The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, November 30, 1888, Image 4

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John Randulplt'a Tender l.nve for All
Works of Nature.
- Tannin Irvi boon discovered as tin
Women tor School (»nicer..
substance by M. Vill<‘ i, ft
if the school is it failure it is usually
John Randolph was a curious bundin
french chemist, who duds that > •> •. on account of a poor teacher. If the
of inconsistencies; a man whom many
weevils contain about three per cent, teacher is incompetent it is usually
persons admired, but who was feared of it.
I the fault of the school ofHcein. If the
by every one and loved by no one.
—Tho Germans have discovered that school officers are inofiiclenl it is tho
When the mood was upon him, ho the pollen of tho plains troo produces i fault of tho voters in the school district.
spared neither friend nor foe. Yet in influenza, exactly like what in this Thus the blame for a poor school rests
his own way ho was tender-hearted, country is called “rose cold” and "hay ■ with the people. The people like to
and capable of performing the very fever.”
shirk this responsibility, but it belongs
—Fretnffi physicians are reporting to them and they must bear it.
kindest actions. The following anec­
dote, related by a young man who was
A good school costs something; it
accustomed to visit his nephew, illus­ use of an antiseptics in cases of typhoid costs money and it costs time. Money
trates ono side of this strango man's fever. After disinfection of tho intes­ ‘ is usually spent, but not quite enough;
tines, according to tills method, the I n little more would secure a much bet-
Mr. Randolph would never permit disonso runs a short course.
: tea teacher for tho full year; a little
—Paper is now manufactured from ! more would furnish the school-house
even a switch to be cut anywhere near
his house, which was surrounded by seaweed, acoording to a process re­ 1 with modern appliances; a little more,
trees and underbrush. Without being cently invented in Japan. The article I judiciously expended, would make tho
aware of this, I ono day committed a made in this way is said to bo so strong I school-house and grounds more at-
serious trespass. Tudor Randolph and as to be almost untearable, is suffi­ i tractive.
Tho cost of timo cornos
I were roving through tho woods near ciently transparent to admit of its being hardest, it is so qasy to find excuse;
the house, when I noticed n noat hick­ used as window glass, and takes all for not visiting tho school, Tho suc-
ory plant, about an inch thick, which colors about equally woll.
jess of tile school depends somewhat
—Dr. Zambaco of Constantinople, on your personal effort,
i felled. Tudor expressed his regret,
Visit the
saying he was afraid his undo would who has lived for several years among school, visit it often, visit it intelli-
bo angry. I went immediately to the lepers of tho fat- East, says that he gently.
Mr. Randolph, told him wliat I had litis never met a single instance of conta­
All this you may say is true enough,
done, and that I was sorry for it. Ho gion, although the malady is certainly ligt “how shall we have the best
took the stick, looked pensively at it hereditary, the children of lepers be­ school?" First and most important,
for some seconds, as if commiserating coming leprous at the ago of ten, fif­ elect good men or women for school
its fate. Thon, looking at mo more in teen and twenty years generally.
officers. In some places a position on the
sorrow than in anger, he said:
—The increasing application of elec­ school board is held in little respect.
“Sir, I would not have had it done tricity in mining work is basod on the und any man will do. This is wrong!
for fifty Spanish milled dollars!”
solid foundation of economy attained. in some respects members of school
I had seventy-five cents in my pock­ The Aspen Mining and Smelting Com­ boards are tho most important
et, and had some idea of offering them pany, which was one of the first to put officers you have to select. Should
as an equivalent for tho damugo done, electric motors underground for pump­ all thé school districts
but when I heard about tho fifty Span­ ing, hoisting and haulage, have effected country, for the next twenty-five years,
ish milled dollars, I was afraid of in­ a large saving in tho cost of thoir ore elect competent incn or women, who
sulting Mr. Randolph by offering the through tills means
were thoroughly alive to their duties,
meager atonement of soventy-five cents.
