THE TELEPHONE. THE TELEPHONE 1 > 1CMOCH AT IC PUBLISH BD EVERY FRIDAY RATBa OF ADVBRTI8ING. MORNING. WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. PUBLICATION OFFICE: w. Do.r N«rth of Mr or Third and I Su , mcminnvillk , or . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (IN ADVANCIC.) 92 0» I 00 w Thrw: months VOL. Ill s, A. YOUNG, M. 0. The Great Transcontinental Route. tata Pacific Ratal MCMINNVILLE, OREGON, JUNE 29. 1888 CITY STABLES, Physician & Surgeon, M c M issvill «, . . . O bxuob . *“o residen<;« on D street. rail, promptly aiuwered day or night. ------- VIA THE------- w. McMinnville, Oregon. All Henderson Bros. Props V. PRICE. Cascade Division’ now completed, PHOTOGRAPHER. making it the Shortest, Best’ and Quickest. The Dining Car line. Tin, Direct Route. McMinnville, Oregon No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low­ est Rates to Chicago and all Dr. J. H. NELSON, Dentist points East. Tickets sold Rooms over First National Bank, in Mc­ to all Prominent Points Minnville, Oregon. throughout the East and Southeast. Charges Moderate and Consistent Through Pullman Drawing Room Bleep­ Has the latest Discovery for the Painless ing Cur, extraction of Teeth. Reservations can be secured in advance. Stairs in Adass’ Building, To East Bound 1‘axNengera. Be caefnl and do not niak» a mistake but be Bure to taka tlie Northern Pacific Railroad. And see that your tickets read via THIS LINE, St l’aul or Minneapolis, to avoid changes and serious delays occa­ sioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full length of the Ims. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quickest time.________ General Office Of tlie Company, No, 9 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. lit Great English Remedy. Murray’s Specfic. Mark. W. IT. Boy d, M. IT. ARE YOU GOING EAST? The Provincial Prize Horse The only ----- IN----- Patronage respectfully solicited A guaranteed cure for all nervous diseases, such as weak ¿^memory, loss of brain power, hysteria, headache, pain in the back, nervous prostration, wakefulness, leucorrhoea. uni­ versal lassitude, seminal weak­ ness, impotency. ami general R. T .. loss of power of the generative □•Tors iaxing,organs, in either sex, caused by indiscretion or over exertion, and which ultimately lead to premature Trade Mark, Physician and Surgeon, old age,insanity and consump­ tion $1.00 per box or six M c M innville , . . okegon boxes for $5.00,sent by mail on receipt of price. Full particu­ ----- [O]----- Office two doors soutli of postoffice. Res­ lar« in pamphlet, sent free to idence two doors from railroad on Third every applicant. WK GUARANTEE SIX street All calls promptly attended to, day or night J BOXES to cure any case. For every $5 00 order received, weAfter Taking» send six boxes with written guarantee to re­ fund the money if our Specific does not ef­ fect a cure Address all communications to the Sole nianufacturers If so be sure and call for your tickets THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO. via the Kansas City, Mo. Sold by Rogers A Todd, sole a rents A D CHARLTON. Asst General Passenger Agent. FIRST CLASS BAR First-class accommodations for Cemmer cial men and general travel. Transient stock well cared for. Everything new and in First-Class Order ” w ni ms,” “ Will MILTON stand the ensu­ ft1 It is positively tlie shortest and fin >»t line to < liieago and tlie east aud south and the only sleeping and dining car through line to ing season, beginning —IN— April 1st and ending Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed train service and elegant dining and July 1st, 1888, at his sleeping cars has honestly earned for it tlia title of old stables in M’Minn- Where you will find tho best of The Ltoyal lionte ville, Oregon. Wines and Liquors, also Others may imitate,but none can surpass it Imported and Domestsc TERMS. Cigars. Everything neat and Clean. Our motto is “always on time ” T. M. F ields , I’ropr. Be sure and ask ticket agents for ticket! $10. via this celebrated route and take none Single service, others. W H MEAD, G A 12. The St Charles Hotel. No. 4 Washington street. Portland, Or. Season, Sample rooms in connection. 