The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, August 24, 1888, Image 4

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Soina Valuable Point« About the Cult*ra­
tion of the Crop.
R •
The sugar beet requires a warm loca­
tion, because it is very sensitize to
early frost, and experience show, that
tlie sugar capacity increases and di­
minishes with the amount of heat in
the locality. It needs very much wa­
ter, and therefore requires, in a dry
slimate. a fresh, deep, rich soil. The
best soils are deep, humus clay (loam)
»nd marl. The roots of the beet go
very often three and one-fourth to four
feet in the ground, and take nourish­
ment out of the deep soil, where fer­
tilizing is impossible. It is, therefore,
economical not to raise more than one
erop of beets in three or four years on
the same ground. (However, a rich
eoil will produce a good crop for sev­
eral successive years (we have exam­
ples of raising beets on the same ground
ten successive years without any fer­
tilizer, and yet a good crop), but in
the same time the vegetable and an­
imal enemies of the beet will be in­
creased enormously.
The beet follows usually wheat or
rye, and is followed by barley. A di­
rect applicatiou of manure to the beet
increases the crop, but ulso at the
same time the amount of nitrogen
and ashes.
It is best, therefore, to
raise beets tlie second year after ma­
nuring. The best fertilizers are guano,
ashes, potassic salts, superphosphates,
bone dust and compost. If beets are
raised year after year, and the leaves
are not needed to feet cattle with, it
is very good to spread the leaves all
to fifteen
if it is the
to raise beets after grain, it is good to
plow shallow as soon as possible and to
plow deep after several weeks. Care
hae to be taken that no “dead soil”
comes to the surface, as it would tend
to stop the growth of the beets, at least
for the season. During the winter time
the land remains in “rough furrow,”
and in spring tho harrow is used and
the roller for pulverizing and leveling
the land. If there are many weeds on
the land, it is necessary to cultivate or
to plow. The principal thing is to
keep the moisture in the ground, and
the beet-raiser has to pay his first at­
tention to this point
Tlie beet has to be cultivated ns soon
as possible, or otherwise it is over­
grown with weeds. The first hoeing
will lie given as soon as the rows are
visible. Where human labor is cheap
it is preferable; if not so, the cultivator
has to be used. After this work is
done comes the thinning. Tlie seed of
the beet presents a glomerate contain­
ing five or six seeds; of these two or
three are capnble of germination and
produce plants; but as a plant wants a
certain space for its development, it is
necessary to take nut so many plants
that only one remains every six to
twelve inches. By planting with the
drill a great deal of work will be saved
by cultivating across tho rows. The
distance of the shares is usually six
inches. An old rule among the farm­
ers is that beets ought to be thinned if
they have three leaves, because it does
not take so much time ns when they
are smaller.— Hural I’ress.
The Knight San« Pour et San« Raproche
Before Lord Bernardino.
Cazache, one of Sforzn’s Captains, had
three hundred horso; nnd twenty miles
from Milnn wns Bayard's place of gar­
rison. With fifty of his comrades lie
rode out one morning, bent on assault­
ing Lord Bernardino’s force. Tlie
latter, warned by a scout of their ap­
proach, nrined his party and rushed
fiercely from the fort. The strife was
fought witli fury; but tlie Lombards,
slowly driven back toward Milan, at
length wheeled round their horses and
galloped like the wind into the city.
Bayard, darting in hiB spurs, waving
his bare blade, nnd shouting out his
battle cry of "France,” win fur ahead
of his companions. Before he know
his danger he hnd dashed in with the
fugitives nt tlie city gates and reached
the middle of tho square in front of
Sforzn’s pnlace. He found himself
alone in the midst of the fierce enemy
—with the White Crosses of France
emblazoned on his shield! Sforza,
hearing a tremendous uproar in the
square, came to a window in
tlie palace.
The Bq tiare was awnniiing with
the soldiers of Bi nasco, Ravage,
hacked, and bloody; nnd in the center
of the yelling tumult Bayard, still on
horseback, was slashing nt those who
strove to pull him from his seat.
Sforza. in a voice of thunder, hade the
Knight be brought before him. Bayard,
seeing that resistance was mere mad­
ness, surrendered to Lord Bernardino,
nnd was led, disarmed, into the palace.
Sforza was a soldier more given to the
ferocities than the courtesies of war.
