gamble; there is always the alluriDg vision of a “big story” to-morrow, which justifies the extravagant expenditure of today. There is nothiug more calculated to demoralize a man thuu a constantly varying income. It is all very well for moralists to claim that the worker should calculate upon the miuimum, it Is uot in human nature to do so. The cases where a space worker man­ ages to save any money are very rare, while the salaried man, whose weekly pay may not be so large as the average of the space worker, in nine cases out of ten has a snug t>ank ac­ count. Besides demoralizing the men, the space system directly injures the paj»ers them­ selves. A salaried man has very little tempta­ tion to enlarge upon the facts, his effort is not to make a long story in order to lengthen his string, but only to make a g- The Curious Manistee Fish. prooch to more complete civilization. The mnnistee is a fish of the size of the Now, I believe that tho use of the lash on sturgeon, found only in the Manistee river, in beasts of burden is at times necessary. Brute Florida. It is sightless, but acute of hearing, force is often an essential. There is but one 60 that it can discern the approach of an way of managing a bull dog. There is but enemy at a distance of a mile or more and one mode of dealing with wild beasts. Ex­ seek safety in the reeds or shoals along the perts tell me that an attempt to control a banks. It is speared by the negroes, by whom company of elephants without tho prod would it is highly prized as food, and occasionally l>e a supremo folly. The elephant is cun­ is to bo found in the markets of New Orleans ning. Tho elephant is cruel. The elephant and Mobile, but is seldom found in this local­ is long suffering. He waits for his opportu­ ity. The flesh is coarse and much resembles nity, and then in a twinkling of an eye beef, though retaining the fishy flavor. his docility disappears, and Lis marvelous Scientists have never been able to discover strength, intelligently directed by an ex­ the origin of the fish, but incline to the belief traordinary degree of cunning, is utilized that it rises from some subterranean stream to uproot, to pull down, to sweep into de­ or lake and has increased and multiplied in struction everything and every body that the Manistee river, but, owing to its lack of has ever stood in his way or afforded him the sight, it has not been able to make its way faintest excuse for so doing. Beast tamers into other bodies of water, where it might toll me that nothing under heavens keeps be propagated.—Chicago Journul. the lion, the tiger, in his place, crouching with fear, except a Arm faith they have in The Horseshoe Superstition. the superior physical strength of their mas­ The American Notes and Queries has a ter. The red hot iron, the knotted lash, tho long paper in its last issue which discusses lancet shaped prod, starvation, red hot coals the superstition of the horseshoe. It says. of unquestioned fire, these are tho elements •‘The belief in the horseshoe attained its with which to control four legged brutes, greatest diffusion at the end of the last cen­ and when man, mado in the image of his tury and tho beginning of this. Aubrey, in Creator, puts his moral nature on all fours, his ‘Miscellanies,’ tells us that in his time approaching tho very blasts in their brutish* most houses in tho west end of Izondon had a ness, he invites, it seems to me, the lash, the horseshoe nailed over the threshold. In 1813 red hot iron and such physical torment as Sir Henry Ellis counted seventeen horseshoes will convince him of the physical strength of in Monmouth street, but in 1841 only fivo or of his master, the community. Do I advocate the lash? For men who use six remained. Lord Nelson nailed a horse shoe to the mast of tho Victory, and ‘Lucky tho lash, 1 do. Dr. James’ attributed tho success of his fever Do I advocate physical torture? For men powders to the finding of a horseshoe, which who use physical torture, I do. symbol ho adopted as a crest for his car­ We hang men who kill; why not flog men riage.”—Tho Epoch. who whip?