The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, August 24, 1888, Image 2

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The Official Democratic Paper.
The Republicans seem to be
tariff(ic) expert in dodging the
How Foreign-Born Person« may Ac­
question now before the people.
quire Title to Public Lands.
Just as the howl is at its highest
H.L.H.EATH.......... rubitene». about Secretary of War Edicott
buying English-made blankets, out
M c M inxville , F riday , A vgust 24, 1888
jumps the information that Secre­
tary of War Lincoln bought just
the same kind of English blankets.
National Ticket.
Verily, the path of the fool in poli­
tics is beset with brambles.—Alta.
A Republican from Indiana talk­
ing to the editor of this paper said:
“I don’t want to see Indiana go
Democratic but I honestly believe
that she will go Democratic as sure
In another column our readers as h—.” His profanity under the
who are interested in the growth of circumstances can be excused. He
McMinnville will sec the local an­ also said that the nomination of
nouncing the purchase by two of our Harrison had the same effect on
capitalists ten lots in the city of Indiana enthusiasm as would a wet
Seattle. Does it not seem strange blanket on a small fire.
that inducements are not offered to
these men to keep their capital at
While Blaine was riding through
home and invest it in McMinnville England with his friend, Carnegie,
property. They would most will­ the latter was importing pauper
ingly invest it here if there was contract labor from Belgium, and
enough cooperation to make the in­ his foundry in Pennsylvania was
vestment look as if it was with being guarded by Pinkerton merce­
some foundation. Here we are in naries, at $7 per day from Ameri­
the best county that the sun shines can workingmen whom he wanted
on, excepting none, and have as yet to work 12 hours for $1.10. Wm.
not tried to improve the county by L. Scott of Pennsylvania says Car­
any great exertion on our part. negie told him that his clear profits
The natural advantages of soil, from these works yearly were $1500-
climate, etc., have pushed it ahead 000, or $5,000 a day.
without the help of a human being.
Other places have advanced and
An interesting experiment was
are now large cities and these same recently made by a Dr. Durand in
places have not the advantages of reference to the relative power of
McMinnville. Why is it? You ask. imagination in the two sexes. He
simply by the expenditure of money gave to 100 of his hospital patients
which has brought in one hundred a dose of sweetened water, and
fold in return. Now is our time to shortly afterward entered the room,
do something and let us do it. We apparently greatly agitated, saying
have around us millions of dollars he had, by mistake, administered a
in increased valuations why not in­ powerful emetic. In a few minutes
crease them and get the money? four-fifths of the subjects were af­
First of all we have got to let the fected by the supposed emetic, and
outside world know we mean busi­ were mainly men, while every one
ness and then with the influx of of those not affected were women.
people which surely flows to an en­
ergetic city the price of property
Levi P. Morton, the Republican
will advance until McMinnville will candidate for vice-president has
have her millionaires.- But without withdrawn from the board of direc­
work this will never come. Push tors of the Canadian Pacific rail­
your advantages and let the world way. As it is proposed by the Re­
know you arc alive.
publican managers to abuse Great
For Toilet Use.
Ayer’« Hair Vigor keep« the hair soft
and pliant, imparts to it the lustre and
freshness of youth, causes It to grow
luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures
all scalp diseases, and is the most clean­
ly of all hair preparations.
Persona of foreign birth and pa­
rentage who have not been natural­
ized, nor declared their intention to
become citizens of the United States
AVED’Q Hair Vigor has given me
nor received honorable discharges
Ml EH O jxrfect satisfaction. I was
bald for six years, during which
from the military or naval service
time I used many hair preparations, but
of the government, may purchase
without success. Indeed, what little
hair I had was growing thinner, until
lands at private entry within the
tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor. I used two
states and may acquire title to min­ 1 bottles
of the Vigor, and my head is now
well covered with a new growth of hair.
eral lands within the territories. It
was probably the intention of the — Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass.
