The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, August 10, 1888, Image 4

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The Iaunraae Quantity of the Drug Oon-
•uuied in New York.
It was for the purpose of giving an
accurate and interesting account of
how 9,000Chinamen spend $468 349.75
annually just for tho pleasure of
“hitting the pipe," that tho Chinese
reporter of the World mado a thor­
ough canvass of tho various haunts of
There are at present about twenty-
five Chinese firms that deal in refined
opium, both wholesale and retail.
There aro eleven private Chinese
Joints, whore opium is sold at $2 25
per ounce. These joints do not now
admit white smokers, on account of
the frequent raids mado upon thorn by
the police, but the storos sell to both
Chinese and whites, although tho lat­
ter must bo well-known smokers.
Otherwise ho has to suffer for the want
of opium—which, according to all ac­
counts, is even worse than to see
out of
drops of
moisten his brow, while his nostrils
would act as if he owned a small-sized
fountain somowhore In his hoad. But
tho worst of all tho ailments is an ex­
cruciating pain all over his back-bone,
as if ho had boon just run through a
fine clothes-wringer. Under such cir­
cumstances ho would almost be will­
ing to give half of his on tiro kingdom
to be able to “hit tho pipe.”
Six pills or pipes, about the size of
a green pea, would restore him to his
natural condition of lifo. which would
last him for about as many hours. A
regular “fiend” will consume about an
ounco per day, which Is $2.25.
Tho sonsation whilo smoking Is, in­
deed, soothing. No matter how fa­
tigued or oppressed in mind, a few
whiffs of tho pipo would put a man in
the best of social spirits. It has strange
medicinal properties, and is said to
cure all kinds of fevers and ague, con­
sumption and palpitation of tho henrt
MostChinamon arodriven to it through
business reverses and other troubles,
while not a few contracted tho habit
through sociability. Just as an Amer­
ican would do on their “take a drink”
with a friend.
It takes just about the samo length
ot time to got the opium habit as to
get tho drinking habit. Tho latter de­
stroys tho mind, and makes a man ir­
responsible for ills actions, while tho
former dostroys tho body but makos a
keen thinker of tho victim. It is esti­
mated that tlioro aro something over
one thousand Americans in the city of
New York who aro now using opium in
tho same manner and form as tho
Chinese. Most of tlioso are said to bo
well-known and fashionable people, as
indeed no other but people of moans
and of leisure could over bo ablo to
contract such a habit
The opium-dealing firms soli from
two to live cans per day, oach can
weighing about four ouncos. Most ot
tho wholesale orders come from towns
and cities in nnd around Now York
Slnto, nnd only now and thon tho
native American customers from up­
town come in to buy thoir supply.
Say thoy soil nil ^average of tliroo
cans per day. At wholesale rates,
which is $8 35 per can for China im­
ported goods, but when retailed out at
thj 50 cents’ worth at a time it would
bring it up to about $10 to $11 per can.
At $10, which is tho lowost posslblo
prico per can, sixty-six cans amount
to $660 per day, or $240,900 per year.
There aro eleven joints. Tho ma­
jority of thoso import thoir own
opium, said to bo direct from China,
but tho groater part of which oomos
front Victoria, 11. C. Ono of thoso
places, which is tho host Chineso joint
in town, sells at rotail on Sundays
alono from ton to twolvo cans, whilo
tlio second best place soils from oight
to ton cans on Sundays. On an aver­
age those Joints disposo of ilvo cans a
day. Thoso placos calculate to mako
from $2 to $3 on oach can of Chineso
Imported opium, but thoy aro ablo to
make more when thoy mix tho Vic­
toria in with tho pure. Thus it can
easily bo soon how nearly fil.000,000
changes hands for opium por year.
According to Chinese San Francis­
co papers thoy paid over $800.000 for
eustom-house duties for tho Chineso
year just endod on opium alone. But
one very curious fact is that a China­
man is frequently deceived. When ho
pays for tho roal imported Chinoso
opium ho gots Victoria (K C.)
opium, which is sold in sevoral Chi­
neso storos at $5 50 por can, but since
tho rocont custom-houso troll bio it has
gone up to $6. Tho samo articlo can
be had in Canada for $4.25 to $1. 50.
If tho duties are paid upon thoso Vic­
toria goods it is jsaid by the smokers
that thoy could not buy it at tho above
rates, but would have to pay $7 a
can for it —I Ain Foo, in AT. Y.
A Trifle Run Down.