—Joe Howard in Boston Globe. He Saw by the Papers. Care of the Eyes. The Turks regularly cut open the outer “I see by tho ¡«liters,” said Momustc Sauber, “that your daughter is not prepared to re­ corner of the eyelids, if tho eyes of a girl are not large enough for their ideas of beauty, ceived her gentlemen friends this evening?” “By the papers?” howled Sauber. “What and inferior eyes can be gradually enlarged by gently drawing the lids apart, day after right have the pajiers to”----- “I mean the curl papers,” hastily ex­ day, and bathing them in cool soft water. The stronger the eye the larger it will seem, claimed Momus, inclining his head toward a young lady whose front hair was twisted up for the first instinct of weak eyes is to con­ in numerous small pieces of paper. And as tract and span themselves from light. Amer­ Atom us was married, and an old friend of icans ruin their eyes with too much news­ the family, ho was not ejected.—Norristown paper reading. The enormous tax of going over twenty columns of dost' print daily, Herald. besides office work, is more than human or­ The Way to lie Happy. gans can I tear. One uses his eyes more in There w as a married man and his wife was this wuy in a month than our forefathers did the head of the household, lie hud a friend who in a year’s study over black letter folios. was in tho same case, only his friend was ap­ Indeed the relief of reading such huge vol­ parently happy and comfortable, while he umes in block print as “Miller's Dictionary was just the reverse. Ho had long studied of Plants,” for instance, is so api>arent to this peculiar difference between them, and overworked modern eyes that one wishes he finally mustered up courage to go to his only one book in twenty were printed, and friend and ask him. “What is the way to Lte that in large pica. happy,” he asked, “when you aro under a Worn type, ¡toor impressions and crowded woman’s thumb*” “Don’t squirm.”—Ban pages with fine type exhaust our eyesight, Francisco Chronicle. from tho school book to the cheap novel and cheaper newspaper. Rending long lines on What the Matter Was. a wide page is trying to the sight, as there is “Why, John, what is the matter with a change of focus necessary in following the baby?” she said, as she camo hastily into the lines which is positively hurtful. So says B. house. “He is crying bitterly.” Joy Jeffries, of the Massachusetts Eye and “Yea,” replied the old man, as he handed Ear infirmary, who first gave the warning the infant over, “he is evidently thinking of that the eVes of school children were steadily what the governor of North Carolina said to injured by del'ectivo books, desks and lights. the governor of South Carolina.The —Bliirley Dare's Letter. Epoch. An Appropriate Selection. The Bazar it informed of the very appro* priate selection of an organist at a recent church wedding. As soon as the ba^py pair had Iwen pronounced man and wife, the or­ ganist playeiL“She never will lie miss ed. She never win be mlss-ed.”—Harper’» Bazar. • • • - — —A writer in Table Talk urge, the dynpepUc Ui learn to eat oiives as a nieaar of repairing and lnbrieating tho weak Ht<«naeh. a mean, which he de­ clarer to br more eftichu. than nil tho pills ami niediuinHl draught, ever con- ooeted. — Beef Juice with Cream.- The ]ul<-e that run. front an underdone piece of roaat bewf when it la cut ahould be carefully saved. Every particle of fat nnwt ba lomoved wlwn it is cold. An equal quantity of hot cream can lie added to li, with salt and pep|>er to taste. —An excellent bough mixture is made of one ounce pressed mullein, half ounce hoarhound, one quart soft water: lx>il until thin mo asaes; strain thin, add one pint New Orleans molasses; boil a few moments. Dose, one tables|MM>nful four times a day or after every cough­ ing spell. Custom» of New Zealander*. Formerly the New Zealanders worshiped various gods, apparently personifications of natural objects and powers, to whom they address'd prayers and offered sacrifices. There were no idols, their gods being invisi­ ble; many of them deified mon. Quarrels iu the early times were principally a lout wo­ men and land. The natives still tattoo them­ selves, and make their fares look hideous. That, however, is simply a matter of taste, for they think that purple in the cheeks and over the bridge of the nose, and a few swan feathers iu their matted hair, greatly en­ hance their beauty. They also have peculiar customs, such ns kisdug by nibbing uoees.