The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 07, 1888, Image 3

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What Some of Its Leading
Farmers Say.
J*-.!’ Browne has a change ot ad in
AND this issue. Read it.
Thos. Rogers left Tuesday for a two
Hare opened neat shaving parlors on Third
streef, between C and I)
We respectfully solicit a share of the pat­
rodage ot the public
Fetzer & High,
Are prepared to do all kinds of hauling.
Pianos moved, etc,
Charges Reasonable,
M c M innville dairy
I. now prepared to furnish milk at all
Per pint, one month, delivered morning or
evening, $1., per quart, $2
Milk saved seperatc for children,
no extra charge.
C has . W. H olman .
weckN duck hunt on the Columbia.
A. J. Apperson offers several fine bar-
A new cross walk in town, did you no- gains in bis large ad on this page. Per­
lice it.
use it.
Martin & Sanders.
Apperson carries a boss line of teas i
Dear Sirs:—I have used and and coffee.
handled a great many machines
Tlie Rus» building on Third street is
and I have found your Cutting Box receiving
a coat of paint.
the best I ever handled or saw used.
For Sale.—Good work horse for sale
A. J. B aker . Enquire at this office.
North Yamhill, Or., Oct. 3, 1888.
The second case of vellow fever lias i
Martin & Sanders.
appeared in New York.
Dear Sirs:—The Belle City Reed Apple» and corn are celling in Iowa
cutter I bougnt of you last winter lor 25 cents per bushel.
gives good satisfaction, better than Big Strike, special’and liest tobacco in
anyother machine around here, it the market at Apperson’a.
cuts very fast for a small machine.
When you are looking for holiday
I would recoinend the Belle City goods go and see Rogers A Todd’s.
before any other.
Thomas Rogers declares liis intention
C. Z immerman .
of investing in real estate in Seattle.
French mixed candies done up in
McMinnville, Or., Nov., 20, 1888.
pounds and half-pound packages at Ap-
Gentlemen:—Yours of a recent person
date duly received. In refference
James O. Spencer, of Clifton, arrived
to the Belle City Feed cutter, I in this city Saturday evening on a visit
would say that my No., 3 is all 1 lo friends and relative!..
could desire. I have speeded up Dick Flaherty, the speedy young stal­
to about 600 revolutions, and it is lion will stand at the fair grounds in this
only a question of getting the hay city, the coming season.
to the machine. 1 am well satisfied The O. R. A N., cannot supply the de­
in every respect. It has the only mand for cars to carry the wheat crop of
practical feed I have seen, viz: the the Inland Empire away.
two corrugated rollers.
We see that J. E. Ross formerly of
this city has opened a merchant tailor­
A. M. W addle .
ing establishment in The Dalles.
Mr. C. G. Scott, of Carlton, Or.,
Half-ground Liver;>ool Salt ia what the
writes in refference to the Belle City packers use for curing meats etc., cheap­
Feed cutter, it gives perfect satis­ est and best. Kept at Apperson's.
faction and can reccomend it to any Lond Lonsdale, a Scottish naturalist
one that wants to buy a feed cutter. ssys lie will walk to the north pole if
his Esquimau guides do not deseit him.
. Carlton, Or., No., 17, 1888.
The crowd of McMinnvilleites got
Messrs. Martin & Sanders.
awav irom tlie city all right Saturday.
McMinnville, Or.
They will make Rome howl while in Ta­
Gentlemen:—Permit me to say coma.
that the No. 6 Belle City Feed cut­ Prof. Bauer, the writing teacher, has
ter I purchased from you some time rented the loom next to Dielachnieder’s
ago has given me perfect satisfac­ in the Bully block. He has oiganized a
tion, and in case I should ever re wi iting class.
quire another I would buy one con­ We have not the largest stock of holi­
day goods in the county, but we have
structed on the same principal.
some iety nice goods that we are selling
J. W enerberg .
R ogers A T odd .
Mr. C. C. Walker a leading farm­ There are 21,160 acres of vacant school
er of Polk county, writes of the lands in Hartiev vailey, north of the
Belle City Feed cutter, I am well lakes, and over 7000 acres of good timoer
pleased with the machine. I will lands that are school lands.
say it is the best fodder cutter I Oil Christmas day the McMinnville
Rod and Gun club will give a great
have ever used, being far superior shooting
match at the fair grounds.
to the Baldwin.
