The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, October 12, 1888, Image 4

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What ails the young men?
Robert Garret’s father left him a
A most rtnni.r..iiliie blind man lina
fortune of twenty millions.
He was
from childhood reared in luxury; he been brought, to public notice by the
received a splendid education with an proposed fouute..g o( un institution
especial training into a thorough for the instr action of the Hightleaa
knowledge of railroad management people in this city. Ilia name is Alden
and was expected to succeed his father F. Hayes, and he lives at Sewickley,
one of the fuoiiionuble suburbs of
as a railroad king.
liis lather was the bril­
Within three years after the re­ Pittsburgh.
sponsibilities which his father’s de ith liant George Aiexunder Hayes, who
threw’ upon him were assumed, tie is was killed at the Battle of the Wilder­
reported a bioken down man, with ness, and for whose widow a pension
mind and health permanently shat- j bill of the same size as Mrs. General
1 John A. Legau's is now pending in
George Law is another young
_ man ' Congress.
___ „____ Their blind son Alden is
left with millions of money, who is now about thirty-live years of uge.and
reported among the “wrecks.”
■- ■ business
His | I u
he ......
on an " extensive
father, bred a stone mansion, was of coal niercliant. lie uttends to all the
gigantic size and strength, with eoni- details himself without a particle of
nienMtrate brain power, so he became clerical assistance. lie is totally blind,
a great contractor, then a railroad yet he writes all ilia own orders by
king and left half a dozen millions for the type-writer for coal from the mine
liis son to dissipate. Tho young man operators, takes tlie ear number when
is a success as a dissipator.
the coal arrives, weighs tlie coal by
The founders of both of these great
the wagon-load for customers, gives
estates were born in tlie most humble
the drivers properly filled out tickets
walks of life, grew strong, mentally
and physically, by simple living and or makes out the receipts, receives
honest labor and developed into finan­ money, counts it and makes change,
cial giants. Their tons were reared in keeps a set of books, walks to and
the lap of luxury and developed into from his home without company, and in
fact goes anywhere in Sewickley by
intellectual pigmies.
The great men of our country have himself and without a cane.
He Is an accomplished musician. For
not, as a rule, come from the elegant
mansions of the cities, but from the eighteen years past he has been or­
L**g Cabins of the rurtil districts, ganist in the Leetsdale Presbyterian
Simple ways of living, freedom from Church and he still takes every Fri­
dissip tion and enervating pleasure«, day afternoon away from his business
simple remedies for disease, effective to rehearse the music for this church on
and which leave no poison in the sys- Sabbath. He plays the piano with even
tein, develop brawny, brainy men,whe more versatility than the organ, and
compel the world to recognize their has handled the clarionet and other
strength and power.
instruments for the Sewickley brass
The wholesome, old-fashioned Log band frequently. Mr. Hayes’ musical
Cabin remedies are the safest and sur­ methods ar< entirely different from
est for family use. Our grandmothers those of the celebrated “Blind Tom.”
knew how to prepare the teas and The latter learns by air. Mr. Hayes
syrups of roots, herbs and balsams does not, although he has a fine ear
which drive disease out of the system for music.
He was a natural-born
by natural methods and leave no after
His technique was pro­
ill effects. The most potent of these
nounced by critics faultless. For ten
old-time remedies were, after long and
searching investigation, secured by H. years he taught music, and only gave
H. Warner of safe cure fame, and are up the profession when commercial
now put out for the “healing of the business pressed him too hard. He
nations” in tlie Warner’s Log Cabin plays selections from all tlie musters
—Mozart, Beethoven and Mendels­
Regulate the regulator with Warner’s sohn. He could, it is said, after ordi­
Ix>g Cabin sarsaparilla and with pure nary rehearsal, sit down at tlie grand
bliMxi giving health, strength, mental organ of any of the city churches and
and bodily vigor, you may hope to without hesitation perform us well as
cope successfully’ with the most gigan­ the regular organist. In learning or
tic financial problems of the age, with­ rehearsing selections, tlie music, time
and expression must be read to him
out wrecking health and manhood.
by an assistant. He listens to a line
at a time, then plays it off. It seldom
need be read to him a second time.
Tlie blind coal dealer does all ids
A Brazilian Custom Which Would Find No
own correspondence, using the type­
1 avor in TI i I m Country.