When tlie young Knight stood bofore
him, when lie heard his story, when he
looked upon ills bold yet modest bear­
ing, the fierce and moody Prince was
moved to admiration. "Lord Bayard,”
he snid, "I will not treat you as a
prisoner. I set you free; I will take
no ransom; and I will grant you
any favor in mv power.” "My Lord
Prince." said Biiyanl, “I thank you
for your courtesy with all my soul. I
will ask yon only for my horse and
The horso was brought;
Bayard sprang into the saddle; and an
hour latter was received l>y his com­
panions with raptures of surprise and
joy as one who had come alive out of
the lion’s den. — Temple Bar.
, —“It 1» with knowledge a* with
money—mmr do a large business on a
■mall capital.— Philade’phta Sorth
—It a young man feeia that hia life
la a blank, he should try to fill it out
•nd have it aworn to.—Azekunj«.
—Din't waste time looking back at
your own mistaken You can have a
good deal ill T.i fun looking around at
other (wople'a.— Journal of Educa­
—Secret, are but poor property; if
yon circulate them, you loose them;
and If yon keep them, you loose the
interest of your Investment. — Good
Househeei inq.
, —.---- -
ute Now Favorites aud Homo 014 Ufnee
1l>ut Hold Tleelr Own.
A Touching C bm Which Occurred in the
Buys an Amarican candy makert
"Tlie trade In tlie chocolate quality of
candy is coining to the front very fust.
A< much again of the chocolate is sold
as five years ago. Peanut and cough
candy holds its own through all the
changes other grades are undergoing.
Twice as mueh cough candy is sold in
winter as ill summer. Cough candy
sells tile best in the small country vil­
lages. The farmers and villagers think
nothing of going to the store for a
pound of the cough candy, when the
same people are seldom known to in­
dulge in tlie luxury of other grades.
"Peanut candy is all the go with the
children. It is likely 'twill be a long
time before any tiling else will be found
that will take its place. The class of
candy we call ‘penny goods’ are prob­
ably ahead of any thing else in the
market ns fast selling goods. Penny
pools are such as the retailei'B sell by
the cent's worth, generally speaking.
Of course such goods are sold by the
pound to customers, but not to such an
extent as the high priced goods. In
getting out this class of goods, the
point is to introduce something new in
style, in the make-up of the candy.
Since the 1st of January. 1888, we hafe
made a good hit in getting out broken
stick candy with letters and de­
signs impressed in the end of
each. For instance, in the two ends of
n piece of candy we make the figure of
the 'stars and stripes,’ and in another
insert the word ‘hoaa,’ and in a third
the figures which signify the present
year, -1888.’
"This style of candy sells well. I
suppose there are one or two old-
fashioned styles and makes of candy
tlmt will be seen and sold for years to
come yet. One of them is the familiar,
short four-inch stick candy, witli its
several tlavora. It hangs in the mar­
ket like the old-fashioned molasses
grade. A short time ago we thought
we’d run it out of the market by getting
up an attractive, long six-inch twisted
stick, that would leave the old-fashioned
style in the shade; but no, sir—just as
mueh call as before our efforts to ob­
literate it. Another class of goods
that’a got the hang to them is the small
lozenges put up iu rolls and flavored
with a variety of extracts. Still, the
onward march of the wafer is making
the old-fiishioned roll lozenges fall to
tho rear.
"The trade in
might say booming. Wo make n dozen
different flavored wafers, but the Win­
tergreen rather takes the lead. Of the
penny goods, the "tnolasaes puff"
holds its own remarkably well. Tills,
as you know, is a molasses candy, and
is square in form. It is good, tooth­
some eating, and children and others
who buy them look ut it in the light
that they are getting a big piece of
candy for their money.”— Lewiston
(Me.) Journal.
The other day a poor little waif of a
boy, ten or oleven years of age, greatly
emaciated and exhausted by long­
standing disease, win brought up in
the hoist to the operating theater of
the Royal Infirmary, in Glasgow, to
undergo an operation which it was
tliought might possibly have the effect
of prolonging the boy's life. His con­
dition, however, was so low aud unsat­
isfactory that there was some fear not
only that the operation might not be
successful in its results, but that dur­
ing or immediately following the O]>-
eratlon the boy's strength might give
in and his spirit puss away. After
reaching the theater, which is seated
like tlie gallery of a church, and while
the operating table was being got
ready, the little fellow whs seated on a
cushioned seat, and. looking up to­
ward some students who were there to
witness the operation, with a pitiful,
tremulous voice he said: "Will one of
you gentlemen put up just a wee
prayer for a wee boy—I am in great
trouble and distress—just a wee prayer
to Jesus for me in my sore trouble."
