The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 07, 1888, Image 2

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Secretary ’»
Decisions- Consistency
therein—Intention the Foundation—
Entries tn Good and Bad Faith igno­
rance Requirements,
The Official Democratic Paper.
ü. L. HEATH...............
M c M innville , F hiday , S ept . 7, 18SK
The Appetite
May be increased, tho Digestive orgafis
strengthened, and the bowels regulated,
by taking Ayer’a Pills. These Pills ar«
purely vegetable in their composition.
They contain neither calomel nor any
other dangerous drug, and may bo taken
with perfect safety by persons of all ages.
I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia
and Constipation. I had no appetite,
and was constantly afflicted with Head­
ache and Dizziness. 1 consulted our
family doctor, who prescribed for me, at
various times, without affording more
than temporary relief. I finally com­
menced taking Ayer’s Pills. In a short
time my digestion and appetite
It would appear to the casual
reader of decisions by the secretary
of the interior in eases of pre-emp­
tion and commuted homestead en­
tries, that very little regard to con­
sistency, reason or logic is exercis­
ed in their preparation ; but to the
careful, analytical reader, it is quite
evident that the decisions are the
result of thorough examination of
the smallest detailsand that every my bowels wero regulated, ami. by tho
circumstance connected with each time I finished two boxes ot these Pills
tendency to headaches had disap­
particular case is carefully weigh­ my
peared, and I became strong and well. —
ed and has a bearing upon the con­ Darius M. Logan, Wilmington, Del.
clusion reached.
I was troubled, for over a year, with
of Appetite, and General Debility,
In some cases the greatest clem­ Loss
f commenced taking Ayer’s Pills, and,
ency appears to be shown to per­ before finishing half a box of this medi­
sons who have, as would appear cine, my appetite and strength wero re­
from a casual examination of the stored.—C. O. Clark, Danbury, Conn.
Ayer’s Pills are the best medicine
proof offered, been absent from known
to me for regulating the bowels,
their claims for periods of great and for all diseases caused by a disordered
and Liver. I sutfered for over
length, and whose improvements three years
with Headache, Indigestion,
I had no appetite, and
are of the most nioagre character.
nervous most of the time.
In others, where absence from the
claims have been short durirtion
and where improvements to the three boxes of Ayer’s Pills, and at the
time dieting myself, I was com­
value of hundreds of dollars have same
pletely cured. My digestive organs are
been placed upon the land, the de­ now in good order, and I am in perfect
cisions seem very harsh and go to health. — P. Lockwood, Topeka, Kans.
Ayer’s Pills have benefited me wonder­
the limit of the law in the severity fully.
For months I suffered from Indi­
of the requirements made.
gestion and Headache, was restless at
had a bad taste in my mouth
Take two such cases and exam­ night, and
morning. After taking one box
ine carefully the proof in each. It every
of Ayer’s Pills, all these troubles dis­
will be found that the intention of appeared, my food digested well, aud
sleep was refreshing. — Henry C.
ryinei as evidenced by his my
the entrymen,
Hcmmenway, Rockport, Maes.
acts and the
’’ e circumstances in the
I was cured of the Piles by the use of
cases respectively, is the founda­ Ayer’s Pills. They not only relieved mo
that painful disorder, but give mo in­
tion upon which the secretary’s ac­ creased
vigor, and restore«! my health. —
tions rests. The intention to use uohn Lazarus, St. John, N. B.
the land for the actual purposes of
a home is what constitutes faithful
compliance with the spirit of the Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
pre-emption and homestead laws, Bold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.
and the settler who because of pov­
erty, sickness or other misfortune
is unable to place valuable improve­
ments or be continuously personal­
ly present upon his claim, may— Work, Ambition and Passion, cause
and generally does—have a more more Agony of Mind and Body, and
earnest desire and honest intention Destroy more Human Beings every year
to secure the land for an actual than All the Armies of the World.