C Chicago Physician (to Mrs. Breezy)
—I am sorry to hear that your
(laughter is not well, Mrs. Breezy. Is
it any tiling seriou<P
Mrs. Breezy—Oh, I fancy not; but
Clara is of such an ethereal, delicate
organization that the least thing up­
sets her.
Chicago Physician—She didn't say
what she thought the matter wns?
Mrs. Broezy—No; she simply com-
plamod at breakfast this morning of
feeling very rocky.— N. Y. Burt.
' —Cornelius Vanderbilt's income
from his capital is said to be In tha
neighborhood of fil.000,000 a month,
while that of William K. is not far bo-
—A Brooklyn young woman has a
beautiful and most curious table cover
in stripes of white and golden brown.
It is woven of the shorn hair of her St
Bernard dog.
—Walker County, in Georgia, boasts
of many things, but notional of a well-
known lady, who, within the last four
years has presented her husband with
throe sets of twins.
—A blind physician of Pensacola,
Fla., has a large practice, and is able
to find bis way. unaided, almut the
principal streets of the town in a way
that would not discredit that popular
institution, the oldest iubabiUiuL
One of the MoNt Wonderful Triumphs et
American enterprise.
Cyclonic, Volcanic and Other Dungarees
Types of Waves.
Tho Hoosac mountain stretchoi
across tlie westorii part of Massachu­
setts, ami forms a natural barrier be­
tween that State and New York. How
to make a direct lino of communica­
tion between these neighlioring States
was a problLin that it took half a cent­
ury to solvo. At tho point chosen for
tlie excavation of the tunnel, the top
of tlie ridge is 2 50'.) feet above the
level of the se:>. and is approached on
the east by the valley of tile Deerfield
river, and oil tlie west by the Hoosac
river, a tributary of tlie Hudson.
Tlieso valleys begin not more than
five miles apart, and thus allow rail­
ways to reaoh the tunnel by easy
grades. Asearly as 1825. commission­
ers of the Legislature reported in
favor ot tunneling tho Hoosac mount­
ain for a canal, lint nothing was done
about it, and in 1811 a railroad going
over tho nioun niu was completed, and
iho tunnel project was abandoned.
Tho building of a tunned, however,
was embraced in the plan of tho Troy
& Greenfield railroad, which was in­
corporated in 1818. but no work was
done on it for some years, owing to
tho difficulty of obtaining rsdstance
from th • Slato. In 1854 the State Leg­
islature passed an act providing for a
loan of credit to Iho amount of $2.000.-
000 for tlie cons'.rudion of the Hoosac
tunnel, but tlie gift was hampered by
conditio » which inailo it not directly
available by tho company, and thus
tlie work was greatly hindered. Sev­
eral contracts were made for the exca­
vation of tho tunnel, but all fell
through l>y failure of tho company to
meet payments when due, and the
work was not begun with vigor unlil
1857. It was thon carried on until
July, 1861. up to which time tho Stato
had advauoed nearly $800.000 for tlie
work, but as tlie State officials then
refused to longer cerlify tho bills of
the contractors, work was suspended,
and tlie project was entirely aban­
doned by the railroad company. In
1862 the Slate assumod control of the
work, and appointed commissioners
to supervise it; those found serious de­
fects in tho tunnel plan and recom­
mended Important eliangos.
was begun again in Doconibor, 1863,
but ho slowly did it procoed that
he Hoosnc ‘tunnol bccamo to the peo­
ple of Massachusetts a symbol of all
impossible nnd unatlainablo results.
But tho second voritablo epoch in tlie
history of the onterpriso may be said
iodate from 1868, when tho Stalo de­
cided, after much discussion, to have
iho work completed immediately.
I'lio contract was then awarded to the
Messrs. Shanly, of Canada, who vigor-
>usly prosecuted the work, day and
light, and on Thanksgiving Day,
N ivembor 27. 1873. tho laborers ad­
vancing from both sides met, and
light was admitted through the tun­
It was completed in March,
1874, and trains were running through
it by tlie following September. The
length of the tunnel is 25.031 foot or
f >ur and three-quarter miles. It is 26
foot wide, anil varies in hoiglit from
23 to 26 feet. The grade allowed is
26 foot to tho niilo during tho entire
distance, fr< in each portal to tlio cen­
tral shaft, making tho interior suniinii
more than 60 feet higher than the
ends. There is a central shaft in tlie
''ol which occasions sufllciont
irauglit to ventilate it quite effectual­
ly. Tho entire cost <>f tho tunnel is
oslimatcd at $10 000.0)0. Tlio long­
est tunnels in tlio world aro those
through Iho Alps. Of tlieso tlio Arl­
berg s six nnd one-half miles long,
iho M int Conii sev >n and threo-qunr-
er miles, tho St. Gothard nlno miles
and a qnartor, whilo llm Simplon tun-
el, now in process of construction, is
to bo twolvo mid a half miles long.—
Chicago Inler-Oc an.
