The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, August 17, 1888, Image 1

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One Dc»r Nerth of oor er Third «ad E Eu,
M c M innville , or .
' —-------------------------------------------------------
One W
Six niuntiis ..
Three months
VOL. Ill
The Great
Transcontinental Route.
s, A. YOUNG, M. D.
Physician & Surgeon,
mcmixxv . llx ,
O moon
Office and residence on D street. All
calls promptly answered day or night.
------- VIA TUE-------
Cascade Division’ now completed,
making it the Shortest, Best’
and Quickest.
Ip Slain in Adams' Building,
The Dining Car line. Tlio Direct Route.
No Delays. Fastest Tiains. Low­
est Rates to Chicago and all
points East. Tickets sold
to all Prominent 1'oiiits
throughout tiie East and Southeast.
Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­
ing Cars
Reservationscan be secured in advance.
To East Bound Passengers.
Be caeful and do not make a mistake
but be sure to take the
Northern Pacific Railroad.
An<i see that your tickets read via
THIS LINE, St l’aul or Minneapolis, to
avoid changes and serious delays occa­
sioned by other routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular express trains full length of
the line. Berthe free. Lowest rates.
Quickest time.
General Office Of the Company, No, 8
Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
McMinnville, Oregon
If so be sure and call for your tickets
via the
tap I fctatni Mmy,
W BOTH Boon,”
It is positively the shortest and fin sit
line to Chicago and die east end south and
the only sleeping and dining car through
line to
Omaha, Kama«; City, and all Mlaaourl
River Points.
Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed
train service and elegant dining and
sleeping cars lias honestly earned for it th«
title of
The Ttoyal Route
Others may imitate,but none can surpass it
Asst General Passenger Agent.
Our motto ia “always on time ”
Be sure and ask ticket agents for ticket«
via this celebrated route and take none
T1 ie only
No. 4 Washington street. Portland. Or.
McMinnville, is opened
---- THE LEADER IN-----
weaving and Stamping.
Where you will find the best of
Wines and Liquors, also
Imported and Doinestsc
Cigars. Everything neat and Clean.
T. M. F ields , Propr.
Opposite Grange Store McMinnville. Or
The St. Charles Hotel. Shaving, Hair Cutting and- - - -
- - - - Shampoing Parlors.
Sample rooms in connection.
o— —o
Is now fitted up in first class order.
All kinds of fancy hair cutting done in
Accommodations as good as can be the latest and neatest style
foundin the city.
All kinds of fancy hair dressing and hair
dying, a specialty Special attention given
8. E. MESSINGER, Manager.
Ladies’ and Children«’ Work
I also have for sale a very fine assort­
ment of hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc
I have in connection with my parlor,
• the largest and finest stock of
Third Street, between E and F
McMinnville, Oregon.
Ever in the city.
Henderson Bros. Props
JC^TT hird S treet M c M innville . O regon .
First-class accommodations for Ccmmer
cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
Everything new and in First-Class Order
Patronage respectfully solicited
It f
Great English Remedy.
Murray's Specfic.
Trad» Mark. A guaranteed cure for a«l
nervous diseases, such as weac
'AjAniemory, loss of brain power,
^hysteria, headache, pain in th«
back, nervous prostration,
wakefulness, leucorrhoea, uni­
versal lassitude, seminal weak­
ness, impotency, and general
loss of power of*the generative
Before Iakingg()rganSj jn either sex, caused
bv indiscretion or over exertion, and which
ultimately lead to premature Trade Mark,
old age,insanity and consump­
$1.00 per box or six
boxes for $5.00.sent bv mail on
receipt of price. Full particu­
lar« in pamphlet, sent free to
everv applicant.
BOXES to cure any case. For
every $5 00 order received, weAfter Tiking»
*end six boxes with written guarantee to re­
fund the money if our Specific does not ef­
fect a cure
Address all communications to the Sole
Kansas City, Mo.
Sold by Rogers A Todd, sole axents
AVris^ht Bro's.
Dealers in
Harness. Saddles, Etc, Etc,
Repairing neatly done at reasonable
Wright's new’ building. Corner Third
and Fstreets. McMinnville. Or.
Favtats, and Trade Marks obtained, and
*11 Patent business conducted for MODER­
I 8 PATENT OFFICE. We have no »ub
•gencies, all business direct, hence can
tran«act patent business in less time and
*l leas cost than those remote from Wash-
^Kton. *end model, drawing, or photo,
*ith description, We advise if patentable
Or n°t free of charge, Our fee not due till
patent is secured
A book, “Howto Obtain Patents,” with
references to actual clients in vour State,
county, or town scut free, Address
C. A. SNOW & CO.
yVPorit. Patent Office. Wellington. D C
Proprietor of the
MMi Wbj fa,
The leading
Tranaacta * General Banking Buelne««.