home for himself and family than
the man well-to-do in the world
who, by reason of his better finan­
cial circumstances, good health and
other advantages, is able to place
valuable buildings upon and culti­
vate extensive acres of his claim,
while he flits back and fourth be­ I This wonder of Modern Chemistry is
tween some favorite resort and the pronounced to be unequalled for its
land covered by his entry, and fan­ power of replenishing the vitality of the
cy dictates, having no actual bona body, by supplying all the essential con­
fide residence upon the claim, but stituents of the Blood, Brain and Nerve
still being personally present there­ Substance, and for developing all the
on a greater number of contin­ Powers and Functions of the System to
uous days than his (as the world the highest degree. It acts as a specific,
sees thorn) less fortunate neighbor? surpassing all those of the present age,
one is struggling in the face of for the speedy and permanent cure of
poverty, sickness and distress to ac­ all derangements of the Nervous and
quire a little land which he may Blood Systems, Nervous Prostration.
call his own, upon which his family General Debility. Mental and Phy­
may look as a home and cease to sical Depression, Incapacity for Study
be wanderers upon the face of the or Business, Noises in the Head and
earth, while the other is endeavor­ Ears, Loss of Energy and Appetite.
ing to secure title to a tract of pub­ Being a Natural Restorative, its ener­
lic land for purpose of speculation gising effects are not followed by cor­
responding reaction, but are Perma­
that the fatness of his purse may nent.
and are frequently shown, from
become increased. The former can tho first day of its administration, by a
do but little in the way of improve­ remarkable Increase of the Nervous
ment, while the latter knows that ■ Power, with a feeling of Vigoi, Strength
every dollar he oxpends upon im­ and Comfort to which the patient has
proving his claim he will receive long been unaccustomed. The nervous
three in the near future.
symptoms disappear, as well as the
The well-to-do are not the only Functional Derangement. Sleep be­
class who attempt (often success­ comes calm and refreshing. At the
fully) to acquire title to public same time the patient gains flesh, the
land by mere compliance with the features presenting a striking improve­
words of the statue while ignoring ment ; the Face becomes Fuller, the
the spirit.
The poor and needy Lips Red, the Eyes Brighter, and tho
often go and do likewise ; sometimes Skin Clear and Healthy. The hair
as private speculations and again of the head and beard grows and ac­
as the paid agents of rich men who quire strength, as also the nails, show­
ing the importance of the action of the
profit by their unlawful practices.
It is this ferreting out of inten­ medicine on the organs of nutrition. It
tion and judging accordingly that gives back to the human structure, in a
gives to the Secretary’s decisions suitable form, the Lively, Animating,
an air of inconsistency, and while Element of Life which has been
it will be impossible to ascertain wasted, and exerts an important influ­
beyond a doubt in every case the ence directly on the Brain, Spinal Mar­
intentions which prompt men’s ac­ row and Nervous System, of a Nutritive,
tions, it is fair to presume that the Tonic and Invigorating character, there­
decisions are usually correct, never by checking all wasting of the Vital Fluid
without reason, and where a reason­ and the more Exhausting Processes
able ground for doubt appears re­ of Life, maintaining that Buoyant
Energy of the Brain and Muscular
specting the intention of a settler, System
which renders the Mind Hap­
the settler always receives the ben­ py. Cheerful. Brilliant and Energetic i
efit thereof.
entirely overcoming that dull, inactive
H enry N. Corr.
•nd sluggish disposition which many
Ou tho 11th August, after a vuy-
age of eleven days, distance 7ÒO
CLEVELAND and THURMAN. miles, there arrived in New York
harbor, from Nova Scotia, a timber
raft of gigantic proportions, re­
markable in being the largest of
the kind that ever made a success­
The San Francisco Report, Re­ ful sea voyage.
Several months
publican in politics, bolts the Chi­ ago an attempt was made to tow a
cago ticket on account of the Chi­ similar structure to this city, but it
nese question. Tl\e following de­ was broken up and scattered by a
claration ought to be carefully storm upon the ocean. This second
weighed by every voter:
effort met with no serious obstacles.
