The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, July 06, 1888, Image 1

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    the telephone .
O b , Dear
North of oor or Third tad E Sto ,
M c M innville ,
(IN advxncz .)
One year.-
Six months. ■.
Three months
• 00
1 00
The Great
8, A. YOUNG, M. D.
Transcontinental Route.
Physician 4 Surgeon,
Him Paaflc lutai.
------- VIA THE-------
Cascade Division’ now completed,
making it the Shortest, Best’
and Quickest.
ing Cart
Reservations can be secured in advance.
To East Bound Passengers.
Be caeful and do not make a mistake
but be sure to take tlie
Northern Pacific Railroad.
And see that your tickets read via
THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to
»void changes and serious delays occa­
sioned by other routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular express trains full length of
the line. Beiths free. Lowest rates.
Quickest time. _____
General Olfice Of the Company, No, »
Waahlngtnn St., Portland, Oregon.
Aast General Passenger Agent.
The only
McMinnville, Oregon.
First-class accommodations for Ccmmer
cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
Everything new and in First-Class Order
Ip Stairs in Aiaias’ Building,
Patronage respectful I y solicited
Great English Remedy.
Murray's Specfic.
Trade Mark, a guaranteed cure for all
nervous diseases, such as weak
»^¿Junemory, loss of brain power,
hysteria, headache, pain in the
y/y back, nervous
wakefulness, leucorrhoea. uni­
extraction of Teeth.
versal lassitude, seminal weak­
ness, impotency. and general
Befars Taklnr losa of I’OWer *»f the generati««
uetors laKIng. ,)rgans ln el[|lcr sex caused
by indiscretion or over exertion, and which
ultimately lead to premature Tr.a.M.rk.
Physician and Surgeon,
old age,insanity nnd consump­
$1.00 per box or six
M c M innville ,
O regon boxes
for $5.00.sent bv mail on
receipt of price. Full particu­
Office two doors south of postoffice. Res­ lar* in pamphlet, sent free to
idence two doors from railroad on Third everv applicant.
street All calls promptly attended to, day
or night
1 BOXES to cure any case. Fo
every $5 00 order received, weAftsrTaklng.
send six boxes with written guarantee to re­
fund the money if our Specific doe* not ef­
fect a cure
Address all communications to the Sole
If so be sure and call for your tickets
via the
Kansas City, Mo.
Sold by Rogers A Todd, sole «rents
W"»II. Hoyd, M. D.
tag: ii Hwta Mmy, The Provincial Prize Horse
wos ra Mm, “MILTON”
Will stand the ensu­
ing season, beginning
McMinnville, is opened
Omaha, KansasCity, and all Missouri
April 1st and ending
River Points.
Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed
train service and elegant dining and July 1st, 1888, at his
sleeping cars ha« honestly earned for it the
title of
old stables in M’Minn-
Where you will find the best of
Wines and Liquors, also
ville, Oregon.
Imported and Domestsc
Others may imitate,but none can surpass it
Cigars. Everything neat and Clean. Our motto is "always on time "
T. M. F ields , Propr.
He sure and ask ticket agents for tickets
via this celebrated route and take non» Single service,
No. 4 Washington street. Portland, Or. Season,
The St. Charles Hotel.
Sample rooms in connection.
o------ o
J. M. H ulery , Prop.
Is now fitted up in first class order.
----- IN-----
It is positively the shortest and fin Bt
line to Chicago and the east and south ami
the only sleeping and dining car through
line to
Accommodations as stood as can be
foun din the city.
8. E. MESSINGER, Manager.
Mrs. II. P. Stuart,
Hair weaving and Stamping.
Opposite Grange Store McMinnville, Or
The hair should bo washed only
when absolutely necessary for pur­
poses of cleanliness, and should not
be wet when dressing it for the day.
The frequent use of water removes the
natural oil from the hair, rendering
it harsh and increasing tho tendency
to split. The ends of the hair should
be clipped every four or five woeks,
thus keeping it free from split ends.