A wave is a thing of beauty, but it is
only a joy to those who watch it march­
ing in splendor and foam from the safe
refuge of the shore. It is a very naus­
eating condition of voyaging. It makes
the bones of ships creak as if they were
full of rheumatism. It tills the brain
with a sense of chaos, and one moment
swings tho moaning traveler to the
stars and the next plunges him into an
abyss hideous with gloom and the hiss­
ing as of millions of snakes. To meas­
ure waves in a severe tempest is even
more difficult than to mark effects.
When the woathor rises to such fury as
makes the seas oolossal enough to ren­
der the determination of their height
exceedingly important, there is usually
too much anxiety, and oven distraction,
for observation.
The weight of the
wind is so violent that it is almost im­
possible to show one's face to iL
For the true Andean sea one must go
down to Cape Horn—perhaps to as far
as sixty degrees south. There are sail­
ors who, standing at the wheel of a ship
running before these seas, will never
willingly look behind them, lest the
sight of the oncoming rampant of
green water, arching toward the taff-
rail, should unnerve them. Standing
on a deck twenty feet above the water
line, you yet look up at the crest of
these sens as at the top of a mountain.
The gigantic grace, the huge majesty
of these liquid Titans can not be de­
scribed. It is necessary to be hove-to
to appreciate their height, volume and
power; to watch from the low broad­
side the swelling approach of the mighty
mass, with its freckled front and foam­
less head flickering in bottle green to
the dull light of the gray sky; to feel
the sweep of the ship up the enormous
acclivity, and then, while for the space
of a breath only, she hangs poised
with upright masts and shrieking rig­
ging on the headlong brow, to look
down nnd behold tho valley beneath,
into which the vessel an instant after
slides like a comet
It is difficult to write of the seas
which run in heavy weather off the
southern most point of South America
without risk of being charged with ex-
aggera'ion; they must be seen, and a
little spell of custom will render ad­
miration easy. It is impossible to be
tossed by them in such vessels as now
mako the passage of tho Horn without
wondering by what miracle of luck or
phenomenal merit of seamanship the
old navigators were enabled to beat
against thorn in their small, half­
decked boats, somo no bigger than a
Deal lugger, without a touch of the
weatherly qualities of suoli craft
But let it not be supposed that the
high wave is tho dangerous one. The
regular running surges may all l>o as
tall as the biggest hotel in London with
a ninth fellow among them as high as
the monument, and yet none prove
nearly so dangerous as the pyramidal
seas of the cyclono. Of all forms of
vexed water the cyclonic agitation is
the worst. Here is a whirlwind of as­
tonishing fury so many miles in diame­
ter. For a little while it runs a steady
sea, but presently its gyrations brings
up a surge from another quarter, then
conies the lull, followed by a frightful
outlly of storm from a direction opposite
to the point from whioh the wind
last blew. The seas, coming into
collision, tight like wolves. They snap
nnd howl, leaping high in conifled
shapes in the very similitudo of sentient
passion. Tho staggering of the ship is
indescribable. There is no rythmic
swing to give her molions something of
tho vibrations of the pendulum. Her
decks are filled with water, while her
bows divo into a chasm that has opened
under her forefoot, a valley yawns
under her sturn and a hill of water
flashes up on either side. It has not
been suggested that the altitude of the
cyclonic wave should be determined.
Probably there is no eye afloat equal to
such an undertaking.
Another very uncomfortable sea is
the volcanic wave. It is not very long
ago that a vessel, steaming through
quiet waters on a dark night, was sud­
denly burled up by an invisible billow
that was reckoned to be between thirty
and forty feet high. Three such waves
passed under her, the last being the
least in volume, and then all was dead
flatness ot ocean again. The stoutest
heart might well thump to such an on-
vountcr as this.— London Telegraph.
The True Art ot Living I. to l.lve With­
out the Least Friction.
There nro innumerable books that
tench us how to behave in society, how
to demean ourselves at the church,
the theater and the lycouni. But the
place above all others where a man or
womnn should know how to conduct
themselves with propriety is at homo.
The greater portion of every person's
-ocinl life is spent at home, and, there­
fore, it is a logical deduction that, if
;ood manners nro essential to mutual
happiness they should ba brought
mto use nt homo ns w. 11 n. in society.
The great secret ot homo happiness
is the absolute ro| ression of temper.