Tlie surgeon, patting him on the shoul­
der, spoke kindly to him, but ns he
heard no prayer and saw probably
only a pitying smile on the faces
of some of the students, he turned
bis head away and in childish
tones nnd words, which were sufficient­
ly audible to those around him, he
asked Jesus, his friend, "the friend of
wee boys who loved Him," to be with
him—to have mercy on him in his dis­
tress. And, while the young doctor
was putting the boy under chloroform
so tlmt he might feel no pain during
the operation, so long ns he was con­
scious the voice of the boy was still
heard in words of prayer. The sur­
geon. as he stood by the table on which
the boy lay. knowing that he hnd to
perform an operation requiring some
coolness and calmness and delicacy of
touch, felt just a little overcome. There
was a lump in his throat which rather
disturbed him. Soon, however, he
heard the words from the assistant who
was administering the chloroform,
"Doctor, the boy is ready;” and taking
tlie knife in his hand, lump or no lump,
hnd to begin the operation. Soon the
surgeon was conscious that the prayer
which the little boy had offered up for
himself hnd included in its answer
some one else, for the coolness of head,
steadiness of hand aud delicacy of
touch all came as they were needed and
tlie operation was completed with more
than usual ease, dexterity and success.
On the following morning, the sur­
geon going round his ward front bed
to bed, and coming to that on which
the little boy lay, saw from the placid,
comfortable look on his face that his
sufferings had been relieved, and that
all was well with him. Going up to
the head of the bed and taking the
little wasted hand, which seemed no
larger than that of a bazar doll, the
surgeon whispered into his ear: “The
good Jesus heard your prayer yester­
day." A bright, happy, contented
look lit up the boy's face, nnd with a
feeble, yet distinct pressure of the
little hand, he looked up in the doctor's
face and said: "I ken't He would."
And then lie added: "You, doctor,
were glide to me, too.” But apparently
thinking that the doctor was on a dif­
ferent platform and required something
tangible for his care and trouble. In a
plaintive voice he said. "But I hae
nothing to gie you," and then a bright
thought came into his mind, and with
a little cheer in his tone, he ndded,
"I will just pray to Jesus for you,
doctor.” The surgeon, bofore leaving
the ward, in bidding the boy good 1 y
for the day, asked where he came from
and where he had learned se much
about Jesus and to love him so dearly.
He answered: “I comefrae Barrheid."
“And you were in a Sabbath school
there?" “Oh, yea, in the Bonrock
School." Our readers will be pleased
to learn that the boy made a successful
recovery and is now at home. — Christ­
ian Leader.
How They Make Considerable Money With­
out Working Very Hard.
To help the right aide is not only commend
able In aPgener3 po ut of view, but, IsJudtolous
and prudent when that help is enlisted in txc
half of the right side of ‘be body. J uel over the
lower ribs in the region of the liver. The most
efficient help is afforded by Hoetetter1» rftomac h
Hitlers, an inti-bilious medicine of Incompar­
able efficacy. Inaction of the liver is “5™1”
panted by constipation, alck-headache. ‘“rr«1
tongue, nausea, occasional vertigo, and un
pleasant breath, yellowness of the skin and
ball of the eve. The author of ihese ayuip
toms, liver complaint, routed by the Bitters is
accompanied by them in its «Ik''1-
ague, which always involves the liter, dyepep-
sia. rheumatism, debility »nd kidney troubles
are all maladies to lhe early relief and tina» cure
Uf which this standard, medicine is
Don't use It by fita aud starts, but »y’tamati-
cally. that Its full effects may result in a per­
fect restoration of health.
Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
An original business in which two
sisters have established themselves is
that of lady's maid-at-large, to coin a
phrase for a new trade. The elder wits
for many years maid to a womnn of
fashion anil established something of a
reputation for arranging tlie hair, drnp-
ing the gown, decking it with flowers
nnd so on. She was unable. Anally, to
submit to tho exactions of her mistress,
and Instead of looking for a new place
struck out in n more independent line.