President,............... J. W. COWLS,
Vice-president, LEE LOUGHLIN.
Cashier............... CLARK BRALY.
Sells exchange on Portland, San
Francisco, and New York.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m
Apr. 13 tf
New York Detective« Nay There 1« No Such
Thing: as Kleptomania«
Proper Way for Women to Walk—Care
of a Pug Dog — Economical Hints.
_ Onion*—Children with Cold Feet—In­
Several years ago I found myself—a
stranger in a strange place—obliged to
change help («cause of the poor health of
my valued, valuable and well proven Esthor
Many candidates for the place appeared, but
it seemed that my choice lay, if not between
evils, at least tietween undesirables. There
seemed to be the fewest outs ui a short state
ured, soft voiced colored girL She proved a
fairly good cook and laundress, of docile
temper, willing to labor and to learn, but
almost wholly untraiued. l^eft motherless at
an early age, like Topsy she had “growed,"
picking up bits of household skill as she
drifted from one home to another. In this
way she had gathered enough wisdom to se­
cure food, shelter and clothing, but remained
a very child in the management of her own
affairs Her wardrot»e was of the scantiest.
One or two little bundles comprised the whole
of it. U hile there was a dearth of underwear,
print dresses and good, warm wraps, a poor,
old silk skirt, bought of some former mis­
tress, made an important item of her outfit
As the days passed, revealing more fully
her utter destitution, my heart sank within
me, for 1 read in it uot poverty so much as
shiftlessuess. Then came the reflection:
“Bessie is not responsible for all of thisl
How could she kuow what to do if uo oue
ever taught her<" Swiftly followed the
query “What are you going to do about
it< If you turn her away from her sit­
uation because she is poorly equipped for
the battle of life, where will she g©( Who
will teach her What will the end bef* For
answer 1 saw this waif a trial to one mistress
after another ; brief seasons of wage earning
alternating with dependence on friends as
poor as herself, the thin, blasted ears of idle­
ness ever devouring the full ears of her
plenty I saw tier the mistress of some poor
but, and surrounded by a rapidly multiplying
group of little Bessies, who would be sent
forth later, unkempt and untutored, to be
the disgust and despair of another generation
of housekeepers. And then/ Well, the pic­
ture was without an end unless somebody
laid bold of the machinery and changed its
working. Why should that somebody not
tie D flow should I know 1 was not being
priest or Levite if 1 passed this neglected
siSter by» It seme j a little bit of missionary
work that the Lord bad set down within my
doors, and I believe be meant me to do it»
bo, doing as to the Lord and for one of
his little ones, and remembering that my
daughter might have been homeless and in
need of mothering, 1 began my work. There
was little difficulty in winning Bessie’s con
tidence sufficiently to make counsel as to her
wardrobe kindly received It was easy to
sug.Wst the need of new working gowns and
aprons when the suggestion took the form of
an offer of help as: “Bessie, if you like to
get you a new print dress, 1 will stitch the
seams for you." Moreover, she soon found
that that was not all, there sure to be help
ful hints as to cutting and planning. Then,
when she came to that bete noir, the button
holes, patient, repeated lessons helped her tc
fashion tidy slits, as unlike as possible the
ugly ellipses that had done duty in the past.
Sometimes, returning from “down town,"
1 would say: “Bessie, 1 saw such and such
goods of very, very pretty pattern, at low
prices, you would find this a good time to
buy." Often the res(>onse would be: “1
guess 1 will have some. Would you please
get it for me. you gee such pretty things."
And so the wardrobe grew, until, in addi­
tion to the working gear and underwear,
there was a pretty jersey jacket, a heavy
cloak, a woolen shawl, and a well made black
cashmere dress. This latter was a source of
special pride as being “my Boston dress,” so
called it was purchased at the Hub
by special commission. As possessions in­
creased, so did her self respect. The poor
girl had evidently fancied that good and
abundant clothes were set ajiart tor an order
of beings quite remote from her, and with
whom she could not expect to have anything
m common.
Of course there were some drawbacks and
discouragements. Sometimes a lew dollars
would be expended foolishly for article« more
showy than pretty, durable or suitable, or
some uice. pretty garment would be worn
when about rough and dirty work, to the
great detriment of the garment and the dis­
heartening of the mistress. Sometimes good
materials would be “witched" distressingly
Again, the seams would be long and numer­
ous. and the button boles would need atten­
tion when more pleasant occupations were
inviting pursuit. But there was a reward
and good cheer in seeing a tidy handmaiden
and in listening to the delighted exclamation:
“I didn’t think I could ever have anything
tike thisl”
By and by. another way to partial release
for me, and self help for her, suggested itself.