There are much more eloquent and ef­
fective ways of expressing dis.-ip-
iroval, than by an outburst of angry
■i ord a
If your brother leaves tho
door open, never tall him of it G >
and close it without a word, If you
tell him of it, it scuds a nervous quiver
through his frame that will culminate
in a burst of temper expressed. But
if you close the door yourself you give
him asilont obj et-lesson that he will
not forgot.
A housewife’s food is usually good,
and If the "gudo man" dislikes it, ho
may bo practically sure his dislike
arises from his own pampsrod taste.
But If there Is any particular dish
against which his stomach re lads, lie
will show true domestic philosophy
and shrewdness by not mentioning it
The bint will bo sufficiently broad If
he simply refrains from it. No dish
will bo cooked many times In succes­
sion that is not eaten.
The true art of living Is to live with­
out friction; to live without friction
nover scold in words. A wise man or
womnn can scold most potently and
effectively without saying a word.
Not Nluch of a GirL
An Austin niotho • was very much
tliscourngml nt tho dirty condition of
her boy's cap when the children came
home from a walk.
“How did you come to get your hat
so dirtyf" angrily asked the mother.
“A boy pulled it off in the street and
threw it in the mud.”
“That’s not so, ma; he threw the
cap in the mud himself," interrupted
his little sister.
“Well, 1 am a boy. ain't IP If I am
a girl I’d like to know iL”—7'<u <u ,8<y|-
—-* • m--------------
—The mouth of the Misa'ssippi river
is again tilling up with sand and de­
bris despite the Eads sy stem o' clearaga
—Olio statement in Matthew Arnold's
Inteat remarks about the Americans is
easy to believe. He says that a Taris
physician notes a distinct form of
nervous disease produced in American
women by worry about servants.— Boe-
■ton Tranecript.
—Four years ago not a single barrel
of petroleum was produced within the
iMiundarios of Colorado. Now the pro­
duction of the finest quality of illumin­
ating oil is itlsmt three hundred barrels
dally, and it is almost certain to amount
to one thousand barrels a day within
the next year.
—Mrs. Kliz.aboth Thompson, of Boa
ton, has an income of $50.000 a year,
which she receives quarterly, and it 1»
said she is often penniless before th.
end of the quarter. She spends hoi
entire time ami fortune in charity, an.
that without identifying herself with
the objects of her generosity.
PÍoW Io (®Urp
D iseases
and scalp diseases, with Iosa of hair, from
infancy to old ace. are speedily, eronomlcally
anil permanently cured by tkeCvTK'VBA R zn
»»IKS. when all alher rrenedics and methods
Cvncnu. the great Skin Care, ami Ccncv
EA Nose, au exaiuatt« Skin lleautifier. prepared
from it. externally, and C vtkmea HanoLvawT.
tha new Blood Purifier, internally, cure every
form of skin and blend disease, from pimples to
Sold every where. l‘r1<A<’VTlcrxi.W(.: Am.
SSc.: Ramn vBXT. *1. Prepared by the INrrrm
Dava and C hzmical C o ., B oston . M am
Send for "How to Cure skin IHs'asrs.’
to llmplra. blackheads chapped and oily
Wr skin prevented by Cl Ticca* Soar.
QM pinne
—As well might we expect vegetation
to spring from the earth without sun­ zxUR IMMENSE STOCK OF SUMMER BALBIUO-
shine or the dew. tut tho Christian to
UAN UNDERWEAR, st fl and ft.» per suit
>“ PMGAIA SHIRTS, three l»t«t addrea Dr. Spinney 4C q
To help the right aide to not only commend
able in a general po nt of view, but to judicious course without patient, l>er»everlng. style Collar» ami one |»dr Cutis, fl.» each.
Ac., dua to¿’»a,
and prudent when that help to enlisted in be­
half of the right side of the body, just oyer the ardent prayer.— Abbott.
—We need to watch our tendencies.
lower ribs in the region of the iiv®r.
ettlcient help to afforded by Hostetter a Stomach
Bitters, an anti bilious medicine of incompar­ They may be leading uh in right direc­
Urinary and v'uorili *Jn '»oy£?
able efficacy. Inaction of the liver to accom- tions, but also in wrong ones, nnd we
charge., promptly »nd slfcS?"1*11
Gmied by constipation, sick headache, furred
ngue, nausea, occasional vertigo. a«»d un- should therefore be careful to know
middle - aged
K‘ asant breath, yellowness of the skin and whither we are moving.