“Harrison may be elected, for
This great float was called the
the east does not yet understand “Joggins Raft,” after the Joggins—
the Chinese question, and while it a jog in the Bay of Fundy—famous
would bar the Atlantic gate against to scientists the world over. For a
European goods with one hand, it distance of four miles along its
would let down the bars of the shores, says the Home Journal
western gato with the other and (Gardner, Me.,) is the most won­
swamp the labor market with cool­ derful exhibition of the carbonifer­
ies. But because those voters of ous period of the world’s formation
the east, who do not understand known in America.
what Chinese invasion means, may
The Juggins shore is on the east­
vote for Harrison, that is no reason ern side of Cumberland basin, call­
why California should vote for him. ed by the old French settlers Beau-
Suppose it be certain that Harri­ besin, or beautiful basin.
son will be elected, California’s whole of this shore is a stone and
vote will go against him. If every coal mining region, thickly covered
state in the Union were certain to with thin, tall trees, which are in
return Harrison electors, California great demand in Boston and New
must see to it that she does not. York for piling.
Twenty miles
Should we return Harrison electors down the shore a low cove forms
after all we have said against the the mouths of a valley, Hanked on
Chinese and all Harrison has done either side by two high hills. In
for them, we would be the laughing this cove the great raft was built.
stock of the world. We would de­
The annual shipment of over
serve the contempt of the rest of 100,000 piles from this region of
the country, and we would get our country, in two hundred or more
vessels, suggested to Hugh R. Rob­
“With our vote recorded for Har­ ertson, of St. John, the idea of tow­
rison, in the face of our anti-Chi- ing 20,000 at a time in a monster
neseprotests, appealsand demands, raft. The idea was not original.
and the face of the declaration of It was first attempted from Quebec
our Chicago delegation that Harri­ half a century ago, but failed. Two
son could not carry California on years ago Mr. Robertson patented
account of his Chinese record,what his idea of fastening with chains,
should we look like, how should we and indeed, induced James O’Leary,
stand? We should look like either one of the largest importers of piles
frauds or fools, and we would have in New York, to advance money to
no future standing as against the carry out the experiment. The first
raft was built in the summer of
1886, and the ways partially col­
lapsed under the enormous weight.
Nothing daunted, Robertson,
Bunday Welcome,
The Republican senate in refus­ aided by O’Leary’s money, pulled
ing to confirm the fisheries treaty that raft to pieces, built a new
with Canada which was fair alike cradle,, and constructed another
to our northern neighbors and raft much larger than the first.
American^, and in no effort to im­ The second one weighed some 8000
prove it with amendments, cltarly tons. This was successfully built
showed a disposition to throw the and launched, and would doubtless
bonus of war or chicken hearted­ have reached New York in safety
ness upon President Cleveland, had it not been for unnecessary de­
who to their surprise, grasps the lay in towing, but it was lost at sea.
situation manfully, and tells con­ The feasibility of the construction,
gress plainly that if they will not launching and towing of the mon­
agree to amicable relations with ster rafts had been established and
Canada, they must begin an ag­ Mr. Robertson immediately went to
gressive and unremitting battle of work to build another.
This one was successfully launch­
and brought to New Pork. It is
If war results—and it is not
improbable-it is clearly the work of the khape of a cigar and is of the
the Republican senate, and the following dimensions: Length, 595
American people should be prepar­ feet; width, 55 feet; girth, 150 feet;
ed for the worst, nor should they depth, 38 feet; weight, 10,(XX) or
15,000 tons.
shirk the responsibility.
The girth of 150 is for a length
“In time of peace prepare for
nearly 400 feet. Within 100
war”—and especially on the great
lakes. Our seaboard defenses are feet of either end the raft tapers off
not the only ones that need attend­ to a girth of forty-eight feet. It is
ing to by this juncture by any built on an enormous cradle resting
on rows of pillars. The piles, which
Upon the eve of a presidential ele­ average forty feet in length, are
ction, the Republican senate has fourteen to sixteen inches thick at
tried to make Cleveland appear as the butt, and taper off to a few
a weak kneed coward, but lie has inches in thickness at the ends.
dismayed them by bravely seizing They are laid in tiers, lapping over
the other horn of the dilemma, one another, to the depth of thirty­
and publishes the fact that if war' eight feet.