Tlie typical American girl has often w riter. lie is so expert with this ma­
boon censured for too great freedom of chine that few professional type­
manner. People disposed to criticise writer operatives can pass him in
havo declared that the social freedom speed, His fingering is different from
enjoyed by her has detracted from her that of most writers. It is by the sys-
modesty of mien, If she is forward, tematic use of eight fingers that he
however, she may point to her South knows tho exact position of every let­
American sisters as examples of an op­ ter’s key. W riters who see use only
posite modi' of culture. A traveler in two, four or six fingers. He tits his
Brazil was one day entertained by a paper, postal cards, envelopes, etc., to
middle-aged couple, who led tlie con­ the machine perfectly, the lining being
beautiful.— Pittsburgh (l'<i.) Leiter.
versation to marriage.
The lady asked if ths guost wero pos­
sessed of a wife.
When Ito replied in
flic negative, she enlarged upon the de­
lights of married life, saying, at tlie
same time, that she ha.I five unmar­
ried daughters. This was a broad hint,
which the visitor con tl scarcely ignore
lie therefore expressed a
polite wish to make tho acquaintance
of flic damsels.
The wife looked in­
quiringly nt her husband, »nd he pres­
ently rose, unlocked a door, and dis­
appearod within a dark chamber. Ho
returned almost immediately, however,
“The girls are not accus­
tomed to seeing strangers, and aro
Tlie hostess thereupon disappeared
within the room, whence sounds of
whispers and giggling presently issued.
When site returned she led n modest-
lookihg girl of eighteon or nineteen
years, and was followed by threo
others, all of whom seemed to bo over­
whelmed with intense shyness and a
hysterical desire to laugh,
After a
formal introduction they i were hustled
away; and tho key was i once more
turned tt|>on them.
“Why do you look them in?" asked
the guest.
“It is the custom of our country,”
returned his host.
“I lieve nevor
thought of bringing up my daughters
in any ether way."
“But do they never go out?”
“No, never," was tlie reply. “They
learned to ride when they wero child­
ren, but since then they havo been
shut up in tlie house, where they will
remain until husbands havo been ob­
tained for them.”
Doubtless tho daughter* of a more
northern latitude might object so forc­
ibly to such incarceration that it could
never become a custom. — Youth'» Com­
An excellent clergyman, possessing
much knowledge of human nature, in­
structed his large family of daughters
in tho ordinary practice of music. They
were all observed to bo amiable and
happy. A friend inquired if there was
any secret in his mode of education.
He replied: “When any thing disturbs
their temper* I say to them 'King'; and
if I hear them spenking against any
person I call them to sing to nte; and
they sing away all causes of discontent
•nd every disposition to scandal.”
Such a use of this accomplishment
oiight seem to lit a family for the com­
pany of angels; young voices around
the domestic altar, breathing sacred
music at morning and evening devo­
tion, are a sweet and touchi ng accom­
paniment.— Mrs. Sigourney.
In any com of somiiml weaknoM, arising
from any cannr. Dujardin <« Life E m ***nee is a
aure cure. It acts very quickly, and pTnia
nently cures. Two or three bottles have been
often sufficient to cure even cane* of Io»’«
standing. Trice, $1.50 a bottle
All druggist a .
KDIriUTinl OR IHsrrralA.
Is the Inability of the stomach to dissolve the
nutritive element of the food. In such casos
the food acta as an Irritant, prodn* Ing pain an<l
dbtrt-M. and If unigu eked. lea. I mg to n<nati
pat Ion and pil.-s. It reqnires usually but »light
treatment to effect a perfect cure.
He Works the Tvn.
riter and keeps an
lutrhuic >’»*t ol Books.
Preparations Necessary to Change Fi rom
the Old to the New System.
Description of a Regulation Bear Hunt In
A peasant generally goes out in
search of a bear's trail, and, having
found it, moves in a ring some miles in
circumference, to make sure of having
him within it. He then gradually con-
tlticts his circles, till he comes to the
retreat itself ot the animal. Weeks are
sometimes expended in this seareh; the
peasantry aro then summoned to skull
by tlie Landshoroding, or Governor of
the province, and put under tlie direc­
tion of the jogmoestare. or rimger of
the district, who marshals them, and
commands their movements. Tlie
peasants are generally formed into cir­
cles, and come armed with whatever
weapons they can procure, Though
opposed singly to a whole host, the
bear often spreads huvoc among his
assailants. Every ball that enters his
huge carcass but adds fire to his fury,
and woe to tlie individual whom his
wrath has singled out. It ceases to be
a mere pastime, and nothing but tlie
greatest self-possession can save him
from a ihiserable death.
While at Hernosand I saw a repre­
sentation of an event that took place at
a skull in the neighborhood, in 1831,
and which shows that bear-hunting
must be quite equal to tiger-hunting in
excitement and peril. The bear on this
occasion was very large; nothing like
an American bear, with which an In­
dian can grapple, but an enormous
beast able to carry off a pony under his
arm. His temper, probably never very
good, had been ruffled by ten shots
lodged in different parts of his body:
all present intrenched themselves and
awaited some desperate effort on his
part, should not a lucjy shot through
the head speedily give him his quietus.