— ’ I lobe-Democrat, •—------ • • ♦ — - Show me that he who haa the woi m principles can get the advantage over him who haa the better. You will lov­ er show it, nor any thing like it; forth« law of nature and of God is this: I^et the better always prevaP over tl*e worse. —KpioMus. —All education begin* in »Yirk. What *« think, what we know, or wbiM we believe 1«, in the end, of little cwa- sequence. 'The only thing of OTi»e quence 1« what we do and for mon. woman or child the fl rat point of «due*, tion la to make them do their Ire-k. — llUltlH. Mv.terlou. Herb, by Which They Cure Formidable DUease» iu Mexico. Without doubt men of a money making turn might, with perseverance, acquire from the Indians knowledge of the mysterious herbs with which they cure, radically, some of those formula! le diseases which buffi© the greatest physicians of the world. From Chiajtas and Tabasco up to Sonora and Chi­ huahua, the Indians make good use of the herbs of the field and forest. The Indians who live around the little hill called the Fenol, near this city, can cure intermittent fevers much more eusily than our physicians, and, iu the state of Queretaro, the Indians have a remedy, known only to themselves, and the secret of which they most jealously guard, which cures the worst forms of blood diseases, as many foreigners here can testify. Bo cunning are these Indians that they employ, as 1 am told, a medicine which has the property of puralyzing temporarily the sense of taste, and thus their ¡tatients can get no clew to the nature of the herbs they are taking. Malaria yields quickly to the poworful remedies of the Indians, and these same rude practitioners will cure bad cases of typhus fever. In the treatment of the smallpox tho Indians are very successful, placing their patients in dark rooms, but ¡lermitting currents of air to be continually ¡Missing over the body of the patient, while some herbal remedy is continually adminis­ tered. That the Indians of the country towns and of the little hamlets up in ths Sierras are healthy is plainly to bo seen. They live often to an incredible age, and say themselves that the white man is a sickly fellow who has gray hair while their own is still coal black. A recent patient of tho Queretaro Indians said the remedy administered to him by the Indians Beemed to take hold of him in every part of his body, and that for twenty days he was kept .covered up and sweating pro­ fusely. It seemed to him that they were getting his blood “washed out” and every organ of his body cleansed. At. the end of the prescribed time he was told that he was cured, and so found himself beyond any doubt. Many of the herbs used by the In­ dians are declared by them to be of great value owing to their scarcity, and it is cer­ tain that they cherish them and will not part with them for a song. Even educated physicians here employ remedies not known in the United States. The homoeopaths use the poison of certain venomous snakes and the active principle of poisonous native plants. It is possible that science will yet make good use of the weed with which In­ dian poisoners take away tho wits of their enemies. A little of this powder in your roup, and away goes your intellect and rea­ son. On the principle that “like cures like” it may be that in this baleful weed there is u remedy for some forms of insanity, for we know very well that the treatment of brain trouble is in its infancy, so to say.