books ! STATIONERY ! I MUSIC WEST SIDE TELEPHONE, LOCAL HAPPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. I THE GRAND OFFER. KN ROUTE FOR YAQVINA. IS "HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF?" The weather feels frosty. The hop pickers are expected back to- The Causes That Led to the War ot McMinnville Surprised l>y a Detachment A Superb Democratic Maga sine and the I I morrow. WIST SIDE TELEPHONE One • of U. 8. Regulars. 1814 and the Chances For Another BAFFI VALLEY Year for S3.3S. Skirmish. Mr. A. H. Hodson anil family have re­ Tuesday morning the people of Mc­ turned from the coast. MILLS AND Tliis paper maker the magnificent of­ To those familiar with American his­ Minnville were surprised to find march­ It is reported this morning that two fer of Bellfords magazine of the United Have been remodeled and are now ing into the town two companies ot in ­ Musical Instruments of All Frank Willis of Astoria is in the city. of frank Bynum’s children have the tory during the early part oi the present fantry and a batterv of light artillery. States and T he T elephone one year for small pox. century up to the war of 1812, coming Upon inquiry by a T klbphonk reporter I $3.25 in advance. Come in and sub­ prepared to receive grain for grind­ Kinds. There will be a dance at Grange hall ing. Grist grinding a specialty. This issue of T he T elephone is late events “casting their shadows before” it was learned that Co’s E and II of the scribe at once Saturday night. ■rhe only house of its kind in the county owing to the large amount of job work in respect to the fishery question Beems 14th infantry aud battery E of the 1st NOTICK. Miss Cora Baker is clerking in F. W. on hand. The McMinnville News Co. to he following in the wake of “Free artillery from the Vancouver barracks Redmond’s dry good store. This office has moved into the build- „ , THIRD STREET. H. Rummel will hold an auction sale trade and sailois' rights,” which was had been ordered on a march to Yaquina under tho command of Col. 8. MeCon- . Mr. John Clark of Zena was in the of farm stock on his place Friday, Sept. the Yankee “shibbboleth” from the ihe. They had marched from Carlton ing south of tl.e Bralv block. 18:4 Flour, Rye flour, and Graham 21, 1888. Go to it. To th. Ladies. city the fore part of the week. embargo of 1804 up to the declaration of and arrived here at 8:30. At this place constantly on hand. All work is A young son of Frank Bynum has war eight years thereafter on the 18th of they went into camp on the fairgrounds. MissJEdilh Kelty of Lafayette was in On Friday and Saturday, Sept. 14 «nd warranted and I intend to gain the contracted the small pox and is very- The detachment expected to make Sher­ the city Wednesday on a visit. June, 1812. Among other burningques­ idan before going into camp but the wa­ 15, I will sell a complete line of the lat­ patronage of the public by square sick. This is tho first new case. Work on P. F. Browne's new build­ Proprietors of the tions was the disregard of naturalization gons needing repairs the commanding est patterns and novelties in fall milli­ dealing and good work. Rev. G. F. Round, will preach in the ing commenced Tuesday morning. nerv. Mas. A. E. T vckeb . M, E. churcn in this city next Sabbath, of British oorn subjects, who were im­ officer concluded to camp. The fair F. H. KNUPPEL. Little Roy Henderson, son of Watt morning and evening, also at McCabe's pressed from on board the American grounds were extended to them which Aug 17 3tu Buyers Dietionery. were accepted. The commissioned offi ­ Henderson is sick with lung fever. chapel in the afternoon. ships, and it was even complained that cers below the rank of Col. are Lieut. P. ____ REDUCTION IN MEATS------- We saw Bettman hard at work arrang­ O. O. Hodson Las the contract for the they even impressed American native- Hasson, Lieut. C. H. Martin, Lieut. F. Cider Mills at Martin 4 Sanders. Be«t Beef 5 to 10 cents per pound Call ing a lot of new goods just received. I galvanized iron cornice for the Pendle­ horns, among others, two alleged neph­ F. Eastman, Lieut. C. L. Best, Lieut. A. .