At this moment a man, bolder than his
companions, advancing before them,
the bear rushed upon him, tore the gun
from his hands, and began to wound
him with his tremendous elaws.
The wretched man was unable to con­
tend with his muscular antagonist; al­
ready his wounds wore letting out liis
life, when a young Norrlander, unable
to look quietly on, rushed to his assist­
ance. Besides the danger which he
himself incurred, and which, of course,
lie had no feeling of, there was some
difficulty in shooting the bear without
striking tho man. As he advanced, tho
bear rose on his hind legs to meet his
new opponent; his victim dropped be­
fore him; tlie Norrlander seized the fa­
vorable opportunity, raised his gun
with both arms high above his head, to
bring it in a horizontal position on a
level witli tlie bear's, and. trusting to
feeling more than sight, discharged his
piece An immediate death-wound could
alone save either from their enemy.
The success which the brave man de­
served attended him,and the ball passed
through tlie brain of tho bear, which
fell dead on the wounded man.—-V. k
Discoveries Which Bid Fair tn
Revolutionize It.
“We now make about every thin",
from a shirt to a car wheel out of paper,
but we are also making paper out o!
nearly every thing,” said a Yankee
“The most recent invention in out
trade and it is one which bids fair to
revolutionize it altogether—is the pro­
cess of making paper out of cotton. It
was recently discovered by a gentleman
from Georgia, who has thus opened up
apothcr great industry to the South, foi
the hulls of the cotton seed, hitherto
considered utterly worthless—a mere
waste, in fact are now found to be the
most valuable for the making of paper
“The discoverer, after much study,
camo to tlie conclusion that the hull»'
could l)o made into paper pulp. An
analysis of the hull showed that it is
composed of nine layers, the two upper
ones being black and coarse, while tlie
remaining seven are of very tine fibre,
and nfter being subjected to n certain
chemical process can lie blanched a
fleecy white.
About five hundred
pounds of those hulls were sent to a
paper mill for experiment, and the re­
sult was the product of the finest textile
pulp that tho chemist had overseen,
while the paper woven from the pulp
makes a much better and smoother
article than ordinary ’news print,' as
well ns u good quality of writing pa
“Cnn pnjR’r be made cheaper from
this pulp than by tlie old process?”
“Tho time and cost of reducing the
hulls to pulp is only 50 per cent, of
w lint the present process requires, thus
tlie price of paper will be reduced about
one-half, while the quality will he much
Perhaps I can illustrate tlie
exact difference in this way:
To re­
duce iMiplnr wood to pulp it requires 12
dog. of baumo liquid, with 120 pounds
of steam pressure, and tho time con­
sumed is sixteen hours but with the cot­
tonseed hulls the time is only eight
hours, with one-luilf the liquid and
steam pressure.
“in addition, tho cotton stalks can be
used ns well for the manufacture of
pulp anil by the process stated above
can be made to produce a good class of
paper.”—A'. I*. Tclcyram.
_ A Glasgow ‘inventor lortns a con­
venient fuol by mixing coal dust witli
a paste of water, ground-rice waste
and silicate of soda, and then molding
into blocks.
— He a ntut invited ner to a table <T Note
dinner and was nervous about the
claret: “Miss Clara,” he said, “do
Not a
you understand French?”
word” she replied. "Waiter,” he said,
impressively, “for wine you may bring
a bottle of the rare old w’» ordinaire."
—N. Y. Sun.
—There is something cruel in the
fate of the Vermont man who spent
several weeks in a swamp looking for
a mine of plumbago, and who, while so
engaged caught the lumbi’.go.—.V. K
A club has been formed at Marion, O.. for
the destruction of English sparrows. A prem­
ium of ten cents a dozen is paid for shouting
In medication, us in aught else, prudence
should be our guide. Yet thousands cast it to
the winds. Every new nostrum finds its pat­
rons, the medical enpirics of every false school
have their gulls. Every change in the gamut
of humbug is rung successfully for a time at
least - the notes being furnished by the credu­
lous. In happy contrast to the many adver­
tised impostures of the day stands Hostetter’s
Stomach Bitters, now in its third decade of
popularity, approved and recommended by
physicians, indorsed by the press of many
lands, sought and prized by invalids every­
where. it is an ascertained specific for and
preventive of malarial diseases, chronic indi­
gestion, liver complaint and constipation,
checks the growth of rheumatism and neural­
gia. is a peerless invigorant and useful diuretic.
Nervous people benefit by it.