If the hair is uneven, cut to an even
length and continuo the clipping. But this, the secret is in the free
use of tlie hair brush; as often as one
finds time, the hair should be well
brushed—until the scalp glows, and
while brushing, at least ones a day
give as many as one hundred and fifty
strokes of the brush. This requires
but a few minutes, if given rapidly,
and is not too manv for a head of soft
shining tresses.
lMien it becomes neocssary to wash
the hair take the yelk of an egg.
slightly beaten, and rub well into the
roots; when nearly dry rinse the head
in tepid water, into which is poured a
very few drops of aniomnia. Then, by
the tire, rub the hair with towls until
peif ctly drv, brush and part the hair
with the fingers. The egg renders the
hair fine and silken and the ammonia
promotes its growth. Or, instead of
the egg uso sage tea; put two or three
spoonfuls of sage into a cup and pour
boiling water over it. When the tea
is cold rub tho scalp with it and rinse
as above. The hair brushes used
should be of the besl kind, with good
bristles, which penetrate to the scalp.
Bo not use wire brushes, they break
the hair and injure the roots. Plenty
ef exercise In the open air and sun­
shine strengthens tho hair and makes
•t grow. This proves that nature’s
remedies are al wavs the best. — Cor.
itlro l Free prei>.
— —----—
Ti.e La l oses Capa,
The rape called ”L * Tosca” is made
«•»rspri >g and summer wear, of vari-
fabric-*, broche silk being a fa-
’orite. R j, handsomely lined and
r''luy il corated, and its peculiarity is
the Idgh collar, which is sha|>ed to the
neck without any seam going round
’• A model made in “Lt Tosca”
* i u’ ** °* mo,*-Xreen velvet, lined
’* h pale willow-green surah, swd
nrnanwnted with a rich passementerie
I CMhmero beads. The wrap is very
J'nnty-looking for those to whom it
’’r'JT's b'cnming- Another wrap is
led the Princess, made in pelerine
I is. with open sleeves thst reach
J ”< to tho elbow. The fronts fit close­
fan I at the lower edge is placed a
t’a lirre I piece of lace flounciag that
* 1 to the eilge of the skirt hem.
*“• wrap is graceful and pretty in
ai’k, in lace alone, in black
whit«, and also in figured gren-
for matrons. -X T. Poti
■“feaener—-correct me sentence :
be liqnor which the man bought was
y*nh-’ ” Smart boy—•’The man which
^ught tho liquor was
Apr. 13, 3ni
AVL'i^ht JBro’s.
Dealers in
Simple Direction, for Securing a Strong
atul Healthy Growth.
Harness. Saddles, Etc, Etc,
Repairing neatly dona at reasonable
Wright’s new building. Corner Third
and Fstreets. McMinnville. Or.
Proprietor of the
McMMle tally ta,
Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and
all Patent business conducted for MODER
U.S PATENT OFFICE. We have no sub
agencies, all business direct, hence can
transact patent business in. less time and
ut less cost than those remote from Wash­
ington. end model, drawing, or photo,
with description, We advise if patentable
or not free of charge, Our fee not due till
patent is secured
A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with
references to actual clients in vour State,
county, or town sent free. Address
The leading
Third Street. McMinnvil’e Or
C. A. SNOW & CO.
Shaving, Hair Catting and- - - -
- - - - Shampoing Parlors.
Opposite Patent Office. Washington. D C
All kinds of fancy hair cutting done in Transacts a General Banking Business.
the latest and neatest style
President,............... J. W. COWLS,
All kinds of fancy hair dressing and hair
dying, «specialty Special attention given Vice-president, LEE LOUGHLIN.
Cashier............... CLARK BRAL^.
Ladies' and Children»' Work
I also have for »ale a very fine assort­
Sells exchange on Portland, San
ment cf hair oils. hair tonics, cosmetics, etc
Oe I have in connection with my parlor, Francisco, and New \ork.
! the largest and finest stock of
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m
Apr. 13 tf
Ever in the city.
taTaiin S thiit McMtssviLlx. O rxgos
These revolvers are an exact
duplicato of tlie celebrated
.83 Caliber, using
no longer costs
a Fortune
full nickel plated , rubber HANDLE-.
WABUirn a«v*t «» ,T-IT »*•«*« 10 Tn*
vmith <•> -wsnmsoJW.
For mie by fiard ware and Gun Dealers everywhere.
Ma^tetatedV TEE
_— -------------- - —
. .
______ ns. mi BEST
Magazine Rifo.
ri_,U^L^CA^TÁLTÍM°yiB¿‘AteVyTo., Ä.w_M«Ten.
I deal reloading
fW all -I.- of <-.»»rdr-.