LI A ID that has become weak, gray,
lawmakers, when enacting the law
IlMin and faded, may have new life
on this subject passed by the last and color restored to it by the use of
Hair Vigor. ** My hair was thin,
congress, to prevent the acquire­
faded, and <Try, and fell out in large
ment by aliens of title to agricul­ quantities. Ayer’s Hair Vigor stopped
tural lands in the several territor­ the falling, and restored my hair to its
color. As a dressing for the
ies, and, as the law has not been original
hair, this preparation has no equal. —
Hammond, StiUwater, Minn.
constructed by the courts or the In­
terior Department, it may be that WirflD youth, and beauty, in the
"lUUn, appearance of the hair, may
the object has been attained. I am be
preserved for an indefinite period by
of opinion, however, that it is very the use of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. -*A dis­
doubtful whether the right to pur­ ease of the scalp caused my hair to be­
come harsh and dry, and to fall out
chase land at private entry in the freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do
me any good until I commenced using
territories—if any can be found
’s Hair Vigor. Three bottles of
subject to such entry—has been de­ Ayer
this preparation restored my hair to a
nied to foreigners by said act.
healthy condition, and it is now soft
pliant. My scalp is cured, and it
In ordinary cases of entry under and
is also free from dandruff.— Mrs. E. R.
the pre-emption and timber-culture
Foss, Milwaukee, Wis.
laws, an alien who has declared his
Ayer’s Hair Vfgor,
or her intention to become a citizen
Bold by Druggists and Perfumers.
of the United States may acquire
title to public lands.
P ufect S at « ty , prompt action, and
An entry may be initiated under wonderful curative properties, easily
the homestead law by one who has place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list
of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv­
made the declaration of intention
respecting citizenship, but the ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail­
naturalization must be complete be­ ments originating in a disordered Liver.
I have been a great sufferer from
fore title can be perfected.
Headache, and Ayer’s Cathartic Pills
In the administration of the pub­
are the only medicine that has ever
lic land laws, an honorable dis­ given me relief. One dose of these Pills
will quickly move my bowels, and free
charge from the military or naval
my head from pain.—William L. Pago,
service of the United States is con­
Richmond, Va.
sidered as equivalent to a declara­
Ayer's Pills,
tion of intention to become a citizen
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, M mc
Sold by all Dealers in Medicine.
so far as relates to the initiation of
a claim.
A declaration of intention by an
entryman, who dies before being
fully naturalized, is deemed equiv­
alent to a declaration by his widow
Work, Ambition and Pr-ssion, cause
or minor children. An alien can
acquire no rights, as against an ad­ more Agony of Mind and Body, and
Destroy more Human Beings every year
verse claimant, by settlement upon
than All the Armies of the World.
public land. Such settler’s rights,
in the absence of adverse claim,
Britain pretty vigorously during the will relate back to date of original
STIMULATE AMERICAN SHIPPING. campaign, it was thought advisable settlement upon becoming natural­
to break Mr. Morton’s connection ized.
The New Zeland and Australian with an alien railway corporation
The alien heirs of a deceased
governments decline to pay subsi- made up chiefly of Britishers and homesteader may purchase under
dies fo the American Steainship doing business under the sanction section 2, act June 15, 1880, unless
This wonder of Modern Chemistry is
line unless America assists them. of Queen Victory. Good politics, forbiddeu by the alien act referred | pronounced
to be unequalled for its
This line runs from San Francisco Levi.—Guard.
to above.
power of replenishing the vitality of the
to Australia and as yet has not re­
The son who came to this country I body, by supplying all the essential con-
ceived a single cent from the gov­
It is estimated that the amount as a minor with his father, and stituents of the Blood, Erain and Nerve
ernment for its support. The busi­ paid by the state of Oregon annual­ whose father—still living—has only Substance, and for developing all the
ness done is not enough to keep the ly to the government and to eastern declared his intention to become a Powers and Functions of the System to
line up and in order to not have it manufacturers on account of the citizen, is not qualified to make tho highest degree. It acts as a specific,
discontinued the Australian govern­ present high tariff is about six mil­ entry without having filed his own I surpassing all those of lhe present age,
ment has paid the company a sub­ lion dollars, or five hundred thous­ declaration of intention.