—Mexico Cor. Boston Herald. Temptations of the Teller. The big banks down town with which ex­ tensive brokers and merchants deal do an enormous amount of business every day. A great deal of this business is by checks and drafts and the balances to be paid to settle the debits and credits are fixed every morning at the clearing house. But with all the checks and drafts, the paying tellers in these banks handle fortunes in cash every day that they are at their windows attending to business. Aside from the amounts which they pay out between 10 and 3 o’clock, there is always a large cash fund held in reserve for contin­ gencies that may arise suddenly and unex­ pectedly. It is nothing extraordinary for a ¡laying teller to handle from $1,000,000 to $2,(XX),(XX) of cash in a day. When the doors of the bank closed the paying teller counts his cash to see that the amount on hand corresponds with the amount called for by the books. He puts his cash balance in the vault and quits work until next morning. From the time he leaves the bank until the hour for him to reappear no one of the officers of the bunk knows where he is. He may, in fact, stay away a couple of days on the plea of illness, and if, as is usually the case, he has the con­ fidence of his superiors, his absence arouses no suspicions. Express trains leave for Montreal at 7 and 11:15 every evening. A paying teller can put a million dollars in greenbacks in his pockets, walk out of his bank when the busi­ ness of the day is over, and be in Montreal before he or the money is missed. Paying tellers are considered well paid when they gets salary of $3,500 a year. They know that their chance of becoming cashier or president is very slim, and that the prob­ abilities are they will go to the grave paying tellers, or elso be bounced because of old age, or because a change in the officers or board of directors has brought into power some rich and influential man wit)’ a poor rela­ tive whom he wants to support without cost to himself. Consider for a moment the terrible temptar tions some of these tellers suffer. They see men making money by methods which are neither exactly dishonest nor exactly fair, and that nobody inter feres with them. They also see and feel enough money day after day to make them so independent of work that they could live on the fat of the land while life lasts and not turn a hand.—New York Cor. New Orleans Picayune. Fl TO 6 D a YS.T «" MrScoly by the hvu Chs&Usl Os. k OlA01oa»tl,fl| OULx -J STAMPING AND EMBROIDERY. “Yes. Lizzie, I like to do fancy work, but I haven't felt like trying thut thing else—for a week. The»e uwful dragging down’ pain« are just killing me'" “I know how you f(si. and 1 can tell you when- to look lor re­ lief. Dr. Fierce’» Favorite l,re«eriptlou 1» u cen tain cure tor .11 those peculiar wenkue»»««> aud di.tn-H.lng ailment», why. it even cured meof prolupHU». and many of my ladv frleud» ha" been cured of various grave maladies peculiar to our »ex by th ¡»wonderful medicine. it 1» the only m.dliliie sold by druggl»!», under-a p.iMitive guarantee from the iiiHiiufai turers, tnai it will give NntiMfaction in every cane, or money refunded. Read guarantee on bottle-wrapper. Sweet is the breath of praise when given by thoNt- whone own high merit» claim the praise they give.—Hannah More. A VALUABLE MEDICAL TREATISE. The edition for 1SH9 of the »terling Medical Annual, known as Hosti tter’s Almanac, is uov* ready, and may tie obtained, free of cost, of druggists and general country dealers ini an parts of the United state», Mexico, and lndeeu in every civilized portion of the Western Hemi­ sphere. The Almanac has been issued regularly at the commencement of every year for o'er one-fourth of a century. It combines, with tne soundest practical advice for the preservation aud restoration of health, u large aniount of in­ teresting and amusing light reading, and tne calendar, astronomical calculations, chronolog­ ical items, etc., are prejiared with great care, and will l>e found entirely accurate. The issue of Hostetter’s Almanac for 1889 will probably be the largest edition of a medical work ever pub­ lished in any country. The proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter £ Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., on receipt of a two cent stzmp, will forward a copy by mail to anv person who cannot procure oue in ms neightMirnood. D I* REM edy I din.ry eolds »•>«' throat trvubk.. CONNBU.. M.D., Msio hi.tvr, O. 1 IT CONQUERS PAIN It 1. 11O vanity for a man to prKIv hlmwlf »¿mwlmthe has honestly got .ml prudently uses.