„d be convinced that the best quality of Salem pumps for sale by Martin & ton court house. Th- work is to be fin ­ J. McCoy, and Assistant Surgeon H. S. meats are always ou hand. July 13 tf Hon. Levi P. Mortan is a cousin of ished by March. Contract price $2500 ews of George Washington. Kilbourne. During the afternoon of Sanders. Mrs. John W. Cochran, of Vancouver. While these irregularities were enact ­ aboard the cars at this place. Mr. Hod­ Tuesday a number of people visited the Use “Pioneer” Roast Coffee, at C. ed against American rights, there were camp. The battery consisted of two Griesen’s. School children, a slate and lead pen­ son will not put it up. 10.22 cil and penholder all for 5 cents at the two antagonistic paper blockades in full Hotchkiss guns and flue pieces they are. A large assortment of Lamps, at C. Rev. M. C. Wire will hold the first Book Store. 19:20 quarterly meeting of the M. E. church force between tho British government After a look through the camp we con­ Griesen’s. JSTOTABY Jr’TTBXiIC. cluded we would rather run a Democrat­ Logan Bros., & Henderson will run in this city Sept. 22 and 23. Preaching and the Emperor Napoleon—the British ic Something new in the way of a potato country newspaper in a big republi ­ LOAN, hacks to the stato fair which commences Saturday at 2:30 o’clock. Preaching “orders in council” subjecting to cap­ can county than enlist in the regular digger at Martin A Sanders. insurance , Monday next. Sunday at 11 o'clock, preceded by Love Smoke “Young Ladies’ Cigar”, best TRANSFER and Feast and followed by the Sacrament of ture and confiscating all cargoes that army. in town for 5 cento, at C. Griesen’s. Miss Annie Dieiscnieder brought to Lord's Supper. COLLECTION AEENT, wore discovered trying to enter any port THE NEXT LEGISLATURE. this office two fine specimen of speckled Sheridan, Oregon, trout. The city marshal has found fault with in France and Germany or Italy,that was Thanks. July 13 tf the item which appeared in T he T ele ­ then occupied by French troops. To re­ Who the Senators and Representatives Are. E. L. E. White of East Portland, phone regarding the gamhiing during taliate, Napoleon, by bis “Berlin and t .'X dropped in upon us Wednesday looking circus day. He says that the city or­ Milan decree,” played off the same, but fat and hearty. Below will be found tho names of the Martin & Sanders Agto. • vHle, Ol’egOIl, 1111(1 that dinance is defective and would not per­ OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA If you do not want your wheat to freeze ’ O’ He also of proclamation blockade against the senators and represtatives who will E. Ford’s bouse is nearly completed mit of arrests being made. VIA errain or» and will be a fine commodious resi­ stated that the fakirs had licenses from whole British coast, with neither the make up the next legislature. The out, put it in with a drill. The Superior T will efrvrn is the best, for sale by Martin & Sanders. A ” 111 »LUI V g I <1111 Wil SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO’S the city council. We know of no city British nor Napoleon having a gun dence when completed. county and postoffice address is given, ordinance allowing gambling games to LINES. F.ishop & Kay have received a large W. J. Garrison left yesterday with bis be licensed. However the matter will afloat to enforce the decrees. This was those marked (D.) being Democrats: invoice of trunks. They are now ready' THE MT, SHASTA ROUTE. running horse for Salem. The horse ' is be investigated and the ordinances pub­ “nuts” for the Yankees, who ran both Senators—L T Barin, Oregon City, for the public to inspect. Call and see not entered in any races. lished. blockades and took the chances of cap- Clackamas. Will also furnish sacks on reason­ Time between them. T. E. Cauthorn, (D) Corvallis, Ben­ ure, which occasioned the impressment M. V. Ensley has moved his bee fac- able terms. List of Letters. Damon Sawyer ’ s fine wagonette is torv from the city building, Tlie jail of British-born American sailors. These ton. ready to carry passengers to all parts of 39 Hours. J C Carson, Portland, Multnomah. will be put in immediately. Geo Chandler (D) Baker City, Baker. the country at reasonable rates. For Remaining in the postoffice at Mc­ outrages on American bottoms and citi­ California Express trains run daily further particulars call on Damon Saw­ Irv. Woods, Ralph Williams. H. zenship would not have been what is M L Chamberlin, Salem, Marion. BETWEEN PORTLAND aud SAN Minnville