The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 14, 1888, Image 2

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The Official Democratic Paper.
M c M innville , F biday , S ept . 14, 1888
National Ticket
During the last few weeks large
fires have demonstrated to the peo­
ple of several towns in Oregon the
necessity of better fire protection.
They have also in each instance
demonstrated the procrastination
of the common council of each
place. Baker City and The Dalles
have suffered, also McMinnville
and in the latter place procrastina­
tion of the common council is very
Nearly all the council­
men are doing business and how
many of them would like to have
their business run on the same
system as the city’s? It would be
safe to say that if their business was
run in like manner their profits
would grow less every day. The
council of this city and of Baker
City are alike.
About eighteen
months ago a large fire occurred in
that city. The city council held a
meeting and talked a great deal
but nothing was dono.
A short
time after another fire occurred,
more talk and nothing was done
This caused great indignation
amongst the energetic industrious
people who were in favor of better
fire protection. The moss back
element was in the ascendency and
held the town down. There came
a city election. A good strong
ticket composed of good, honest,
respectable men were put in the
field in opposition to the hold-the-
town-down element; and the pro­
gressive men were elected. But as
luck would have it these men were
possessed of the spirit of procrasti­
nation. Nothing was done and but
a short time ago property to the
value of $200,000 was destroyed
by fire. The present council of
this city seem determined to do
nothing toward better fire protec­
tion, with the exception of one or
two and they are promptly sat
down upon.
In November next a city election
will be held, why not try the Baker
City idea, only not put men in
nomination who are troubled with
that vice procrastination. With a
council working for the upbuilding
of McMinnville, a council that is
willing to vote a tax upon the city
instead of letting the town be run
by the saloon men of the city,
McMinnville will amount to some­
thing and not until then. This city
is just entering upon a new era and
if something is done to push it
ahead now, it will get a start which
no catastrope can overcome. Some­
thing must be done and that some­
thing quick if McMinnville ever
expects to be a city of prominence
in the state, She has the natural
advantages to do this if we push
The favorite cry of the Republi­
cans that Cleveland was unduly in­
fluenced by British opinion ceased I
with his retaliation message. Wo
shall hear no more of this arrant
nonsense. From a political stand­
point it has been a profitable cry
for the party that seems to lack the
courage to stand up and pluckily
facing a live issue, but beats a re­
treat under cover of the sneer “its
English you know.” This mes­
sage has shown the people of this
country that Mr. Cleveland has not
had the time to spend in wasting
words telling the people that he is
An American and believes iu Amer­
ican principles, but when the emer­
gency arises he has shown himself
to be a better American than any
of hie assailants. The accusation
of foreign influonce after this will
fall flat and be as useless as last
month’s moon shine. The English
press which has been so muchly
quoted by Republican newspapers
are now howling out that America
better look out or the British Bull
will be turned loose. This has been
caused by Mr. Cleveland’s retalia­
tory message. An English paper
will not be quoted until after the
campaign when the future out­
lookwill be discussed.
The capture of this article is not
original with us but is an expres­
sion written by the editor of Phila­
delphia Inquirer, an influential Re­
publican paper. He says when the
Chinese are all driven out of the
United States, no doubt the Hood­
lum element will be happy. The
Pacific coast people are called the
hoodlum element because they
want the Chinese to go. Here is
the article. Read it.
The Chinese must go—and they
must not come back. So the Dem­
ocratic house has decreed, being
instigated thereto by a Pennsylvan­
ia representative, who is understood
to be the mouth-piece of this pres­
ent Democratic administration.
Those Chinese laborers who hap­
pen to be within our borders at
present are not to be expelled; but
if they depart voluntarily they
may not return.
Nor will those
who have already gone, with the
expectation of returning, be per­
mitted to come back. The treaty
just rejected by China provided
that they might return if they had
their families here or had debts
amounting to $ 1,000 to collect; but
Scott’s bill makes no allowance for
such trifling considerations. Most
of those who have gone out of the
country in the last six years with
the intention of returning have
been provided with our govern­
ment’s written permission to return.