Plenty of pigons and a good trap.
Dr. Pettigrew left Monday for St. Louie.
Hold a Meeting and Transact a
Large Amount of busi­
While we do not claim to have reduced prices on all goods but only
on such goods as we advertise to sell
8. P. M. Briggs and wife returned
Wednesday evening from a visit to Cbe-
For the best silver table ware as
knives, forks and spoons, call at Wm.
Holl’s jewelry store.
All kinds of the best silver ware at the
lowest prices you have to see at Wm.
Holl’s our jeweler.
Dr. Wright, of Salem, has rented a
room in the Braly block and will soou
open a dental office.
Chas. Talmage, the assessor, has start­
ed on the assessment of the city
in jour complete valuation.
Addie Braly returned Thursday week
from a visit to lower California. He is
well pleased with his visit.
The street commissioner lias been
sworn in and he is now looking around
lor sidewalks etc., to conquor
The State Lecturer of the Grange ad­
dressed the Grangers of this city Tues­
day afternoon at the Grange hall.
McMinnville mud will have to hunt
for pastures now. The city council in­
tends to put a stop to its enroacbnient
Dr. Fertig will speak at the Grange
hall on b ridav and Saturday evening1 of
this week on the tnora'. questions of the
day. Admission free.
Gold and silver watches for ladies and
gentlemen at all prices, also all kinds of
jewelry in solid gold or roll plated at
McMinnville jewelry store.
Cementing on the court house is pro­
ceeding. The cornice is being sanded
and when the scaffolding is taken down
the exterior will present a very fine ap­
W.T. Booth lost a fine pair of spec­
tacles the other day. They are double
sighted and the person finding same will
bo liberally rewarded by returning them
to W, T. Booth.
G. S. Wright lias opened a dental of­
fice in the Braly block next door to Fen­
ton's law cilice. Fine work guaranteed.
Gold croans inserted-
Look out for
further notices next week.
Prof. C. A. Bauer is teaching penman-
ship at the college and we are sure that
nothing can be of more value to young
ladies and gentlemen than a beautiiul
and rapid business baud which we are
confident can he acquired by faithful
practice under an instiuctor who is at
the bead ot liis profession. Piof. Bauer
will also teach here in the city where
business men, young ladies and gentle­
men will have an opportunity to brighten
Theo. Force will give a masquerade up their handwi ¡ting.
dance on Christinas night at Hie opera
E. Ford's house is the finest painted
house in ibis ciiv. Good music will be
house in the city. The outside is a me­
furnished, and all are invited to attend
dium sage color trimmed with -lark sage
Boom, boom, the county records are and red. The inside is papered and dee-
coming next, and Apperson is doing bis oiated in the latest modern st vies. The
level best to get liis house in order by graining is walnut and here 3. B. Rohr
closing out the old and making room for has shown that lie is a master of the
the new.
grainers art. The kitchen is finished
James McCulloug’s estate lias been very nicely, graining and stencil being
appraised hv Hemy Gee and Meiit Mc­ used. The bedrooms are all painted and
Kinley at $1165.70. Mr McCu lough it decorated to correspond. All the work
will lie remembered committed suicide was done by J. R. Rohr of this city.
some Hine ago.
In another item you will see that the
The Pacific Farmer shows by figurei Grange state lecturer waa here Tuesday,
that the Ho (land bincher receives from Dec. 4th., the twenty fiist anniversary of
the public $61 30 foi a 1200-|».innd steer the order. His name is John Simpson
lor lie pays I lie tanner 430, a and lie is a resident ot Eugene City.
Ilia address was able and in keeping
plain ease of highway robbery.
with tlie occasion. A fine dinner was
Don’t forget to have vour visiting and served, as only the Grangers can serve
New Year calling card's written while I one. We were not there hut from pre-
Prof, Bauer is in the city.
There is j viou» knowledge we know that the white
nothing morn beautiiul than writing ilouie could not spread a table with as
fresh from the pen. especially if executed many fjne e,ijb|es ag the Grangers do
by a master penman.
when they have a dinner at the hall.