15. Insurance, o------ o J. M. H ulery , Prop. Is now fitted up in first class order. McMinnville, is opened Omaha, Kama.; City, «nd all Ml.ivurl River I*ulut,. COOK’S HOTEL, Mrs. H. F. Stuart, THE LEADER IN----- Accommodations as good ub can be fonn din tlie city. S. R. MESSINGER, Manager. CARTAGO'S Apr. 13, 3m MILLINERY, Wi'io;ht Bro’s. Dealers in Hair weaving and Stamping. MARKET. On, of the Most Interesting Sights of a Ceutral American Town. Opposite Grange Store McMinnville. Or Stalls are arranged on portions of three sides of the plaza, and almost »very thine is exposed, calculated to find a quick sale with the natives of lifferent hamlets who have come upto Cartago for the purpose of exchang­ ing the productions of their gardens for moat aud groceries. Seated close together on the ground, chattering amicably among themselves. the women lav snares for pulmonary com­ plaints. No mattor If the ground be wet from heavy rains, there the wom­ en crouch for hours on the damp soil, thinly clad in long, full skirt and shawl, impassive as statues, apparent­ ly heedless of their by ! no means healthful or pleasant position. The very absence of comfort renders the plaza of Cartago all the more pict­ uresque. for tho local coloring is stronger than in the modern market place of San Jose. All around are wom­ en wearing shawls over their heads, tho heavy folds for some unaccountable reason being surmounted by a big itraw hat. They have peculiar meth­ ods of calculating the amount of your indebtedness, which are as trying to the patience as they are primitive and amusing. Five dozen oranges at five cents a dozen will be not dos reales, but five cincos, and to find change for even a half dollar is more than the purchaser of small wares can prevail upon any man. woman or child to do. The anona may be laid down and the oranges relinquished, but there is no sign of interest visible in the face of tho girl, who shakes her head at best sight of your small bill. The ~ way is to supply yourself with small coins. O ie is always supposed to cheapen any thing one may wish to buy, al­ though many an apparently poverty- stricken old man will keep his price in spite of your evident intention of moving on should he refuse to come to terms. But, while at one stall pine­ apples may be offered st fifteen cents apiece, the next man will give choicer fruit at half the price. At times, ow­ ing, perhaps, to his living nearer the town, and the roads being bad, some fortunate huckster gets a corner on potatoes or cabbages; and then one may cheapen in vain: tlie merchant stands in front of his suddenly-valti- sble stock and refuses all attempts at cajolement. — San Francisco Chroniolo. WM. HOLL, Harness, Saddles, Etc, Etc, Repairing neatly don, al reasonable rat«,. Wright', new building. Corner Third «lid F streets, McMinnville. Or Proprietor of the PATENTS Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for MODER­ ATE FEES OPR OFFICE I8OPPOSITE U.S PATENT OFFICE. We have no sub agencies, all business direct, hence can transact patent business in less time and at less cost than those remote from Wash­ ington. -end model, drawing, or photo, with description, We advise if patentable or not free of charge, Our fee not due till patent is secured A book, "How to Obtain Patents,” with references to actual clients in your State, county, or town sent free, Address The leading JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, ______ -OF- YAMHILL COUNTY, Third Street. McMinnville Or TONSORIAL PARLOR, C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office. Washington. D C Shaving, Hair Cutting and- - - - - - - - Shampoing Parlors. M’MINNYILLE NATIONAL 4BAEK.h FLEMING, i LOGAN, Prop’s. All kind, of fancy hair cutting dona in Tranaacte a General Banking Business. tha latest and neatest style President,............... J- W- COWLS, All kinds of fancy hair dressing and hair dying, a specialty Special attention given Vice-president, LEE LOUGHLIN. to Cashier.............. CLARK BRALY. Ladies' and Childrens' Work I also have for sale a very fine assort­ Sells exchange on Portland, San ment of hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc s I have in connection with my parlor, Francisco, and New Ù ork. ! tho largest and finest stock of O Interest allowed on time deposits. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m Apr. 13 tf CIGARS Ever in the city. g^THtRD S tbxkt M c .M ibxvii . lx . O rkoom PROTECT YOUR HOMESI MARLIN A DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVER. These revolvers are an exact dupiic-i.e of tae celebrated GOOD REVOLVER SMITH 4 WE3S0N. .83 Caliber, using Centre-Fire Cartridges. no longer costs Self-CocHng, Autosiatio Ei ?ctia2, FULL nickel plated , rubber handle . waaa»Txn iwn « »'««T ™ For «ie by Hardware and Gun Dealer, everywhere. —Young man (getting off street car) — “Ht-re is my fare, conductor; you for­ got to ask me for it” Passenger— “Who is that young man who just got got off, conductor." Conductor—“I never saw him before; some crank. I guess. It takes all sorts of people, sir, to make up the world.” —Mrs. Finnigan—-‘He's no better, doctor. You towld me to give him as much of the powder as would lay on sixpince. I hadn't a sixpince. but I g»ve him as much as would go on five pinnies an’ two halfpinnies, and it's done him no good at all, at all.”