♦ whereon it exists he shall report the THE same to tho council at its next meeting, together with a description of the nui­ the ground upon which the same LOCAL HAPPPENINGS IN AND A Crazy Correspondent to the Ill and About the Places of sance. exists, the owner or owners of such prop­ Examiner ABOUT THE CITY. erly together with bis estimate of the Prominent Citizens in the —AND— cost of fill or drain. Thereupon if the MILLS council adopt such report, they shall by City of McMinnville. TELLS A DI RNED LIE. Musical Instruments of All ordinance declare the same a nuisance, Have been remodeled and are now NOTICE. and they shall thereupon direct the street Kinds. The following was telegraphed to the ARE NUISANCES I NDER ORDINANCE commissioner to let the contract for prepared to receive grain for grind­ 1 his paper will move into new quarters NUMBER 54, San Francisco Examiner irom Salem. It The ouly bouse of its Jciml in the county unthettrst ot September. Our otMce will making such fill or drain in tho manner ing. Grist grinding a specialty. then be first door south ot the Hraly block. provided in the charter and ordinances shows how much care is taken by the The MeMinnvill? News Co. And the Owners of Froj erty " ho Maintain for letting street work, and the estimated During the last year business has Increas­ great newspapers of this country to find M„v THIRD STREET. them are Liable it» a Fine. ed so that more room Is required. Call cost thereof shall be entered in the 18:4 reliable correspondents. We give the and see us ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE Docket of City Laws as a lein against article j«st as it appeared in the Exam­ BRALY BLOCK. Tuesday afternoon while strolling i such property in like manner and with Flour, Rye flour, and Graham iner of Sunday: along south E street we noticed some- like effect as a lein for street improve­ constantly on hand. All work is Sugar is on the decline again. FLEEING FROM SMALLPOX. I ment. thing shine through ono of the cracks in warranted and I intend to gain the SECTION VIII. The mountains look hazv, the result Upon examination we — Proprietors of the Con.ternatl.n C.uird by the Develop­ the sidewalk of fire. If any person or persons shall violate patronage of the public by square ment of a Case In Oregon. found a filthier mess of dishwater, etc., , any of the provisions of this ordinance dealing and good work. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wright left Mon­ than could be found in a cess pool. The he I or they shall be deemed guilty ot a F. H. KNUPPEL. day for tho east. Salem (Or.), August 18 —There is great owners oi the properly undoubtedly do misdemeanor and upon conviction there­ i Aug 17 3tn ------ REDUCTION IN MEATS------- ( aptain Vanalstine packed up and left beiore the recorder shall be punished consternation At McMinnville, Or , over a not know that such a state of affairs exist of ' Best Beef 5 to 10 cents per pound. Call Tuesday for Seattle. by a fine of not less than five dollars nor well-defined case of smallpox discovered or they would not allow it. If they do , and be convinced that the best quality of that twenty-five dollars or be im­ People are still going to the coast. there. A young man named Tell, in com­ know it they should be promptly jerked more meats are always on hand. July 13 tf Oregon j prisoned in the city jail not less than five for an easy life. pany with a stranger, who had just arrived up before the Recorder ami fined. This i nor more than twenty da)s, and in all after recovering from an attactof smallpox, Miss Sylvia Simpson of Salem is visit­ cases of conviction the costs of the case, went on a drinking spree of several days’ cesspool begins just to the south of tho ‘ together with the costa of abating the ing Mr. and Mrs.A. L, Logan. duration. Alter Tell was taken sick he kept Cook house and extends to tho corner of , nuisance, shall be taxed against tho de­ E. Branson son of Eli Branson is suf­ going around town for two days, and a hun­ E and 4th street ami is immediately in | fendant. JSTOT-A-TiY PUBLIC. dred people were thereby exposed. There fering from a partial sunstroke is great excitement in ttie place and many front of the property owned by Mrs. D. LOAN, MORE RACERS. A case of Leprosy has been discovered people are preparing to leave town to avoid M. Hayden and occupied by A. J. Smith INSURANCE, in Chicago. It has been isolated. the infection. The patient has been place'll T. H. Tongue, of Hillsboro Intends to TRANSFER and ill an improvised pesthouse under the care and tho property owned by O. H. Adams. ■ A young child of G. E. Johnson, of Bring His Eutire Stable of Fine of the man from whom he contracted tlie This is the result of ditches under the COLLECTION AGENT, Lafayette, died Monday morning- disease Trotters to Train on thia sidew alks which cannot be cleaned out Sheridan, Oregon, Track. A larger lie was never told by a news­ Samuel Randall although still confined July 13 tf paper correspondent and it has got to be unless the planking is taken up. This to his bed, continues to improve slowly. large to say that of it. In the first place filthy mess is not of the swoet scented T. if. Tougue, of Hillsboro, who owns Mr. Parker’s family and Mr. Matthieu we will admit that there is a case of kind and is the birtli place of some of some , of the best blood in the elate will and family left Sunday morning for Nes- “Why don’t you run a paper like small pox iu town and it is the Bmall-pox OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA our worst cases of typhoid fever. be ; here the latter part of this week with tucca. that? ” a gorcervman said to a reporter to. The lie begins in the head line VIA The tenants are not aware of | his entire stable of trotters and train on the other day, throwing out a Chicago “Uncle” Jimny Green an old pioneer daily. “For the same reason that you “Fleeing from Small-pox.” No one has SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO'S and Yamhill county fair associations this or we are sure they would remedy the I the city on this account and the peo- left resident of Lafayette died Friday, don’t run a grocery store like that,” the He will train in company with iile of this city feel safe in remaining at it. They think that the water and slop track. j LINES. August 17th. the reporter replied, turning to an ad- tome because it is not thought that Chas. Wood the well known trainer. THE MT, SHASTA ROUTE. Will Easterbrook and Miss Nettie veitisement ef a Chicago house showing another case will appear. There is no runs away but it does not and stagnates Among Mr. Tongue’s horses are Fred | Henderson returned from Portland Mon­ a twelve-story building. The grocery­ consternation The man’s name is not beneath the sidewalks. This should be Hambleton. Planter, Van Tromp, Tem­ Time between day morning. man looked attentively at the picture a Tell, but Bynum. He did not go on a looked into and we advise the city pleton, McGregor, and seyeral fine year­ Will also furnish sacks on reason­ I moment and said: “I never looked at it spree of several days duration with a authorities to do it before it becomes a lings and two-year-olds. Portland and San Francisco, ' Sells brothers have advertised the in that wav before.”—Ex. able terms. 39 Hours, stranger just recoveriug from tha disease. stench in the nostrils of every passer by. county, and don't forget to come in to Buyers Dictionery. California Express trains run daily After taken sick be did not expose over the show to-day. A GOOD IDEA. BETWEEN PORTLAND ami SAN 100 people for the simple reason that the Several bad pieces of sidewalk were no­ A very beautiful tribute was paid Gen­ FRANCISCO. case wns immediately pionounced small­ ticed around the town which will cause Prizes Offered to the Finest Looking Cider Mills at Martin & Sanders. ABBIVE. eral Sheridan in the last "Puck” entitled LEAVE. pox and he was strictly quarantined with the city some expense if a person should Babies- — Two Offered to the Most Portland 4:001