for the month ending Sept. 1, yer. Im Browne and Frank Rowel), of Dallas C A Cogswell (D) Lakeview, Lake. FRANCISCO. called casus belli, if Napoleon had not 1888: spent Sunday in this city. Chas. W. Keller, the jeweler is now ARRIVE. S A Dawson Albany, Linn. literally forced President Madison into LEAVE. Bowers, Silas A 2 Bruce, Mrs Lizzie San Fran'7:4 AM. permanently located in the news stand You are also notified that I have J. B. Dituick, Hubbard, Marion. Portland declaring war against England under Mrs. Wm. Galloway accompanied by Camby, W M Han Fran 6:30 I M. Portland 10:40 A M her mother left for the east Wednesday. Belt, Geo L 8 B Eaken, Eugene City, Lane. ar.d is prepared to repair anything from erected, and will soon have in run- threat of repudiating the Lousiana pur­ Cameron, D C Casters, Mrs Gue a chronometer to a turnip. Call and see . qoq J. C. Fullerton, Roseburg, Douglas. chase made by Mr. Jefferson from him, Local l’nssenger Dally. Except Sunday. They will be gon« two months. him While in town. nln8 °™er. bv September 1st, 1888. Chambers, Miss E Fischer, Mr Win C and assuming French jurisdiction of that J H D Gray, Astoria, Clatsop. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Several of our young ladies are deter­ Hovis, John 3 Huelat, Miss Emily territory which now includes six pres­ Robert Cook the barber, has a very a ®na large Mill near my J H Hamilton (D) Hamilton, Grant. Portland 8:00 A. M.IEugene.. 2:40 P M. E T Hatch, McCcy, Polk. neat shop and is u good workman, warehouse, and that said mill will ent American states The Republican Eugene .0:00 A. M.IPorltond 3:45 P M. mined to be artists. They have perse­ McCuskev, James Newland Ed Perkins, John S verance and in time it will tell. Payne Joseph Chas. Hilton, Crown Rock, Gilliam party of that period—afterward chris­ When you want a good shave call around, be thoroughly furnished with the Turner, Mrs A C Versteg, Laudie Pullman Buffet Sleepers. R A Irvine, (D) Albany, Linn. tened Democrats in 1833—did not desire 15 cents. (tf) latest improved Roller Mill ma- Clark Braly and wife, Dr. Calbreath Rud, Miss E P Rud, George N TOURIST SLEEPERS for second class and J B Looney, Jefferson, Marion. war for outrages upon “sailors’ rights” daughter left Sanday for Trask. Stow, Nathan Thousands of bushels of apples go to chinery, which is warranted to me Passengers on all Express trains. Sinclair, R Donald Mackay, Portland, Multnom ­ —nor neither did the Yankee sailors, They intend to stay until Sunday. waste in Yamhill county every year. . / • lr.nlrp in Sedlah, Sac Stascb, Martin The 0. 4 C. R. R. Ferry makes connection for between the two paper blockades ah. But this ysar Martin & Sanders are sell- ™ maKe as "ne Uour as 18 malle ,n with all the regular trains on the East Side Stilwell. J B Mr. Flesher, while bawling straw F A Moore, St. Helens, Columbia. they had a “soft thing” all around. It ing their Buckeye Cider Mills so cheap | the state. Division from foot of F Street Saturday, fell off the load and disloca­ J W Norval, Summerville, Union. Parties calling for the same will please is to be remembered just here, that in that no one having an orchard can at- z ----- rr; ; ~~ ;■ , ■ ted his right arm at the shoulder. J H Raley, (D) Pendleton, Umatilla. ford to be without one. . Everybody wishmg to put in wheat to Napoleon ’ s cession of the Louisana pur ­ West Side Division. •ay advertised. J. F. W isicarves . W Sinclair, Coquille, Coos. , .. ... . . ., be ground for family use Oan do so free chase by Mr. Jefferson, there is said BETWEEN PORTLAND* CORVALLIS. Mrs. Carl Young and mother of Al­ Postmaster. W. 1*. Johnson, the artist, who for the ofcnerge Joseph Simon, Portland, Multnomah. to have heen a secret clause in the bar­ Mall Train. bina has been in the city during the past last four or five months has been visiting ______ * - ___________ i gain that the United States should de­ Geo A Steel, Portland, Multnomah. JUSTICE COURT DOCKET- (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS) week visaing friends and relatives. A A C Stanley, (Di Sains Valley, Jack- this eitv ard has given satisfaction every clare war against Great Britian within LEAVE. ARRIVE. time, will be here September 10, 11, 12, liberal pUll OliagC The Cook house dining room is sup ­ son. Casas Pending This Week