ì m »«"!«'” «"w
T.’ .’ *
» b ®
'v.-aro. lAt of tese, teeuie
One square or le^s. one insertion................ fl 00
(ine square, each subsequent insertion. . 30
Notices of appointment and final actilemeal 5 00
Other legal adve rtisements, 75 cents for first
insertion and 40 cents per square for each sub­
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business column*,
10 cents per tine. Regular business notice«, 5
cents per line.
Professional cards. 012 per year.
Spec ial rates tor large display "ads."
An Old Time Chiropodist Tells How
Mr Darnley (an amateur carver, to young
laity at bis right)—Will yon have aoma of
the duck, Mia* Smith!
Knife «lipa.
Mie* Smith .handing duck from bar lap) —
Thanks, Mr Darnley, bat I dost want the
enure bud.-i-poch.
" --ill P
NO. 11
----------- w
Lincoln Receive ! m Delegation.
There is au old chirotMxlist in Washington
men in the country for the last third of a
century. I asked him the other day how IV. Ar. Loath to Fao. th. Pact That th.
Practical Surgery in a floitpltal—A Pa­ many presidents had sat In his chair.
Huuiau Machin, la Wearing Oat—A
“Lot mo see,” he answered. “I believe I
tient on the Surgeou'a Table—How
Weary Heart— Grey Unite—Other Warn*
have had every one of them since the time of
Pfmorrliaffe 1» Preveuted—The Knife
Buchanan. I came to Washington iu his
at Work—The Forcepe.
administration, but had not much practice
Nature is one of the kindest of mothers
An amputation, while a serious is really e
Slio is ever ou tlio atTn-tionate nlert to let her
very simple operation. A layman who sees Several times a year I went to tho White million children know of thu ills that uiennoe
an amputation of a leg for the fii*st time is House while Lincoln was there. Both he them aiul to horst the danger signal that toils
surprised that there is about it so little that and his wife had very troublesome
of trouble ahead. For years you have been
is Ktaillmg or shocking to his nerves. He While I was operating on Lincoln accustomed to read an hour or two or three
naturally expects to sue serious hemorrhage once he admitted a delegation
clergymen who had come to see him about hours at night without your sight being in
and rapid work to prevent the patient’s
the least affected. You can still see the de
bleeding to death. He is surprised to find extending the work of the Christian commis­ tails of the Oakland hills and make out
that, on the contrary, it is one of the most sion in the army. They were very much as­ where the few redwissls are left back of Ran
tonished when they wore shown into tho
bloodless operations performed ou the sur­
room where he sat on a table with Lis bare Mateo. No type bother* you and you have
geon's tabla The first leg amputatiou seen
feet upon a chair, and 1 do not know of any no |iarticular locus of vision, lartterly, how
by tbe writer was |jerformed upoi a man of other president who would have received so ever, you have Isigun to notice that toward th*
middle age, who was suffering from advanced
dignified a delegation under similar circum­ end of your seanceti your eyes become a
necrosis, or death of the bone of tbe right leg, stances, but time was very valuable and he blurred, that ttu> black of the ink grows
just below the knee. The patieut had been did not want to keep them waiting. He told grayer and tbat you require another gas jet
brought into the amphitheatre of the city a number of funny stories about his expe­ or the lamp a little nearer to your clttow
hospital for treatment two weeks before tbe rience with corns and bunions, and very soon There is your warning, and l.e alone is
tune of amputatiou. On the first occasion the doctors of divinity recovered from their wise who heeds it. You have received a
Ue was not ready to submit to amputation, astonishment and began to exchange views pointer of the most vaiuablu description. It
although the doctor advised it, aud the sur on the subjoct. Then they sobered down menus that you are wearing out your eye*
geon then operuted upon the bore chance ol and presented their ease to Mr. Lincoln, who and that the blessed gift of good sight is lie
saving the limb. He found on examination, promised to issue the order they wanted.— ing trilled with. To lot thia warning go by
however, tbat a great cavity had formed iu Washington Cor. New York Tribune.
unheeihst is criminal, both in intent and
tbe t>one. the first cause having been an in­
jury. and there was hardly a chance of saving
Tho trouble with ns is that we will not
A Sample of Suiisel*» Wit.
the limb. The patient not having consented,
Mr. Cox, of Now York, entertained the prepare for tho toruado until it is npnu us
however, to lose the leg. tbe treatment at
we want a clubbing to find out tbut out
tbat time was limited to merely cleansing the bouse with bis views on the bill which pro- skull can tie cracked. IVe are loath to bring
wound aud closing it up. Tbe doctor stated
ourselves face to face with the fact that th,
then tbat even it' the disease was checked and cal colleges for dissection. Mr. Cox favored machine Is wearing out, and wo almost tain
a cure was begun, it would require at least two
it us an insult when told that we are not a.
years for enough fresh bone to form to make was in the interest of tho living more thau youug as we might tie. Bo It happens that
iu the interest of the dead.
a whole limb.