She hail something of an acquaintance
acquired during her years of service,
ami utilized this to gather a clientage
of her own. She and her sister are
settled cosily in a pretty five-room
flat, and the ladies whom they beautify
know them respectively ns, say Mlle.
Rose ami Mlle. Marie. They are Down-
Fast Yankees, but their Yankee sense
tells them that maids must, of course
be French. Is a pretty girl going to a
ball, a girl who hasn't a maid, or
whose maid is to be trusted for ordi­
nal')' toilets only, then Mlle. Rose must
be to the fore. Mlle. Rose will catch
together the masses of lace or tulle and
put on delicate telling touches, produc­
ing effects which tlie pretty girl never A Watch Trick That Didn't Work to Every
Body's Satisfaction.
th earned of before. Then she will
A drummer—“I like to see a smart
take a double handful of roses
or other natural flowers and drop Aleck who goes about trying to make
them over the gown and tack bets on a sure thing show« his place
them up just where they happen to fall, now and then. I gave one a surprise
making a very flower of the pretty girl myself the otiier day. He came up to
herself. She will do the bud up in her me on the train ami said:
•• ‘Bet you a dollar you can't name
wraps, ride to the scene of festivity
with her and pronounce her all in tile figures in the order they occur on
ortler for conquest before the belle the dial of your watch.'
•• 'Bet you a dollar I can.’
leaves the dressing room. Is a wed-
“The money was put up, and I wrote
ding on the tapis, then it is Mlle.
Marie’s turn.
Mlle. Marie’s forte down (lie Boman numbers from I. to
is dressing a bride. Her hands XII., inclusive.
"•You've lost,’ said the sure-thing
can work magic when she has
them on a bridal vail, and the young man.
•• 'Bet yon another dollar I haven't,’
wife who has the orange blossoms
pinned by her recommends her to all and two more dollars went into the
unmarried mates. Mlles. Rose and stakeholder's hands.
" ‘Show your watch,’ said the sure-
Marie attend to the toilets and dec­
orate the gowns of any number of thing man, and 1 did so.
"The sure-thing man had Indeed
dressy women or girls. Their order
Isxiks are usually full ami their charges lost. He had counted on their being
run from
and $3 well up into the no VI., since that space on most
twenties, according to the elaborate­ watches is occupied by the second hand
ness of the design, or the amount of dial. Ou my watch, howevor, there
service called for. They are very par­ happens to be a VI. 1 hail seen that
ticular alxmt the woman they work for little trick played before, and was thus
and stand upon references. They say enabled to give our friend a lesson from
they can’t afford, from a business point which 1 hope he profited."— Jewe’ers'
of view, to have any clients, whose Weekly. ■
w v ra
antecedents and present standing won't
—There is nothing so contradictory
bear looking Into. Rose and Marie as human nature. 3 tst when we are
are bright girls.— N. Y. Mail and Ex­ beginning to hate a man for his man-
n rs, we discover him to b.> posse«aod
w • ra
Nervant maid - "tinv« you nearff of some noble trait which compels ns
th»' news, ma'am? l<ast idgiit thieves to admire, if not to love, him.— Dry
broke into a hen-pen in lamg street, Goods Chronicle.
— N >twiihsianding the depravity of
aud cleared out nil tho poultry.” Mis­
tress "Series them right, the stupid human nature, there are some things
people! W hy don't they take proper that men can not lie liiresl to do. Take
precautions: but where did thia hap­ the I ramp and the wood-pile for ex­
pen?’’ Maid "At No: 12.” Mistress ample,— .IfsrcA inf Traveler.
—The soiree of vanity is from with­
—••Why. that is our house?” Maid—
"Certainly; I did not like telling you out—of pride, from within. Vanity is
at once for fear you might be startledf’ a vane that turns, a willow that bends
—"I think," said the minister, who with every breeze—pride is the oak
was visi'.ing the parishioner, "that It la that defies the storm. One Is cloud —
easier to coax children than to drive the other rock. One is weakness the
them. Gentle words are more effect­ other strength. — fapnolL
— Every indlviluil should bear in
ive thiyi hnrsh once." "I think so,
too," said the lady, tenderly. Then mind that he is sent Into the world to
she raised her window and suddenly act a part in 1», and though one m*y
shouted to her boy: "Johnnie, if you hare ■ more splendid and another ■
don't come in out of that mud-puddle more obscure part assigned to him.