Before five years; but Mr. Jefferson ’ s second Portland 7:30 A. M I Corvallis .12:25 P. M. .. •. j Thos Tongue, Hillsboro, Washington. and 13, during Fair week. His gallery . tice Harding. term expired in 1808, when the limit of Corvallis 1:30 P. MJ Portland 6:15 P.M. plied with the finest kind of edibles R M Veateh, (D) Cottage Giove,Lane. is over Detmering's store. Cabinets IS SOllClteCl. the purchase clause was up. There were At Albany and Corvallis connect with finely cooked by a skilled negro cook. —, _ J P Wager, (D) Pendleton, Umatilla. only $4.00 per. dozen. All other work trains of the'Oregon Pacific R. R. On Friday theca-e of Robbins vs Wil­ plenty of American grievances upon Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mr. and at correspondingly low rates. J4 _ L) ARNEKOFF J W Watts, Lafayette. Yamhill. Express Train Dally Except Sunday. Mrs. Joe Todd und JarretTodd returned which to have declared war at any time li« will come belore Judge Har­ J K Wait, East Portland, Multnomah. LEAVE. ARRIVE. The Resources of Oregon. from the Nestucca Sunday. A fine time. ding. It’s a civil action for money in pay­ A'ithout regard to "free trade and sailors’ Geo Watkins, The Dalles, Wasco. Portland 4 :50 P. M.|McMinnville8:00P.M. rights,” as the British paid no regard at Representatives—J T Apperson, Ore McMin’villeS:4.5A.M.¡Portland 9:00 A. M. It is reported that Jack Cooper tlie ment of work aud labor performed. first to the Northern American boundry All persona wanting a copy of the Re- _______________________ R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, person who stole the sheep from A. Me- Amount $197. Attorneys for plaintiff line claim, but took possession of what gon City, Clackamas. Manager Asst.G. F A Pass. Agt Phillips was hung some time ago in Ida­ sou ice« of Oregon can get one by calling Wm Armstrong, Salem. Marion. is now tlie state of Michigan, which real ­ I i are Fenton & Fenton, for defendent J. ly fired the American heart to fever E H Belknap, Monroe, Benton. ho. at this office. If that is too much trouble E. Magers. H J Bean, Pendleton, Umatilla. A. Hirsch of Portland spent a week Saturday the case of J. C. Taylor vs. heat. J E Blundell, Canyonville, Douglass. | just write to us giving the name of the The Madison administration did not in the mountains accompanied by Mr. E. P. Branson will come up. It is a civil JT Bowditcb, (D) Ashland, Jackson. person you want it sent to and enclose Dielschnieder’s family. They returned action to recover money for medical ser­ take very ardently to that cause of war two cents in postage and we will mail it 0. B. Crosno, Toledo, Benton. and as war had to be thus declared, or , Sunday. vices performed. Amount $36. Attor­ lose the Louisiana! purchase, or fight | 8 W Condon, Eugene City, Lave. for you. This is a valuable book and IN BRALY’S BUILDING Bliould bo distributed where it would do A. H. Crook, Ellensburg, Croos. Wm. Turner, son of T. A. Turner of neys for plaintiff McCain & Hurley, for France to bold the purchase. Madison’s the most good. If you have a friend in W R Derby, Lafayette, Yauihill. administration accepted the least of the Landscape and Flower Painting this city, is in this city on a visit. Mr. defender.t W. L. Bradshaw. the east who would like to come to Ore-1 ~ _ R P Earhart, Portland, Multnomah. Turner has been in Sprague for the last YAMHILL STARTS. three evils, and founded a delaration of gon just send him a book and the chances I (jRADD EXSUI^SIOB EAST Thoroughly and Rapidly Taught. two years. T E Fell, Heppner, Moriow. war upon“free trade and sailors’ rights,” are that lie will come when he sees the J J Fisher, Portland, Multnomah. We learn from the Transcript that The Flnext Collection of Production« which broke up the Yankee bonanza of great openings for energy in this great | ------- v IA C G. Fisher, Dallas, Polk. in the state on the way East. ; blockade running on both sides, to their Miss Lovie Hendrick of Wheatland is slate of Oregon. Come and get one be­ E B Gambee, (D) Alba, Umatilla. | huge disgust, which culminated into the ------------- in Astoria visiting Mrs. A. B. Thompson fore they are all gone. TrRMs Six lessons for $5.00 T T Geer, Macleay, Marion. Monday, on the 3:45 train, Chas. noted Hartford convention that nearly of that place. W B Gilbert, Portland, Multnomah. Hovas