Are we draw­
Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
1 of the eve. The author of these symp­
toms, liver complaint, routed by the Bitters is ing nearer God and dwelling In the love
accompanied by them in its flight, hever aud with which he surrounds usP— United 232, Kearny St., near Bush. at their home., by corretnon i1' *• Un
ague, which always in vol vea the liver, dyspep­
in.truotlona »ent by mail.k-?
t-ff- Sen.1 for Illustrated Catalogue.
sia, rheumatism, debility and kidney troubles Presbyterian.
Free. Bond 4 cent, la .ili''?»"««.
are all maladies to the early relief and final cure
vrleud or Uulde to )\ lalloci?’1'1*
of which this standard medicine is adapted.
Don’t use it by flts and sUrts, but systemati­ are not arbitrary tests of character;
The BUY eb ,..
cally, that its full effects may result in a per­
‘Mued March
they are not a tax levied upon our af- wiiniiii.i
r.N|ui»h.'j_ (■ 7-A uhntm W anted
fect restoration of health.
each year ™
clopodia of u?/'
felHion and devotion for the Master;
Tho people of Tokio. Japan, have taken to
eating horseflesh, and tiiere is quite a demand
economy of redemption, through which
tor it_________ a __________
White Elephant of Siam, Lion of Eng­ the sufferings of Christ attain their final
land, Dragon of China, Cross of Switzer­ com'>lotion. d. H. (¡ritht^
•an olothe you^d^®^^
land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt,
all the necessary and n
Double Eagle of Russia, Starot Chili, Ihe
appliances to ride, walk s.
Circle of .Japan, Harp of Erin.
eat. Hah. hunt, work ’
To get these ouy a box of the genuine
113 K kakky H tkkkt , 8. F.
, or stay at home, and i’a^.20
Dit. C. M c L ane ’ s C eljcbkated L iver
Illustrated Catalogue® sent free on application.
•‘J1**,and quzntltlaa. J ur J u !1
PII.I.H, price 25 cents, and mail us the out­
what ia required to do all»aBN
side wrapper with your add res», plainly
i 5 I tIN W A I • BA<’H. Gabler, Koentoh
written, and 4 cents in stamps.
e will
I Ptono«, Burdett Orpw. baud tofifcramepto. Laq««‘
estimate of tho value Of th.
then mail you the above list with an eli-
stock of Sheet. M ub T c and Books. Hnnds
GUIDE, whioh will bi’174
gant package of oleographic and chro­
’ K m U tu Prfas. MATTHIAS GRAY OO., MH Post
of 10 cento to n*. "H
matic cards.
| 8troet. San Francisco
F leming B ros ., P ittsburg , P a .
A &IAA 1st Premiums. 25,000 in use,
111-114 Michigan Ave"
from Biliousnefis, Constipation, Pile«, tzI/lAiilx 20 yeara EstabliNlied. N* w
It Is the true secret of a happy life;
that by our example, our kind wordsand deeds,
we may help some one else.
Vermont in 1809 supported seven paper mill»,
a copperas mine, and a marble factory.
Don’t disguflt everycody by hawking, blow­
ing and Hpittingbut uae Dr. Sage’s Catarrh
Remedy and be cured.
The Republic of Switzer and elects a Presi­
dent every year.
Diseases can be cured, if properly treated in
time, as shown by the following statement from
D. C. F reeman , Sydney: ‘Having been a great
sufferer from pulmonary attacks, and gradu­
ally wasting away for the past two years, it af­
fords me pleasure to testify that Scott’s
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Lime and
8©<la has given me great relief, and 1 cheer­
fully recommend it to all suffering in a similar
way to myself. In addition, I would say that
it is very pleasant to take.”
The term Derrick is an abbreviation of Theo-
doric, a hangman at Tyburn in the 17th cen­
■ Ifllti wO« l<tcntod stceI Tu,‘ n*. ,)e’
Sick Headache,Sour Stomaobe, Golds, vice,
in use in no other Piano, by which our Plant«
Liver Trouble, Jaundice, Dizziness, vUn<i In tune 20 j ears, good fur KM); not aitected
Bad taste in the Mouth, etc.— Voû by climate. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink,
need Suffer no longer—
Warner’s SAFE Pills
will cure you. They have cured tens
of thousands. They possess thee«
points of superiority t sugar coatedi
purely vegetable, oontain no calomel
mercury or mineral of any kimi
do not gripe; never sicken; easy tc
take; mild in operation; and fo)
crack, decay, or wear out; we guarantee it. Ele­
gant R obcw < xh I Cases, 3 strings, d-uble re|»eating
action; «n.'.t Ivory key»; tbs tainon. A NTIS ELK
Call or write for 6atl»lok-ue, free. 1. M. ANT1SF.IA
PIANO CO., Manufacturer^ Otld Fellows Rail, Mar­
ket and Seventh Streets, San Francto o.
these reasons are especially th<
favorites of women. Ask for
D wights C ow -B rand S oda -S aleratia
Be sure that there 1 b ■ picture of a Cow on your packago and you will have
tbu beat Sod» m^le.