“I favor it,” said he, “because of tho we llnd we cannot run up a hill with the
Mechanical appliances in the way of arti
«into degree of elasticity t hat we were wont
ficial limbs are now so skillfully made that a changes that tuke place in our mortal sphere. Co have, and tbut « hen we arrive at the tO|
The body which is a more shadow of tho life
wooden leg, as it is ordinarily called, is al­
wo have bellows to mend, we ascribe tbe.a
most as good as one of flesh and bone. 1! is of little consequence, compared with that facts to a heavy dinner, the state of the at
certainly is not worth two years’ time to a
tight boots, or to any other cauu
“I am not insensible to the preservation of
man in active life to spend in trying to save
the form itself. Who that is human could except the right one—increasing ycara
a liadiy damaged leg. At all events, this pa
do otherwise? If, then, wo would preserve
tient seems to have come to that conclusion, the memory of our dear and dead friends,
That, heavily bentiug heart that thiimn,
and two weeks after his first appearance he with their features in a deathless picture,
against your ribs when the run is over is otn
was again upon the surgeon's table, aud the
and since we cannot have them in marble of nature’s pointers, and one given with i.
necessary instruments for amputation were
and only in dust, let their health and safety good deal of ecriouane.«, too. It Indicate
by the side oi the operator it was deemed iu life be our chief auxiety in legislation,
that tlie heart stock is weakening; that then
necessary to take off the leg just above the i even as in our homes.
is too much fatty debris in tho cardiac dis
knee joint. Tbe appliance which docs away
“Let us car© for them in such a mode by
with all hemorrhage in amputation is called law that they may be long with us here, as­ trict, and that unles* you want a smash ii
the Esmarch bandage. This is simply a long sured that they have a ‘life beyond life—an tho market you had hotter avoid anythin;'
like a rush. Physiologically, tho hear
belt of India rubber about two and a hall immortality rather than a life.’”
is only a big muscle, but it Is als<
inches wide, which is wound tightly aboul
At this point Mr. Taulbee, of Kentucky,
limb, beginning at a point below where the asked Mr. Cox if he would be willing that the great clock of the human system
amuputation is to be made, and axtending his own body should be given to medical col­ Its tick tick gooa on from the crodli
spirally, like the stripes of a barber’s pole, leges, and Mr. Cox promptly replied, with a to the coinn, and It beats off the seconds o
>ur live«, tangibly, audibly and ceaselessly
but overlapping toward the body fot twinkle in his eye:
so long as our horoscope permits. But mow
eighteen inches or more, and then at the
“I would have to ask my wife about that.” of all should wo remember that It iitiuialarn
point of the bandage nearest tho body a stout
Of course, this “brought down” the house. clock, its warnings being varied, but munis
rublter cord is tied vary tightly The rubbee —Washington Cor. New York Tribune.
talcable. There is the intermittent bent, th
band is then unwound aud the limb is left
flutter, the rattle and the wild throb -al
altogether bloodless and with tbe blood vea
pointers offered us by nature. Something i
Agreeably Disappointed.
seis tightly compressed at the point whore
It is one of the misfortunes of tho rich wrong. Perhaps it is only a case of indi
tbe rubber cord remains. The effect of wind
gestion, or the lack of a little iron In th*
ing the mbber about the limb in this way is senators to l>e constantly besieged by appli­
blotsl, or tho presence of an oztre amount oi
to drive the blood from all the veius and ar cants for • aall loans. Among tho most stimulant, but whatever it is, we aro lien
teries back Into tbe body, ind to leave bo wealthy men of tho senate is Brown, of
au opport unity of finding out
Georgia, whoso patriarchal beard and air of
hind nothing but tbe bone and tissues.