Two till 5 p m July 31 tf terminated in a revolt of the Yankee Wanted. Fleming started for the east with the G. W. Gillham, Harnev, Grant. Nuts Wisecarver is very sick with lung states that had been foiled in their Chas Goodnough, Island City, Union. fever. He contracted the disease by finest collection of productions ever col­ blockade business. At this office, 10 cords of wood on back S R Harrington, East Portland, Mult­ The same effect is now ripening into a overheating himself while threshing lected in the state. They were all grown subscription or front subscription. Bring nomah. red casus belli. Mr, Clevelands'» retal ­ and then taking cold. in Yamhill county and include all the it in as soon as possible. N C Haskell, Baker City, Baker. iatory message because of discourtesy ----- TO----- 8. C. Force is tearing down the front grain and grasses with over 50 different to American fishermen, backed by the John Halin. Astoria, Clatsop. of his building on Third street and will specimens of fruit. Each article has a same party that declared war in 1812 for Dissolution Notice. C J Howard, Kirbyville, Josephine. build it out six feet, into the line of th a tag upon it giving its name, by who Yankee grievances, is "sailors’ rights” W F Hume, Portland, Multnomah. Notice is hereby given that the partner­ grown, and the section of Yamhill coun­ of 1812 over again; and Gen. Butler's street and put up a full front. James A Hunter, Enterprise, Wallo­ ship heretofore existing between D. W. Mc­ ty m which it was raised. Mr. Fleming wa. Call and J B, Perkins, known as the firm Personal—the lady who left her purse was put to considerable expense to pro­ late proposition in a speech at Boston, A C Jennings, Irving, Lane. on the counter while trading at Burts, cure, arrange, and ship this beautiful to exclude every British flag from all 22nd National En- T J Kirk, PenCteton, Umatilla. may have it by applying to Geo. W. collection, and something should have American ports until reparation to the mutual consent. Mr. McCall retiring. Chas, campment of the Grand Army R R Laughlin, North Yamhill, Yam ­ Yankee fiehermenwould certainly lead Burt and describing contents. THE ONLY NATIONAL STANDARD Talmage will receipt for debts due said flrm I r J done in the way of descriptive matter to British declaration of war, unless the hill. be having the books for collection I of the Republic. of this county for distribution in the Wm. Martin has sold his hound Joe E E Labrie, Wilbur, Douglas. D. W. M c C all , ___ * fear of Russia taking a hand with us and to Mr. Williams of the Pauly Jail com­ east. But we should not cry over spill­ advance again upon Turkey, as also Samuel Lyman, Woodburn, Marion. J B PeaxiNS | ------THE----- pany for $50. This dog is said to be the ed milk. The Yamhill productions will stretch out for Inddia, may cause John Wm M Ladd, Portland, Multnomah. Dated, Aug. 31, 1H88. be exhibited al) over the state of Mich­ Bull to acquiesce tor the time, the same finest fox hound in the county. J Myer^D) Scio, Linn. igan. The first exhibition will be made J W Maxwell, Netarts, Tillamook. Electric Bitters. Mr. I. C. Cooper received a letter at the Lansing fair, which opens Octob­ as tlie Yankees did in 1812 when be us­ E. O. McCoy, Grant, Wasco. ed to rifle Yankee ships and impress the from his wife Wednesday stating that er 24. This remedy is becoming so well known _________________ R C Miller, (D) Lebannon, Linn. crews to man his navy. The only differ­ she had arrived safely in Sarcoxie, Mo., so popular as to need no special men­ R. A Miller, (D) Jacksonville, Jack- and This standard work is the only and was having a good time. WILL PLACE ON SALE ence is that in 1812 there was money in Pointers for Live Advertisers. tion. All who have used Electric Bitters it for tlie Yankee, while the only coin son. sing the same song of praise.—A purer National Cyclopsedia of Biography George Briedwell, ex-county clerk has S P Moss, (D) Paisley, Lake. medicine does not exist and it is guaran­ the present instance would be cold in this country, and worthy to rank purchased a farm and the warehouse Always patronize a stranger in prefer­ in J B R Mor lock, (D) Brownsville,Linn. teed iodo all that Is claimed Electric lead for England and perhaps lose her a with the great national works of its business at Briedwell station of his fath­ ence to home talent. He is likely IT] to “slice of Turkey” and perhaps some of J C Moore, Greenville, Washington. Bitters will cure nil diseases of the Liver ROUND TRIP TICKETS, and Kidheeys will remove Pimples. Boils. H. P. Napton, (D) Vale, Malheur. leave his money with you and can do India also.