| for the speedy and permanent cure of
A more generous policy and per month. This gives some
An alien who has been honorably all derangements of the Nervous and
should be adopted by our govern­ explanation why farmers with fine discharged from the military or na­ Blood Systems, Nervous Prostration,
ment toward our vessels and especi­ soil, climate and luxuriant crops val service of the United States, General Debility, mental and Phy-
ally this line. The Postmaster Gen­ that never fail, make but little from may initiate a homestead entry but
Depression, Incapacity for Study
eral has communicated with the their farms. In other words, wealth must take out citizenship papers or Bus lives, Noses in the Head and
Australian government stating that cannot be created by taxation, ex­ before he can complete his entry Ears, Less of Energy and Appetite*
the United States would give the cept for the favored few.—East Ore­ and receive patent.
Being a Natural Restorative, ¡(3 ener­
entire sea and inland postage to gonian.
The nineteen-year-old daughter gising effects are not followed by cor­
this line in order to maintain it.
of a person who had declared his responding reaction, bul are Perma­
nent, and are frequently shown, from
This will amount to about $40,(XX)
It has been estimated by Profos- intention to become a citizen, but the first day of its administration, by a
per year and seems altogether to
small in comparison with the mu­ sor CirchofT, of Halle, that the lan­ zenship papers, may in person or by ; remarkable Increase of the Nervous
nificence of tne Australian govern­ guage most spoken on the globe— guardian mako proof upon the I Power, with a feeling of Vigor, Strength
ment to an American lino. If for the last thousand years, at least homestead of her deceased father, I anti Comfori to which the patient has
—is Chinese, for it is withont doubt
i long been unaccustomed. The nervous
America cannot do as well with an
the only one which is talked by provided she shall have continued I symptoms disappear, r." well as the
American institution as a foreign
over 400,000,000 of the human race.
Functional Derangement. Sleep be­
nation does for it, it is about time
The next languago most in use— tivate ana reside on the land em­ comes calm and refreshing. At the
that we pulled out of the business
but at a very great distance behind
same time the patient gains flesh, the
altogether and let the foreign ships
she has taken the oaths required by
presenting a striking improve­
do the whole work.
They very
over 100,000,000. Then follow Eng­ naturalization laws.
ment ; the Paco becomes Puller, the
nearly do it now and the simple
reason is that the policy of tho gov­ lish (spoken by about 100,000,000,) naturalizes his wife and all minor Lips Red, tho Eyes Brighter, and tho
Sk-n Clear and Healthy. The hair
ernment toward American shipping Russian (over 70,000,000,) German children,
of the head and beard grows and ac­
has been hidebound. By all means (over 57,000,000,) and Spanish
The marriage of an alien woman quire strength, as also the nails, show­
(over 47,000,000.)
stimulate American shipping and
to an American citizen endows her ing the importance of the action of the
make it the leading carrier of the
with citizenship.
medicine on the organs of nutrition. It
After abusing tho Democrats for
The children of an alien who gives back to the human structure, in a
eight months for presuming to were minors at the date of his dec­
suitable form, the Lively. Animating,
“tinker the tariff,” and proclaim­ laration of intention to become a
Elemert of Life which has been
ing in their National convention citizen, must complete their natural­ wasted. and exerts an important influ­
Dr. Thorne Thorne has called at­ that they would favor free whiskey ization in the event that the citizen­ ence directly on tho Brain, C- nal Mar­
tention to the gradual decline of rather than “surrender
urrender any part of ship of the father was not comple­ row and Nervous System, of a Nutritive,
system,” the Repub- ted prior to the attainment by them Tonic and Invigorating character, there­
small-pox in England during the our protective i_
past fifty years. In fifty years from licans in the senate have gone into of their majorities.
by checking all wasting of the Vital Fluid
1795 to 1842 the deaths from this the businesf of tariff-tinkering
An alien who immigrates during and tho more Exhausting Processes
disease amounted to 57.2 per 100,- themselves. What the nature of his minority and remains until of Life, ma Inta-n n^ that Buoyant
000 living, while in 188O-’84 the the “dark-lantern” bill that they after his majority must become Energy of the Er a'n and Muscular
death rate had sunk to 6.5 ]>er 100- are now concocting in secret may naturalized if he desires to exercise System svh'cb renders the Mind Hap-
•trove to be no prophet
can foretell. the rights and eqjoy the privileges PI- * v ircci-ful, Brillmat. ano Energetic;
000. It is believed that vaccina­ prove
tion has not only had a direct in­ But their action in deciding to of citizenship.