Then the <urg«?on begins bis work. He solemnity made him a particular target for whether the trouble is teni|sirnry or permit
nent. Tho one with care can lie removed
need not hurry—he has plenty if time to de tho impecunious. Tho way in which ho re­
his work carefully and thoroughly. In the pelled one of tho applicants on his generosity tho other with care can l>o alleviated. Fai.
to heed the warning, and some time when
case in oomt tie propose», to cut the bone is related something like this:
Across the hotel table from the senator sat you are making an after dinner sjss- h you
about three inches il>ove the knee joint. The
will fall forward on tlie table and never read
flesh was «ound and healthy from the knee a sad eyed woman boarder who had once been your
obituary notice.
joint upward, xnd it was necessary in this, in good circumstances, but upon whom ad­
Your barber one day rends the cold shiver»
as in all cases >f amputation, to so cut the versity had frowned of late.
“Senator,” said this sad eyed lady, “you iown your lwtek by telling you that yoai
tissues ‘hat there would remain a flap, ns it
hair is gett ing thin on the top of your head
ordinarily calle-i. >1 flesh which should com southerners are so chivalrous, so ready to as­ You hiul known it alr.suly; you had noticed
pletely cover the >nd of the bone where it sist those in distress.”
“Yes,” replied tho senator, hesitating; he for Very many weeks pest thut your brusln.
was taken off.
Taking a rather narrow
carried off a sad lot of your crop in Its
bladed scalpel >r surgeon’s kuife, «barj had heard that before from sail eyed people, bristl*** every time you used them, and by
pointed and with a blade about 12 inches and ho thought he divined what was coming. tho use of your hand glass and the uilrroi
“Would you, senator, with your true
long, h? -api-ily rat the flesh from the knee
you hail round out that the scalp on thr
□an liagonally upward to the point where at southern chivalry, do me a favor and a great crown was beginning to show through, that
□reposed o «ev^r he t»one and dkewise jd
“Yes, madam, what is—that is—it depeuds .he parting was getting very broad und the
the oooosite <i le )f he limb making a V
forebMd very high. All this you had known,
shaped Incision >n tach «ide if cha leg somewhat”-----
but you hail thought it a secret, between
through u! na :i.<s ijs x> .ho bone N>t ! I “Think well, senator, before you promise, vonrself and your mirror, so that when the
iron )f blond foe t vxl no ’ourse >f the for it is a great kindness.”
The tones of the same old song tho senator artier brutally tells you that the effects of
knife n <*1 '.t* «>r< Die -uttiag >t the
the thinning out process are plain to every
tissues x.’cuoi-jil «xrcely ;hree mi.iu-ee. and had hoard many times before from parties >ne. you cuunot help being shocked. When
rirpon vu r-vlf xj Lie-.hsia« who wanted a ¿10 loan.
you ie: home you put yourself in a strong
This •.iw'.r'ini »nt. il'bmgh. if -ourse. >f Iner I “I am afraid, madam, that I will have to, light and go in for a regular inspection of
mak>. «».,□•»-iicallv ne am; u '.hat isod but what is it you wish, anyway?”
“That you pass tho catsup—you have every­ Times ravages. The result to deplorable.
Iti tn iwli.iarv •» -..-n ir s in jo tnd ».he
There in the temporal locks, cunningly hid
mrqvwi »tied .* a tl.iul .hi wra; «1, tnd thing on your side.”—Washington Cor. New
len away uudor »he ilurker hair, are two or
»■»in-, is rtnl!) is t bn'chsr vnai-l Olli York Tribune.
hroe threads of gray. «bile, as though thr
hroiuh t '«a >f »‘f
This fl.iLihud ».he it
with the hour glass had struck
Lamar as a Fisherman.
u-u’.i” >ar’ >f bi >p-racion, and it had
>u In the back of ».he neck, in the short
The most scientific angler is Hampton. He
accupi id car“ly Ive min i-ax
hairs of the nape two or throe more white
The mure d;lu-ate tn 1 mora odious uart has one of the finest outfits in Washington, nies are soon.
of the »[»ration f illowad. Thu »Inprise» and his patience and perseverance are said to
rvT Awsr rooijoji thixos .