I'll break your back!"— Columhue Die yet ths actor of each is equally re­
sponsible. —C%nrat Cnie*.
-There is at Lone Fine, Inyo
County. Col., aroclc that might be easi­
ly pasied off for a petrified elephant. A
photograph of the rock shows as like
Sold on Trial ! LteDr. Spinney & Co.X<
as possible to the photograph of an
elephant. The trunk, the eyes, the
dency. *c„ duo tuea.
head and body are all as well formed
in the photograph a« if the camera hat
cretion ahould avail thfaniKd?l,‘™,t0UiS.e5^ '
been turned to a living animal.
Urinary and Venereal p j
wrinkles and folds In the skin of an
Chur«.«, promptly
«.leiy "uko‘ “‘““'.¿¿„t
Investment, email, profit«
elephant and the color are all repeated
large. Send «Oc for mailing
MEN’- ‘"tfr
KHn'V" or Bla.Ide/wS
large iilu«trat«d Oaktope
In the rock. The symmetry and pro­
with full particular«. Man­
Debility, W asting of Sexn .f
ufactured by
and rvMtorrd to healthy vigor.
portions of the living animal are re­
N. B. Persons unable tn vi.i*
at tfieir home», by cwmSn.!.? 1X4 mV b.
produced in this remarkable freak of
t«T A 1.» Laske at.,
loatructloa. oint by
A roe. Bend» conta In »lonipaliiTt
5 rleud or Uuidu to V. «dlock. 1 r ibe
—Vermont man (scornfully)—“Tex­
Bl, Cl Has pres entree
as? Why, man, Texas can't hold a
■al a*;lsl»vtlon Io lbs
TO THF. LAI>1F k ,
candle to Vermont. From men down
curs of Uonorrbcea and
1 TO » DATI.
Gleet. I preaertba It and
to flapjacks »e're 'way ahead of you.
feet safe tn recommend*
Texas man—"Flapjacks? Flapjacks?
In, It to all sufferers.
I reckon you don’t know whatcher talk­
in’ about, stranger. Didjever see a
Decatur, III.
manovscti nan.,
PRICK. Si.00. .
Texas flapjack—one of those fellers that
Bold by Drugsista
weighs fifteen pounds, and is ninety­
113 KSAK»Y8TutMT,g
eight yards in ci’cumf'rence?" Ver­
Illuatratml < etah^ura wot Ire. 0Q
mont man (aghast)—“O, come, now,
AGENTS! ^.lediu,Zciy£>«h
John! You never saw a flapjack as big
two bent campaign books in the in?'I *“ 'la
an.1 èrtoti and ('leveUd'.VL11*
as that,
GAN UNDERWEAR, at il ami »1.50 per suit. man. For terms and terr itorv mid,,! J N-
on it.” Texas man.—“With a hose, of
St»N room 77. Flood Building.
course. Howjer ’Bpose?”— Harper's
Latest designa in PERCALK SHIRTS, three latest and «Market streets.
style Collars ami one pair Cuffs, $1.50 each.
—While a party of gentlemen were
standing near a livery stable at Ath­
A Life of General Sheridan":
ens the other day, talking, something
a popular book at a popular price i k
and territory address F. PEHSON R
struck the wooden awning under
Flood Building, cor. Fourth and Market’S? J
which they were standing and then
bounced off into the street. This ex­
Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
cited the curiosity of one of the par­
Manor, Burdbtt Orvau., b*Dd iiutnmSi.
«tuck of Shoot Music and Books. Banda mriiJ'F
ty, as it was too far from anyone’s
Eastern Prior« MATTHIAS GRAY
Rtrret. Ran Francine«'
• «* Pm
Send for Illustrated Cataltsfue.
house to throw anything on the awn­
ing aud there was nobody on the
street. On examination the missile f.
was found to lie a beef bone that was
somewhat decomposed. The only
theory as to where this bone cotild
have come from is that a hawk or a
buzzard had got onto a piece of board­ THE COW BRAND.
ing house boef, and finding it too
tough, had incontinently dropped it
Mra Mackay, who has been seriously 111 in
Itoudvu, has regained her health.
Each farmer in Japan has a patch devoted to
tlie growth of indigo.
