WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. The Official Democratic Paper. COPP’S LAND REVIEW. The Republicans seem to be tariff(ic) expert in dodging the How Foreign-Born Person« may Ac­ question now before the people. quire Title to Public Lands. Just as the howl is at its highest H.L.H.EATH.......... rubitene». about Secretary of War Edicott buying English-made blankets, out M c M inxville , F riday , A vgust 24, 1888 jumps the information that Secre­ tary of War Lincoln bought just the same kind of English blankets. National Ticket. Verily, the path of the fool in poli­ tics is beset with brambles.—Alta. CLEVELAND and THURMAN. A Republican from Indiana talk­ ing to the editor of this paper said: “I don’t want to see Indiana go PUSH YOUR ADVANTAGES. Democratic but I honestly believe that she will go Democratic as sure In another column our readers as h—.” His profanity under the who are interested in the growth of circumstances can be excused. He McMinnville will sec the local an­ also said that the nomination of nouncing the purchase by two of our Harrison had the same effect on capitalists ten lots in the city of Indiana enthusiasm as would a wet Seattle. Does it not seem strange blanket on a small fire. that inducements are not offered to these men to keep their capital at While Blaine was riding through home and invest it in McMinnville England with his friend, Carnegie, property. They would most will­ the latter was importing pauper ingly invest it here if there was contract labor from Belgium, and enough cooperation to make the in­ his foundry in Pennsylvania was vestment look as if it was with being guarded by Pinkerton merce­ some foundation. Here we are in naries, at $7 per day from Ameri­ the best county that the sun shines can workingmen whom he wanted on, excepting none, and have as yet to work 12 hours for $1.10. Wm. not tried to improve the county by L. Scott of Pennsylvania says Car­ any great exertion on our part. negie told him that his clear profits The natural advantages of soil, from these works yearly were $1500- climate, etc., have pushed it ahead 000, or $5,000 a day. without the help of a human being. Other places have advanced and An interesting experiment was are now large cities and these same recently made by a Dr. Durand in places have not the advantages of reference to the relative power of McMinnville. Why is it? You ask. imagination in the two sexes. He simply by the expenditure of money gave to 100 of his hospital patients which has brought in one hundred a dose of sweetened water, and fold in return. Now is our time to shortly afterward entered the room, do something and let us do it. We apparently greatly agitated, saying have around us millions of dollars he had, by mistake, administered a in increased valuations why not in­ powerful emetic. In a few minutes crease them and get the money? four-fifths of the subjects were af­ First of all we have got to let the fected by the supposed emetic, and outside world know we mean busi­ were mainly men, while every one ness and then with the influx of of those not affected were women. people which surely flows to an en­ ergetic city the price of property Levi P. Morton, the Republican will advance until McMinnville will candidate for vice-president has have her millionaires.- But without withdrawn from the board of direc­ work this will never come. Push tors of the Canadian Pacific rail­ your advantages and let the world way. As it is proposed by the Re­ know you arc alive. publican managers to abuse Great For Toilet Use. Ayer’« Hair Vigor keep« the hair soft and pliant, imparts to it the lustre and freshness of youth, causes It to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, and is the most clean­ ly of all hair preparations. Persona of foreign birth and pa­ rentage who have not been natural­ ized, nor declared their intention to become citizens of the United States AVED’Q Hair Vigor has given me nor received honorable discharges Ml EH O jxrfect satisfaction. I was nearly bald for six years, during which from the military or naval service time I used many hair preparations, but of the government, may purchase without success. Indeed, what little hair I had was growing thinner, until lands at private entry within the tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor. I used two states and may acquire title to min­ 1 bottles of the Vigor, and my head is now well covered with a new growth of hair. eral lands within the territories. It was probably the intention of the — Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass. LI A ID that has become weak, gray, lawmakers, when enacting the law IlMin and faded, may have new life on this subject passed by the last and color restored to it by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. ** My hair was thin, congress, to prevent the acquire­ faded, and er 100- are now concocting in secret may naturalized if he desires to exercise System svh'cb renders the Mind Hap- •trove to be no prophet propl can foretell. the rights and eqjoy the privileges PI- * v ircci-ful, Brillmat. ano Energetic; 000. It is believed that vaccina­ prove tion has not only had a direct in­ But their action in deciding to of citizenship. entirely overcoming that dull, inactive fluence in causing this marvelous frame a bill of general tariff revision Alien women may be naturalized • nd sluggish disposition which many reduction in the number of victims is a vindication of the Democratic the same as foreign born men, the persons experience in .all their action. to small-pox, but has also had a position. It is a confession that the proceeding being precisely similar, j Pr.ee, 4>1.KO per bottle. tendency to make the children of Democrats are right in holding that FCS SALE 8r ALL DRUCGISTS. The rules respecting citizenship vaccinated parents less liable to the the surplus must be stopped, not in relation to entries of public lands SNELL, 11EITSCIIU A WOODARD, Aug 24 6nr Portland, Oregon. disease. spent, and that the war tariff must »pply to all alike without regard to bo reformed.