entirely overcoming that dull, inactive
fluence in causing this marvelous frame a bill of general tariff revision
Alien women may be naturalized • nd sluggish disposition which many
reduction in the number of victims is a vindication of the Democratic the same as foreign born men, the persons experience in .all their action.
to small-pox, but has also had a position. It is a confession that the proceeding being precisely similar, j, 4>1.KO per bottle.
tendency to make the children of Democrats are right in holding that
The rules respecting citizenship
vaccinated parents less liable to the the surplus must be stopped, not in relation to entries of public lands SNELL, 11EITSCIIU A WOODARD,
Aug 24 6nr
Portland, Oregon.
spent, and that the war tariff must »pply to all alike without regard to
bo reformed.—New York World sex.
H enry N. Copr,
For the last year our subscrip­
With the exception of tho Chica­
tion list has increased largely go Tribunc, the Republican journals
especially in this city. The way to have very generally, if not wholly,
When Baby waa tick, *e gave her Cantoris.
khow a papers popularity in its own ignored the startling fact that our
When ahe was * Child, the cried for Castorte,
town is to note the number of pa­ diminishing
manufactured pro­ When ehe became .Vim. ahe clung to Castorla.
pers taken in the town. We are ducts because of high taxes upon When aha had Children, ahe gave them Caatorla
more than pleased to know that the raw materials hove finally closed
T elephone has the largest list, over the fiscal year with a debt to Eu­
200 papers going into McMinnville rope of $28,(MX),(XX), even under the
post office. We thank the public highest taxes known in peace; but
Guardian’s Sale
for their support and will say that the business men and the unem­
the T elephone will soon be known ployed and the over-taxed labor of Notice is hereby given that the under­
guardian of the estate of li. G
not only as a champion of Democ­ the country will note and under­ signed
Burns, an insane person, pursuant to an
racy but as the exponent of Yam­ stand it. It means that foreign order of the County Court of Yamhill Co..
Will duly sell nt public auction to
hill county and her wonderful ad­ mills and labor should supply, and Orravn
the highest bidder, on
vantages. It is our intent to do all that ve are taxing consumers ex-
SATURDAY. Aug 25th, liwt,
we can for Yamhill county and it tortionately, avowedly for the pro­ at One o'clock p in., ou the premises in the
has always been so. We are not a tection of labor, and then compell­ City of McMinnville. Yamhili County.
Oregon, the following described real estate
hypocrit for we sav what we honest­ ing our labor to wear foreign goods, of
said estate "to wit."
ly think.
Yamhill against the •free raw materials for our manu- Lots No. five(S) and six (61 in Block No,
world. Help T he T elephone to | fncturera would at once revive our nine (91 in the City of MoMiunville. Yam­
hill Conuty, Oregon.
the largest circulation in Oregon. i industries and charge the balance Terms of Sale, two thirds cash down, and
! of trade in our favor, and free raw balance on time, purchaser giving note se­
cund by mortgage on the premises
I materials will come whenever labor Dated. July 10th. 1888, I H C Burns,
Pitcher's Castorla.
W. L Bradshaw.
Guardian of said
' decides to think and vote for labor
Atty for said estate
Children Cry for —Philadelphia Times (Ind.)
July 1.4 to date
“i£ .»
would enjoy your dinner
• 1
god are prevented by Dy«-
------ ,_ —
. .— Dyxprpeia
»'yapj.paia Tablets.
u»e . Acker's
They air« a poaitiva
cure for Dyspepsia, In-
digeation, Flatulency
luleacy and Constipation.
ex Blood Elixir Is the only
V » Blood itemedy gusran’.
teed. It 1« a positive cure for Clear«, Erup-
tionaor Syphilitic Poisoning. It pnrifiaa the
whole «rstern. and banlahea all Rheumatic
Wa guárante, the«. 4 23 and W oasis. ( and Neuralgic pains, Wa flirMtTT K ]
\ oXrf
with any Throat o*
Lung Disease. Ifyouhavu
a Cough or Cold, or th. chlldiua art
threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough,
uaa Acker’« English Remedy and prevent
further trouble. .. It la a poaitiva eurw
The Only Remedy
Contagious Blood Poison.
riSXute. cured m.