—Welcome. kind in the Old World, now being er and will settle down to business. Salt Rheum and other affections caused by H H Northup, Portland, Multnomah. prepared in England, Germany and The Baldwin locomotive works has better for you than the man who resides blood,—Will drive Malariafrom the Peter Pacquet, Oregon City, Clacka­ impure THE CONSPIRACY CASE. system and prevent as well as cure all Ma Belgium. No name eminent in lit­ just received an order trom the Northern with you. mas. laria fevres, —For cure of headache. Con­ Pacific for eighty-two locomotives. The A picture card on a wall is preferable H B Parker, Astoria, Clatsop. erature, art, music, science or in­ company and O. H. Mclsaac In­ stipation and Indigestion try Electric Bit­ has also ordered 1500 freight to a local or display ad. in a town paper. John D. Wilcox dicted. Good to return to October 31st. Thomas Paulsen, Gaiden Home, ters—Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or vention will be omt ted. Sold only cars. One is alwavs in demand to hide the n»ney refunded.—Price flOcts. and$1.0U'per Washington. Thi» rate is open to everybody and this by subscription. bottle at Kogers A Todds Drug Store. (5) Mrs. Ora Spencer sent to this office a wall while the other struggles for an ex­ J V Pope, Forest Grove, Washington. is the route selected by the OAR depart­ On Friday of last week the grand jury W. W. BECK, Agent. novelty in the melon liue. It is called istence in telling all the news of the day. F 8 Powell, Monmouth, Polk. ments of California , Oregon and Washing­ It is a safer and cheaper plan to pay found indiements, against John D. Wir- It resembles Bucklen’fi Arnica Salve, the Banana musk melon, W K Price, (D) Tolo, Jackson. ton Territory. Tourist» sleeping cars allot­ a banana and is very finely flavored. an eastern roan for a snap ad. on sight, cox and C. H. Mclsaac. The indict­ ed to all trains. Berths Free. C E Rickers, Gardiner, Douglas. as he is desinous of movtjgvn, than to ments accuse them ot varibly threaten­ John H Robert, Myrtle Point, Coos. For further particulars call on or address Thanks. The Best Salve in the world for Cut«, let the local publisher edit thirty to C\\ A and reliable Medicine« are the best J L Roe, Summerville, Union. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rhoum, A D CHARLTON, Assistant Passenger ing to accuse Mrs. Blumaeur of the Mrs. H. Stuart has rented the build ­ ninety days for his pay. The latter loves VI VW to depend upon. Acker’s Blood El­ R V Short, Wilsonville, Clackamas. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, No2 Wash, street, Portland. Oregon, e . crime of the murder of Mary Scneller. ixir has been prescribed for yean for all im­ ing tormerlv occupied by Mrs. Fellner to buy shoe leather. E L Smith. Hood River, Wasco. Chilblains, Corns, and «11 Skin Erupt­ with the view of extorting money from on Third street. She desires parties ow ­ The hest plan is to patronize the iti ­ purities of the Blood. IneveryformofScrof- J M Stafford, Eugene City, Lane. ion«, and positively cures Piles, or no ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial disease«, It Is ing her to call iu and settle at their earl­ nerant fakir, who is here to-day and off her. Miss Schneller is the young wo­ J A Strowbridge, Portland, Multnom­ Pay required. It is guaranteed to give the next, for cold coin and then drops man from Yambill county who died ah. Invaluable. For Rheumatism, has no equal iest convenience perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, some time ago in Mrs. Murry’s office The school bouse at Baker City will around to the newspaper for a free local. from the effects of abortion, the details Geo. W. Burt, druggist. J A Thomae, Arlington, Gilliam. price 25 cento per box. Rogers&Todd. The fakir can give the best, has the D I* Thompson, Portland Multnomah. not be ready until December The of which was published some time ago largest circulation and his unlimited