------ AND—
Iodide ofPotaNH.
“As glares the tiger on his foes,
Hemmed in by hunters, spears and bows,
And, ere he bounds upon the ring,
Selecto the object of his spring.,r
So disease, in myriad forms, fastens its fangs
upon the human race. Ladies who suffer from
distressing uilinento peculiar to their sex,
should use Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription.
It is a positive cure for the most complicated
and obstinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive
flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural sup­
pressions, prolapsus: or falling of the womb,
weak back, "female weakness,’’ anteversion,
retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronic
congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the
womb, Inflammation, pain and tenderness in
ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat.”
Smokes Cool—Lusts Long-Does not
blow out the Pipe.
It Is the undisputed leader of Plug Cut
Smoking Tobacco throughout the world.
Sold on Trial !
Acting mlldlybut surely on thebowoli
it cures habitual constipation, and
promotes a regular habit. It strength-
ens the stomach, and aids digestion.
roriT totto
r OF 1 he N E R. V O LJ S
frt,ni P®«onB who have used thia remedy with
remarkable benefit. Bentffor circnlan,ffirinf
wells ,
four teasp oon fula of ths
best Baking Powder, nt-
ing twenty tlmei Its
besides being
much healthier, bectuM
it does not con tain icy
injurious substances,
suehas alum, terraalba
etc., of which many Bak­
ing Powders are made,
Dairymen and Fanners
should use only the"Ann
& Hammer” brand for
cleaning and keeping
Milk Pans Sweet and
C auttow .
Bee that
every pound package of
••Arm and Hammer
Brand** contains fill
16 ounces net, and ths
«pound packagei/W
ouncet net, Boda or
Baleratus same as speci­
fied on each package.
Always keeps Soft.
[ Investment small, profit«
large. Send 20c for mailing
,aJXeel,.,.UBtra‘Pd Catalogue
with full particulars. Man­
ufactured by
"BrouMi'x Hronchial Tntehe»." like all other really
owh ! thing», are Imitated, and purchaser» should
be careful to obtain the genuine article pre­
pared by J ohn I. B rown & S ons .
R ichardson & co., iwi
Packed in Card Board Boxes.
DlHcanen and Caaghn.
Within the past few months the Bald­
win II del has been refurnished and re­
fitted throughout, making it the most ele­
gant house in the country. Besides the
convenience and elegance of its appoint­
ments, the table is pronounced by all to be
unrivaled, making it In all, everything
that can lie desired. Our readers wl en
visiting San F ancisco should, by all
means, stop at the Baldwin.
To Ilouite keeper» and
Farmer».— It in impor­
tant that the Soda or
Baleratus you use should
be White and Pure same
M all similar substances
used for food. To insure
obtaining only the “Arm
A Hammer’* brand Boda
or Saleratus, buy it in
“pound or half pound”
cartoons, which bear our
name and trade-mark, as
Inferior goods are seme­
times substituted fdothe
“Arm & Hammer” brand
when bought in bulk.
Parties using Baking
Powder should remem­
ber that its sole rising
property consists of bi­
carbonate of soda. One
teaspo on ful of the MArm
ti Hammer” brand of
Boda or Baleratus mixed
with sour milk equals
Selected with great care from the choicest to
bacco regions of North Carolina.
It takes every year a million horses’ tails to
keep a Pawtucket (R. I.) hair-cloth factory in
running order.
It drives out the poisonous hmnosof
the blood purifying and eurichingfi,
and ro overcoming those diseases
resulting from impure or impover
ifihed blood.
In its composition the best and most
active diurcticsof the MateriaMedica
are combined scientifically with other
effective remedies for diseases of toe
kidney s. 11 can be relied on to give
quick relief and speedy Cure.
Hundrodsof testimonialshavebeenreoeind
Celery and Coca, tho prominent 1»
CTedients, are the !>est find safes
Nerve Tonics. It strengthens and
quiets the ncrvutis system, curie»
Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Steep,
lessness, <fcc.
John McCullough’s widow, who recently
died at Philadelphia, left an estate valued at
It cures R hvumatibm . N kuralgia , Boils, Pimples.