This was neither more nor less than the pur­
chase of a sewing machine. If you have
never dealt in second hand machines, you
would uever dream what a good one can bo
bought for ten dollars. Having occasion to
exchange my old machine for one of modefn
make. 1 asked the agent if it would be worth
Bessie's while to buy mine at the price be
offered for it. or could she do better! Hav­
ing heard the story briefly, he said that he
could find among hi« exchanges something
newer for the same sum, giving many attach
ments and instruction in the use of alt
The new pjsseuaon was soon installed In a
light corner of tiie kitchen, and ita merry
hum on quiet afternoon« wai not more pleas­
ant to its owner’s ears than to my own.
it was nearly a year after Bessie • advent
among us when the nvceasitiea of the family
required a stronger and more capable girl in
the kitchen and so it came to pass that Be»
me left us Instead of the two little bundles
of scarcely more value than rags, she carried
with her the preciou» »ewing machine and a
trunk full of garments such as many a house­
wife might be proud to own. What her con­
dition is today I cannot say. but 1 am very
sure that it w both brighter and better be­
cause of my efforts in her behalf. - Emma
Martin Hills in Good Housekeeping.
••Two skilled detectives agree in the
theory that the disease known as klep­
tomania does not exist. ‘When a rich
woman steals fifty dollars worth of
goods she has kleptomania,’ said one
of them, ‘and when a poor woman
steals fifty cents’ worth of bread to
feed her starving children she is a
thief. Show me a pauper with a real
bad attack of kleptomania,’ and I will
believe that there is such a disease, for,
if there is. why should not the poor be
as susceptible to it as the rich? My
impression at present is that people
are born thieves, as they are born
musicians or singers—it is a gift,
though a deplorable one, and is ac­
companied by great cunning and «agac-
ity. Another fact which disproves
tiie kleptomania theory is that never
in my experience of many years have
any goods been returned or paid for by
the friends of people afflicted with this
imaginary malady; it is only when dis­
covered stealing that they and all their
friends call them kleptomaniacs. When
a woman comes in here and buys a
new bonnet and walks off bold with it
on her head without paying for it, or
takes a waterproof off a figure and puts
it on herself before us all. I know she
is a victim of mental aberration and
treat her accordingly. If, however,
there are kleptomaniacs, one of the
Care of a Png Dog.
best known remedies for them is found
A girl who ue»er owned any pugs but who
in a police court—it is almost a sure bail a great liking tor tbem offered to take
cure. Many rich women who have ebarge <>t one belonging to a friend who wax
to go on a journey where «he could not
large accounts at stores, and are ap­ »bout
take ber pet. The offer wsx gladly accepted,
parently unlimited as to money, will and the next day an expres» wagon came
lake twenty-five cent articles surrep­ with a big par king box containing theefferte
titiously if they can. and the clerks of dear puggia Tlrer. wax a rattan baxket
make up the deficit in their bills or ac­ for him to sleep In. a bath tnb, «;x>nge and
counts, A wagon load of goods was towels with his name embroidered on them,
a cwke of pure caxtil. »oap oo a «ilrer
recovered in the house of a rich woman and
di«b an irory comb and bruxb. beautifully
bv one firm, the goods being »towed hand jminted. a decorated plate for bN food,
a wav under the servant girl s bed. and and a bow I for milk or water, wreral pound«
never having been used or cut into. 0, .; « bi-ruil in a beautiful fancy box and
But the peculiarity among neb »hop- txer I.rir baeket flllai with confection» to ba
lifters lies in the cfieapne-s of the arti­ given one after each meal for de~-rt. a cate
cles thev pilfer, which would sigm^ » of boniaopalblc medicine» for u«e tbould be
rather diseased mental condition and a be taken ill. a blanket for bu baaketanri
desire simply to steak —
*• 3un- j XMXbcr finely ««ubroidered <ma to «'* Ku"
with, aud then were two seta of th«», that
they might tie washed and renewed each
week, then there was a blanket coat for him
to run out of doors with, and a thinner one
tor the mildest days, a blanket to wrap bim
in after his bath, and one as an extra cover
on cold nights, a little harness to put on
when he should go out to walk, and chains of
gold and silver, three or four collars and a
dozen or so of different colored bows for his
neck, a silver whistle tocall him if he should
stray; a ball for him tc play with, and an
embroidered hair pillow for him to curl up
on in the daytime.
“1 have not sent his exercise box or bit*
tooth brush,” the friend wrote at the end of
a long letter of instructions; “please buy him
a soft one and use it every morning. The
exercise box 1 was afraid would be in the
way, and as you are always well, 1 know you
will take him out to walk every day.”—Clara
Belle in Chicago Tribune.
How Woman Should Walk.