fe- building will cost |35,000. Miss Ella J B Waldo, Salem, Marion. Worth Knowing in T he T elephone . Mrs. Murry baa Judson Weed, Vernonia, Columbia. MOTHERS! Woods of this citv has been retained as cilities argue everything in his favor. married the second time and her name Mr W. H Morgan, merchant, Lake The local man can wait as he has plenty J H Williamson, Prineville, Crook. Castoria is recommended by physicians one of the teachers. Monday the indict­ City, Fla . was taken with a severe cold, of spare time and it will be no trouble is now Blumauer John Q Wilson, Salem, Marion. or children teething It is a purely veget­ ments were made public and Mr. Wil­ Tlie O. A C. railroad will sell round to call again. attended with a distressing cough and run- able preparation, its ingredients are pub­ cox voluntarily appeared before Judge Nestucca. trip tickets from all points on the west A meritorious advertisement is double lished around each bottle It is pleasant ing into Consumption in its first stages Stearns, accompanied by his attorneys, side to the state fair grounds and return to the taste and absolutely harmless. It re­ discounted by a fake. One can tell the He tried many Recalled jiopnlar cough lieves constipation regulates the bowels, for one fare for the round trip. Tickets truth while Annanias would take a back Hon. Richard Williams and Judge R Was We are having beautiful weather now. remedies and steadily grew worse M. Dement. Mr. Wilcox wm duly ar ­ quiets pain, cure» diarrncea and wind colic, good from Sept. 13th to 24th. reduced in fleeb, had difficulty in breathing Have Lad no rain for more than a seat for the other—the fakir. allays feverishness, destroys worms, and Free trade in advertising is the popu­ raigned, snd Mr. Williams asked for month, but the weather has not been and was unsble to sleep. Fnally tried Dr. F. H Knnppel ot the Happy prevents convulsions, soothes the child and King's New Discovery for Cansumpion snd Always one day to plead and was granted until warm. We do not have much warm found Sives it refeshiug and natural sleep. C**- mills offers $5 tor the best loaf of hread lar idea irrespective of party immediate relief, and after usinc Wednesday. C. H. Mclsaac did not >ria is the children's panacea—the nv>*b made from tia flour. To be exhibited deal with the stranger who knows when appear, which fact created a great deal weather on the coast. about a half dozen bottles found himself the next train leaves. ers’ friend. 35 doses, 35 cents. at the countv fair. The floor can be There has been many pleasure seek­ well and bas had no return of th« disease Never under any circumstance« ques­ of unfavorable comment toward the No other remedy can show so grand a bought of Al. Hussey for $1 per sack. ers here during the last few weeks, they record ot cures, as Dr. King's New Discov­ tion the veracity of a party who has just prosecution. seem to appreciate a pleasant summer J. A. C. Freund of this city ha» been ery for Consumption guaranteed to do just Children. They are es- dropped in from the east or elsewheie. HORSE STOLEN. resort, where they can be fanned by a in Idano for the past month or two and what is claimed for It —Trial bottle free at S j VK vtkz penally liable to sudden His word is as good as bis bond. (4) Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, has returned. He has finally decided to By no means think seriously of it, as A Farm Hand Borrow« a Hors« Intending pure fresh breeze from the sea during Rogers 4 Todd’s Drug Store the warm part of the dav for seven days etc. — We guarantee Acker’s English locate in Moscow and will take his fam­ an*ad"inVbiTl or poster knocks the; to EMurn It Nast Year. in the week. Quite a large number have Remedy a positive cure. It “V* ily there in the corns* of a month or so. i , spot« spots off a newspaper «ought sought for. camped at Cape Kiwandi this summer, Rev W Jordan has returned from his hours of anxious vratehing. Sold by A Letter. summer outings He has improvedin Albert Williams is the name of a remained several weeks, and gone away Oeo. W.Burt, Druggist. well pleased and benefltted. It is a health and hopes to occupy his pulpit young fellow about 19 years of age who pleasant place for camping and they regularlv hereafter. Subjects for next M jba , W asco Co , Or.. Sept. 9, ’8fi