A groat Mormon exodus to Mexico is taking
place from Ut uh.
While Elephant of Siam, Lion of Eng­
land, Dragon of China, Cross of Switzer­
land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt,
Double Eagle of Russia, StarofChili, The
Circle of .Japan, li'trp of Erin.
To get these buy a box of the genuine
D k . C. M c L anes C elebrated L iver
I’li.t.s, price 25 cents, and mail us the out­
side wrapper with your address, plainly
written, and 4 cents in stamps.
We will
then mail you the above list with an ele­
gant package of oieographic and chro­
matic cards.
F leming B ros ., P ittsburg , P a .
W. M. Dye, of Jesup, Ga.. has a hairless cow.
He says she sheds oil’every spring, and tukes
it cool through the summer.
“That Mi« Jones is a nice-looking girl, isn’t
(* Yes, and she’d be the belle of the town if it
wasn’t for one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“She has catarrh so bad it is unpleasant to be
nea • her. She has tried a dozen things and
nothing helps.her. I am sorry, for I like her.
but that doesn’t make it any less disagreeable
for one to be around her.’’
Now if she had used Dr. »Sage’s Catarrh
Remedy,there would have been nothing of the
kind suit!, for it will cure catarrh every time.
Imaginary evils soon become real ones by in­
dulging our reflections on them.
A Wonderful Food and Medicine,
Known and used bv physicians all over the
world. Nrott*« KmulMion not only gives
d< sh and strength by virtue of its own nutri­
tious properties, but creates an appetite for
ood tluit builds up the wasted body. “1 have
been using Scott’s Emulsion tor several years,
ind am pleased with its action. My patients
say it is pleasant and palatable, and all grew
Wronger and gain flesh from the use of it. I
use it in all cases of Wasting Diseases, and it is
ipecially useful for children when nutrient
medication is needed, ¡is in Marasmus.”—!'. W.
P ierce , M.D., Knoxvdle, Ala.
Tn agriculture, the scrub in all its forms
should, as far as possible, be avoided.
- Between the economy practiced
from choice or a sense of duty, and
that which poverty or the force of
circumstances renders inqierative,
there is a wide difference. lite form-
or possesses for some dispositions a
certain fascination amounting almost
to pleasure; and even tho latter, as
long as there is any thing at all to do
with, has a sort of compensation in the
feeling that the best possible has been
done witli tlie means at hand.
_ We talk of human life as a
journey, but how variously is that
journey porformedl There are those
who come forth girt and shod and
mantled, to walk on velvet lawnsand
smooth terraces, where every gale is
arrested and every beam is tempered.
There are others who walk on the
Alpine paths of life, against driving
misery and through stormy sorrows
over sharp afflictions; walk with bare
feet and naked breast, jtuled. mangled
and chilled.—Äff. »Wil Smith.,.
■btor to him. - TYme.
—Oil ('ity.yiu:ard..
___ ¿tyCVTici ra A nti I’ ain l*i ANTKKan
- -
painful-du tag piaster. i5c.
Promptly and Perfectly
415 Montgomery St., S. F„ Cal
Toothaciie, HeadacHt,
raceache, swelliniu, Sore-
Tùroat and Glands.
The Charles A. Veneto Co.,
B altimore . M o .
• .2**
* •’<»
•K mk ,
----- AI.KO----
! other lanOs for general farming fruit».
1 or stock raislng.
*'■ r"llzrnwinj
Stomach Trouble« Arising Therefrom.
Your Druggist or General Dealer will get Vera*
Cura for you if not already in stock, or it will be
sad by mail on receipt of 25 cts. (5 boxes $1.00) tn
stamps. Sample sent oh receipt of 2 cent stamp.
Sole Frupnetorh aud hlauuiactureni.
Dr. Spinney & C o . p M ‘5,‘X^
I<2 I’oDility. Lons of Vigor, Beinintu
nt»?* V wMO LosneB, Wenk. Memory, Dospon-
dency. &c., due to exce.-.-eM or abuse, cured.
I Al
suffering from tho effect*
T uun^ mcrl ui youthful follies or India
cretion should avail themHelvcs of our treatment.
A positive cure guaranteed in every case. Hyphilis,
Urinary and Venereal 1> - jih . h all unnatural dis­
charges, promptly and safely cured.
HOME FOR KVH iviii . io '
I -\ a homi'In tho . o,,,,,,. »
your pienoni isMdenie. p<,«iti„B u
Mormoio aerea ot lumi, wiu. . ?• “'>: Kt
house, on the iii-tallon t phu, „
eolenk-H: wo will ph,,,, thL.P„‘“',',.