—J. Norman Lockyer, the English every office in our government, from
I wishod very much to get away from astronomer, computes tho total number Presidentdown, would have a worthy
him, but thought it rude to withdraw of stars of which some knowledge can incumbent. Select, then, officers who
be gained with tho optical aid now understand how to ijjve your child an
“Did you want this for a cane?”
availi bio, at from 40,000,000 to 50,000,- education and who will take the time
“No, sir.”
000. Only about 6,000 are visible to to attend to the work. This is of vital
“No, you aro not old enough to want the naked eye—3,000 in tho Northern importance, an error that can hardly
a cane. Did you want it for any par­ hemisphere and 3,000 in the Southern. be remedied until another school moot­
ticular purpose?”
—After experiments on tho relative ing.
“No, sir, I only saw it was a pretty merits of cafftor oil and of olive oil as
The mutter of liberal appropriations
stick, und thought I’d cut it.”
lubricants, tho Italian Admiralty has has been touched upon. Don't be
“We can not be justified in taking ordered that the exposed parts of the stingy here. Rim tho school as you
even vegetable life without some use­ ship’s machinery be lubricated exclu­ would any other profitable business.
ful object in view. God Almighty sively with castor oil, and that mineral 'Tools for the farm cost more than form­
planted this thing, and you have killed oils be used for cylinder and similar erly, so do those for the school-room
it. It would huve grown to be a largo lubrication.
A school-room without good black­
nut tree, in whose boughs numerous
When tho first electric telegraph boards, maps, globes, dictionaries and
squirrels would have gamboled, and was established, tho speed of transmis­ reference books, is like a farm with
feasted on its fruit.”
sion was from four to five words a tumbled-down fences and worn-out
Here ho made a pause, but looked as minute with the fivo-noedle instrument: tools.
if he had something more to say, yet in 1849, the average rate for newspaper
Now then, you are started with good
only added:
messages was seventeen words n school officers, a liberal appropriation
“I hopo and believe, sir, you will a minute; tho present pace of the elec­ and a public sentiment alive to a good
never do tho like again.”
tric telegraph between London and school.
The next most important
“Never, sir, never!”
Dublin, whore tho Wheatstone instru­ business is in the selection of a teacher.
He got up and put the stick in a cor- ment is employed, reaches four hun­ Your officers will understand the need.:
ncr, mid I made my escape. It WUS dred and sixty-three words. And thus, of your district and will endeavor t:
sumo time before I eould cut a switch what was regarded as miraculous sixty secure some capable, earnest tt .ic’
or a fishing-rod without feeling that I years ago has multiplied a hundred who will not be al ways looking forw
was doing some sort of violence to tlie fold in halt a century.— Science.
io the end of the term, and who
vegetable kingdom. — Youllt s Compan­
—Tho art of tempering copper so uh not measure his work by the ira >ti ,
to give it a hardness and fine cutting pay he receives. At all events h
edge was known to tho Egyptians, the same teacher for at least a ye
Greeks and Romans, but it is one of t ho I and if possible secure the same teacher
domethin£ About the Degeneracy In the lost arts. Scientific men have vainly for a series of years; it will pay in
Development of the Jaw*
endeavored to redisdover it. It is pos­ many ways. If tho teacher is the right
The law of retardation exhibits it­ sible that, tho Indians of Ecuador have, kind he or she will find mothods of in­
self in tho teeth of tho higher races of as stated in the paragraph, accidentally teresting the parents. Thus the dis­
mankind in it highly convenient man­ found out how to do this, but wo want , trict school is in the hands of tho peoplo
ner. Tho great ly-dovelopcd brain re­ inoro conclusive evidence than has yet of the district and its success or fuiluro
quires all tho available room in tho been furnished before wo believo It. j will be measured by thoir intelligence
skull; there is no spaco loft for the at­ It would bo of some value to civiliza- ’ und interest. — C. ¡1. Collingwood, in
tachment of muscles for a powerful tion if tho art wore rediscovered, but liural New Yorker.