—New York World sex. MORE THAN PLEASED. (Dem.) H enry N. Copr, For the last year our subscrip­ With the exception of tho Chica­ tion list has increased largely go Tribunc, the Republican journals especially in this city. The way to have very generally, if not wholly, When Baby waa tick, *e gave her Cantoris. khow a papers popularity in its own ignored the startling fact that our When ahe was * Child, the cried for Castorte, town is to note the number of pa­ diminishing manufactured pro­ When ehe became .Vim. ahe clung to Castorla. pers taken in the town. We are ducts because of high taxes upon When aha had Children, ahe gave them Caatorla more than pleased to know that the raw materials hove finally closed T elephone has the largest list, over the fiscal year with a debt to Eu­ 200 papers going into McMinnville rope of $28,(MX),(XX), even under the post office. We thank the public highest taxes known in peace; but Guardian’s Sale for their support and will say that the business men and the unem­ the T elephone will soon be known ployed and the over-taxed labor of Notice is hereby given that the under­ guardian of the estate of li. G not only as a champion of Democ­ the country will note and under­ signed Burns, an insane person, pursuant to an racy but as the exponent of Yam­ stand it. It means that foreign order of the County Court of Yamhill Co.. Will duly sell nt public auction to hill county and her wonderful ad­ mills and labor should supply, and Orravn the highest bidder, on vantages. It is our intent to do all that ve are taxing consumers ex- SATURDAY. Aug 25th, liwt, we can for Yamhill county and it tortionately, avowedly for the pro­ at One o'clock p in., ou the premises in the has always been so. We are not a tection of labor, and then compell­ City of McMinnville. Yamhili County. Oregon, the following described real estate hypocrit for we sav what we honest­ ing our labor to wear foreign goods, of said estate "to wit." ly think. Yamhill against the •free raw materials for our manu- Lots No. five(S) and six (61 in Block No, world. Help T he T elephone to | fncturera would at once revive our nine (91 in the City of MoMiunville. Yam­ hill Conuty, Oregon. the largest circulation in Oregon. i industries and charge the balance Terms of Sale, two thirds cash down, and ! of trade in our favor, and free raw balance on time, purchaser giving note se­ cund by mortgage on the premises I materials will come whenever labor Dated. July 10th. 1888, I H C Burns, Pitcher's Castorla. W. L Bradshaw. Guardian of said ' decides to think and vote for labor Atty for said estate I estate Children Cry for —Philadelphia Times (Ind.) July 1.4 to date “i£ .» would enjoy your dinner • 1 god are prevented by Dy«- ------ ,_ — . .— Dyxprpeia »'yapj.paia Tablets. Tablets. pepala, u»e . Acker's ________ They air« a poaitiva cure for Dyspepsia, In- digeation, Flatulency luleacy and Constipation. ex Blood Elixir Is the only V » Blood itemedy gusran’. teed. It 1« a positive cure for Clear«, Erup- tionaor Syphilitic Poisoning. It pnrifiaa the whole «rstern. and banlahea all Rheumatic Wa guárante, the«. 4 23 and W oasis. ( and Neuralgic pains, Wa flirMtTT K ] \ oXrf *V\rvv\.'k with any Throat o* Lung Disease. Ifyouhavu a Cough or Cold, or th. chlldiua art threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, uaa Acker’« English Remedy and prevent further trouble. .. It la a poaitiva eurw aadw» Wu The Only Remedy BOB Contagious Blood Poison. riSXute. cured m. »Ultor ud pr»PH.t“r oj Castorla cure« Colic, Couth., "Castori« I« «o well adapted to children that i him I I would try It to set 111 So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. I Without injurious Tux C sxtàüb Co«MNY, "Murr,,,' a of the.ltd tualudy. A,,er eipertcnrlng t good offect« I niu.t W I ’2’5 the result. I Bin alxtg ciubt »ear.of age nnd i rcni now llko a young man and can go to the caso when necessary and set U1‘ * to eight thousand ems without VjJgJ’ ▼enlonce. I sond you this without solicitn- ü>?r* F Woehl. 211 North Avenue. Ch.cagOj under date of June U. 1887 write.: "I <1- em if mv riiitr to thank you for the cure 1 re­ ceived frilm tout excellent traded a very severe case of blood ing about two years ago. Hearing of your medicine. I wont to a drug store, the pro­ prietor of which preparation of his own. which be »M wm a sure cure. I used six bottles of hla .luff and grew worse ail the time. At disgusted and despaired of a cure. I met¡a friend who told me that your medicinei hal cured him. I went to the again and demanded your ms