The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, July 20, 1888, Image 6

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Tl». B.lnor»*l«»« Power Ex.rel.ed by tbe
Csar'o Police Official..
There Is no power on earth so arbi­
trary, sj omnipotent, so omniscient
anil so remorseless as the Russian ]>o-
lice! I shall have something more to
say about them in a future letter, but
stop here to advise every traveler
bou ul foi It issia. of whatever age, sex
or nationality, to take a passport
properly indorsed by the representa­
tive of the Rus-ian Government at
New York or Washington. It will do
no harm, and it may be useful to have
both; for the Russian police are of an
inquiring frame of mind and lack con­
fidence in human virtue. With a pass­
port properly vised, a sirict obedi­
ence to all the regulations that are
plain and unmistakable, a discreet
tongue, and a decent behavior, one
can be as sufo and comfortable as in
any country on tlio globe and see much
and enj >y much Hint can not be seen
or enjoyed elsewhere. It has few
picturesque landscapes, no mountains
and no springs; but the ]>eople anil the
palaces, the churches anil the customs,
will revivify the most blaso traveler,
and the gayetlcs of both the summer
and winter seasons offer a treat to
thoso who have exhausted Paris and
other social centers of the world.
There need be no annoyance from
tho tyranny that is const a itly exor­
cised over both citizens and strangers,
there need bo no test of patience; it is
only necessary to submit, an i do it a’
gracefully and politely as possible. A
visitor ean see nothing without a pass
or without polloe siirvoilance.
may not look at a ; icture nor the
curiosities of the museum without hav­
ing a gendarme peering over his
shoulder. If ho is an artist ho must
obtain the permission of tho police to
make sketches, and to go any wdiore
ho has got to have n pass. But all
theso obstacles aro easily overcome
and all the objects of interest can be
thoroughlj' enjoyed by an observance
of the requirements and a disposition
to acknowledge the sovereignty of the
police. Submission is all that is re­
quired, and the rigid rules have boon
made necessary by nihilism anil dyna­
Every citizen must have a permit to
live in the country. Thoso |>erniits
are issued annually upon the pay­
ment of a fee. If ho wants to leave
tho country or go from one town to
another he must notify tho police, for
that branch of the Govermont must
know whore each inhabitant of the
vast emplro sleeps every night. In
tho provinces the rigid survoilanco is
relaxed, but at St. Petersburg and
Moscow and other places visited by
tourists there is a constant contact
botween tho sovereign and the subject
that is disagreeable to both. Tho po­
lice grant permi-sion to go and come
Thero is no intcrfereuco
witli travel nor with trade. Hnbmis-
sion! submission! that is all. No one
enn get a ticket at a railroad station
nor on a steam boat without showing
a permit to leave; no hotel will outer-
tain a guest till ho shows Ills passport.
Ono can not go anywhuro or do any
thing without tho consont of tho au­
thorities, but It is easily oblainod,
and costs forty copecks for the stanqi
that appears on tho document—about
fifteon cents. — W. K. Curtis, in Chc.r.go
How Valuable Arilele» Frequently Disap­
pear front XVa.Iiiuituii Houses.
As Invealmeut of SAno That Yielded Nearly
The girl who ir not a belle receives
an invitation to a dance, accepts it.
buys a new gowu, and starts out hope­
fully. Arriving at the house, she sees
a number of men whom she knows,
and, perhaps, has entertained. They
all bow pleasantly and pass on. If
any one asked their opinion of her they
likely would say that she is a “sweet
girl,1’ but somehow they do not seem
to care to danee or talk with these
“sweet girls.”
As she passes down
the room a man comes up and speaks
to her. Her brother instantly excuses
himself and leaves tier to her fate. As
a rule the man does not danee. She
loves dancing and generally dances
well. So they promenade until, at
last, the man gets tired, excuses him­
self, leaves her in a corner, promising
to send her brother. Now comes the
hardest part of the evening. Every
girl she ever knew seems to go past
with one man, or, perhaps, O, joy,
two. Her brother takes his time in
coming, and when he arrives at last,
finds her looking cross and sleepy, but
struggling not to show it. Then she
dances with him once or twice, supper
is served, another dance, and then she
goes homo gladly. So it is night after
night, day after day. until she com­
mences to despair, looks old before
her time, gives up society and becomes
what young girls call nil “old maid."
Once in a while a man discovers her
Worth, sees in her those virtues which
lie wishes ills wife to possess, ami
marries her. Then she has her house­
hold duties and becomes a happy wife
and mother,but she never quite forgets
tlie disappointment of her youth. If
she does not marry she takes caro of
tier father and mother, is charitable,
and spends the rest of her days in
making others happy or wretched, ac­
cording to herdisposition. Yet on her
face you can always trace lines which
tho sorrows of her youth have written
thero and constant mortification and
disappointment is truly sorrow.— Phila­
delphia Press.
Old-time Pittsburghers would hardly
need an introduction to Philip Wine-
biddlo, founder of the Winebid<lle es­
tate in East Lilieriy. About sixty years
ago his mother gave him five hundred
dollars as a “starter.” The “Go West”
fever had not as’yet agitated staid
Eastern communities, but Philip was
fired with a restless ambition to go
West, and seeing but little prospect of
a great future for Pittsburgh, he jour­
neyed toward the setting sun, and af­
ter much meandering he halted at the
city of Erie, then little more than a
lakeside hamlet. Philip had consid­
erable knowledge of land titles, and as
he was offered bv an an old settler one
hundred acres in the town for five hun­
dred dollars, he grasped eagerly at the
supposed bargain, but shortly after­
wards relented and wanted his money
back. But real estate deals are not
generally made on the basis of “re­
funding the money if goods are not sat­
isfactory,” and Philip had to keep the
land. He came back to his mother in
Pittsburgh, broken-hearted over his ill
luck, and cried like a child at what he
considered a robbery of his five hun­
dred dollars, and both agreed it was a
“bad slip" for Philip. Thirty years
later this land could not bought for
two million dollars, and is now worth
nearly four million dollars. Of course
all this, on the Carpenterian theory,
was brought about by hard work.
Five and thirty years ago the most
note<l hostelry in the city was kept at
the junction of the Seventh street road
and the East Liberty turnpike, by a
sprightly old German lover of the turf
named "Pap” Beitler, father of the
noted turfmen Sam and Joe Beitler.
For nearly a generation it was the “out
of town" resort for sleighing parties
in winter and driving parties in sum­
mer, pretty much after the fashion of
“mine host” Keating of later days.
It was famous for its poker parties and
frog suppers, and many a pleasant
evening was spent there in the “long
ago" by coteries of what Broker
Holmes and attorneys Andrew Burke,
Biddle Roberts, W. E. Austin, Henry
McGraw and Colonel Sam Black were
the chief attractions.
“Pap” Beitler
had a famous black stallion which was
known all over that region, and it was
probably not worth over $100. The
owner of a large tract of land near
where East Liberty Station now stands,
but whose heirs do not care to have his
name mentioned, took a fancy to
“Pap’s” horse and offered him 100 acres
of land for him.
"Pap” preferred to
keep the nag. Tho Beitlers are now
all dead nml the land which “Pap" re­
fused for his horse could not now be
purchased for tl.AOO.OOa—Pi«.t*nrpA
' —-
Though Living in the Beit of Air She Take«
No Advantage of It.
One of the reasons the farmer's wife
is apt to look sallow and jaded, and
why she grows old before her time, is
that the minute the weather grows
cold she stays in the house from one
week’s end to another. In summer
lime, gathering berries or garden veg­
etables, or feeding the chickens, will
take her out of doors, but just as soon
as necessity no longer compels her to
go into the open air sho remains in­
side. One of her excuses is that sho
Ims no time for oat-door exercise.
This doubtless is true, for there is no
woman so hard-worked as tile farmer’s
wife, but she must go out for a short
walk or drive, if somebody or some­
thing Ims to sutler in consequence. To
be sure there are not the incentives for
going out that tho city woman has; tho
marketing or shopping that can be
accomplished in a walk of a few
blocks. If there is to be any shopping
the “team" must be gotten up and a
drive of several miles taken. This
means a considerable expenditure of
time and is not done any ottener than
dire necessity requires. Perhaps the
nearest neighbor is not within walking
distance, consequently a walk will be
without any excuse in the mind of the
average farmer's wife. Go out and
walk up tho road, then, a half milo
without any excuse except tho saving
of your health; that is tho best possi­
ble excuse that you could have. You
»ill come back rested in mind and
brain. You will be able to do twice as
much darning and patching, and do it
with better grace, with tho renewed
•nergy which you have gained from
vour walk in the fresh, pure air. The
farmer's wife lives in tile best air there
is to he had and takes the least advan­
tage of it.-— Detroit Tribune.
■— * » ——
It has boon observed that the card*
of tho wives of tho Cabinet have not
the usual reception day (Wednesday)
on thorn. The omission is purposely
made to prevent, if |o«sible, the un­
known crowd which comos to Wash­
ington each season from making a
free use of their houses.
These public receptions, which aro a
Washington custom of long standing,
nro becoming more ami more objec­
tionable. Thoso c mtinued encroach­
ments and grievances are becoming
intolerable. Tho question has arise i,
is there any way to remedy tho evils Counterfeit Prr..iitnients nt All th. Iloti.
Kvrr Worship«-,!.
attendant upon keeping open house?
A Parisian genius is getting up a
Il is not surprising that dubious cliar-
ac crs aro often seen in the promiscu­ museum in that city which will con­
ous crowd which tills the houses of tain probably tho most unique collec­
public officials. A hostess never tion of curiosities ever gathered under
knows how many more than are in­ a single roof. His object is to obtain
vited will bo present, and Is embar­ counterfeit presentments of all the
rassed about pr ividing (or her com­ supposed supernatural beings that mini
Ims ever worshiped. There will be in
Articles ofton disappear mysterious­ this inuseuni reproductions of the South
ly. At one tea a c >stly clonk was ex­ Boa Islanders, the images of tho Japan­
changed for a shabby one. It was an ese and Egyptian gods, the wooden
out and out case of stealing. A gen­ divinities of Africa and Oceanica, the
tleman found a battered, dirty old deities of China mid India, of Greece,
soft hat left and Ills brand new tile Italy and Gaul, the stone and graven
gone. A lady rested her muff, em­ monsters of Mexico and Peru, the
broidered handkerchief and card-case goggle-eyed gods of tho Pacific, the
on tho mantel while sho took refresh­ amulets of the Nortli American Indimi,
ments. A woman deliberately folded and, in fact, every species of divinity
her own cotton hnndkorehiet with that art can |H>ssibly represent. Thus
blue bonier, pul it on the mantel and far his task will lie a comparatively
easy one, but when he comes to the
walked off with the handsome one.
To koep out Intruders some have American part of his collection and
adopt« I tho plan of inviting their tries to obtain representations of the
guests in a whisper and pledge them gods Worshiped here at present his
to secrecy. While some persons en- work will be much more difficult. He
j >y publicity which is given to their will have to get the stenm yacht, tho
entertainments b< daily publishing a raco-hors«», the seat in the United
record of all they do, others find it States Senate, tho bank account, mid
very objectionable, as strangers make many other of our moat powerful
use of the catnlogue to participate In divinities, some of which would be
the hospitality, even when there is no difficult to obtain mid impossible to re­
previous acquaintance, no claim of move to thia Parisian collection. Per­
recognition nml no opportunity for haps. on the whole, a gold dollar,
suitably displayed in a glass case,
re timing civilities.
If the punch-bowl and refreshment­ would be the most appropriate symbol
table were abolished, and valuables to »»present the American part of this
put under lock ami key, several novel exhibit. — Phtlade'phia Tinus.
classes would not be tempted to in­
—There is sure punishment of some
trude. — Louisville Courier-Journal.
kind for all who wising their fellow­
men. but there is a greater punish­
—The youngest woman in the news- ment to him w ho w rongs himself by
pa,»er business heard from up to date abusing his health and talents, as they
is Miss Agnes McMellan, the 1 cal ed­ are God-given opportunities in the
itor of the Seward Democrat at Nebras­ way of capital that our Father gave ns
ka. She is but fifteen years old, and an tor a certain purpose, to neglect which
excellent news gatherer.
la an insult to Him who gave. —Him*-
—The story of the deep sea is an ex- . rey'a Advance Thought
pensive one. The cost of compiling
—If Christianity, as the infidel de­
and publishing the reftortaof tho Chai- | clares. Is a pure illusion, without any
longer expedition is said to hare al­ foundation in truth, it is, nevertheless,
ready exceeded two hundred thousand for this life, a very pleasant illusion to
pounds, the work being still unfin­ the believer, and withal a very useful
one to mankind.
It has done more to
—D. W. C. Throop, editor of the make men happy and good in thia
Mount Pleasant (la.) Free Press, was world than any other influence ever
writing a few days ago an article on applied to the human mind.
It acts
the I eaaon of Tom Potter's death from upon men aa if it were true, and had
overwork. Suddenly he paused, put : ita foundation in thè God of truth.—
hie hand to his heart, and fell to tho . The Independent
•oog • corps*
Bard Lines For the Girl That U Not Con
•IdereU m Belle*.
Th. Proposed Alteration In th. l'iau of the
I’anaiua Dlteli.
The voice« of old «ge have the stiffhe«« of it
too; and as it 1« the unfittest time to learn in,
so tbe unfitness of it to unlearn in will be found
much greater___________
Castile in lilfi.
There are two usual ways of doing what Na­
ture sometimes does incompletely, namely, to
relieve the bowels. One is to swallow a drastic
purgative which evacuates profusely, abruptly
and with pain, the oiht r is to take Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, the effect of which is not vio­
lent, but sufficiently thorough, and which does
not gripe the intestines. If -he first is selected,
the person employing it need not expect perma­
nent benefit, ano he cannot hope to escape the
debilitaiing reaction which leaves the organs
as bad or worse off than before.
If, on the
o'her hand, he-csorts to tbe Bitters, he can
rely upon the restoration of a regular habit of
body, consequent upon a renewal of a health­
ful tone in the intestinal canal. Besides health­
fully relaxing the bowels, the Bitters arouses a
dormant liver, imparts a beneficial impetus to
the action of the kidney»*, and counteracts the
early twinges of rheumatism, a tendency to
gout, and malaria In all its forms.
The toundstion of all
man with au imperfect <»se«tion «‘»r
f “n(i
lionaire may be the husband of an angci an
theTat her of half s dozen cherubs and J et be
miserable if he be troubled *l,^r?>'%>Xrfe?t
any of ths diaordefe. arwinS from imperfe«
distention or a »luggieh liver.
Dr. ««ree
Pleasant Purgative
for Pellets
the« arw the sarest anu
am. c E m N e S
Being purely vegetable. the> »r® periecuy
_ ______ .
The great Cromwell left the University of
Cambridge at eighteen.
The Baldwin Hotel of S in Francisco,
hat l>een entirely refurnished, and Is now
beiniz managed by Mr. Bildwin himself,
on hm original plan of »paring no expense
to make it flrat clasu in every respect its
table is unexceptionable: its location cen­
tral, at the corner of Market and Powell
Act well at the moment, and yon have per Sts. All street car lines from the ferry
formed a good action to all ete nity.
I passing the door. Our readers will And it
! to their advantage in everv wav, to stop
at the Baldwin, when visiting ban Fran­
F’ leming B ros .,
______ _______ __
Dear »Sira:—For a long time I have Buf­ “Brown’« Bronchial Troche»” are
fered from the effects of indigestion anti ! widely known as an admirable remedy for
sick headache, and on trying your D r . C. Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Coughs, and Ihroat
M c L ane ’ s C elebrated L iver P ills I troubles. «Sold only in boxes.
found quick and satisfactory relief. A
tery few doses does the work and I would i J. H. FIMlAv AB»*ayer »«<1 A lr a 1
; Chemist, Laboratory, 106 First st,, Portland.
not be without them.
Or. Analyses made of all substances,
Sioux Falls, Dakota.
for assaying gold and silver ores $1.50. Paez-
G eo . H. H arris .
A/ CAN UNDE3WEAR. M »t .odn.^1
Latoat ilwijrn, in PEIU'AI.E SIHU ts , th
le Collar» and one ;»ir Cuff»,
month easily made selling the h armers J rlend.
a bag holder and scales combined. Inin t ml»»
thia. Send for circulars. K. E. BAIlt. Manager
1 uget Sound Mfg. Co.. Tacoma, Wash. Ter.
has been before the public
now about ten yearn, and in
that time has proved itself
Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
contains nothing harmful, and
Big W bM given anlve^
sal satisfaction In the
cure of Gonorrhoea ard
Gleet. I prescribe It and
feel safe In recommend­
ing It to al) sufferer«.
Decatur, IIL
PRICE, 91.00. *
Bold by Druggista •
DOES purify the blood and
CURE disease, as it puts the
kidneys, the only blood-pur­
ifying organs, in complete
113 K earny B thkkt , h V. 18 "«I
Illustrated Catalogues teul free on applkattea. I
By return
Full Dearrf..<
"W* 1
O.ute«. MOODY A CO..
to be all that It has been
Urden I t by ite
Chi ai leal Co.
It is purely vegetable,
“Then let the moon usurp the rule of day,
And winkling taptre show the sun his way;
For what my senses can perceive,
I need no revelation to believe.”
Ladies suffering from any of the weaknesses
or ailments peculiar to their sex, and who will
use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription accord­
ing to directions, will experience a genuine
revelation in the benefit they will receive. It is
a positive cure fer the most complicated and
obstinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive flow­
ing. painful menstruation, unnatural suppres­
sions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak
back, “female weakness,” anteversion, retro­
version, bearing down sensations, chronic con­
gestion, inflammation and ulceration of the
womb, Inflammation, pain and tenderness in
ovaries, accompanied with “internal heat.”
IU »utwrior eicellenoe proren in million» of home, for
more than » quart, r of a century. Il 1» uled by the
United Htalee Government Endorsed by the heads of
the Great UnlveraiiiM m th« Stnmgeet, Ibireet »nd moat
Healthful. Dr Price a Uremn II.kill. Powder doe» not
ooulalu Ammonia, Lluie or Alum. Sold ouly in cans.
W arners S afe C ure
John Bright was never at any school a day
after he was fifteen.
Michigan and Canada supply
weekly with 10,000,000 eggs.
""■»I .m.ii
ages sent by mail or express promptly attended
to, and returns made
Cure sick headache, biliousness, liver
complaint, dyspepsia, heartburn, indiges­
tion, malaria, pimples on face and body,
impure blood, etc., by using regularly D r .
C. M c L ane ’ s C elebrated L iver P ills ,
prepared only by Fleming Bros., Pitts­
burgh, Pa. Price 25 cents. Sold by all :
druggists. Insist upon having the genuine
D r . C. M c L ane ’ s L iver P ills , prepared [
by Fleming Bio .. Pittsburgh, Pa., the
market being full of imitations of the
name M c L ane , spelled differently but of
the same pronunciation. Always make
sure of the words “Fleming Bros., Pitts­
burgh, Pa.” on the wrapper.
Portland ¿ri¿ob, W <
Low prices, prompt delivery
Write for Circulars.
It Cures Permanently.
We have tens of thousands of
testimonials to this effect from
people who were cured years
ago and who are well to-day.
/IT Send for Illustrate;! Catalogne,
•8 a Day. Samples worth <1.50, FUJI I
« not under the horse» feet Write Bin. '
8 txr s S afety R kim H older Co. .Holly j|lck '
A singed cat dreads the fire. I p’ead guilty. I am selling a “new-fangled” machia
It is a Scientific Specific,
New York i
Thousands of men die every day who
might be saved. Prejudice has murdered
many a man and woman. If it were be­
lieved that the sum cf disease could be
reduced by physic much would be gained.
The nightmare of death would not
frighte us as it does. In our modern
civilization we ought reasonably to expect
disease to settle upon us because we do
so much to attract it. because we so often
and steadily expose ourselves to it. At
the same time vve all ought to understand,
a*« a part of bur rudimentary education,
that to save ourselves from the effects of
such exposure some kind of fortification
should be built around our vital forces,
lest the enemy carry us, as it were, by a
sudden onslaught. For many years the
have used
B rand -
reth ’ s P ills in this way and they have I
proved a most effective wall against the
approach of disease. Stop the daily mur-1
derB—we had almost said suicides—by
using these Pills. They speak for them-
selves -as they act. When everything
else has failed B randretii ’ s P ills has
saved lives. They are to be had at every
drug store.
was not put upon the market
until thoroughly tested, and
has the endorsement of Prof.
8. A. Lattimore, DL A., Ph.,
LL. D., Official Analyst of
foods and medicines, N. Y.
State Board of Health, and
scores of eminent chemists,
physicians and professional
FT- II. Warner & Co
not cure everything from
one bottle, they having a
specifio for each important
disease. Fight shy of any
preparation which claims in­
I guarantee the New -Funglrd Advance He pa rntor to be the best grnin-gavinir, rsi-
eat Thresher and most durable Separator ever made. But, rem« niber, it is not an experi-
liientnl machine, aa the Ohl Fogy muchines are. You are well aware of the time lo*»t (Utt
you have to pay for) in experimenting with Old Fogy machines. The New Faiigid
Thresher leads the way. The growling and kicking of the Okl Fogy agents is only tcuakd
by the amount of gra’n kicked cut in the straw by the O <1 Fogy machi' es. Of course, if jm
wish a cheap machine. Old Fogies will supply you at your own price; but their machinem
dear at any price. You cannot affoid to buy a thresher without examining the ADVAME.
I)o not be talked <nto buying a machine because it is cheap and Old Fogy iwli. Abk the Old
r og.y agi'utN if tney will set beside the new -fangled machine and let you see which is the
experimental machine, and sold on its merits. 1 have never yet to call on anj court to
help decide the merits of the new tangled machine. Please exaudne the court recoidsinref-
erence to the Old F°a;ie’M plan. Many years ago a man built a new -fangled machine,
called a steam engine. Old Fogle« then, as now, »tood back and said they would ruin the
eouiitrj . I)o you not want to l>e i uined In the sauie way ¥ Rt member, the new*
tangled machine is past all experimenting, while Old Fogy's machines are being a-
penmented with all the time, and at your expense. Do not fool with them any longer, while
your grain is going to w ante.
Remember the new-faugled machine in wold on ftn meritw entirely.
member, your whole dependence is upon your crop proceeds, and if you allow Old Fogy on-
chines to waste your grain, you are just that much out of pocket. To prevant thw. see
that the party that does your threshing procures a new -fanglt*<l A ■> V ANTE Thitbhrr,
as they are constructed so as to save your grain, and have a better record than any old foff
*'or ft*fiber particulars. I am prepared to prove all my statements—i. e., Thi
ADY ANi^K machiue w ill do more and better woik than any other.
< .AVw-V.’W’
“«> <»l«l fogy agent to nmnr AVY cane nhere tbe
Ai> v AN< F machine ha* failed to do as represented since its iutiodactiii
ou th in C'ouNt. Show up or shut up.
Remember that old fogy agents saying the contrary does not make it so. It will pay you to
Investigate. I can prove all I nay.
I also sell the well known D1N4.EE WOODBI KY POWER. A number of mm
facturers make them on a royalty but 1 do not know of any imitation», but am always
clined to look out for those that talk of imitations. I also deal in Laundry and Marlae
Alachtnery, Farm. Church and 8ohool Bells. General Machinery, Swift Oilers, OrnieSafety
X’VJ.?8? ?? nf Pin,p-%HIa?\?ckQIn.^iirrttt<’r8’ p“rk & Kennedy Injectors. Acme and AllixtW
VVrenches Blacksmith Drills, Belf-Heatiiig Bath Tubs, the Westinghouse Engine«. See the
prices: 10-horee on wheels, $990; Traction. $1075; 15 horse Traction, $1400. Special discount fcr
Agent for Coiburn’s Dynamo« and Lamps for iCirctrlc LightiMg-l »
The testimonials printed by
It lias cost some hundreds of mil­
H. H. Warner & Co. are, so
lions of dollars to demonstrate toCount
far as they know, positively
Ferdinand Do Lesseps that stone has
genuine. For the past five
not the degree of permeability pos­
years they have had a standing
sessed by sand. It was no trick at all
offer of $5,000 for proof to the
to dig a hole through the granulated
contrary. If you are sick and
plain of Suez; but canalizing the solid
Do not anticipate trouble or worry about that
rocks of Panama is quite a different which may never happen; keep in the sunlight. want to get well, use
thing. Th!» is at lust admitted by De
Thousands of cures follow the use of Dr.
Lesseps and he now proposes to change Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. 50 cents.
his work from a sea level to a lock
Chance opportunities make us known to
canal. But will the undertaking, even others; and still more to ourselves.
in its new shape, ever bo finished? Can
Connuinptlon, Wasting Diseases,
its promoters ever raise the vast sum And General Debility. Doctors disagree as to
the relative value of Cod Liver Oil and Hypo­
needed for its completion?
phosphites, ».lie one supplying strength and
Lc Genie Civil, tho most prominent flesh, the other giving nerve power, and acting
a tonic to the digestive and entire system. I (XS»Dr. Spinney & Co.pSToi
engineering periodical in France, has as
But in Ncott'a Huiulaioii of ( od Liver Oil
an article in a recent number on the with Hypophosphites the two are combined, N ERVOU8 aWSI
the effect is wonderful. Thousands who
subject of the pro|x>sed alteration in the and
have derived no permanent benefit from other dency, &c., due to excesses or abuse, cured.
canal The statistics it presents must preparations have been cured by tlds. Scott'» " w
„ v oi youthful follies or indis­
Emulsion Is perfectly palatable and easily di­ cretion should avail themselves of our treatment.
certainly startle the Gallic enthusiasts gested
by those who cannot tolerate plain Cod A positive cure guaranteed in every case, Syphilis.
Urinary and Venereal Diseases all unnatural dis­
who have been inveigled into dumping Liver OU.
charges, promptly and safely cured.
money by thecarl-loitd into a big ditch
S ymptoms —Moisture; intense itching and stinging,
which promises to remain for all time
or BlsddfT, Weak Back. Nervous
most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to con­
,ot Sexuul Strength, etc., cured
"without form and void.” Following tinue tumors form, which often bleed and ulceiate, rRr ^stored to healthy
very »ore. S wayni ' h O intment stops the
Jill » J erBon* unable to visit u» may be treated
is a synopsis of statements made by becoming
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many
it tnelr homes, by correspondence. Medicines and
remowss the tumors. It is equally efficacious in
‘ °r «»Pwse. Consultation
this French scientific authority—which, Oases
curing all Skin IMseasea. DR SWAYNE It SON,
by tl>e way, is not hostile to the enter­ Proprietors, Philadelphia. S wayne ’ s O intment can f rlend or Guide to Wedlock.
be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 Cents.
PISO S CURE FOR CONS U M PTI 0 N XourI village cannot do without one. You must have one for vour mUle. You cannot «fort *
"Tin» five divisions into which the
If afflicted with Sore Kyee, use Dr. Isaac
be without a small one in your houae.
For particular», addreea
line of the canal at Panama is divided, Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell It 25c.
N. P N. U. No. 211—H. F. N. U. No. 318.
Street, Po rt I a nd, Oregon.
contained at the outset, 135,000,000
Tttr G brmka for breakfast
cubic meters to be removed. 'I he accom­
8«e Antinetl l*lano advertisement.
plishment. up to tliis time, lias been as
follows: In the first division, from As­
pinwall westward, three-fifths of the
excavation, and in the fifth division,
from Panama eastward, one-third;
JFSO’ h QF COURSE you want the best .
Skiq &• Scalp
ill the second and third divisions, from
Tavernilla to Emperado, one-eighth
••■■cured by-.?.
each, and in the fourth division. La
Culebra, two twenty-sevenths. Of the
C utícula
total accomplishment of 80.666 666
cubic meters out of tho 135,000,000 to
lie extracted 19.666,666 comes from the DOR CLKANSING. PURJFTING AND
Atlantic and Pacific sections, where I beautifying the skin of children and Infante
curing torturing, disflgttring. itching, seal»
the earth is soft and the dredges en­ and
and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and
counter no serious obstacles.
From blood, with loss of hair, from Infancy to old age.
CtrricvBa K kmkdikh are infallible.
the three central and difficult divisions the
CVTICVRA. the great Skin Cure, and CvTI
11,000,000 cubic meters have been ex­ evaa Sozp. an exquisite Skin Bcautlfler. ex­
and CVTICVRA K kho L vext . the new
tracted after seven years’ operations, ternally.
Blood t-urifler. internally, cure every form of
and out of a total of 86,000,000. Even •kin and blood diseasea from pimples to
•S". f •.
if the substitution of a canal with sero'ula.
Bold everywhere. Price, C vticvra ,S0 o .: S oap
locks should reduce tho total remain­ Mo.: K eholvknt . |1. l»repared by the Porru
D rvo and C hemical C o .. B oston . M aha .
ing excavation in these sections to
Send for ‘How to Cure Sain iliseaece.-
40,000,000 cubic meters, as claimed by
Buby s Skm end Scalp preserved and >1
beautified by CfTici ha S oap
the company, it would require twenty- ter
K idney P ains . Backache and W eaknvn '
five years to complete the work at the
cured by C vticvra A nti -P ain
instantaneous pain-wutiduing plaster. ¿5c. I
came rate of progress. In that time,
even at the present rate, the aggregate '»>> I A Al
A 1st Premiums. 25,000 in use,
E--taUi>hed. New
interest of the existing debt, uncom- HIllIMIIX
S w
patented Steel Tuning De­
pounded, would amount to (500,000,000 flee, tn use in no other Piano, by which our Pianos
lu tune 20 j ears, good f.r 100 ; not affected
and the world would have for the re­ gtantl
by climates No wood to split, break, swell, shrink,
quirements of its commerce, an ÍI1- frack, decay, or wear out; we guarantee it. Ele
Rosewood Cases, 3 strings, double repeating
complete canal, not more than fifteen Cit
i«m; finest ivory keja; the Famous ANTISELL
feet in depth (4.57 meters), and bur­ ball or write to» ftMalogur, free T. M. AlfTUEU
CO., Manufactumrs, Odd Fellows* Hall, Mar
dened with debts exceeding 11,000,000,- Cl st ANO
and Seventh Streets, s.ui Francisco.
000."— Chicago Tunes.
■ ’
W arner s S afe C ure .
-The ' young man whose breath
inii-lls of rum will never breathe the
atmosphere of success
—Ambition breaks the ties of blood,
»ml forgets the obligation* of grati­
tude.— Nw» nat'fe' Neo«.
—If you would not have affliction
visit you twice, listen at once to what
It teaches. — Ker. A. L. Mnox.
—A fad la another man's favorite
Idea; our own favorite idea la to
other men strong evidence of cranki­
—I never knew a critic who made it
hi» business to lash th. fault* of other
writers that wiu not guilty of greater
himself. —Addison.
—That which is called considering
what is our duty, in a particular case,
1» very often nothing but endeavoring
to einlain it away,— B<sho# Butler.
"""-Mn'fhat » him /
.. T, and consequently, upon its merits, the chesnefet
hAMRememb,„feeth.J I
^ i T ed
».^, ,
A/« ”?houLlh* United »State«, as anv other style orm^JJ
Tn k C •
ln orr^fr (o introduce it hut is «i* know 1 edit»'d to
- u
•ndol better m»™rt.». thin
J?reTe th,m * »*. the Xt JXX? u,,e
«"<1 W.shington for
We ere »1^ EXCtCSIIcFPowerful,
durable, aafe.t, more skillfully eon»»«*
Header ta
tor our price« and terms, snd all other
M°NeV ^llng*e*
I U, General A^ent«, Portlni J, Or.