Cooked food also causes a do- would not have nearly the importance
gonoracy in tho development of tho it once had, since wo have iron and
jaw. There is constantly no room left steel now which <lo tho work better A St. t.onla Doctor Says That Ho Ila«
Seen Them Save .Many Elves.
for eithor the wisdom-teeth or the than the copper tools and weapons
second upper incisors; tho wisdom ever did.
I have hud a patient who coolly said
tooth arc retarded, often cause great
to mo. “I will not die.” I was com­
pain and decay early. Tho second in­
pelled to assure her that she would.
cisors appear in startling and unex­
There was no hope for her. “Doctor,”
Apparently It In Never Ton Lute to Hc-
pected places, und often (in America
she answered, “you aro a fool. I shall
eonie a Happy Husband.
especially) do not cut thogum at all.
“When is it man too old to marry?” not die.” Grit it was that carried her
l’rof. Cope says that “ American den­ is quite as interesting as tho question, through. A few years later she wtu
tists havo observed that the third "When is a girl too young?” I must sick again, and, as I thought, unto
molar teeth (wisdom-tooth) are in na­ leave to physiologists to discuss how death; but there came the samo all-
tives of tho United States very liablo far the chances of life tiro shortened conquerlng reply, “You are talking
to imperfect growth or suppression, when December weds May, and ex­ nonsense; I shall get well." And she
und to a degree entirely unknown pects in May any thing more than a did. This was repeated a third time,
among savage or even many civilized nurse, though, in passing, I may ob­ till I actually began to believe she
races.” Tho same suppression luis been serve that I have noticed several such would get well any way and at all times.
observed in tho outer pair of superior marriages in which tho funoral fol­ It never occurred to me to think of her
incisors. This is owing not only to a lowed suspiciously close to tho wed­ as liablo to die. Finally her mortal
reduction in tho size of the arches of ding. Without going back to tho timo sickness came, and I expected to help
the jaws, but to succossivoly prolonged when “Jared lived a hundred and her up as usual. Bat now she replied,
delay in the appearance of tho tooth, sixty and two years and begat Enoch," “Doctor, you can come or go ns yov
in tho saino way mon, and tho man­ there aro several instances on record ploase; I am going to die; this is my
like apes, have fewer teeth than tho of modern patriarchs who becamo last Illness.” “O, no,” I said; “wo
lower monkeys, and those again fewer proud and happy fathers at tho time will havo you out in a few days.”
than tho insectivorous mammals to when they should bo thinking of shuf­ "Nonsense,” sho answered; "you arc
which they aro most nearly allied. fling off this mortal coil.
talking what you know nothing about.
When this difference in dentition has
There was that stout Salopian, Obi I shall never be well again.” In two
been established, civilized man may
Purr, for oxatnple, who married u. days she was dead. Iler grit gave out;
claim to place himself in a new spe­
eighty, and had to do penanoe in her pluck was gixxl to tho last. She
cies, apart from low savages as well as
Alderbury Church for an intrigue with had pluck enough to face death; she
from high apes.— Mrs. Alice lloilinyton,
Catherine Milton, when ho was a had no longer grit to enduro disease.
in Popular Science Monthly.
sprightly musher of one hundred and There is no question but that moral
five summers, if Lord Lyttlotou is to i and mental grit go with physical to
Bringing Up the Baby.