«>«> », „„
with fruit tree» or ,-ai»In grape, an/urnT1«
it In good coiKlilion until full hiarn. ^etl>
[ lamin lie nori h or ninth of San l-’rai
eoaKt or interior unuiuie», i ear or ili»
railroad or town and vary in tr ice
o lro1"
p.irticidars iivpiif.- ,,r r. II STUFFT ? hlU
sueee»»orB to ihe linmigraiinn
, * ('"-
California. IIS Mo tgoniory -irev't
Uon 0(
Send for partit ular» and full dehcriptl,,,^
ease of Kidney« or Bladder, Weak Back. Nervous
Debility, Wasting of Sexuul Strength, etc.;'cured
and restored to healthy vigor.
N. ’B. Persons unable to visit us may be treated
at their homes, by correspondence. Medicines and
instructions sent by mail or express. Consultation
Free, bend 4 cents in stamps fur Ihe Young Mau’i
uille lit ^'-dlock.
ffW <SUT
Iodide ol'Potaxs.
It cur« R jieg . matihm , N echalgta , Boils, Pimplee.
Scrofula, Gout, ('atarrh. Tumors, »Sa:t Rheum, and
Mercurial pains. It Purities the Blood, Rest«ties the
Liver and Kidney« to healthy action, and makes the
Complexion Bright and Clear.
J. R. GATES & CO., Proprietors
w.-ll-known “wool”
grower luiH figured prominently in
politics for the past 20 years, and hi.
opinion is that “.Seal of North Caro­
lina” l'lug Gut is tho boss smoke, and
don’t you forgot it.
417 Aansome Mt.. Hun FranciHco.
Republican Flags,
issued March and Sept.,
each year. It is an ency.
clopedia of useful infor­
mation for all who pur­
chase tho luxuries or the
necessities of life. We
can clothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, dunce, sleep»
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and in various sizes,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all thesê’things
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair
estimate of the value of the BUYERS’
GUIDE, which will be sent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
■ 75
Cleveland or Harrison Campaign
Buttons. 25 Cents Each;
g3>t KEAKNY laTKKKT. H. F.
Orders by mail promptly filled.
to th K
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, lit
J «te
Diamond Vera-Cura
Li ni ::s:
R e :
on Trial !
113 K kaiiny S trkkt , B. F.
Illustrated Catalogues sent free on application.
|IO7 .V 10» I.uke St.,
Caret in
n&r&atcj! not to
Mtue Stricture.
HTdonly by th«
Nos. 133 and 134 Third Street,
and v J isdom .
ailv.— Boston fibre and fabric.
Big W ban given tmiew'
sat satisfaction In lb.
cure of Gonorrbœ* uà
Gleet. I prescriben»»!
feel safe tn recommend*
Ing It to all imiterei,
D.cbtur, III.
PRICE »1.00. .
Sold by Drugclita !
CkimlCAl Ce
Portland, Oregon.
Is tbo only Trlvato Di»-
F'lisaiyin Portland or on
Northwest Coast,
where patients areenccess,
fully treated o. nllNHItV-
¿5 «1/X fl** 1st t’rcnilunis. 25,000 tn S'*.
'¿0 yvois Erittbli'lniil. Ft*
Htiiul Tulin» IX-
yo'-ng «■ Ohl, elugle or I mil
vice, in use in ii-i other t'iano, by which our I’iaise
mai riett, such of
loo ; not alTohc
by climate. No wood to split, break, «writ, shrink,
XcrTon. debility, seminili crack, decay, or wear out; wo-guarantee it. Els
InMi'A luiiì it: memory, gnnt Rosewood Cases, X strings, douNe re;es«o<
xjphilitle eruption., effects
of mercury kidney and action; finest Ivory keys; tho Fomeiis ANTIsELI*
fonder tiouhl—, gonnr- Call or write tor Catalogue, free. 7. M. Alni*““*
rtoa, (liret stricture, etc. PIANO CO., Manufacturers, odd Fellows’ ll»|l, "**■
ket and Seventh Streets, San Francisco.
Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for
more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the
United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of
the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and most
Healthful. Dr. Price 8 Cream Baking Powder does not
contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans.
< 1 ernisin A st Inna Cure nover/iit^togive tm-
mediate relief in the worst casoH.insurert comfort-
able (deep; effects cure« where all others fait A
trial convinces the moat skeptical. Price 60e. and
S1.00,o£I)nigiristHori)y nmil. Sample FREE
tiiiail, profits
large. Send 20c for mailing
large illustrated Catalogue
with full particulars. Mun-
R® u fact ured by
— I lie time a man most needs a vacs
tion is just after he returns from one.