Capt. Wyatt Harris, the recorder of
thin county, lias purchased the property
of Judge Loughary on Third street. .Mr. The Order Issued for them to be Moved
Hanis will soon move hi« family into
the 7th of Jan.
the house. He paid in the neighborhood
ol $1200 for the place.
Saturday the county judge ¡(sued the
Two highbinder societies of the Chi­
nese in Portland have declared war
against each other. They had « fight
Saturday aileinoon in which 5 men we e
bounded and two killed. This wil. uot
ue the end of the trouble.
warrant for the removal of the county
reeoida. The warrant read* that it auiat
be done on the 7th. The next evasion of
the county court will be held in this city.
Mr. Williams of the Pauly Jail Co.,
received $14 300 from the county court
He immediately began to
squander it amongst his contractor«.
Mr. Babcock, the architect, received
$800, Mr. Snell, the plaster coutractor,
The jolly clerk of this county w»« in
the city Wednesday looking for a house
preparatory to moving liis family to thia
eitv. Mr.Hold* thinks that the record«
will he moved here alaiut the 5th, of
January but the offic-» will not be shut
up till the 7th.
A Scientific Fact Which Will Savo Ton
Many Dim...
The city council held a meeting Mon­
day night according to charter.
Present, Mayor Manning. Councilmen
Barnekoff, Buit. Griasen, Jones, Tucker
and Wright, Recorder Spencer and Mar­
shall Kauffman.
Meeting was called to order, minutes
of preceeding meeting read and approved.
The mayor had prepared a letter to
the council which was then read.
Although a resolution was adopted
during the meeting for tl.e publishing ol
the letter the mayor informs this paper
that he has burned it. He is modes)
and does not want his letter lo be put
before the fault finding public.
Grissen arose and in a short speech
complimented the lettor.
The following bills were allowed:
C. A. Wallace, groceries. .............. $
Bishop A Kay..................................... 14 50
J. H. Crow, night watch.................. A) 00
Geo. W. Kauffman, marshall fees. 42 10
Jno. J. Spencer................................... 5 65
Marshalls and recorder reports adopt­
ed and placed on file.
Mr. Jones then presented a bill of
$21.00 which was allowed.
Upon the suggestion ot the recorder
ordinance No. 72, an ordinance prohibit­
ing the use of bean shooters within the
city limits was passed. On the passage
of this ordinance there was some disc us
sion. Mr. Burt said that he had no ob-
jectiou lor he had sold out bis stock of
the articles.
Mr. Grissen wanted the
time extended because he had a stock
which he wished to sell. These gentle­
men voted against their own interests
just the «ame. The mavorthen suggest­
ed that the routine of business be read
lor revisement. This was done anil no
change suggested, they were ordered re­
Mr. Grissen then handed in the follow­
ing resolution which was adopted.
Resolved, that the council approve the
message of Mayor Manning, reso’ved
that the same be published in our week­
ly papers, and resolved that the original
be placed on file in tiie recorder's office.
C has G bisskn .
Recorder Spencer reminded the coun­
cil that the house occupied by Chas. By­
num was a nuisance to the public health.
Dr. Tucker suggested that this matter
be immediately attended to.
moved that an assessor be elected, sec­
onded aud carried, C. W. Talmage was
elected assessor.
Moved and seconded that street com­
missioner be elected, carried.
H. L. Heath elected street commis­
Council adjourned.
our object is simply to close out these goods before taking stock in Jan­
uary. Hence we offer these bargains to our many patrons, so those
who wish can avail themselves of them In our cloak department every
garment is marked down to original cost and some
Hoase. Sign, and Ornamental Painter
—TH» W• . j •«* *
All broken lines and odd suits in Mens’
Youths’ and Boys’ clothing reduced to cost.
HEADQUARTERS We offer a line at 15 cents, regular price
30 and 35 cents. A line at 31 regular price
50 and 60 cents.
¡THE |
Larrest Assortment of Holiday
Novelties for Old and Young.
—Moat complete assortment
of Fancy Crockery, Dinner and Tea
Sets at astonishing LOW PRICES.
My! Uy!
Home made and French.
Special inducements to
those buying in quantity
Shoe Department.
A line offered at 50 and 80 cents, regular
price $1.25.