Gout, Catarrh. Tumors, BaK Rheum, and
S tate of N ew Y ork A ssembly C ua . mhkk Scrofula,
Mercurial pains. It Purifies the Blood, Restores the
A lbany , April 16, 1884.
Liver and kidneys to healthy action, and makes the
Some years ago I was thrown from a Complexion Bright and Clear.
It. CATES A. CO., Proprietors.
wagon and fractured two of my ribs. I J. 417
tian Franeiaao.
was so badly hurt that I had to sit up in a
chair for four days and nights. The
fourth day my mother placed two All
cock’s Porous plasters over my broken
ribs. The next day my sufferings dimin­
ished and I was able to lie down. I con­ ________ PLUG CUT
tinued to improve every day. Two weeks
are-. < ' A
after the accident I got up and attended
to business. I renewed the plasters
twice, and found myself almost entirely
well in a month, when I sailed for Eng­
My wife is subject to periodic pains iu
the back that give her rest neither day or
night, but in two hours after applying two
Allcock’s Plasters rhe experiences relief,
and in two or three days she is well. She
also finds them effective in neuralgia and
E dward A. D ahragh .
For Thro At
Everybody has heard of a "horse laugh." but
who has ever seen an equine gifted with the
power of speecbl Such an animal would be
pronounced a miracle; but so would the tele­
graph and the telephone have been a hundred
years ago. Why, even very recently a cure for
consumption would have been looked upon as
miraculous, but now people arc beginning to
realize that the disease is nut incurable. Dr.
Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure it
If taken in time. This world-renowned remedy
will not make new lungs, but it will restore
diseased ones to a healthy state when all other
means have failed. Thousands can gratefully
testify to this. AU druggists.
Two hundred thousand Infante under two
fears of age are believed to be farmed out in
’ ’
ihc Two BEST CAMP ah SMJ
tl>e market. Address F I'Ehs/.v ****'
Flood Building, San Fran. is,o N’ lta|
1«» Lake EL,
A singed cat dread» the fire. I plead guilty. I am selling a “new-fangled” machi»
Far Imparities ar the Hload take
Alien a Iron Tonic Bittern. All genuine bear
the signature of J. F. Allen, Druggist, HL Paul.
month easily made selling the Farmers’ Friend
a bag holder and scales combined. Hunt mi mm
J. H. FINK. A May er and Analytical thlM. Send for circulars. E. E. BAIR. Manager
Chemlat. laboratory, 106 «Trot st, Portland. Puget Sound Mfg. Co.. Tacoma. Wash. Ter?
Or. Analyses made of all substances. Rates
for assaying gold and silver ores fl.50. Pack­
ages sent by mall or express promptly attended
to, and returns made
frnw of aimpie protection. In the mat- I
ter of wage», he holds that wage« begin»
and end. with production, as he hold», '
then a judlcioua tariff maintain» the
aource of wag,-». Thia book make« men
and boy» think. It unfolda the dark '
mysteries of the tariff »imply and should
have a wide reading. Mr. F.lliott, a» ad- i
vertising manager of H II. Warner A 1
Co.‘»»aie cure hou»e, Ro- heater, N. Y.,
haa had unuaual opportunitie» to see the
tffectaof different commercial policies ini
eight »ectlona of the globe. In cloth. I
30 eta.; in paper, 25 < ta.; prepaid by I
Moulton, Wenborne A Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. |
See Astiarti llano adverttoemeat
—Beef Jelly.—Take about one pound
of lean, juicy beef, cut It into amall
pieces, put into cold water and lei
soak for one hour. Then put on th«
fire with one pint of water, ecaaoninf
with salt, pepper and a little celery
seed, and let it stew until reduced two-
thirds; strain on a few blades of inace.
aro offering the following in 20, «0. 80 or
iw nero Farms:
Rasent hai «'alna ijr.
Mente Vinta '*
Ile líenla
Hhlncletawa "
MI ramante
Faint Mr,’n
Tenants Colony U.4MMI
S.O4O» 1 ihlspo ,tne
| 1 <HM>
----- ALSO-—
•• vV 11
. > > - -1
’A/ WH :
.IP”.. 11
'•■y the »mount of mtn kiclrert not
wi»h . cheap mihiie, old F«!™
dear at any price Yon «winnm
Do not be talked 'nlo huvinir »lm?°>u
»< th« Old Fo^y »Kent» i» onff «1“*^
'’F the « d For, machine.. Of conn»
I! 8UPPty
at your own price; but their
* ,"rc«her without examining the ADÍAS
experimental machine and »nuT An u
" ■ Tangled machine Mid let you see
help decide the merits of*he' ne w
‘ ’T. ' h,J.e nevcr >el hai1 ,o ‘
erence to the Old Fogle's JLn u'* d n’,chine. Pleitee exat-.ine the court records"™
called a »team enjne. o"«f Siwle^h.^"’ n|ro a n"ln built “ ■'w-ft,"«lr,d.Sta IM
eauntr,. Da vea not wax.? re? h
“ "ow- ",oo<1 hack and said they would
Tangled machine *?i?t aññwilt.’* r’,,."ed '■ «*«"•■•« wa, I Remember, the W»
perimented with »11 t¿?t’me an.l^t lTnr‘l.V,B' whlle JJ,d
'■ machine« are
yourgram is going to waate.*”'1 ** ,o,,r flhrii»r, ;>o not ,<*4
uient any longer.