l>o believed Parr had a rival In the sustain vitality. A stout will wards off
Every mother has her own ideas ns Vale of Fcstiniog, in tho person of an the blows of disease. In this ease tlie
to how to bring up her babies aright, old Welsh farmer, who, when he diet!, patient went straight ahead to die
without a flinch or a whine. She had
and it is a matter on which few agree. hail eight hundred lineal descendants,
a vast faith in tho “All Right,” and
But we ofter think that some mothers
years younger than his eldest. I fancy allowed no one to dabble In theology nt
make a mistake in not treating their
this man must have been of tho same her bedside. She marched into the
little ones as if they were reasoning
family as a certain Alderman Hookes, "next life” as slm often lmd into the
creatures. Notice how pleased tiny
of Conway, who, is described in his next year, and had not a tremor. She
littio tots uro when given some re­
epitaph as the forty-first ehild of hi« t<xik her pluck with her. She treated
sponsibility. As soon as they begin to
father, and himself the fathor of a neighbor s prayers as she treated any
toddle, if taught aright, they like to
twenty-seven children. Happily for medicine. “You can come if you like,''
help mother by picking up or carry­
themselves, these people lived long be- she said, "or you can go. Y'our prayer;
ing some trifle for her or doing any
can’t stop mo and they can’t change
fore the days of Dr. Drysdale.
similar act. Then is tho time to be­
me no more than tho doctor’s pow­
gin training them to be real helpers.
” She was a woman of extraor­
Of course, it often seems a real bother, border is the paradise of old men, the dinary intelligence a id determination.
for one may do things quicker without
—St. I.ouia Republic.
tills hindering assistance. But it is a conspicuous among many. Some years
part of tile child's education. Similar­
—“Did you see any Quakers in Phil­
ly, babyhood is none ttxi early to be­ parish to Hawarden. 1 dined with n adelphia?'' was asked of a Detroiter
gin teaching politeness, and the psoper
who ¡At'lv returned from th it city.
way is to lx* us polite to the baby us to growing to manhood, and then walked “Only one that I was sure of.” “Did
any ono else. People sometimes think over to his father's house to take tea. ho ‘thou’ and 'thou' you?" “Ho did.
that a child does not feci discourtesy— Tho venerable old gentleman, who lie g-’tdown off his hack and said: ’If
we hold a contrary opinion. Some wore a headgear something like Oliver thee don't pay inntwo d >llar,> ill knock
little slights that were not meant as Goldsmith’s, was nursing an infant two thy »imo.l head off,’ ii i-l 1 paid, al­
such, offered in our extreme child­ or three years old on his knee. “Is though 1 know th - regular fare was
hood. uro remembered to this day, and that your youngest?” I asked of my twelve shillings: You don't want tq
nil sensitive children (uffor in the middle-aged friend. “(), dear no,” he fool with those Quakers any, and don't
replied; “l.'uS. i. my little brother."
same wav.— Smilv Louise Tapir n.
you forgot it!” -Detroit Free Press.
A six pointed star set with small rt.amona»
—An engineer of the Comstock mines palliating from a central cat's eye and over-
Wampum la-ads represented by dainty
reports thst. while spending some time laiving a similar star set with rubies, is a
silver filigree, make a unique bracelet.
recently in tne wild a of the Sierras, In pleasing pattern in brooches.
Each bead lias a rim of dull gold at cither
Tulare County, Cal., he oune upon an
A handsome bracelet consists of seven al­ end.
enormous tree of the sequoia species, ternate diamonds and rubies, each in a sc;>
Crystal balls containing a stem winding
which he believes to be the largest on irate box setting, and all mounted on a watch, whose tiny dial is much enlarged by
its spherical envelope, are now to bo wu in
the continent The pnrty had no rule
Miniature painting« on rock crystal and many windows.
with them, but one of them measured
ivory, set around with alternate pearls and
A tasteful |Hittcrn in a child's ring ennststs
the giant with his rifle, which is four liainomls, are among the most tasteful
of a nutnlier of small turquoi. es, *’< at equal
feet in length. He found it to be forty- i-oochen yet offered. —Jewelers' W eekly.
distances all around a plain gold band, hav
four lengths of his gun in circumfer­
An irregular scroll of enameled gold flli- tug slightly raised edges.
ence at a point abovu tho ground ns . roe, in which the principal curves start from
A hollow ball of gold, having stars and
high as he could reach. The top of the rubies, tbo whois encircled by a diamond leaves pien-ed through th* shell and set wttl
»red silver ribbon, makes a very handsome small ji wels. niakie an ornamental top for a
tree has been broken off, but it is still
of immense hei»t>L
I single prong ladies’ hairpin, j
I The annual c<in»umptt<>n of feather» lu thl.