We offer a special line at 25 cents worth
40 and 50 cents.
These goods are going like hot cakes. Call early if you want the
choicest bargains. When in the city do not fail to inspect our new
Shoe and Grocery departments which are not equalled in Yamhill coun­
ty for fresh, stylish goods and all right prices.
We call especial attention to our display of Holiday Goods.
The choicest lines of Cigars and Tobaccos can be found at
Nuts. Nuts. Nuts.
1 have taken »pedal care to proourc
New Crop of the bett the market can
Fancy and Staple Groceries at
for Infants and Children
Castori* cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, DiarrhCBa, Eructation,
Kill» Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di-
wuE£' injurious medication.
Sitka, Alaska, Oct., 31. 1888.
Dear Friend.
Would that I cuuld write you a very
Every Cash customer receives a discount
plain concise statement of the situation (‘hus dividing with you my profits. If you
of affairs in Sitka ; but my time is almost want a merry Christmas go and
wholly taken up in the mission. During
the past two months 1 have tilled three
places a» we were short of teachers.
We have just opened a reading room
and hope to make it a success. Every
.Monday I buhl a meeting f rtlre natives.
We meet in a little chapel that has been
built by the young carpenters of the
mission for the fndiuns.
Our native teacher, Mr. Paul interprets
for us.
We have forty five members
and there aie usually that many present.
The men and women pray and they all
want a chance to be heart!.
Our school is filled to overflowing.
We have one ward of a hospital built
aud hope tlait means will be furnished
We can and we do sell cheaper
lo build one for the boys too.
You ask what you might send us. all things in our line than was ever
Clothes, old linen and flannel are much offered to the public before,
needed in the eare of these natives.
The mention of iruit makes our mouths
water. We only get apples and lemons
when we order boxes of them.
The above is taken from a lutter re­
cently received from Miss S. 8. Winans
in answer to inquiry. Friends, our har­ Tu all wishing to purchate anything in the
line of
vest has been plenty, we have fruit to
spare; shall we not share with those
who have gone to spread the light of the
gospel. Fieight rates ftom Portland to
Alaska are $18.00 per ton, making the
freight on one barrel about $3.50,
Any donations of money, dried or
canned fruit, clothing, etc., will be
thankfully receiver! and forwarded by
Mas. J ulia L. S nyder .
All house-keepers should know that
sugar boiled with an acid, if it be but
three minutes, will be converted into
glucose, which is the lorm of sugar found
in sweet apples. One pound of sugar
Ims as much sweetening power as two
and unequaltei pounds of glucose, in
other words, one pound of sugar stirred
into the fruit after it is cooked, and while
yet warm, will make the fruit us sweet
Saturday the case of C- J. Carter vs.
If you think real estate don’t change as two and a quai ter pounds added w bile
han is in Washington territory you are the fruit is buiiing.—Colman's Rural J. K. G. Haynes waa heard before J uatice
mistaken. The following from the Ube- World.
Harding, who rendered judgement to C.
hales Bee give« an idea of the busin«»»
J. Carter to tho amount of $22 35. It
M c M innville , O regon .
done in real estate:
seems that Havnes went to Southern
“Yoder A Co., have bought from The A Montana Miner Who V.ert Toa Mneh Oregon with a band of cattle and was
Opium Batan la HI. Cabin by
accompanied by Carter who waa going
one hundred and Ihiity-six deed«, be­
Monntaln Lion..
Paper Hanging and
south for his health. On the way down
other blanks. Ibis is
Ca'ter furnished nearly all the exjiense
Carnage Painting. evidence of u big
cstute buniness for
The skeleton of James Robison was money and upon returning Haynes re­
Prompt Attention to Orders from one firm.”
Therefore tlie suit.
found itt hie cabin in Lincoln Gulch, fused to return it
the Country.
The band boy« wish to make an ex­ Deer Lodge county, .Montana, on Fridav.