—Tslt. _______ IT CURES I millions Df Buttles Huid Rh«umxtl«m. Nturalgla. Backacha, Haadach«. Aud In Every Ou* A ( I KK Toothache, Sprain a. OUB LITTLE WOBRIES AND ILLS. It I. the little things of life, the worries of to-day and to-morrow, that make the crow’s feet around our eyes. So the little pains of an hour or a minute break down the constitution. Look after the little ills B kandreth ’ s P ills cure dyspepsia, or indigestion, headache, P“*« ahoulders, cough», tightness of dizziness, sour stomach, bad Uste in tne mouth, bilious attacks palpitation of the heart, inflammation of the lungs. I ainin the region of the kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms are the olwpring of dyspepsia. One or two 1 ills every night is sufficient. White Elephant of Siam, Lion of Eng­ land, Dragon of China, Cross of Switzer, land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt- Double Eagle of Russia, Star of Chili, The Circle of Japan, Harp of Ena. To get these buy a box of the genuine D r . C. Mcl ane ’ s C elebrated L iver P ills , price 25 cents, and mail us the out­ side wrapper with your address, plainly written, and 4 cents in stamps. \V e will then mail you the above list with an ele­ gant package of oleographic and chro­ matic cards. F leming B ros ., P ittsburg , P a . Brulaaa. Be. At DrufiUt« Tho Ches A VoyelsrCo. BalUinor», Md. and Diamond Vera-Cura FOR 0Y8PEP3IA. ... treeblre ArtAtn, Ttoretrcm. Tour Druw* General braUr wiU grt Ver» Cura >or you J V rc-npt ih X already m tlori, or U viU to STtornJy Mi «¡to <6 to« »1 00) to SampU •nuon receiyi ¿uRpi. G oulds a AWT1ii KtoU Hawp. CHICAGO, HI CHARLII *. VOGEIER CO.. B»ttl»or,. Mt SuU Vropri»*«»» »»4 ® SEWER & CHIMNEY'PIPE, VuûuWE/GTÿF _ __ PURX-. DRAIN TILE, I § I a RCHITEC fURALTERRA COTTA E’i ' OR. SPINNEY: ^GLADDING, McBEAN SCO. I rjRPRIC^ CREAM , Investment A Kunvi oral rra uruiouTioH abb al * Dr. Spinney 4 I HERVOUS|.~«»*s&ij; 1^/1358-1360 MARKET ST. S.E/ dency, &c., due to exeeHHes or abuHo curei’ ^MANUFACTORY AT LINCOLN CAL. «^1» .VStJS® tromTh» erettpn .hould av.il themrewi-S YOUNG MEN charge«, promptly aud «atelfbured, uunatu"l di CICINU/AY KRANICH. PKAME A a I t! N n A I . bach . Gabler. Koentoh MIDDLE-ACED MENnh?,re,r»". ??T1u.f.KuJn7" "r ,B1«dder Weak IK®“- Debility. Wanting ot Sexual Strength «l.'™> aud reetored to healthy vigor, c‘c., cun, SfcS- unable to visit n. m.ybeta..^ »ttnrirhome», by correspondence. instruction» »ent by mailorexpreM Ptono.; Burdett O teaue . baud tatannh stock ot Bhoet Mimic »nd Booki lundi iiiTOllod At E aautu rrlooA MATTU1AH («KAY OO-. 3Cti Po.« Street. H au Frwioto«, ‘Are To»« a Day. Sample« worth ll.BO, FREE. Jk K Line, not under the horse, teet. Write Bnrw. Mz V .T«'» SiFMTT H.is noth«» Co. .Holl V.M lch. Free. Bend 4 cent» in «twnU iir liie y JSS utlol Friend or Guide to W»diock. yun< f'xDWICHT’S/ SODA THE COW BRAND. w People don’t grow famous in a hurry, ami it takes a deal of hard work even to earu your bread aud butter.—Louisa M. Alcott. — TO MAKE —X DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE VERY SENSIBLE “JAPS.“ In Japan the old-school physicians are initted to wear only wooden swords. This gently sarcastic way of expressing the opinion that they kill enougn people without using weapons. But the druggist who introduced Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery into the Em­ pire, carries a fine steel blade. It was found that all who tried this wonderful remedy for coughs, colds, consumptive tendencies, blood, skin and liver troubles, were, without excep­ tion, greatly lienefitted. The Mikado himself 1» said to have “toned up” hissystem by its use, and the importer was therefore permitted the exceptional honor of wearing the sword of the nobility. Det him who regrets the loss of time make proper use of thut which is to come iu the fu­ ture.