— Funnv Folia. 00., J“’ — WORLD! ivrATlLlTJ Magazine Rifle WILL a _a.,-i, «M le STT of th« fttlOWlni M.S. for an '’T'Vinn’T YT “IXraiw. k.ll.r-1, MJT« (NOT on MUI». .nd wtur than «r X«*«“* I ,or ’’"7 u*' »relü-a, Can Bax 1M4 G* | TUE TEST OF TASTE. Fruits of Experience. Kn.w It To. Wall. Life Insurance Superintendent — Great “Have you eomething in the shape of a Ciesarl Another $100,000 gone on Mr. tonio and streugtuenerr inquired a tired looking man stepping into a drug storei DECKING OF THE HEAD ANO DRAX- Strongman, dead at 40 WHAT ZURICH UNIVERSITY IS DOING “Pve been riding all nigat on the cars and Secretary—Yes, sir, and the president of ING OF I HE FACE. the Thirty Mile a Day association 1« very I've got to brace up for a day’s running FOR THE FAIR SEX. low We’ve got $50,000 risked on him, and around the city." “Yes, air," said the clerk, briskly, produo- The Male 8avage*a Love ot Personal Or* then there’s Bully boy, the champion sprinter, A Dissecting Room Full of Lady Students. Ing a bottle of patent medicine, “there'i just buried, $30,000 gone on him, and we haJ namentation— bawulng ArtlMlic Taste. $500,000 risked on stroke oars, pedestrians, The Scalpel lu Taper Fingers—Entliu" nothing better than this— ‘Dr. McSlim’s In Maeculiue Attire in the Middle Ages. pugilists, etc., all dead within a week. ■Iasm In Scientlfle Work—Au Intereat­ vigorator’—fifty cents a bottla" Hoot«, Gloves *ud High Hat. “There isn’t a moment to loose. Telegraph “Thunder I" exclaimed the jaded looking ing Sight-—A Discussion. all the agents to insure the sick and dying, man, with extreme disgust. “1 am ths The bead has aiwuyv been the test of taste The workshop of a medical college I But, manufacturer of that stuff.”—Chicago I d aivlUzed countries. where tai Jordon» ob if we don’t get more invalids and fewer in place of spectacled young men with long buna tains and millinery ineuns more than a athletes well be swamped.”—Omaha World. gowns and sharp scalpels, there are a score tength of rnnge ami a string ot beadx. sleeves . A Chance Still Open. Family Trust. of girls robed in protecting overalls and nave run the nemis hard, and skirt« have deftly dissecting the subject« before them. made a good third Shoes too. have uot That’s what 1 saw in the preparatory school i lean out of it. and ornamentation has been to the medical branch of the Zurich univer­ as a congeries of minor little imps frisking sity This year a better idea of the femkle about the bigger competitors for the wreath medicaJ student may be gathered than ever of mingled feather«, flower«, iaoe and jewels, before, because the number is so much made and ottered by the genius of bail taste greater, and. as the number increases, each From the earnest times when man first individual is freer in her actions, for she feels rtnd* that be has hands and can use them hr she excites less attention. The clientele is duts part of bis newly acquired powers into growing yearly For this season the total of the decking of his head and the draping ot young ladies studying this branch in Zurich ms fat's» Now he twists bis hair into inon is forty-four, against thirty three last sea­ t frightful and ungaiuiy excrescence, or he They both live in the same town and both an spirituelle yound lady, bolding in her gloved ■amt» bis face in patterns of red and yellow getting rich. hands a razor like knife and pair of fine aid blue, or makes that paiutiug permanent “Glad to hear it, very glad. The eldei pinchers, was cutting at a «dismembered head, vith tattooing needles and indigo, or be one, 1 remember, learned the trade of shot studying the organs of sight, probing into langs heavy weights in his ears or destroys making. What is the other one!" the cavities of the brain and plucking useful Young Mr Diplomat (at Washington ne shat« of his under lip. or does something “He’s a corn doctor."—Omaha World. thoughts from what to me was a ghastly party)—1 am so sorry, Miss Naive, that you asane with his teeth, or in9ome way distorts trophy And yet her delicacy of treatment, have been dowu to supper. I had anticipated md disfigures himself under the name of or Forgot Themselves. her unmistakable enthusiasm, her evident the pleasure of acting as your escort mmentation and with the idea of making “My beautiful Choolia, 1 neffer tire of comprehension of every stroke she made, re­ Miss» Naive—Oh, tbauk you, Mr. Diplomat, iiiiiself a very smart fellow indeed. moved that feeling from me in a few mo­ but—er—1—have only been down once.