Buyer« Dictionery.
planation of tH»-ir non-appearance at the Ail the flesh Irarl Ireen eaten from the
dance on Thursday, the 2!lth. The band bones, and the hands and head were
was engaged to furnish the music, but severed from the body. Kebtson had
For good honey go to C. A. Wallace A
owing to some music which did not a> rive not been seen for three weeks. Ou a Son.
in time lhev could not play. Those that table in hie cabin wa« found some opium
Try w lieiit lets for break hut, sold by
were expecting band music should not to the use of which KoUaon was addict­
Wallace & Son.
feel hard toward the boys for not play­ ed
It is supposed he took an overdose,
Another invoice of Rock Candy Diipe
Mil LS
and became unconscious, when moun­
Have been remodeled and are now The building built for S. C. Force by tain lions entered the cabin and killed syrup at Wallace & Son’s.
Drop in at C. A. Wallace A Son’s and
prepared to receive grain for grind­ Jones Howell in thia city is the first to him and ate his flesh.
inspect their stock of fine holiday good«,
take a new style of architecture. It is
ing. Grist grinding a specialty.
none fiber can be found in Yamhill Co.
but niurviMfcc«
illustrates ’ . that
it —
i small oui
..«.V ..
— not coat
Celluloid starch require« no cooking,
I much for beauty under modem
model n *rctntec-
Th« Tacoma Le.lger teya: E. Meeker and equal to double the quantity of any
. tore
If the inhabitants of this city who
try to
j build
Iniild bouses
bouses would
would all
,o adorn their A Co., of Puvallup. have shipped to other starch manufactured. Sold by C.
I houses, tlx city would be much improved London this «-»»oil of their own hops ; A. Wailace A Son.
tho»e purchased of others about i
All partie« having account« with C. A
Flour, Rye flour, and Graham j ¡n appearance,
6HOO bales, Which is p.obublv the largest . Wallace A Son will please remember to
constantly o j hand,
call and nettle at the first of the month
warranted at d I intend to gain the of trade wanted to bold a meeting. If it lo that i-o'intrv from America this year. a« they inu«t have money.
I lias, we will have to rustle for the pro- Fred Meeker is now in London in the
patronage of the public by square .Medings. Nothing has been
All persons wishing to «ub«<’ribe for
interest of that Aim. John V. Meeker
new»pa|>er», niagaxine, or other pe­
4<»li"4S"d«^I,I“^SUPpF.L. ; bv tlm members winch won Id lead us to lecently |»itcbeeed a quantity of hop« it. any
riodical, published in the United States,
think a meeting wa» held, ft is Die Yakima, and Joseph Meeker yesterday
can get it in connection with T hs
dntv of everybody who knows an item Started for Oregon to buy some 300 or
Aug 17 3m
ruoNK for a greatly reduced rate. One
that would d.. tlie city good, to give it to 400 bales in that section.
door south of the Braly block, on C
I » new.-paper re|>orter so that it could be
. sc dtered abroad.
A lerious Accident .-On Monday fore­
Notice for Publication.
The Yaquina Republican says that the
noon Mr. Mayer, of
L an » Orrtce at Oregon City,Or., I
| master of the Masonic order was »e^> government wi l bu Id a wharf 70x100 feet
Nov 21. ISM.l
■ n-lv injured al Jennings landing. Be just west of Rev’s wharf. A drive way
Notice I» hereby given that 11.e following-
ltllf wehLdvan.ed in .ears,be
of bi» inten­
»ill be left between the wliarf and Mr.
Iv .tepping down the gang plank of he Case's bulkhead, so people can resell tion to make final proof in »np|»>rt of hit
u a Ma»..n to the «bore, when the tlie beach without .litB. ulty. A passage claim and that »»id proof will lie made I*-
-.earner t-aan to ba. k out He burned, for landing will al»« be left open between forc die count)’ clerk of Yamhill county at
,n od. r not lo fall tn the water and tlie new wharf and Rav’a wharf. Ray a lavfa.vette. Oregon, on Wednesday, Jan’,
l«l>. tssh. vix. Luke tesrtli. pre-emption D8
Hi» tert struck the rocks and wharf will tw railed about two feet to N<> M3» for the • H of a e % of sec JU I 4 • r
/^ke an ankle terne. He wa. laften conform to the level of the new wharf 7 w
He names the following witnesses to prove
mto <’ol. Jennings’
V ,'; and the tramway « hen built
I ilea and
who liarpen««* •" 66
, lumber for the wharf l.ave been ordered hi’ continuous residence U|a>n, and cultiva­
r»"ured limb.