The best walker 1 ever saw was hopelessly
plain of feature—by inheritance—yet the
fioujourners in the mountain hotel where she
was passing the summer crowded to the win
dows to see her cross the lawn or go down
the road. Her skirts were of a modest length,
just clearing the instep. she wore stout boots
that were well fitted and trim; as Rhe trod,
she cast the whole weight of her body on the
ball of the foot, rising very slightly on the
toe. She held herself perfectly erect, yet not
stiffly, chest expanded, shoulders down and
back; her motion reminded one of the straight
flight of a bird, the right onward sweep of a
canoe—of all swift and graceful things—never
recalling the lounge, or slide, or hitching
bounce, or pigeon like perk, that go for walk­
ing with the bevies of well dressed women
one meets every hour on street and road.
Watch the tide tumbling and bubbling
along the great thoroughfares of our cities
on a fine afternoon, if you would falsify and
confirm the assertion that not one woman in
a thousand uses her lower limbs well, or
cares to learn how to e.oploy them in any
exercise except dancing. Where one “strikes
out" freely and fearlessly, toe nine hundred
and ninety-and-nine shuffle, lunge, bob and
waddla Men know it, if women do not.
Ask your grown brother with how many
girls he can keep step on a smooth pave
ment without feeling as if he were hoppled,
bow often he has to execute the half step
that recovers the rhythmic pace, royally dis
regarded by his fair companion.—Marion
A Few Economical Hint«.
As so many wives hove to economize in
every department of their domain, perhaps
it may benefit some to know one of their
number has learned by actual experience
that dumplings, for chickens or other stewed
meats, ^re better when made of flour, a little
«alt and enough water to make a smooth
dough, which should be rolled thin, cut in
long strips, aud broken (not cut), in pieces
when put in the kettle, than the so called
raised dumplings, iu which egg and soda are
.sed. Rivels for soup are just as good where
made of only flour and water, as when made
of Hour and eggs. Enough flour should be
used so the rivels will not stick together in
sodden lumps, but in fine dry flakes or
A nice, healthful pudding for dessert may
be made by putting a layer of stale bread
into a saucepan, then n layer of fruit, sugar,
more bread, fruit, etc., until the pan is full
Then add enough water to moisten all well,
sprinkle sugar over top, which should be
bread, and t>ake until done. The bread
should be browned nicely Serve with cream
or rich milk.
Sweet corn (dried) is improved by adding
twice as much sugar as salt used in cooking
it. Turnl)« cooked In the name way are bet­
ter than when boiled with meat. Parsnips
boiled in water «lightly salted, which is
thickened with a gravy made of rich milk,
with a little flour stirred in, when parsnips
are tender, are excellent. 1 have had better
success with pancakes made without eggs,
using buttermilk and soda —Farm and Fir»
Where Caution la Needed.
“There is a great deal of carelessness now­
adays in giving introductions,” said a society
leader to a reporter. “Formerly an intro­
duction meant considerably more than it
now does. It was not given lightly and al
most as a matter of course to any applicant.
Of late the formality of introduction has
been much abused. There is no longer the
same caution and discrimination in the tnaL
“People will often unthinkingly Introduce
to their friends the merest casual acquaint­
ances, of whose moral and social standing
they know absolutely nothing, forgetting that
by so doing they are pledging their own
honor for their conduct. It is of course prin­
cipally owing to the easy and matter of
course fashion in which introductions aro
asked and obtained that adventurers and for­
tune hunters are able to secure a footing in
good society so easily. If proper care were
taken to see that those seeking introductions
were what they professed to be, the opera­
tions of these gentry would 1« rendered much
more difficult."—New York Mail and Express.
Onions for the Complexion.
I wish to whisper a little secret, especially
to the girls who read The Household col
unins. ft is this, girls: If you wish a clear,
smooth skin, just eat onions.
My sister and I have as fine, fair skins as
you often see. We are never troubled by
pimples, boils or eruptions of any kind, and
this is largely due, our family physician says,
to the fact that from infancy we have bad
onions once a week and usually oftener
When my sister came home from a prim
boarding school a few years ago, she declared
that onions were a “vulgar food" and she
“shouldn't eat any ” But when her faco
would shine, and even a liberal supply of
powder would not cover up the eruptions
then she deci<led they (the onions» were not
so very bad after all.
Now. girls, do not be afraid of having an
offensive breath, but just drink a cup of
coffee or chew a few coffee kernels, and. my
word for it, your company will not shorten
their call at all, at least, on that account.—
Detroit Free Press,
rbo would willingly taxe her place, but sh«
vill not resign the privilege If the little
‘eet are cold, which is frequently the coso,
die mother bolds them clone to the fire and
rut is them briskly with ber bund until circula
cion is starteck
"My arms often acht after 1 have given the
‘hildrep their good night kiss." she once stud,
with a smile, “but then," she added. “1 have
my reward in knowing that the darlings are
warm, comfortable and happy.”