—New In savage life it is the brave who thus luking at your lofely hair I" The young couple sat in tho elegant parlor of ments, and 1 lingered, watching her quick York Sun. .marten» hiinaelf up with most intention a hotel, enjoying a tete-a-tctei They were on movements as intensely as I would any he squaw follows humbly at a distance, The Rud Dog Did IL ordinary scientific experiment. walking on the same road, but in a narrower their wedding tour Julia Van Sian kins, the There were seven or eight boy« and a dog groove, and with more modest mien. The tieautiful Pennsylvania hairsos, who had met “Yes,” she said, in reply to my question suggested in virtue of a slight acquaintance tight in an alley off Second street yesterday ¡»rave is the one who is “en evidence:” the the distinguished foreign nobleman. Count I had with her, “1 muke the eye my spe­ as a policeman happened along, and aftei f admiration to the docile females, who ac married Life looked blissful and romantic “Well, you know," replied the boy, “I wai oept him at his own valuation, and are wooed to the ecstatic young couple, and a future ual 1 have known persons to suffer from severe headaches ^ud pains in the back who coming up the alley with my spotted dog exactly as birds and tieaata are wooed—one full of rose embowered vistas, endless moon­ have attributed the trouble entirely to spi­ That boy there waa coming down the allex part by the display of masculine charms, light reveries, and the dreamy dolce fai nal disorders, when, as a fact, it arose from with his black dog.” another part taken by fon^e. Hence he niente of fur away tropical Edens, whose “And you knew the dogs would fight, of existence was guessed by both but unspokei their eyes being out of focus. They actually pranks himself out in paint ami feathers—in could not see out of one eye, and yet they course.” the teeth and daws and skins of the wild by either, rose before their rapturous vision. “Oh, no, sir. When we came up to eacli t»easts he has overcome—in the scalps of the Tho head of the beautiful bride rested con­ did not know it. It seems incredible, and yet any intelligent oculist will substantiate other the dogs began to play We were talk enemies he lias slain—in this rude attempt to fidingly on the shoulder of her husband, the noble Count de Bergamot, and at the sound what I say. There is no doubt that persona ing about going a »fishing when that boy express a dawning artistic sense, and that have been the victims of nervous prostration over there came along with a little red dog.’ botch at ornamentation which is disfigure­ of his voice she looked up. “1 am glad, my dear count," she said, “Where is it I brought on by a difficulty with the eyes of ment and notemiieiiishment—tn this way and “Run away, sir. His red dog began tc that he makes himself a love worthy object ‘that my hair pleases you." which they were ignorant« but which a very pick a fight with my dog, and then the black to the girL* of lus tri lie, a model to be here­ Lifting the lovely bead from his shouldei easy operation would have removed." A little farther on a diflciple of this glori­ pitched in. This let the red dog out, and after imitated to the boys, a terror to bis the noble foreigner ran his fingers througt ous art stood over a partially cut leg, from away he went." foes who count his deeds of prow ess by his the wavy masses of her golden hair for a few “But why didn’t you separate them!" moments in silence, and then with a defer which she was stripping the skin and flesh questionable trophies, and something tin “Then who’d get the money !” and explaining the muscles, as they pre­ measurably hideous and disgusting to all ential, suggestive inflection of voice he at» “Money! Bo you had money up!" sented themselves, to the several new schol­ civilised lolk with whom becomes in contact. sently said: “Why. after they got to fighting each of ui “Have a shampoo, sir!" ars who stood about her, intent upon her mo­ This lavish personal emi»elliHhment of the bet on our own dog, of course. ” Recovering himself as bls bride looked at tions. There was no hesitancy in her incis male savage continued far into the days of “Then 1 want"----- ions, she cut with a clean stroke, and every civilization. When the middle ages were him with a start of surprise be drew from But be didn’t get one of them, and while h« the weijge tietween classic times and modern his pocket a rather lean wallet, took a bank time the blade fell just where it was in tended. She was graceful and emphatic in halted at one end of the alley to breathe after days we hud mail clad nights with plumes of note from it and handed it to her. “My tear Choolia," he said, “let me haf t< her treatment of the subject, and under bis run the mob appeared at the other and portentous »tee and sweep, or close fitting ready tongue the relations of the various the referee announced: skin dresses left