Mr. Scott’s bill expressly repudi­
ates this contract, and says they
must stay out certificate or no cer­
tificate. Well, this is certainly a
heroic way of dealing with tho dif­
ficulty. Now, if Mr. Scott or some
other Democratic patriot will intro­
duce a bill to drive all the Indians
into the Pacific ocean and one ex­
tending the benefits of naturaliza­
tion to European immigrants im­
mediately upon their arrival, no
Every week T he T elephone is doubt the hoodlum element will be
in receipt of a pamphlet called the happy.
Tariff League Bulletin. It is pub­
lished by the American Protective
Tariff League, which is composed
of such men as Ammidown, Dud­
The Republicans throughout the
ley, Porter, Greswold, Hoyt and
others. On the last page of the country are smiling, but he who
sheet in large headlines can be laughs last laughs best. The Re­
seen the principles of tho league. publicans feel jubilant over a gain
From the men who comprise the in Maine which has always been
The g o p says that
league we arrive to the conclusion Republican.
that the league is organized to fur­ the fisheries question, the lumber
ther the interests of tho members argument and the tariff question
and not for tbo interests of the peo­ are against tho Democrats, but
ple at large. The principles con­ with these things to work against
tain some great efforts in florid there is a slight Democratic gain
writing to catch tho unwary and in Maine. Chairman Brice of the
win him over to the fallacious sys­ national democratic committee says
tem of high tariff. It declares its that New York, New Jersey, Indi­
nonadherence to any political party ana and Conneticut will go Demo­
but its high protective clause gives cratic without a doubt. Tho chanc­
the snap away. If the league is es are good for carrying Michigan
honestly working for the benefit of and Minnesota and there is a Jjght-
the laboring man, as it declares, ing chance for Wisconsin
why don’t it fall in line with the chances are also good for Illinois.
Democratic party and help the Under these circumstances we do
fight along instead of bushwhack not see how the Republicans expect
to elect Harrison unless they carry
ing. Be honest.
some of the southern states.
The fire at Baker City destroyed
business property there worth $200,-
Texas has quarantined against
000. This would have put in eight yellow fever. It is said the quar­
water work plants either of which tine system of Texas is the best in
would have saved the property.
Commuted Homestead and Pre-emp­
tion Proofs—What must be Shown
-—The Minimum of Value-----Good
Faith, Bad Faith and Speculation.
I I do not believe that
I Ayer's Sarsaparilla
' has an equal as a cure
for Scrofulous Hu-
! mor 3. It is pleasant
! to take, gives strength
to the body, and pro
I duces a more penna-
nent result than any
I medicine I ever used.
I—E. Ifaiuej, North
I Lindale, Obi».
I bare used Ayer’s
Sarsaparilla, in wy
fatuil.L for Scrofula,
and know, if it is
taken laithinily it will
thoroughly eradicate
this terrlulo iGs as«
—W. i". fow'ar.JI.D.,
Gn-mvillc, Tci n.
A good deal of uncertainty seems ;
to exist in the minds of the people ■ Humors
as to what is absolutely required
by the Imniestead and pre-emption
laws, and the frequency with which
proofs are presented on the face of
which it appears that the claimants
have endeavored to calculate to a Erysipelas,
uicety the smallest amount of im­
provements actually necessary to
secure a title, has caused the auth­
orities to look with suspicion upon
all commuted homestead and pre­
emption entries.
There is neither a maximum uor
a minimum of valuation, though
it is shown by practice that the
commissioner of the general land
office has made up his mind that a
settler who has improvements val­ Catarrh,
ued at less than one hundred and
twenty-five dollars has not made
very strenuous efforts to make a
permanent home for himself and
family, and will not pass such en­
tries to patent except under most
peculiar circumstances,showing be-
youd doubt that the claimant has
acted in good faith, and that where
an indication of bad faith appears
he will have no mercy upon the
In final proof it is frequently
said by claimant and witness that
“absences have been no greater
than the law allowsor “he was
on the land as often as law re­
quires.” These statements are eva­
sive in character and outgrowths of
ignorance respecting legal require­
ments. There is no provision of
the pre-emption or homestead law
permitting the absence of settlers
from their claims, nor is there a
provision specifying how frequently
they must l>e on the land. The
laws require continuous —that is,
unbroken—residence upon the land Work, Ambition and Passion, cause
from date of settlement to date of more Agony of Mind and Body, and
final proof-
Temporary personal Destroy more Human Beings every year
absence from the land between than All the Armies of the World.
such dates—no matter for how
long—is not inconsistent with con­
tinuous residence ; while a removal
from the land with the intention of
remaining away is fatal to continu­
ous residence though tho party may
ehange his intention and return af­
Thia wonder of Modern Chemistry 1»
ter an absence of only a few hours.