Dangerous attacks of croup, diphtheria or
fatal sore throat can often be traced to
neglect of the children’s feet.—M. A- Thur
stun iu Good Housekeeping.
Fa'leu Into Selftahirtwb
Abby Morton Diaz in her remarks con
tended that the most effective work for hu­
manity is not always among the working
women, or the repulsively bad or miserably
poor; that there are found among the well to
io women and the rich mnny whose standard«
>re untrue, ambitious low. aims unworthy,
their occupations frivolous, and their desires
centered upon self, that this class of persons
ire often more truly fullen than those we
have so often branded as such, that she is the
fallen woman who falls into selflnMxi, or
who lives chiefly in her own lower nature.—
New York Graphic.
tVords of Politeness.
One w’ho lias the germ of true politeness in
his heart cun never tie boorish, and our aim
ibould be to make the foundation of courtesy
solid, then there will be no cracks in its
mperstructure. With a kind heart, the face
»peaks the words of politeness an 1 the hands
ict the courtesy We wuut no counterfeits,
but the real thing. No “thanks," that come
out like words from a rubber stamp, but the
“1 thank you," that is each time written with
an individuality of its owu. — Grand Rapids
ULurch Helper. ________
For a severe Burn.
The pain caused by being severely burned
may be almost instantly relieved by apply
ing a mixture of strong, fresh, clean lime
water mixed with as much linseed oil as it
will cut Before applying, wrap the buru in
cotton wadding saturated with the lotion
Wet as ofteu as it appears dry, without re­
moving cotton from burn for nine days,
when a new skin will probably have formed
—AL A. Thurston in Good Housekeeping.
To Relieve Neuralgia.
Nearly one-half the population are more or
less afflicted with neuralgic pains. Instead
of sending for the doctor, who will probably
prescribe a plaster and a dose of medicine,
advise the sufferer to beat a flat iron, put
a double fold of flannel on the painful
part, then move the iron to and fro on the
flannel. The pain will cease almost imuiedi
ately.—Good Housekeeping.
To Cure Hiccoughs.
Sit erect and inflate the lungs fully. Then,
retaining the breath, bend forward slowly
until the chest meets the knees. After slowly
rising again to an erect position slowly exhale
tho breath. Repeat this process a tieeond
time, and the nerves will be found to have
received an excess of energy that will enatde
them to perform their natural functions. —
Boston Budget.
Coal Ashes for Paths.
The best use for coal ashes is to make paths
and good roads. A good coating of them
upon o path, with a little soil thrown upon
the surface to help solidify them, soon tie
fomes a walk equal to asphalt, and very
pleasant to walk upon. —Boston Budget.
Drying Baked Potatoes.
Baked potatoes must tie eaten as soon as
I bey are done. When they are taken from
the oven they should l»e put into a napkin or
towel and the skin broken, so as to allow the
steam to esca(>e. this will keep the potato
mealy. —Boston Budget.
A severe cold and perhaps an attack of
pneumonia may be prevented if premonitory
symptoms are heeded. A chilly sensation
along the spinal column, a cold, clammy
feeling across the chest are sure indications
that a severe cold is trying to settle in the
Bleeding at the nose frequently causes ex
treme prostration. If the nose bleeds from
the right nostril, puss »he finger along the
edge of the right jaw until the lieuting of the
artery is felt. Press hard upon it for five
minutes and the bleeding will stop.
Rusty nails make ugly wounds, which, if
not attended to at once, may cause great
suffering—perhaps death Kmoke the wound
with wool or woolen cloth, fifteen minutes in
the smoke will remove the worst class of in­
Dumplings for chicken or stewed meats can
be made without eggs if they ure made with
flour, a little water and suit and roiled very
thin, cut in long strips and broken, not cut.
when put into the kettle.
l^ace may bo washed by winding it around
bottles or sewing it on muslin and boiling it
in soft water with castile soap It should be
rinsed in soft water alter removing it from
the suda
Remove the irons when the ironing Is done,
and never let them stand on the stove, where
steam and grease will be sure to settle on
If the boiled potatoes are done a little too
won lay a towel over the kettle or dish, but
do not put a tight cover over them.
Alum and plaster of paris mixed with
water and used in Ii(piid state form a bard
composition and a useful cement.
Soft tissue paper is the best for polishing
mirrors This may also be used for polishing
or drying window glass.
Milk in boiling always forms a peculiar
<icid, so a pinch of soda should be added when
beginning to cook.
Unslakod lime is excellent for cleaning
small articles in steel, such as jewelry, buckles
and the like.