;bo taking jp if the large and imall bijod be all that can l>e desired. He frequently
It Is, norhaps, impossiule to Imagine any
vessel» nnd tying up >r ligating -.hem. The acts as a sort of instructor to his colleagues
ini|»rtnnt arterie« nnd larger reins were who are willing to try a hand in fishing for one of nature's [»inters that Is moro unwil)
easily discovered and tlie ends of ‘diem <e;sed bass in the Potomac. It is said of him that ingly received than this. Unwillingly re­
with artery forceps These forceps were tp ho onco took Lamar, while he was yet a sen­ I ceived twMMiwt It mean« that the tuno hat
plied and left hanging to aerhape t dozen ator, up to the Chain Bridge at Little Falls snne when you must put away foolish things,
blood vessels tiefora the ligating began. This for a day’s fishing. Lamar, as is his custom, lull th« frivolities—not the pleasure«, n«ce»
work was done by the surgeon’s assistant took a novel along with him, and while *arily—of y aith, give up the ««sumption of
It ronstoted in tying tho ends of the v-wsels Hampton was stumping among the rocks set juvenility and settle down to the sir lour
ju-it above the point where they were gripped himself down upon the bunk of the river, things of middle age. Fortunately middle
by the forceps, with strong catgut thread. hooked on his line a live frog, rant it out age bn« its pleasant as ¡well os its seriou»
E.--pecially In the case of the arteries i wa, upon tho water, opened bis book and things, in fact, It is a question whether that
necessary that this should be done with the waited for results. Patience makes good »borer time when tho bin es are beginning
greatest -are, for if for any reason one of fishermen, and Lamar should have got all to turn, when the noon b at to over; when
these threads *hould give way there would tho bass in the Potomac, for he sut still with rhe passions are sulsluod and when tho quiet
be the graetest danger of the patient’s bleed his pole between his knees, while he devoured twilight to coming on is not after all tho best
ing to lsatb »»fore the hemorrhage oould be ♦.be novel, until the waning sun waked him portion of a man’« life and of a woman’», too.
Especially is it likely to be so If wo pay
checked. After all *.be blood vessels in sight co the fact that tho day was almost gone and
had teen ’.hus tied up. the rubber cord which be also saw Hampton ap]»e«r in the distance proper attention to nature’s pointers and be
careful without coddling ourselves.
bound the limb n«: the body was loosened, with a fine string of fish in his hand. Start­
The scluvlule of those pointers Is by no
and then occurred the only hemorrhage of ing up in surprise, tho future associate justico
the entire operation. There remained In the of the supreme court began to haul in bis moans exhausted, however. Tlie tailor lias
or two of them in stors for us. When,
exposed stump of the limb fifteen or twenty line, and to his great disgust found that the
small bloodvessel, which could not be de­ intelligent frog had quietly swam ashore and I for instamw, be tells IU tbut we nre adding to
tected by the eye while the limb was blood- was sitting on the bank close to him with the our girth below the waistband and not above
it; that the legs of our trouvrs nre growing
Jeiw. and the location of which was shown h, hook in bis mouth.
Of course, this may be only a campaign shorter and that the Aip of our vests
the flow rf the blood " itself.
hail better lie tuazle a little longer to
the bandage bad l»een
loosened, tb< story. I give it as it was told me by one of
surgeon, standing ready with a hand- Hampton a friends.—Washington Cor. New look «eil-tliese are a few |»inters
that are full of meaning.
_ Tlw-n there
ful of artery forcepe. rapidly seized the end, York Tribune.
is tlie fact tliat we can't stand getting our
of the ex|>osed bloodveesete as fast as th.
Not m Had an Expected.
feet wet as we usetl to; that we have to tie
l.-s-ntion of them was indicated, and in twe
Thomas Starr King used to tell that one of careful when coming out of a warm room
or three minutes the hemorrhage was chocked, hto kinsmen was much opposed to his enter­
and the end of the limb was bung with a ing the lecture field, and were Inclined to into the cold air; tliat we want our meals
great iiutich of curious little.leel implements belittle his abilities. Ho one night Dr. King nt regular lionrs; that wo cannot stay up at
These smaller veeeeto were taken up one at e invited him to hear one of his brilliant dis­ night« without ■ looping correaponrfingly
time by ligatures, in the name manner the courses, end at the rloee asked him wbat he later in the morning; that the birds do nut
tbe other, had been, and when the las» liad thought of it "Waal,” was the cheering re­ stag quite as bonnily as in laug syne; that
been tied, and the last pair of artery forceps ply, "you wam't halt as tejus si I thought we liegin to think of slippers r.r.a dressing
gown« as the plea-uree of an evening, tliat
bad been removed, tbe wound wa. ready to you'd be."—Boston Transcript.