member, your whole denenlíiüílr? machine In aald on Ita merit» ''nr •
chine» to waste y anr grain rell’»?^<í,1
crop Procecds- an<1 lf >ou allow Old
that the party that "ss, , mir th’-Slt.? Jui ,h“‘ mu,'h o,,t uf pocket. To pre vunt thia
a. they »re coL^c^^tohaXhro?.P,W?^“re»«led AID At« ThreO^
MWhine. Write :or fur*CTwüímlre I™'" "nd h,ve ■ h"“«r
A D V AXt'K machine > 1Í1 di
ftni PV-P^red to prove all
I hereby ehillesse
b«tter work than
•• this < oast.
"ld 7>«
HhJw np .7 silt ñ
inre»lig»t"'.'' | can proiVail''!
Other lands for general farming, fruit irrow
ing or stock raising.
•¿'¿I "
■wrftatd rdlt</in the worst cafleHjireurwi comfort-!
able sleep jeffectacarm where all otherw fail.
George W. Elliott, A. M., Rochester, N.
tvieU convince* th* skeptical. Price
and ■
Y., haH just published in book form
through Moulton, Wellborn« & Co , Buf­
falo, N, Y., the very original and interest- '
Bl< (9 Tins given nntv«r>
ing dialogue discussion between “P aul (a I
aal satisfaction In the
Carw la
young graduate) and bin F ather ," an I
cure of Oonorrhcps and
American farmer, which appeared serially
Gleet. I prescribe It and
three years ago in /'Ar American Biirtil
feel safe In recommend-
Home, and attracted wide attention. The
ing It to all suffeisra.
father is a Lhur-ughly well posted man of
A. J. STONEB, l.D^
affairs, who is theoretically a free-trader,
Decatur, IIL
but practically, as an American, a strong
PRICR.Sl.e«, „
defender of a judicious tariff. He thus
Sold by Druggist*
treats both sides very fairly and gives
each. In the dialogue, a chance to be
heard. He discusses general principles
muatbü'the ^retof°Mic^»V oTü.^rm " Succc"°"’,o the IMMIGRATION A88OTA-
tional commercial policy, and self sacri flee !
¿------- —
----- r--*
>««-t ta name A
pr',rr"<'"‘’’d ■—
*** «‘ntrary doe. not make it »0.
It will pay P" ’
POWKK. A number rf**
clined to look out for three th«?t»!íí»r>!,t Ad" not hnow of any Imitations, bnt am
Machinery. Farm1 ChS£rÍ
1 »*"» -leil in l.aaadry aad «»f *
J alvea. Mille-futim, liamwk^n^í”?
Machinery, Swift <»ilera.
W ronches. Black.ndth Drill«k*, lf’lf?’,"”' n r.1L
Injretora. Acme and
prices: KFhorae on wheels. r«n- Tri
1 .í N’'11' Tube, the Westinghouse Engine»-
. w
an * !,"n* °"
*" ,h* country
whileretainm« your present ro-tdeece, portion
and salary; 10. SI or more acres of landwith
or without a houro. on the installment plsa in
one of our colonies; we will plant the sanm m
year order with fruit tree» o? raidn .r^a^t
“.'"•T”’*1 fOndiUon until fufl h.'-»ri* k.
with or without irrigation; three lands lie
n<wfb °r moth orSan Francisco. lB thererm?
or interior conntire, near or distant from rail
lation of < «llfomia. 415 Montgomery street
stood for particulars ami full rlrecrlptlona.'
* P N. U. No. ZH-a. F. N. V. No t l
chemical fire engines
be witboufa raia!?one in^Mr'hTSÍL ' 0r"'j2rtictil<ux w3<i r°nr m,U“'
Y<”1 o•n“o,
X. T. WRIGHT. Foot of Morrison Strwt, Portland, Ora<»"'