The worthy grand and me expected the flret of the week. tion of «aid land. via.
R L Booth. W M Brown, David James
,l.ter and other official« of the Msromc Work wil! •■ommence juet aa soon as the
and Gus rtabroek. all of Willamina, Yam­
■ - bad co- P Mr.
‘orJ * material arrive« 1» '• expected that the hill countv. Oregon.
tramway ctn be completed to the targe (Nov. »¿7)
W- T Itrasiv
gghausting illnaij. rock at the Ji«bt boos« point ‘hie winter
„........ •*« j
Rather early in the
season, but better
early than late.
T hs CsNTAun C omtakt , 77 Murray Street. X. T.
for Everybody
Books, Musical
----- And an tlegant lina of-----
Holiday Novelties
When you want a
county paper take T ub
T elephone because it
is Bright, Newsy, and
full of GIT.
-------- Remember at the-
The McMinnville Newt Co.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The Best Halve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Cliap,red Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, snd all Skin Erupt­
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
Pay required. Il is guaranteed to give
lierfect satisfaction, cr monev refunded,
price 25 cents per box. Rogers k Todd.
Worth Knowing.
Mr W. II
Morgan, merchant, L«k<
City, Fla , was taken with a neve re cold,
attended with a distressing cough and Tun­
ing into Consumption in its first stageii I
lie tried many »«»called |»opulAr cough
remedies aud steadily grew worse
reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing
and wa* unable to sleep. Fnally tried Dr.
King's New Discovery for Con numpion and
found immediate renef, ami after using
aljout a half dozen bottles found himself
well and has had no return of the disease
No other remedy can show so grand a
record of cures, as Dr King's New Discov­
ery for ('ohsuni| tion guaranteed to do just
wnat is claimed for i‘ —Trial bottle free at
Rogers A Todd’s Drug Store
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla
X n\rnw' u. Blood Elixir la the only
tvv.lft.Vv T» Blood Remedy guaran­
teed. It is a positive eure for Uleen, Erop-
UooeorHypliiJiite Poieoelog. It panDea the
whole system, and baalahea all Kbeumatio
aad Neuralgie palas.
We guarantee it.
Electric Bi iters.
This remedy I" becoming so well known
ami so iwipuhir a« to need no »pet ial men­
tion. All who have u«ed Klecfric Bitter»»
sirg the same song of pr»«f«e. —A purer
medicine <loea not eii*t ami it is guaran­
teed iodo ull that In »
Bittern will cure,«II diseases of the Liver
and Kidheeys will remove Piniple«, Boils.
Salt Rlieiiiu and other affertiow* caused by
impure bbswl,- Will drive Malaria from the
system ami prevent as well an eure nil Ma­
laria fevres, - For cure of headache. Con
stipntion nn«l Indigestion try Elect nr Bit­
ters—Entire hMtisfaction guaranteed, or
monev r funded.—Price 50rts ami ll.tJUper
. .
.« a i
iMiltle ___ a. 1.7,
Todds Drug «4».
rnstnrirt is recommended by physicians
or children teethiuK
it is a purely veget­
able preparation, its ingredients are pub­
lished around each l>ottb*
It is pleasant
to the taste and absolutely harmless. It re­
lieves comtfipatlou regulates the bowels,
<piiet5 pain, eurcs diarrli<i*a and wind colic,
allavs feverishness, destroys worm’«, and
prevents convulsions, soothes the child and
gives it rt feshing and natural sleep, (’an­
toría I«« the rliiklren’s panacea—the moth
rrs’ friend, 35 doses, 35 cents.
tlie Children. They are ee-
peclally liable to suddea
Cold», Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough,
Wo guaranteo Acksir’a English
Remedy a poajfivo cure.
. It eavea
hoars of anxious watching, '' Sold hr
Hurt. Druggist.
71 gx«.«
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla;
fa warranted, is becauso it is the beat
Blood Preparation known. It will pool-
lively cure all Blond Disen«e«. puriflee the
whole system, and I'.iomugbly builds up the
constitution, lleiuetubcr, wo i. uarautee 1L
tie r. \v Hurt, druggist.
Children Cry for
Pitcher’s Castorla»