A French electrician claims that he will soon
l,e alile to produce a tbttuder storm wherever country 1» ::.o00.i»0 pound».
- -•♦-
and whenever It is desired.
Tennyaou tn hl» ex*|ul»IU' poem, dream, of a
Leave hope behind,
long proceialon of lovely women o. age. a»t
All ye who cuter here!
This Is all verv well, hut the
’ *'!?.',£ I
So ran the dire waruing which lluute read on done the world a greater «ervice « h< had
ly I
the iHirtab of the Inferno. Ho run. the cruel
veralct of your irleu.i’* If you an- overtaken by
imnrove their health and enhauce thelrcbarm».
the Drat «ymptomsof th.H* terrible dUeasi1, con­ This
he might easily have done by recommend-
sumption. “l eave hope behlud!
Your days ing the
use of Dr. l lerce’. ra' orit" 1*'! '•
ar,1 numbered’’! Aud the struggle again** death
is the beat friend of beauty, and th' in­
Is given up in despair. But While there Is life
there is hope! Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ numerable ill. to which women •«
i the
covery has cured hundred« of cases worst* than subject, it» worst euemles.
yours; and It will cure you, if taken in time. proven that the health of womankind an
But delay Is dangerous. No power can restore a “Favorite I’reserlption walk hand 111 hand,
wasted lung: the "Golden Medical Discovery,
wo: n, «olrlby druggists, ««'<«!
however, van and will arrest the disease.
anf.. om the manufacturers, that It will gly
lion in every case, or money w ill b<- r<
A Franklin county (Neb.) grocer ha.on cxli'b- fund. I This guarantee has been printed oil
itiou h cucumber at his place of busiuesu that in the b< ■ le wrapper, and faithfully carried out
Hix feet in length.
for ma
The authorship of the dramatic productions
attributed to the last of the above named is agi­
tating literary circles to the very centre, but af­
fects the practical masses far less than the mo­
mentous question, how to regain or preserve
health, that essential of bodily and mental ac­
tivity, business success and the "pursuit of hap-
pine»».” We can throw far more light on this
latter subject than the most profound Shakes-
Fi-arlan can on the question first propounded.
f the system is depleted, the nerves shaky; If
Indigestion or constipation laithers one at times,
or constantly; if the skin Is yellow, and lhe
tongue furred as lu biliousness; if there arc
premonitory twinges of oncoming rheumatism
or neuralgia; if the kidneys are inactive—use
Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, the finest reenper-
ant of an age prolific in beneficial and success­
ful remedies. Remember, If malaria threatens
or afflict«, that It neutralizes the poison and
fortifies the system
When an Italian says: “I loaf," he means that
he loves. That Is, he loves to loaf.
YVliite Elephant of Siam, Lion of Eng­
land, Dragon of China, Cross of Switzer,
land, Banner of Persia, Creacent of Egypt-
Double Eagle of Kust-ia, Star of Chili, tne
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
To get these buy a box of the genuine
D r . C. M c L ane ’ s C elebrated L iver
P ills , price 20 cents, and mail us the out­
side wrapper with your address, plainly
written, and 4 cents in stamps. We will
then mail you the above list with an ele­
gant package of oleograpliic and chro­
matic cards.
F leming B ros ., P ittsburg , P a .
A Seymour (Ind.) man of sixty-one broke a
thigh In pulling off a boot.