our feet grow oold tf we sit too long; tbat
be closed up
wo buy a thicker quality of aucks; tbat our
It «as first treated with antiseptic solution
daughter's heed is Is’g nninj to reach Our
Enoafh Is a Festet«
and powder in order to reduce to a minimum
watch pocket; that there aro litt'.e creasee
tb. danger of Inflammation and to increese
se' into 11.« corners of our eves-
tbe chance of tbe wounds healing by first in
that the line« from t ie Lose of thi
tentian. Then tbe two flaps above and bek v
uoee to tho angle« of the mouth are
the t»n« were brought together over it, and
growing heavier; that we
do not
tbeedges of tbe akin were carefully sewed
look as freeh In the morning aa f irmerly—
opposite to each other, and the operation was
these are a few of the tlpe which Mother Na­
over It bad oorupted altogether about forty-
ture gives us to remind ue that her gentle
five minutes The patient dnnng thia time
but Irreetotible la we are hi operation ami
remained apparently asleep The operation
that tue machine we call ourselves Is surely
bail taro entirely painlroi, and when the
landages bad been applied and tbe ether oone
I running down.—San Franctoco Uhronlcl«
removed from the patient’s face, be was
tarried from the amphi
tiegan to show signs of 0»
ton Cor. New York Sun.
Henderson Bros. Props
Third Street, between E and F
resille,lc® on D street.
«alls promptly answered day or night.
The Dining Cur line. Tlio Direct Route.
McMinnville, Oregon
No Delay*. Fastest 'Lains. Low­
est Rates to Chicago and all
I)r. J. H- NELSON, Dentist
points East. Tickets sold
Rooms over First National Bank, in Me-
to all Prominent Points
Minnville, Oregon.
throughout the East and Southeast.
Charges Moderate and Consistent
Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­
Has th« latest Discovery for the Painless
tac a Kap W<
Scene in a Broadway Gallery—Whiius ot
I ranky Fat runs.
The following scene was recently enacted
iu the gallery of a well known Broadway
photographer. A lady entered iu a glitter­
ing whirlwind of lave, feathers, beads and
diamonds and accosted the affable artist in a
scolding tone:
“1 have come for another sitting. You
have made a perfect fright of me in your
last proofs. It is too bad, 1 declare! 1 won­
der if you can ever do mo justice! You
know you insisted on a three-quarters face
picture, while I told you that my profile was
the best.”
“But, my dear madam,” interposed the
artist, “the picture is certainly a good like­
ness of you.”
“Nonsense!”replied the lady petulantly.
“I never could bring myself to believe that I
jxisse.ssed such a horrible nose, and 1 cer­
tainly have not such squinting eyes. 1 have
come to have another sitting, and I insist
that the picture slud) be in profile as I sug*
The acconimo<iating artist bowed his acqui­
escence, tore his locks when the lady was
not looking, and proceeded to arrange his
apparatus. Half an hour afterward, when
the lady had taken her departure, the uu-
haj»py man addraned himself to a reporter
who chanced to be in his studio.
“Must I always be a slave to the whims of
vanity? That lady who this moment left us
has had four sittings, everyone of them with
artistic results, nnd yet she is not sutisftetl.
She is too good a patron to lose or 1 would
not humor her. Every time she has a new
Iress she must have herself photographed.
She is wealthy and can afford to indulge her
whbn, but her vanity is intolerable. She is
•mly one of a host of people who have the
•raze for being photographed.
“One spinster lady comes to me regularly
mce a month to have her picture taken. She
.ins kept an album for the past ten years, which
•obtains only her own photographs. One
■•an observe by turning <■ ”vr its pages how
ibv has gradually grown m age, month by
month. Sad! isn’t it? Uvery time she has a
new likeness taken she asks me: ‘Do you
think this picture looksolder than the lastf
“Another of my patrons is a young and
pretty girl, who has gone wild over private
theatrical* She has herself photographed
in tbe costume of every character she im-
|Mt*sonates. Still another is a young man,
n bo is as pretty as a-doll. His vanity can
ardly l>e believed. He comee here every
wo or three woeks and has scores of photo­
graphs of himself struck off. These he dis­
tributes indiscriminately among his friends
nnd acquaintances. Sometimes he appears
hi full walking suit— frock coat, gaiters, hat,
gloves, cane. Again you will see him pict­
ured iu evening dress. I have photographed
him in hunting suit, riding suit, and even in
his dressing gown. It is a mania with him,
but I cannot complain, for it is money in
my pocket, ln fact, I make my living by
catering to tbe vanity of others. Actors and
actresses are very hard to please. They
know what an artistic photograph is, and de­
mand sitting after sitting until they aro
pleased. With them, however, I can affoni
o sjxrnd considerable time, for 1 can «ell
their pictures afterward in the market.’’—
New York Evening Suu.