has been working all summer for Jack need not want for anything for man or —IB- ’Rest. Evening I Sabbath morning: I thiDk a few line« from this »ection of Butler near Bellevue. Saturday night beast. Shell fiih and sea fish are in "Protection.” aburdauce. and grass upon a thousand BALES, The two men who were wrested at the country will be acceptable to some the vonuq man quit the employ ot Mr. i bills. the fair grounds for assault with mtent of the readers of T hs T blephosz . The Butler and Sunday morning one of his SMALL PROFITS. to kill were bound over. Chas. Hadley harvest is almost over and the teams horse« «as missing He immediately ! | Salmon fishing is in full blast now. : ' though the run of salmon has not been in the sum of $600, furnished. Henry have started on their long journey to I began a search which resulted in tracing verv pro|ifit ,0 far Fine rooms in the College build- Tripp the bov who did the shoot ingin stolen horse to I ortland. Mr. But- . *wo weei»a ------------ BOOT AND SHOE I ing for young ladies as well as for the sum of $2,000. not furnished. Ti ipp haul the grain to market a distance of the I 26 miles. The yield of gram is better ler reported the loss> at ponce head- flghermen. They are gettmg good prices ’ STORE young men ¡•in the county jail. quarter, and Old Mr.V ank,w .|. ­ BIUBS. young men than ever known before in some ~ tteth.^jv.r7 rw: | I tor tneir saimon now. .* Mr. r ’ rank Wat One ot the prettiest sights in town is : and in all is above the average. Mr. H — son to behsve horse wm ...... in the I. jgce guccee4e^ ¡n capturing forty ot the --------- that -- - the --------------------------- p DIELSCI.IIEDEC ------BOARD 12.50 A WEEK.----- the fine collection of house plants which onM for Yesterday's run, though •Kx WvgW •J.V.V. ™ ran be seen on the veranda of the J otm Hennagen'»crop, sixty acres, averaged city thee, Monday. About an hour af- Tuition ; Collegiate Department 36 bnshels and 22 poands to the acre. ter a polu-eman saw «horse tied to a that ah<>v. u,e aveRge p,, a .ingle «¿cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob wort This wheat was «11 spring sown «’’am. post in front of « barber shop that an-, *10’ a term ' in Academic Depart- Boot her st band. It is the ealf P Mrs. Wortman has the finest var- and was sown on land that the people of svered the description given. In the 300,000 iCRIdC I naent 18. a term ; in Primary De­ thedicine yet made that will remote«« “t‘ee and the largest collection of house barber shop he found Williams in the 1----- - * - ■ Yamhill would declare veqr jxror. infantile disorders. It contains •* Op»«* partment 16. a term. > chair being shaeed. He arrested the For Sa k A t er VerpAtne, but riven the child tatoral plants in the city. young man and lelumed him to this The Willamette Valley Bee-Keepers ** fro^ pain. Prioe 2« cent«, fold by a M;. Term begins Sept. Sth. will meet at tbe Salem fair Notte.. i county for horse stealing. The young BioMP^^lo.b^:.nh wufii HAMNETT’S BRICKYARD Oeo. W. Burt, druggist thief informed the officers that he only > rsM/in 19 at 3 o’clock. All Excellent advantage« in Music. mm interested in bee-keeping are invi- An experienced teacher would like a borrowed the horse, intending to return vhme «ystem, tod thoroughly builds wp the jnwt aeroM t|)e Yamhill bridge Sold at fiend for Catalogue, T G. Raowssoi«, 20: tedtobeprewnri^ situation to teach a school to begin im­ i it next year. The young man ha« bere- enwUlaUoa. Bsmember, w« gaaautas n. Bedrock Price« 18 President. l tofore been well thought ot. Geo W Bur* druggist. mediately Inquire at thi« office 1 i M C. B YorNO. Soo'y Ctd Paid fcr Hye, Buckwheat^arley McCall A Perkins, etoisko market . Farmers Attention! E. E. SELPH, I“.” wM You are hereby no­ tified that I have thor­ oughly overhauled and mJ' lar8e warehouse at McMinn reasonable terms, Portlaud and San Francisco, [Mtfatìh Milk} A Proprietor. NEW ART STUDIO Children Cry for, Pitcher’s Casto ria. G. A. R i H C. BEST, Artist NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. APPLETON’S COLUMBUS, OHIO. Containing Over Twenty Thousand Articles on Prominent People. N. P. R. R. September 3, 4, and 5, FOR $80. MY MOTTO ** r™v,LLE (0LLE(iE ** large Pitcher’« Casto ria. Children Cry for Ctawieal Conrxe, Scientific Come, Normal Come, Business Come.