John I. Wood, of Stratford, Ont., was
cured of cramps in the legs by wearing
A llcock ' s P orous P lasters . Mr. Wood
Some three months ago I was taken very
sick with severe pain in the small of my
back over the kianeys. The pain was ex­
cruciating. I applied an A llcock ’ s P or ­
ous P laster over the affected region and
had relief almost, within an hour. At the
same time, in conjtine ion with this
trouble, I had very great nervous disturb­
ance, affecting my legs with cramps so 1
could scarcely sleep. Meeting with such
success with my back I applied a plaster
under the knee on each leg, and in three
days was completely cured, and have
never been troubled in either way since.
A thoughtful man In Columbus, Ga., has an
ax ’neath bls pillow for burglars.
The su . 1 blaut Is now utilised for cleaning the
dingy sto.ic walls of buildings.
Troche," lu new localltle«. In varlou« part« of
the world. For relieving Coughs, ' olds, and
Throat Diseases, they have been promt re.lable.
Sold only in boxes.
If afflicted with Bore Eyes, use Dr. Im«
Thompson’s Eye Water. Druggists sell it Abe.
Sold by all Driumini*.
C utwuwa F cmiu «»
S kim aho B looo D i S kas U
which the C uticura R emedies a1 e held by
the thousaNds upon thousands whose lives have
been made happy by the cure of agonizing, hu­
miliating, itching, scaly and pimply diseases of
the skin, scalp and blood, with less of hair.
C uticura , tho great Skin Cure, and C uti ­
cura S oap , an exquisite Skin Beautifler, pre­
pared from it, externally, and C uticura R e ­
solvent . the new Blood Purifier, internally,
arp a positive cure for every form of skin and
blood disease, from pimples to scrofula
Sold everywhere.
Price, C uticura . 50 c .:
S oap , 2»5 c .; R esolvent $1. Prepared by the
P otter D rug and C hemical Co.,Boston,Mass.
gySend for “How to Cure Skin Disease«.”
Pimples, blackheads, chapped and oily I ns
skin preventedJ»y C uticura S oap .
Rheumatism, Kidney Pains andWeak-
I jL A ness speedily cured by C uticura A nti -
Xg^^’PAiF PLASTER, the only pain-killing plaster.
J. II. FIMK. Aasayer and Analytical
Chens lat. Laboratory, 101 First at., Portland.
Or. Analyses mado of all anbetanceo.
----- FOR------
Asthma, toughe, Colds, Croup, In-
Ilucnza, Broucliitlx, Catarrh, Vt’lioop-
ing-S'ough, Löss of Voice, Incipieut
C’snsumption, and all ’llu-oat and
I.iing Troubles*
Francisco, Cal.
PHILBROOK & DEAN. 261 Broadway, N. Y-
l>7 WnwhinKton Nt., Chicago, III,
Offensive breath vaulshe« with the use of Dr.
Sage’s Catarrh Remedy.
Mouoffrain stockings are said to command as
much us |260 a pair.
T ry G krmka for breakfast.
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, HL
NETIC BELT positively cures
ER, KIDNEY and exhausting
chronic diseases of b< >thsexes.
Contains 23 t<» 10O decrees of
Electricity. GUARANTEED the
latest imp
Proved.cheapest, scientific.powerful,du­
rable and ....^effective MEDICAL ELECTRIC BELT in the
Electric Suspensories free with Male Belts.
Avoid bogus companies with many aliases and worth-
less imitations
0.000 cured Send stamp for illustrated pamphlet.
E. J. ImhaiiH, 1)97 Market Mt. M. F.
Sole Prop. Pacific Coaat Brunch.
Uta me .1...
««a ¿J■»<««■
«r.d .. atom I ,.u, ... „
11 Tear«.
tätim«., can.
uu“*" w1tt ,‘»™»U»w' t«
Crippled F.a».“ W<wk«TO;Ia -J****
. npjw «<. ud ra.«««u£ J1*’ M m .
“•_________ ■’MÖ1 raj-
at Dauaotara tn ruLnj
*. V0MLM co..