—A deaf man enjoys better health
than others. He does not catch every
thing that is going.—N. O. Picayune.
—If tho human race was evolved
from the apes, it at least has the satis­
faction of knowing that its ancestors
were intelligent they were educated
in tho higher brandies.
— It never yet happened to any man
since tho beginning of tho world, nor
ever will, to havo all things according
to liis desire, or to whom fortune was
never opposite or adverse.
—To be forever swing when your boy
yields to a temptation, and never dis­
covering when he resists one, is the
surest way to promote the faults and
discourage the virtues.— Lyman Abbott.
—Good people «lie and bad jieoplo
live. Tho man who is fat with health
can’t get employment, and the man who
is making money hand-over-fist has to
give up business on account of ill
—You find yourself refreshed by the
presence of cheerful people; why not
make earnest efforts to confer that
pleasure upon others? You will find
half tho battle gained if you never al­
low yourself to say any thing gloomy__
Lydia Maria Child.
—Among the ways which men em­
ploy to sustain their respectability,
none is more common than an exhibi­
tion of their social connections. One
whose cousin is a Governor, whose
uncle is a General, whose brother has
been to Congress, can not but stand
well in society. Reputation is of the
nature of a vine, and our reputable rel­
atives are so much brush or trellis on
w hich we run up.— Beecher.
—There is a wide gulf between youth
nnd ripe old age, hence the proverb,
“You can t put an old head on young
shoulders.” This proverb was written
by an old man: youth had nothing to do
with it Youth don’t believe the old
man knows anything, and the old man
experts continnaliy that the young man
will be along saying, “I didn't know it
was loaded.”
But young America
doesn't want to be told that it is loaded;
I- prefers to find it out himself. He
I ä K idnk
ivnkt P ains , Ba< ka* hran.i Weakneas gets there and pay* the piper gener-
lleMcriptlon ©fa t’I hii to Gttnat, Fisli
A < o .' m Htudio.
/•’. Daily Exaniiin r, Sept. 27, 18'8.)
A Kubsci ibt r of tlie Ex a m i n er , w ho re­
cently received a circular from Ottnat,
Fish ¿fc Co., the well-known artists in the
P. elan Building, writes to inquire
whether the firm is doing a legitimate
business and can be depended upon.
order that an intelligent reply might be
made to the qu st’on, a reporter was de
tailed to vi4t the studio yesterday and io
examine into the modus operandi of the
iiim. He was very much astonished, and
agreeably so, at what he saw. The first
apartment entered was the large and well
lighted studio, on the walls of which was
display» d a large number of cr yon por­
traits'. all life-size and drawn fr mi photos.
The work was in the best style of the por­
trait painter’s art, and the frames were
of the newest designs, bright and sub­
stantial as well as ornain nial. Adjoin
ing the studio is a lar .e packiug-romn,
where several workmen wer<< busy in
boxing the portraits and frames and
marking them to their destination in all
parts of the Pacific Coast. Ill» reporter
es ¡mated that there was about a carlo d
of frames in the room ready to be filled
and packed. The next room was occupied
by t"teen young ladies engaged in the
multitudinous correspondence of the firm.
This alone will give a faint idea of th*1
wholesale nature of the business done by
these go-ahead artists. The artist’s work­
ing studio is a very interesting spectacle.
Here were seen twenty odd artists care­
fully copying and enlargin photographs,
and it was almost marvel us to note their
suer ess in every instance in producing a
faultle-s likeness, the exact expre<s;on of
•he subject being caught and faithfu ly
transmitted to the canvass in every in­
stance. lie also learned that this is but a
branch establishment of that ot the same
n tme in Chicago, where thev have built
up a large and constantly increasing busi­
ness. This firm is the first to introduce
I liis novel me’hod of adver'ising the i
work in this city, and d sir? the public to
note tluit they have no connection with
any firm on this Coast. A large stack of
complimentary letters fro.n pr»m»nent
business and profes ional men in this
State was shown the repo» ter.
speak in the highest terms of the excell­
ence of the work sent to them. Send for
clrc ular.
And the butter spreads ea«y.
MoNim '¡ hkknw , m > i >
« u
C. II. K| |(K|>. I
(lormerly Hee y A Und Orfiow of in....
1 '“““Umtiou a ..
is the source of much sunshine and joy, bright­
ening many a dark cloud and lightening inun.\
a heavy load -but joys continual abide only in
a healthy body. The Creator with great wis-
d »in Las distributed over the earth vegetable
re medics for every ill of human kind. This
marvelous Laboratory reveals iis secrets Io
man only by long and searching labo»’. Few
men have attained greater success than Dr. It.