A massive chain runs through
grows out of the intended retalia­
tion forced upon him through poli­ the Center of the raft for its whole
tical skullduggery, the blame lies length. This chain is made of iron
at the door of the Republican sen­ 1| inches thick. Its links are
eleven inches long and seven inches
At distances of ten feet are cross
chains of one inch iron and links
The remarks of Mr. Mills, of the four inches long and three inches
ways and means committee, are of wide. These run in all directions,
but poor comfort to the protection­ and are clamped on the outside tier
ists—tho self-styled champions of of piles by cross arms of wood.
The raft was towed by the main
the infant industries of the land.
He says: “The taxes on express chain, the cross chains being so ar­
companies, and telephone compan­ ranged that the draught on the
ies, on all the wealth of the coun­ main chain binds the whole mass
try, had been removed, but none of together in such a grip that it is
persons experience in all their action.
the taxes on labor had been remov­ next to impossible for it to go to
Thurman is gaining votes with Price. $1.50 per bottle.
• THe Democrat­ pieces. The greater the strain on every speech.
ic party sympathized with men. It the main chain, the tighter will the
wanted cheap clothing for the poor. raft be held together. But still
Where is Harrison? we have not SNELL,
Aug 24 tin»
Portlan«!, Oregon.
The Republicans wanted the duties further precautions were taken. heard of him for some time.
kept so high that neither wool nor Half way between the cross chains
were attached three strands of steel
woolens could be bought.
The Republicans have tasted the
With a product of 200.000,000 wire, each one inch in diameter.
Thus the raft was bound together watermelon of the fisheries ques-
pounds of wool, and need for 600,-
000,000 pounds, what were we go­ by iron chains and steel wire at dis­ ’ tion and it has made them sick.
ing to do.
He had in­ tances only five feet apart. There
The Pres?, n Republican news-1
quired into it, and found that a 110 were 22,(100 sticks in the raft.
suit of clothes had been protected When bound together as described, paper published in New York is in
to the amount of $4.02.” Mark it was almost as compact and solid > a terrible state of mind over the
the immunity of the telephone as though it w’as the trunk of a I Republican prospects.
The weight of the
companies and the other great cor­ gigantic tree.
There are 261 newspapers print­
porations, ami contrast the enor­ raft is estimated at 10,000 ton.—
ed Berlin. Fifty-four are official
mous impost of $4.03 on the poor Scirniific American.
papers, 70 political. 165 have to do
man's cheap suit. How it protects
Europe will need more wheat I with literature, science, and art.
the poor man to be cheatea out of
his 14.03 every time he purchases than she can raiso this year. Rus­ : 217 nre commercial anti 30 relig-
clothes, is not apparent to the poor sia is the only country having a . ions.
man But the wool “combine” can g<xsl yield. The cold wet weather
•ee where it comes. It must also has affected both the amount and , Republicans repeatedly admit
be noted that this country does not quality. The estimated deficiency that when a manufactory or indus­
produce over one-third of the wool in France is 1.5t>,400,000 bushels, in try is self sustaining it is then time
actually demanded by the necessi­ Great Britain 28,000,000 and in to reduce the tariff and put those
ties of the country, and even this Germany 10,0(X),0()0 bushels. In ■ articles manufactured on the free
supply is constantly diminishing, dia will exceed the yield of 1887 list. That is just what the IVmo-
while the population is steadily in­ by 20,00(1,000 and Russia by 15,- , crate are trying to do.
Precurlng Und,. Filing »räum'-.
creasing. Shall the people contin­ 000,000. The great demand is ex­
and Conducting Contests. on Mo'd.rtiie
Term,. Ui.U io, circular to
ue to pay tribute to the land “pi-1 pected at once, but higher prices
The fisheries question is exciting
rates.’1 who use the government must come.
much comment from the press HENRY N. COPP, TfT
land to graze their flocks on? Or
throughout the United States.
»rj Settler »ho«Id Have Copp'» Settkr’a
shall they emancipate themselves
This ouestion is a very serious one C t tS4
paft«| price oaly ¿5 cewtw ipo»ta<e bn
from the patent absurdity of pay­ thousand.