White Elephant of Siam, Lion of Eng­
land. Dragon of China, Croxs of Switzer­
land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt,
Double Eagle of R ubb U, Star of Chili, lhe
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
To get these buy a box of the genuine
D k . C. M c L anes C elebrated L iver
P ills , price 25 rents, and mail us the out­
side wrapper with your address, plainly
written, and 4 cents in stamps. '' e W1U
then mail you the above list with an
gant package of oleographic and chro­
matic cards.
F lkminq B ros ., P ittsburg , P a .
A successful effort is being made to raise to­
bacco in Ventura, Cal.
At the time when Columbus start'd in search
of the New World, nearly every man. woman
and child In Europe insisted that tnere was no
New World to discover. When he came back,
crowned with success, a large proportion or
these good people adhered to their theory; and
if they were alive to-day many of them would
doubtless insist that America had never been
discovered at all. A man will give up any­
thing in the world more readily than a pet
theory. For example, look at the individuals
who still maintain that consumption is incur­
able. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
has cured thousands upon thousands of cases,
and will cure thousands more, but these people
can't give up their point.
Nevertheless the
"Discovery" will cure any case of consump­
tion, if taken in time.
Paris has adopted the American ambulance
____________ _
Debility. Wasting »»Ueasea ot < hll-
(Iren, Chronic Coughs and Bronchitis, can be
cured by the use of Mcott’R F uir I h I or of
D wights C ow -B rand S oda »»S aleratus ,
Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, promi­
nent physicians use it and testify to its grave
Please read the following: “I used
Scott s Emulsion for an obstinate tough with
Hemorrhage, Loss of Appetite. Emaciation,
Sleeplessness, etc. All of these have now left,
and I believe your Emulsion has saved a case
of well developed Consumption.”—T. J. F ind ­
ley , M. D., Lone Star, Texas.
------- TO-------
A storm did 1100,000 damage to crops in
Huron county, O.
Columbus, Ohio.
For constipation, “liver complaint,” or bil­
iousness, sick headache, and ail diseases aris­
ing from a disordered condition of the liver
and stomach, take Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pur­
gative Pellets-a gentle laxative oi active ca­
thartic, according to size of dose.
Be Bure that there is • picture of a Cow on your package und you will have
the beat Boda made.
.^ aleratus
The Northern Pacific Railroad will, on Sept.
3d, 4th and 5th. sell from all pointe In Oregon
and Washington a round trip ticket to Colutn-
bua, Ohio, for
The Pope Is suffering from liver complaint
and is losing strength.
Summer is at hand—the time of year
when old heads and young become impru­
dent, get over heated, cool off suddenly,
catch cold, headache, nervous disorders,
and a thousand and one other troubles.
Preaching prudence Is played out. The
only thing to do is -after you have con­
tracted one or more of these pains to cure
yourself as quickly as possible. Small
pains are not to be neglected except at the
risk of serious consequences. Remove
them at once. It can be done by an ap-
pl¡cation of one or more of A llcock ’ h
P orous P lasters , recognized the world
over as the best external remedy ever
made. Mind you, don’t neglect your
little ills. They outgrow everything else
and if let alone cost you more than you
can ever know. Remember A llcock ' s
P lasters .
good to return to October 31st. This is the low­
est race ever made from the Pacific coast to the
East, and the Northern Pacific is the route se­
lected by the departments oi California, Ore­
gon and Washington Territory.
A speciul train will leave Portland Sept, 4th,
carrying the Pacific coast G. A. IL through to
St. Paul, where they will escort Commander-
In-Chief John P. Rea, to Columbus. This rate
is open for everybody.
For information and
Pullman reservations, call on or address
Ass’t Gen. Passenger Ag't N. F, R. IL,
No. 2 Washington St., cor. Front, Portland, Or.
P ainf .’ s C elery C ompound is a Nerve Tonic
which uovei' fails. .X -ntaining Celery aud
Ci-ca. those wondt rtul nerve Btimulantajt
speedily cures all nervous disorder«.
P aine ’ s C elery C ompound purifie« the
blood. It drives out the luetic acid, which
causes Rheumatism, and restores tho blood,
making organs to a healthy condition. Itw
the true remedy for Rheumatism.
P aine ’ s C elery C ompound quickly restore«
the liver and kidneys to perioct health. Ihis
curative power, combined with its ntrva
tomfs, makes it the best remedy for ill
kidney complaints.