—O’Connell. T ry G krmea for breakfast. ÍÍ B eauty Skiq &Scalp F^ ezsto ^ eo CU ti c U f ^ is known to science at all comparable to the CüTicURA R emedies N othing in their marvellous properties of cleansing, purifying and beautifying (he skin and in curing torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair. C uticura , the great S kin C ure , and C uti - cura - oaf an exquisite Sklu Beautifler, pre­ pared from it, externally, and C uticura R e ­ solvent . the new Blood Purifier, internally, cure every form of skin and blood disease, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price: C uticura , 50c.; R e ­ solvent , $1; S oap , 25c. Prepared by the P ot ­ ter D rug and C hemical C o ., B oston , M ass . Scud for “How to Cure Skin Diseases.” I’linplis, bliu-kheaiis, chapped and Oily'S! »t-rT skin prevented by C uticura S oap , frl Dull Aches, Pains and Weaknesses in- flH|r stantlv relieved by the C uticvra A nti - B ain P laster , the only palu-killlng plaster. 25c. A_ Us superior excellence proven in millions of hom ^for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United Btatt« Government. Endorsed by the head* of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr Prioe’s Oream Baking Powder doeB not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER 00. HXW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. ________________ ALERAT ___ c The OLDEST MEDICINE in the xflblILD' Is Probably Dr. Isaao Thompson's 8 This article is a carefully prepared physician’s prer Rcrlption, aud has been in constant use for nearly a century, and notwithstanding the many other prepara tions that have been introduced into the market, the sale of this article is ccnstantly increasing. If the di r ctions are followed it will never fail. We particu larly invite the attention of physicians to its merits. John L. Thompson, Sons & Co., TROY, N. Y. ALLEN'S IRON TONIC BITTERS *h®mo«tEieA*n^rioo<^Ptiritier^hT^h^gorrlto^Toni<^aiul NORTH CAROLINA (PfLQJJO. COT 50 CENTS. SMOKING TOBACCO ------ FOB------ Anthma, Coughs, Colds. Croup, In. llui'tiza, Hronehitiu, Catarrh, Whoop- ing.Cough. L ohs of Voice, Incipient Consumption, aud all Throat and Lnng Troubles. 417 Hansome Street, San Francisco, Cal. IN THE SELECTION OF JCrrvotis debility, arm tn al I« * —ra. fai l g gieiuory, ay phi title eruption«-, effect« « f m rcury kidney and h'adtler trou^'ea, gonor* rhe.*, fleet av-Kture, eta ro^RrLTwriow frfb . thin th, Oeeprel ri] C3 Ur MOORES E w P2 ezi tn F r E« ale : q 1 •-n to rWO®-«K..i 4 □Zl cO •as 5« F ASTHMA REMEDY Xo LCOHC pURIFIEs XU MAT/ BLOOP I 1 nJ BBT THE ONLY BEST. TAKE NO CHANCES. o Í CELERY •ame 8 1 COMPOUND n . , Brilliant Durable Economical PROOFS CURES Neuralgia For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, ÜSE THE C/2 td RO Nervous Prostration Rheumatism Kidney Diseases RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Ilf. BUY k PORTLAND, ORECON Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, directions for coloring Photos . making «he finest Ink or Bluing (10 cts. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by Every man that smokes a pipe is a walking advertiser of the merits of “Seal of North Caro­ lina Plug Cut” Smoking Tobacco. The “Seal” is pronounced by all smokers the l>est Tobacco ever sold on the Pacific Coast. J REGULATES TF IÍOWÉL s Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all otvers in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others are just as good. Beware of imitations—they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor, weak, crocky colors, 36 colors, to cents each. J. R. CATES & CO., PROFS. w tn •-3 >• 4 r- tn to co STIMULATES LIVER s ELEBRATED EYE WATE, seal of TRfTATB DISFARFRIn y mng ohl, eingl» or •milieu, auen ae LORT MAJTHOOD, PROMOTES DIGESTION 1 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. FULL WEIGHT. \bWiGRfs7 The BUYEES’GUIDE if LU lwued March and Sept., each year. It Is an ency. C/> o clopedia of useful Infor, mation for all who pur­ chase the luxuries or the ? c necessities of life. We can olothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary o o appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, a. eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, o. or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out tn oc what is required to do all thesd'thinga COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS’ ’5 g GUIDE, which will be sent upon ! x: C3 receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, — O O AND Be sure that there is a picture of a Cote on your package aud you will have the best ttuda xuade. THE COW BRAND. DK. HORNE’S BLECTRO-XAG- NKTIC BELT positively cures RIIEIMAT1SS,NKIliALOIA, LIV- Ell, KIDNEY and exhausting chronic diseases of bothsexes. Contains 23 to 100 degrees of Electricity «( ara NTEED the latest imp roved, cheapest. scienUflc.powerful,du­ rable and - .effective MEDICAL ELECTRIC BELT i n the WORLD. Electric Suspensories free with Malo Belts. Avoid bogus companies with many aliases and wortn- less imitations. ELECTRIC TRUSSES FOR Rl ETLBK. 