, to deal with and if the servants of
ing a tax for the benefit of a very
the people at Washington have the
Acker’s English RsMdyt' It ta tbs ta$
•mall portion of the population? preparation
welfare of the people in view when
known ---------
for ail -- Lung Troubles, .
Children Cry for
The poor man will not see the fun •old on • poailiv. > guaruatM
guárante« «t .10*.,’ .N* settling the dispute we have no
fears m to its outcome.
of iniiching a class of men already Geo. W. Bart Drnggiel
Pitcher’» Castoria.
National Ticket.
b'iDûd Poison.
do case
uiihs. X
,id used
•iveti no
io Swift
ured nw
„...prietor of
der date of
When I was
reUon, I con-
uhivh has stuck to
1Q ttvo or six year»
troubled with pains. WMW
- r me to walk. Having
S Pi mv I?:.r»T for several
>1 i v.<. tfd try it to see if
•¡,cy in the medicine. I
• at c<»’ ding to directions
i ¡u »’i les. I waa once at a
• ii,u left, I walked tha
ve never felt uny return
' it. f experiencing the
hay I am eatisfled with
eight year» of age and
yot ii»ng m.iri andean go to
sary and set up from six
ents without any Uxcon-
eûd y.’.u thh without solicitar
th Avenu Chicago,
in?, writes ”i (levili
ti for the cu ure I re-
nt medicine e. 1 con­
of bl< Gd ti poison-
>. Hearing I of yoiir
rug Store ... ' tho pro
uibri inn I t<» buy a
which ho o said was
but 11. 8 of
<>l Ids aiuif
lie. At lr.-tlg<'t
. 1 met a
diclne hai
ur nit___
e «nr'.e dri •iigglst
nediciue. 1 Hu
lotiles, and I am
riit. thi h for the
io pre'out their being
presentations« I thank
?i'«gain for thy LeiicLt derived lrom your
v ‘ jUN Chenev, a rrominent physician,
i.'mV in Ellaville. Ik liiey County. Georgia,
4 |‘ l -. ret.ovD’iiv' t'j- infallible success
li i > iu ; uiib" i i»nt«gioii8 blood poison
ch i * "l 1 h " e>t'Divo practice, writes:
hoxe'v.’ho k’>D. the Inevitable,
ruiancnt I.' <1 ing ■«'■us «'Itons ''r ¿'''¿‘“‘Fi
11 wolcoino y«>ur (liscovery of b. o- o. as a
on to huuiuulty. The w ulcul profeasion,
v-ays wary of proprietary medicine», Is
min» slowly, and in some cases secretly,
tho ut e of S. 8. 8. in eases or lnood dls-
fi<*r. Of course a medicine that cures
isoning in its worst form must purify the
>cd of every disorder.”
rt-’a’lsu on Blood aud Skin Dlseai’esmahed
e. ’
iHiibwnrr S pecific Co.,
Drawer 3, Atlants, Ga.
. ,.i. . .„o
cures Djan
w< .. a...., tea to u.
| I Castoria
. Eructation.
Pour 8tomach
Stomach, Diarrhoea,
[ recommend it us superior to any prtbcripiiva Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di­
iuiown to me.”
H. A. A rcher , ?.. D.,
Ill Bo. Oxford SU, Brooklyn, h. Y.
Without injurious medication.
T he C intavr C ompany . 77 Murray Street, N. Y
Population Nearly 2,000. Improving Rapidly.
A s plendid public school, large, new and
commodious. Also the McMinnville
Baptist College.
Having concluded to open a Kcal Estat: oflice, ice intend to do so and
l’â to push t he sale of City and Farm property with all possible energy.
We intend to create a desire in the minds of all those having land or
City property to sell to place them in our hands. You say. How? We
answer tne question by saying we will use
Ayer's Pills,
More Terrible than War I
at our own expense and if anyone looses it will be ourselves not our
patrons. Bond your property to us if you want it sold.