»Ultor ud pr»PH.t“r oj
Castorla cure« Colic, Couth.,
"Castori« I« «o well adapted to children that
I would try It to set
111 So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Without injurious
Tux C sxtàüb Co«MNY, "Murr,,,'
of tualudy. A,,er eipertcnrlng t
good offect« I niu.t W I
the result. I Bin alxtg ciubt »ear.of age nnd
i rcni now llko a young man and can go to
the caso when necessary and set U1‘
to eight thousand ems without
▼enlonce. I sond you this without solicitn-
ü>?r* F Woehl. 211 North Avenue. Ch.cagOj
under date of June U. 1887 write.: "I <1- em
if mv riiitr to thank you for the cure 1 re­
ceived frilm tout excellent
traded a very severe case of blood
ing about two years ago. Hearing of your
medicine. I wont to a drug store, the pro­
prietor of which
preparation of his own. which be »M wm
a sure cure. I used six bottles of hla .luff
and grew worse ail the time. At
disgusted and despaired of a cure. I met¡a
friend who told me that your medicinei hal
cured him. I went to the
again and demanded your ms<liclne. H e re­
luctantly sold me twelve bottles, and I am
now perfectly cured. I wr,ta*H2tli°LJni
benoflt of sufferers, to P«*yent their
deceived by f®!«® wpmentationa. I thank
you .gain for the benefit derived from your
J. N. Cheney, a promInont physician,
residing in Ellaville. 8chley County, Georgia,
in a letter recounting the Infallible 8UC^®8^
he has in curing contagious blood poison
cases in his extensive practice, writes»
•‘Those who know the almost inevitable,
permanently dangerous effects of mercury
will welcome your discovery of 8. 8. 3. as a
boon to humanity. The medical profession,
always wary or proprietary medicines, is
coming slowly, and in some cas<*s secretly,
to the use of 8. 8. 8. in cases of blood dis­
order. Of course a medicine that cures
eoibonlng in Its worst form must puriiy the
luod of every disorder."
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
T«a S wift S pecific Co.,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa.
McMinnville-The Metropolis of y
Population Nearly 2,000. Improving Rapidly
worth of nevwbnildings^
vd I pWvduring the last year in theeil
A splendid public school, large, new i
commodious. Also the McMinnville
Baptist College.
few Grocery Store
—I have opened a full stock of—
Having concluded to open a Real Estate office, ue intend to dow ■
to push the sale of City and Farm property with all possible eneJ
We intend to create a desire in the minds of all tho6e having 1L
City property to sell to place them in our hands. You say. HowM
answer tne question by saying we will use
at our own expense and if anyone looses it will be ourselves not
patrons. Bond your property to us if you want it sold.
A fine line of —
CorrespoiKleiirc in regard to the purchase of Land is solicited. Citj ul
of all descriptions McMinnville b
DUJARDIN’S Fresh will Vegetables
be kept while in Season.
FENTON £. HEATH Managers, McMinnville. Oregon,
Will sell at bottom price for cash or ex­
change for produce
Julie 15:8tf
Keeps The
Largttt tt
Train« for the East leave Aah St. wharf
evary day at l«:3O A. M. and 1:15 p. M.
Attached to the 1:15 pm train are through
Pullman Sleeping Cars to Council Bluffs
and St Paul
,o the 12:30 “ 111 tr®in
Walla Wallait Dayton Sleeper, which can
be boarded at East Portland station any­
time after 8pm
Trains arrive at 2:45 and 7:45n m everv
New Goods, Latest Styles and Lowest Prii
of Spring- and Summer Clothing
Gents Tweed.
Light Weight Suit at
We also carry a full line of il
old and reliable Brownsvill W oom
Mill’s Goods, in both Heavy anil
Light weight. No goods sold ill
Oregon give better satisfaction. I
We have just added a MerchaJ
Tailoring department to our Ready!