V. Pierce; nor devised for su tiering humanity
a greater production than his “Golden Medi­
cal Discovery,’ die unfailing remedy for con­
sumption in its earlier stages, as well as for
•hr.mic miaul catarrh, scrofula, tumors and all
blood disorders.
The present is the time to begin
preparations for making butter in
winter. Tho first reqnsite is that the
Scotland and Ire bind together have 111 Con­
cows shall come in during the months
gregational Churches.
of September and October, and calcu­
lations must be made accordingly.
When you f‘*el a kind of goneness about
Tho advantages of changing from the
the stomach it is a sign that your food
old system of summer dairying to win­
does not sit well and that you are about
ter operations are so great that many
to have a fit of indigestion.
of the most intelligent and progres­
When you begin to feel nervous and are
sive dairy farmers have adopted the
unable to sit still Comfortably; when your
latter method. They thus escape the
clothes suddenly seem io lose their fit and
daily and exacting labor of the dairy
become too tight, in places the fit of indi­
during the busy summer months,when
gestion is surely upon you.
When this lit of indigestion is repeated
the general operations of tho farm de­
from day to day it finally resolves itself
mand the most attention. The cows
into dyspepsia.
go dry during the sultry days of mid­
Chronic dyspepsia will surely make the
happiest life a hell upon earth.
summer, when the pastures are the
Remember that three to ten of BRAND-
most parched and scanty. There is no
rkth s P ills will cure the wor>t <a>e of
butter to bo kept over through the
indigestion or dyspepsia, or both, and
that a regular course of them, say two
hot season, when keeping it in good
every night fora week or ten days wi’l act
order is tho most difficult and prices
as a p event! ve of either comp aint.
arc tho lowest. These and other ad­
vantages are greatly in favor of win­
The Queen of Corea is attended by an Amer­
ican lady physician, woo receives a salary of
ter dairying, which has been mado
915,(MM) a year.
practicable by the modern improve­
AN i . xtkphenomenon .
ments in deop setting, preserving fod­
No other term than the above would apply
der in silos, centrifugal separating,
to the woman who could see her youthful
beauty fading away without a pang or’regret.
etc. With this, as witli other impor­
Many a woman becomes prematurely old anti
tant changes, it is the first step which
haggard been use of functional derangement.
What hi i y that all such do rot know thut Dr.
Pierces Favorite prescription will restore their
The first step, as indicated above, is
organs to a normal state, and make them
youthful and beautiful once more! Fotthe ills
to hold the cows back so they will
to which the daughters of Eve are peculiarly
come in during September of noxt
liable the “Prescription” is a sovereign rented).
It is the only medicine sold by druggists under
year. In the vicinity of a butter fac­
a positive guarantee from the manufacturers,
tory it is desirable that tho majority
that it will give satisfaction in every case, or
money will be returned. See guarantee on
of the patrons shall agree to make the
I mt tie wrapper.
change, that tho factory may lie kept
running through tho winter, Those
A Philadelphia occnli-4 deciares that the use
of opera strains tlie optic nerve and in­
have cows which will
jures the eyesight.
fall, or can buy them,
good shelter is provided,
S ymptoms -MoUtun: k te.iae itchiug and stinging,
of ensilage, means for
moat st right; worse by scr,»e< uiug. If allowed to con­
tinue tumors form, uhich often bleed and uleeiate,
taking tho chill from the drinking
beooming very son». S waynk ’ s O intment stopa tb«-
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many
water, etc. It is idle to object to this
cases reniow*« the tumor«, it is » <iuaih t tticaclous in
system as “unnatural” for the cows.
curing aU Skin OtoMM« DK SWAYNE A HON.
Prvpnctor«, t'ni'adelphU. swavsh ’ m O in cm / nt eai
The dairy cow, as we have her to-day.
be obtained of druggist«. Sens bj mail for 50 Uenta.
is an artificial product any how, which
A m a <’wre for Moro Throat.
has been brought to her present state
< OIHlliN.
of development by a long course of
been thoronghly tested, and maintain a
breeding and care. It is only a step
forward in the same direction to
J. II. ri«H. A««ayer and Analytlcnl
- i'he man who says he will welcome ('hernial. Laboratory. 104 First hl . Portland.
change her season of greatest milk
Or. Analysa» made of all ju I t tances.
flow from summer to winter.— Ameri­
of sorrow, generally sends for four
can Agriculturist.
T ry O khmxa tor breakfast.
doctors when he has the colie.
—If you remark that the hot weather
A wicked man has to bo forced to
always makes you transpire profusely,
the chances are that some one will pay his honest debts. His dishonest
take you up for an incorrect use of tho debts are called debts of honor, and
Skiq «r Scalp
word "transpire.” But as a matter of an» paid voluntarily according to a
fact you will be using the word In code of honor among thieves. .V. 0.