9.000 cured Bend stamp for illustrated pamphlet. WALKIHC ADVERTISEMENT. ~ ABSOLUTELY PURE ALWAYS UNIFORM WEAK, NERVOUS PEOPLE. Appetizer known. The first Bitters eentainin^ Iron ever adver­ tised la America. J. P.ALLEX. Druggist & Chemist, St-Paul,Mian. THE Sl’ECl Al. OFFER D wight ’ s C ow -B rand S oda S aleratus . E. J. linhnuM, 0V7 .Market Kt. K. F. Hole Prop, Pacific CouHt Branch. A Dictionary A Gazetteer of A Dictionary A Fiction All in Puget sound Hr is taking the place of walnut, ash and mahogany for flue car work. I» to tol GREAT If we are ever in doubt w’liat to do, it is a good rule to ask ourselves what we shall wish on the morrow that we had done. For Pastor, Parent, Teacher, Child, or A novel accident, resulting from a habit Friend,lx»th elegance ami usefulness will be found of very common prevalence among nervous combined in a copy of Webster's Unabridged. people, was brought to my notice recently. A young lady presented herself at my office complaining of a constant irritation in - her STYLFS throat Two weeks previously she had been taken with a very severe “sore throat,” which was treated by a neighboring physi- ciau. Under his care, she says, the inflam­ Besides many other valuable features, it contains mation quickly subsided, but there still re­ mained a sensation of irritation. Examina­ of 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravings, tion revealed a small, fleshy looking object, about the size of a kernel of wheat, adherent the World hx'ating ami describing 25.000 Places, to the tissues posterior to the left tousil by one end. 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The pa­ tient then confessed to the habit of biting her THE VAN MONCISCAR finger nails, and, moreover, could remember PRIVATE DISPENSARY, that a day or two previous to the onset of Noe. 133 and 134 Third Street, her throat trouble a piece of nail which she Portland, Oregon, had bitten off had become lost in her mouth, Ta V o only Private Di®- but after it had caused a fit of coughing she rt-niMryin rortlaud or on had forgotten about it until reminded by my e North «eat Coa»t- » her® patient« ar«noeM, discovery.—Dr. Jerome Tuthill in Medical fully treated O. allNERV. lleoord. ______ _ «H R, CHRONIC AND of Tux Y ovth ’ b C ompanion , of Boston. Mass., whldh wr published last week, should be no­ ticed bv our readers, as the opportunity comes but once a veSr Any new suWcrlhvr to T hf C ompanion who will »end>1.7» at once.can hare the paper free to January 1. MW, and for a hill vear from that date. This offer includes fonr holiday number*, for Thanksgiving. Christinas. 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The theory is false Men try to belle»e It because it would be pleasant if true, but It 1» not. as all know. Do not let at) a, ute attack of cold in the head J. A. WKM O.Kee s. A. k ARBHTIUlAU« Frla- rv>vn»1n unsubdued. It is liable to develop into catarrh You can rid vouraelf of the cold ami ft! A Al /IO «5,000 la ore, avoid all cham r of catarrh by using Dr. Sage » PI AN I IK 20 ^l fuel Tuning De­ Catarrh Remedy. If already afflicted rhi your rinl1UUsl« self of the troublesome : 1-t u» lend without exacting the u.ury ADd «Il dise...-« "I of grsiltutv.—Tiiaekeray. the Vail er write foe Suiorue, tree T. M. ANTISK1X /Lewa • PIANO CO.. Manufacturer^, O»ld Fellows’ Hall, Mar. ea/y i* ket and Seventh Streets, San Fmnvlstxk That ships Bells! IM CAR LOADS. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED All »lues in .lock from <0 pound, to Send for REDUCED PRICES. Remember it 1. * pleasure to .how ^5 good, or answer qu.»lion> If rou cannot call, w lit*.