Rutter, lard and drippings should be stored
► low Fire for Cooking.
The groat secret of French cooking Is • in jars and kept in the coldest and dryest
knowledge of the variety of bxxi to be had, place.
plenty of time to prepare the food and a slow
Sweet milk or cream is excellent for sun
flra American cooks are In to much of a burns or chapped feet on the little boys.
hurry that when they prepare a meal they
Imagine that what is nercssary is plenty of
Ths nicest thing to «cour knives, tram, tin
fuel and a roaring hot fire. With meats this ware, etc., is sifted hard coal ashes.
■imply txkes or incinerates the fibers. In
stead of permitting the juices to perform
If saa^afras bark is sprinkled among dried
their proper functions. And this “hurry up" fruit it will keep out the worm«.
■ystem Is what is «lowly, perhaps, but surely,
making us a race of dyspeptic«»— New York
The juice of two oranges added to a pitcher
of lemonade greatly improves it»
Children with Cold Foet.
Rain water and soap will remove machine
Carelem mothers and our«M frequently
•end children to tied with cold feet The ap­ grease from ear liable fabrics»
peal of the little one« fur something warm to
Rich cake will not crumble if cut with a
wrap around their feet ia either entirely dis­
regarded or calls forth a peremptory order knife dipped in hot water.
to ‘ ‘go to sleep and »top botlierin^."
Vegetables are best stored in a room by
We know of a mother who undrensea five
little children and pule them to tjed bereplf Ucmselvea
•very night
b •veoJthy, L»« Mrvaoto
A word od pbujt cultor»- Don't o»«r water.
Third Street, McMinnville Or.
NO. 17
It ta so long since thou wast lost to view.
Through the diin shadow valley gone before.
That with grief's wouted pangs there throbf
once more.
The dread tliat my lone heart, however true—
As years take all—may lose thy likeness, too—
The ungraven image it can still adore.
Vain dread! for calming time will but restore
Those visioued love-liinued liueameute anew,—
As in a lake the mirrored moon may show
Inconstant, dimmed by every blurring breeze,
But pure and rounded when the ripple« cease,—
In my soul's sleep shall thy reflection grow
From wavering glimpses perfect by degrees,
A b sorrow's surge subsides to waveless peace.
—“F. V.” in New Orleans Times-Democrat.
One sonare or leas, one insertion.
........ >1 00
One square, each subsequent insertion.... 50
Notices of appvinUnentund final settlement b 00
Other legal advertisements. 75 cents for first
insertion and 40 cents per square for each sub*
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business column«,
10 cents per line, Regular business notices, 5
oeuts per line.
Professional cards, $12 per year.
Special rates for large display “ads."
&y«tem in the United State.«—London*«
Musical Vender—Belgium’« Dog Cart«.
Sweden and Switzerland—Pari»* Supply.
The Daily Cow in India.
Those who have lived near a dairy in this
or any other American town will not require
a description of what it is to be awukened at
4:30 or 5 a. in. by the milk carts starting on
their rounds. To turn over, mutter a few
cursory remarks wishing the cart were at
Trying to Reform the World.
Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton recently told Jericho and to endeavor to settle one’s self to
a story about the way in which she began sleep for another couple of hours is too com­
her work of reforming the world. When mon to require any further remark. But it
she was a girl of 10 or 13, i a used to see her is not with the disturbed sleeper that we have
father, Judge Cady, administering law from to do here, but with the hundred and one
the bench. She noticed that the judge, in manners in which the breakfast tables of
laying down the law or giving his decision, many different nations are supplied with that
always referred to his law books for guidance. fluid so often miscalled milk.
In those United States one system prevails.
She set to work in his library reading these
books, and as she thought he could not say The product of the cow, in many pluce«
anything but what be found there, she care­ mixed with something else, is delivered by
fully tore out and burned those pages that means of largo, low spring wagons drawn by
contained principles of decisions of w4ich she oue or more horses. In these wagons aro
disapproved. How could he, while on the cans, four or five in a row, and in these cans
bench during a trial, make application of is the milk. The practice is to start out earl v
anything uot to be seen in the books by which in the morning, and, knowing the general
he was guided I She discovered a great deal quantity that each customer require«, such a
that was offensive in every law book that she measure is deposited outside the door in a
inspected in his library. Out came the can left for that purpose. In the evening a
pages, which she cast into the fire until the second round is made to serve those who re­
book suited her, and she felt sure that her quire a second supply.