Vera-Cum "
Indigestion, 8onr Stomaek, Beartbnrn w.-
<1-M. ConsUnaUon. FulineJ>
Rising tn the Mouth and dUagree*bk U iu TL.***
Ing. NervousDets and Low-Spirits.
Al Druwitl, 'in-l lOtiler, oriml H mad «
eeipt qf 2i> cti. (5 boxes It.00) >a
sent an receipt of 2-cent Stamp.
P//" ---- - •*'e Chwpci'
X; P ortland business
J#/ /*>/
machise .
I’uiift i t <|iii|Hin hi , i id ifiigh instruction, eslab-
IDhetl reput itl<»n,gr< win;’, wpularity. Business,
Shorthand, Common School and Penmanship Depart-
merits. Students admitted at any Uine. < ata-
logue and specimens of penmanship sent free.
J. A. WEM O. Ser’j.
I TO » OST«.
aoH Bi.-lcwrs
Mrd »olj b» (ha
CìtBical 0«.
it tg a n u «tvRI a nrver-
sal satisfaction In th.
cure of Oonorrbma and
Gleet. I prescribe II and
feel safe In recommend-
Ing It to all sufferers,
Decatur, III.
PRICK *1.00. «
Sold hy DruggisUU 1
O I LI li IV A I • BACH. Gabler, Roenlsh
Plano*; Burdett Organ*, band instruaieuta. Larges«
stock of Sheet Music and Books. Bauds rwpiied at
TCsrtcni Prlcee. MATTHIAS GRAY GO..
Rtro^t. Han YranaUtw
Works ou
either STAND-
en ordinary Grub
in IM minutes.
A. I’. AU2ISTROKG. Frin.
Makes a clean sweep of two acres al a sitting. * min a ha,
and a hors« c*n operato It. No heavy chains or rods tohmdiZ
The crop on a few acres the first year will pay for the M.Qh'
It will only cost you a postal card to send for an Iiin..^1.“^
('atalogue, giving price, terms aud testimonials. AIdn»» l ,.
JAMES MILNE a SON, Scotch drove, I«,..
I mil WWi
patented Steel Tuning Dt-
vice, in use In no other Piano, by which our PUnoe
stand In tuno 20 years, good for 100 ; not afleded
by climate. No wood to spilt, break, swell, ghrink
crack, decay, or wear out; wo guarantee it Elfr
gant Rosewood Cases, 8 strings, double repeating
action; finest ivory keys; the Famous ANTl.SELu
Call or write for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANT18ELL
PIANO CO., Manufacturers^ Odd Fellows’ Ball, Mar.
ket and Seventh Streets, Ban Francisco.
Tho most Elegant Blood PtTrifler, LiverInU|JonHor^onj^4
A|>[M*tizer known. The fimt Bitters containing Iron ever tdvtr.
lined In America. J. P.ALLEN. Druggist & Cheuiiit. SLPaul.Mlax
N. P N. U. No. • i-S. F. N. U.
If You Are Sick
With Headache, Neuralgia, Rhiumatism Dyspep­
sia, Biliousness, Blood Humora, Kidney Disease,
Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and Asie,
Sleeplessness, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous Pros­
tration, use Paine’s Celery Compound and be
cured. In each of these tlie cause is mental or
physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria,
the effect of which is to weaken the nervous sys­
tem, resulting in one of these diseases. Remove
the cause with that great Nerve Tonic, and the
result will disappear.
Paine’s Celery Compound
J as . L. B owdn , Springfield, Mass., writes:—
iasued Maroh and-Sept.,
“ Paine’s Celery Compound caunot be excelled as
each year. It la an ency.
a Nerve 'fonie. In my cuse a single bottle
clopedia of useful infor­
wrought a great change My nervousness entirely
disappeared, and with it tlie resulting affection
mation for all who pur­
of the stomach, heart mid liver, and the whole
chase the luxuriea or the
tone of the system was wonderfully invigorated.
necessities of life. We
I tell my friends, if sick as I have been, Paine’s
can olothe you and furnish you
all the neoessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church,
Sold by druggists. 81 ; six for $5. Prepared only
or stay at home, and in various sizes,
by W’ ells , R ichardson & Co., Burlington, Vt.
styles and quantities. Just figure out
For the Aged, Nervous, Debilitated.
what is required to do all these*things
C0MF0RT46LY, and you can make a fair
estimate of the value of the BUYEB8’
GUIDE, which will be sent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
By the Editor of “Problems of Nature,”
What and Where Is God
...................... $2.50
Electricity in Nature .....................................