P aine ’ s C elfny C ompound strengthens ths
stomach, anti quiets the nerves i f the diges­
tive organs. This is why it cures t^en ths
worso cases of Dyspepsia.
P aine ’ s C elery C ompound I s notacathir.
tic. It is fi laxative, »riving easy and natural
action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol­
lows its use.
Recommended by professional and businea
men. Send for book.
Sold b? DniggtaU.
■ URES Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache,
' Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach
«..—„.„n..... Dys-
~ —
and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism,
’pepsia, and ------------
all affections of * tho Kidney«. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop's
Professor Herman Bonltz, the German philo­
logist, is dead.
Chronic nasal catarrh positively cured by
Dr. Sage's Remedy.
Boulanger is determined to seek are-election.
When you visit San Francisco, atop at
the famous Baldwin, the best appointed
and in every respect the most desirable
hotel in the city. Everything is first-class
and guests find every possible comfort and
convenience. The location, corner Mar­
ket, Powell and Eddy streets gives access
to a half dozen street car lines, and Is in
the center of the business portion of the
city. The honse has just been refurnished
throughout and is certainly a model of
elegance. ________ ________ ,
Two industrial schools will ba started at
Columbia, South America.
Via Northern Pacific Railroad, to Columbu9,
Ohio, and points Hast. The Northern Pacific
Railroad will, on Sept. 3d, 4th and 5th, sell from
all points in Oregon and Washington a round
trip ticket to Columbus, Ohio, fgr $80. good to
return to October 31st. This is the- lowest rate
ever made from the Pacific coast to the East,
ard the Northern Pacific is the route selected
by the departments of California, Oregon and
Washington Territory. A special train will
leave Portland Sept. 4th, carrying the Pacific
coast G. A. K. through io St, Paul, where they
will escort Commauder-in-Chief John P. Rea,
to Columbus. This rate is open for everybody.
Special train will consist of Pullman Palace
Bleeping ears. Palace Dining cars. Palace Day
Coaches, and Jree tourist sleeping cars. For
information and Pullman reservations, call on
or address
Ass’t Gen. Passenger Ag’tN. P. R. R,
No. 2 Washington St., cor. Front, Portland. Or.
Selected with great care from the choicest to
bacco regions of North Carolina.
Smokes Cool-L* st a Long-Does not
blow out the Pipe.
It is the undisputed leader of Plug Cu'
Smoking Tobacco throughout the world.
To Housekeepers and
Farmers. —Itla Impor­
tant that th. Soda or
Baierai., yon u«e abonld
be White and Pure eame
as all similar aubstancea
wed for food. Tolnaura
obtaining only the "Arm
• Hammer" brand Soda
or Haleratoa, buy It In
-pound or half pound"
cartoons, which bearour
name and trade-mark, aa
Inferior goods are aeme-
•meaaubatituted Maths
-Arm A Hammer" brand
when bought In bulk.
Partie« ualng Baking
Powder should remem­
ber that Its aole rising
property con.l.ta of bi­
carbonate of .ode. On.
teaapo on fol of the "Arm
• Hammer" brand of
■ode or Saleratus mixed
with sour milk «quais
Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft
issued March and Sept.,
each year. It is an ency.
olopedia of useful infor­
A singed cat dreads
mation for all who pur­
chase the luxuries or the
necessities of life. We
can olothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and in various sises,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all these* things
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair
estimate of the value of the BUYEB8’
GUIDE, which will be sent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
Far Liver Cam plain tn take Allen'*
Iron Tonic Bitters. All genuine bear the sig­
nature of J. P. Allen, Druggist, St, Paul, Minn.
J. H. FIMIA. Aanayer and Analytieal
Chemint. laboratory. 106 First st, Portland.
Or. Analyses made or all jubetances. Rates
for assaying gold and silver ores $1.50. Pack­
ages sent by mail or express promptly attended
to, and returns made
four teasp oon fula of tbs
best Baking Powder,rav­
ing twenty timee lie
besidra being
much healthier, beceora
it doee not con tain any
■ueb as alum, terraalbe
etc., of which many Bal­
ing Powders are made.
Dairymen and Farmers
should uae only the"Arm
A Hammer” brand for
cleaning and keeping
Milk Pans Hweel and
See the!
every pound package of
"Arm and Hammer
Brand" contains full
16 ounces net, end the
ar pound packagee/Wi
fl ounce net. Sods or
Baleratua same m ipeoi-
Aed on each package.
the fire. I plead guilty. I am selling a “new-fangled” machine
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Far Throat Trouble« and Cangha.
use “Brown’« Bronchial Trochee,** They possess
r '<1 merit.