Iti England the milkman plays a most im-
father would be compelled to confine himself
such law as she left. She kept on at this (>ortant part in the daily drama of life. The
work for a long while, until she was caught milk arriving at one of the large railway
at it; but by that time a great part of Judge itations is duly received and carted array by
Cady's law library had been spoiled in her the dairy proprietors to their dcj>ots. Here
efforts to reform the world.—New York bun. it is purchased by tho individual milkmen,
who have rounds of their own to serve. By
whom the quantity of the article is increased,
“International Identity Cards.“
or whether by the judicious admixture of
The police authorities of V ienna for soma water, flour, sugar or other ingredients, is a
tsgie ¡vast have, on application, issued so point which has never been quite thoroughly
called “international Identity cards,” con­ decided. Now it is a dairyman who is cited
sisting of a photograph, on which a brief to appear before the magistrates for selling
personal description of the owner is written milk bolow the proper standard; then it is a
in three languages (German, French aud milkman who is fined for delivering an im­
English), and to which an official certificate pure article.
and seal is attached in such a way as to pre­
But the milkman himself is, as has been
vent the possibility of the exchange of the laid before, an inqiortant personage. He is
carte de visite photograph. The card is kept .•lad in ordinary manly garments. On his
in a small leather cover, can therefore easily shoulders he bears a yoke, from the ends of
be carried, and for purposes of identification which aro sus}>ended, by means of straps,
is fully as useful and even more convenient cans. With a curious half running, half
to travelers than a passport. This same idea walking gait, he goes from one door to an­
was used in issuing press tickets to our Cen­ other, depositing the cans on the pavement
tennial Exhibition in 1870. Each press with a peculiar clatter, at the same time
ticket core the photograph of the editor or ringing the area bell and calling out in truly
reporter w ho presented it, and this precau­ musical tones: “M-i-l-l-l-k-oo.” The cook
tion prevented “passes” from being tianr* nover takes long answering this summons,
ferred.—Home Journal.
and while she present«
resent* her jir;
ji for tae quau-
tity she requires, i, she __
1_„ inquiries as to
Music a Modern Science.
tho latest bit of intelligence that is going
Music is a modern science, the complete about, and then communicates the newest
scale, as we have it, being an iuvention of Item of gossip that has come to her knowl­
strictly modern times. Ancient nations em­ edge. Thus the breakfast tables are furnished
ployed only the pentatonic scale, or scale with material for mind and body matter, and
having five notes, to wit—one, two, three, many little fragments of personal history
five and six, and in the Orient today the pen- leak out in this way.
tatonic scale is the only one known in.their
But the vendor of milk has not this reputa­
musio. The Arabians, it is true, employ a tion alone. Ou the other side of the channel,
scale somewhat different, having quarter In Belgium, where tho sox even is different,
tones instead of half tones like our own, a like character is borne. Here the milk­
someof the Arabian instruments being tuned women wear short skirts, a clean white apron
to quarter tunes in such a way that musio and cap and a small shawl crossed over the
adapted to them cannot be played upon a «boulders. The milk is kept in cans of brass,
European instrument of any kind, or eveu polished almost liko mirrors. The cans aro
sung by a European without giving the sometimes tall and sometimes broad and
Oriental the impression that the tune is false, circular, and are carried in carts drawn by
—Ban Francisco Examiner.
dogs. This is jierbaps the only country
where one can purchase, knowingly, milk of
different degrees of purity. The price vanos
Hotel Clerk’s Novel Scheme.
The night clerk at a West Hide hotel has as to whether one wishes to buy it—skimmed,
a novel scheme to prevent impecunious cus­ with a little water added, with a good deal
tomers from getting away without paying or exactly as it left the cow. Coffee being a
their score. At the same time he combines uutional drink, and as a j>oor laboring man
business with pleasure, and thereby gets would as soon think of trying to live on air
mc«*e sleep than any other night clerk in as to do without it, milk in some form is an
town. Every morning at I o'clock he strews absolute necessity. To meet this wunt tho
the floor in front of bis desk with parlor lacteal fo<xl is offered in different forms, and
matches, and then drops off to sleep. If a Is purchased in tho nearest approach to purity
customer attempts to ( mum the sleeping clerk as the funds of the buyer will permit.
It is uot in Belgium alone that dogs are
without paying his chock his feet encounter
the matches, and they immediately set up a used for drawing milk carts. On tho Rhino
fusilade that arouses the sleeping clerk and they are to be found performing the same
enables him to capture the man who eats and service and also iu Holland. Bonie people
runs away.—New York Press “Every Day consider it cruel thus to employ dogs, but to
one who is thoroughly conversant with the
subject it does not appear so. It 18 certain I
cruel to overload them, as it is to overtax
Beautiful Sunset Phenomenon.