Cause and Cure of Disease............................
Mating in Marriage............................... .............
A New Advent of Scientific. Religious,
and Historical Facts..............
Philosophy of Nature.Monthly Journal a yr. 1.00
A combined cradle anil rocking chair lias been
Instantly relieves tho most violeut attack, and
insure« comfortablo Bleep NO WAITING for RE.
HU LTS.Being used by inhalation, its action is im­
mediate, direct and certain, and a cure is tho
result in all curable casee, A singlo trial con­
vinces the most bkeptical. Price 66c. and $1.00
of any druggist, or by mail. Sample Free for
«la»Tip. Dr- B» MCHlFFMANiN, St. P»ul, Mloo,
J. R. CATE8 & CO., PRO PS.
An old physicluu, retired from practice, hay-
lug bad placed in his hands by an hunt India
missionarv the formula of h simple vegctnlde
remedy fo’. the speedy Mild permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma,
iiiiii all lhrout and L’ing Allvctious. also a posi­
tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, has felt it his dnty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relievo human «uttering, I will
send free of charge, to all who desire it, this* re-
<‘i*M‘, In Gerniau, Frv'iu’li or Engll.h, with “nil
dlreethiii» for preparing ami living. Sent by
mall bv adilre««lng with stamp, nainlnx this
pill11 r.'W. A. Nov,:». t’, > lhi'ier , lilock. B'n hi .
hr.X. r.
It is Palatable as Milk.
It is three times as efficacious at
plain Cod Liver Oil.
It is far superior to all other so-
called Emulsions.
It is a perfect Emulsion, does not
separate or change.
.’t is wonderful as a flosh producer.
It is the best remedy for Consump­
tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast­
ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and
411 Sansome Street, San
A Philadelphian ha» paten ted an ice < reap r
for horses.
Will Cure You!
Warranted to color more goods than any other
dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and
durable colon. Ask for the Diamond, and taka
no other.
A Dress Dyed
A Coat Colored
Garments Renewed
A Child can use them!
Unequalled for nil Fancy and Art Work.
At druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free.
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO,, Propi., Burlington, VL
To Housekeeper»and
Farmers.— It is impor­
tant that the Soda or
Balerat us you use should
be White and Pure same
as all similar substance«
need for food. Tolnsura
obtaining only the "Arm
A Hammer” brand Soda
or Soleratns. buy it in
“pound or half pound”
eartoons, which bear our
name and trade-mark, as
inferior goods are seme­
times substituted f&the
*Arm A Hammer” brand
When bought in bulk.
Parties using Baking
Powder should remem­
ber that its sole rising
property consists ofbt
carbonate of soda. Ono
teaspoon ful of the “Arm
A Hammer" brand of
Soda or S&leratwi mixed
with sour milk equal!
four teasp oon fuls of the
beet Baking Powder, Bar­
ing twenty times its
besides being
much health!or, because
it does not con tain any
injurious s’ubstanose,
such as alum, terr a alba
etc., of which many Bak­
ing Powders are made.
Dairymen and Farmer«
should use only the“Arm
& Hammer" brand for
cleaning and keapinf
Milk Ptte Sweet and
C auttow .
Bee that
every pound packag* °t
••Arm and Hammer
Brand" contains fttil
It ounces net, and the
»pound packages/WB
ouneet net. Soda er
Baleratus came as speak
fied on each pookaga.
Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft.