The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, July 20, 1888, Image 3

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One Dear North of oor .r Third and E 6u ,
M c M innville , or .
Oue year.......
Six months...
Three months
s, A. YOUNG, M. D.
M c M isxvill «,
Physician & Surgeon,
The Great
McMinnville, Oregon.
Henderson Bros. Props
Mm Pacific khuL
First-class accommodat-ons for Cciumer
cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
Everything new and in First-Class Order
Patronage respectfully solicited
------ VIA THE-------
Cascade Division’ now completed,
making it the Shortest, Best’
and Quickest.
Great English Remedy.
I he Dining Cur line. Tlio Direct Route.
No Delays. Fastest T.ains, Low­
est Rates to Chicago anil all
points East. Tickets sold
to all Prominent Points
throughout the East and Southeast.
Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­
ing Cars
Reservationscan be secured in advance.
Murray’s Specfic.
Dr. J. H- NELSON, Dentist
Trea. M.rfc. A guaranteed cure for all
a nervous diseases, such as weak
¡^memory, loss of brain power,
hysteria, headache, pain in tbe
back, nervous prostration,
wakefulness, leucorrhoea. uni
versai lassitude, seminal weak­
ness, impotency. and general
R.fnr. T.LI.» lo»s of RO'fer of the generative
De,or. laKln8* organs, in either sex, caused
by indiscretion or over exertion, and which
ultimately lead to premature Trad. Mark,
Physician and Surgeon.
old age,insanity and consump­
$1.00 per box or six
M c M innville ,
O regon boxes for $5.00,sent bv mail on
receipt of price, Full particu­
---- fol----
lars in pamphlet, sent free tu
Office two doors south of postoffice.
every applicant.
Idence two doors from railroad on
street All calls promptly attended to, day
BOXES to cure any case. Fo
or night
every $5 00 order received, weAfUrTsklnf.
send six boxes with written guarantee to re­
fund tbe money if our Specific does not ef­
fect a cure
Address all communications to the Sole
If so be sure and call for your tickets
via the
Kansas City, Mo.
Sold by Rogers A- Todd, sole agents
Rooms over First National Bank, in Mc­
Minnville, Oregon.
Charges Moderate and Consistent
Has the latest Discovery for the Painless
extraction of Teeth.
W H Boyd.M T>.
To East Bound Passengers.
Be caeful and do not make a mistake
but be sure to take I he
Northern Pacific Railroad.
And see that your tickets read via
THIS LINE, St Paul ot Minneapolis, to
avoid changes and serious delays occa­
sioned by other routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular express trains full length of
the line. Beiths fiee. Lowest rates.
Quickest time.
Ciiciji ii Mreta Eailmy,
Transcontinental Route.
Third Street, between E and F
O bkgox .
Office an<I residence on D street.
«alls promptly answered day or night.
General Office Of the Company, No,
Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
Asst General Passenger Agent.
The Provincial Prize Horse
Tlie only
“ im mi in, Will stand the ensu­ FIRST CLASS BAR
It is positively the shortest and fin ¡st
line to Chicago ami the east and south and
the only sleeping and dining car through
line to
----- IN-----
ing season, beginning McMinnville, is opened
April 1st and ending
Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed July 1st, 1888, at his
train service and elegant dining and
sleeping cars has honestly earned for it the
old stables in M’Minn- Where you will find the best of
title of
The Iloyal Iloute ville, Oregon,
Wines and Liquors, also
Imported and Domestse
Others may imitate,but none can surpass it
Cigars. Everything neat and Clean.
Our motto is “always on time ”
T. M. F ields , Propr.
Be sure and ask ticket agents for tickets
via this celebrated route and take none Single service,
12. The St. Charles Hotel.
No. 4 Washington street. Portland. Or. Season,
15. Sample rooms o in ------
J. M. H ulery , Prop. Is now fitted up in first class order.
Ouiaha, Kansas^ City, an<l all Missouri
Stiver Points.
Mrs. 11. P. Stuart,
----- THE LEADER IN-----
Hair weaving aid Stamping.
Apr. 13, 3m
Accommodations as good as can be
foun din the city.
8. E. MESSINGER, Manager.
'Wriefh.t Bro’s.
Dealers in
Opposite Grange Store McMinnville. Or
Harness. Saddles, Etc, Etc,
Proprietor of the
The leading
Third Street. McMinnville Or
Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and
all Patent business conducted for MODER­
U.S PATENT OFFICE. We have no sub
agencies, all business direct, hence can
transact patent business in less time and
at less cost than those remote from Wash­
ington. ‘-end model, drawing, or photo,
with description, We advise if patentable
or not free of charge, Our fee not due till
patent is secured
A book, “How to Obtain Patents.” with
references to actual clients in vour State,
county, or town sent free, Address
C. A. SNOW & CO.
Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D C
Shaving, Hair fut ting and- - - -
- - - - Shampoing Parlors. M’MINNYILLE NATIONAL
All kinds of fancy hair cutting done in Transacts a General Banking Business.
the latest and neatest style
President,............... J. W. COW LS,
All kinds of fancy hair dressing and liair
dying, a specialty Special attention given Vice-president, LEE LOUGHLIN.
Cashier.............. CLARK BRAL\.
Ladies' and Childrens' Work
I also have for sale a very tine assort­
Sells exchange on Portland, San
ment of hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc
0| I have in connection with my parlor, Francisco, and New York.
• tlie largest and finest stock of
Ever in the city.
WT hird S trkkt M c M inxvilli . O rsoox .
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m
Apr. 13 tf
These revolvers are an exact
d-iplicata of the celebrated
Caliber, using
no longer coets
faMXTII «fe» VVEfitSSOW-
For sale by Hardware and Gun Dealers everywhere.
h T t H«
»»af^taredly TEB mMgmnMB
WHILIN' Magazine Riflo
For la.--« or mall rime, *11 lto*. Th«
guaranteed, and tb* only a
lately «afe nft« cs tha market
w.uT*7t o “ half the cost of a «™"'™*
• fr>r an «tere Of cwtrdr*»
Ex-Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, Has a
Delightful Experience.
Repairing neatly done at reasonable
On our second day, being provided
Wright’s new building. Corner Third with a permit from his Highness, we
visited “Amber,” the old city, now
and F streets. McMinnville. Or
One sotuxre or less, one insertion. .. ......... >1 08
One square, each subsequent insertion. . SO
Notices of ap|ioiijintent and final sett lemaat A 00
Other legal advertisement* 75 rents for first
Insertion aud U) cents per square far each sub­
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business column«
10 cents per line. Regular business notice* 5
cents per Hue.
Professional cards. |12 per year.
Spedai rates for large display “ad*”
’J7?|I?4.**«ven». S'“!
unV;.Ke^;Jy“sm.U.i' »¿¿»T»*" *i> «•“«« •• 1
SHOT 111 Mail, IAHI *«• b, u.r«h*n e»y »«I*»- »<■»<« for Frtce LI.« o
deserted- It lies in a rocky gorge, on
a narrow valley.
The mountains
around are crowded by forts and Cus­
ties as dizzy and picturesque as any
on the Rhine. Lofty walls climb the
spurs of the mountains and tho old
castle sits superbly on the crest of a
high hill overlooking a beautiful little
l 'ke of clear water, on the shores of
which were several crocodiles bask­
ing in the hot sun. Our road lay
through a wilderness of kiosk memor­
ials of the past dead. Little domes
supported by the most delicate pillars
and prettily carved. Then we came
to a lake of perhaps five hundred
acres, in the center of which is a large
and fine old palace, its lower arches
now in the water aad its I »Iconics and
domes refleeted in tho placid sheet.
This water is dark and unhealthy, cov­
ered with all sorts of wild fowl and
filled with crocodiles. We counted
twenty odd of them. Beyond this we
readied the foot of the gorge leading
to the old city.
Here we found one of the Rajah’s
huge elephants, of which he has
eighty, which was to carry us over the
steep’ pass. His face was painted in
Oriental characters. We made our
obeisance. He soon came down on his
haunches, shot his legs straight out
behind, and on a short step-ladder we
mounted the mass of meat Then,
with a motion which made Johnny
think ftelingly of the swell of the Pa­
cific, our mastodon trudged slowly up.
When ho reached a particularly steep
place he groaned and grunted and
finally gave a whistle, which told me
that lie thought a Chicago two hun
dred-and-odd-pounder was more than
the law allowed. Along our up-hill
road gray monkeys, with black faces
and long tails, ran about the trees.
Some of them with their old-folk faces
made me feel liko saying: “Be good-
natured, old fellow; 1 confess to our
kinship.” After passing the little
lake J before mentioned we were car­
ried up a very steep road into the
court of the old palace, which is oo-
„■asionally used by the Rajah for a few
■lays al a time.— Chicago Mail
------------- «•*-------------
_ The lady who|x>s.-d to her husband
as the model for the figure of Freedom,
pointed in the dome of the Capitol at
Washington, now keeps a boarding­
house. and frowns upon the depart­
ment clerks who ask twice for butter.
—Don't writ.- a K-tter wnen angry.
It is too bad to put a venomous breath
permanent form Let your hate
athe itself into God's sunlight and
pure air, where t can be oMiteratod,
•wallowed up in the glorious light and
forgotten. Don’t put it where It will
live for years, a calm witness of your
. Don't give any
wickedness and • folly-
head. Angry
>ne L——-----
----- , back at inconvenient
tetters come
Lrors; they
1 , are a kind of venomous
When from the vaulted wonder of the sky
The curtain of the light Is drawn aside.
And I behold the stars in all their wide
Significance and glorious mystery.
Assured that those more distant orbs are suns
Round which Innumerable worlds revolve,—
My faith grows strong, my day born doubts dis.
How Pet Dogs Wear Harneu when Out
And death, that dread annulment which life shuns,
tor a Walk—A Pretty Indoor Costumo
Or fain would shun, becomes to life the way,
Which Represents In Its Cut autl Gar-
The thoroughfare to greater worlds on high,
niture New Sty les.
The bridge from star to star. Seek how we may.
There is no other roa«l across the sky;
The cut hero given illustrates an indoor
And, looking up. I hear star voices say:
costume that represents in its fashion and its
“You could not reach us if you did not die.“
—Henry Abbey in Americau Magazine.
♦ '.rnitun', leading styles. Tho skirt of this
this costume is of heavy brown cashmer?,
Circus Man Before King Vmbandini.
braided with the same color and trimmed
It is not often that circus “artistes” iiud with a flounce thirteen inches deep, laid in
their way into the realms of a South African boy nloats.
chief; but when they do it would seem that
their reception is likely to lie very enthusias­
tic. A “strong man” from a Cape Town cir­
cus, recently journeyed to the far off regions
of Ama Swaziland, and there gave a display
of his skill and power before Chief Umban-
dini at his “great place.” So pleased was
Umbandini at the performance that he forth­
with dictated a testimonial gratis. Here it
is: “We gladly certify that you have per­
formed at our Royal Kraal, Swaziland, on
rings, poles, chairs and sticks; that you hav<
also played with an iron tree, and also car­
ried a large cannon on your back, and flml
it off your back in our presence. We were
astonished und gratified at the wonderful acts
that you and your little son performed. We
do not believe that you will ever die. Given
at our Royal Kraal this 9th day of Decem­
ber, 1887. Umbandini (his f mark), Kiug
of Swaziland.”—St. James' Gazette.
NO. 13
J F Irwlu, of Oswego, N Y., paid 810.00C
for a Bibia
One of the buxine« colleges tn Cleveland
has a department of phrenology.
There are laws against using profane Ian
guage by telephone in all states except Con
A barber at Rues. Art, while shaving »
man was seized with an attack of bomicida
mania and cut his customer’s throat iron,
ear to ear
At Denison, Tex., a belated passeuget
emptied his revolver at the train that ha<
not waited for him, and was promptly take«
in band by the police.
There is said to be only one survivor of
a once powerful Indian tribe in California
When he dies the language spoken by th*
tribe will become extinct.
Honesty is sometimes rewarded. A Nev
Or loans lad found a valuable sachel, am!
upon taking it to the owner, who had advei
tised the loss, was made happy with a bran«
uew $10G bill.
Professional burglars are going the round-
of the country tow ns just now. It is tbei*
usual summer hegira, and the guardians o.
the peace should be ou the watch for such un
welcome visitor*
Ix'ss than one-half of the senators now it
ofllce were born in the states which they rep
resent. Americans seldom emigrate out ol
the country, but they do a great deal of emi
grating about in their own land.
The managers of a western railroad which
is experimenting with natural gas believe
that it ruay yet prove not only the cheat m *»’
of fuel for the locomotive, but excellent few
A Gypsy Band from Russia.
beating as well as lighting the cars.
One result of Lord Randolph’s visit to Rus­
American authors are more read than the
sia, may be the advent in this country of tho
Englisb in Japan. l»ust year 85,000 Englisi
famous gypsy band which is known by the
and 119,000 American books were imports
name of its leader and conductor, Nikolai
into that country, so that the old question
Shishkin. This Bohemian band has long bet n
“Who leads an American book#'' was fairh
one of the chief musical sensations of the St.
Petersburg season, and Lord Randolph had
The Zilvern Kruis, the flt'st Dutch man o
several chances of hearing it play during his
war to enter the Golden Qet^in fifteen year­
visit. He first heard it at the Flench ambas­
's lying off San Francisco. She u a trninin
sador’s ball, and was so struck by the unique
ship «11 her wav to Japan, China and tb
character of both performers and music that
Dutch colonies in India, where she will mak
his curiosity was aroused. He sought and
a prolonged stay,
gained an introduction to Nikolai Shishkin
Miss Eliza Bliss, of Reboboth, Conn., sui
himself, and took subsequently the great«st
interest in him and his band. The most curi­
the front drajvry arrangement, a plied a tramp with a meal. While she wa
ous feature of this gypsy band is tho presence breadth of material on • yard and a quarter preparing the food the trump sang “Nearvi
in it of a number of female gypsies, some of wide and ono yard fh e inches long is pleah d My God, to Thee,” and at the same tiin*
whom are typical beauties. The more hand­ u to the band at the upper edge and caught vp stole the lady's pocketbook and |25 Iron
some of these musical gypsy damsels make • »n tlio left side. The back breadth, which is her bureau drawer.
I ‘«.»yards ten inches wide and ono yard six
excellent marriages.—London Figaro.
The uew Inman steamship, the City of Nev
inches long, is pleated into the band, the ma­ York, is warranted by her builders to I m
Rushing Through College.
terial being arranged in a largo box pleat in unsinkable. That is, one condition laid dowi
But we cannot afford to imitate England ibe middle and in smaller Hut one.» at the m the contract by the company was that sh<
in the matter of education. We have no sides and then caught in the middle.
should be unsiukable, although she is of iroi>
Waistcoat pieces complete tlio fronts of the and has a capacity of 10,500 ton*
leirare class. Everybody works. And boys
rush through school and the higher schools-- Liodico, which is further ornamented with
A New England man has beaten the greet'
which we, by courtesy, call colleges—to rovers two and throe-quarter inches long goods sawdust men at their own game.
plunge into invoice books, to make briefs of Largo flat bronze but tons uro also used in the ;ot oue of their circulars, aud in reply asked
titles, to gulp down as much law as they can ornamentation of the bodice. (See cut.) Such for a sample of their good* They sent bln»
before beginning the practice of what they braided ornamentations as here described a genuine $1 bill, and the gentleman of New
will learn by their experience and that of may easily l»o imide by our readers, or braided Rugland stopped the correspondence then
their clients’. As to the law—which ought set3 we.y be purchased for the pui*poso.
and there.
to be a learned profession—a long aq 1 sound
As a wedding party was driving through
preparation in the classics is almost a neces­
Tho dog has come to lx* an inijxirtant fea- the streets of a Pennsylvania town on theii
sity. Few young lawyers and few young
to the church at which the ceremony
doctors have the time for it. But for the turo in the world of fashion, and what ho was to be performed, the carriages drovt
aspirants for success in the various forms of »hall wear an«I how to inak » it is therefore a over a little girl, killing her immed.ately
business one or two modern languages arc question of more or leeQ interest. Tho pet The arrest of the party prevented the uiar
absolutely necessary.—New York Freeman’s dogs owned by ladies nn t sent out daily to riage, and it has been postponed.
walk are commonly led by a leather or chain
The smallest circular saw in practical us«
leader attached to the collar.
Hard on Autograph Fiends.
is a tiny disc about the size of a British sliil
iiug, which is employed for cutting the sht>
Young ladies with a passion for autographs
iu gold pen* These saws are about as thick
will not relish the arrangement whic h a
as ordinary paper, und revolve some foui
number of the poets and authors and other
thousand times per minute. The high veloc­
celebrities of this and other countries have
ity keeps them rigid, notwithstanding th<
adopted of using a typewriter for all corre­
spondence, except in the most important and
private letters. A lady who lately wrote an
ijondon bankers have for a long tlmo l>eei>
ingenious note to the poet Tennyson, asking
seeking to obtain an additional fifteen inin
an expression of opinion on a matter that
utes of grace to get their checks through th«
could not fail to command his attention,
clearing house after the close of business eux-1
was deeply chagrined to receive an answer
ilay. The clearing house has finally con
wholly typewritten, including the signa
ceded five minutes, and it is said that tb<
ture. If this is to be kept up it is quite clear
bankers welcome even this as an almost in
estimable boon.
that the autograph hunter's occupation is
gone.—Philadelphia Times.
Near North Adams, Mans., two girls of b
and 10 went out after May flowers and lorn
Horneshocs for Bad Roads.
their way in the woods. Rome time aftei
The Germans have invented horseshoes for
»lark they stumble« I u|»on a I a rm house ano
bad roads. This is how they do it. The
asked shelter, but were refused, so they wen
blacksmith, when finishing a hoi-se's shot»,
forced to remain al) night in the woods, and
punches a hole in the two ends. When the
were found by the searching party at mom
shoe is cold he taps in a screw thread and
mg half dead from cold, fright and exhaus
screws into the shoe, when on the horse’s foot,
a sharp pointed stud of an inch in length. collar from pressing into the nock of the dog
A Montana new»{)aper says that the day»
With shoes thus fitted the horse travels se­ *hen u leader is attached to it. Tho latter, of staging in the hills are rapidy de|>artmg
curely over tbe worst possible road* When ¡:i tho arrangement shown, is put through •- Steam is fast taking the place of horse und
the horse comes to the stable the groom un­ ring let i;i tho middle of tho lx»lly band of the mule power, and Pullman coaches are crowd
screws tbe pointed stud and screws in a but­ bariums. The harness from which the illus­ mg out the swayback stages of old. Th«
ton, so that no damage can hapjten to tbs tration is taken consists of four sirups, each noted North western Transportation com
horse, and the screw holes are prevents I tliree-qunrtcra of an inch wide and long pany has begun to dispone of its plant, anu
enough to reach around the body of the ani is preparing to bunt for business on tbe rap
from filling.—Home Journal.
mal. Sometimes light colored lent her .is used,
idly receding frontier.
Aometimes dark. Occasionally strips of rod
Preservation of Foreat».
The five stones erected to mark “Mason
« loth, somewhat wider and pinked cut at the
The preservation of forests from the dopn»-
edge, are stitched on und*-r the leather. The and Dixous line” between Maiyland and
dations of insects and aphides is largely de-
scrips arc joined and ornamented with gilt, Pennsylvania have just1* had their annual
jiendent upon the spiders that inhabit them, silver
or nickel heade 1 nails. These harnesses visitation by commissioners, who rejiort one
more effective work of this kind being per­
can bo purchased ready made, though many in gcxxl condition, one lost, one broken, one
formed by them than by the insect-eating
dislodged by mining o|ieratious, and the fifth,
ladies prefer having them made to order.
birds. Examinations of the viscera of the
which tiears on one side the arms of Pennsyl
spiders kept in captivity show them to be vo­
vania, on tbe other those of lx>rd Baltimore,
New York Fc.shlons for Men.
racious destroyers of these creaturers, and as
The following New York styles in men's badly damaged by vandal relic hunter*
they prefer dark spots in the forests, which clothing were recently described in Harper's
A cobra bite has been cured. Dr. Richard»
are the places most infested by vermin, the
as reported by The India Daily News, wa»-
results of their labor are very beneficial — Bazar: Business suits are of dark mixed suit­
ings and checks and stripes that are not con handling a cobra with the intention of ex
Globe Democrat.
icouM—indeed, arc almost invisible—pro trading some poison, when he was bitten on
(lacing dark gray shade* brown and red mix­ tbe finger. He immediately cut it open t<
Water I’roof Book Binding».
tures, black and brown checks, etc. These tbe bone above tbe wound, and applied per
A composition has been produced which raits may liavo u cutaway coat, fastened by manganate of potash, put ou a ligature and
may prove valuable to book binders, having t.ireo or four buttons, a.i the size of tbe hurried off for advic*
Another doctor
for its purpose the rendering water proof ef scorer dictates, or ( Ise a four buttoned sack opened the wound and cauterized it with
leather, cloth, paper, etc. It is a mixture of coat; the waistcoat may have a “step’’ rolled nitric acid, and Dr Richards has recovered
water, silicate of soda, resin, alum, potash, Uiot-ched) collar or a standing “step” collar:
fish glue, sulphate of zinc and sulphate of ib • edges are double stitv-hed. Trouser» for
copper in various proportions. The applica thcj ? suit*»—an«l indeed for all suits—are cut
tion is said to render the material impervious ra ilium wide and bang straight, but they are
pride of Kingman county, Kan., I* a
to the influence of oil or water, and, if a net of exaggerated width, nor do they have
variety of ingredients increase practical fb ‘folded crease down the front and back bull that weighs 4,250 pound*
An alligMtor neat, found In Rice creek
utility, should be very valuable.—Chicago which belongs to ready made clothing. A
Fla., contained forty-three young saurian»
dsrk silk or satin scarf tied in a largo knot, n
According to the naturalists wasps remem
LLack Derby liât and tan or mahogany col­
Market for lied Oak.
her the locality of their nests just ninety-six
A profitable market has been found for the ored glove* with wide black stitching are boom
poor, despised Americau red oak, that has wirn with business suit*
There are 40.000 reptiles kept in one room
Thoso dressy rooming suit* tlmt aro worn
been considered of no value at all. Ameri­
in tlie ¡Smithsonian institution at Washing
can dealers are buying up all they enn get in tho afternoon an well have a cutaway coat
ton. It b needless to add they are kept io
bold of anti shipping it to Liverpool. T lie re and vest of block or dark tint wirkserow alcohol.
tbe lumber is manufactured into fancy fur­ «•loth, er of diagonal tliat is rot • ery wide,
A great snowy pelican, that had somehow
niture and shipped back to New York, when or else cf tbe crape finished cloth.
Tho fnx k coat suit is c.eceptcd as the <-or- got woefully astray, was shot the other day
it is sold to w«joltby people as the real Eng­
lish oak, and at pretty stiff prices, too.—Chi­ rcct day drem suit for formal reocjrtions in moot Albany, Ga. The bun ter says that “at
tbe afternoon and for (Lay weddings, alike first be took it for a calf.”
cago Herald.
for the bridegroom, ushers and guests. Fine
A mnn in Detroit was saved from a hor
Idack diagonals, cork**rew cloth or rhevi t rible death by the courage of two pet cats,
Sbr Thought So Too.
H b —D o you know, M im Mabel, I bar« <li. —a cloth without facing—are used for tho which ebuwed hi in awake barely in time to
covered why my brain 1» no active! She-- «ioutl » breasted frock coat, which is of mo- escape from a burning building.
No, Mr Minuswit, what i. your theory/ H< diur.i length, b fastened by four buttons, lias
The statement is made that no leas than six
—It is because I so often start a train of corded silk facing, is bound with ribbon «peciea of Morth American birds have become
thought. Sb»—Ab, yeat Tbe “Limited."—
f tho rame cloth is single breasted and me­ extinct during the last ten years, and it b
dium high. Tbe trousers are of dark stripes, claimed that English sparrows were th*
Tlie World’» Way.
though »lightly lighter trouser* aro worn by main causa
There is a man In Yankeebnsh, Pa., who
My friend, don't forget thia—if you lit a bri«logruom and his attcrwlant* White or
down, tbe world will go out of its way tc very light ottoman silk warf* with a jeweled tias two eggs laid by a Plymouth Rock ben,
of than mea»uring
inches long and
drive o»zer you; but if you stand up and look scarf pin, and pearl colored glove« stitched
severe, it will give you half the road at kost with |«xrl, aro worn by the groom, lient man 8% inches round, the other 8 inches long and
and us)>er* The guest.-» also wear light scarfs
Inches round.
—Uncle Ezek.
with tan colored glove* A high silk kuit
Philadelphia drummer astonisberl the
The mrly bird cetohes tbe worm, aa,l it it complete* a frock coat suit
Dre* suits for evening are of tho finest imnple of Omaha the other day by wearing a
tbe early crocus that cak-bra Um ni|>piD(
diagonal or Angola* especially those live chameleon as a watch charm The curi
frost. Earlineua is occasionally a bwl habit. black
f-jr young men; broadcloth hi liUlo u *xL Th» on* litth lizard was attached to a chain by
—Pittaburg Bulletin.
dr. ù coat is »-nt with narrow ewsllow tai) s Uiin band of gold wound about its neck,
and low roilcl »bawl collar in Iflbg continu
ind nestled In th* «Teases of the drummer's
A “spotter" that should I« «’amped
uus roil, or it may be u note bod collar if th- waisUxMt with every indication of uouUut
, weartr prefer* j
The •mallpoi.-B.jatoa Uoaunsrual.
Professor Mayer Illustrates in a Pleasing
Manner With an Arrangement of
Floating Magnetic Needles the Mutual
Repulsion of Similar Bodies.
Professor A. M. Mayer lias devised an ar­
rangement of floating magnetic needles which
iwaulifuily demonstrates the mutual repul-
sian of similarly magnetized Ixxlies A num­
ber of strongly magnetized carpet needles are
in-ertetl in small corks, as shown in the pros­
pective view of the picture here reproduced.
When H<wiling, explains The Sciqptiflo
American, these needier arrange themselves
in symmetrical groups, the form of the groups
qyigiug with the numlier of needle*
On«« | m »I h of a bar magnet held over the
center of a vessel containing the floating
needles will disjirrse the needles, while the
other pole will draw them together.
AnMPMthctic Bullet.
An anaesthetic bullet lias been invented by
a German chemist which, it is claimed, will,
if brought into general use. greatly diminish
the horrors of war. The bullet is of a brittle
sulmtanee, breaking directly when it cotnes in
contact with tbe object ft which it is aimed.
It contains a ¡»owerful snmsthetic, producing
instantaneously complete insensibility, last­
ing for twelve hours, which, except that th*
action of the heart continues, is not to lie dis­
tinguished from death. A laittle field where
these bullets are used will in a short time b*
apfian ally covered with dead bodies, but in
reality merely with the prostrate forms of
soldiers re« I need for the time being to a stat*
of unconsciousness. While in this condition
they may, the German chemist points out, b*
packed in ambulance wagons and carried otf
as prisoners.
The Maxim Gun.
The new and really wonderful weapon
christened Maxim gun weighs over sixty-flv*
pounds, is mounted on a light tripod, which
can be lowers I, raisod, moved literally with
one hand as easily as a garden hose, aud
which pours out automatically 600 shots a
minute. There ia no crank to turn; there is
no labor of feeding. One man simply set*
the bullets going, and then directs it at will;
akinga whole regiment front if he likes, or
keeping the fire within a range of five feet or
five inches. The basis of it all is the utiliza­
tion of tbe recoil force to fire the next shot.
Longest Tunnel in the World.
It I m claimed that the longest completed
tunnel in the world is at Rrhenmitz in Hun­
gary. It is 10.27 miles in length, with a crow
section of 9 feet 10 inches by 5 feet 3 inchoa
and is used for drainage purposes. The new
Croton uquedu t tunnel now in course of ex­
cavation near this city will be much the long­
est tunnel in the world. When completed it
will l>e nearly JM) miles long, with a section
much larger than that of the Schenmitx tun­
nel, being alsmt 1H f»et in diameter. Twenty-
two miles have already been excavated.
A Remarkable Maiutnul.
The a<‘«'<>nq»anying cut repivsents tbe top
of the skull of the remarkable mamma), Trity-
lodon, described by
Henry F. Osliorn,
of Princeton, in
Me!f‘nce. It is re­
duced to two-thirds
natural size, the
genus living much
larger than any
other h i t h e r t o
known from tbe
Mesozoic (>ei iod. In
•lie interval be­
tween the parietal»
and front¡ils (I an«I
2) is scon the pari­
etal foramen (8),
which has exactly th« same position and rela­
tions as in the lizard genus Kphenodon.
From the large size of the parietal foramen in
Tritylodon, which greatly exceeds that of any
of the recent lixards in actual diameter, and
com|Miivs with that of the labyrinthodonta
and saurian*. Profewior Osliorii infers that the
primitive mammalia, of this family at least,
had a pineal eve of some functional size and
value. The facts here recorded are consid-
ere»l of remarkable interest to scientists, add­
ing, as they <lo, to the rapidly accumulating
evident for the reptilian an<*estry of the
Why Color* Cannot he Photographed.
Photography has nover reproduced natural
colors. Hcientists explain this fact by th*
statement that color ha* no objective exis­
tence. It is simply th«» brain's interpretation
of tho rapidity with which tbe waves of a ray
of light Is-nt against the retina.
rapid produce the Muuation of the min«l
known as violet; l>(*ats lek« rapid, that known
as red. Violet nn«l red are nothing but vibra­
tions of tlie ether until they reach the optic
nerve and communicate to that the vibration*
which the brain translate* To photograph
color h therefore as Im|xjMBible as to photo­
graph sound.
Disappearance nf an Island.
According to the official newspaper of tb*
Forve islands, the ro-k island of Munken,
south of H iihi I io , has sunk out of sight. In a
word, one of the most striking object* in th*
Fnrve group, which has been »ailed post and
admired by thousands of people and played
an inqiortant part in geographical literature,
has disappeared. It once stood seventy feet
aliove the level of tbe sea, but the rock
gradually crumbled away so that th* tid*
washed over its surface. The shallow water*
around the island formed dangerous curr*nta>
with eddies, or maelstroms, .which were much
dreaded by mariner*
A n<Mi»e nf Mraw.
A house constructed entirely nf materials
manufactured of straw is one of the promised
novelties to he exhibited at the forthcoming
American exhibition in Iymdon. Haul house,
which, according to Iron, is being ma<le in
Pennsylvania, is to represent an American
villa two and a half stories high, and cover­
ing a space of forty-two feet by fifty feet.
Rphirr» A tirar ted by Elert rie Light»
A Washington cotrmpondent comment» on
« «|»ede» of wptdrr that has «neared tinco
‘he introduetiuii of electric lights. It ply* it*
craft day and night. Everywhere its webe
are arm imjwrting a dingy, dirty ap|«ar*n*'O
U» tbe architectural ornamentation oulaido
arsi ceilings inaido building* that ar* Uh»
miMUl l.v .«w* > iritv