Made business. It is under tM
, control of Mr. J. E. Rose, who ill
The Finest
All Wool Norfolk Jackets
well known to be a fine cutter anil
Men’s Ulsters
We will be well pleased to haul
our friends desiring special suiBl
give us a call.
A big Drive in Seersucker
The prices for Tailor Made Gooffl
Coats and Vests at
$2 00 will be materially reduced and «
Alpaca Coats and Vests
think are cheaper than any Tailor
Fancy Checks
4 50
Alpaca Coats ond Vests
2 50 shop in Oregon.
Remember our old motto,
Our lines of Neck Wear, Hosiery,
Silk Handerchiefs, Summer Under­ THE BEST GOODS FOR THE
wear, Gloves, Cuffs and Collars,
Plain and Fancy Shirts are full
and complete, and our stock of new
Style Hats eclipse any stock ever
before offered to the people of
McMinnville, Oregon.
Bishop & Kay.
Filling a Long Felt Want.
The company reserve the right to
change steamers or sailing days,
Krand Rig Opening.
TO ASTORIA,—Str. R R Thompson
leaves Ash st wharf everv Monday Wed
1 have gone into the Clothing business. Iam now ready to supply]
and Saturday at 11:30 p. m. U 8 Mail
steamer leaves Ash st. daily, except Sun­ your wants with Big Bargains in Mens’ and Boys’ suits, Pants, etc.
day, at 6 a. tn., for Astoria.
My motto will be “Small profits and Quick sales.
Leave Ash st. at 6 a. m., except Sun­
I have no Kenis nor Clerk hire to pay»
1 havo but uiv foot down on high prices to begin with. I have bought
TOOREGON CITY, Dayton and Al­
bany.—Str. leaves Portland at 7 a. tn. my stock for Cash, and that talks vou know. Good Mens’ suits fro»
Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, for 5nrai'iPWa4I’«-LnBoys SUltB froin $4' upwards Mens’ pants, good
Dayton and wav points. Returning leave
I can please you. 1«
Dayton as fi a. m., Tuesdavs, Thursdays Meni V /3 ’°° Prrr.?“|r,- Come and see
and Saturdays. For Albany and »-¿y th!
8hoes ,nT 8t0ck 18 larger tban ever t0
P pBRmvXE' ? an<’ SH°E ST0RE' Opposite the Gran?
points at ti a. m., Mondays and Thurs­ Store
days. Returning, leave Albany Wednes­
days and Saturdays. TICKET OFFICE
Gen. Pass. A Ticket Agent.
sniteof th. » h<3Cry 5zRDTIMESwe are
a g°od ,rade'
ff con^
of oar competitors our
reliable Dni<r
CiaMn<'- • Fhe peoPle know that
8el1 onlX
D g anf Medlc,nes and «t prices as low as good goods csp
Clearance Sale!
fumervStTonetfiIairandC10,t11 Rrushe8- Tooth Brushes,
bm we'kno wn°aP?’ C-f” a int bigonough to make much fuss abort
i < an suit you when you come to see us.
City DrugStoff-
For 10 Days
Frwurlng Und Patent!. Filina Argument!,
and Cnndueting ContMts, oa Nedaeate
Send tor eireular ta
tvvrj Äettkr «baald bav«
VCfpsycv. prta»
■»*«!*•* v
Children Cry for
Pitcher’s Castorla.
Summer Hosiery from
20 cents up.
Summer Mitts from
20 cents up.
Summer Gloves from
15 cents up.
Summer Underwear
from 35 cents up.
1 hese are Bargains,
fhe Old Reliable—
Martin & Stout
llonxf. Sign, and Oriaiental
M c M innville , oreoon .
Paper Hanging and
Carriage Paintn*
GALLOWAY & GOUCHER, Prop’s Prompt Attention to Orders from
the Country.
Stomach Disorders, can be
te to 8an Franeisro and tlle at once by using Acker's
"n<! fair«i»aliiiR," It contains no Opium or
hence is safe. Price 25 cents.
Geo. W. Burt, druggist.
MRS- A. E. TUCmiS“-
• se» ns