Intention is everything in operating pronounced to be unequalled for its
under these laws. The man who 1 power of replenishing the vitality of the
makes a pre-emption or homstead 1 body, by supplying all the essential con-
entry witn the intention to make 1 stituents of the Blood, Brain and Nerve
and for developing all the
his home upon the land is acting Substance,
Powers and Functions of the System to
in good faitn, and would actually the
highest degree. It acts as a specific,
be guilty of no wrong if he should surpassing all those of the present age,
change his mind suddenly and sell for the speedy and permanent cure of
the land after having received pat­ all derangements of the Nervous and
ent or duplicate certificate or re­ Blood Systems, Nervous Prostration,
ceipt therefor. An entry made for General Debility, Mental and Phy­
the purpose of speculation with the sical Depression. Incapacity for Study
intention to sell the land at the or Business, Noises in the Head and
earliest favorable opportunity, is an 1 Ears, Loss of Energy and Appetite«
entry in bad faith, and though the j Being a Natural Restorative, its ener­
entryman may subsequently change gising effects are not followed by cor­
his mind and make his future responding reaction, but are Perma­
home upon the land, he could not nent, and are frequently shown, from
stand before his own conscience as the first day of its administration, by a
an honest man. H enry N. Copp. Remarkable Increase of tho Nervous
for Infant» and Children
More Terrible than War I
A splendid public school, large, new anil
commodious. Also the McMinnville
Baptist College.
I hare opened a full stock of
Brace Up.
In the Madrid prison prisoners
A Rebellion has broken out. in
are allowed out at night occasional­ Afghanistan and Ishak Khau, the
ly. One, Zarela, joined his accom- leader of tbo rebellion is advancing
Slices outside, engaged in the miir- on Cnhue with about 7,000 mon
er of his mother, divided her mon­
ey with his pals and then returned
Cleveland's letter of acceptance
to his cell.
is a strong letter and is devoted to
The London Standard in a sav­ the welfare of the country general­
age leader on the fisheries question ly. It is very long and every sub­
says: It will be well for the presi­ ject is discussed in detail.
dent and government of the Uni­
The Democratic state convention
ted 8tates to remember that Can­
ada is a dependency of great Brit- of New York met at Buffalo, Wed­
Ian and that if the necessity should nesday and after an enthusiastic
unfortunately arise she has behind demonstration. Hill was nominated
her the guns of English ironclads. by acclamation. Hill is the strong
What do we care for your Eng­ man of the party in the state and
lish ironclads you red headed Eng­ will be the next governor without a
lishman. America can swipe you doubt,
from the face of the earth Furth­
er along tho article says something
Senator Mitchell of Oregon got
about “our American cousins
into a wrangle with Senator Mor­
we decline the relationship and gan of Alabama, over the Chinese
would not have a drop of your blood which resulted in a number of dis­ Ccvcv'V
n our veins for untold millions. graceful sentences being used which thousands suffering I rom T Asthma, »Cos-
Talk about English ironclads as if were by a vote of the senate strick­ •utnptlon, Coughs, etc. ♦ Did you sve» try ,
hat would scare us.
We have en out of the report of the senate Acker's English Remsdyt * It is the W 1
nt for sal Lung Troubles, .
icked you twice and can do it. proceedings for the congressional
j record.
A fine tin* of
Fresh Vegetables of all descript ioni
will be kept while in Season.
New Goods, Latest Styles and Lowest Prii
of Spring aud Summer Clothing
Gents Tweed.