nothing to tie desired in the happiness of gifting you my first present ol “Being as this mill was interfered with by way of simplic nerves, tendons and muscles she exposed and something in the way pimnonishl" The fair bride took the note, looked at the were made clear and carried their full mean­ the police I shall decide it a draw, and the of modestv. wlfue the modicum of human -takes will go to buy oranges for the crowd.r figures that indicated its denomination, tap ing to the expectant audience at>out her force, which ran never tie got rid of, ex Detroit Free Press. |)e j;>cosenes8, no loud talking or unseemly Knowledge of Human Nature. I c'mld mention, but tnny The od»: were going out this afternoon! mirth. All was quiet, orderly, strictly in Bridget- -Shtim, ruum, oud I lntinded to, First Burglar—That would be an easj thing»» upon the walls ami lying scattered the line of business. The young lady to shout are a wonderful mystery tc the unim but It’s not mesilf that ran foind ms musio whom I have referred was the only one who bouse to enter. Second Burglar—Mighty pretty girl jur dated A variety of cigar* sii«|»ended from roll, bad cess to itl—Texas Siftings. gave any suggestion of the outer world, and th* mantel by different hued ribixins, or a sbe was eccentric, she was a genius and as­ going in. Wonder if she lives there! Plants and Babies. “Guess so, she went in without knocking? bunch of cigarette» attached to a picture sumed the privilege of geniua Doctor—I’m afraid you don’t take the baby “No use trying that bouse, then, rnosl frame by meails of a huge ribbon bow, these Her companions were robed In all conceal­ out d m rnauy a guess The open lid discloses n foolishness. this, clothing as little cumbrous as can b« Friend (to Bertie»-1 suppose you knqw »leap of gray axbea, with another inscription “But, my dear madam, you know flowers worn. The modern bustle is, of course, for your father and 1 are gcJng fishing tomur Mount Desert. July 14, 47 ” It I» the as bee can’t get along without sunahine”— bidden, and corsets are discouraged. Th« “Well, flowers can’t get along without wet row, Bertie! • of a cigai smoked by the fair owner during freest action is sought and anything that io Bertie—Oh, yes; pa i9 getting ^ady now. « mild flirtation ot the last season. A parcel feet, either "—Omaha World. terferct > cast aside The robe« are made Friend—Is be! Digging bait, I presume I of canes tmphier won in fencing matches, rather more clinging than loose, so that each Bertie—No, sir, he’s reading Munchausen. 'wnipiee a prominent wall space, and a velvet Didn't Catch That Boy. student fills the smallest place sbe well can. —J udge. __________________ piarque mounted with pipes ot all kinds, Gentleman—I suppose you make as many Superfluous clothing, in other words Is from common clay through cot» and briar trips up as down during the day, don’t you, barely tolerated, and upon the bead is worn Ready for tho Fray. wood tr> meerschaum, art souvenirs of gentle sonny! a white turt»an. Washington Hosteas (giving an evening New Elevator Boy—Yea. sir. In the morn­ The male students do not hesitate to openly ►arty»—J an tea, are the ambulance« at ttM meo frtemfe Ail sorts ot riding whips rias it he c«i taSD from a large vase. a pair of oars ings when the people are going to work all declare tbeir opposition to the preaenca of door! marked “Isles of Kboals” are crossed over the tripa is up, and when they close up in women in the medical profession, and ye€ James—Y«a, the door and a genu inc fishnet is draped the afternoons all the trips is down,—Judgsu when brought in contact with them in th« Washington >ver a piece of statuary Them are quit« operating room they treat the females with ¡ounce supper. — Life. •ommon souvenir» of vacation delight» and In Boaton. the utmost deference and respect. - Zurich *et».lei recollections, but many of the girls Cur. New York Star Customer— I wonkl Ilk. a pair of trouser. A Well l»e«erved Fate. vie with each ‘ These are the first teeth of mv friends' fntberi — Albert, dear, did you bear lb. sweet. to the [suits counter. — Fhiladelphla Call. uatby. — New York Bun. *mt»iea.' «h« explains. — Clara Belle in Chicago prwioua darling cry bia dear littte «yaaout I nt>UD< last nightl A leading Question. Incontrovertible Kvldenee. f-rvud Young Father— I thought I beard “For hlcosigti. hold th. hrrwth," write« a CallS't Ont of Tnwn. Alberto- Do you love me. darling! our angel twitterl C lari be I—Have I not had all the chain (Ttlwn -tû littis boy)—b your father in. gentleman who pretenda to know wbat to do sacown BABT. when other people don t Will the gentle­ taken from the room except thief — Detroil Hotitiyi She— Albert, you unfeeling wretch, to hoar man tell