Following the disappearance of the upper horses. Put but a fair strain on his powers
limb of the sun's disk at sunset, there has however, and a dog really enjoys lieiag able
been observed the phenomenon of a beautiful to be of use to his master or mistrwM. In
green ray, its flash being as rapid as that of tome parts of Germany horses and wagons
lightning, and only visible under rare con­ take tho places of dogs and carts, excepting
ditions of clearness of the sky. The explana­ near Hamburg, whore women, robed in na­
tion offered for its appearance is that of the tional costume, make tho rounds iu the same
simultaneous contra of colors, the theory manner as the English milkmen.
In Sweden milk is not brought to one’s
propounded originally by M. ChevreuL—
house, but those who want any have to go
and fetch it. Naturally it follows that the
dairy is a great rendezvous with servants,
A Confederate Copper Cent.
A copper cent in the possession of a Chu- who always endeavor to have their musters
luuta, Fla., citizeu is said to be more than or mistresses deal with that one where most
worth its weight in gold, because it was of their friends congregate.
In Switzerland, where perhaps there are
coined for the Confederate government dur­
ing the rebellion, from a die which was cap­ more critical judges on this subject to be
than in any other European land, milk
tured by the United States authorities after
the forty-second piece had been struck off. is once more brought around from door to
It is thought that only about twenty of these door. The towns in this country not being
coins are now in existence. —Chicago Herald. large, the consumer is generally supplied di-
i rect from the farm. The inillr is placed in
___ •
| tjll, broad receptacle«, made either of wood
Ruwla'i Crop.
A very targe «bare of the wheat Imported or pewter, with a wooden top fitting on very
intoGraat Britain )• from Riuata, th. targeat » urcly. Two of then are placed on a
competitor of the United State« The annual i vehicle composed of a flat piece of wood on
average of the wheat crop of the United i wheels, with a bar or posts in the middle, to
Htatea for Mveral year« paat haa been 43d,- which the milkholders are attached. The
Oud.OOO buabela, and the export 133,000,000. whole is drawn by a man, who often wears
The averag. crop of Riutaia for the Mme tho costume of his canton. Milk in this
pe* lod haa been 237,000,000 buahels, and tbs I country is particularly food, very cheap,
and forms a large item in tho very sparso
export 70,000,000. —Chicago Herald.
living of the poorer claase«. Large quanti­
ties of it, too, are made into a consolidated
Charged for tho Correction.
and exported all over tho world.
“Do you visb to take a cab, sir I" inquired form
To supply Paris with milk is no easy un­
the bark man.
"No, I want a cab to take me," was the dertaking. The houses, rising six—yes,
i soruetimes seven stories high—contain as a
reply of the purist.
And the cabby meekly bowed bls head and rule at least as many families, and each one
made the charge |4. 75 per cent, of which requires a daily quantity. The concierge,
was for the enforced lesson in grammar.— that fiend under whose espionage the whole
I building exists, sometimes receives the cans
Detroit Free Preea
; for certain flats and carries them up to their
: respective owners. Inhabitants of other
A Trifle Overlooked.
Farmer (returned from towr)—Tlutre’s the 1 stories prefer to have the milkman himself
kerbacker, an’ the molasse«, and th- condition leave his merchandise at the kitchen door.
powders for the sick briudle heifer, an* There a.e those, too, and they are mostly the
I oceupjant« of the gayrets, who fetch their sup­
Wife— Where’s the quinine, John, I asked plies as required, caring little for the seven
flights of stairs their journey necessitate«.
you to get for met
Huch then briefly arc the many ways em­
Farmer— B’guiu, I forgot all about it» —
ployed in many countries to supply the daily
The Epoch.
milk. One method, perhaps si ranger than
Proof Poaltlv«.
tny heretofore touebed ui*on, remains yet to
Al—I must have been very drunk y<xter«lay. be noticed. It is the nmnner in which the
reddents of India, tie they Europeans or
Ed—How sol
Al—Look at this bill from ny tailor, re- natives, have their wants satisl'«ed. It is the
custom there for the cow to be brought before
ceiptedl—Tid Bits.
j the door and milked. The Gholee or row­
A worn out society belie Is like old maple keeper leads the animal from bouse to house,
sugar. It has a cert si u kind of sweet; »«as, I and certainly in this case delivers the article
but has to be laid on the shelf when the uew in its purest an<i mot unadulterated form.
Hitting on bis heels he fills the nieasure with
crop comes out. —New Orleans Pi«*aynn<
j as much milk as required direct from the
The cowboys would like to bat o some good udder of the cow. Thid done, ho pn>reed* to
all around poet write a Mir ring lyrio to be the next customer’« residowo and does liko
known as “«he Cattle Hymn W the Re­ wise, and «o on until the yield is exhausted.
In such a bet country loo nd vantage of such
public. ”
a «ystem u moie than that of the mere purity
Of all thieves fools are the wvm, feey reb of Ue supply. ~“F. G. H.” iu Hau Frauciaoo
if« 4 Mav