Power, with a feeling of Vigor, Strength
You re feeling depressed, your appetite ;
is poor, you re bothered with headache, I
you aro fldgetty, nervous, and generally out
of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up
but not with stimulants, spring medicines,
or bitters which have for their basis very
cheap, bad whiskey and which stimulate
you for an hour, and then leave you in a
worse condition than before What you
want is an alterative that will burify your ,
blood, start healthy action of Liver and I
Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give re­
newed health and strength Such a medi­
cine you will find in Electric Bitters, and
only 6o oautaabottlaat Rogers Jk Todd's. [3]
Having concluded to open a Real Estate office, we intend to
to push the sale of City and Farm property with all possible energy
We intend to create a desire in the minds of all those having landJ
City property to sell to place them in our hands. You gay, How’
answer tne question by saying ws will use
and Comfort to which the patient has
long been unaccustomed. The nervous
symptoms disappear, as well as the
Functional Derangement. Sleep be­
comes calm and refreshing. At the
same time the patient gains flesh, the
features presenting a striking improve­
ment ; the Face becomes Fuller, the
Lips Red. the Eyes Brighter, and the
SUn Clear and Healthy. The hair
of the head and beard grows and ac­ Trains for tbs East leave A«h St. wharf
quire strength, as also the nails, show­ •very day at 1S:3O A. M. and tils P. M.
ing the Importance of the action of the
A ttached to th» 1:15 p m train are through
medicino on the organs 6'f nutrition. It Pullman
Sleeping Cars tn Council Bluffs
I gives back to the human structure. In a and St Paul
It's 12:30 a ni train is the
I suitable form. the Lively. Animn-ting,
Walla Walla A Dayton Sleeper, which can
j Element of Life which has been be boarded at East Portland station any­
, wasted. and exerts an Important influ­ time after 8pm
Trains arrive at 2 -.4A and
m averv
ence directly on tho Brain, Spinal Mar- day.
row and Nervous System, of a Nutritive,
Ths company reserve the right to
Tonic and Invigorating character, there-
by checking all wasting of tho Vital Fluid change »teamora nr sailing days,
The Finest
All Wool Norfolk Jackets
Men’s Ulsters
A big Drive in Seersucker
Coats and Vests at
Alpaca C ate and Vests
Fancy Checks
Alpaca Coats ond Vests
Our lines of Neck Wear, Hosiery,
Silk Handerchiefs, Summer Under- i
we^r, Gloves, Cuffs and Collars,1
Plain and Fancy Shirts are full'
and complete, and our stock of new
Style Hats eclipse any stock ever,
before offered to the people of!
and the more Exhausting Processes
TO AS1ORIA,-Str. R R Thompson
Of Life, maintaining that Buoyant leaves Ash st wharf overv Monday Wed
Energy of the Brain and Muscular and Saturday at 11:30 p.'m. U S Mail
Bystem which renders the Mind Hap­ steamer leaves Ash st. daily, except Sun­
day, at 6 a. in., for Astoria.
py. Cheerful, Brilliant and Energetic|
entirely overcoming that dull, inactive
Leave Ash st. st fl a. m., except Sun­
and sluggish disposition which many
parsons experience in all their action«
j Price, *1.50 per bottle.
TO OREGON CITY, Dayton and Al­
bany.—Str. leaves Portland at 7 a. tn
Wednesdays and Fridays, for
Dayton and way pointe. Returning leave
Aug 24 6m
Portland, Oregon.
Dayton as fl a. m„ Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays. For Albany and wav
points at 6 a. m.. Mondays and Thurs­
days. Returning, leave Albany Wednes­
days and Saturdays. TICKET OFFICE
Gen. Paas. <fc Ticket Agent.
For 10 Days
PrMurln) Patents. Filina XrOu.r«,it»
and Conducting Contests on
Terms. Sand for circular to
fr’17 flotllor okonl» bar*
«■ til: r’« G, .<
l£4 »«(n; price onlr to roat« »w:ar » «
Summer Hosiery from
20 cents up.
Summer Mitts from
20 cents up.
Summer Gloves from
15 cents up.
Summer Underwear
from 35 cents up.
These are Bargains.
Mrs- A- E- TUCKER.
n.HiaMT!i!?orouFh|y*Terh»nlw’ «nd re-
P*\v k r
<^>nnnf «eaeon of 1W9
? *ood *upply of oat and wheat
¡We’^.fanU-**<W ,h<‘ m®*‘ "«»on-
Will be raid at all times for Grain
^rsm-isco and tbJ
*» our nJJ,
and f*>r<ie«nng.”
All ere invited to come and
■ee us