CviTt •; iiiiilciiiT iuirgiinl Io ihopiiicliaxeof hiiiil is soliciictl. l ily or Farm.
McMinnville Real Estate Company
18tf C. R. FENTON, H.L. HEATH Managers, McMinnville, Oregon,
. c.G-rEaissasir
of •
Navigation Ço.
Train* forth«' Uant leave Ash st. wharf
every <laj at
A. M. anil 1:15 1', M.
Attached to the 1:1.‘> p nt train are through
Pullman Sleeping
to Couiu41 I'.lutl-
anil St Paul
Attached to the 12:3o a m train is the
Walla WttllaA Dayton Sleeper, which can
be boanleil at East Portland station any­
time alter 8 p tn
Trains arrive at 2:l.i nml 7 :l."> ti in every
New Goods, Latest Styles and Lowest Prices
of Spring
in and Summer Clothing
Gents Tweed.
We also carry a full line of the
old and reliable Brownsvill Woolen
Mill’s Goods, in both Heavy and
Light weight. No goods sold in
Oregon give better satisfaction.
We have just added a Merchant
i ailoring department to our Ready
Made business. It is under the
control of Mr. J. E. Ross, who is
well known to be a fine cutter and
\\ e will be well pleased to have
our friends desiring special suits
give us a call.
A big Drive in Seersucker
! he prices for Tailor Made Goods
Coats and Vests at
$2 00 will be materially reduced and we
Alpaca C ats and Vests
Fancy Checks
4 50 think arc cheaper than any Tailor
Alpaca Coats ond Vests
2 50 shop in Oregon.
Remember our old motto,
Our lines of Neck Wear, Hosiery,
Silk Handerchiefs, Summer Under­ THE BEST GOODS FOR THE
wear, Gloves, Cuff's and Collars,
Plain and Fancy Shirts are full
and complete, and our stock of new
Style Hats eclipse any stock ever
before offered to the people of
McMinnville, Oregon.
Bishop & Kay,
The company reservo the right to
change steamers or sailing days,
10 ASTORIA,-Str. K R Thompson
leaves Ash st wharf every Monday Wed
and S.ilmdav at 11 :3i) p.’m. I' S Mail
steamer leaves Ash st. daily, except Sun­
day, at B a. m., for Astoria.
J.eave Asli st. at 6 a. in., except Sun­
TO OREGON (1TY, Dav ton and Al­
bany.—Str. leaves Portland at 7 a. in.
Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, for
Dayton and way points. Returning leave
Dayton as 6 a. in., l'tiesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays. For Albany and wav
points at (i a. in.. Mondays ami Thurs­
days. Returning, leave Albany Wednes­
days and Saturdays. TICKET OFFICE
Gen. Pass. Ticket Agent.
(’loiiiïiiice Sale!
--------- OF
Pioneer Boot and Shoe Store.
1 oi the next .>0 days the Stock rescued will
bo sold at cost Good Bargains.
I’- and Fourth Streets. Opposite McMinnville Hotel.
Jt?.6S“Of,lieCry VrRDTIMESwo are doing a good trade. In
‘ coni .’th- i„erenU?
of our competitor our bus nes«
reliable Drugs :m,*i M,Miein ‘“nnTJ micZnl1?1, "" 8611
,n at pncea as low «as good goods ca bf
fumerv Toff ,r J1,1 “ u' k’J' Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Combs, Per-
i™ .■ k„™fu” *bou‘
City Drug Store.
Summer Hosier) from
‘20 cents up.
Summer Mitts
20 cents up.
Summer Gloves from
15 cents up.
Summer Unde
from 35 cents u
These are Bargains.!
.1. B. ROHR.
Mu & Xtoul
Mrs- A- E. TUCKER.
'. Sign, and Ornamental Painter
I’Hper Hanging anil
Carriage Painting.
Props. I rompt Attention to Orders from
the Country.
CvWv o u. *(’•* are fretful, peevish,
cross, or troubled with
Windy Colic,
Teething Pains, or
Stomach Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker’s Baby Soother.
It contains no Opium or Morphine,
hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by
jOeo. \\ Burt, druggist.