See AntiaeM Piano advertisement.
™ have to naT'fmi
,re' You l”'<' wel1
n ln S’Perimenting with Old F okv machines.
------ AND------
Iodide of PotaM.
. 1» JWW RaacMATlSM. Nil ULOIA. Bolls, Plmplra,
Scrofula, Gout, CatarTh Tumor«, Ba’t Rheum, and
Mercurial pain a It Purifies the Blood, Roetorea the
and kidnew to healthy action, an dmU-7 the
which the C vticuua R k . mkdier are hel i by (.kimplexlon BriAt and Clear
the thousands upon thousands n hose lives have
been made happy by the cure of agoniaing, hu­ •*• «• CATK8 a CO., Proprietors.
41T Oaraaeraae
Mara rraraeleee.
miliating. itching, scaly and pimply diseases of
the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair.
CUTicvaa, the great Skin Cure, and ('uri-
CURA 8 oap an eiquisite Skin Beautifier, pre­
pared from it. externally, and C uticvra Kt-
• oi . vknt , the new Blood l*urifier. internally,
are a positive cure for every form of skin and
blood disease, from pimples to scrofula
Hold sverxwhere.
Price, (XmcVRA. flOr,:
S oap . 15c.: KK solv ^ t $1. Prepared by the
PornmDltVW AND C hkmicai . Co..Benton.Mass.
«Send for 'How to CXire Skin IHneeses.-
A4T Pimples, blackheads. » happed and oily
akin prevented by Cyrtci'RA S oap .
Rheumatism. Kidney Pains and Weak-
dily cured by Ct Tier ra A nti - V
STEB, the only pain Ullin« plarter
Ratber tha- the CMapM«
Fort laid. Ore«*«.
Fri !•*» i s qilipniviit. In« . «• i«h IllMHKtlÒl». e<tal»-
Ihh^d reputation.growing iMwularlty. fivs/n*«
wewi. f“i ?*•
be.atise it la cheap an.l Old FogJIwh. Ask die
experlnittotal machine. arnTLosTw-f“*,«,ed ma. hlne and let yon see which 1« th
help decide the t^rimnr^S -21
’ h*Te neT’r J" h»*' «•l'»» on
erenre to the Old Ffteir'm
i?**1’*’* machine. Please exau.ine the court record«in
calledla atXmenainTbuilt a wew-IUnKled macM»*
conntn . |» n job not w
“ow- stood back and said they would rJ,,B Ji.
rawcled mihiue "JUt an es Jt.'”' r«',ned
«b" "«-e w ■> I R.nwmber. the
machine. Write 'or further
ADVANCR maeklwe wVn a-
f™1"' *nrt h,Te ■ belter record than an) oid-ftg
prepared to prove all my staremento-L
I hereby “balle»«?!»»*iiT than any other.
. „ |V
A»T.W< rf maehlwe ha. iailA
ra-’ wh‘‘.i.,iiaa
’eaa^pra^^nT? miy"K th' con,rarT d°ee not make It ao.
fmd^ra m"ke\h.m“O:^'.7i
^®OrL"r"T »*’»««•
It will pay yon “
A number of »««;
dined to look out for those thtit.iiiw”” f
not knGW of *ny Imitation«, bnt am
Machinery. Farm. ChSil.
‘"utat ona. I also deil in I.sundry and
Valves, sZller P^Jw HrriJi4!.^?00.1 ****> G*"»™! Machinery, swift Oilers. Orme
Wrenches. Blacksmith^MDnllakilf,HrB,Hr"' 1^rku i. Kennedy lnje«tora. Acme and ■Ajb*^[he
priem: KyhoroToa^h^li
J”1* 'he WeaUnghouse Kmttnea-
•wot«. Students
mitt»^1 at any time. Çata-
higue and ’Derwent nf nenn sb Ip «on t free.
Í. A. WtJU'<».
A. F.
N. P N. V. Mo M« -A. r. N. U. Me
<’f ,he *i,ne.o’t2 ,4
The New »a«»,r»
be -ilkoul a
*• T. WWIQWT, fot «f Merrlwn Strwt. Portland, Oro««"'