A Sublime Victory.
The victory won in the civil war was, In
five particulars, the greatest ill history: The
viators captured the forces opjioaod to them,
iiul these among the bravest of mankind;
they »-cured the largest territory ever taken
In war; they destroyed utterly the subject
.natter of the contest; they settled the issuiM
»thoroughly that no retrial can ever lie
nece»*,'irv. and, most glorious triumph of all,
they captured the hearts of the brave men
they conquered. Grant did not merely force
the surrender of Lee's veterans; he won their
regard. There was no "subjugation;” bo dlu
not make them “[«is» under the yoke." They
Isigan by reHpecting him and ended with a
warmer fw-liug; they prayed for him in hto
sfflietion, and mourned sincerely at his death.
Ills spirit survives in the universal amnesty,
«»ial and political; the war worn Confeder­
ate and the old Federal sit side by «ide in tho
national congrm* and meet amicably in tlie
««rial circle. Even in tlie border stales,
where one would naturally expect local ha­
treds to survive I on gent, one will meet in the
lame pal lor survivors of both armies, shar­
ing impartially the «milos of the fair; and if,
sx rarely bap[>eiui, some one with more mem-
>ry than charity ventures to mouth tho
bitter terms of the bitter past, the
hearers’ quickly rising frown .ternly re-
bukei* the unwelcome memory, or tho sound
falls dead U|»n nnsympatbixing ears,
like a curse u|»n the mountain top which
illsfi on th- cold, pure air without an echo.
Contrail this condition with that of other
lands where civil war has raged; with Scot­
land where one uprising followed another
for sixty years; with Ireland where the feud
nf Saxon and Celt, at the end of two cen­
turies, i« only lialf apiieoM-d. -Is it not a fact
that more men have tieen killed and wounded
in American cities, fighting over the "Battle
of the Boyne,” than both armies lost in the
Imtlle itself) Yet how many riots can you
name between ex-Federal and ex-Con-
federatel Till« to our common glory, north
and south; this makes it a victory which all
can celebrate, and it to soon to lie hero as it
I« in the [««-tic literature of Scotland, where
all the heroic achievements of both sides are
cast Into a common stock and ere tho com­
mon glory of the country.
lx»***» During tlie Civil War.
From the 15th of April, 1861, to the 14th of
Afiril, 1865 (when the order to stop enlist­
ment* ww imrt’ed), the United State* govern­
ment “called for” 2,759JM9 men. There wera
furnished 2,656,AM—a deficit of only 102,496,
most of which would have been supplied in
one month at the then rate of recruiting.
Excluding re-enlistments, It is estimated by
skillful actuaries that the Federal armies
contained about 1,800,000 men, of whom
1.500,000 at various times were in active ser­
vice. Of these 69,700 (very nearly) were
killed in battle and .35.000 mortal.1y wounded}
while 184.000 died iu camp or hospital. It it
also estimated that at least 20,000 died soon
after reaching home of disease contracted in
camo—die-i before June 30, 1865—so the total
loss is usually set at 800,000
Tlx' most orations and reliable southern
historians do not put their total loss below
225,000. By counting those who lost a leg or
tn arm or were otherwise totally disabled in
a number of average regiments, north and
M’Utb, we anwa at the conclusion that the
thoroughly and ’*nnanently crippled bydia*
rase and wounds in both armies were at least
810,000. Adding the deaths in tbs first year
after the war of those injured in service, we
find that in tour years the subtraction from
the virile force of the nation reached the ap-
palling aggregrte of 1,000,000 able bodied
At the close of the war the government
had 201 general hmpiuls, with a capacity of
1.36,894 liada; in these there bad been treated,
June «0, 1865, 1,057,488 canea, iu which the
rate of mortality
a minute f ract ior^tete
than 8 per cent This to tbe smallest
-** * rate * in
tlie Mexican war the
any resent war.
m<>rta)itv in American I Iwspitala was a frac-
'ter 10 per ______
cent; In
in the Criiiiraa w«f
tbat in tlie British oreq.itals was W per OMit.
Md 1»
»not* »txnetous»yvwH