¿cured by.?-
strict accord with Webster's definition Pica »Dine.
of IL Men who know this are win­
- One man escapes all the diseaaoa
ning wager* on their knowledge every that fiesh is heir to and is killed on
th<» railroad; another man goes through
a half a dozen wars without a scratch
----- --- —--------------
and then dies of whooping cough.
utifyimc the > kin of children and infanta
She Knew Him Well.
•ing torturing. dUtigming. itching,
—It is important to be strong, like
_ tnply di^a^tM of tl.e skin, scalp and
Mias Clara (blushing) Do you know, the rock that nothing moves, but also blood, with loss of hair, from infancy to old age.
t’TK i ra R kmki » ie s are infallible.
Ethel, that young Mr. Sampson pro­ to be gentle, humbly and lowly, like
CfTlvi’RA. the gnat Skin Uur '. a^d C uti
pos'd to me last night, and I accepted the vine that grows out of its crevice I CUBA S oat . an exquisite Skin Beantiffer. cx-
and Ct th i nk K ksmh . vfnt . the new
and trails about its surfaces. Nature t^rnallv.
RI imm I 1 urifier. internally, enreevery form of
blood di»va>es, from pirn plea to
Miss Ethel (heartily) Icongrntulata is full of ta|R»stries.
—G’ad Minnuer H here
you sincerely, Clara.
Mr. Sampson is
where. ITlcai'l’TifviH.Vte.: 9 oap .
With its usual rcnianc ■«.
iik*.: R khoi . vkxt . >1. I*rvpared b> the I*OTT1CR
a noble young man.
Yta coeveBtfona and t»eer
D ri ' o and CnmicAL Cn., B outon , M asa .
Mira Clara Do you know him very
Ha «or In I« as I dance«
i*end for ’How to Cure Sain Pieraae*.**
all «wect
The rtwes »mell
I t< Baby a Skin »nd Scalp preserved and M
And th<
I m autibrd by C vtiovra S oap
Mira Ethel—Oh. yes. It was only a
The ladle
Are mild In action, assisting nature and never
falling to effect a complete cure ot very bad
Figs at once onuses
uea to secret fluids
star. Bambu r*Fl«s tew month* ago that I promised to be a
everywhere, ltoae,
Rather than the Cheap*!
Cures Cuts Sore-, Salt Rh> urn, Hoi’s,
1 iinphs. reloris, Skin Diseises, and all
Mihnents for which a Halve m suitable. For
takirgoiu soreness and healing it acts
like magic. 25 cents a box, at a'l druggist».
- Portlasd» Oregss.
T-’. i.-< t«(p.ipiH« 1.1, tn. .tn.^h instruction, eslab*
li-hed reputation,growing t»m>ulaiity. Business,
Shorthand, Common School and Pennnnship Depart­
ments. Students juimil 161 at any time. Cats'
logue and srecimer s of penni mship sent free.
J. A. WKSrO.Sec’r.
SI l I ìy VAY.
,,RAY & ■
N. P N. U. No. 2S3-A. F. N. V. No SB
D wight ’ s C ow -B rahd S oda - S aleratus .
absolutely pure .
always uniform
weight .
Be «uro that there ie a plrttuw of a Cm. on yonr jiarkace and yon will hare
tho heat Soda made.
Brilliant 4^
Durable Vk
Are Diamond Dyes.
n . , Í CELERY
They excel all others
They excel all otv
>n ixrength, Purity .ml Fa-tne«. None others
are just as good. Beware of imitations—they
are made of cheap an<l inferior materials and
give poor, weal;, crocky colors.
36 colors , 10 cents each.
for t olcnr'- pt
•''ample Card, directions
Oo ett • uoart I makirg the tine«t 1 ak or Bluing
i “.etc. .oui Ly Druggist« or by
teens. RIChAftOSO.V & CO Burlmgtoa. Pt.
F--r G'.ldinx o-
|,r;y Krt,c)eK „„
»H«r. Bn»„. Copper. Only
All Liver
“ Paine’s Celery Com­
pound cured mV nM
ou« sick hetd-ches.
Me. L. A
San Jacinto,^ai-
~ "After 1> »S “«
ties of Paine’* (
Compound, I am ■ 'J
ol rhenmallwn.
S. m ! «., Her. hi -*’*
Sooth Cor*». N M
••It ha» .Irne me***
OOC.I for koine. ■I”'3*
tkin any •'th«
Sioux C‘ty. Io«*-
pound has been o’ gT*
Kneftt for
indigestion, anti
tehee, V